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APPROACH TO profession

An ethical dilemma is something a State that requires a person to make the decision as to

whether or not in the work performed. Workers who face an ethical dilemma will cause them to have

difficulty in making decisions. Workers involved in this also causes ethics' dilemma facing the pressure of


The profession is very important in a company to guarantee the quality of the workmanship. But

the company ABC does not have a certain profession because facing a shortage of workers. things like

this cause employees inside the company ABC will be more chose to stop work because of the

experience of work pressure the method used by the company ABC which is multitasking. The turnover

will be a negative impact on the company and in turn, lead to degradation of revenue goods.

Subsequently, company ABC should provide more job profession jobs to reduce staff who is not satisfied

with the burden of work that came with the method of multitasking. Through the profession of each

Division of the company will result in a company is able to improve the quality of workmanship

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