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Risky : hai rahmat

Aan : hi, resky are you still active in using social media ?

Resky : yes I still use social media what about you?

Aan : I also still use social media but not too often

Resky : Why ? social media is very important you can get information about the
conditions around us

Aan : I only use it for personal purposes for other information. I prefer to look at TV
because it is clearer and more complete

Risky : true also because there are now many fake news or information that is not necessarily
correctly distributed through social media

Aan : that's why I don't use social media too often for sources of information because if the
information is false or false it can cause problems

Risky : actually now things like fake news or false information can be reported to the police

Aan :
Is it true ? and are there regulations relating to the spread of false news?

Risky : yes there really is a law that regulates the spread of false news, namely Law No. 11 of
2008 concerning information and electronic transactions

Aan :
so like that, fine thanks for the information

Risky : ok rahmat, I have to go now see you again

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