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Subject: Reading

Dates: October 5-13

Unit Name: October
Summary of Unit:
Learn about different aspects of October while working on the standards listed
below. This will include mostly reading and some writing.
RF.2.4 RL.2.10
RI.2.3 RI.2.8
Objectives: To be able to read and understand a text at or above a second grade
Materials: All Scholastic News from October, computers, RAZ Kids, Paper, pencils, A
Very Busy Spider by Eric Carle.
Lesson 1 Title: Eric Carle Time: Oct. 5
Lesson 2 Title: Spiders Time: Oct. 6
Lesson 3 Title: Candy Time: Oct. 7
Lesson 4 Title: Pumpkins Time: Oct. 12
Lesson 5 Title: My Bones Time: Oct. 13
Assignment and Activities:
Scholastic News, drawing, testing, reading, and comprehension throughout the
This unit went well and was very relatable for them since it was all about
Halloween. I would recommend this unit across all content areas, as October is an
exciting time for them to be a part of. Next time I would incorporate more writing
into the plan.
Lesson 1
Eric Carle
Grade: 2nd grade
Content Standards:
RF 2.4 RL 2.10
RI 2.8
Instructional Objective:
The students will be able to comprehend and read the content fluently while
recognizing supporting details.
I Can Statements:
I can read material fluently and comprehend the details throughout the story.
The Very Busy Spider by Eric Carle
Storytime Spin Scholastic Catalog for October
1. Read the Very Busy Spider in storytime center.
2. Talk about the story, what happened, the pictures, etc.
3. Split into center groups. Half on computers doing RAZKIDS for catch up work.
Other half in front row doing lesson.
4. Lesson begins with listening to Scholastic on projector while students follow
5. When finished, complete the back of the catalog.
6. Talk about how author always uses the same types of words in his titles.
7. Give students paper and pencils.
8. Allow students to create their own title like Eric Carle and draw a picture of
their animal.
9. When finished, switch groups and repeat lesson.
Direct Instruction:
Reading, Scholastic reading, lecture on the title.
Guided Practice:
Reading together to keep fluency, doing the back of the catalog.
Independent Practice:
Creating their titles and drawing an image for their title.
Projector, computer, internet.
The assessment will be conducted through observation, conversation, and their final
assignment on if they understand what Eric Carle does. If they need more practice
on comprehension we can read more to gain comprehension. If they understand
well, we will continue on.
Blake will work with his aide.
We are already in a small group.
If a child still struggles, we can move to some one on one work.
The students enjoyed the lesson because they knew most of Eric Carle’s books and
they liked seeing the steps he takes to create them. I liked them making up their own
titles as we got some interesting ones! I will continue to use this lesson in the future
as they had a lot of fun with it!
Lesson 2
Grade: 2nd grade
Content Standards:
RF 2.4 RL 2.10
RI 2.3 RI 2.8
Instructional Objective:
Students can read fluently, comprehend details, and tell the sequence of the story.
I Can Statements:
I can read the story fluently, comprehend the supporting details, and tell the
sequence of the story of Spiders.
October Scholastic News about spiders, The Very Busy Spider, crayons, scissors,
1. If students struggle to remember or a lot were absent, re-read The Very Busy
2. Talk about spiders such as what they look like, if you like them, etc.
3. Split into center groups.
4. The lesson begins with reading the scholastic news article together.
5. Complete the back of the catalog to test their understanding.
6. Once the back is finished, pass out spider worksheet for students to color, cut
and paste together. There are steps on the sheet showing the students
7. When finished, switch groups.
Direct Instruction:
Reading the book and talking about spiders.
Guided Practice:
Completing the back of the catalog.
Independent Practice:
Constructing the spider.
Projector, computer, RAZKIDS, printer.
The assessment is conducted through observation, conversation, and the
construction of the spider. If the students do well we can continue to expand on
comprehension but if they struggle we will practice more at the current level they
are at.
Blake will be with his aide.
Extended time for some students who work slower.
Already in a small group so if they are still struggling on lesson we can move to one
on one or reading the spider instructions to them.
This was a slower paced lesson for the students. They still seemed to enjoy it as
some thought it was cool and others do not like spiders. In the future I would find
more for the students to do. It was somewhat difficult for some students to
pronounce the words for parts of a spider, but overall it was somewhat enjoyable
for them.
Lesson 3
Grade: 2nd grade
Content Standards:
RF 2.4 RI 2.3
RI 2.8 RL 2.10
Instructional Objective:
Students will understand the changes of candy and will complete their writing at a
large accuracy score.
I Can Statements:
I can read material and understand the concept enough to write my opinion while
using capitals and punctuation.
Scholastic News Article Candy
My Sweet Opinion worksheet
1. We will begin split into groups.
2. Begin with reading the Scholastic News on the projector.
3. When finished, we will complete the back of the catalog.
4. The worksheet will be completed next. This is independent on their favorite
and least favorite treat.
5. When finished the students will tell their opinions.
6. After share time, we will switch groups and repeat the lesson.
Direct Instruction:
Talking about opinions, directions for assignment, reading the catalog.
Guided Practice:
The back of the catalog.
Independent Practice:
The worksheet and telling our favorite and least favorite treats.
Internet and computer
The assessment would be conducted through conversation, observation, and the
completion of the worksheet. Comprehension will be observed and either can
expand on the concept or review more at this level.
Blake will work with his aide.
Other students will already be in small groups but can receive one on one or
extended time if needed.
The lesson went well and the students were very hyper but loved the idea of candy.
My students worked hard and performed their best throughout the assignment.
Candy is never a bad topic and they all expressed and accepted the opinions well.
Lesson 4
Grade: 2nd grade
Content Standards:
RF 2.4 RL 2.10
RI 2.3 RI 2.8
Instructional Objective:
Students can read the story fluently, understand the supporting details, and tell the
sequence of the story effectively.
I Can Statements:
I can read the story while comprehending it and recite the story in order.
Rotten science Scholastic News
1. split into two groups for centers
2. Read the scholastic news on the projector.
3. Allow students to tell you something they love about pumpkins.
4. Complete the back of the catalog.
5. Have students draw the stages a pumpkin goes through from the catalog.
6. When finished, switch groups and repeat lesson.
Direct Instruction:
Scholastic news reading and talking about pumpkins.
Guided Practice:
Completing the back of the catalog.
Independent Practice:
Drawing the stages a pumpkin goes through from the catalog.
The assessment is conducted through observation, conversation, and the
completion of the stages. If the stages are done correctly, the student had
comprehension from the story and can move on. If they do not get the stages
correctly, they need more work on comprehension.
Blake will be working with his aide.
Other students will be in a small group and can receive one on one or extended time
if they are struggling with the assignment.
Pumpkins are popular in schools, but not the rotten kind! The kids thought it was
funny to look at the rotten pumpkins and see what happens over time. They love
drawing the pictures and going through time of a pumpkin. This is a lesson I will
continue to remember over my career.
Lesson 5
Grade: 2nd grade
Content Standards:
RF 2.4 RL 2.10
RI 2.8
Instructional Objective:
The students can read the story fluently while comprehending the main idea of the
I Can Statements:
I can read the story while understanding what the story is about.
1. Split into groups.
2. Group one is on computers doing RAZKIDS books Monster Halloween and
Homemade Halloween. Then they may do free choice.
3. Group two is doing the lesson on RAZKIDS reading the book called My Bones.
4. We will read the book together and then discuss what the book was about.
5. The students will then take the test on the laptops over My Bones.
6. Lastly they will draw a picture and write one sentence about the bones in
their bodies.
7. When finished we will switch groups.
Direct Instruction:
Talking about the different bones
Guided Practice:
Reading the book together aloud
Independent Practice:
The test and picture.
Computers, projector, RAZKIDS
The assessment is done through the online test on the RAZKIDS website. Also
through discussion and observation through the drawing of the pictures.
Blake will work with his aide.
Other students may be granted some extra time and some one on one work if they
are struggling, but I do not foresee this since we are in a small group.
Bones were so interesting for them. This concept is different as the kids cannot see
their bones, but they know they are there. The story was interesting and was a good
switch up from the Scholastic News. We also got to relate this to Halloween, which
was my goal! I love this lesson and RAZKIDS.

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