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Mass-Transfer Limitations for

Immobilized Enzyme-Catalyzed Kinetic

Resolution of Racemate in a
Fixed-Bed Reactor

Guo-Hua Xiu,1,* Lei Jiang,1 Ping Li2

Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences,
Beijing 100080, P.R. China
Department of Chemical Engineering, Shenyang Institute of Chemical
Technology, Shenyang, P.R. China
Received 4 August 2000; accepted 28 December 2000

Abstract: A mathematical model has been developed for lution process, mass-transfer limitations may exist, espe-
immobilized enzyme-catalyzed kinetic resolution of cially for a more reactive system. If diffusion transfer limi-
racemate in a fixed-bed reactor in which the enzyme-
catalyzed reaction (the irreversible uni–uni competitive
tation occurs in the resolution process, the enzyme effective
Michaelis–Menten kinetics is chosen as an example) was enantioselectivity will be lowered to a certain extent, and
coupled with intraparticle diffusion, external mass trans- will result in a decrease in the optical purity and yield of the
fer, and axial dispersion. The effects of mass-transfer desired product. Matson and Lopez (1990) first described
limitations, competitive inhibition of substrates, deacti-
this phenomenon theoretically for a membrane bioreactor.
vation on the enzyme effective enantioselectivity, and
the optical purity and yield of the desired product are Fixed-bed reactors have traditionally been used for most
examined quantitatively over a wide range of parameters large-scale catalytic reactors because of their efficiency, low
using the orthogonal collocation method. For a first- cost, and ease of construction, operation, and maintenance.
order reaction, an analytical solution is derived from the Efforts have been made to study the reaction kinetics, mass-
mathematical model for slab-, cylindrical-, and spherical-
enzyme supports. Based on the analytical solution for the transfer mechanism, and mathematical model of fixed-bed
steady-state resolution process, a new concise formula- reactors. Most researchers have focused on steady-state op-
tion is presented to predict quantitatively the mass- erations (Bailey and Ollis, 1986; Froment and Bischoff,
transfer limitations on enzyme effective enantioselectiv- 1990, Marrazzo et al., 1975; Smith, 1981). Recently, inter-
ity and optical purity and yield of the desired product for
est in the mathematical modeling of unsteady-state opera-
a continuous steady-state kinetic resolution process in a
fixed-bed reactor. © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Biotechnol tion has increased significantly because of its importance in
Bioeng 74: 29–39, 2001. fixed-bed reactor design and process control (Zheng and
Keywords: immobilized enzyme; kinetic resolution; Gu, 1996). Therefore, kinetic resolution of racemate by im-
mass-transfer limitations; fixed-bed reactor; analytical mobilized enzyme in a fixed-bed reactor is a topic for in-
solution; orthogonal collocation method
In terms of design of immobilized enzyme fixed-bed re-
INTRODUCTION actors, three major processes should be considered in order
to achieve maximal efficiency and high-quality production
Enzyme-catalyzed resolution of racemate has stimulated (Indlekofer et al., 1996): (1) transport of the reactant (prod-
much interest with regard to production of drugs and agro- uct) molecules form (to) the bulk phase to (from) the vicin-
chemicals in the last decade. Lipase, a relatively inexpen- ity of the immobilized enzyme, in which axial dispersion,
sive enzyme, has been widely employed as a biocatalyst for external mass transfer, and intraparticle diffusion should be
such reactions. This enzyme is usually immobilized onto involved; (2) stereoselective transformation of the reactant
porous support material to improve its activity and thermo- molecules by chemical reaction catalyzed by immobilized
dynamic stability and to separate easily from the mixture for enzyme; and (3) enzyme deactivation. For the second and
reuse. For the immobilized enzyme-catalyzed kinetic reso- third processes, many fundamental experiments have been
carried out to determine the reaction mechanism, deactiva-
tion rate of enzyme, and enzyme enantioselectivity in batch
Correspondence to: G. H. Xiu and fixed-bed reactors (Garcia et al., 2000; Indlekofer et al.,
* Present address: LSRE Laboratory of Separation and Reaction Engi-
1993; Rakels et al., 1994; Straathof et al., 1992; Tsai et al.,
neering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto, Rua Dr. Roberto
Frias s/n, 4200-465 Porto, Portugal. Telephone: 351-22-5081618; fax: 351- 1997). However, quantitative investigation about mass-
22-5081674; e-mail: transfer limitations and the characteristics of the resolution
Contract grant sponsor: China Postdoctoral Science Foundation. process in a fixed-bed reactor has been rare.

© 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

For an intrinsic reaction catalyzed by an enzyme, Chen et activity. Consider a system with zero initial racemic con-
al. (1982) was the first to find a quantitative relationship centrations in which a racemic mixture step is introduced to
between enantiomeric excess, racemate conversion, and in- the inlet of the reactor at time zero. For the reaction/mass-
trinsic enantiomeric ratio. Although the enzyme effective transfer controlling process, the material balance equation
enantioselectivity for an immobilized enzyme depends on of an individual enantiomer, j (j ⳱ R-, S-), in the porous
both the intrinsic enantiomeric ratio and effectiveness fac- support matrix is then given by:

冉 冊 冉 冊
tors (Indlekofer et al., 1996; Matson and Lopez, 1990), it
⭸cj 1 ⭸ ⭸cj t
must also evaluate the impact of mass-transfer restrictions ␧p = Deff p rp − ␳p XE exp − vj (1)
on enzyme effective enantioselectivity for the immobilized ⭸t r ⭸r ⭸r t 1
enzyme-catalyzed kinetic resolution process.
where exp(−t/t1) is the rate of enzyme deactivation, t1 is the
Matson and Lopez (1990) reported a quantitative analysis
time constant of enzyme deactivation, vj is the special re-
taking into account the simultaneous reaction/intraparticle
action rate of enantiomers, and p is the shape factor of the
diffusion processes pertinent to competitively reacting en-
porous support (p ⳱ 2 for sphere, p ⳱ 1 for cylinder, and
antiomers in an immobilized enzyme system for first-order
p ⳱ 0 for slab).
reaction. Indlekofer et al. (1996) numerically investigated
The pore diffusion equation [Eq. (1)] is coupled with the
the effectiveness factors in single catalyst pellets at steady
external bulk concentrations in the stream flowing through
state for competitive Michaelis–Menten kinetics and mass-
the fixed-bed reactor through the following boundary con-
transfer limitations on the optical purity and yield of the
desired product for a fixed-bed reactor at specified operat-
ing conditions.
In a previous study (Xiu et al., 2000), the mass-transfer Deff 冉 冊
⭸r r =R
= kf 关Cj − 共cj兲r =R兴 (2)
limitations for an immobilized enzyme-catalyzed kinetic
resolution process in a batch reactor was studied. In this The second boundary condition is given by the symmetry
work, however, the objectives are: condition at the center of the porous support:
1. To analyze quantitatively the mass-transfer limitations
(taking into account the axial dispersion, external mass- 冉 冊⭸cj
⭸r r =0
=0 (3)
transfer resistance, and intraparticle diffusion resistance)
on the enzyme effective enantioselectivity and the opti- The mass balance equation for the substrates in the fluid
cal purity and yield of the desired product for the im- phase is:
mobilized enzyme-catalyzed kinetic resolution process
⭸Cj ⭸2Cj u0 ⭸Cj 共1 − ␧b兲 共1 + p兲
in a fixed-bed reactor using a numerical method (for = Dax 2 − − kf 关Cj − 共cj兲r =R兴
Michaelis–Menten kinetics) and analytical solution (for ⭸t ⭸Z ␧b ⭸Z ␧b R
first-order reaction) over a wide range of model param- (4)
with the Danckwerts boundary conditions at the reactor inlet
2. Based on an analytical solution in an extreme situation,
and outlet:
to present a concise formula for predicting the effects of
mass-transfer limitations, inhibition of substrates, and en-
zyme deactivation on enzyme effective enantioselectiv- Z = 0, Dax 冉 冊 ⭸Cj
⭸Z Z=0
关C − 共Cj兲Z=0兴
␧b j0

冉 冊
ity and optical purity and yield of the desired product for
irreversible uni–uni competitive Michaelis–Menten and ⭸Cj
Z = L, =0 (6)
other complex reaction kinetics. ⭸Z Z=L

The initial conditions for Eqs. (1)–(6) are:

t = 0, cj = 0, Cj = 0 (7)
Consider that AS and AR are fast and slow-reacting enantio- It is further assumed that the special reaction rate, vj,
mers that compete for the same site on the enzyme (Chen et derives from the irreversible uni–uni competitive Michae-
al., 1982). For the following reaction, we assume this to be lis–Menten kinetics (Scheme 1). For an individual enantio-
virtually irreversible and that there is no product inhibition: mer, j (j ⳱ R-, S-), this can be expressed as:
Vmj Ⲑ Kmj
Enz + Aj → Enz + Bj
Scheme 1.
共j = R, S兲 vj = 冉 冊

The other assumptions employed in this work for the
heterogeneous kinetic resolution process are isothermal, The enantioselectivity or enantiomeric ratio, E, of the
constant effective diffusivity of the substrate species inside enzyme is defined as the ratio of the specificity constants
the porous support, and homogeneously distributed enzyme (Vm/Km) of the enzyme for the R- and S-enantiomer


(Straathof and Jongejan, 1997). The enantiomeric ratio for
the S-enantiomer preferentially selective process can be de- 冉 冊
⭸␰ ␰=1
= Bi关yj − 共xj兲␰=1兴 (11)
fined as:

冉 冊
⭸␰ ␰=0
=0 (12)
⭸yj 1 ⭸2yj ⭸yj
The number of parameters used in this mathematical = − − 共1 + p兲St关yj − 共xj兲␰=1兴 (13)
⭸␶ Pe ⭸␨2 ⭸␨
model can be reduced by nondimensionalization. For our
work, the following dimensionless variables and groups are
introduced: ␨ = 0, 冉 冊
⭸␨ ␨=0
= −Pe关1 − 共yj兲␨=0兴 (14)

xj =
,y =
Cj0 j Cj0
dimensionless concentrations ␨ = 1, 冉 冊
⭸␨ ␨=1
=0 (15)

Z xj = 0, yj = 0, ␶ = 0 (16)
␨= dimensionless axial distance
␰= dimensionless radial distance xj
R Rj = (17)
xR xS
1+ +
u0t ␤R ␤S
␶= dimensionless contact time
Owing to the nonlinearity of Rj, an analytical solution
kf R could not be obtained from Eqs. (10)–(17). The orthogonal
Bi = Biot number collocation method is used to transform the actual system of
Eqs. (10)–(17) into a system of ordinary differential equa-
u0 L Peclet number based on reactor tions of initial-value type. These equations could then be
Pe = integrated into the time domain using Gear’s stiff variable
Dax␧b length
step integration routine to calculate the changes of exit con-

冉 冊 ␶ centrations of substrates with time (Li et al., 2000).

␾S = ␾S共0兲exp − Thiele modulus for S-enantiomer In the extreme situation (for both the boundary conditions
and the expression of Rj), there exists an analytical solution

for Eqs. (10)–(17). In the following sections, we first derive
VmS␳pXE an analytical solution, and present a more general expres-
␾S共0兲 = R ␾S in the case of ␶1 → ⬁ sion for the exit concentration at steady state from Danck-
werts boundary conditions and a first-order reaction as-
␾S sumption based on the work of Marrazzo et al. (1975). We
␾R = Thiele modulus for R-enantiomer then propose a formula. The general formula and its derived
公E equations are helpful in calculating the enzyme effective
␾S共0兲 enantioselectivity and for predicting the optical purity and
␾R共0兲 = ␾R in the case of ␶1 → ⬁ yield of the desired product for an immobilized enzyme-
公E catalyzed kinetic resolution process in a fixed-bed reactor.
Kmj dimensionless Michaelis–Menten
␤j =
Cj0 constant Analytical Solution for First-Order Reaction in a
Fixed-Bed Reactor
␧bDeff L
Dr = bed-length parameter For first-order reaction kinetics, Eq. (17) becomes:
Rj = xj (18)
BiDr␧P共1 − ␧b兲
St = Stanton number This situation is valid only for the enzymatic kinetics with
xj Ⰶ ␤j (or, in dimension form, cj Ⰶ Kmj), or for dilute
substrate concentration leading to xj Ⰶ ␤j.
Then, by writing in dimensionless form, Eqs. (1)–(8) be-
For the purpose of deriving an analytical solution from
the equations just given, the following assumptions should
1 ⭸xj 1 ⭸ p ⭸xj
Dr ⭸␶ ␰p ⭸␰

⭸␰ 冉 冊
− ␾2j Rj (10)
be made:
1. ␶1 → ⬁; that is, the enzyme activity is time-independent.


2. The Danckwerts boundary conditions are replaced by the BiEj
following equations: hj = (27)
D2j + E2j

yj共0,␶兲 = 1 (19)
关␾j共0兲兴4 + ␤2 Ⲑ Dr2 + 关␾j共0兲兴2
yj共␨ → ⬁,␶兲 = 0 (20) dj = (28)

which were used by Rosen (1952).
Raghavan and Ruthven (1983) pointed out that the dif- 关␾j共0兲兴4 + ␤2 Ⲑ Dr2 − 关␾j共0兲兴2
ference in the Danckwerts and Rosen boundary conditions ej = (29)
leads to a significant difference in the solutions only when
both the axial Peclet number, Pe, and the bed-length pa- For expression of ␭j , Dj , and Ej , see Table I.
rameter, Dr, are small. From a practical point of view, it is For high values of Pe (DL → 0), we can disregard all
not possible to make both of them small. Therefore, the terms of the order 1/Pe, and then Eq. (21) becomes:
solution derived based on Eqs. (19) and (20) can represent
兰 exp关− 共1 + p兲Stq ␨兴sin兵␤␶ − ␨关␤ +
yj⬁ 1 ⬁
this based on Danckwerts boundary conditions. yj = +
Because both enantiomers are converted according to 2 ␲ 0

first-order kinetics, the conversion of one enantiomer is in- d␤

共1 + p兲Sthj兴其 共Pe → ⬁兲 (30)
dependent from the conversion of the other. Similar to the ␤
work of Xiu and Li (1999), the following time-domain so-
lution of yj is obtained based on Rosen’s boundary condi- For the particular case:

冋 冉 冊册
tions: Bi

冉 冑公 冊
yj⬁ = exp − 共1 + p兲St␨ 1 − 共Pe → ⬁兲
Bi + ␭j
a2j + b2j + aj
兰 exp
yj⬁ 1 ⬁ Pe␨
yj = + −␨ sin (31)

冉 冑公 冊
2 0 2 2
The analytical solution of Eqs. (21)–(29) has a general
a2j + b2j − aj d␤ form that takes into account the first-order reaction from the
␤␶ − ␨ (21)
2 ␤ work of Rasmuson and Neretnieks (1980).

冋冉 冊册
The exit concentrations of substrates at steady state
Pe (yj⬁)␨⳱1 are equal to the zeroth moment of the unreacted
yj⬁ = exp − ␦j ␨ (22)
2 fractions of substrates (Suzuki and Smith, 1971). Fortu-

nately, we can derive a more general expression of (yj⬁)␨⳱1
␦j =
+ 共1 + p兲PeSt 1 − 冉Bi
␭j + Bi 冊 (23)
from the zeroth moment based on the Danckwerts boundary
conditions. The final result is given by:

冋 Pe
册 1 Pe
冉 冊
冉 冊
aj = Pe + 共1 + p兲Stqj (24) 共yj⬁ 兲␨=1 = exp
4 Pe ␦j 2
+ sinh ␦j + cosh ␦j
4␦j Pe
bj = Pe关␤ + 共1 + p兲Sthj兴 (25) (32)
BiDj It should be noted that Marrazzo et al. (1975) derived Eq.
qj = 1 − (26)
D2j + E2j (32) for p ⳱ 2 with a dimension form.

Table I. Expressions of ␭j, Dj, and Ej (j ⳱ R-, S-).

p ␭j Dj Ej

2 ␾j共0兲coth␾j共0兲 − 1 dj sinh 2dj + ej sin 2ej ej sinh 2dj − dj sin 2ej

− 1 + Bi
cosh 2dj − cos 2ej cosh 2dj − cos 2ej

1a I1关␾j共0兲兴 ⬁
共d2j − ej2兲共␥n + dj2 − e2j 兲 + 4dj2e2j

兺 兺 共␥
I0关␾j共0兲兴 2 + Bi
n=1 共 ␥n + dj2 − ej2兲2 + 4d2j ej2 n=1 n + dj − ej 兲 + 4dj ej
2 2 2 2 2

0 ␾j共0兲tanh␾j共0兲 dj sinh 2dj − ej sin 2ej ej sinh 2dj + dj sin 2ej

+ Bi
cosh 2dj + cos 2ej cosh 2dj + cos 2ej

I1[␾j(0)]/I0[␾j(0)] ⳱ ⌺⬁n⳱1 2␾j(0)/(␥n + [␾j(0)]2) (Xiu and Li, 1999), in which I0 and I1 are the
modified Bessel functions of zero and first orders, and √␥n are the roots of Bessel functions of zero


RESULTS AND DISCUSSION for ␶1 ⳱ 10. The inhibition of substrates decreases the
reaction rate for Michaelis–Menten kinetics compared with
Typical Time Courses of Exit Concentrations and that of the first-order reaction, leading to lower conversion
Relationship Among Dr, the Racemate of the substrates than those of the first-order reaction.
Conversion, ␩, and Excess of Remaining Generally, optical purity (expressed as the enantiomeric
Substrate, eeS (or Product Excess eeP) excess of the remaining substrate, eeS, or the product excess,
eeP) is recognized as the target parameter in the resolution
Figure 1 presents typical courses of exit concentrations, yj,
process. The enantiomeric excess of the remaining substrate
for the immobilized enzyme-catalyzed kinetic resolution
(eeS), and the product excess (eeP) is calculated by:
process in a fixed-bed reactor for the irreversible uni–uni
competitive Michaelis–Menten kinetics (first-order reaction XS − XR
is included), with and without enzyme deactivation at E ⳱ eeS = (33)
2 − XS − XR
20, Bi ⳱ 10, Pe ⳱ 50, Dr ⳱ 1.4, and [␾S(0)]2 ⳱ 10, under
the following conditions: p ⳱ 2, ␨ ⳱ 1, ␧b ⳱ 0.5, and ␧p XS − XR
eeP = (34)
⳱ 0.5. For the first-order reaction without enzyme deacti- XS + XR
vation (␶1 ⳱ ⬁), the curves are also calculated by the ana-
lytical solutions [Eqs. (21)–(29)], as shown in Figure 1 in which X j represents the conversion of R- and S-
(open circles). The integrand of Eq. (21) is the product of an enantiomers at the exit of the fixed-bed reactor. At the
exponential decaying function and a periodic sine function; (pseudo-)steady state, Xj is defined as:
the integration is performed over each half-period of the Xj = 1 − 共yj⬁ 兲␨=1 (35)
sine wave that was developed by Rasmuson (1985). The
curves calculated by the numerical method with Danckwerts The conversion of racemate is:
boundary conditions are in agreement with those of Eqs.
(21)–(29) for a first-order reaction; thus, the accuracy of the ␩= (36)
numerical method is tested by the analytical solution. 2
As evident from Figure 1, the whole time courses of the Figure 2 demonstrates the relationship between Dr, ␩,
exit concentrations can be approximately divided into two and eeS (or eeP) for shape factor p ⳱ 2, 1, and 0, and ␨ ⳱
parts: (i) the dynamic zone and (ii) the (pseudo-)steady-state 1, ␧b ⳱ 0.5, and ␧p ⳱ 0.5 at the steady state for the first-
zone. At the dynamic zone, the exit concentrations increase order reaction. The racemate conversion, ␩, and the enan-
sharply with time, then the (pseudo-)steady state is reached tiomeric excess of the remaining substrate, eeS, increase
where the time courses of the exit concentrations do not with increasing Dr, whereas the product excess, eeP, de-
change (␶1 ⳱ ⬁) or change slowly (␶1 ⳱ 10; the enzyme creases with increasing Dr. The bed-length parameter, Dr, is
deactivation is a rather slow process when compared to the the ratio of the residence time of the substrates in the reactor
mean residence time of substrates in the reactor). Usually, a to the intraparticle diffusion time of the substrates in the
continuous resolution process would be carried out at the porous support. It is a major adjustable parameter to decide
(pseudo-)steady-state zone. the racemate conversion ␩ whereas the other operating con-
As shown in Figure 1, the exit concentrations of the R- ditions should be specified. For the specified levels of op-
and S-enantiomer increase with time at pseudo-steady state tical purity of the desired product, there always exists an
optimal value of Dr for which the largest yield of racemate

Figure 1. Typical time courses of exit concentration y by orthogonal

collocation method at E ⳱ 20, Bi ⳱ 10, Pe ⳱ 50, Dr ⳱ 1.4, and [␾S(0)]2 Figure 2. Effects of Dr and shape factor, p, on eeP, eeS, and ␩ at E ⳱ 10,
⳱ 10. Open circles: analytical solution of Eqs. (21)–(29); dashed lines: Bi ⳱ 10, Pe ⳱ 100, and [␾S(0)]2 ⳱ 1 for a first-order reaction at the
first-order reaction; solid lines: Michaelis–Menten kinetics. steady state. Solid lines: p ⳱ 2; dashed lines: p ⳱ 1; dotted lines: p ⳱ 0.


can be obtained. If the E value is given, the optimal oper- The equation just expressed has the same form as Eq.
ating resolution process indicates that the more reactive S- (37); therefore, Eq. (37) is also suitable for describing the
enantiomer is almost completely converted, whereas most intrinsic enzyme-catalyzed kinetic resolution process in a
of the less reactive R-enantiomer remains at the exit of the fixed-bed reactor.
fixed-bed reactor. This process can be initiated by adjusting The enantiomeric ratio, E, is generally accepted as a pa-
the bed-length parameter, Dr. rameter for quantification of the enantioselectivity of the
The shape factor, p, has a significant influence on ␩, eeS, enzyme. For an immobilized enzyme-catalyzed kinetic
and eeP, as shown in Figure 2. In the following subsections resolution process in a fixed-bed reactor, the mass-transfer
we focus on the case of p ⳱ 2; other conditions are speci- resistances limit the reaction rate more extensively for the
fied at ␨ ⳱ 1, ␧b ⳱ 0.5, and ␧p ⳱ 0.5. more reactive S-enantiomer than for the less reactive R-
enantiomer, resulting in an overall decrease in effective ste-
reoselectivity of the enzyme. Extensive analogous expres-
New Solutions to Predict Enzyme Effective
Enantioselectivity, Eeff, Optical Purity, and Yield sions can be developed for an immobilized enzyme-
of Desired Product for First-Order Reaction catalyzed kinetic resolution process. Similar to Eq. (40), we
To predict the optical purity and yield of the desired product
in a racemate kinetic resolution process, Chen et al. (1982) ln yS ln关共1 − ␩兲共1 − eeS兲兴
= = Eeff (41a)
first derived the following equation that quantitatively de- ln yR ln关共1 − ␩兲共1 + eeS兲兴
scribes the relationship among E, ␩, and eeS (or eeP) for the
homogeneous kinetic resolution process with irreversible ln yS ln关1 − ␩共1 + eep兲兴
uni–uni competitive Michaelis–Menten kinetics in a batch = = Eeff (41b)
ln yR ln关1 − ␩共1 − eep兲兴
ln关共1 − ␩兲共1 − eeS兲兴 where Eeff is the effective enantiomeric ratio (or the enzyme
=E 共for intrinsic reaction兲 effective enantioselectivity), as proposed by Matson and
ln关共1 − ␩兲共1 + eeS兲兴
Lopez (1990).
Matson and Lopez (1990) extended the work of Chen et
and: al. (1982) to a membrane bioreactor for a first-order reac-
tion, and found the quantitative formula for Eeff in which
ln关1 − ␩共1 + eeP兲兴 ␾j(0) is involved:
=E 共for intrinsic reaction兲
ln关1 − ␩共1 − eeP兲兴

When the mass-transfer limitations in the kinetic resolu-


冋 1

tanh␾S共0兲 ␾S共0兲 册
冋 册
Eeff = E 共for p = 2兲
tion process can be neglected, based on Eqs. (1)–(8), at 1 1

(pseudo-)steady state the mass balance equation for a fixed- tanh␾R共0兲 ␾R共0兲
bed reactor with ideal plug flow can be written as: (42)

= 共1 − ␧b兲
Kmju0 冉 冊
exp −
t1 j
Evidently, from Eq. (42), if ␾j(0) → 0, then Eeff will de-
generate into E.
共for intrinsic reaction in a fixed-bed reactor) For immobilized enzyme-catalyzed kinetic resolution of
(38) racemate in a batch reactor, Xiu et al. (2000) derived the
following expression for Eeff:
Therefore, we have:
dyS RS yS ␩GS
=E =E (39) Eeff = E (43)
dyR RR yR ␩GR

Considering yS0 ⳱ yR0 ⳱ 1 for a racemic mixture, integra- in which the global effectiveness factor ␩Gj is (Goto et al.,
tion of Eq. (39) yields: 1990):

冋 册冋 册
ln yS ln关共1 − ␩兲共1 − eeS兲兴
= 3 1 1
ln yR ln关共1 − ␩兲共1 + eeS兲兴 −
␾j共0兲 tanh␾j共0兲 ␾j共0兲
=E 共for intrinsic reaction in a fixed-bed reactor)
冋 册冋 册
␩ Gj = 共for p = 2兲
(40a) ␾j共0兲 1 1
− +1
Bi tanh␾j共0兲 ␾j共0兲
ln yS ln关1 − ␩共1 + eep兲兴 (44)
ln yR ln关1 − ␩共1 − eep兲兴
=E 共for intrinsic reaction in a fixed-bed reactor) For an immobilized enzyme-catalyzed kinetic resolution
(40b) process in a fixed-bed reactor, based on Eq. (32), we have:


ln共yj⬁兲␨=1 =
− ln 冋冉 Pe ␦j
4␦j Pe 冊
sinh ␦j + cosh ␦j 册 Mass-Transfer Limitations on Enzyme Effective
Enantioselectivity and Optical Purity and Yield of
Desired Product
The results calculated by Eq. (37) are shown in Figure 3 (for
Thus, it is convenient to obtain the expression of Eeff from intrinsic reaction, solid lines). When enzyme enantioselec-
Eq. (45): tivity is favored (e.g., E ⳱ 100), almost 50% of the enan-
− ln 冋冉 Pe ␦S
4␦S Pe 冊
sinh ␦S + cosh ␦S 册 tiopure product will be obtained, whereas almost 50% of the
enantiopure substrate will remain at the end of the resolu-
tion process. For lower enantioselectivity (e.g., E ⳱ 5), the
冋冉 冊 册
Eeff = (46)
Pe Pe ␦R required enantiomeric purity of the remaining substrate may
− ln + sinh ␦R + cosh ␦R
2 4␦R Pe be reached at a higher conversion of racemate, but it is not
possible to obtain an enantiopure product.
Eq. (41), with Eq. (46), quantitatively describes the rela-
For an immobilized enzyme-catalyzed kinetic resolution
tionship between the racemate conversion (␩), the optical
process in a fixed-bed reactor, the optical purity and yield of
purity and yield of the desired product (eeS and eeP), and the
the desired product will decrease due to mass-transfer limi-
model parameters (E, ␾j, Bi, Pe, and Dr) at steady state
tations, as shown in Figure 3. The dashed lines represent the
without enzyme deactivation in the exit of the fixed-bed
results calculated by Eqs. (10)–(17) with the orthogonal
reactor for a first-order reaction.
If Pe → ⬁ (where the effect of axial dispersion can be
neglected), the exit concentration at steady state in the
fixed-bed reactor could be simplified to:

共yj⬁兲␨=1 = exp − 共1 + p兲St 1 − 冉 Bi
Bi + ␭j 冊册 共Pe → ⬁兲
Then Eq. (46) could be degenerated into the following con-
cise mathematical expression:
Bi + ␭S ␭S共Bi + ␭R兲
Eeff = = 共Pe → ⬁兲 (48)
Bi ␭R共Bi + ␭S兲
Bi + ␭R
If p ⳱ 2, Eq. (48) is the formula proposed by Xiu et al.
(2000) [i.e., Eq. (43)].
Furthermore, under the assumption of Bi → ⬁ (absence of
the external mass-transfer resistance), the expression of
(yj⬁)␨⳱1 and Eeff can be simplified to:

共yj⬁兲␨=1 = exp − 共1 + p兲 冉 冊
1 − ␧B
␧pDr␭j 册
共Bi → ⬁ and Pe → ⬁兲 (49)
Eeff = 共Bi → ⬁ and Pe → ⬁兲 (50)
If p ⳱ 2, Eq. (50) is the formula proposed by Matson and
Lopez (1990) [i.e., Eq. (42)].
The difference between Eq. (46) and its derived equations Figure 3. (a) Mass-transfer limitations on eeP and eeS as a function of the
[Eq. (48) and (50)] should be noted. Eeff is dependent on the racemate conversion, ␩, at steady state for Bi ⳱ 100, Pe ⳱ 100, and
bed-length parameter, Dr, if Eq. (46) is adopted; Dr is a [␾S(0)]2 ⳱ 1. Solid lines: Eq. (37) (Chen et al., 1982); dashed lines:
major adjustable parameter for deciding the racemate con- Michaelis–Menten kinetics with ␤j ⳱ 1; dotted lines: first-order reaction
version, ␩, as shown in Figure 2. Based on Eq. (48) and Eq. [Eq. (41) with Eq. (46)]. (b) Mass-transfer limitations on eeP and eeS as a
function of the racemate conversion, ␩, at steady state for Bi ⳱ 10, Pe ⳱
(50), Eeff is independent of the bed-length parameter, Dr; in 20, and [␾S(0)]2 ⳱ 10. Solid lines: Eq. (37) (Chen et al., 1982); dashed
this case, Eeff has the same form for different types of re- lines: Michaelis–Menten kinetics with ␤j ⳱ 1; dotted lines: first-order
actors. reaction [Eq. (41) with Eq. (46)].


collocation method for Michaelis–Menten kinetics, whereas
the dotted lines represent the results of Eqs. (41) and (46)
for a first-order reaction. Mass-transfer limitations should
be negligible for an immobilized enzyme-catalyzed kinetic
resolution process in a fixed-bed reactor if [␾S(0)]2 ⱕ 1, Bi
ⱖ 100, and Pe ⱖ 100, as shown in Figure 3a; in this case,
the dashed and dotted lines are close to the solid lines for E
⳱ 100 and E ⳱ 5.
Otherwise, if mass-transfer limitations exist (e.g., Bi ⳱
10, Pe ⳱ 20, and [␾S(0)]2 ⳱ 10, as shown in Fig. 3b), for
lower values of enantiomeric ratio (E ⳱ 5), the optical
purity of the desired product will decrease significantly due
to the mass-transfer limitations; in this case, the dashed and
the dotted lines are both well apart from the solid lines.
Figure 4 shows the effect of Thiele modulus, ␾S(0), on Figure 5. Effect of Bi on enzyme effective enantioselectivity, Eeff , at Pe
the enzyme effective enantioselectivity, Eeff, with E ⳱ 100 ⳱ 100, Dr ⳱ 1, and [␾S(0)]2 ⳱ 10 for steady state with E ⳱ 5 and E ⳱
and E ⳱ 5 at Bi ⳱ 100, Pe ⳱ 100, and Dr ⳱ 0.6 for the 100. Solid lines: Michaelis–Menten kinetics with ␤j ⳱ 1; dashed lines:
first-order reaction [Eq. (46)].
immobilized enzyme-catalyzed kinetic resolution process in
a fixed-bed reactor at steady state. Two cases are involved
in Figure 4: one for first-order reaction [Eq. (46); dashed
mass-transfer and axial dispersion limitations also give rise
lines], and the other for the competitive Michaelis–Menten
to a decrease in the enzyme effective enantioselectivity, Eeff
kinetics (␤j ⳱ 1.0; solid lines). The square of the Thiele
(especially at a larger value of [␾S(0)]2) for the first-order
modulus, ␾S2, has the physical interpretation of a first-order
reaction [Eq. (46); dashed lines] and for the competitive
reaction rate to the intraparticle diffusion rate (Bailey and
Michaelis–Menten kinetics (solid lines), as shown in Fig-
Ollis, 1986); it is a measure of whether the process is reac-
ures 5 and 6. Biot number, Bi, is the ratio of intraparticle
tion rate controlled (low ␾S) or diffusion rate controlled
diffusion resistance to external mass-transfer resistance, and
(high ␾S). It is evident from Figure 4 that only when
Peclet number, Pe, is the ratio of backmixing time to resi-
[␾S(0)]2 ⱕ 1, does the Eeff value approach the intrinsic one,
dence time. The Eeff value decreases sharply with decreas-
E, and Eeff decreases rapidly upon increasing the value,
ing Bi and Pe if both are <50. Again, we find that the effects
[␾S(0)]2, if [␾S(0)]2 > 1. The larger the E value, the more
of axial dispersion and external mass-transfer resistance on
serious the intraparticle diffusion limitation. The intrapar-
Eeff are more significant for a first-order reaction than for
ticle diffusion limitation on Eeff is more significant for a
Michaelis–Menten kinetics.
first-order reaction than that for Michaelis–Menten kinetics,
Figure 7 presents a typical example for an immobilized
because inhibition of substrates for Michaelis–Menten ki-
enzyme-catalyzed kinetic resolution process in a fixed-bed
netics results in a decrease in the special reaction rate of
reactor with E ⳱ 10, Bi ⳱ 5, Pe ⳱ 10, and [␾S(0)]2 ⳱ 5
(solid line 4), along with results from the intrinsic reaction
Similar to intraparticle diffusion limitation, external
(solid line 1). If racemate conversion, ␩, is controlled at

Figure 4. Effect of [␾S(0)]2 on enzyme effective enantioselectivity, Eeff , Figure 6. Effect of Pe on enzyme effective enantioselectivity, Eeff , at Bi
at Bi ⳱ 100, Pe ⳱ 100, and Dr ⳱ 0.6 for E ⳱ 5 and E ⳱ 100. Solid lines: ⳱ 100, Dr ⳱ 1, and [␾S(0)]2 ⳱ 10 for steady state with E ⳱ 5 and E ⳱
Michaelis–Menten kinetics with ␤j ⳱ 1; dashed lines: first-order reaction 100. Solid lines: Michaelis–Menten kinetics with ␤j ⳱ 1; dashed lines:
[Eq. (46)]. first-order reaction [Eq. (46)].


(48) and (50), and EM−M
eff is the enzyme effective enantio-
selectivity for more complicated reaction kinetics (e.g.,
Michaelis–Menten kinetics). Thus, by the concise formula
derived from the first-order reaction we can predict the
mass-transfer limitations on the enzyme effective enantio-
selectivity for more complicated reaction kinetics in an im-
mobilized enzyme-catalyzed reactor.

Effects of Enzyme Deactivation on Enzyme

Effective Enantioselectivity and Optical Purity
and Yield of Desired Product
Due to longer time needed for a continuous resolution pro-
cess in a fixed-bed reactor, enzyme deactivation should be
considered. Apart from the inevitable mass-transfer limita-
Figure 7. Disassembly of mass-transfer limitations on enzyme effective
enantioselectivity, Eeff , for a particular resolution process at E ⳱ 10, ␤j ⳱ tions, enzyme stability is one of the principle factors affect-
⬁ (first-order reaction; dashed lines), and ␤j ⳱ 1.0 (Michaelis–Menten ing reactor productivity using immobilized enzymes. En-
kinetics; solid lines) at steady state. (1) Intrinsic reaction; (2) Bi ⳱ 100, Pe zymes suffer irreversible deactivation from a variety of
⳱ 100, and [␾S(0)]2 ⳱ 5; (3) Bi ⳱ 5, Pe ⳱ 100, and [␾S(0)]2 ⳱ 5; (4) causes, such as pH, temperature, ionic strength, and the
Bi ⳱ 5, Pe ⳱ 10, and [␾S(0)]2 ⳱ 5.
presence of toxic impurities. There have been many studies
on enzyme deactivation (Chen and Wu, 1987; Erarslan and
about 0.8 in order to approach 96% enantiomeric excess of Kocer, 1992; Palazzi and Converti, 1999; Simon et al.,
the remaining substrate, the ratio of Eeff/E will decrease 1986; Toscano et al., 1994). In this work, enzyme activity
from 1 (solid line 1) to about 0.56 (solid line 4), in which an was assumed to be an exponentially decaying function, as
approximately 30% reduction in Eeff could be found due to shown in Eq. (1).
intraparticle diffusion limitation (solid line 2), another 30% A comparison of the time course between ␶1 → ⬁ and
due to the external mass-transfer limitation (solid line 3), ␶1 ⳱ 10 was also presented in Figure 1. If enzyme activity
and the remainder due to axial dispersion (solid line 4). remains constant during the whole operation period, a con-
Figure 7 also presents a comparison between the first- tinuous steady-state kinetic resolution process can be
order reaction (dashed lines) and the competitive Michae- reached, and the exit concentrations of S- and R-enantiomer
lis–Menten kinetics (␤j ⳱ 1.0; solid lines) for mass-transfer will not change. Otherwise, the exit concentrations will in-
limitations on enzyme effective enantioselectivity in a crease as a result of enzyme deactivation as time proceeds,
fixed-bed reactor. Although the Eeff value decreases due to and the optical purity will change continuously for a given
mass-transfer limitations, the inhibition of the substrates is value of Dr, as shown in Figure 8. In contrast to the effect
more favorable to it at the same operating conditions, as of enzyme deactivation on ␩ and eeS, enzyme deactivation
shown by comparison of the dashed lines with the corre- has no negative effect on the enzyme effective enantiose-
sponding solid lines. In this case, however, the longer bed lectivity (Eeff) and product excess (eep); that is, it favors
length is needed for Michaelis–Menten kinetics to reach the them due to the continuous decreases in the special reaction
same desired optical purity as for the first-order reaction. rates of enantiomers.
In conclusion, for more reactive enantiomers and moder-
ate enzyme enantioselectivity, it is possible that racemic
substrates would barely be separated in a fixed-bed reactor
due to the mass-transfer limitations in the resolution pro-
cess. With the parameters chosen in the aforementioned
examples, the parameters Bi and Pe should be controlled at
>50 to minimize the external mass-transfer and axial dis-
persion limitations on the enzyme effective enantioselectiv-
ity and the optical purity and yield of the desired product for
the continuous steady-state resolution process.
Furthermore, because the first-order reaction rate is the
most rapid for Michaelis–Menten kinetics, the mass-transfer
limitations on the enzyme effective enantioselectivity, Eeff,
are severe. Combining the results of Figures 3 to 7, we find
that: Figure 8. Effect of enzyme deactivation (␶1 ⳱ 30, dashed lines; ␶1 ⳱ ⬁,
solid lines) on the optical purity of the desired product (eeP, eeS), racemate
eff ⱕ EM−M
eff ⱕE (51) conversion, ␩, and enzyme effective enantioselectivity, Eeff, for Michaelis–
Menten kinetics (␤j ⳱ 1.0) at E ⳱ 10, Bi ⳱ 10, Pe ⳱ 20, Dr ⳱ 2.5, and
where Efirst-order
eff is calculated by Eq. (46) or its derived Eq. [␾S(0)]2 ⳱ 10.


It should be noted that, if the enzyme deactivation con- p shape factor, p ⳱ 2 for sphere, p ⳱ 1 for cylinder, and p ⳱ 0
stant increases, the mode of operation necessitates the av- for slab
Pe Peclet number based on reactor length, defined as u0L/Dax␧b
eraging of conversions over a certain period of operation, r radial coordinate inside support matrix (m)
beyond which the falling of conversions are no longer ac- R particle radius for p ⳱ 2 and 1, and half thickness for p ⳱ 0 (m)
ceptable. Rj dimensionless reaction rate of substrate
St Stanton number, defined as BiDr␧P(1 − ␧b)/␧b
t time (s)
CONCLUSIONS t1 time constant of enzyme deactivation (s)
u0 the interstitial fluid velocity in the column, (m/s)
The immobilized enzyme-catalyzed kinetic resolution of v reaction rate of substrate [kg/(kg of enzyme) (s)]
racemate in a fixed-bed reactor has been studied theoreti- Vm maximum specific reaction rate per unit enzyme [kg/(kg of en-
cally using an analytical solution for a first-order reaction zyme) (s)]
x dimensionless concentration, defined as c/C0
and the orthogonal collocation method for Michaelis– X individual conversion, defined by Eq. (35)
Menten kinetics in which reaction kinetics could be coupled XE enzyme loading per unit support [kg/(kg of support)]
with intraparticle diffusion, external mass transfer, and axial y dimensionless concentration, defined as C/C0
dispersion. Z axial distance from column entrance (m)
The time course of the exit concentrations can be pre-
Greek letters
dicted by the analytical solution for a first-order kinetic
resolution process and by the orthogonal collocation method ␤ dimensionless Michaelis–Menten constant, defined as Km/C0
for the complex kinetic resolution process. At a specified ␧b bed porosity (m3/m3)
level of optical purity, the analytical solution and the or- ␧p support porosity
thogonal collocation method can be used to predict the ␩ racemate conversion, defined by Eq. (36)
␩G global effectiveness factor
value of the optimal bed length.
␨ dimensionless axial distance, defined as Z/L
Intraparticle diffusion resistance, external mass-transfer ␰ dimensionless radial distance, defined as r/R
resistance, and axial dispersion were shown to reduce en- ␳p support density (kg/m3)
zyme effective enantioselectivity, leading to an overall de- ␶ dimensionless contact time, defined as u0t/L␧b
crease in optical purity for a continuous steady-state reso- ␶1 dimensionless time constant of enzyme deactivation
␾R Thiele modulus for R-enantiomer, defined as ␾S/√E
lution process. A new foundation has been provided to
␾R(0) ␾R in the case of ␶1 → ⬁, defined as ␾S(0)/√E
evaluate the mass-transfer limitations of enzyme effective ␾S Thiele modulus for S-enantiomer, defined as ␾S(0)exp(−␶/2␶1)
enantioselectivity. ␾S(0) ␾S in the case of ␶1 → ⬁, defined as R√VmS␳pXE/KmSDeff
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j R-, S-
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