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- Collect all the documents

- Upload all the documents to confluence

- Provide review to Damini for the document she created (done)
- Review the business logic document for ocercharged case (done)
- update the solution and other documents & upload to confluence
- Create Project closure document and crresponding tickets (0ngoing)
- Hardware inventory and items with Shaneel

- Schedule & Effort (done)- ''add first one schedule''

- Raci (done)
- Risk & Issues (done)
- Assumptions (done) -"add assumptions from sow"
- Action Lists (done)
- Collect MOM;s (done) "MoM's of two internal meetings to go in template"
- Prepare/Collect MOM's including kickoff MOM;s (done)
- Deliverable list
- Dependencies list (done)
- activity list (done) "Review tasks to be included"
- Costs incurred
- Inventory list including what is with Shaneel
- RA Service Description doc
- Updated solution doc
- Create Business Logic document(.doc)
- Review Logs
- Learning docs
- Jira tickets closure for SA-1
- Collect Final Reports

- Trainings schedule to redefine (done)
- Create the RACI matric for sales support
- Identify the efforts spent on sales support
- Finalize the effort and cost sheet
- Create the organized confluence
- backup data (tar files) for all projects - initiated
- whole inventory to confluence
- Review dopcuments shared by Shaneel (imp)
- KPI to set for Anand
- Traing schedule to be updated for audit

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