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Laboratory Exercise No. 5

Irrigation Requirement and Conveyance Efficiency

Irrigation requirement and conveyance efficiency are requisites in the design and
preparation of large-scale national water master plan or small-scale irrigation projects at the
community- or farm-level. In a water distribution system, conveyance losses are inevitable be it in
open channels or in pipes. The quantity of water available from the source together with the
efficiency of the conveyance system define the total hectarage of a particular irrigation project
can carry. After compounding conveyance losses, the remaining amount of irrigation water
from the source until this water reaches the farmers’ fields is called diversion water requirement.
It is this net amount of water the irrigation project needs to provide at all times in order to sustain
crop production in the project area. This is our concern in this laboratory exercise.

Prior to preparing irrigation water master plan, sufficient information must be known. This
includes (Philippine Agricultural Engineering Standard 602, 2016):

a. Area to be irrigated. Location, layout or shape, fixed boundaries and obstruction in the
area shall be determined. A map of the area shall be obtained. Details on elevation and
topography shall be known.

b. Water supply. The physical and chemical suitability, location and supply reliability of
water supply shall be assessed.

c. Soil. Physical characteristics and risk to erosion shall be determined.

d. Crop. The type of crop/s, suitability to climate and soil shall be assessed.

e. Meteorological data. Availability of rainfall and evapotranspiration records near the

area shall be determined.

f. Prevailing wind direction and speed shall be known.

g. Irrigation method. The type of irrigation method and future flexibility shall be determined.

After gathering the needed data and information about the project area and
accomplishing the required computational activities, you should be able to solve the total
irrigation water requirements of the project area particularly:

 crop water requirement;

 effective rainfall;
 land soaking requirement;
 land preparation water requirement;

 farm water requirement; and

 diversion water requirement.

Qty Description/Specification

1 pc Scientific calculator
1 pc Ballpen or pencil
1 lot Writing pad/paper

Step 1 Gather from reliable sources and from the field the aforementioned data and
information about the project area.

After initial investigation, the layout of the irrigation system can be prepared which, in turn, is the
basis in determining the irrigation water requirements. The design process and computational
activities are schematically presented below:

Required Relevance of A. CROP WATER REQUIREMENT (CWR)

Data the Data Lowland Upland
a. Type of crop planning the
cropping calendar
and crop

b. Evapotranspiration determination of CWR = ETc + S&P CWR = ETc + S&P

and other crop
meteorological evapotranspiration
data (ETc)

c. Type of soil determination of

seepage and
percolation rate

Required Relevance of B. FARM WATER REQUIREMENT (FWR)

Data the Data Lowland Upland
d. Depth of root zone determination of
e. Soil physical land soaking and
properties land preparation
f. Residual moisture water requirement
content (LPWR) FWR = CWR - ER +
g. Service area LPWR + FWR = CWR - ER +
h. Required standing determination of farm ditch farm ditch
water effective rainfall losses losses
i. Service area (ER)
j. Rainfall data or or
k. Type of soil determination of
l. Wetted perimeter farm ditch losses FWR = (CWR - FWR = (CWR - ER) /
and length of farm ER + Ea
ditches LPWR) / Ea
m. Irrigation method determination of
efficiency (Ea)


Data the Data Lowland Upland
n. Canal lining determination of
properties conveyance losses
o. Wetted perimeter DWR = FWR + DWR = FWR +
and length of conveyance losses conveyance
canals: sub-lateral, losses
lateral and main or
p. Leakage through or
gates DWR = FWR / Ec
q. Leakage through DWR = FWR / Ec
canal dikes
Source: Philippine Agricultural Engineering Standard 602 (2016)

Step 2 Solve for crop water requirement.

CWR = ETc + (S&P) (Eq. 1)

where: CWR Crop water requirement, mm/day

ETc Crop evapotranspiration, mm/day
Determination of ETc is discussed in course – Hydrology (AE163).
(S&P) Seepage and percolation in the field, mm/day

Step 3 Solve for seepage and percolation.

Seepage and percolation in the service area can be determined by using reference values
given in Table 1.

Table 1. Percolation values for various soil textures

Soil Texture Percolation (mm/day)
Clay 1.25
Silty Clay 1.5
Clay Loam 1.75
Silty Clay Loam 1.75
Sandy Clay Loam 2
Sandy Loam 4
Source: NIA (1979)

Example 1 – Determining crop water requirement

Problem: Determine the crop water requirement of lowland rice when planted on
a silty clay soil and the ETc of rice at full grown stage is 4.5 mm/day.


From Table 1, For silty clay soil, S&P = 1.5 mm/day

seepage and
percolation (S&P)

Solve for crop Substituting values in the equation:

requirement CWR = ETc + S&P
(CWR) using CWR = 4.50 + 1.50 = 6.0 mm/day
Equation 1, thus:

Therefore, the crop water requirement (CWR) of lowland rice is 6.0 mm/day when planted on
a silty clay soil and ETc is 4.5 mm/day.

Note: Crops attain maximum ETc at full grown stage usually at the onset of
flowering. The 6.0 mm/day maximum crop requirement shall be supplied
by the irrigation project so that the water needs during any other growth
stage are readily supplied.

Step 4 Solve for farm water requirement.

FWR = CWR – ER + LPWR + farm ditch losses (Eq. 2a)


FWR = (CWR – ER + LPWR)/Ea (Eq. 2b)

where: FWR Farm water requirement, mm

CWR Crop water requirement, mm
ER Effective rainfall, mm
LPWR Land preparation water requirement, mm
Ea Application efficiency, decimal

Equation 2b is preferred over Equation 2a.

(An example is postponed at this point until after the presentation of the required parameters
needed in the FWR calculation.)

Step 5 Solve for effective rainfall.

When rain falls on the soil surface, some of it infiltrates into the soil, some stagnates on the
surface, while some flows over the surface as runoff. When the rainfall stops, some of the water
stagnating on the surface evaporates to the atmosphere, while the rest slowly infiltrates into the
soil. From all the water that infiltrates into the soil, some percolates below the root zone, while the
rest remains stored in the root zone.

In other words, the effective rainfall (ER) is the total rainfall minus runoff minus evaporation and
minus deep percolation. Only the water retained in the root zone can be used by the plants,
and represents what is called the effective part of the rainwater. The term effective rainfall is
used to define this fraction of the total amount of rainwater useful for meeting the water need of
the crops.

Effective rainfall shall be determined using a minimum of 10-year rainfall data. This can be
calculated by using hydrologic frequency analysis discussed in the course – Hydrology (AE 163).

To estimate the fraction of the total rainfall which is used effectively by crops, the following
formulas can be applied, which applies in areas with a maximum slope of 4 to 5 percent:

ER = 0.8 P – 25 (if P > 75 mm/mo) (Eq. 3a)


ER = 0.6 P – 10 (if P < 75 mm/mo) (Eq. 3b)

where: ER Effective rainfall, mm/mo

ER is always equal to or larger than zero and never negative.
P Precipitation or rainfall, mm/mo

Example 2 – Determining effective rainfall

Problem: Calculate the effective rainfall for the following mean monthly rainfall
(mm/mo) derived from a hypothetical 10-year data set:

P = 35, 90,116, 5, 260, and 75 mm.


Solve for effective ER can be calculated, as follows:

rainfall (ER) using
either Equation P = 35 ER = 0.6 (35) – 10 = 11 mm/mo
3a or 3b, thus: P = 90 ER = 0.8 (90) – 25 = 47 mm/mo
P = 116 ER = 0.8 (116) – 25 = 68 mm/mo
P=5 ER = 0.6 (5) – 10 = 0 mm/mo
P = 260 ER = 0.8 (260) – 25 = 183 mm/mo
P = 75 ER = 0.8 (75) – 25 = 35 mm/mo

Total = 344 mm/mo

Mean = 57.3 mm/mo

Therefore, the mean monthly effective rainfall (ER) is 57.3 mm/mo.

Note that effective rainfall shall be subtracted from the crop water requirement as reflected in
Equation 2.

Step 6 Solve for land preparation water requirement.

The land preparation water requirement (LPWR) shall be calculated as the total of land soaking
water requirement (LSR), standing water (SW) and replenishment for evaporation (ETo), thus:

LPWR = LSR + SW + ETo (Eq. 4)

where: LPWR Land preparation water requirement, mm

LSR Land soaking requirement, mm
SW Standing water, mm
(recommended value for SW during land preparation = 10 mm)
ETo Reference evapotranspiration, the evaporative power of the
atmosphere, mm

Step 7 Solve for land soaking requirement.

Information on the depth of the crop root zone and soil physical properties shall be known and
obtained from reliable sources. Land soaking requirement (LSR) shall be computed using the

(Eq. 5)

where: LSR Land soaking requirement, mm

n Soil porosity, % (see Table 4)
RMC Residual moisture content, % (see Table 2)
As Apparent specific gravity (see Table 2)
Drz Depth of root zone, mm
(Lowland rice = 300 mm; Corn = 1000 to 1700 mm)

Table 2. Representative physical properties of soils (in parentheses are normal ranges)
Soil Apparent Specific Total Pore Permanent Wilting Point or Residual
Texture Gravity (As) Space (n, %) Moisture Content (RMC, %)
Sandy 1.65 38 2–7
(1.55 – 1.80) (32 – 42)
Sandy Loam 1.50 43 6 – 16
(1.40 – 1.60) (40 – 47)
Loam 1.40 47 7 – 17
(1.35 – 1.40) (43 – 49)
Clay Loam 1.35 49 22
(1.30 – 1.40) (47 – 51)
Silty Clay 1.30 51 17 – 29
(1.30 – 1.40) (49 – 53)
Clay 1.25 53 20 – 24
(1.20 – 1.30) (51 – 55)
Abridged from: Orcullo (1997)

Example 3 – Determining land soaking requirement

Problem: Consider the same data in Example 1, determine the land soaking
requirement given the following:

Soil = silty clay

Crop = lowland rice
ETc = 4.5 mm/day


From Table 2, For silty clay soil:

apparent specific As = 1.30
gravity (As),
porosity (n) and n= 51 %
residual moisture
content (RMC): RMC = 23 %

From the The root zone depth of lowland rice = 300 mm

definition of
Equation 5:

Solve for land Substituting values in the equation:

requirement (LSR) LSR = {[n – (RMC x As)] x Drz}/100
using Equation 5, LSR = {[51 – (23 x 1.30)] 300}/100 = 63.3 mm

Therefore, the land soaking requirement (LSR) for silty clay lowland paddy is 63.3 mm when the
ETc is 4.5 mm/day.

Note that this 63.3 mm depth of water is the amount needed to saturate the given silty clay
soil. In calculating the land preparation water requirement, this 63.3 mm depth of water shall
be applied in addition to standing water and evaporative power of the atmosphere, as
illustrated in Example 5 below.

Example 4 – Determining land preparation water requirement

Problem: Consider the same data in our previous examples, determine the land
preparation water requirement given the following:

Soil = silty clay

Crop = lowland rice
SW = 10 mm (recommended value during lowland paddy preparation)
ETc = 4.5 mm/day
ETo = 3.4 mm/day (assuming that the project area is located 20oS with
elevation of 1800 masl)


Solve for land Substituting values in the equation:

water LPWR = LSR + SW + ETo
requirement LPWR = 63.3 + 10 + 3.4 = 76.7 mm/day
(LPWR) using
Equation 4, thus:

Therefore, the land preparation water requirement (LPWR) is 76.7 mm/day.

Note that this amount of 76.7 mm/day shall be supplied by the irrigation project.

Step 8 Solve for farm ditch losses.

Seepage and percolation in farm ditches can be determined by using reference values of
seepage and percolation and canal dimensions:

Farm ditch losses = (S&P)farm ditch x P x L (Eq. 6)

where: FDL Farm ditch losses, mm

(S&P)fd Seepage and percolation rate of the farm ditch, mm/day
(design values for the field listed in Table 3 can be used)
P Wetted perimeter of farm ditch, m
L Length of farm ditch, m

Equation 6 is very seldom used. Instead, the application efficiency is more convenient to use.

Step 9 Solve for application efficiency.

Application losses can be expressed using values of field application efficiency (Ea), which
depends on the type of field application system (see Table 3).

Light soils include sand and loamy sand; while sandy loam, loam, silt loam and silt are medium
soils. Heavy soils are silty clay loam, silty clay and clay.

At this point that all parameters have been discussed, an example in the calculation of farm
water requirement (FWR) using Equation 2b is in order.

Table 3. Field application efficiency

Irrigation Method Application Efficiency (Ea)
Light soils 0.55
Medium soils 0.70
Heavy soils 0.60
Graded border 0.60 – 0.75 0.53
Basin with level border 0.60 – 0.80 0.58
Contour ditch 0.50 – 0.55
Furrow 0.55 – 0.70 0.57
Corrugation 0.50 – 0.70
hot dry climate 0.60
moderate climate 0.70 0.67
humid and cool 0.80
Drip up to 0.80
Source: Doorenbos & Pruitt (197)

Example 5 – Determining farm water requirement

Problem: Consider the same data in our previous examples, determine the farm
water requirement given the following:

Soil = silty clay

Crop = lowland rice
ER = 11 mm mo-1 (when P = 35 mm mo-1)
CWR = 6.0 mm/day
SW = 10 mm (recommended value during lowland paddy preparation)
ETc = 4.5 mm/day
ETo = 3.4 mm/day (assuming that the project area is located 20oS with
elevation of 1800 masl)
LPWR = 76.7 mm/day
and assuming:
Irrigation method = basin with level border


From Table 3, For silty clay (heavy soil), Ea = 60 %

application For basin with level border, Ea = 70 %
efficiencies (Ea):
Therefore, the overall Ea = (0.60)(0.70) = 42 %

Solve for farm Substituting values in the equation:

requirement FWR = (CWR – ER + LPWR)/Ea
(FWR) using FWR = (6.0 – 11 + 76.7)/0.42 = 170.7 mm/day
Equation 2b, thus:

Therefore, the farm water requirement (FWR) is 170.7 mm/day.

Note that this amount of 170.7 mm/day shall be supplied by the irrigation project.

Step 10 Solve for diversion water requirement.

DWR = FWR + conveyance losses (Eq. 7a)


DWR= FWR / Ec (Eq. 7b)

where: DWR Diversion water requirement, mm

FWR Farm water requirement, mm
Ec Conveyance efficiency, decimal

Again, Equation 7b is preferred over Equation 7a in the calculation of diversion water

requirement because conveyance efficiency is more convenient to use.

Step 11 Solve for conveyance losses.

Seepage and percolation in the conveyance structures such as supplementary farm ditches,
main farm ditches, lateral canals, sub-lateral canals and main canal shall be determined to
account for the conveyance losses.

The conveyance loss per meter of channel length differs per channel type and is 0.2 m³ per day
for clay channels and 0.01 m³ per day for concrete channels.

For planning and design purposes, reference values in Table 4 for conveyance efficiency (Ec)
can be used.

Table 4. Conveyance Efficiency

Supply System Conveyance Efficiency (Ec)
Continuous supply with no substantial change in flow 0.9
Rotational supply in projects of 3000 – 7000 ha and rotation 0.8
areas of 70 – 300 ha, with effective management

Rotational supply in large schemes (>10000 ha) and small

schemes (<1000 ha) with respective problematic
communication and less effective management:

based on predetermined schedule 0.7

based on advance request 0.65
Source: Doorenbos & Pruitt (197)

Example 6 – Determining diversion water requirement

Problem: Consider the same data in all of our previous examples, determine the
diversion water requirement, or total irrigation needs, or total capacity of
the irrigation project given the following:

Soil = silty clay

Crop = lowland rice
ER = 11 mm mo-1 (when P = 35 mm mo-1)
CWR = 6.0 mm/day
FWR = 170.7 mm/day
and assuming:
Supply system = continuous with no substantial change in flow


From Table 4, For continuous supply with no substantial change

determine in flow, Ec = 90 %
efficiency (Ec):

Solve for diversion Substituting values in the equation:

requirement DWR = FWR/Ec
(DWR) using DWR = 170.7/0.90 = 189.7 mm/day
Equation 7b, thus:

Convert mm/day 189.7 mm/day x 10 = 1,897 m3/ha/day

unit to

Therefore, the irrigation water needs of the project area is 189.7 mm/day or 1,897 m3/ha/day.
In other words, the irrigation project shall be designed to deliver not lower than this amount.

Due Date: ASAP but not later than ____________________________________.

Penalty for Late Submission: 5 points deduction per day of delay

If space is not enough, continue at the left-side directly opposite the term being defined.

1. What are the information and data needed in the calculation of irrigation water
requirements? Describe their relevance.

2. Given the following:

Crop = lowland rice

Soil texture = clay
ETo = 3.9 mm/day
ETc = 4.2 mm/day
Mean rainfall = 150 mm/mo
Irrigation method = basin with graded border
Supply system = rotational with effective management

Assume other data, if necessary. Determine the total irrigation water requirements of the
project area in terms of:

a. crop water requirement;

b. effective rainfall;
c. land soaking requirement;
d. land preparation water requirement;
e. farm water requirement; and
f. diversion water requirement.

(Draw conclusions as to the things you have learned and/or experienced out of this exercise.)
16 (n.d). Irrigation water requirement of crops. Retrieved from

Doorenbos, J. & Pruit, W.O. (1977). Guidelines for predicting crop water requirements. FAO
Irrigation and Drainage Paper No. 24.

Food and Agriculture Organization. (n.d)a. Irrigation water requirements. Retrieved from

____________________. (n.d)b. Irrigation water needs. Retrieved from

International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage. (n.d). ICID [Logo]. Retrieved from

National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine. (n.d). NASEM [Logo]. Retrieved

National Irrigation Administration. (1979). Design guides and criteria for irrigation canals, O&M
roads, drainage channels & appurtenant structures.

Orcullo, N.A. (1997). Irrigation systems handbook. 1st ed. Pasig City, Philippines: Busy Book

Philippine Agricultural Engineering Standard 602. (2016). Determination of irrigation water


Roa, G.S. (2017). Irrigation scheduling. Lecture notes in AE 152 – Irrigation and Drainage. 1st
Semester, SY 2016-2017. Ilocos Sur Polytechnic State College, Provincial institute of
Agriculture, Sta. Maria, Ilocos Sur.

Sabia Landscaping and Tree Service. (n.d). SLTS [Logos]. Retrieved from and

van Lieshout, A.M. & Brouwer, J.A.M. (n.d). Irrigation water requirement. International Institute for
Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation (ITC), The Netherlands.

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