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Poker Face

Lady Gaga

Poker Face
Words & Music by Stefani Germanotta & Nadir Khayat

Dance Pop

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G#‹ E/G# F# G#‹ E/G# F#

4fr 4fr 4fr 4fr

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G#‹ E/G# F# G#‹ E/G# F#

4fr 4fr 4fr 4fr

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G#‹ E/G# F#

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4fr 4fr

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I wan - na hold ’em like they do in Tex - as plays:

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  
I wan - na roll with him, a hard pair we will be.

 
Female Vocals Grade 2

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14 Copyright © 2008 Sony/ATV ©Music Publishing LLC, House Of GaGa Publishing Inc. and RedOne Productions, LLC
Copyright 2008 House Of Gaga Publishing Incorporated/Songs Of RedOne/Sony/ATV Songs LLC.
Sony/ATV Music Publishing.
All Rights Administered by Sony/ATVAllMusic Publishing
Rights Reserved. LLC,
International 8 Music
Copyright Secured. Square West, Nashville, TN 37203

International Copyright Secured All Rights Reserved

Amy Winehouse

Words & Music by Amy Winehouse

Words and Music by Amy Winehouse

Blues q = 150

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They tried to make me go to re - hab, I said, no, no, no.

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RH 1º tacet until *   
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Yes I’ve been black but when I come back, no,

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1º & 2° only

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no, no, no. I ain’t got the time,

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Female Vocals Grade 2

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30 © Copyright 2006 EMI Music Publishing Limited.

All Rights in the U.S. and Canada Controlled and Administered by EMI Blackwood Music Inc.
All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Secured.

© 2006 EMI Music Publishing Ltd, London WC2H 0QY

Technical Exercises

Group A: Scales
The natural minor scale must be prepared as shown below. You may select any starting note from A–E. You will be asked
if you would like to sing along to a metronome click or hear four clicks before you start. Whichever option you choose,
you will hear your chosen starting note before the count starts. You may perform this test using any vocal sound except
humming or whistling. The tempo is q =80.

¿ ¿ ¿ ¿
q = 80

4 œ
&4 œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ
w w œ œ œ œ œ ˙

Group B: Arpeggios
In this group, both of the arpeggio exercises need to be prepared as shown below. You will be asked to perform one of them
in the exam, as chosen by the examiner.

This test is performed to a metronome click track and you may select any starting note from A–E. You will hear the root
note played on piano followed by a one-bar (three or four clicks) count-in. You may perform this test using any vocal sound
except humming or whistling. The tempo is q =80.

A minor arpeggio | Pattern 1

¿ ¿ ¿ ¿
q = 80

& 44 œ œ œ œ œ œ
w w œ œ œ

A minor arpeggio | Pattern 2

¿ ¿ ¿
q = 80

& 43 œ œ œ œ œ œ Ó
˙. ˙. œ œ œ œ œ œ œ
Female Vocals Grade 2

Improvisation & Interpretation

The examiner will give you a chord sequence in the key of A minor. You must improvise a melody over the backing track.
You will hear the backing track three times. The first and second time is for you to rehearse and the third time is for
you to perform the final version for the exam. Each playthrough will begin with the root note and a four-beat count-in.
The backing track is continuous throughout, so once the first playthrough has finished, the root note and count-in of the
second and third playthroughs will start immediately. The tempo is q =80–90.

You may perform this test using any vocal sound except humming or whistling.

¿ ¿ ¿ ¿
q = 90 Rock

& 4 .. ’ ’ ’ ’ ..
Am Dm Em Am

’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’
w w

Please note: the test shown is an example. The examiner will give you a different version in the exam.

Female Vocals Grade 2


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