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Ferdinand Marcos, 1965-1986

Ferdinand Edralin Marcos was born to Mariano Marcos and his wife Josefa Edralin in Sarrat,
IlocosNorte, Philippines on 11 September 1917. Marcos’ father was a qualified lawyer and also one of
the leading politicians in Philippines.Marcos studied at some of the best schools in the capital of
Philippines in Manila but the names of the schools are unknown. Later on, he went on to study law, like
his father, at the University of the Philippines at some point in the latter part of the 1930s. He was
excelled in extra-curricular activities and revelled in boxing, swimming and debating.In 1933, one of his
father’s political rivals who had managed to defeat Mariano Marcos in an election was murdered.
Ferdinand Marcos was accused and prosecuted for having colluded in the murder. He was found guilty
but he defended himself in court. He was acquitted six years after the alleged murder took
place.Ferdinand Emmanuel Edralin Marcos Senior was a Filipino politician who went on to serve as the
president of the country for twenty one years. Marcos’ father was lawyer and politician in his own right
and he followed in his father’s footsteps both in terms of his choice of education as well as career choice.
Marcos had a brush with the law early on in his life when he was accused of being involved in the
murder of one of his father’s political opponents but he managed to defend himself and was acquitted.
He served in the army during the Second World War and used that stint as campaigning tools at the time
of his first presidential campaign. Marcos served as the president for two terms and during his second
term he imposed martial law in the country in order to quell the threats posed by protesting groups and
after lifting martial law, he won the presidential elections for the third time.

Achievements and Contributions

 first president to win a second term
 declared Martial Law on Sept. 22, 1972
 increased the size of Philippine military and armed forces
 by 1980 the Philippine GNP was four times greater than 1972
 by 1986 the Philippines was one of the most indebted countries in Asia
 built more schools, roads, bridges, hospitals, and other infrastructure than all former presidents
 the only president whose remains are interred inside a refrigerated crypt
 Marcos completed power plants in 20 years
 Marcos completed bridge projects in 20 years
 Marcos established/founded state colleges/universities in 20 years

During his three terms in office as President of the Philippines, Ferdinand Marcos made
many advancements in the country's infrastructure and spearheaded successful economic
reforms. However, his presidency was also marked by widespread government corruption and
human rights violations that eventually led to Marcos being overthrown by his own people and
sent into exile.During Marcos' first term, he had roads, bridges and other public works built
throughout the Philippines. This was an important achievement since it provided services and
transportation to many of the rural areas of the country. He also made the controversial decision
to get the Philippines involved in the Vietnam War, allying with the United States. Marcos put
into effect important economic reforms, including the development of industries in the
Philippines that employed many workers and provided valuable trade goods. He was seen as an
ambitious politician with an eye for future potential.During his subsequent terms as president,
however, Marcos tightened his authoritarian grip on the Philippines. He filled his presidential
cabinet with friends and family members and embezzled millions of dollars from the state
treasury. When activists began to speak out against him, he had them imprisoned and killed.
Two of them were even assassinated on United States soil in 1979.

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