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Workbook _Contents _ | | Sn | uexs& Music 4 LEXIS & Healthy lifestyles 2 | BicTIONARY Dictionary | USTENING @ Learning to perform 6 READING 11 Facisaboutteensandseltesteem 14 | viewing READING MUslcfestivalsyou need toknowabout 7 USTENING Beating suas diction 6 VIEWING GRAMMAR Past Simple vs Present Perfect 8 GRAMMAR Connectors & Conditional ype 2 8 SPEAKING Tipsforimproving your speaking stils 10 WRITING opinion text 2 WRITING ——_‘Nistakesin punctuation 1 UNIT ASSESSMENT 2 Leis 8 Tetnoagy XS etsandife sis % Dictionany bicrionany REAONG —Gadspedbysestatnowexst 28 «READING ihcarysistrbe7teemuy 8 ‘sip, LISTENING —Top4thngsyousbsoutl/neesto —«28_~=S LISTENING nse Gong’ fies (oon 0 WieWNGs — Folw soutien st) vwewne | Grannan Past eric Reported speecn 50 GRAMMAR poratspecheintheserd stems 42 | WRITING Problem-solution text 2 WRITING Review a4 | unmrassessment 2 UNTASsessMENT 46 i ntl a = |“ wase ins 48 WHATISETFOR ScHooLs? rs Dicrionary READING Thesupisngsciecebetind whet «5a e | muse doe or an READ | ustenmc® — cossconiswin. Renae Meceen 52 | wrens warns n | Grammar lave ronunsaquesontags saat Tart | usreuns n | WRITING Tech review 56 part 1—part 4 sreaKine 8 | trassessment se | SEAN vocasuuary o ANSWER KEY % san oveanase7-s9e7 2 wo unit 7 foun People and music What do we call people who play the piano, the violin or the drums...? ‘Add -cr, -or and -ist to these words to make the names of the players of the 2a different instruments. Use the dictionary to help you. Follow the example. vee Then translate the new words. a) Piano pianist pianista b) Conduct ©) Violin ) Bass play e) Drums f) Guitar Match the words with the pictures. FANS // BAND // POP STAR // CONDUCTOR // ORCHESTRA // CONCERT HALL // GIG // VENUE Now write four sentences using the words from above. Look at the following musi write a sentence for each one. joms. What do they mean? Use the dictionary and a) To be music to one’s ears. b) To be as fit as a fiddle. ©) To strike a false note. a) To sing a different tune

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