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Option 1 (8 oz.

) 6 SKU of 8 Oz to Supermarket
20 Supermarket Chains
2 Regions
Ad Plan $1,200,000 per region per annum text
Incremental Sales (Units) 35,000,000 units per annum text
Slotting fees $10,000 per Chain per SKU text
Gross Profit $5,220,950 formula = units sold * $ con
Less Ad Costs ($2,400,000) 2 Regions
Less Incremental SGA ($320,000) $200K sales + $120K mkt text
Less Slotting Fees ($1,200,000) 20 Chains, 6 SKU per Chain
Trade Promotion Expense ($870,000) 11 Supermarkets in NE, 9 in West, 4 times p.a.
Less Broker's Commissions ($642,838) 4% of sales formula = MSP * units sold
Profit Contribution ($211,888)

Sales Growth $16,070,950 Market Share sales growth = MSP * units

1.5% of supermarket yogurt sales (last year
2.0% of supermarket yogurt 6-8 oz sales (la

Option 2 (32 oz.) 4 32 Oz SKU to Supermarket

64 Supermarket Chains
4 Regions
Ad Plan $120,000 per region per annum text
Incremental Sales (Units) 5,500,000 units per annum text
Slotting fees $10,000 per Chain per SKU text
Gross Profit $3,769,425 formula = units sold * $ con
Less Ad Costs ($480,000) 4 Regions
Less Incremental SGA ($160,000) Half of Option One text
Less Slotting Fees ($2,560,000) 64 Chains 4 SKU
Trade Promotion Expense ($1,024,000) 64 Chains 2x per annum text
Less Broker's Commissions ($368,577) 4% of sales formula = MSP * units sold
Profit Contribution ($823,152)

Sales Growth $9,214,425 Market Share sales growth = MSP * units

10.3% of 32oz yogurt sales nationally (last y

Option 3 (Multipack) 2 SKU of Multipack to Natural Foods Channel

Ad Plan ($250,000) text
Incremental Sales (Units) 1,800,000 units per annum text
Free Cases (slotting) fee ($82,927) 2.5% of Manufacturer Sales (net of broker fees)
Gross Profit $1,247,073
Less Ad Costs ($250,000)
Less Free Cases ($82,927) formula = 1.8m units sold *
Less Broker's Commissions ($132,683) 4% of sales formula = MSP * units sold
Profit Contribution $781,463

Sales Growth Year 1 $3,317,073 Market Share sales growth = MSP * units
11.2% of natural foods channel (last year)
Option 1
Option 1
ormula = units sold * $ contribution per unit (Note rounding in Table TN-2)

Option 1

ormula = MSP * units sold * 4% (Note rounding in Table TN-2)

ales growth = MSP * units sold

ket yogurt sales (last year)
ket yogurt 6-8 oz sales (last year)

Option 2
Option 2
ormula = units sold * $ contribution per unit

Option 2

Option 2, Supermarkets
ormula = MSP * units sold * 4%

ales growth = MSP * units sold

gurt sales nationally (last year)

Option 3
Option 3

ormula = 1.8m units sold * MSP * 2.5%

ormula = MSP * units sold * 4%

ales growth = MSP * units sold

oods channel (last year)
Option 1 Option 2 Option 3
$'000 (8 oz.) (32 oz.) (Multipack)
One Year Revenue 16,071 9,214 3,317
One Year Profit (212) (823) 781
Revenue after 2 Years 19,285 11,057 3,815
NPV of Profit over 2 Years 1,436 1,310 1,608
Revenue after 5 Years 33,325 19,107 5,802
NPV of Profit over 5 Years 11,013 10,640 4,798

Assumptions for Option 1 Supermarket Channel - 8oz

Number of SKU 6
Regions 2
Predicted Growth 20% per annum - after first year
Marketing Support $1,200,000 per region per year
SG&A Uplift $320,000 per annum
Incremental Sales 35,000,000 additional units
# Chains 11 in Northeast
# Chains 9 in West

Calculations for Option 1

$'000 Year 1 2
Incremental Sales (million units) 35.00 42.00
Incremental Sales 16,071 19,285
Less Manufacturing Costs (10,850) (13,020)
Incremental Gross Margin 5,221 6,265
Less Broker Fees (643) (771)
Less Slotting Fees (1,200) 0
Trade Promotions (870) (870)
Marketing Support (2,400) (2,400)
Incremental SG&A (320) (320)
Incremental Profit (212) 1,904

2 Year NPV 8.0% Discount Rate $1.44 Million

5 Year NPV 8.0% Discount Rate $11.01 Million

Assumptions - Option 2 Supermarket Channel - 32oz

Number of SKU 4
Regions 4
Predicted Growth 20% per annum - after first year
Marketing Support $120,000 per region per year
SG&A Uplift $160,000 per annum
Incremental Sales 5,500,000 additional units
# Chains 64 Nationally

Calculations for Option 2

$'000 Year 1 2
Incremental Sales (million units) 5.50 6.60
Incremental Sales 9,214 11,057
Less Manufacturing Costs (5,445) (6,534)
Incremental Gross Margin 3,769 4,523
Less Broker Fees (369) (442)
Less Slotting Fees (2,560) 0
Trade Promotions (1,024) (1,024)
Marketing Support (480) (480)
Incremental SG&A (160) (160)
Incremental Profit (823) 2,417

2 Year NPV 8.0% Discount Rate $1.31 Million

5 Year NPV 8.0% Discount Rate $10.64 Million

Assumptions - Option 3 Natural Foods Channel - Multipack

Number of SKU 2
Size 32 Oz
Predicted Growth 15% per annum - after first year
Marketing Support $250,000 per annum
SG&A Uplift $0 per annum
Incremental Sales 1,800,000 additional units

Calculations for Option 3

$'000 Year 1 2
Incremental Sales (million units) 1.80 2.07
Incremental Sales 3,317 3,815
Less Manufacturing Costs (2,070) (2,381)
Incremental Gross Margin 1,247 1,434
Less Broker Fees (133) (153)
Less Free Cases (83) 0
Trade Promotions 0 0
Marketing Support (250) (250)
Incremental SG&A 0 0
Incremental Profit 781 1,032
2 Year NPV 8.0% Discount Rate $1.61 Million
5 Year NPV 8.0% Discount Rate $4.80 Million

From Exhibit 6
From Exhibit 6
Option 1 Comment 4
Option 1
Option 1
Option 1
Option 1
Option 1

3 4 5
50.40 60.48 72.58 35,000 growing at 20% pa
23,142 27,771 33,325 Units * $0.46 per unit
(15,624) (18,749) (22,499) Units * $0.31 per unit
7,518 9,022 10,826
(926) (1,111) (1,333) Sales * 4%
0 0 0 20 Chains * 6 SKU
(870) (870) (870) Price * # Retailers Per Region * 4 times p.a.
(2,400) (2,400) (2,400) $1.2mm per Region Per Annum
(320) (320) (320) Fixed Annual Amount
3,002 4,321 5,903


From Exhibit 6
Option 2 (Nationally)
Option 1 Comment 4
Option 2 (Nationally)
Option 2 (Nationally)
Option 2 (Nationally)
Option 2 (Nationally)

3 4 5
7.92 9.50 11.40 5,500 growing at 20% pa
13,269 15,923 19,107 Units * $1.68 per unit
(7,841) (9,409) (11,291) Units * $0.99 per unit
5,428 6,514 7,816
(531) (637) (764) Sales * 4%
0 0 0 64 Chains, 4 SKU
(1,024) (1,024) (1,024) Price * # Retailers * 2 times p.a.
(480) (480) (480) $120,000 per Region Per Annum
(160) (160) (160) Fixed Annual Amount
3,233 4,213 5,388


From Exhibit 6
From Exhibit 6
Yogurt Through Nat.Foods Stores
Option 3
Option 3
Option 3

3 4 5
2.38 2.74 3.15 1.8mm growing at 15%pa
4,387 5,045 5,802 Units * $1.84 per unit
(2,738) (3,148) (3,620) Units * $1.15 per unit
1,649 1,897 2,181
(175) (202) (232) 4% of sales
0 0 0 2.5% of sales in first year
0 0 0 Not Required for Nat. Food Channel
(250) (250) (250) $120,000 per Region Per Annum
0 0 0
1,224 1,445 1,699

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