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Classroom Management Plan

Federico L. Irizarry

Arizona State University


General Procedures

A. Start of the period:​​ Students will have 5 minutes after the bell to notify me that they

have arrived, socialize, get in their assigned seats, and have all materials ready for the

class period. Once these 5 minutes are up, students’ phones must remain silenced and

facing up on their desks at all times. If there are any emergencies their phones will light

up, but any movement of them would be noticed easily.

a. Previously absent students​ will be able to retrieve any necessary materials online

and will be expected to utilize the school library to do so if necessary. During the

first 5 minutes of class, students may come to me for any clarification they may

need, but communication via email and Remind will also be an option.

b. Students will be marked tardy​ if they arrive after the first 5 minutes of the period.

They will be expected to come in without disrupting the class’s flow and model

the behavior of the rest of the students in the classroom.

B. Expected student behavior:​​ Students must give anyone who has the lead (typically

myself but can be given to students presenting) their respect and undivided attention.

They will be expected to remain off their phones unless given permission to do

otherwise. Respect for and maintenance of their surroundings will be expected at all

times. These rules remain true when inside or outside the classroom.

a. Students participation​ will be expected of all students, including in discussions,

readings, and work-time (group and individual).

i. If vocal student participation​ i​ s uncomfortable to some, they must come to

me and we can plan what they can do to be involved.


b. Talk among students​ will not be tolerated during announcements, instruction, or

tests, but will otherwise be encouraged, especially if it is relevant to learning. If

talking gets out of hand or needs to stop, I will whistle to get the class’s attention.

c. Obtaining help​ will be as easy coming to my desk if I am there or raising one’s

hand if I am teaching or walking about the class.

d. Out of seat movement​ will not be allowed lest it be to grab anything students

need, sharpen pencils, or go to the restroom (unless instructed otherwise).

i. You must use the student sign out sheet to go to the restroom; repetitive

behavior and group sign outs (if not caught first-hand) will be


e. When seat work has been completed​ students​ ​may work on any other

assignments they may have, socialize, and/or use their phones.

f. Groups​ ​will be chosen by myself or students depending on the assignment.

Regardless of the makeup, each student will have to contribute and communicate

for the success of the group and expected to work to their strengths while also

improving upon areas of improvement.

g. Drills​ ​of any kinds must be respected and treated seriously. Students are expected

to follow all directions and remain orderly and silent.

i. Classroom trips to the library or other school facilities must follow the

latter rule

C. Student materials:​​ Students will need any folders and notebooks they deem necessary,

knowing that they will be responsible for keeping track of their loose papers and having

loose leaf paper for whenever they may need it. Students will also need a pencil, a black

or blue pen, and a red pen for any hand-written assignments. If the class is currently

reading a text, students will be required to have this ready at any time they are in my

class. Students are encouraged to bring their laptops or tablets if they wish (I assume no

responsibility), but this privilege will be taken away if I deem it necessary (see

consequences). Earbuds will be allowed for use only during work-time.

a. Class materials​ are open for use but must be traded with a student ID and used

with respect. This is the case for special equipment, but students will also have to

write their names down on a check-out list in my class for valuable learning

resources. Things like staplers, hole-punchers, tape, and hand sanitizer at my desk

can be used only when at my desk. Students may also share materials but must get

explicit opinion from others before doing so.

D. End of the period​​: Students will have 3 minutes at the end of class to pack up, organize,

and socialize.

Rules and Consequences

Don’t let phone use get out of hand​​ – Using your phone too often will result in you

having to put it away. If it is seen out again, it will be taken until the end of the period. If this

continues to be a problem in class, you will not be allowed to have your phone on your desk at

all and will not be allowed to pull it out unless instructed. If further problems occur, you will

have to check your phone in before class for a week. If it becomes a problem again, the rest of

the semester.

Be responsible with your learning technology – ​Utilizing your tablet or laptop for

anything that is not immediately class related will result in a warning. If behavior continues you

will have to take written notes for the day, a week, and then the rest of the semester.

Don’t speak out of turn –​​ Speaking while you do not have the lead will result in a subtle

but clear warning (tap on shoulder, desk, etc). If you continue to speak out of turn, you will have

to sit alone for the duration of the period. If it becomes habitual, you will be moved. If more

problems occur, you will sit alone for a week; even more, then the duration of the semester.

Respect opinions and differences – ​Insults, character attacks, ridicule, and interruptions

will not be tolerated. The first three will result an immediate solitary seating placement and

mediation after the end of the class period. If any of these occur again, you will have to step

outside and your parents will be contacted; further administrative action may not be far behind.

Interruptions will result in a warning, but if continued, anything further comments will result in

removal from the classroom.

Students who are sent outside of the classroom are to be silent and are only

allowed to bring an assignment or book with them; no phones allowed.

*Student handbook is the go-to for anything not mentioned in this document*

Work Cited

“Classroom Architect.”​ 4 Teachers​, ALTEC at The University of Kansas,

Emmer, E. T., & Evertson, C. M. (2013). ​Classroom Management for Middle and High School

Teachers.​ Pearson.

​ ittsburgh Post-Gazette.
Morgan, C. (2011). ​The next page: Putting some pop in education. P

Retrieved at


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