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Nama : Ristanti Maharani Fajrin

Kelas : 1B- D3
NIM : 1731410045
 Sufficient oxygen at 21℃ ad 100 kPa absolute with 80% Absolute Saturation of water
vapor is supplied to react with sewage to reduce the concentration of biological material
tol below the quaality control limits. Calculate the following for the supplied gas :
a) The molal saturation
b) Saturation
c) Relative saturation
d) Dew point

 D1 : P H2O
a) Molal Saturation =
P total−P H 2 O
T = 21℃ – P* H 2 O = 2,485 kPa
2,0011 kPa
P total = 100 kPa =
100 kPa−2,0011 kPa
Absolute Saruration = 80% 2,0011 kPa
 D3 : =
97,9989 kPa
%Abs.Saturation = = 0,0204
( RS ) ( P total−P H 2 O ¿ ) 100
(P total−P H 2 O)
P H 2 O X Mr H 2 O
= b) Saturation =
¿ P O 2 X Mr O2
( P H 2 O ) ( P total−P H 2 O ) 100
( P H 2 O¿ ) ( P total−P H 2 O) =
2,0011 X 18
97,9989 X 32
80 =
( P H 2 O ) (100−2,484)100 36,0198
(2,485)(100−P H 2 O)
H2 O
( 97,516 P H 2 O ) 100 = 0,011
80 =
(248,5−2,485 P H 2 O)

80 (248,5 - 2,285 P H 2 O ¿=97,516 P H 2 O(100)

19.880 - 182,8 P H 2 O = 9751,6 P H 2O

P H2 O
 c) RH =
P H 2 O¿
2,0011 kPa
2,485 kPa
= 0,8052 kPa

 d) Dew Point = RH 100%

P H2 O
RH = X 100%
P H 2 O¿

P H2 O
100% = ¿ X 100%

P H 2O = P H 2 O¿

P H 2 O = 2,485 kPa

Berdasarkan Steam Table pada P = 2,485 kPa

Dew point = 21℃

No 3.93
 Ether at a temperature of 20℃ exerts a vapor pressure of 442 mmHg calculate the
composition of a saturated mixture of nitrogen and ethyl ether vapor at 20℃ and 745
mmHg and express the same in the following form :
Calculate :
a. Percentage composition by volume
b. Composition by weight
c. lb of vapor f3 of mixture
d. lb of vapor/ lb of vapor free gas
e. lb moles of vapor / lb mole of vapor free gas

D1 : T (ether) = 20℃
P (vapor ether) = 442 mmHg
T (campuran) = 20℃
P (campuran) = 745 mmHg

a) Percentage composition by volume

Basis = 1 f3 campuran gas

P . etil eter X 1
 Persentase Etyl Ether = X 100%
P . campuran
442 mmHg X 1 ft 3
= X 100%
745 mmHg

= 0,593 f3 X 100%

= 59,3% (volume)

 Persentase N2 = 1 - % Etil ether

= 1- 0,593 f3

= 0,407 x 100%

= 40,7%
b) Composition by weight

Basis = 1 lbmol
 Etyl Ether : Mr = 74
n = 0,593 lbmol
m = n x Mr
= 0,593 lb x 74
=43,882 lb
 Nitrogen : Mr = 28
n = 0,407 lbmol
m = n x Mr
= 0,407 lb X 28
= 11,396 lb

 Keadaan Standar

Po = 760 mmhg = 14,69 psia

To =32 + 460 =492R
Vo= 359 f3
Diketahui :
P1 = 745 mmhg = 14,40 Psia
T1 = 20℃ = X 20 + 32℉
= 36 + 32 = 68℉
= 68 + 460 = 528°R
Ditanya :
V1 = ?
Po X Vo P1 X V 1
lb of vapor f3 of mixture = =
¿ T1
14,69 psia X 359 ft 3 14,40 psia X V 1
492 ° R 528 ° R
=5273,71 x 528 = 492 x 14,40 V1
2.784.518,88 = 7084,8 V1
2.784 .518,88
V1 =
V1 (volum gas campuran)= 393,02 ft 3

d) lb of vapor/ lb of vapor free gas :

lb of vapor m. vapor Ether

= =
lb of vapor free gas m. free gas N 2

11,396 lb


e) lb mole of vapor/ lb mole of vapor free gas :

lbmole of vapor lbmole of vapor Ether

= =
l lb mole of vapor free gas s lb mole of vapor free gas N 2

0,593lb mol
0,407lb mol


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