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MCT/MST Lesson Observation

Feedback to student teacher

Student Teacher’s Name: Shamma Observer’s Name: Kelly Williams

Unit/Lesson: English – introduce the letter ‘c’ Grade Level: 1
Date: 29/10/2018 School: Al Asalah
Competency Area F D C B A
Commitment to the Profession x
Planning for learning x
Managing Learning x
Implementing Learning x
Assessment x
Reflection on Practice x

Strengths of the lesson:

 Good class control.

 Good student participation – a lot of positive encouragement.
 Clear instructions for writing (finger spaces and touching the lines).
 You have good control and you interact well with the girls.
 You are always positive and calm when you interact with the students, this in turn allows you
to have a positive and calm class environment.
Areas for development:

 Remember to start your lesson by stating what the objective is.

 For the classification boxes – maybe use colours to classify the different letters instead of
the letters ‘A’ and ‘B’. If they are learning about the letter ‘c’ it may be confusing for them
to have to put sounds into a box that doesn’t have that letter.
 Use class dojo to capture their attention again – they love getting points.
 Make sure you have an extra activity lined up for early finishers so that they do not disrupt
your small group teaching by asking what they must do.

A = Exceptional, B = Very Good, C = Satisfactory, D = Marginal and F = Unsatisfactory

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