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Problem Set No. 1

Frequency Analysis of Rainfall Data

Statistical analysis as applied in hydrologic engineering consists of estimating the future

frequency or probability of occurrence of hydrologic events based on information that is
indicated by the observed data. One such statistical tool usually employed to process agro-
meteorological data particularly rainfall is frequency analysis (FA). It is a tool for determining the
design rainfall and the design discharge of flood control structures, especially in relation to their
required hydraulic capacity. Based on type of probability distribution, there are two FA methods
most commonly used by hydrologists and design engineers, namely: Gumbel Extreme Value
(GEV) method; and Log Pearson (LP) method also known as Type III or Gamma distribution

In order to understand how frequency analysis works, it is essential to understand the

concept of “return period.” Return period (T), sometimes referred to as recurrence interval or
frequency of occurrence, is the average period of time within which the magnitude of any
event will be equal to or exceeded once, on the average. T simply provides an estimate of the
likelihood of risk caused by any event in one year. For example, a 10-year return period
corresponds to the probability of occurrence of any event with X magnitude will be exceeded
on the average once in every 10 consecutive occurrences. It should be noted that this does not
imply that X magnitude will be exceeded exactly once in 10 consecutive occurrences, but
rather it is the ratio of the number of magnitudes greater than X to the total number of events is
1/10 or 0.10, which means that there is a 1 in a 10 or 1 percent chance that this X magnitude will
be exceeded in a given year.

In this activity, not only the procedures for doing GEV and LP methods are illustrated but
also the concept of return period, which is an integral part of the aforementioned methods. As
the name implies, the GEV method is used for data fitting the Type I distribution (aka event-
history modelling) wherein only the maximum (or minimum) values of samples from a set of
annual series data are selected for analysis. On the other hand, the LP method is used for data
fitting the Type III distribution (aka gamma or chi-squared distribution). It is the default analysis for
flood frequency analysis. This basic difference in application will be emphasized later.

After accomplishing the required activity, you should be able to:

a. Comprehend the concept of return period in the planning and design of soil and
water conservation (SWC) structures and programs and interpret the results of the

b. Calculate the design frequencies of rainfall events using different techniques or

methods and subsequently interpret the results; and

c. Determine whether the number of years data used in the calculation of the design
rainfall magnitude is adequate or not to render reliable estimates.

1 scientific calculator
1 ball pen
1 lot scratch papers

There are three main topics in this exercise which are inseparable from one another, namely: the
concept of return period and the two statistical techniques used for frequency analysis such as
the Gumbel Extreme Value method and the Log Pearson method. The step-by-step procedures
are illustrated below.

A. Return Period

In order to appreciate how FA works, it is essential to understand the concept of “return period.”
Return period (T), sometimes referred to as recurrence interval or frequency of occurrence, is the
average period of time within which the magnitude of any event (usually rainfall) will be equal
to or exceeded once, on the average. T simply provides an estimate of the likelihood of risk
caused by any event in one year.

For example, a 10-year return period of 250 mm rainfall (T10 = 250 mm) corresponds to the
probability of occurrence of a 250 mm rainfall event which will be exceeded on the average
once in every 10 consecutive occurrences. It must be noted that this does not imply that 250
mm rainfall will be exceeded exactly once in 10 consecutive occurrences. Rather, it is the ratio
of the number of magnitudes greater than 250 mm to the total number of events equivalent to
1/10 or 0.10, which means that there is a one-in-ten or ten percent chance that this 250 mm
magnitude will be exceeded in a given year.

Gumbel, a pioneer on FA, defined return period (T) mathematically, thus:

T = (n+1)/m (Eq. 1)

where: T Return period, years

n Total number of observations
m Rank of the observation arranged in descending order of magnitude

Gumbel also defined the relationship between T and probability of occurrence (P) as:

T = 100/P (Eq. 2)

where: T Return period, years

P Probability of occurrence, percent

In engineering design practice, T is usually set at 2, 5, 10, 20, 50 and 100 years, or even up to 500
years depending on the type of hydrologic structure. For agricultural structures such as irrigation
canal wherein the would-be damage caused is minimal when its hydraulic capacity is
exceeded, 2 to 10 years design T will do, 20 years for relatively bigger main canals, and for dams
50 to 100 years or longer is used.

To illustrate the concept of return period, let us consider the hypothetical data in Appendix
Table 1. The step-by-step procedure is, as follows:

Step A.1 Construct a 5-column table similar to Table 1 below.

Table 1. Design rainfall magnitudes for various return periods using GEV method (n = 19)
Rainfall Probability of
Reference Rank, Return Period, T
Magnitude, xi Occurrence, P
Year No. M (years)
(mm) (%)
15 200 1 20 5
14 158 2 10 10
5 111 3 6.7 15

9 30 17 1.2 83.3
13 28 18 1.1 90.9
2 10 19 1.05 95.2
Do not use this table. Use instead the table provided in the Assessment Tasks part of this exercise.

Step A.2 From Appendix Table 1, arrange the maximum rainfalls (x) in descending order,
that is, from highest to lowest. The maximum rainfall is given in the right-most

Step A.3 Rank (M) these magnitudes with the highest as 1, second highest as 2 and so on.

Step A.4 Calculate the corresponding return period (T) for each and every rainfall
magnitude using Equation 1.

Step A.5 Calculate the corresponding probability of occurrence (P) for each and every
rainfall magnitude using Equation 2.

Step A.6 Enter all computed values and/or data in Table 1 above.

Step A.7 Interpret results.

For example for Reference Year No. 15 in Table 1 (highlighted in orange), the interpretation
would be… “A maximum rainfall magnitude of 200 mm/day in Ilocos Sur is exceeded once in
every 20 years on the average with a 5 percent probability of occurrence.” Do the same for T2,
T5 and T10.

B. Gumbel Extreme Value Method

As mentioned earlier, the GEV method is particularly used to a set of data wherein only the
maximum (or minimum) values are selected for analysis. To illustrate the procedure for GEV
method, let us consider again the hypothetical data (n = 19) in Appendix Table 1. Take note that
the rainfall magnitudes (xi) in the said table are the annual maximum daily rainfalls, which are
presented in the right-most column of Appendix Table 1.

The step-by-step procedure for GEV method is, as follows:


Step B.1 Construct a 3-column table similar to Table 2 below.

Table 2. Design rainfall magnitude for various return periods using the GEV method (n = 19)
Return Period, T Frequency Factor, K1/ Magnitude of Rainfall, XT2/
1/ To be computed later in Step 6 using Equation 6.
2/ To be computed later in Step 7 using Equation 7.
Do not use this table. Use instead the table provided in the Assessment Tasks part of this exercise.

Step B.2 Compute the grand total rainfall magnitude (Σxi) in Appendix Table 1. This is the
2nd column from left.

Step B.3 Compute the mean () using Equation 3, thus:

(Eq. 3)

where: Mean, mm
Σ Summation sign which means add all individual observations
x Individual observation, mm
n Total number of observations

Step B.4 Compute the standard deviation (s) using Equation 4, thus:

(Eq. 4)

where: s Standard deviation, mm

Σ Summation sign which means add all individual observations
x Individual observation, mm
Mean, mm
n Total number of observations

Step B.5 Compute the coefficient of variation (cv) using Equation 5, thus:

(Eq. 5)

where: cv Coefficient of variation, decimal

s Standard deviation, mm
Mean, mm

Step B.6 Compute the frequency factor (K) for each and every return period (T2, T5, T10, T20,
T50 & T100) using Equation 6, thus:

(Eq. 6)

where: KT Frequency factor at return period T, dimensionless

Pi = 3.1416
ln Natural logarithm
T Return period, year

Step B.7 Compute the magnitude of rainfall corresponding to return period (XT) using
Equation 7, thus:

(Eq. 7)

where: XT Magnitude of rainfall corresponding to return period T, mm

Mean, mm
cv Coefficient of variation, decimal
K Frequency factor, dimensionless

Step B.8 Enter in Table 2 all computed values in Steps 6 and 7.

Step B.9 Interpret results for T2, T5, T10, T20, T50 and T100.

C. Log Pearson Method

If the objective of the analysis is to determine the total design capacity of water impounding
structures, the Log Pearson (LP) method is the most appropriate analysis to be used. To facilitate
the LP analysis, the theoretical log probability frequency factors given in Table 3 sans the
corresponding values for T10 and T50 as determined by Chow (1954) are used. To illustrate the
procedure, let us consider the empirical annual amount of rainfall in Ilocos Sur given in Appendix
Table 2.

The step-by-step procedure for LP method is, as follows:

Step C.1 With reference to Table 3 overleaf, determine the frequency factor (K) for T10 and
T50 through ratio and proportion.

For example, the K-value for T10 at cv = 0.569 is determined through ratio and proportion, thus:

5 0.61
10 K10 = ?
20 1.89

(5 – 10)/(0.61 – K10) = (5 – 20)/(0.61 – 1.89)

-5/0.61 – K10) = -15/-1.28

0.61 – K10 = -5/11.72

K10 = 0.61 + 0.43

K10 = 1.04

Another example, the K-value for T10 at cv = 0.818 is determined through ratio and proportion,

5 0.51
10 K10 = ?
20 1.85

(5 – 10)/(0.51 – K10) = (5 – 20)/(0.51 – 1.85)

-5/0.51 – K10) = -15/-1.34

0.51 – K10 = -5/11.19

K10 = 0.51 + 0.45

K10 = 0.96

Perform the same procedure as above for the rest of the unknown K-values for T10 and T50 at
given corresponding cv. Enter computed values in Table 3.

Table 3. Theoretical log probability frequency factors

Return Period, T (years)
Corresponding 2 5 10 20 50 100
Log Pearson Probability Frequency Factor, K
0 0 0.84 1.64 2.33
0.166 -0.09 0.80 1.77 2.70
0.324 -0.15 0.75 1.85 3.03
0.363 -0.16 0.73 1.86 3.11
0.436 -0.19 0.69 1.88 3.26
0.462 -0.20 0.68 1.89 3.31
0.596 -0.24 0.61 1.04 1.89 3.52
0.818 -0.28 0.51 0.96 1.85 3.78
1.000 -0.29 0.42 1.78 3.91
Source: Chow (1954)
Do not use this table. Use instead the table provided in the Assessment Tasks part of this exercise.

Step C.2 Construct a 3-column table similar to Table 4 below.


Table 4. Design rainfall magnitude for various return periods using LP method
Return Period, T Frequency Factor, K Magnitude of Rainfall, XT
10 1.01
Note: This table is similar to Table 2 above for GEV method. However, they differ in K-values.
The K for LP is determined later in Step 7 below, from which XT is computed later in
Step 8 using Equation 7.
Do not use this table. Use instead the table provided in the Assessment Tasks part of this exercise.

Step C.3 Compute the grand total rainfall in Appendix Table 2, that is, summation of all
annual (X) totals.

Step C.4 Compute the mean using Equation 3.

Step C.5 Compute the standard deviation using Equation 4.

Step C.6 Compute the coefficient of variation using Equation 5.

Step C.7 By ratio and proportion and with reference to Table 3 above, compute the Log
Pearson probability frequency factors for T2, T5, T10, T20, T50 and T100 corresponding
the computed cv of the sample in Step 6 above.

For example, if the computed cv of the data = 0.670, then the K-value for T10 is determined
through ratio and proportion, thus:

Computed cv of Data K
0.596 1.04
0.670 K10 = ?
0.818 0.96

(0.596 – 0.670)/(1.04 – K10) = (0.596 – 0.818)/(1.04 – 0.96)

-0.074/1.04 – K10) = -0.222/0.08

1.04 – K10 = -0.074/-2.775

K10 = 1.04 – 0.03

K10 = 1.01

Step C.8 Compute the magnitude of rainfall corresponding to return period (XT) using
Equation 7.

Step C.9 Enter in Table 4 all computed values in Steps 7 and 8.

Step C.10 Interpret results.

D. Adequacy of Data Used in the Design of Hydraulic Structures

Step D.1 Determine the adequacy of data using the Muckos formula (Eq. 8), thus
(Anonymous, Undated):

(Eq. 8)

where: y Minimum required number of years data

If y<n, then the number of years design data is adequate and hence
the design magnitude is reliable.

If y>n, then the number of years design data is inadequate and hence
the design magnitude is not reliable. Therefore, more number of years
data are needed.

t Student’s t-distribution value corresponding to degree of freedom

(df) = n – 6 at 0.05 level of confidence.

The t-value can be lifted from any Statistics book. In our example, n =
19 thus df = 19 – 6 = 13.

In the Student’s t table, the first column is df. To find for the t-value,
move downward until df = 13 then move rightward until under column
(0.05). The value of Student’s t therein is 1.771. This is the t-value we will
use in the calculation.

log Logarithmic function

R Ratio of rainfall magnitudes T100 and T2. Mathematically, thus:

R = ( X100/X2 )

Step D.2 Draw conclusions whether the 19-year data set in Appendix Table 1 is adequate
or inadequate to render reliable estimates of the design rainfall.

Due Date: ASAP but not later than ____________________________________.

Penalty for Late Submission: 5 points deduction per day of delay

If space is not enough, continue at the left-side directly opposite the item being answered.

1. With reference to Appendix Table 1, complete Table 1 below. (10 pts)

Table 1. Design rainfall magnitude for various return periods using Gumbel method
Reference Year Rainfall Rank, M Return Period, T Probability of
No. Magnitude, xi (years) Occurrence, P
(mm) (%)
15 200 1 20 5
14 158 2 10 10
5 111 3 6.7 15

9 30 17 1.2 83.3
13 28 18 1.1 90.9
2 10 19 1.05 95.2

2. With reference to Appendix Table 2, complete Table 2 below. Interpret results. (20 pts)

Table 2. Design rainfall magnitude for various return periods using the GEV method
Return Period, T Frequency Factor, K Magnitude of Rainfall, XT

3. Complete Table 3 below. (30 pts)

Table 3. Theoretical log probability frequency factors

Corresponding Return Period (T in years)
cv 2 5 10 20 50 100
0 0 0.84 1.64 2.33
0.166 -0.09 0.80 1.77 2.70
0.324 -0.15 0.75 1.85 3.03
0.363 -0.16 0.73 1.86 3.11
0.436 -0.19 0.69 1.88 3.26
0.462 -0.20 0.68 1.89 3.31
0.596 -0.24 0.61 1.04 1.89 3.52
0.670 -0.25 0.58 1.01 1.88 2.52 3.61
0.818 -0.28 0.51 0.96 1.85 3.78
1.000 -0.29 0.42 1.78 3.91

4. With reference to Appendix Table 2 and Table 3 in Item No. 3, complete Table 4 below.
(10 pts)

Table 4. Design rainfall magnitude for various return periods using LP method
Return Period, T Frequency Factor, K Magnitude of Rainfall, XT

5. From Appendix Table 3, select one PAGASA Weather Stations of your choice and analyze
the said data using both GEV and LP methods. Use the space provided below. If space is not
enough, continue at the back of this page and succeeding pages. (30 pts)

(Draw conclusions as to the things you have learned and experienced out of this exercise.)

Appendix Table 1. Hypothetical daily rainfalls (mm) in 19 consecutive years for the rainiest month of the year in Ilocos Sur
Day of the Rainiest Month Total Max.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
- - - 3 3 45 15 - 1 5 - - 4 6 - - 40 12 - - - - - - - - - - - - - 134 45
- - 2 10 9 4 10 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 35 10
11 3 - 2 13 - 8 26 12 1 5 6 - - - - - - - - - - 7 4 - 22 5 31 67 - - 223 67
29 - 6 99 4 3 - - - - - - 5 3 1 - - 1 - - - - - - - 19 5 3 21 - 46 245 99
111 8 8 21 1 - 11 11 11 26 1 - - - - - - - - 5 7 4 8 2 53 3 6 1 3 21 - 312 111
- - - - 1 14 4 33 3 - 12 - 11 15 3 25 21 - - 2 11 - 2 18 38 - 5 4 7 6 - 235 38
- - - - - - - 1 - 1 5 1 7 - 1 36 4 - - - 4 - - 1 - - 3 - - - - 64 36
- - - 10 - 23 3 - 49 12 57 2 - 1 - - 18 3 - - - - 11 4 - 1 1 23 - 15 2 235 57
- - 2 9 - - - 6 3 - - 2 - - 9 16 14 9 - - - - - - - - - - - - 30 100 30
4 - 41 46 - - - - - - 23 7 1 18 8 2 4 - - 6 38 3 14 2 - - - - 1 13 - 231 46
92 3 - 2 - - - 9 6 5 - 13 - - 1 17 22 3 1 20 - 20 7 14 1 1 22 1 22 12 - 294 92
- 65 19 - 35 3 27 10 - 13 32 1 16 2 - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - 7 12 - - 243 65
- - - - 9 10 - - - - - - - - - - 7 3 3 - - - - - 28 24 22 - - - 8 114 28
41 158 1 - 10 - 6 11 - - 1 - 7 1 13 12 11 - - 2 4 - - - - - - - - - - 278 158
- 9 - 10 - 4 - - 2 5 - 13 16 24 2 7 - - - - 200 94 4 - 5 1 12 14 - - - 422 200
74 7 - 2 4 - 10 - - - - 42 11 - - 1 4 1 14 - 4 8 - - - 20 5 - - 30 5 242 74
7 23 4 - 1 13 29 40 13 14 1 4 - - - - - 3 2 - - - - - 20 4 37 15 6 4 - 240 40
11 13 - 2 - - - 3 - 8 56 3 44 5 - - - - 4 4 2 3 - - - 11 - - - - - 169 56
11 - - - - 3 - - 2 54 65 16 - - - - 19 14 - - 9 - - - - - - - 1 7 - 201 65
Source: Oosterbaan (1994)

Appendix Table 2. Monthly total amount of rainfall in Ilocos Sur (1995 – 2015)

Year Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Annual
1995 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 160.9 170.0 838.8 360.0 193.4 188.2 11.2 4.0 1926.5
1996 T 0.0 0.0 8.2 96.4 254.3 1089.1 551.4 375.8 88.7 271.6 0.0 2735.5
1997 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 219.4 278.5 228.4 506.1 85.2 27.4 19.4 1.0 1365.4
1998 0.6 0.0 0.0 T 283.1 100.1 180.4 468.3 649.0 269.6 211.8 2.2 2165.1
1999 8.2 0.0 59.3 11.4 109.1 435.1 482.8 625.8 243.1 288.5 5.7 4.4 2273.4
2000 0.0 3.0 3.8 9.6 276.4 173.8 838.8 475.6 249.7 293.3 2.5 3.5 2330.0
2001 0.0 8.6 58.6 7.0 282.7 207.0 -2.0 298.5 646.0 11.4 4.4 3.6 1527.8**
2002 T 24.2 25.8 6.2 292.7 279.2 897.0 190.8 117.2 123.5 4.0 0.0 1960.6
2003 8.2 0.0 0.0 6.2 422.9 342.2 246.5 590.8 305.0 23.2 19.6 0.0 1964.6
2004 T 7.8 0.0 0.0 180.1 358.4 247.5 1032.1 -2.0 17.7 11.8 14.2 1869.6**
2005 T 0.0 0.3 13.0 59.7 438.1 280.9 425.3 482.2 119.5 1.5 3.8 1824.3
2006 67.4 0.0 T 0.0 140.0 202.2 860.4 298.9 486.7 10.3 54.3 3.1 2123.3
2007 0.6 0.0 6.4 T 224.0 146.2 124.1 1094.8 208.2 69.7 236.3 T 2110.3
2008 0.2 4.0 T 9.8 61.6 27.0 874.8 1028.9 517.3 27.6 47.8 0.0 2599.0
2009 T 0.0 T 189.5 277.6 315.0 1092.9 235.3 543.6 901.0 3.2 0.0 3558.1
2010 0.0 0.0 0.0 10.4 258.1 242.8 170.0 472.0 390.5 -2.0 18.3 T 1562.1**
2011 2.0 11.6 -2.0 0.0 76.9 576.4 286.2 658.0 450.5 47.4 16.2 16.5 2141.7**
2012 2.0 0.5 6.0 9.3 233.9 647.6 624.9 1038.2 192.4 29.3 0.2 8.7 2793.0
2013 7.7 0.0 0.3 36.0 115.3 285.1 259.6 1137.8 411.7 124.7 31.7 51.6 2461.5
2014 0.0 1.7 -2.0 0.0 23.0 563.6 -2.0 520.6 661.6 29.0 0.0 1.9 1801.4
2015 0.3 0.3 0.2 3.5 17.4 46.5 1009.1 587.0 98.8 248.2 0.0 20.6 2031.9
Source: Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration (2017)
Notes: -2.0 means data is missing
T means trace
** means annual values with missing months

Appendix Table 3. Monthly mean rainfall in PAGASA weather stations (mm, n>30 years)
Station Name Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Annual
1. Alabat, Quezon 250.2 151.8 127.4 91.9 114.1 182.4 238.9 150.0 253.1 509.7 551.7 636.6 3257.6
2. Ambulong, Batangas 22.7 16.0 21.5 35.0 116.6 228.7 329.6 286.9 255.0 218.4 144.7 92.0 1767.0
3. Appari, Cagayan 95.0 56.5 39.0 40.2 115.7 157.6 181.1 191.1 243.8 295.9 285.5 186.6 1888.1
4. Baguio City 15.2 23.4 46.0 104.1 341.1 475.8 781.9 905.0 570.9 454.3 97.4 26.2 3841.4
5. Baler(Radar) 220.2 179.1 185.0 215.4 329.1 238.8 272.7 164.9 282.1 386.0 368.7 405.9 3247.9
6. Basco, Batanes 130.1 122.1 58.3 47.6 224.6 234.6 223.5 304.6 350.8 281.2 272.0 96.8 2346.2
7. Borongan, Eastern Samar 613.7 345.4 312.6 225.5 207.2 233.4 249.9 146.4 189.9 347.3 508.4 674.8 4054.5
8. Butuan City 318.0 225.0 145.4 109.7 115.5 154.0 143.9 105.6 126.3 178.4 197.9 238.2 2057.8
9. Cabanatuan 16.9 16.6 18.4 47.4 179.1 193.7 371.1 372.0 320.4 186.4 90.0 42.9 1854.9
10. Calapan 112.9 64.7 75.9 116.0 196.4 263.6 253.0 195.4 235.5 326.5 281.0 216.2 2337.1
11. Calayan 170.6 126.2 49.4 58.0 159.2 170.9 209.1 228.4 318.5 375.4 335.1 219.5 2420.3
12. Casiguran 272.5 226.6 203.0 183.0 238.5 225.2 282.8 208.8 280.9 537.4 591.3 495.6 3745.6
13. Catarman 456.7 291.9 234.3 143.9 145.2 195.3 208.2 173.6 210.5 338.4 529.7 628.2 3556.0
14. Catbalogan 240.4 197.4 162.7 118.0 167.8 220.3 274.2 198.3 270.5 305.7 334.9 322.7 2813.1
15. Clark, Pampanga 17.4 18.6 28.4 65.0 221.8 241.2 422.6 429.4 293.1 177.0 78.0 34.2 2026.8
16. Coron 18.5 14.0 15.4 38.1 198.1 360.8 479.9 466.3 447.1 250.8 118.6 74.0 2481.7
17. Cotabato City 88.4 83.9 119.9 146.7 268.5 312.3 325.4 244.8 256.6 285.5 216.3 139.6 2487.8
18. Cuyo 7.4 3.1 19.8 41.6 193.1 327.3 402.9 391.2 341.5 302.8 112.3 52.5 2195.6
19. Daet 266.3 180.1 150.4 131.3 138.5 183.9 237.1 165.4 257.9 496.3 542.9 588.4 3338.4
20. Dagupan City 6.7 10.7 22.2 60.4 209.8 337.9 499.6 581.3 368.4 215.9 53.9 14.1 2380.9
21. Davao City 140.3 109.4 108.4 124.7 158.7 186.7 165.0 170.0 170.4 174.8 138.1 112.6 1759.1
22. Dipolog, Zamboanga Del Sur 129.2 90.4 82.5 103.5 150.9 259.5 216.2 194.5 199.1 291.3 380.9 254.8 2352.9
23. Dumaguete 82.0 61.4 46.3 53.7 81.8 129.7 122.7 110.6 127.3 156.7 138.7 107.3 1218.4
24. General Santos 79.4 59.5 51.4 58.3 75.0 118.1 107.9 91.3 87.8 91.1 75.3 64.6 959.9
25. Guiuan, Eastern Samar 371.3 276.7 218.8 125.7 141.2 185.6 211.5 160.6 177.4 290.0 406.7 440.1 3005.6
26. Hinatuan 776.3 547.6 448.3 318.7 252.9 258.1 218.9 186.7 206.5 270.9 424.9 55.1 4464.9
27. Iba, Zambales 4.1 9.3 19.8 38.1 254.7 519.9 838.1 897.7 559.5 234.2 62.3 13.2 3450.7

Appendix Table 3. (continued)

Station Name Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Annual
28. Infanta 365.1 253.0 192.3 208.9 197.8 237.2 283.9 189.8 270.7 625.7 594.9 675.8 4105.1
29. Itbayat 156.0 84.6 69.8 57.2 243.7 253.8 269.1 450.0 344.1 299.0 239.1 141.6 2607.9
30. Laoag City 5.3 2.8 6.0 24.8 246.9 312.9 448.2 583.9 415.8 103.3 30.2 2.8 2182.8
31. Legaspi City 311.7 236.4 193.8 171.2 186.6 230.5 259.8 222.5 285.9 333.0 480.3 520.2 3432.1
32. Lumbia Airport 98.9 68.0 49.8 52.6 125.0 212.7 245.6 195.8 219.7 185.9 136.0 113.2 1703.3
33. Maasin 211.3 143.3 114.3 64.2 85.0 127.3 173.6 177.0 213.4 198.3 193.9 2261 1927.7
34. Mactan 105.2 69.6 58.6 48.1 95.0 175.6 192.9 143.5 179.6 194.8 161.9 139.7 1564.5
35. Malaybalay 142.5 106.1 112.5 115.6 224.8 313.5 323.3 294.4 315.7 314.7 176.1 130.7 2569.9
36. Masbate 169.3 101.8 86.9 54.1 118.0 155.7 227.0 178.1 212.6 233.0 254.9 258.9 2050.4
37. Naia, Pasay City 6.8 4.2 4.0 19.0 70.4 265.2 316.7 418.4 255.2 283.4 99.0 28.6 1767.8
38. Port Area, Manila 17.3 14.2 15.8 23.7 147.2 253.5 420.5 432.4 355.1 234.8 121.7 67.4 2103.6
39. Puerto Princesa 36.4 23.7 37.3 54.2 118.4 171.1 153.5 185.4 170.1 216.1 211.0 150.1 1527.3
40. Romblon 99.2 63.4 59.37 68.2 147.3 233.1 260.5 210.3 259.9 320.3 270.1 211.8 2203.9
41. Roxas, Capiz 72.1 49.3 63.7 69.9 144.7 259.0 253.4 202.1 213.5 304.9 239.4 171.3 2043.3
42. Sangley Point, Cavite 16.9 11.1 9.4 18.5 139.1 264.5 422.4 457.52 341.8 224.3 110.5 62.7 2078.4
43. Science Garden, QC 18.5 14.6 24.8 40.4 186.7 316.5 493.3 504.2 451.2 296.6 148.8 78.7 2574.4
44. San Jose, Occ. Mindoro 8.4 11.7 11.1 26.8 170.5 377.7 457.5 475.6 406.7 252.0 106.5 55.9 2360.2
45. Subic Bay, Cubi Point 6.0 4.2 16.1 22.5 416.8 385.7 759.7 753.5 695.8 214.5 81.9 21.9 3378.6
46. Surigao Del Norte 609.4 446.4 326.0 219.1 139.6 142.1 171.1 133.9 171.0 240.7 467.3 585.2 3651.8
47. Tacloban 323.9 238.4 184.4 115.2 144.1 184.6 186.0 160.9 173.7 243.9 318.2 386.0 2659.3
48. Tagbiliran 101.0 79.6 76.6 67.5 81.5 128.2 126.7 116.3 126.5 176.3 178.9 153.6 1412.6
49. Tayabas 163.0 111.4 107.1 109.5 161.2 225.5 273.8 185.1 274.2 494.1 529.7 421.0 3055.8
50. Tuguegarao 32.7 27.3 28.6 47.2 128.2 157.5 195.3 247.1 221.4 298.5 230.0 122.3 1736.2
51. Vigan 3.5 3.9 5.4 16.1 194.5 321.8 536.3 630.3 382.6 143.8 36.3 2.9 2277.4
52. Virac (Radar) 409.5 270.5 215.9 215.2 197.2 234.5 249.6 177.1 244.1 447.0 575.8 640.6 3877.0
53. Virac (Synop) 247.9 149.2 146.4 148.3 149.9 220.5 241.6 162.5 235.3 393.7 450.0 451.8 2996.9
54. Zamboanga 49.7 43.7 56.3 69.0 90.0 149.1 152.6 144.9 144.9 178.9 120.6 66.8 1266.5
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