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et Kaur Makkar
IELTS Academic £!.says From The Pa s1 Exarn.s - Or. f<iraopre

1 Problem solution
2. O,scu~s
J . Op111son
• Opiniot1 l • Agree/disagree
• Opinion 2 : Is this a positive or n ative development
• Opin,on 3: Are the adva,ntase-s more than the d1sa<1vantage1
4. Dir-ect question es~y
- -------
e bs.ay TOS)t(s (conde nsed 1or the ,l'lde I
Child, n facing iCJctemlc. ~ociil 3 n,ct ccmmerciit"
p,ei,ures, C.iU~t!\ and ~o1uUons.
t ~ry_
-----essav l~e
d ,..,- 1d,·" -
F;am,ly an '-''' ""' ·
_ __
- ~ ~-
Problem <OlutiOA
-~-r Op,nlon 1
2 People sllou ld ki•~p all th!! mo~v thPy earn af'd should MisceUaneoui •
not p.iy ta• to the st ate. Agree or d ~Jaree? People arid ~ 11e!. _____,_ - ---~
Q - - - -. - .
Cultur,11,ttorlS ck>strovee v.hen ditned ~t to~m5t~ OR Tourn.m 41nd culture _
It is t t,e only way to s.ave 1,adr ,o,,s. DiS<:us~ & op lt1
4. R •Jding stories from~ book Vs watch1fl8 TV or 1llc1v - - ~ldren - Readi ng vs Op1n,on

computer games fo r c lldrt-n Agree or dLHgr •e?
Ch,ldre,, ha\le mor fteede)m that1 In tne pJ!.t, Is Uvs a
I TV ~net vi~games
cn,ldren and
-1.- -------
PO'ii fve o, J l'\t'.'fil••~ de11elopment? ffeedOr'h
G. Many good '> tr•n~porte-d for (I long d1$t.Jn<:e Oo the Globil~tion Opinion 3
______a_d_vantt1R !i Dutwer.ghthe disadvanu t?S? ___ -~- - - - --~-
7. The on lv way to protect the env,ro~m nt ii at ctn ~ nvirOf'l m nt I Opinion 1
ln te,n.ulonal level. A«ree o r dtsagtN' J _ __ _ _ __ ~ - - - - - -

8 Adv rt Ising has an increasing erfea Ot\ ow lives. Do t e Advert~tm nu Opinion 3

po 1tlve effect~ of th,s outweigh t he l'l R4tfV • effects?
~ I Tod Y ther• is increase In • nll·«x: >I b•I\Jviaur and .., , Mlscellan<!o.JS :;,;u:- [ ?robie,n solu ·011
o f n •spe(t foc others. Cat1ses dnd solU1ioni
--- socii l behaviour
.f I

Inte rview ,soot a reliable met hod o f rKr\11trl'\ nt. To
what (!xte ~t do v-oo agree or disagree->
F.1st food rest~uran ts and supermarkets fund ~hools 10

Educ.ition. fu nd ng
Opi nion 1

Opinion 2

Lpromote their products. ls ,t positive or negauve?
I Yo1Jng pe()J;,le know 3bout n ernationa l pop and mov,e
stars but lcoow ,ess about famo~s historital people,
b-, h>$t tood out_le_t$
voong poopl•
Probl~m solut ion

I R JSOl"IS and solvtions

13 r Erl~l,onmentdl ptobl~m'§ lncrc.sing Govetom cnu' steps l ~ onment Pr-oblem solution
--~ ~ ~ (J gfoballev I _got,!__w solullon1
Retl sons and otutlon~-+:-:- - - - --i
14 I A Jot of people In coi~ge are doing academic c;tudy. We Educ~tion - Opln.on 1
should ~ocourage them to dt> vocat ional sldll (llkE I
Acad!~C$ vs
I p lumbers and elec nc1ans). Do you agree or diScJgree' vocational
115. r rn most sodetfes, the role or mother and fath , dltters,I Famlty- g nderroles Direct question
! causes? What wilJbe the parent:il rotesm future? ______ =-_j
If chi Id n b have badJy shot.lid the11 parents take
responstbtllty and be p1.mished? State your opm;or,
Children and crime -

Olfttt quesuon
I IELTS Academic Essays From The Past Exams- Dr. Kfranpreet Kat.rr Makkar
117· I duurl I growth k ne<e-tstlry to !0lve poverty. Or Is ~t EnvirQnm ,-1 Olscu:u
ca\ls~g probtems. DlbCl.)U
O,stJ nc~-le&tnine pr0gram~~an not bring the b n rt 1.1 Op ruon l
aue'ldln ,oe~ « un tv~rslty. Agree or d,~gree, learnin
19. Government <ihould fund sport and •rt ror
l _ __ Sport - tundlrtS Oplnton 1
-itud "li. rather thon pm~toMI $ports, arts prof~nlonaf sports or
vent~ ~ e or disa ret>
20 ow I m,1l hlne 1s very comple1<1 a lot o f ~ js
scfloof c:hitdrecn
Te<:hinolQgy ~ ----- Opcnlon 3
tomateci ..~achioe jU~Om t lon ptos and coos? Automation
21 ew~p; P •rs h~vt? 1n0uenced pcople·s ideds and oplnlo~ ~edr~ - ne\vspapers cau,es ind
,_ ___R_ea_so_ns? Is this positive o, n a,~ situation? 0 Inion 2
22. As economy d elops. pe,ople an de'we lopin coo"'nu Go~emment - Rich
fe~ happier wh~le people •n dtvelop~d countnt:!s feel less Poor ts-~v
happy. Reascn'i"' What i~ons can we from it?
23 Get nd o1old thlnBS to get the newest fa-s h~ ,nd the t Environm nt Oprn.on 3
i.t•st tec:~nol<>gy. Oo the dls~ctv•nt~8ei o, a ,tvowaw~y Co~mtr-sm
1---~-~___.;.....;le....;;.ti.....;outweigh MY ntt)B~s' _J_
'14 Oflce children st rt c.hool, teachers havt mo~ m rtuence
than P:!(el'\t~ on th4!1r development ,ee or dlsigree?
I Educatlon-Ch,ldr~n·s
OpinioA 1
2S Newi me<IHl nowad~y~ havt nflv need people's INes in ed~ Opinion l

"~8~bve ways. Asree dt~.18t t?e, - - - -
0,ffe,ences are ba rety :"l'ldcntl"e-se days E~ ryone i!i
wearing the S-O me "nd watchcng tht! u ~ Oo yo-u t hink it
I Glo~I i-il1 n -
CouMnes looking
IO~~ 2

is a posit ive or neg,1l1ve C!P ~lopmf"M? sam_ll_r_ __ t~vel should be fl!Strlcted Qe<"iJuit of pollut10n and lou,~m · AJr tn,vel ~ion l
i -_ _ _uses up t~ world's fuel. Ai!:!!~ o r ct, agfee?
28 Some ~tuOt'nt\ tale one.>yea, off ~tween school al\d Education • Gap Yea r 01)fflion 3
ur\N~rsrt\' Oo .avantages ou1w rgh d,sadvantase-s?
~ Every humJn betng c-an<te<1tt" art (t".g parntingJ, or only
people born with the a.Dility unc reate art. D1").(~'i both.
Nature \15 Nurture I Olsi.:uss

30 Is economic: daveloj)(Tlent neoet~$1,Y to reduc~ pov~rty En" rof\mt--nt and [ Dis.cuss

OR shoul<l etonomic growth be stos:,pC!d dS it is d•mi1001 Progrns
the environ~nt 01SC\IS> both ~'° s. ___ t_
31 GooC, relabOf\sh•p~ between differ~rlt cool'ltr~ c1re I M~celli"eous • good I 01]1,;ion 1
bi@com,ng more important to sol\le 1lobal problems. Oo
you agree or dis.agree? __ __
relations aMong
nat,oos _ I
2 -=ffitaying computer games is ~ d ror child, n, wherea!. IC 11dren - Comouter I Dlscuu
othe~ say that t N<)!t positive 4:Hects. o.s,u~s both s•des. ,~n_
1e_s_ __
33 fewer p~op4e 1odc1v write by hand. Whc'l t ~re wh.~
reasons? I$ this a positive or nega t411~ development?
Handw ri_t ~g~--
I Opimon 2

- Students todw-, get information onlin@, ~o liibtanes arP ~•Ol'I • Ubtarl~!i I Opinion l
e-ces$ilry. To what ~i<te1t do vou cJgree or dlwsree? -----4
35 eachers ,-hould teach studeJ\ts to Judge right al\d wrong Educd l1on - Ro l e ~ DtSc.uss
R should lht-Y. only teach .audemics. Olscuss j teochtn.
celebnt,., should accopt med I• pub ,cizing rhe,r p,-lvate
Jives as_£!rt o( , heir f amP. Do yoo .g,~e or dl.Sclgre~) ~
Media - Celobs &
PJ ~ra_
u _·_ _
op;nion t I
37 Governments $hould reduce envaronmental pollutwo ilnd ] Mliteltaneous- Govt Oo1n10n 1
housing probrem5 to prevent illnes~ and disease. To what <Ole tn en~ronmet1t
extent do~u agr~ or disagree? _ _ ____ a~ ho us.__ ng'--_ _ _ _ __
Soclal skiUs ~t! lm~~t in addition toJood
-,--- ~ b- s«lal skllls vs j_o_
l =-= =
makkarlELTS IWWW
I1EtTS Academic Essa~ from The Past Exams - Or. Kiranpreet Kaur Makkar
- j-q_uahflcat,ons for)ob~.... ,;;;.o,dl<a(!!€?- - i;;,;i1f;tiuons-_-.:-1--~-=-1
39 ~dvancements in te<hno1ogy have made tht TV screen so Mtdia .... T~chnologv OptnJOO
lrve- thJt peopfe don't need to 80 for iny fr.It uve shows vs TV
performance. Do you agree or disag,te? ___ ------i-c--:---:--:--:·---
40 So"?e children find ma!hemat1C5and phdosopn'I(7c;"o- - fducation,- Sub1ectS Opinion 1
difficult to learn, so those subjects shouki be optlon~I
' ~'"-~ tha~ compul10!Y, Oo vou ·~·~~-2!..'li"'S!•~ -
-4- 1-·-+"" - - --------/--;;;:::::;-;-----
Teenagers should study i ll school subjects. OR shoukt EducatiOl)-Alf OiSc:uss
[T, focus OI!_the ~'!bJec-t_the:i ~re good a t 01 like, Oisc1.tss. sub~IS\IS few
In some cu~ure, the old ai t ~ more valul'd-:-~
I 42 - i n - -Mi5'tllaneQUS • Old
- - - _!flm~ C~lturu t~ Yl?Ut'h is more valued. D!l(uss both. ~------t-;:;::::;:;::--;--- - -

The best way to reduce ;rime, 6 educate people In Pf'iS~
s.? t~ J et a job wh~n 'they leave Agree[d1~
S.m,iar shops and product$, Somt consider 11p,osltive-, Gk>batisat ion -
~ i On 1
- - --- -i - ----
~ he ~thers negative-. Olscuss both and op,ine. similantie:s --·
~ ~lt isbe<om·ng ·ooe · - 1- · lar to find
y popu - Out
- about
- - M1sce aneous · ---11--
Opinion 2
!~mily h ,"tory. Reasons. Is this a neg~tlve 0 1 p01hrve?famify hGtory
46 Everyone should be<ome "eteta-rian becavse t hev do not- f;;,·_
w13e-tarianism Opinion l

• ~ d to ~at !l"~~l!.Qr he31thy diet A&re-e or dis,'.lgree?_
Success in fife depends on hard wot\ and detetmin~nlon$ M;1<~llan<MUS
Discuss I

ORon other factor~ !Ike money and personal al')ptarance. f~ttors fo, success
+ Discus~ bo1h views and stve yovr opinion
48 International student e,xchan&e- would benefit ,.111 s~ I
studtms. Oo o-ctvantaa~ outweigh dis.advant, ges?
Educat,on. ·
lntern.atlooa1 student
Opinion 3
49 Students at schools and unlvt-rstties learn mo<e from -·
teachel'1 _than oth<:!1 so-.irces. Ooyou agrt~e Of dis.agree?
Educatiol'\ - rtacher-s
vs te<hoo,1,M>v
Opinion l

ti 50

We shoukt protect only those animals lrom eiitinction, Animals · Extinction
w~ '!_are u~ ful 10 humans, Do you agree 01 disag.~ee?
People are •fr•od to leave t~ ir home because of crime.
e •ction should be taken OR fatle can b• done.
uss and Op,ne.
Crime - ll"Ople aftaid
to ltaw, home- can
anvthin& be done
Opinion 1

s ( inGtea~ th~_price of fuel. Agr~/dl~S.rtt.
best way to solve t he wor1;;-;;.;i7"00!'nent al problem Environment-
increasing fuel nrice
Opinion 1

Uni>1ersltle-s should provide graduates With the I Education ... Main Direct question
knowledge and skills ne-eded in the wotll:place OR PfOVide role of unfVers,t,es
access to knowledge f0< its own sake. What do you think

- SS
i ~re the ntai£1 functions ot .-a univetlity?
Governmtm should provtde a~si}tance 10 all k inds of
artists pR ;sit a~.!.• of money. Dj1<uss and O"""e.
Government should not give interna1lonal aid since they
ha>1e dt-sadvantaged people Jlke unempl0yed and
A.rt · should
govemment fund art
Govetom,ent • Rich
i:>oor · int,ern.ational

Opinion 1

homeless in their own <.ountry:. rutree or disagfe'e? aid

sG 1ntern8i1onal cravel makes peopte prejudiced r ather than Tourism International Problem solution

b road-minded, Causes and solutions. tourism
57 fUch countries shoukf not give finan~ I akl ~ut give other Govemm~nt • Rid\ Opinion I
of helo 10 the p0or. Agree or d ~agree .
-- SO<ne people who have been in prison are the best to talk Crime - ex,p,lsoners Opinion I
sa to school ,tudents abo<tt the dinttf of ,omminlng a are the best to tuidt
c.rime. Oo \MIJ ~iuee ordlsaaree? school cnlldren.

- makkarlELlS
I1£LTS Academic Ess41ys from The Past Exams- Or. Kiranpreet Kaut Makkar

-:i;; --i· 1t woolo be better If -,eo pl Of\ty ate k>cal food. 0o \he
__j_ advc1n~ outwPigh disadvantages?
l GlobaU$ition -
lmpo1ted food
ion 3

GO The l"\atu ral re~ovrces such as 01t fore~ts od rroi h Wjter- Environme.;n..;.t-- ------t·-~--m- wlutlon
ate tOO$Umi!d at an ~rmlng ratt Proble m\ and J Natut.1l 1esources -
r so•ut,ons Pro em solution
61 The mos t important decision t hat young people have to I Youns p,eopl@ - - -- • Op,nlon 1
foOow ~ what ca,eer to choose AIJ<ff ot dl~ag, ? I
Care-er ch.o1c
62 I Sotne 1:1eopfe say a lafg_e part or tt'le mfo,mation we j Modi~ - rn;.;;_ri_et____ _Oi)inlon l
se-t Ii lntO,r~ct. 0ovot1 agt~ Of disatrtt? _ _ Most info IS wrong .
[ 63
I A$ well as mc1king money, bu, " 1hould al$() have
,oc.J!!>pon~lb,I ties. Oo you agree or d,sagre 7 _ _ _Bui
Miscellaneous- Opinion 1
e'! d,~u!.!tv:.__--L~------:--:-- -
tia People l'\ijve t o spend mor~ and more lime to t ravel from MisceSlaneou5 - Pr~ m solution
GS l their hom ~ for 1oos c1 nd study. Reasons/i011Ultons
The purpo~Q of put,lic 1,braoes Is co pc-bVide b(J()ks Jnd
_ Cornmutin ~e
Edu( (Ion· Ubrar~ Opinion l
they shouldn't p,ovlde hi-tech media. Af/e.e/d ic'lgree. I ___. .L.- - ----
66 Shoulo voung peopJe foUow tradallO(ls, Oft be free to oe~ "Bpeople and ,. Discuss
~ Individuals. Discuss both vl~w~. ___ Itraditions
I 67
_ _
.'I lhe gov•;•meot ,hou!d give prioritv to h••lth care o•
ottler 1m ort{ nt pnorit i4!s D•~uss both vMh\ls and 0p1"e.
- mmont - .....h
v s (lthf-r iuues
r OISCU!,$
---- ---1
63Goverr\mt-nt &hould nc,t sp(?n<! rTHKh montv ,~
eduu11011 bt.Jt on fr11• time ai;.tivit1e~ Agree or~ r • ~
7 G~mment-
EducatiO!!.__ _ _
Op,n1011 I
I69 It 1s unnecessa, v lO t each t h lldrtn about the skltts of
~ndw ritir,g. I excent do y ~ e or d.sagrtt' _
Eduat1011 -I
H.lndwri: ing sk.llls
Opinion 1
Cot.: ntnes shou~ i nvit e fot gn comp. n e1 OR should
lrivec;t in Ul4!1r own companies. DISCUU both and oe1nie.
Glooohsatlol" - M ~Ols.coss
_ _ __ __ _
71 Adverbstng d11oourag'!s p,tOpie from be ng d1ff~ru11l I Advelti$tmentsand fopinion l
__ _ I11dlvldual" by maki ti1~ ~II similar . Agr~~ 0< dl~ere€? ~ r ta,H 1!1 ~ ___,_ _ _ ___.
7l iA.11
yQUn& J<lu s ~ould doa petliJd of unp.-ld w ork -n tht!
'l'ounc pe-.ople - Op•n•oo 3 I
_ community, Has i.!!.'orc benefi ts or <:l rawbacb? -l-un~ I M__ _ __ _ _ _
73 ThNe are $OC1aL medlcar at"d t chn, problems Mobile ptlones- tti question ro-
assoe1ated with the use of mob-le phon~ . What forms do Ad"antig~ or
_ t he~ ta Ice? Doth~ probl~ms outweigh the beMUu? _
a~d op,nJon 3
__ __ __
74 Old g ne, atioos often hold some traditional ideils.
Howeve r, ,t is not helptu, fo.r the younR genera oons. gap
FamiPy • GffieraHoo Opinion 1 I
- ~g,ee/ d1\dgf~ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ __ I
75 Sho\lfd govemm~nt subs~i1e food and v getablts OR 1 Governim~nt - fat tax tii;scuss
$hcufcl tax tie sel..Q_n unh~althy Jood. DiKuss and opine. _ _ __ ~ _
70- - Pl!<lple now.ul•ys do not le,,I saf• • t home or out. Whal Taod out of home
Cnmo - s.ofe ,n home Problem solut ,onl

art the reasons nd i~u11on~
ltis~ lmpo~larit t o p;;;t~es 1n towns dnd cl lt~- r Government - plant
II Op,n~ 1 .
.,...!han to b~uld mo:!_houses Dovou agree or dk tt~e'1 _
_ tree~ or bu1fd ho1JSes
78 Tra dit ional foo.ds being reploced by ,nternat«>n•I fast FOO(!- Traditiona l v< Opin,on 1

ls.-) Tre
food! havi ng a '.!!Jat,ve effect. Agre~..Q.rSaB.!!e?_
~ ~ Imes commited bf teen~ger~ ~re lnueas,ng._Dtsci.&
this li$1,Je. Give fi!'~0"'5 and ,ug~st some sol~ _
m ust return to the okler and more tradit ional va l~s
,o create a better world to five io ~ e o, dl'$ag,aeJ _
~ internat ion•t
Cri~1ie -1'.lvenne
J dohn~ency _
M tSCellaneous -
~ m so•utiOfl

Trad1t1onaf va lues .,J_

nion- 1~ - - -

81 Unl\1ers11y stud~r,ts should lea rn a ran&e of othe r s" bjttts- I Education - Subjects Oplruon 1
,______an_df'IOlJU~~ubj~ct. Ag~rdls.aeree?_ _ _ j _ _ _ _ _ _ _____
82 Gtwetnmerits a,e encoura in bus ioes~s to mov~ to Government - Ru,•I o inlOI'\ 3
I •EllS Ac.tdem ic E~say~ From Th e Past e~ams - Dr. Kara,npreet l(aur M.tkkar
- --
ru7"I ;; •;-noth ,~d.ra~_a
S ---· -
tuck>n ts shoulct
- - -
- - - ~- , \lrt);'"
"outw~ hd1sactv~nug~s ,
Pay thC! ft. univ slty i :-es them~
- - rss~
"' __...,. - -
- -
Education -
-- - 1
0 pn•OO 1
- ----
o.. you a ree or d~~ J V v rsitv ~ - .-----
9"0 SOO\e Sf -4- --- - - -- - - - ----- (>tSCUSS
u.,._-rus tak@a Y ar off ~•ther h> work or lri\lel EdUt'clllon - Gap .,e~r
._ _ t_ s ~ttP~ tt lvel Ing Of v.-ork 1r,g? Oisci . ~
85 c .. ou 1.. _._ ~ - - - -- - o;cc:uss
.Hl " '-"arity or an za "011 h~lp peop~ of 1 -;;, c~ntry G..,._ mm~n: - Mich -
0 ~ , OR 8 " a I t~ ople "'her -.1cr th , hv Ob< us.s t'\UQr e ~'t' - - --
<ll!Q Com pa · . --- - - J ..r- - - 0p4n1ot1 1
n ~ .)od nd1vtd~ Ii, nd not so•. rnrr n~ ~hotJfd Environme" t - pay

87 G
- - I P-3v l h «! b llJ..£!._pO~ A r~ ~ ord1~J1r. ?
m11 nv ~ le than tnPrr>- s m .. Just,fo:.ition ,; - -- ~ Education- n ed 0 1
for pol ut ')f'l _ __
Opinion 1

.sz:...;:: -

i-lttE- nd n le-ct r 1. Oo ~Ou .ltJr or d,s. r P , ;at{ nd~ 1€?(t~s - - --

88 Most C""' · m· .__ -
""" e. '--.:-he .. e t"at int rr1<J•10n~ tOYr sm JS.
- f
ourlsm - h.irm u I -
soMion p~
- -.. h.:armful ffe':!_, Peasot'ls and solutions probJem solutio~ _ _ - -
89 ?m -----~
P ope lhl ~ corrput~r and tefl'M!t o,re imp0t1an,
-- -
Eduu tOf1 -
- - -- - oiscuss
'" mlk!rc-n' s study, but o thers thin ~hoots and te.iche~ Computen and
- ~ nt D !IC ss both \10 5 , lnterntt ,tS s.cnoors _ _
When• h i m 1"1.,St•\Jn ,t f t ) t rrh1ed on the moon it w ~ Ml1<:ellaneoosSpac~ Opit1t0n 1
a big ~tep for ~~ku,d 8~t som~ ~ pie thlnlt ~ m,kes re5oearch
• ttn le d ,ff..,.,
•r e 1 o our J t-f ire Agr1:e/d1 8 ree?
91 M cl'10 wom n ~re having tt-- ldren late .n hfp ~ a l a, e- f.im1lv - PPople
___!_ I! •~• !>oos al'\d t e~e<:~ on soc-I '" ar.d ramdy ? ha children lat~
92 Th n umbf>r of peo pl~ "'~'"i b es as m:1,n transp,ot'T 11th - 8icyck:-)
_ _ _ _mode d ec reasing. \,\-hy th 1~ 1 -a? ~lvti<v· s
!l3 ~ th~ rc1d10 u,e ~ t w•v to Re"t n~ws. OR TV bet er for DISCUSS
~ hr<. 1)1.Jrpo~. D !>t ~\ oth vie ~ and grve yovr op non.
94 Peo~e watch ·ore,gr ~lms muc mo-C! th Joc.ill.., - ----l- Mi~cellaneous- Dir t quest,on
J!roduce-<I Mms Why? Shcx,Jd fOVcrnme~t fu nd klca• r.lm
mdustnes> ut.on
-95- - -
so~ people lhln stu den ts shou ld e- aluc1tv n,:J a.r,t c,ze Educ. t 10<' c;tvdc-f\ts
- - - Oilt.U-ss
t~, cheo Othe,~ ~l~t- ,, w ,11 te-$U1t m a loss ot res~t eva~trnc tea<he c-s •
nd dl~cip!u'I~ 1n he clasuo(>f'r Dis"" on bott- s,de~. O&u<is
96 D~ek>prnent i n IN: nology cau~!. tnv1fo,,n nt 1r:vironment - Some peopfe bvtii:w th l! s-olution is t• t Tt<Mology
everyo11e accept$. .11 slmp,6er WaY of life-, w hlll! othl!~ say
that t rhno ogy can soh, ch e orob'ems Or..c.U$S botn.
-- G<>vemmen 1,," ou.d locu!. th r !»pemdmg on 1X,ib1c A.r\1; - Go-.,{'f"nmt'nl
- - -- -Opinion 1
servic rather tt,~n on arts such as Music and Parn1111g_ should government
fo wttat e~ent do you a ~~ or disa 7
98 T h ~ b r ~f TV pr()6~ms ,s 1rowi,-,. peop. y DiScuu
lh t is good whtle ot~rs sav rt a ffe.cts h• qua l,w of TV progr.lms incrt!asmg
p r r ms. Olscui.-t both and g1-.e your op1nlo~ -sood or bad I
99 - -F-lgures sh, wJ mat "°me co~nrnes havt' an ever lncre
I p r opOrtioo of the OQpuJaclon who i~ ag~ lS or
youn er. W hat do y°"' think cJFe the current and fururl':
-- .-\i_n_g__Mlscellan~
Popul ation of t h0$e
below 15 ~ncre.islfli
- -t ~rect qu~stk>n

eff ccs of this t ·end for those courWI _ , _ _ _ __

100 10 somecounuie,. adu~s •r< Ying theor .., ••,,
af'ler sraduating 0< 4!ve-n afte< find Ins a ,ob. oo the
w•• Fa i-:.~ 1Mng-t.o.,.,
with ~rents -good
1on 3

advanta&e!. of th $ outweifl h the d lsadv.-nta es? _ _ or b.ad_ _

- - - - HOW ,mp0rtant 1~ it for ndividuals and counwes to th nit Mr$<•ll - 4 ~ - 0lrttt q stlon
10 1
about rile futurc>. rat~, than to fo,us ~ pre:r. nl? _ °" ~ent Or t-1u,~
==== - - makkarlELTS lwww
S .com
I tElTS Acad mtc Essays From The Past Exams Or. Kir npr t Kaur Makk r


11 •dta 1s Port n ir1 o ur ~OCJ ty n2

meort nt} Is ,ts tn lutnce po~1t rv_ . ;Of
_ _ ~lit,.;;
10 4 ome people sav th,U we ~hould prot 1 , ·mals from
dying out, whtle ot~r1 sav w should concentra t more siv thtm or focm
'ln prob___!!!~ of huJNtn being!. , O iCUS both on hum n prob I rr.!!_ _ _ _ _ _ __
tDS ~m~
~ say that schools c.h 'd reward 1tud nt Edu, lion -rew.1rd D$CUU
who show the best ~l. d mic results. whO othel"i belre..,, mtrltor.o~ stud n s
k more ,mporunt lo reward studtnts who show orwhoshow
,mprov nts . D1s.c:m1 both
106 Some people b!!lt v Ih t !itu "8 lit~rcllt.,r s fm portant Orscuu
for 1r'l d1Y1du•I character buildmg whdc others think It is lmportana of th
w, t oft , e. Oise , J lh study of • ture
107 Some pcopl think that childr st'!ould v rules. or do Chi o~en - shoulrJ OlKu!,s
what their parents ~nd t Jc~rs want t hem to d o, btil they ob~V rul -s O< do
others think that children controlled 100 much cannot wh t the-y wa-nt to do
deal w,th problems w,11 by themc;elves 01s(u\S both
\ W'iandg\e ourownopr n.
108 Now ad old r Pf'O ~ who reed f" ploy r ,. have to
!i v ol ~ ProbJem solurlon
compete with youn r oeople, What probl m do s t s peopte compete vlth
and vhat are th- \0lut 1
109 Som 1eo le sa\ the most 1mporl Jnt th11 ilbout b-,,-,~ Opinion 1
rich ·~ that 1t g1ve-s you the opPQrtunity to a,v b•ck Of

hel tn~ poor. 1 what PXtef't do fOu agr or d s sre ?
So,ne peopl ti I th t lncrrJs.1ng commumcat10n u~~ge
of comput!rs alld rnob1 c phones l')as ne ative effect on
Opin,on l

the r readin .ina ,,mt ,, ~k I A ,ee o, d sagre~? rt>ad,.. and Nrtu r

111 So, I? pcop 1.: thir · ht t 'l v h ., o, hin r ltt to tel J<; , Edocatcon - Oascu~s
but othe1s think tha t sfucfy ,ne ct,.- pa-., hl!itory can help us lmportanc(" o f htStory
bett rurdc.r .. Jn the- t!i nt. 'I u thl.lwO'vPWS I
Som, pec.plr thin spott, 1nd g "1'1CS are important for
Sports lmpo<taot or
!iOClf!llV, whll~ othe,s ~heve they shoold be tilkE>n as Just leisure .ictlv1t1es

IL Jure ct 111t1e!,. Dtscuss bcrh \I ews
So'Yle reople ool,eve famous peoples support towards I Rich PQOr ;u d e fl e<t
Int ernational aid organizations draW\ th~ attention~ to of F1mou~ ~ opl
problem\, whert3~ oth rs thin c l~brlht~ m e tht
problems less ,mporta t O scu !, l)O(h s es

SomE" peop e th, nk hat the government 'ihould estc1b11sh Educ~t,on - libraries Discuss
,, l1br~rlu 1n each town . Othtts be h~e that ,t 1$ a - should there be
waste of money as people can c1ccess the lnlern!t at frefl hbr~rie!ii. or Is 11
hOITle D cuss bot side,; ard op ine
1"i5l~v families have both parents work,ng s;,;-;orlmg Discuss
pa,~nts bell ve arandparent~ can ake care of their
dlildren, whde othe,s thtnk childcare ct1n1ers art? b tter.
Discus~ both .. ,ew nrJ g,v yoor ow,,. op '110~
1-16- -As hou\ n,i ,s .J b.s,c need fo, people, government ii
r--- Op.mon l
sllo-uld provide tree housing for evt!ryone who can't
afford It. To what ext@nt do oo agree or disagree? r
~ 1-1 7- - Today the~~
of people 1s muCI' f'\-,g-h-er_t_ n_ Op n,on 1

I IEU'S Acad ·
em,c Essay,. From The f't1st Exam-s - Of. Jlranpree l(aur Ma~r



rducatlon • Olscus.!

I Homesc
_ ho
_ o_n_n~~ - - - -
Antma ~ Too much Opinion l
ttenli04"1 ti; grven
Te-chnolotv • Mobile Oi)rtuon l
phones ba_n_..._i__.-..___ _ _ _ __ ~ -
I Toomrn - R~I
Opin,c;w'I 3

•-- Al't$/tdVCfhon -
Who )t\OUld fund
P rlormlng aru

I IElTS Ac demic Es ay$ rom Th P s, EJC ms - DI. Klr,npr t Kaur M k r

I S Jutlort

l.36 Op Ion I 7


U9 1 I
I lo d n lnt~c Hiooal It o , , Jqh~ Of-\,tnfllC 6.irr1('1i t-101,c lnR Ol5(UjS
a an ct1tc1t1ns e'lr~nt '.Some p o thlnk ,t t, p05rtNe whll~ 1nttr n t liAtl ,~H

• ut h r.; a1 ue t 1s \\ c,tl! r \l.lffl@y 01 U\'l bolh
Som, P -Oj)le thinl th;t tht.· g · •rn1 nl ht Id l,w ~t
more mon~v in teKMna ~•t"llc;e- ,h1n \l,her sub,.,cu to
II (d•YI
on -1clen,- rOpJnlon 1
othf'r subjl"{t
,ii,.~ pr re '> I) you ~1n r d ~ rt1C!'
1141 'Som~ Pt pie thin rnu,, pl ~ J' ,n4h 11 nr r~ In
SiOClet\' o,h~rs lh1n II IS II I\ Slmpty ii rOU'\\ o f
I Mu lt-Aole

~ 142 l
t•nte-rtainm("n! (\i\Cu'>!l bot , \ldt ,;md opme
ti.Uf'f' IS a growl In, uut Pt1UI no OOf:lf""f Techr,o ; l lsure 0J)1nlon 1
entcm.iu, themse~ •s .i~ mt.Kh :1S they used 10 b~uus.e "'~ 1« '1 nol~y
the us.t- of mOd~m t~h11 vhr.its made thern J~si
crp tlv Oo ~'lllf ;,gr~ or di:s 11 ,~ '
lO A n:<;ent n w JP'!' t fl'.~ 11\f'd thJ• 14 .,~.11-otd J Cr mP Juvt!n
boy who ~.-rloosli; destro~d '1~ ~rP,ooC S(lt 1ht t r1.tn1n'1h -
J)Uri!!1hm<tnt 1o <:lea n the str~ets, 1nm.~,-d ot Ir\ ~nt to comrnunny w<>t k o,
pnsOf'I 00 vou t hlflk 1hi~ ts nght. 01 do you thl nk I hM s~ch p<ISOA
c •1m n, n1)L i l:.c- ~t"n1 10 pnso '
144 Alth0\J8h f _.ople ~n- reading new!I ll'-ttJU h lrttffn~t. M I, - ~ws~~r~ JO 11,CJn l
new11papt.>f'l ~t I rtn 1 n of value AG -., / ~.1 1 l' j i rltPt t
145 Heaitt·~· l!c'lt1'ljl' .100 t ~ mpott.,, <• o ht J~t hy !11 ""'.I \ ho Id d11r t1011 Jl~~lth ~ e n s
be tiJll ht m !lchool~ OR par na \hould tc.lch t ht•r ktd!.
01\rn,, toth v ,•\, ~ JJ>1nt.'
1or~ .if"\d more people are J~,ii tliP lnt~met to clo lhCJ
I W~$houSd te.>ch . )
I \II I .ilt hy l!iJUfl
Mt'filJ l nt~net - I
Opm1on 3
tasb r.,the, t h.m do 8 an per'!.<ln, ~ the .ldvcll\tige of for Cfolng tasks Ot~tine
tht~ tr •11,I ou1wc-1 h 1" JJqd~J ,t fl, ctnd no1 , p&~on _j
147 p,1~on ,~ ,he corrU1'C'C' ~J~ rl n o.., couot,1 l tc:> '>ol11r lhe Cn,n prn,or\ vs Opm,oo 1
pmblc m o f c:r,mp Ho--. vPr, a mo,e ~rfe<tlv~ sol~Jtl()O •1. to t."d\lUtlt>n

l 148
pro\'1dc peoole .1 bt.tll'I c•duc ,,tlo11 At111~ or d ts,Htrtt? _ _ •
n somt" •,tie ., the- govl!rnmerl h.>'> trtrJ lo r -duu 11,lffic
by , 1'"ongtst1on I.JN dur "" U\h hciurs . ts th s po~ 1ve or
GuvNnme t
Opln on 2

1\egatlve? __ Co •·~lion l ,
149 1 n ~om~ ~1tll!'S, ttlet~ a,e 1ew (Ontro ls or1 Che de!.1go, Govemm~tlt - T
Opm1on 3
CQnst,,xt ,on -o f homfs. office build ng_s, .11\d t h~ ownerS j Arch,teclore ~ Jld
c.'11'1 det1de °"
the styl~ of tftei, hous.@!J Oo t~ be 1ow-t,omnt

.>dvantogL~ on ch s out ~e-gh Its d· wbacki.' or ,.~· pl.-
150 ~me pPo I t tti nk that s. hoe»s st1ould se,ate,ate pupl I~ [ ~,c.atloo S lt•rtin OJstuis.
1tccordoi: 10 their .ic.J mic ab1llt t!s whlit' 011, ,\ l>1•ve I stud4 nl\ ac orcung_ 10 _
- -- -:--------
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1£LTS Ac.1dem1c Euays Prom The Past Exams - Dr Ki rcJn prce t l(aur Mc1kk~r

151 - ·-·



Open ion 3

I Prob~ s.o1'.1111on
f fE LTs Academrc Essays From Th P st Exams - Or. Klr1npreet Kaur Makkar

ne ds help 1~
cone rned abo t h
To v
world , ~u
rhlly should only be I,
u t tlr C>Wn comm unlt lC?, and tountr,e5 ~ o, ~ ervon~.
~ l c·Ktetit do VDU gre~ Ot di Sr~?
Now d th - - -- - -
is t ys t' footbill upP(lrlN~ be!hav vio nt •
he ~e? How can w solv , It? _ _ _ ___
Spo,.ts- Foot
hool1 arwsm
Some Pt'Opf tt'I k that to bp 5UC<.PU(ul, YoU e,d to 8 l [d l
Probl m.solutiOn

un~ity edu~tlon, whern5, otht11 ~ 'f at Is nor ~ "nllt rsltv
• ~~ both Id~ Jnd Blv your C>Vffl opinion
168 M1J u t I 1 -
ura ~ t>l es. wl rr
ptople of d fferP"I ~t 1< Glob.ltlYtJon - () 1
groups '"" togeth~r can br, mo~ benefits t ha11 j Mult ,~ U"fl
drawback.$ to i ~o,I tv To what eictent do you , f'ff or ~ode~ good Of bad
dt\il ' i
ntliefut -- - - -- - - -- - I Op"'°" J
u..-.. ·l ems it voukf be 'TIOr dlfftru t to l't'e o"
h rth Some ~pie th ink mo,e m oney should be s pen
re-se rcl)tna on other s:,la net o hYe such u Mus. To w~l
5 ice re~~•rch - f0<
l11Jl"'1 n futu re ihouJd
be doort or nol
d~nt do )'OLi r "or UI\ 1 t> J
l 70 ~ ,e ------ I
dr~ mere new towns nowi~1 It ,~ ""rf' Govcrnme'lt - \ho...l ---
j OJ)'mon I
important to mck.Jd publ1t pirk~ and sporu fx1lit ie.s. m.akt- publt< part:1
l th.n ~hopp,nt c~ntrE>~ for ndl\l1duc1~ to s~nd 1helt fr ~nd sport.s (actlrbl'S
~ o wh3t t'xtent do r grf' , J ~rt-e \ts shoe ns cenues ~--
Sone Peopl~ UV t hil t no Ol'lc shoud do~ sa e ~ o o - Job p 1ng ,

f Ofh'tr , whd' oth«!n bel~·e that do ng t h~ i~me ,ob 15 ~t ing to on~!Job
bentf<aal tor the ind tdu.11, c p 1ny nd s.oc ty
_ _ D ~cuss both vlc.--ws and ,.. yuur _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _
I 72 SOrYlf" m• f rid t ~ h fr rt emp~e-es I n Sob ~s.iv - t, w
bculc Inlets, !'SONI ,;lolls such a~tad( <if abthty to ork emploVefl I c:k
w,th <:o eagues as .a team w t~t ~,, th~'it-s Jnd lnttrp,rwn l ~dis
suggPst po,;sfble ..olutions J_ ~ -- - _ L , . _ _
It is mor e ·mpon ant for a b111 ldl to I purpc»f> Build -i s Should be Op ,on 1
thin to look beautiful, Archlt Ct\ ~hou n't worry 1bQut uti •rlan Of
produc lr R bulldt . ,.., Of d1~.i rtt? Ix d,fu __L_
174 Certc'lln pe,opJ,, I}(! ''" r at 1>11 , ••, • r duct cnme I c,1rne - longet tt cm Discuss
~entenetng for lons('r ttrnr ~tlodi wh, oth"~ in p rison ~ t~e on~
Del1c:-vt- Jilt' n,n, f" m~thod'i ~tw>uld ~ ust'd to wctr

w~v to reduce cmne
1 rure~ D1!.-. .. i!. both \111." NS .,ncr y r opinion

75 j 1n,;o c.ou rk ,ni;.-~,,~ ru<11c !ah h\' yfro

homr: .lnd n anot~r c,t wh 1t' stucr11nc. Do y()u t n.c tne
toJ Jt n- \
ur"lvets1tv students
o Id I Op,nion 3

vartage!. ovcw~1Rn the: advantaR:es of Mng'" live ~,ents or

c:lt - - - u•----
P plr • ~hopping ,1 11 d 1 nt.l r 0 1 on th«: 1>gr group
----- c}'N
M 1r • 1 n nur; ,on'
th~ b('long to rh~n o ther' futors To ~at e.1ttnr do ;ou ShopP1ng hab 11s
ae.reP or d1sag'Pe • ____ _______ depend l""IOre on a L
Mo~ y offer d ro o.,, r,1,j 11tr, 1, rch rs II"' tt>O .u • CdL .i t o P )l, ,,~ Optn,on 1
consequeocP, s.ome people argue that fl M nclil support researct, $hould be
rom the governme nt should onfv bt? provided for on research of
~Jent,flc r~'i~~rc h r l her than tC$tarch to, IMS t.Jseful I sc,eoce $,l.lbJects onty
s u b J ~ you d~rE'P O' d sagr:>e? _ _ _ __
- -~.-,"'~m~nv cc-u ni s ,,, Jfl' " ibla to Jon tt,e c1·-n~d Meri/" oll'en essay Opinion 1
forc~s Just .}S rnen So~ people sav that only men should Sho\lld only m n 101'1
b..;. _ m_bt r of th.- .irmy,
e_m vv u< ~ fom! Oo ,ou asree_ ~ -a-r-:_~-:..,':..'-:..n_a__ ~_--_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-..=--

IIELTS Acadernlc hs.Jys f rom The Past xams - Or. ic,,anpree Kaur Makkar t

1 0
_ or dis
, ?
O 0 herv d t t -
a I m31\y coo •, Mt nou,it1
un"- ) ~re- c.hoosl nP. to stutty !,C "'t subjtct~ at
'"'111:rs.ty, What do th 1 k
Drobt rn? Wh YOU "1
r,. I "1 u~ S of tl'lt!
180 Ir,. - a1 ~ r th ett Cl!. on i tv?
. --
':.> I g CO\Jntrits l --~ -
t'Out.ihol'\. Some Pf- I . r..,ra c:ruld en ho1"'t- less cttis {O
\led b\' op e Si'f lha-t th~ problem Ciln ~

COf\'l providing School~ ind t Chef' Othf-n ~Y t h11 computtr1 ar,d
s oe i;>uter~ ' nd mt met ~~Id b(I p row,dtd 0 1sc1tSS both
~ d p:lv, yo,., r c,p nloo I :
terntl pr0¥1dtd to
e poor -
181 Car ng for rh Id -- __ J..!_ _ - - --r()pinion 1
:.u e ren I'S n important H g of t soc1f> y, It Fart ty- • w
gg ~t~d th at ill mothfr1 Md f.llhers should bt mothers and fi(Mrs
re-qwred to ch1ldtare ttalnl co~me:. Jo whir should takHl'»kJClie
f.XH• "l do \tOL ,"lg~, I d:sagr l!'> I .:, •l)eS _ _.

Mht'dta lnd n wspal)H st-ow ·,·u ' ~: u~
w tch ca uu• fo ar a,,u
t~t er mP nt>w i, 01\ ! shou Id oot be b4 1,1dc.ast ;i T
" at l l nt dr v J ec or Atf'f>
Nowad.,_,, 'IO\Jn Pt'OPle are admiring. media nrl ports
, news Med-
-~ provoke cu .its ~f'"' -ole' think show t11m• nciN,
Shc>uld not

'\II ,,;-j" coo;-:-- , ()J,lnlo!'t 3

!>ta,s, e'llc>n t houeJl lhfy do not ~ t a good er~mpie Oo Young l)eaple •dm•r~
• ou t ,,kth1s1 , . 1·,,,e ,, ,.83 -:cOt·... .-op ,,>
I r£ t C" n!__b~ _
1s.i The<~ ., .-n inaeasing nun be' ol P Ci l'lo do--,;;
1-•,-.c llanl"'O\.IS - Problem s.Mul!On
know th tr r'lt-i&hbout'S. c11.~es tti.s situation> "°"'
People don't know
t.> ofveat:> ~~~l)U ___ -~
185 It ha r aSltR ltd that l"ll't'"-onc t P .i.o~-.1 Hant to - c 11.a'lCM- j Optn n 3
own a car, .1 rv .tt)d .i f'1dge. Do you rh,n dr~11•nt.i1~ Corn.umensm -
of su{.h .l development outwt.>i h <flr.tnte t'J ~ E11e,vone wants I
861 e~ hi~ ----!---- - -~
1 Child • .:,re t,, . t 10 push t t'rn~lves t o trv and bf -C- ld en-
lx!tt~r t n th~r c.lassmates, rcnht"< than v.-or1c tos~r~ comp~11ton i,j
for ev~ryon 's prori1 Oo vou think th,: dv ni.i N <C>OPHtt10n
Opln on 3

_ vOtWt I di!. 't'af'\t · ~

187 ,,, -;ome countMf!s, i.c: ool~ arrar1.~ .vorl l o t d•rm ,· Ee uc l on - Ln d
w it hout iny paymt!nt, so rhar studen~ g~t ex~r ct To ,n,ttnshlps as p.1rt of
wh.J l c-xt~t Is n benefaelal for tht ~tudf'nt as wtll ,1, tilt Jchool- •dvar,tages/
.,.___ __._rompJn\' r in t ,tio ' _ __ _ _ _ disadv t es _ _ --+- ~------
18 Thi- days t h~ nurT' •r of companies ..oer•tl GIOll'I ·sat-o - MNCs Oirtct qul~l oo
mulfl"at1ona I lc?vtl has ,ncrustd To what "t,~t are thev and tt-e-1r local

'°' r d?
,~sl)()nS1ble for t e local commun, tes ,n which the\' .1,e respooYbl ties

SorM people t h 'l ~ g~rmntl' s~u :I JlaV for t'lt;,:th CO\ f""lmPr · - c;tw:,uld I Op iJOn l
care ijnd eduC4lt1o n, but other peocle CIIAm that it ·~ I~ j ti.t-a heir~ nd
1ndfvlduaf's responslbihtv Do you a ree 0( d tSaire~? eduQtaon bt fret for

1~ ~e st wavto remove p~rtv ,n cel/1! oc,lr tountr s EoljCatiOl'I- 6ytars I op;riion 1

I fre. tdocirtion to all
ts to ptovidt 6 yeat'l of fret" educ.1t,on to iU ch d,_n c;o
tha t they c~n rt'.ld, wrltt" .ind use numbers Do you agr,t children I
19 1 -The,~
otdls.gree ~--
~ome morr..cs foq>~opleto NO
. So-n~peopl I
Job-motrvesto Opiruon -1 - I ~--i

~-~ Ltlook ~ ; is t~~ ~ r t n~ ~agree or work - -- ~ - - - -_ __:-:::- ::;-~

-- makkarlELTS IWWW.mald<
( IflTS Acadenuc Essays from The Pa5t EKams - Dr_l(,ra nr,reet Kaut Mak.kar
,- - -w

192 -
s.iy t fUf'ld~ ~ be 51)fnt cm Go.nimen -Sj!lfnd Opsnlonl
prom_ot Ing he.:1fthy ~lti,g tl\ln on ttl-e treatnw-nt ot i,oe>~I on prtnntion u,,ri
1 r di Oo you ~1-~ e ot 0cs~gt11e? treatrnfnl
t9l It " ftn to , 1 tt1 n 1 tt'Chl'\ and )C' fie GM foodt -aood «
adlr~nces have rn.1de great t hMI to t,he ra• bad
qu,bt'( of oor food. Some peOIJle , egaf d ff ~ OIi
,.,.o"'cmen1 whlll' olht"i bellew chat the change .s
~ fut Discus~ both lllf"W1 .11~ I your o- op1•,lon
t q• I) ~n ln!rHslng ,rnou nt of a.dvert1S dlrt<.l d •t
ch r..-n. which t-ncou~e~ lhM\ t o buy pds such ~ effect on chilidt~n
tnn and ~n~ M.1nv P41rt!nt1 1,~ watrHtd. wPIII
some ~ r t ~ cla,m that they provi~ u~•tul
1n!0rmat10t\ lo chlldr~n 0lSClJ$$ both iJnd opine.
1q ~
Studhu ~~II~• tht)t c 1ldr n \pc,r1d more t ime w~tchlng C l dr ,, od
1Y lh n tha~· d od In tl\o Pt~t 411d ~nd Jitis 0n dcMg r!!'lav,~lc,n
llrh-.,l'! l;)r cre&t~ th1111~. Why do yoo think tt as U1'e c.a~?
_ _ What me-'~Vres and methods can ht- u.~~ to tackle t?
196 ~v peool~ regard films iM less lff1 porn,,, focm ol a<t
th.)(l l~ttr.iture and paintin, Do yw .agrtt o, dl11 r > ,\lure and art
I Opk1IOI\ I

) CJ7 ~ rt1pons1b1lltv co l>f~t ,ob, I n'fJtOC\ff,tntJI Cnv roomecit-

damage tS OA poli1 ic1ans r~th r Ihan lndlVlduals Do v~ p~itacians vs
_ _ _ $j~ Or dl<iilgrC!o?
198 ----- -indivt&..atS
Sonie peoole ~\y I •l p.11,nh s.r.ould Of_ganise free ,,~ Children .i Ad
acti'.iiti~s for their chlldr tn. Ot~rs say chUdren should b, pllM,nft th4t-tt lelSure
free to choose whit I I~ do *' t he,, free bffle. Discuss
both ' \ ~ 31 ttpl
5omt" 1,X"QJ)lt .. .,V ti tl ~ CNd p~.-er1ting dlmate Environment - Op.nion 1
c.ha,ige we should ,,net .1 w.-,-., 10 l ive with i1 Do you agr, t J)ll~t It orftlld a
ot d,1.,gree? way to ,~ th it
200 n m~ny CO\mlnes.. iovefl\f\\ff'lt sl)l?l'lt a ~rge .in ount " Technolog~ - Med J ~e.n ons aod
,noe1.-., on 1mpr°"°& internl!"t iKCMS Wt,,y ,s it h,;Jpp~"'"'i

and do 'f'OU 1follnk 1t Is the most tPr:>ttJpr~te use ot
8':)'-~fn 'YIE!Ml n"ll1~
I dlr«t ~ tiOC'\

_ V_7 _ _
So,-,.e peopltt b I -vro 1 t women should pl.-y an lob - Ge,1der ~~~
- ,--
! Discuss
rol~ as men 11'1 a courierv·~ a,oli~ ro,1ce or mihtarv f0tce.
sum as the army, wh1 others think'llf011*1lare not tot ,tu"s.e ld!M!S o# 1ob~ Dlsci.Ss bot o,r,d opiM>. _ _ _ _

102 Thtt 8.lP bet\l.teP• the ,ic and tht' 4>00r ts,ng Rieb Poor l!')S. v Problem sofull0<
wider, t he nch flth r tt~ S)O()f e•; " mo~ P()Off'f. ~ t
~........ - len--, can t he s t 1.-J I IOfl calJ'54! and ,i rve the so lutWts1
203 Some peep-'~ tf, nk thal 1 wem-ncnt 'Should decide
.,hkh w bit<" nvdt•ts should ,tudy at tfle unlvmity,
wJule 0the-r~ thin~ th•t ~'t\.ld1mt~ ~ Id be al ~ to
r dueat lOR -
p..-nment dK.,.
the $U~tU
1ppt,, for tM svbJe-a t ~ prefer. Discus, I~ tWO\llews
and glv~ yoor op~niOfl- , _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ ~

204 NowadaY!ii · ma-ny <. ountr11t.-1 h¢~ho+d wast~ f! g. food

pa,ka8"18 is lrwt,u,ng dav by <Wf'. What tte t~ t~s
for ~,.at ~ How this p ~ M solved? -I. _
Envr-on~m -
Household waste =1 Prob-em ~olutlOO

20S I
Ne--; research h.3,; 1-h-Own lN t ~ereatl hasbecome a -1...!:i!.; Ith - ~ _Pto
_ b_l-em
- sotuuon

rnakkarlElTS '

I 1£LTs
Atad~m•c V$ from The Past Ex 11"1) - Of. K•r npt~
t Kaur Ma 1<ar

vi hv;&t"r .: Pro~m
206 ~lvllo-11 -~on3
GlobJ tlon -
fulV taj@St ""d
df~a"N&eS cf
imp0rtect f 'ltld
• rr,vlronme-n•
rI opl,-IOn-
vs b~c~de

- p,ct*m solution

I - -
Childn..11 - Frrerlom
- - -o-o, nIon 1

210 -----

211 ence ts the most ,mport,1nt qu c, ror .l °"i'der oo MJSte neovs -

111 t~I Opin 011 1
vou ~~e 4Y J1~grtt?
QuaI es of! lt.>dei.._
Mally mploye.r~ m~ WOf ,.t hom--; with 1t-f> modef~fQb - telecommutH"IG Opinion t
tt<hnology, ~cune p ~ c.lalm that l't Ccl" bfnefit on lv benefits empfovee$
__ - ----
th~ workers, not the employers oa you ctgr~ or
dls.Jgrt-eJ ____ ___ __ _ __
Studt!nts In S<:hool ~h0t.'d lea rn <.ademic subj tts and Fcfuc:, IKJn - Opinion 1
pass elCam~. other skills ~u<h .1! tookefy, dti.-umakmg and 1c.idc-mlc. sub,ec•~
woodw<:1r'k can be leilrl'll well from ~mlty •nd fl"l'!!llds. Do only or ak o eirtr.1

, you agree o, d11--1ll_l ee? ~ l"ilng..._s_ _
214 ~ ptople s.av th~• ~s b tter to teach nRu e lailtvcige - the ,1,e
!tudents 1n smaJI clas , o thers think the nu;J'lb r oi of the la1'lguase
_.,........---'--ple ~ not matter
Peo ___ cf3s_s_roo_m_ __
2 15 Some p opat y t h.;it 'll(''f'ttCal CJty iS bes, wh ~c 1)1.'0p e M:rsr~ane-0us · OJscvs.s
llvc 3nd worl b'\ ull h4JildwtgS, Ot hecs siy th.'11 l'lotlzor.tal 'ttllJCi! I c•ty vs
city i~ oetter wtw.-,~ the!e .,~ f4!-w 1 11 bu,ld•i'llJS horizontal Cit)'
- ~ Opinion_ l _ __
216 41<:tMtie-s an tea,h more ~ 1ll1 fo, I re t hJn th~ ~port1 . team
~ttwltlt:~, which ~r• pbiyed .tlo"e To whit extent do ';IOU .i,t,wlllti vi $olo

. a re~ or d ls,1 rtt,
v riempIoym en l ~ 1ttt•n1 tncreM nRIY \Mlou~ In manv Edutatton- Onfv
cttvlc ~
Op.n;on 1
cOIJ1"ltne$. Some ~oplt" Hunk 1t ~ m ~ °"'V tiN!d to a~t primary education to
onmary e<J uc:atfan. while oUltl'S rh In secondary (()mb.1t
~ducation is ne<e~sary WI t'~ your op nton? un ·m~ment
Fos~il fueh (coa l, a.I. rww r I 1ut are che main sovtct~ 1r. (fl'VlrOflll\er'l-l - ~ - 1 . . Op.n,on 3
I ma ny c.ow,tnes. but an ~ome covtlttl~ tht 1.1~ of Alternative sourw
1remative )Ources of ~ne,gv twind en4!tfY .Jnd s-oar of energy
(>ner ~ et1cour~d ____ _ __

-1 Research sllow~ t h1t over~t1n1 rs ( s harmful to p,tt0ple's Advt rti~fll('nt ... ad$ Opirtjon 1
htalth ~ 5 smok1 ng, The,efo<e. th~ advertijfmfflts of of smoking 'II'$ of fast

- ~I - ~- ccrtalf\ food prod'-'r;ts should be ba11n ~ t he ildi o ~

- - - - __-_-_-_-~-.J..~
--- makkarl ELTS
I I LTS Aca demic h~ys From Th~ Past Exams - or. klranpr et Kaur Makar


22 1 ----------.
0 ton 1

h,n th, I th
ltl#S ,eg.ird,nR I\Utr lltOn arld .....
gOVffTlrJMtfil h~ld m ke
hy ll(P~tyie, wh
·ri,. 1f · tvle - °" uu
indlvldu31$ or
othe-t, think tll..i t 1t Is a m,atttt of per!>onc1I cho1ee r,d government
• per~, I r, p,:m lbtl t Ois<u\s both views al'd o n
223 So pl'opl bta I .. • 1 I p ->rt corn pc i\lC)ftj sou rte Sports - tr u In Opinion l
o, .-n,ohooal st,e\~ fc), voung ~ theteforo, vol.Ith sp0m-should y()t.Jlh
hou Id b ~nnoa from In spo,t b bot,ned from
rompellt Onj, Do you 11r e or _ ---
Some I ti lr•k ~overnment rou~
d.a Op nton 1
s port s s«h a skydl\11ng , r0<.k cl, Do you , srt: e erOl.lSsp0f1S btj
rt ' --~ bdnned
22S 1 Jntages b<OU1ht hy ti- soreiid o« II ,s .a Lansu ge y O n1on 1
'"'p ot,JI l.cinguage" W11 oulwrlRh the: dl~l)dv•n,,aes To
w h f'l(lt'nt I.A ,.:r 1• o r d .-~ with ti 1 ,. , I
Engt~h .» .a yLobal
la.- u g __
n some counlrit-1, \Omt- f t cr,m nal n the I,•• ~ ~ I, n
<oorts aft' ~ " on thtt te~ion, $0 t~t th, gene~, c,lm,n,11tf'Qls should
pol,llc un w.atch lh rn Do the ~dvan•"I•, o utwe 1t1e ~ tt ~it or not

d !.ild'llantases ,
\u f" peoplf- brl
I ,t f'Ver)•one as r t1hl to u rvtrs,ty
1,un s ou,d
ioveuwn("nt 5,IIIOJ.d rTli! t' unlvcr~ty eduut lon
r pmlonl-

un~,ty educ~, " free 1or ~el)'one no matl t"f w,,hat b fr iJII 'Of
tl~ir f1r1..1 ncla b.kk1rouod To l'•tc.-nt do voi.a .1gree
o, c.1,sagree? ~-~
228 In mar v, o- , "'s, Pl'OJ buy ml)I. led food r ah r than Food - ,. I t IiOM I Rea ~, lnd
f0<>d prnduced loc I Wt\v do people do l~t~ tiow r~n Local ~ impor1Pod s~tl()ns

. pf!oplt• _ncour • '«:J , ,11 le
fh l>c~• wl't' to le,un :uhc,r u
f rodu t>cJ foo It f
GSob.1 ls.at10n- MNC~ Op non 1
mul' 1ruuonal or .,ou r:r or d !. r ti' arid leaminl'. cu1tu,e

230 Pc.-o 1 •11,•vf.' lhal ne>l !>d11 ch1lctr n ~atJe t Educ,ho--
natuul abllltv ,o
ICdfn a new ! n is means 1, I~ LIO,U ae Should a
not tight l O fOICt' ,l I \CNJol ch-'dren lo \I.Jdy a forttgO 10ft anl•ncu ~(> be

la. age.D3'(0 U ll'' <rd'- , fe,f>?
Some pcop bE!l~·1,,"' 1 t I v"' 1 t:,,~ • ~s 1s b- nr n
mor,• d ltf~ult OLher\ beltt:"Vc- th.i i ,1 ·~ 1ett1ng uitN
M1sce 'am1<>u 1K
c hnvs s~ o ~t !.

~ cu~:. boH1 vlrw Ml tirve- your own Jpln1cr _,,_ _

232 rar<'nb , c II d 1 1u I t"' ,r cl r n h, , nd I s Cnl ,tlf1 Ac., 1c
I Opmlon l

timt• Hudylng .1nd mor hm(! dl)lng sporu/ptw,teat
' Do

to make at e1s~r tu v
-OU .,r tll-..t
aRn L

av , s.ome <.OUf\tl'le5 c1re >P •nd ,,
ult r
lut oc mone-
Whv 6 this 50. Is ll t he
lcm1 ___
education v.. ~C)(J,ts

L ro~
bicycle u~ b
- t. oiu ar'\d
dlrttt <1u stl01"I
~--......,;:-....... pr0"'C_te_d_ _ _ ___. _ _ __

makkarlELTS l
I 1£ T~ A4ld
m lc Ess.ays From The Pa~t Exams - Or Karanpreet
1( ur Makkar

Mor • 11,1 mo, fJ c. ~ R asans f'ld

It !.il~t ,
~ho )~
,p uni r
IOI\ . Wh.a• .... he
ntJ co--

' ... '
m un1t !.?
I r>r,111
I o f c,nh
''h ti'
'lh<".pp1r1& on
I ~l·c
f~hno'°CY •
neous -
onltrt~ effectS

:\ome P O-JI • th " • shoP.P. n

•ndlvlc,u~t m • e m '.i r
h,11 '>~tV M 1!.C uarwoos -
b com 10
5 ari; t ar
other Whl~ h 8 m ore depencf.f-n t on e.a h 1ndrv1dua ~

2 6
n'<>r ~ •trd
ft I
~ iJ J,lci
Ol ~ s.ay th l tndh,ldtlll'i Jr b ,com,
f)endr-nt ('Jf JC..: r,, •h, •
t,\1rir 1f
f.. ,

.in "
' '1 01
- -
martJg m rit · o kt 1r .-,.
I d~ •rd ...
en dent_
,a, cv n
Qptnion 1 lI -- --
1 ,... il~V gc.-t amu
h h,g™'r a lary th.1n othr!r workt-r~ 1n1 s>aV of top ~ it lon'i
- -~
i31 It - <.t fl"J .Joy Do )'O cJ rpe u r d1sc1 rec? and ordr~arv_~o :.'1-
l 'i 11 o .,, a I - -- Qplr7i°on 2
t r -''-'el lo th , , ·1 more fford.,hl , ,r op , to lour~m
e, co~mtrl~~ Do you lhtnk •l I~~ poc; or .1
n . Jl .
- -
2 8 -
• ' e 1c. "' op nen t 7
d ~m ,-.cJ Do
r ~"~'h ,~ bt - - - -
., ' ~f c.h0tel• nr meellng lnue s ng -;- r"lnment •
- --- 01 ,oclQuS,i~l
t • you ~upport the u~c of n ucle.>r t hnoloev N ucfe r po~r -
or (; ,rs uct1ve purP-0'• :, I
Mc1 Y Ptopl - -
govd orb~ - --
- -Discuss -~
~V that COmpan S
• to e r en"!ploy ~ wher1!.as others 1ily that
I\•(; ., ~ Ml..c.ellJneous
- f mployf'J!S vs I
t hey «.hould give import.ioce to· Cu \to~~- Or1C\..lsi bOfh
~ p Ir)
cu~tomer~ __I

- 241
Fhe rnov~mena o f r onl t
cities. to work tan c us~ ~en<>u, p robli!-m,. In both
place• Wh,>t .-, t h~ ~erlo~ proolem\ and what
mc·.lsu e ~ bet-, , l:'n to 101\1~ t hl~ probl~m
ur 11 ~,Ns lo ' People • u,i;;, n ;;.,.;,;-, Probl

A rE>port md1cate,C, th a m1~c1i,17tr i 1.H•1lh c;; 7 and ( dr E ts nd

I _,
11 \()end too much t,r1n~ w tch ng tf'levb•ort ~no/or TV vlt-wlng by
~olutions I
pl;:i-y,ng v,d~o Raml.!s 11ow does thf- problem .,,, er th1 ch,ldten age-d 7-11
childr n. the, f mll s and c;.octcty? Wha '""'1,;ures c,1n I
> >u
•t., t>O oc,ntrol it>
- -~
be ie•Je that 1f f>Olile orc.l• cam~~ I\Jns, 11 Cnmt• • Pol ce
"" peopl
-t-- -- -
Opinion t - -~
can encourage a higher ,~ el of viol •n.cP. To w~t ext~N carrying gu"~
_____d.; you a~, , '" d rsa~r P? ~nc.ounges.., ole,,~e
243 S.Orne people t ,m o· rnmc t\t<;.. uld ~nd mon~y on L rguag~- t Jld o,~cuss
measutc.+'i to save la11gu aes wrth f~w sp •c1ken ftom money be- spent to
dying out comple?te,fy Othec~ thi n k thtS ,s a WilSle of H~ dying 1.1nguages
f i n ~ rt ources D15c.~ o t h Yiew~~ op ne __ ~ __
244 In , hf'.""'lls and ur vrr• ec;. 6 f's Le to choose aru (ducat or C:if!nd r Rea~oos d
sub1ects w till~ bovs choose sc,~"'f' !.ub;ect~ What Is th
1 ksues .n sele<:tJon of direct question
,~ ,n? st
d t h ~ ~ h . i , . . c.P .1biects
245 No wadays. sport •s

con ~ B il b s nes!. and mor~ nd Sports - Opln on 3

rnore p,-of~s,lona l~ a nd btg compan ies are getting Commttn:ia1it.lhon of
in vol'V •d in sporting t"Vents Oo you think chat It Is a $pOf't.5 I
positrve 0< a negative ckvetop..,,.en t ? I
Some people ~ 1eVP th;,t Che finest and Stn;>ngest r SPortS - succec.s l_o_l_s_cu_s_s_____
lndlvtduats and teams always succ~d In sports . Ot hers ch!pends on frtn~~ or
think that success 1n sports deoends on m~ntal attitud s. mental attitude
Discuss both ~ ws n~g,.,e your op,n_lOf'l
__ s_ _ __
-247 some people think that we shou ld anven• a _lansuase j Language - lnve-nting Oplnion 3
to< ,ntetr14'tlo,w./ communicatioo. Do th.e Mnefrts of t his a new lan8uag~
outWe, h the p,oblems.,
f IElTS Ac d mlc CsHys From The Pa$t Exams - Or, Klranpreet Kaur r
1 atel r to ,n a ncu I w 1ho J 1 aiM> .am
bo<Jt the C<'IVntl)• as wet! ~ In. cultur ~ imd I i n ~ of
th f)ll• Yr , ~Pf'il• •r..s la v e Ni' rd r
249 1
5of'M IM 'u ir, .ar~ • c-;;11nt1l'f ~puke -' ditr r nt .......,~v,q Some Oprn;on 2
coontrl \, M ii ti "of thf'r~ ~ r;,pid ded1t'lin1 Is l~Y19n Jpoktn
-+-l_h_1s......1 pcn1t1~ .....,11:a,n,11 r1,,.. pr---t? ~
2'i0 Shou d ru1 r- u .lC(.. t otl I NI ,ro"mental
fttPOnsibii~ 0 shou .d nut am~pt any rtl.l)Oni bll ty at tounsts .icctJ)t
I To.-.• •-ef'ltdO'fOU,t~l~OIJ ff? , , olhry
~ CX!OPte rnk visitors. ta oth~rs a,,. t s s.houl J tour1 n1 tour o
imitate, lout cu,totl'I$ and beha\'IOO~. Some people think ihOuld rotiow twttt
'"" hem c.ount'V ,;houlocJ wek~ ci.. tural d1fferefl<.eS custom .. or n04
0t'!t<UUth I If 111 W 11d I J'O'lfO 10n ______
2S2 ~r ro""'K t ~ • IHi ~ <ountry hould .i~ei>t "l"W T°'-lrlsrr-S.~ld OpiniM l
cultur~ n th~ lorc-11n C°'-l'llf\' rach r th11n •~ .a for.ow

In Mi,ir•n i
separJt(' minor ty ,aup Oovou vr d ,a > ho~,., or
The spread of mu1t1 ~~to0Nt c.. "lpJnre!. .too th~ tnc, u, GI Ill~ • MNC•
rn &lobalizat.on procr.ic~ P051t.Jve eftKt s. fOf ~ Oo good or Nd
yr,. i.1-!ree or .iis. rtt1 _ _ _ ~ I &~..

2~ l P~rsonat hapt?me;.s Is d.reCtlf related~

econom,~ ~ -
SiKCe"U. Oft h.app1oen <k!oends on drffe,ent fKtor,. t1app1 ~ ar.d
• OlKuu bo:h :\ alld liVt' v, , r own c:,p-NOn
1KDlnll'v ,hoft 111 tu \ 1u.-., an r•~ ,C'VC!te >elJI ( ni:)1 l
~ )
ct10n c~,n \o?\11." t 11' p1 c. t>lt- 11 Ou
ooty '°" rnm nr
,~ Of di) 8 e? ,;J11 llt{ S
25-6 tam 11 .s h;1"" ~ 10 t'lhM 1t ~ constdert-d 1fy lmportanu 0 rrcl qut-Suon
wr.1al •ctiv1ty. l)o ~ou ti 1nli.. e• tCJCetller .s mportant ot family meal

ro Dt'Oplr. 1r you cou 1try>
Som.- Pt>OP -e Sil\' 1~1 p,ue-nb t ··r: "'= mos• import.ant f t Ch ldren • IS
rok- in ;a child's ~opm,e,n However, othcn Jfgue tN famrl•, more
otht!( th,ng~ I e : ~ or frrrnd!. have the ~ 1ml)Oflant o, o•tic,,
!>lgn1•,cam In· nee o~~·. tx. t-, 11 w~ and "r ,., tor-,
2SS SomE! '!>Cletillsts tt-.,Jt ,tud\'rrrg lht beh.llll01,1r of 3 N • v~ t-4unur - ~t n
yt"ar~ c ~ n <" n r.:-11 ""l'llch cl\lldren would , up
to be ~~ To wh~l e .. teM ~ r,llti,.. a pcod.At o.f ~,u,e or 1s It oo,slhl(- tci \ l np C'h'drH from
"'"'"""'..a "P to t, cr1m lnil 1,?
2~9 Children wt:o irow up In I 1m l ,es, .--1\.<! o111e • vo t of Natl.irt" -.:.nt~i! • Opin,on I
mone·, ~'"" bf-tter pr,·p.J, d w,,.,
t~ P f ~ ~ of adu It ChildrHIMK! t.m Ii/!'>
fife th•n c-h11<J1 rr1 wl\o are brouat-t up by •e.lTt'?'iv oareots I,~ status
A1Hr('/D1• ,, rt- •
2&0 j 1n n1.1nv counir i lod• • 1here s
old pt up •, R1 uOM ' -...11n pr
~~t respect to ()adpc
~ n- ght it cause'
•I d .:1n~ nd

l ---SO - mc pr11pl t nt pi,r~nu st10w d reao or trll ,torlt:!S lo J t 1Mrr-1
chl!,d~n. -.,.hilt o t ~ 1h parer.ts n,:,C'd n<>I ck> lh1t, ~ d p•rt'nb 1 ~ad
u chtl(Sr n d o fl lht-~ es Ors,cu\S both & Int> i10, tu 1 ti ldrc"I_~ - , . . - - -
262 l n~ , portfli l e ~rf 1 •ocu\e) on prob PT'I) . - ~ 1 • J toc.ises on Op r1on 1
ffMft~ncllfi ~ah.I', than t~ po>rtlve developm nc, ftt'11•tl•,e ne~vs.
!'I.armful to bOth tht- ,ndrv1dual ind the society 00 you
.1 '!!E!.d" a ~ h this. staterMn~7 _ _ _ _ __,__

1 LTS A eet l(a11r M~kkar
1 tademic Essays From The Pa~t Exams- Or, ,aranpf
~ :1p say t hat S.O~ - -
_ - -1 iip7i~n
- --, -- -- I ,. POLI -
urgent pt obi IT!!! n n- od ,,.n Mi~c~I 3

l!o "" v-h

' ty can ol\ty h(, ~~~I with in1 m t~n I c:oo~r.,tio" lflterna ti()nal ___ _
264 I t ter t do (Ou a tee t t d ~aRree, cOOP' rJl ~ -- - - Dlrect quest ion
t ,,. 1~11 -ve th:n - - - - I r- _ What
de v
• f' • •C \Ion ts o. v ,,1 i-,, i,orta"' ,.. to t hf' Eduvlt O ~
e ()Clmcrnt o f mdtveduia~ and t h• wclfbfi.l,,g of ecJl,fC.ation s~
~< c--e•1es VhJt .._
I !.r,01..ld S?d ., 11 n c011stst of> com.s• 0
r -- ---- ~e -0-;, -and ---
ti som e C.Qt,mt · - - - · - - lvtn8 .tlOr'W!
ttt .,e, more J>eoplt- c.ho >!.e tC> Irv alone or b·t Pt-OP • ~p!nlo~_2 _
tnse>lves Rt1- 1 -, •11
:U>6 ... - · ,oos !!1 I>< -.ll ll'e r ne 3t•~t,? _ - - opinion 1
•rnre lnd mor - - - - and
I e peo le i re usl g mo~ phone-s i\nd the rccnri.o
t:ter~ t (o tommul"IKatf!', Thf:refor~ pe,oJ)IC ~re loS1ng commun.ic.tiol"I -----
'l.:_1-· -So •J!lilrty to o..,-,l'TIU ..!._Cat~ f:u to I c~ A re.e/O sJ ree? ~ _ - - - -- -- -
r .:.v me Of o I - - -
P 'k!V hat t ft bo t way r<>" et-atdrt'n to team EdJc3t lon -

to read ~ bv usm« o ollnt" err Is. Others 'HY (hat Ttd'riolosv ~,din&
pr, nted mat :rnl~ shoukl l .Jst°d Ot!i uss ,th & >pm
SI hool h 11 - - - -
ou S\OQ us n bu k~ for ach "R ch ldren ~s Edvcat1on - 00
"k ns ,o ch_!_ldre~

th E'V flflC th ~m bOfll'I .)nd .ue fi lm, rv ~nd com puter fllm , TV. c.omput~rs
- .
b ks vs
-- --. - l
Opinio n

_ , •'1Sleatl O wh<ll e , ..nt do,, ree ~Ith this"> In !>Ch-OOI~ - - - - - ; -- -

:? 9 N 5
· - - - - -- - Op niotl ~
O¼ad '1 it I• easy to apply fo r anf~ be ven ,1 •red•' Crt.'d t c~rd -
•rd However. :.ome ()~ pie- xper i~e p rot>lc.:ms when advanta•~
t ti~v ~r~ not .ib~ lO pay t heu detm back Ou t h~ (11s.,dvant~86

__ C1v:tnta
It 1 ·
~Mllt r.art11 avtw~g the di-. dv,1r1U•t's°'
- -- -- =
1 import rit fo a r town-. .and citil~ ,r> ha -e larf!e public:
l~ces like ss .,lrt:!> a 1d parks. ~ e or di~ ree?
f• _ __ -
c~llc1neou~ pu C
~door~ CPS_ _ _ _ .
Ir t , n. tlOt\al tOmlll\Jn ttv MYSl .~t ;r, mpd~lely to eMur~ fnw roruttent -r t1i (e
bl'1 TO....Jneon 1

Oplr,ion 1

.lll, redu.c~ rt!. consum ption of fo)<1l tucls e g Ras ,ts uw fos111 fut45
•nd o l C,c1 ou agree o, d,sat,rtee?
1272 <,ome people br I v~ tha1 th" b,1•c;t wav to prodV(.I!- Rith poot I p - - Opinion 1
1 lr.apS)u•r soci.ety 1s to h.,v~ ~ smalt d ,rfe rence b~twe-en the
t h~!>t nd th poorest. o., vo- a ree or d,s...gtl!('? _j_ _ _ ___
273 C'ti1ldre., find t d1 fin.Jlt to c.on<~ ntf;at\" on or pay £ducation - ch k!ren 1
Prob~m solut10n
ctttt-nr or, to ~chool Re,lS-Ofl c; and \.OI ~t,ons. ___ ___ __ __ _
The best vay f~r government to s~e tratt,c conffeition fnvirOl"n- ot Opin ion 1
I .n clUM Is t o provrde frtt pu~1c t 24 ho1-1111 cfily. Government Fr~a
....J days a w~k ~ r d l~aJft.'t!? _ publ :c transln
I275 I '<)1 I.! peopl ~'6"~ th,~ 1>ub c sho..ld be a towed to have Cr me - Gun
gur s Orf'\ers oo not ilElre-.?- Dtsruss t>ott\ and opine. ownership

I 216 I
Some p~vple prt!fer' l<> go 10 heath clut)~ and gyms for Health - Gynis vs Discuss

I 27
h Ith car(.!, bu t som(" ~ay thdl w and demblng stairs wa lk~ng ind sti•~
dre more cFectr,,e, o sc uss botll .,rd o ,ne
- 7-- Adu"°,t 'fOUth~ are oheri <,1 lled up for wor mg for lM Youn ~opk. work
dl:!~lopmt?nt o f communities Should tt,ev work volu,n.arlfy or tet
volul'lt;Jril~ .. hould they get ~id? Give your o~truoo p.111(!

778 Sacnce t~ tls ther~ are actlvl i,e,~

h al tn . Howevl· r some c,eo~ s t,11 con ·nue d()i
~, e good for th~ Health- Wh.y people r
Problem solution

unh •.;Jlct,y habits Cau5e'> ar'ld solutlofl5 _

have unhealthy
-r?.it>lts I
A lt houg!t'r countri4!'S w ch or,g av~n,ge wori(111g hours ar• Job- Long wooon Opinion l
economlcalty succc.-sst...,, th is often his some neg_c'ttiv~~ou l'$ ~,e nega1rvt:!
soc;;il ol15eQ_u~ces- Aere /d ,asr~e __ for SOC!!!Y - -
280 - - MonC10hould be used in r-ew housing and road Build ng-. restotation Op1.nlon 1
l dev loprn.£!!! than on restoong old bu1ldlngs Agree or vs ~ ~n_!S af"td ____
:::--:::=::::::::,:.::~ makkarlElTS lw-ww
I •ELTS Acade mic E.~says From Th Past Exams- Dr. Kiranp r2et Kaur Makka,

i8l .dis.a~
tf some --..
,,_..... get <l
- -- - - -,~~ - --
na to ( 11oose bot ween hff" Job p ople - woukt 1
Op, nllQln l
Without wort a-nd ~•nt "10st of th tlm~ Wl)fk.ln«, low ~ fife ~hout
_ thfin they wou.J.s_oo~.- not to "'ork. ~~ or cJI '"'? wurk
2.S2 ' k t hal I -h eovemme t ~hou
~mt- Pt<iPI~ t h 1n - ,rnct ly ~ w- ttr- - ~
-ld there
controt the supply of fr<.'sh wate-r, 1~ U\t ,ttources are ~a restrk:tlo.'\ on tts
I h~ite-d
Wh_1le othe r, th_lnlc we C.14' ~ ~ tr1uc;h wat er H dSe
., _ _wl w_ "!· Dmu~ bc:th s1df'~ and 1· your ~ in ion __J_ ____
.83 People w•nt lo b•v I• -, bra""<!, ol cloth•• , . ,. ••• 1. Ml,ce ••OtJ• - I RoaMlftS · nd
oth~r 1t<.ms. Rea ~~ ltlVl! or n-es, t ~

__ - - - - - - -~on 2 _ __
2 Th te llde/\Cy f Jtn • ~gs t o COP'f' ~ n()thi!r is ~ rllaneoo~ - OpinlOn 1
~l'lown ,n the poc r,ty of fashion\ ,n (.Jothe-s iand ot~r Copvlng ont' not he-r
- C0nS\lfn@r ood Oo vou asret' o, O•~Jftt, L_ --- - ---
28> Young peoplP are not 01Hv r chef bur .:i lr,o safer ,od I YIX.l1 p iop"e - Problem solul 1C>n
heatth. 'BUT are le~ kap!!,'_ ltto• and sol.Jt , . u ~er__ _
286 uld m us l"u ms s hould be ftte, OR somt ,ntry fee Toumm Mus.eutns I
ould be (h r . Discuss bo "' l'd. ~nd op htkl?t~ or nol . f-::::-
287 t .._ ~"pcm ed thatthc- 111 be a h1Qht• c.1;>ort1on of~ I Old ~01)1 G r ~ Op1111cm 2 -
peopl(! voung PN)O~ in thf rut~ ts It a posrtNe or SO( ry 1:; pQS.UVe or
nt1gat1ve dev~lc l'\f 1 ~.1tlvr
288 ~ume peopl n news hav~ no connect.on to ocople's Mt•dla l5 not Opmlon l

INec;, so U IS a was te o( tone to read the- ~,; In the
""IN~ per al'd wdlch or te'eVlsron Agre- , dis.agree'
In m,ny c 1es and l ownJ •tie high vt1l~ o( ro-d traffic
I lmpo,1ar1 t

lnv ronmfflt- Roat..l ~ob em solu1~

_ , i, , pcoblem Cilu1tc•, & soi...rtt.£!:l!._ Traffic
Am!>ruon ii l r1 lmportan c aracte, fo people ,.,ho wa nt M s._<.e_a_n_e.ous I.
to be sucG s1ru1m lrl~ How 1mpcN1,nt rs rt? Is •ti posrt,vej
or .1t1v charactf-<,s~,c?
-- --
ambition g()Od
I D1 rect cwestlor
and 04>lmoo 2

?91 00 i:,ol,tlclL,r c, have the sre,ee1r 1ritluefl£.e oo th ~or d M \tellaneous I Oisc.uss

OR do ~c IC?ntlsts t-..2Ve th t! At ll+$t ll'lfl-ve-nce. Discms bnt h Poll• 1cia ns ~

JPl'lt! --- ~ -- -
' ~"' IW'0Pie th l'I Job .it1 l;,r:tlor is more important
, ·,(IMtlSts
JobJob securitt vs
l Oi • JS~
rl'lan job security, while o th~r ~ thl havir,e 4 permane nt ,Ob ~hsfa~tion
Job Is mo-e mportan' DHcu s. bolJ\ & op_ifl___ _ _ _____ I
293 Ciome ~P'e ttuni: foreign v~tor !.hovid be I Tour ,-m cha rg1 l
rnorti than local people Do you gr t> 01 dl'i,l(ree? fore n t mts mo_,e_,,,_ _
~ 'l'oung ~pie are ofte<1 infl.;l"n
f' bv • -;;-prfssure" Do j Chi d<en and Pt' j Opinion 3
th d~cfvan ta es ou twe gt, .he 4'0v -., pru~!>ure
295 Lv r,on~ ,;hould stay an school vnt thl·y rt ch the- ~se of Edu<:.itlon - age for
O nlon 1
18 To t>lrte t do yov agree~ disagr ? j leavmg >-...t _o_o_l---+'---
296 Som hlnk rh t child rt should start ~ ~oo as. ea riv ,~ I Educ,t on xhool I Discuss
po!Srble, wta,~ oth rs b ~I u?vt thc1 t they sh<>uld ~jrt gol ng ase - -4 or 7
school at tre age of ~n . D u.1,<, both v, ,..,..., & op ne.
_2_9_7_ SO.,le t eadlE-rs sav stodPnU shoul be organl nto fducMion - Group Di rect quest.eon j
groups t o stud ',', Others argue s tudent! should be maM 51ucfy yj 5Iudylng and"
to stvdv •lof1Q, Tell the benPfits of ~a<h study method. alone
Whic~ on.! do vou think 1, more effl'ctl'r'e? 1
298 Some people t ink .!.lUdeiiri; s~uld le;un more pr,ctlcal Educatle>t1 • Practlu l Olm.1ss
coorsej rike computer> 0 R Sft(lut.d learn morn aboot j V$ thecreticat
theoret,cal cou~es e 8 raP.h 41 nd md1 nutics courses.
- makkartELTS
~ t 1C11ur Makkar
I th 'tS Ac:ademl( Es.says from The- Past Exams - Of, ~~rati
- ---


130/ - IE d ~ P ~te
~ r y schools



"Th Iner '.l°'d wOf'id d~mand lo, o nd !J,t l"t m Envlro" t Oplnl«I 3
~~s~ry f(J( IC)(.a.dng t ~ sources "' l'flt'lot~ -,r,d ftemot~ dtibing
U"touchtd natut1'1 areas Oo lhe adva~es outweigh lrOf 0nt1~na~
th ' oH,.tdV nta_g_e~? II0' Drill"
13 S! •~•rv
p ·()S)le tt'nd t o tak~ jchs so that u,e_, JotK -Teml)Orary
t<r d o othe-r t ,n . Do, advantagN

hiNf 1, tob.s
outw fllh the d lsadv.-ntag ? _ __ _ ___ _ __
- Profess.ii> 1 wofters , ucn a~ ,ors, nur~ and J-0bs - i> y •~sut"S ot'-+-O
-~- nilOn 1
~ 14 teacher~ ~Miu.kl ~ p31d ..oce 1bose In th field or eclfl)s
L Is~,.~ ~n~l"l'fl~l'll. Ag ot d ? -=====--- - -- --;;;_-_-:_-_-_- ---
- - makkartD..TS lwww.;.karta.ts~c;;
reet teaur Ma klca r
11ElTS Academic Essays from The Po~t Exa rns - or. t<,,anP
~9!) ~ ~: ~ S~t t,~Ws ~ g,ve yuu7"o~ntOO - - - : - - - - . -_ -Th:--_ --r()pinion~---
1 '- wtll .:!._Pt ~ 1,.ebchlng 0 1 a t e,1c (l'r nd st1..dont~ in tne-d;ss fduc t~o_:u~ateOn - _ _ _ _ _
lOO- - ~ 1
Uf)t ' "· " - ,.I( ~t y the ~ •a, ioso. Af_rPe 0 , dis,Jgfee 1 _ _
furnre -
v- ~ -- - -
-.: Extra Openion 1 -
v@rs 1tt Studenb s. - - - - - EdUc.ataOI'\
I- - - should be doi PE-nd most ttme st dying. Tl'I x t 1v,tW.~- - - - - - -...
lo1 Ma" - - - ~ 0 th r actrvlttes 100 Agr e/diS.i~~ __ ~ur - Negat 11e Problem s-olut101'\
V ()eollll:? who I - - - -d Ed ucat on -

302 -I tOIV<!rds 1 '.ln\i .iv schoo hold a n.egau.~ ,H 11u <' . de of stud~nts
The u ~ "'R_ Why dOC'J._lt1.!_ht1etJe1.!._1 S u t 10'l> - - - _tt~LI -:- r::- Who
Qov ,..,,,,:: ar\d les~o" contents are deuded bv the E.duca~·~~cide the
_ . -~- _
Opln,on 1

' Som P op~ argu~ that t~acheri -.ti.oold shCXJlv

t. .
m~"e u,e c •o CP LJ,. • hool currlcu,~ -- - - - -
303 a.., - - v OIJ a <e Or 1!.il re~, .. ~ - - - - - _.., no Qp1nt0r1 2
,... o-"a J'y'., d. - -- - - - -- I1or• Soa 1uh 1
sen ,n, c.h1lore1, to 1>~rd 1c,a !:t ool (e:ther In Educa
0 h
' C!r c.ountr1 ~ ·
Or' an ls becoming sch~,..i:..
Qrle' 'i Qwn cou ntry) vvi->


j mc.reast:ia

- n -
Rote learn ·
y PO"ul1t
..~ '

d,!,on..,> I"> po~1cl~e or fie& tive? _ _ _

- -
- - -
ing Pay$ a role in man~ P.duc~tl r sy~tems. Do
e ;)d\'.'.lntogl ~~ we-18h th disatlvanti'ige'.a 7

- -

- -
Educ tlOfl -
l~rn!!'J - - - - -
0 I
- -
Plfl on

""' )Jli.e '"'k \E"C0l"ldar, \chool stude"'lt, ,houkl loucat1on -

S't udy int4!mat,ol"la r 1\1:!'Ws .1~ on of tt--eir s.ubjects Other hu mitiOnal news ,n
P~pl~ ~y this tS a waste C'>fvalt.,;ab1t! ~Ch<X>I time 01SOiSS ~ a r y ~hools
~OU.,..,iew~d_B.1\/'t ')Uropn1on _____ - - --
O\Jd sch('lols .tno m d u l fdc It es re a'lr•llabl~ onlv in Educ~, on - D iSC\lS,!,
c;itses Som~ people t hm"- new , ~i:lcht:r!i ;and doctors Govemme1n - Ffes1,
!ithQuld wor1< '" f'vral ar~.11$ tor~ few yean. bot others t~.lehel'S ind doctors
think ~very<me should be ft•e to chOo$e whe,e they to work m rural
w r . 01~1 c;c;_!?oth n<1 ei"e yc.ur own O nlon. - ---
Some peo~ll th 'lk :h,u students b--;:;-efit from oing to Ed.. t•on - Priv tP Oiscw.s
P,lvJte se<:ond rv school~ . Ott-.ef~. hO\W'Ver. feel t " a t ~ondary schools

_ private se-c.o"da<y ichools can J'lc1ve a negatl~ @fleet on

__,_so_c_,erv r1 s a .-1hole O cu-.c; both thes~ v t'\~ and opine . .. _ _ _ t--
I 308 Is it *>ert r for children to IA"'ffm to ~eam a for &"
language at pr,m~ry ~hool tha'1 a t !,@conctary S(hool? Do
(h lduan - Language·
Opm1on 3

','OtJ tbi1r'1 the ad-antag~s out ~E' h thp disach:antagesi' _

309 f
Is using an.mats o r exper imentation purpos~ cruel, OR I$ Animal-
_ _n_ecP~~.;,y for d~vcl-,p, cnt o f science Olc.<:u~.. bo h . flCperimentattOfl
310 15 the ma•,.. benefit of n t ernat,onal coopt>,at'!On in M 1scellaneour; -
prot~ction of t he "'°'v lronm~nt. OR 1n tht'.! world buslnes.s. •nternat1ollc1I
o scus '1<.i t h v t!WS and give you, op oion eoo_p.!rat,on
311 Thr t~reased wo d deli"\ nd for oi .and gas has mad4: It Envlronme11 - Opmion 3
neces~clr.' for louting th~e S°'-ltces In remote e nd RA!mOtP dnlflf'l6
urrtovched natural af<!,n Do th~ adva nt~ces ootweigh {Against Drilling}
I the d ir;advc1ntag_c;_?_ _
-· t-e ·~c.rea!>ed worJd d~ Viand for 011 and gas h,1 made It 1
l::rw1ro"l"letlt - Opinion 3
nec~~sary for Jocatmg these !>OUrces ln remote and Remot d r'lll Ing
1,1ntouch.ed raatu,al areas. oo th~ advant41ges outwelgl'\ ( For Dritlmg)
the d is.adva ntcJge!.? (For' Ori linsl --
- - --,.. :e tPnd to tak tem pot c1 ry Jobs so that they Jobi; - -;.;;-or,,,,.,., - - - 0
313 sorne pe<>'"' j:Mnlon 3
have Hme to dO oth r th i~? Do ht? adv~r,tages Jobs
.... ••• 1

- 3 14
I j ovtwel~h~1~adv-1nta
- 1 -
Prof~ss onah......
tead'lers s V""
e_s- - - - - - -
such ~s dOCto,1,
nur's4!s ind Jo~ - Pav 1~sues of
•ld b~ paid mo,~ tMr, u,ose In he neld of eei bs
d ?
Opinion 1

_ - _;: _ ___or ~ _ re.!.__ -- _ - __ _ - ~ _ __..__ _-_- _-_-_,--
- - makkarlELTS lwww~rnakka-;
f IELTS Ac~demlc hsays from The Pntt Exams - Or. kfrar1pteet Kaur Makkar
Scmt' (O\Jf1' hiwe introduced • w lo t:i!1lit ¥1orll
hoc.It~ for @ffllPIO'( es. WI')' iS th!) l,)W lntr~ ed1 Oo yc,u
IJob-wor .
think It ~ l f l ~ 0t a oe4311•1e df'\I ent?

1'1 s ~ countries. 1 1-. illtci)! for c<>mp.t ,c~ l"fj«t
jOb apphcar14 '.or qe 15 t pt1si1 Iv~ 0( 1
Now.idati. some wor-.,, t Ad to t>l'llplov eqUil
a•tNe t
1:~::". ---
I OplnlOA.1
Opiftlon 3
! I
n umbtn of men atld ~omen 'llfQrlws 00 •10u think 1t Is. t
~ 11r11 • ar nqatHe deve~ •nt 1
318 Men i\rt placed 11' most high lewl Jot» Gove rrurent
Job$ -
- - - - - Opinion l
Gt.-d4fr i>~

~hould ffl<CNrage a <ert.),n p("ftetlt llg,~ of these ,oos to
b e ~ tor #Qf'14!fl, Do y&J ag,ee o, d11, ttr••'
.J t are t~ btncf t s of requiring \'oung P6 to , M
"' high~-, Jab$

MtsalhlfleQUS -
Dltect q~Ol'I
t h~ Mntv?OoeJ portlCll)at1on in commllnlty
I ,_...._as _~_ attema, 111~)
au•Wv Compulsa,.., Millu1,y

I --
320 c trad•tlonaJ I ic i tvlr of I p ,c,ptc, n cte...cl0P'1'11! rcurh,rn- Oplr,'on l
j ( ~ntrin is attr.ictlnc 10Ut~u. w1lich pri!:Vents a:al
..._ ___.pe_o...._pJe changing ton tn Wll\'l> Agra: oi d~(~, 11{-,~
32 1 Th? tta(la,tloMI " \tylt" ol l()c ~oplt- In ··•.;e-lopi.. TOOTbm-1, ltlc,NI Op.tiiOn 1
1 countti~s is auractin,t lQur~•i. whk h preve'flts loc.l ~ estyte
pe_o..._p_le,J "i to mod n w.ivi.
_ _ _........ N! or di e? OiS.lgree
A IOt of charit .es and or~i>nli;11t ~ v~ o pc,b'ic•J~the4' fsce,1an..o11~ - C' IJS• ff~fl
acbwtles by ~fflt1g up a I\Utnbtt ol dllyi. to ,i.tme * Cham1es iNICJ ~pecJal
SP4:'ci;,I d.Jy 11 <- Natmn•I Chtldr n·1. d•w •nd HatlooaL d.lyS
nQl\'Smokir,g dav C•u ,, iln-d ,,1trc.t
323 • Rich countries ~ Id nol (•mp ~ II 1 d I ~ , from Rich POOf .k>b - ~ 1n1onl
poor coun1ne$, as DOor c()41r,t,ie, ne d I~ WO(kers mew~. >ki!led labour
Do V°" j ,~e Of dis.,.
324 • th tht \IS or m phon<•\ .1n lOtnputers, 1he T!'(;hnotogv - Lett~
I Opan,.on 1 alld
dirt<;t question
tlilddlon i iluJI c' wrlt1nR I Uch .-,II dlr.~ppea, Agree/

I 12~
dl,.tgrtt · w,~ ttC?r w11,i~1g>
»: tv i b,nl?d on t Ir-. .and IJws If fr,,,.
Jduals wl'r.-
10 do whatever Chey w ;mted 1~ do. ,t c.ould not ' \lll<tlOn
IMtscellanecx,s -
Ruli::5 and aws
Tu w-1,at ei.teot do_VO\J aertt i;>,t d~.-g l!'f'7
.----- progress is ttx- °'"''Y "'.ay to meawre a count"\'·~ Misces.:aneous • hon
316 f(O",om,,c
m~~)W'ing succ~s o~

~,ess, O!l: other tarn,r; Wh:tl • re the-se factors? A,l,lj
amo~ 1hem, .-h--ch one is mO!'e ifflpott.-lM. I countrY
OirC!'ct quesllf.)ft
PN>ple l\iw'e thotJM t ;,bout c.reat,ng an Ideal socie-tv, but
I an mik1n th,~ hJpix-n W?lat ~ A~ Ideal society? How
cJn wt• c.r •,,ce n Id t I ty7
318 MJII!' ieade-n ~ 11\ 10 v,olt•nc al'ld conthet. W l h ftm .ife M"°'tll.ineous - Male IOpm1on l
lea~. ,t w~I ~ more pNt f f ~rtt{d 1\.ol r 1 frmali- r M
,-U9 Char,1eter sties we arc bom with, have l'l'Ort! ,-.,4lucr, ~ Oft .iturtl urtute Discuss a~ direct

L--~ I
our pl!'r101'1allty and development t~n eaperlences Wf!
~ our 1,f~. WhtCh .s the n"..t,ior in.iuer.ce?
m yh
Peopl•· '"' 10 ,chltv. • ba ~, b,<~H• tM rwCJA and
hves, but i •w pe-op h t 1t, Ci)US~~ & uons.
Job- P<uplt- ~or
life balance
_,em salotlo" I
~ eople 1 ~ 1 that huma n riCt I> ,ct ,Iv lmprovlrag an MIS<:ellaneous - _j_Dlt ct quMtlon
ewry atea of l~fe, '" wfiieh arN.S do yov think. ~ "'av~ human prog<ell
miKlc lmporu1,it prog,ess nowact.iyi.? Jn whtch ~rHJ do

I. you think wt itl lo m.>i:"'"'e_,p._rog__.._r;--:es
makkarlELTS Iwww.,mak~

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