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Diagnosis kesalahan stator dari motor fase tunggal induksi menggunakan sinyal akustik

Adam Glowacz Sebuah . ⇑ . Zygfryd Glowacz b

Sebuah AGH Universitas Sains dan Teknologi, Fakultas Teknik Elektro, Automatics, Ilmu Komputer dan Teknik Biomedis, Departemen Automatics dan Biomedical Engineering, Al. A. Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Kraków, Polandia

b AGH Universitas Sains dan Teknologi, Fakultas Teknik Elektro, Automatics, Ilmu Komputer dan Teknik Biomedis, Departemen Power Electronics dan Sistem Pengendalian Energi, Al. A. Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Kraków, Polandia

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Pasal sejarah: Diagnosis awal dari kesalahan mencegah fi kerugian keuangan dan downtime dalam industri. Dalam tulisan ini penulis disajikan awal teknik
Menerima September 2016 5 diagnostik kesalahan kesalahan stator dari motor induksi satu fase. Teknik yang diusulkan didasarkan pada pengakuan sinyal akustik. Para
Diterima dalam bentuk direvisi 12 Oktober 2016 yang diterima
penulis diukur dan dianalisis 3 negara dari motor induksi satu fase: sehat fase tunggal motor induksi, motor induksi fase tunggal dengan
14 Oktober 2016 Tersedia xxxx secara online
kumparan korsleting dari tambahan berkelok-kelok, motor induksi fase tunggal dengan kumparan korsleting dari tambahan berliku dan utama
lekok. Dalam makalah ini metode asli dari ekstraksi fitur yang disebut MSAF-RATIO30-MULTIEXPANDED (Metode Seleksi Amplitudo
Frekuensi Rasio 30% dari maksimum amplitudo Multiexpanded) digambarkan. Metode ini digunakan untuk membentuk vektor fitur. Sebuah fi
Kata kunci:
kasi klasifikasi dari vektor yang diperoleh dilakukan oleh KNN (K-Nearest Neighbor dikelompokkan er), pengelompokan K-Means dan
Perceptron Linear. Teknik diagnostik kesalahan awal dapat fi aplikasi nd untuk perlindungan dari motor induksi fase tunggal. Hal ini dapat juga
sinyal akustik
motor induksi satu fasa Diagnosis
digunakan untuk mesin listrik berputar lainnya.

2016 Elsevier Ltd All rights reserved.

1. Perkenalan listrik berputar bermotor. Analisis arus listrik dari motor listrik yang dijelaskan dalam literatur [4-7] .
Metode pengukuran arus di bar-bar sangkar rotor motor induksi prototipe digambarkan [5] . Dua
Sejumlah motor berputar listrik telah sangat meningkat dalam beberapa tahun terakhir [1] . Motor metode diagnostik untuk deteksi bar rusak di motor induksi dengan tupai-kandang jenis rotor
induksi adalah motor yang paling banyak digunakan listrik berputar di industri. Salah satu jenis motor dikembangkan [6] . Sebuah sistem pemantauan kondisi untuk motor bantalan kesalahan identifikasi,
induksi adalah inductionmotor fase tunggal ( Gambar. 1 ). Hal fi nds aplikasi luas dalam peralatan memanfaatkan motor saat stator dan tegangan disajikan [7] . Model diagnostik untuk mesin conveyor
rumah tangga dan mesin industri [2,3] . Sebuah degradasi motor berputar listrik adalah proses yang longwall dikembangkan dalam literatur [8] . Analisis sinyal getaran motor induksi [3,9,10] dan bantalan
normal tergantung pada waktu proses operasi. Diagnosis dini kesalahan mencegah kehilangan
keuangan dan downtime terjadwal dalam industri. Hal ini juga mencegah kecelakaan yang
berbahaya. Berbagai jenis kesalahan dari motor berputar listrik yang dijelaskan dalam literatur

[11,12] digambarkan. Sinyal getaran juga digunakan untuk banyak aplikasi sejenis seperti: evaluasi
memakai bantalan gesekan rel disc brake [13] , Tingkat getaran dari chipper selama operasi [14] ,
[1,2] . kesalahan ini dapat terdaftar sebagai: stator kesalahan (stator fase terbuka, sirkuit pendek Diagnosis kegagalan hybrid di sistem transmisi gigi [15] , Evaluasi keadaan bantalan bergulir
berliku - Figs.2 dan 3 , Peningkatan resistensi koneksi), rotor kesalahan listrik (rotor fase terbuka, dipasang di kendaraan [16,17] . Artikel tentang teknik noninvasif diagnosis kesalahan berdasarkan:
sirkuit pendek berkelok-kelok, patah bar, cincin rusak tupai-kandang, peningkatan resistensi koneksi), thermal imaging dan sinyal akustik juga disajikan. Penyelidikan thermal imaging motor berputar listrik
rotor kesalahan mekanik (bantalan kerusakan, misalignment poros, poros bengkok, rotor keanehan). dibahas dalam literatur [18-22] . sinyal akustik juga digunakan untuk diagnosis kesalahan mesin
Dalam literatur ada banyak karya yang diterbitkan tentang teknik diagnostik

[23-33] . Hasil studi tentang kualitas akustik suara dipancarkan oleh tiga fase, motor induksi makan
⇑ Penulis yang sesuai.
dengan berbagai teknik modulasi digambarkan [23] . Pendekatan pemrosesan sinyal untuk
Alamat email: (A. Glowacz),
(Z. Glowacz).
0003-682X / 2016 Elsevier Ltd All rights reserved.

Silakan mengutip artikel ini dalam pers sebagai: Glowacz A, Glowacz Z. Diagnosis kesalahan stator dari motor induksi fase tunggal menggunakan sinyal akustik. Appl Acoust (2016),
A. Glowacz, Z. Glowacz / Applied Acoustics xxx (2016) xxx–xxx

bantalan deteksi kesalahan dengan penggunaan ponsel disajikan [24] . Analisis suara lapangan yang
dipancarkan oleh yang dipilih peralatan mesin CNC dilakukan [25] . Vibroacoustic pengukuran
diterapkan untuk gigi pompa eksternal disajikan [26] . Sinyal akustik juga dianalisa untuk pemantauan
memakai alat [27] . Para ilmuwan juga disajikan kemungkinan aplikasi menggunakan diagnosa akustik
dalam memeriksa kondisi teknis dari mesin pembakaran [28,29] . Metode berbasis emisi akustik untuk
pemantauan kondisi kecepatan rendah bantalan reversibel membunuh dibahas [30] . gigi otomatis dan
bantalan kesalahan lokalisasi menggunakan getaran dan akustik sinyal juga disajikan [31] . Diagnosis
motor induksi tiga fase dan motor sinkron menggunakan sinyal akustik juga dikembangkan [32-34] .
Pengakuan sinyal akustik itu bukan tugas yang mudah. Masalah pertama adalah mikrofon. Ini
mencatat banyak suara dari lingkungan. masalah berikutnya adalah berbagai parameter seperti:
kecepatan rotor, kekuatan dan ukuran. Ini adalah masalah karena kami membutuhkan banyak
sampel dari sinyal akustik dari banyak motor berputar listrik. Untuk itu diperlukan kerjasama ketat
dengan industri dan motor operator. Ini harus juga didefinisikan kesalahan apa yang harus dicari
setelah akses ke motor diberikan. Untuk alasan ini, penulis memutuskan untuk memecahkan
masalah ini.

Fig. 1. Healthy single-phase induction motors.

Dalam tulisan ini penulis mengusulkan teknik yang efisien dari kesalahan diagnosis dini. Teknik
ini adalah varian dari metode pemrosesan sinyal: preprocessing, ekstraksi fitur dan klasifikasi.
Sebuah ekstraksi fitur didasarkan pada metode asli yang disebut MSAFRATIO30-MULTIEXPANDED.
Tiga sinyal akustik dari negara bagian motor induksi satu fase dianalisis oleh penulis.

2. Teknik Usulan kesalahan diagnosis

Teknik ini disajikan dari kesalahan diagnosis didasarkan pada pengakuan sinyal akustik. Teknik
ini adalah varian dari metode pemrosesan sinyal: preprocessing, ekstraksi fitur dan klasifikasi. The
klasifikasi Langkah fi kasi dibagi menjadi penciptaan pola dan pengujian (identifikasi).

At the beginning the audio data were recorded by a capacitor microphone. The authors used
ZALMAN ZM-MIC1 and OLYMPUS TP-7 microphones. Other capacitor microphones can be also
used. The recordeddatawere split andprocessedbyamplitudenormalization and windowing (window
size 32768). Next normalized signal was processed by the FFT and
Fig. 2. Single-phase induction motor with shorted coils of auxiliary winding. The last step of the pattern creation was creation of patterns - feature vectors. It was dependent on
the selected classifier.

The method MSAF-RATIO30-MULTIEXPANDED was not necessary for testing (all frequencies
were found in the pattern creation). Test and training samples were processed similarly. Next
obtained test feature vectors were classified by the K-Nearest Neighbour classifier, the K-Means
clustering and the Linear Perceptron ( Fig. 4 ).

2.1. Method of Selection of Amplitudes of Frequency - Ratio 30% of maximum of amplitude


The original method of feature extraction MSAF-RATIO30MULTIEXPANDED (Method of

Selection of Amplitudes of Frequency - Ratio 30% of maximum of amplitude Multiexpanded) was
presented in Fig. 5 .

The steps of MSAF-RATIO30-MULTIEXPANDED can be described in the following way:

(1) Calculate the frequency spectrum of acoustic signal for each

state of the single-phase induction motor (from several training sets, so we can use for
Fig. 3. Single-phase induction motor with shorted coils of auxiliary winding and main winding. 2
example 5 training samples

Please cite this article in press as: Glowacz A, Glowacz Z. Diagnosis of stator faults of the single-phase induction motor using acoustic signals. Appl Acoust (2016),
A. Glowacz, Z. Glowacz / Applied Acoustics xxx (2016) xxx–xxx 3

Fig. 4. Early fault diagnostic technique of the single-phase induction motor with the use of MSAF-RATIO30-MULTIEXPANDED, K-Nearest Neighbour classifier, K-Means clustering and Linear Perceptron.

(2) Calculate differences between frequency spectra of states of

the single-phase induction motor: | hspim - spimscaw|, | hspim - spimscmw|, |spimscaw -
(3) Calculate the ratio R for each analysed sample of sound. The
ratio was defined by the formula (1) :

R ¼ ð 100% Þ F i= F max; ð1Þ

where F i, F max were based on differences between frequency spectra of training samples, F i - amplitude
of frequency with index i, i = 1,. . .,
16384, F max - maximum amplitude in the spectrum of frequency,
(4) Select amplitudes of frequency for the ratio R greater than
(30%) F max.
(5) Set a parameter CF-MULTI. This parameter was defined as:

CF-MULTI = (number of required common amplitudes of frequency of analysed training

sets)/(number of all selected amplitudes of frequency of analysed training sets).

This parameter was responsible for common frequencies. For example, we had 5 training sets
each of them had 1 training sample of state A, 1 training sample of state B, 1 training sample of state C.
We calculated 15 differences of frequency spectra, 3 for each training set. The parameter CF-MULTI was
equal 0.64, and
Fig. 5. Block diagram of MSAF-RATIO30-MULTIEXPANDED.

0.64 < 10/15 = 0.6666, then 10 of 15 frequencies were required to make decision about selection of
common frequencies. We needed 10 the same frequencies to be sure that this frequency was good
of state A and 5 training samples of state B and 5 training samples of state C). The
for recognition process (when CF-MULTI was equal 0.64). Of course when parameter CF-MULTI was
frequency spectrum of an acoustic signal of the healthy single-phase induction motor was
equal 0.99, and 0.99 < 15/15 = 1, then 15 of 15 frequencies were required to make decision about
represented by a vector hspim = [ hspim 1, hspim 2,
selection of common frequencies.
. . .,
hspim 16384]. The frequency spectrum of an acoustic signal of the single-phase induction
motor with shorted coils of auxiliary winding was expressed by a vector spimscaw =

(6) Form a feature vector.

[ spimscaw 1, spimscaw 2, . . ., spimscaw 16384]. The frequency spectrum of an acoustic signal of the
single-phase induction motor with shorted coils of auxiliary winding and main winding was The differences of frequency spectra of acoustic signals of the single-phase induction motor | hspim
represented by a vector spimscmw = [ spimscmw 1, spimscmw 2, . . ., spimscmw 16384]. - spimscaw|, |hspim - spimscmw|, |spimscaw - spimscmw| were presented in Figs. 6–8 (a rotor speed
of 1390 rpm).

Please cite this article in press as: Glowacz A, Glowacz Z. Diagnosis of stator faults of the single-phase induction motor using acoustic signals. Appl Acoust (2016),
A. Glowacz, Z. Glowacz / Applied Acoustics xxx (2016) xxx–xxx

ture vectors. Next the calculated feature vectors were used by the K-Nearest Neighbour classifier, the
K-Means clustering and the Linear Perceptron. The authors selected 3 classifiers. However, in the
literature a lot of classifiers were used for classification problems such as: fuzzy logic [35,36] , neural
networks [37–41] , decision trees [32,42] , Naive Bayes classifier [32,43] , K-Nearest Neighbour
classifier [2,20,43,47,48] , genetic algorithms [2] , SVM (Support Vector Machine) [43,44] , LDA (Linear
Discriminant Analysis) [45] , GMM (Gaussian Mixture Model) [46] .

2.2. K-Nearest Neighbour classifier

The K-Nearest Neighbour classifier was described in the literature very well [2,20,43,47,48] . It
had high efficiency of recognition for many different applications in classification and regression such
as: pattern recognition, signal processing, spell checking, agriculture, finances, medicine, and
prediction model.

Fig. 6. The difference between spectra of frequency of acoustic signal of the healthy single-phase induction motor and
the single-phase induction motor with shorted coils of auxiliary winding (|hspim - spimscaw|). The KNN classifier was a method for classifying objects based on closest feature vectors. This
classifier predicted test (unknown) feature vector by considering the classification of its nearest
neighbour feature vectors. All the distances between the test feature vector and all training feature
vectors (vectors in the training set) were computed. Next the smallest distance was chosen and the
test feature vector was classified. The efficiency of recognition (4)

of the KNN classifier was determined by the choice of K neighbours and the distance function. In this
paper the distance was computed with the use of Manhattan distance (2) . However distance functions
such as Minkowski, Euclidean, cosine were also proper and obtained results were similar.

(| spimscaw - spimscmw|). 4

D ð hspim; spimscaw Þ ¼ X 3 jð hspim i spimscaw i Þj; ð2Þ


where feature vectors hspim = [ hspim 75, hspim 76, . . ., hspim 112] and
spimscaw = [ spimscaw 75, spimscaw 76, . . ., spimscaw 112]. The calculations were computed for 3 feature
vectors: hspim, spimscaw, spimscmw.

Fig. 7. The difference between spectra of frequency of acoustic signal of the healthy single-phase induction motor and More information about the KNN classifier is available in the following articles [2,20,43,47,48] .
the single-phase induction motor with shorted coils of auxiliary winding and main winding (|hspim - spimscmw|).

2.3. K-Means clustering

The K-means clustering was a unsupervised learning and datapartitioning algorithm that
coils of auxiliary winding and the single-phase induction motor with shorted coils of auxiliary winding and main winding
assigned n training feature vectors to exactly one of k clusters. At the beginning of algorithm
k was chosen. The authors chose k = 3 for analysis, because there were 3 states of the single-phase
induction motor (3 acoustic signals).

The steps of K-means clustering were following:

1. Choose k centroid (initial cluster center) and use the k-means +

+ algorithm for cluster center initialization [49] .
2. Compute distances between cluster centers and all training feature vectors.

3. Assign each training feature vector to the cluster with the closest center (this step is called Batch
4. Compute the average of the training feature vectors in each cluster to obtain k new cluster center.

Fig. 8. The difference between spectra of frequency of acoustic signal of the singlephase induction motor with shorted
5. Repeat steps 2, 3 and 4 until cluster centers do not change their values.

Testing and training feature vectors contained amplitudes of frequency. K-Means clustering
created cluster centers for the pattern creation. All the distances between the test (unknown) feature
MSAF-RATIO30-MULTIEXPANDED selected following frequencies 100, 102, 150 Hz ( CF-MULTI
vector and all cluster centers were computed for testing. These distances were computed with the use
= 0.64) and 100 Hz ( CFMULTI = 0.92). The calculated amplitudes of frequency formed fea-
of Manhattan distance (2) .

Please cite this article in press as: Glowacz A, Glowacz Z. Diagnosis of stator faults of the single-phase induction motor using acoustic signals. Appl Acoust (2016),
A. Glowacz, Z. Glowacz / Applied Acoustics xxx (2016) xxx–xxx 5

Next the smallest distance was chosen and the test feature vector was classified. More information 3. Analysis of proposed technique of recognition
about the K-Means clustering is available in the following literature [49] .

The analysis of proposed technique of recognition was conducted for three single-phase
induction motors. Each of the analysed motors had following parameters: P N = 0.12 kW, f = 50 Hz,

2.4. Linear perceptron M = 3.3 kg, U N = 230 V, I N = 1.06 A, n N = 1390 rpm, I H = 0.5 A,
I SH 1 = 1.8 A, I SH 2 = 4.5 A, where P N - nominal power, f - nominal frequency of the motor, M - mass of the

The linear perceptron was inspired by human brain. The perceptron was a type of artificial neural motor, U n - nominal voltage, I n

network. It had multiple inputs and one output. It sent a signal to the output if inputs were activated. - nominal current, I SH 1 - electric current of the healthy single-phase induction motor, I SH 1 - electric
current of the single-phase induction motor with shorted coils of auxiliary winding, I SH 2 - electric current
The output f(x) was equaled 0 or 1 (3) :
of the single-phase induction motor with shorted coils of auxiliary winding and main winding, n N - rotor

f ð x Þ ¼ 1 if w x þ b > 0 ð3Þ The authors measured and analysed 3 states of the single-phase inductionmotor: the healthy
0 if w x þ b 6 0 single-phase inductionmotor ( Fig. 9 ), single-phase induction motor with shorted coils of auxiliary
winding ( Fig. 10 ), single-phase induction motor with shorted coils of auxiliary winding and main

where w was a vector of weights, w x was the dot product, and b winding ( Fig. 11 ). The authors used 15 one-second samples of acoustic signals for pattern creation

was a constant. The value of output f(x) was used to classify test (unknown) feature vector x on the and 25 one-second samples for the analysis of the induction motor. Samples of acoustic signals were

basis of mapped data. processed and obtained feature vectors contained amplitudes of frequencies

At the beginning the weighted sum of the inputs and the bias were summed. Next it was
processed by a step function to yield the output f(x). The weights were adjusted so that input data
were mapped to one of the two classes for pattern creation. Training of perceptron was following:
cycle through the training feature vectors and if misclassified, update w. The linear perceptron was 100, 102, 150 Hz ( CF-MULTI = 0.64) and 100 Hz ( CF-MULTI = 0.92 see Section 2.1 ). The efficiency

used to solve two-class and higher-dimensional classification problems. In two-dimensional problems, of acoustic signal recognition was expressed by formula (4) :

the classes were separated by a straight line, and in higher-dimensional problems it were separable
by a hyperplane. More information about the Linear Perceptron is available in the following literature [50,51]
. E ASR ¼ N TS 100% ð4Þ

where E ASR – efficiency of acoustic signal recognition, N TS – number of test samples identified
properly, N ATS – number of all test samples.

Fig. 9. Stator windings of the healthy single-phase induction motor.

Fig. 10. Stator windings of the single-phase induction motor with shorted coils of auxiliary winding.

Please cite this article in press as: Glowacz A, Glowacz Z. Diagnosis of stator faults of the single-phase induction motor using acoustic signals. Appl Acoust (2016),
6 A. Glowacz, Z. Glowacz / Applied Acoustics xxx (2016) xxx–xxx

Fig. 11. Stator windings of the single-phase induction motor with shorted coils of auxiliary winding and main winding.

Table 1
Table 4
Results of acoustic signal recognition of the single-phase induction motor with application of
Results of acoustic signal recognition of the single-phase induction motor with application of
MSAF-RATIO30-MULTIEXPANDED, CF-MULTI = 0.64, and K-Nearest Neighbour classifier.
MSAF-RATIO30-MULTIEXPANDED, CF-MULTI = 0.92, and K-Means clustering.

Type of acoustic signal E ASR [%]

Type of acoustic signal E ASR

The value of k 1 3 5 [%]

Healthy single-phase induction motor 100 100 100 Healthy single-phase induction motor 100

Single-phase induction motor with shorted coils of 68 68 64 Single-phase induction motor with shorted coils of auxiliary winding 68 Single-phase induction motor with

auxiliary winding shorted coils of auxiliary winding 96

Single-phase induction motor with shorted coils of 96 96 96 and main winding

auxiliary winding and main winding TE 88

TE 88 88 86.6

Table 5
Table 2 Results of acoustic signal recognition of the single-phase induction motor with application of
Results of acoustic signal recognition of the single-phase induction motor with application of MSAF-RATIO30-MULTIEXPANDED, CF-MULTI = 0.64, and Linear Perceptron.
MSAF-RATIO30-MULTIEXPANDED, CF-MULTI = 0.92, and K-Nearest Neighbour classifier.

Type of acoustic signal E ASR

Type of acoustic signal E ASR [%] [%]

The value of k 1 3 5 Healthy single-phase induction motor 80

Single-phase induction motor with shorted coils of auxiliary winding 84 Single-phase induction motor with
Healthy single-phase induction motor 100 100 100
shorted coils of auxiliary winding 100
Single-phase induction motor with shorted coils of 68 68 68
and main winding
auxiliary winding
Single-phase induction motor with shorted coils of 92 92 96 TE 88
auxiliary winding and main winding

TE 86.6 86.6 88

Table 6
Results of acoustic signal recognition of the single-phase induction motor with application of
Table 3 MSAF-RATIO30-MULTIEXPANDED, CF-MULTI = 0.92, and Linear Perceptron.
Results of acoustic signal recognition of the single-phase induction motor with application of
MSAF-RATIO30-MULTIEXPANDED, CF-MULTI = 0.64, and K-Means clustering.
Type of acoustic signal E ASR
Type of acoustic signal E ASR
Healthy single-phase induction motor 92
Single-phase induction motor with shorted coils of auxiliary winding 80 Single-phase induction motor with
Healthy single-phase induction motor 100 shorted coils of auxiliary winding 92
Single-phase induction motor with shorted coils of auxiliary winding 72 Single-phase induction motor with and main winding
shorted coils of auxiliary winding 92
TE 88
and main winding

TE 88

single-phase induction motor with shorted coils of auxiliary winding and main winding.

TE ¼ E ASR 1 þ E ASR 2 þ E ASR 3 ð5Þ The authors analysed 3 classifiers: the K-Nearest Neighbour classifier, the K-Means clustering
and the Linear Perceptron. The results of classifiers were showed in Tables 1–6 .

where TE - Total efficiency of acoustic signal recognition, E ASR 1 - efficiency of acoustic signal
recognition of the healthy single-phase induction motor, E ASR 2 - efficiency of acoustic signal recognition 4. Conclusions
of the single-phase induction motor with shorted coils of auxiliary winding, E ASR 3 - efficiency of acoustic
signal recognition of the In this paper the authors presented the early fault diagnostic technique of the single-phase
induction motor. The proposed

Please cite this article in press as: Glowacz A, Glowacz Z. Diagnosis of stator faults of the single-phase induction motor using acoustic signals. Appl Acoust (2016),
A. Glowacz, Z. Glowacz / Applied Acoustics xxx (2016) xxx-xxx 7

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