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EMS 470 Professional Growth Plan

Name: Sabrina Monserate Position/Subject Area: High School Math

A. NC Professional Teaching Standards

Standard(s) to be addressed:
 Standard 3 – Teachers Know the Content They Teach
 Standard 4 – Teachers Facilitate Learning for Their Students

Element(s) to be addressed:
 Teachers recognize the interconnectedness of content areas/disciplines.
 Teachers help students develop critical-thinking and problem-solving skills.
 Teachers use a variety of methods to assess what each student has learned.

B. Teacher’s Strategies

Expected Outcomes
Goals for Activities/Actions and Evidence of Resources Needed Timeline
Elements Completion
Goal 1: Once per unit, I  Both the students  Access to the internet January 2019
At least once will meet with and I will have a to conduct research – April 2019
during each unit I other teachers to better  Time to meet with
will meet discuss how the understanding of other
with/collaborate current how the topics we teachers/professional
with teachers mathematical discuss are related s in other subject
from other grades topic is linked to to ideas beyond the areas
or subject areas other disciplines. math classroom.
to discuss and  My lesson plans will
establish links include ‘fun facts’
between about how the topic
disciplines. being discussed is
related to other
subject areas.
Goal 2: Once per unit  Lesson plans will  Access to well- January 2019
Open ended tasks students will include open- designed, open- – April 2019
will be used at engaged in open- ended tasks ended tasks
least once per ended, low floor-  Students will have
unit. high ceiling tasks increased
to build their conceptual
understanding of a understanding as
mathematical demonstrated in
topic. classroom
Goal 3: At least once  At least one unit  Access to well- January 2019
I will use a during my student during the semester designed and – April 2019
performance teaching semester has a performance challenging
project as a I will use a project instead of a performance project
summative performance test as the ideas
assessment for a project instead of summative
unit at least once a test as the assessment
during my student summative
teaching assessment.

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