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CHEST Original Research


Thrombocytosis Is a Marker of Poor

Outcome in Community-Acquired
Elena Prina, MD; Miquel Ferrer, MD, PhD; Otavio T. Ranzani, MD;
Eva Polverino, MD, PhD; Catia Cillóniz, PhD; Encarnación Moreno, RN;
Josep Mensa, MD; Beatriz Montull, MD; Rosario Menéndez, MD, PhD;
Roberto Cosentini, MD; and Antoni Torres, MD, PhD

Background: Thrombocytosis, often considered a marker of normal inflammatory reaction of infec-

tions, has been recently associated with increased mortality in hospitalized patients with community-
acquired pneumonia (CAP). We assessed the characteristics and outcomes of patients with CAP
and thrombocytosis (platelet count  4 3 105/mm3) compared with thrombocytopenia (platelet
count , 105/mm3) and normal platelet count.
Methods: We prospectively analyzed 2,423 consecutive, hospitalized patients with CAP. We
excluded patients with immunosuppression, neoplasm, active TB, or hematologic disease.
Results: Fifty-three patients (2%) presented with thrombocytopenia, 204 (8%) with thrombocytosis,
and 2,166 (90%) had normal platelet counts. Patients with thrombocytosis were younger (P , .001);
those with thrombocytopenia more frequently had chronic heart and liver disease (P , .001 for
both). Patients with thrombocytosis presented more frequently with respiratory complications,
such as complicated pleural effusion and empyema (P , .001), whereas those with thrombocy-
topenia presented more often with severe sepsis (P , .001), septic shock (P 5 .009), need for inva-
sive mechanical ventilation (P , .001), and ICU admission (P 5 .011). Patients with thrombocytosis
and patients with thrombocytopenia had longer hospital stays (P 5 .004), and higher 30-day mor-
tality (P 5 .001) and readmission rates (P 5 .011) than those with normal platelet counts. Multivar-
iate analysis confirmed a significant association between thrombocytosis and 30-day mortality
(OR, 2.720; 95% CI, 1.589-4.657; P , .001). Adding thrombocytosis to the confusion, respiratory
rate, and BP plus age 65 years score slightly improved the accuracy to predict mortality (area
under the receiver operating characteristic curve increased from 0.634 to 0.654, P 5 .049).
Conclusions: Thrombocytosis in patients with CAP is associated with poor outcome, complicated
pleural effusion, and empyema. The presence of thrombocytosis in CAP should encourage ruling
out respiratory complication and could be considered for severity evaluation.
CHEST 2013; 143(3):767–775

Abbreviations: ATS 5 American Thoracic Society; AUC 5 area under the curve; CAP 5 community-acquired pneumonia;
CRB-65 5 confusion, respiratory rate, and BP plus age  65 years; IDSA 5 Infectious Disease Society of America;
TNF 5 tumor necrosis factor

addition to being part of the hemostatic process,
have been increasingly recognized as an
guidelines to predict ICU admission.6 Conversely,
thrombocytosis has often been considered a sign of
important component of the immune response to normal inflammatory reaction, but not as a marker of
infection.1-3 Thrombocytopenia is a recognized sever- poor outcome.
ity criterion and a predictor of mortality in hospital- Mirsaeidi et al7 showed recently in a retrospective
ized patients with community-acquired pneumonia single-center study an association between thrombo-
(CAP)4,5 and is included in the minor severity criteria cytopenia and thrombocytosis and increased mortality
defined by the current Infectious Disease Society of in patients hospitalized with CAP. Their article, how-
America (IDSA)/American Thoracic Society (ATS) ever, did not evaluate the reason for the higher mortality CHEST / 143 / 3 / MARCH 2013 767

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rate of patients with thrombocytosis and did not assess Data Collection and Microbiologic Evaluation
or compare the clinical and etiologic characteristics of The data collected, the severity scores, and the criteria for the
the three groups of patients with thrombocytopenia, microbiologic diagnosis have been described elsewhere.10 The
thrombocytosis, and normal platelet count. Further- laboratory findings reported were obtained within 6 h after admis-
more, this study generated doubts on this issue8,9 that sion to the ED.
required further research.
We hypothesized that the clinical profile, inflamma- Definitions
tory biomarkers, and mortality in patients with CAP Thrombocytopenia and thrombocytosis were defined as plate-
may be different in those presenting with thrombocy- let counts , 105/mm3 and  4 3 105/mm3, respectively. We defined
tosis and thrombocytopenia than in patients with a sepsis, severe sepsis, and septic shock according to the sepsis
normal platelet count. Therefore, the objective of our guidelines.11 We calculated the Pneumonia Severity Index12 and
study was to define these three groups of patients to the confusion, respiratory rate, and BP plus age  65 years (CRB-65)
score13 at admission. The definition of severe CAP followed the
confirm the association between abnormal platelet IDSA/ATS guidelines.6 We defined complications as organ dis-
count and patients’ outcome. eases besides the pneumonia presented at admission or appearing
during hospitalization. We defined complicated pleural effusion
and empyema according to the literature definition.14 We defined
Materials and Methods pneumonia as the cause of death when patients died of acute
respiratory failure and/or septic shock due to the respiratory
infection. We assessed the adherence of the empirical antibiotic
Study Population treatment to the guidelines15,16 and its appropriateness to the iso-
We prospectively assessed consecutive patients aged  14 years lated pathogens.17
hospitalized with a diagnosis of CAP at Hospital Clinic, Barcelona,
Spain, and Hospital Universitario La Fe, Valencia, Spain, from Determination of Cytokines, C-Reactive
January 2000 to October 2006. Pneumonia was defined as a new Protein, and Procalcitonin
pulmonary infiltrate on chest radiograph at admission and symptoms
and signs of lower respiratory tract infection. We excluded patients We determined serum levels of cytokines and procalcitonin in
with previous use of oral corticosteroids ( 10 mg prednisone- a subgroup of 550 patients. The laboratory techniques used were
equivalent per day for at least 2 weeks); other immunosuppressive described elsewhere.18
therapy; active solid or hematologic neoplasms; HIV infection;
active TB; hematologic disease involving platelets and/or leuko-
cytes, such as essential thrombocytosis or myelodysplastic syn- Statistical Analysis
drome; and hospitalization within the preceding 21 days. Categorical variables were described as frequencies and per-
This study was approved by the ethics committees of both cen- centages and compared with the x2 test or Fisher exact test when
ters (Register: 2009/5251). Patients’ identification remained anon- appropriate. Continuous variables were expressed as mean  SD
ymous and informed consent was waived due to the observational and compared between groups using one-way analysis of var-
nature of the study. iance; for data not normally distributed, these variables were
expressed as median (interquartile range) and compared using
Manuscript received May 15, 2012; revision accepted July 25, 2012. the nonparametric Kruskal-Wallis test. All post hoc compari-
Affiliations: From the Servei de Pneumologia (Drs Prina, Ferrer, sons were made with the Bonferroni correction. Correlations
Ranzani, Polverino, Cillóniz, and Torres, and Ms Moreno), Institut between two continuous variables were made with the Pearson
del Torax, Hospital Clinic, Institut d’Investigacions Biomèdiques
August Pi i Sunyer (IDIBAPS), Universitat de Barcelona, Spain; correlation.
Emergency Medicine Department (Drs Prina and Cosentini), Two different models of logistic regression were developed as
Istituto Di Ricovero e Cura a Carattere Scientifico Fondazione follows: First, the association between platelet count and 30-day
Ca’ Granda, Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico, Milan, Italy; Centro mortality was assessed as categorical variables, with the predefined
de Investigación Biomedica En Red-Enfermedades Respirato- values, normal range being the reference category. Second, we
rias (CibeRes, CB06/06/0028) (Drs Ferrer, Polverino, Cillóniz, performed the same analysis with platelet count and leukocyte
Menéndez, and Torres, and Ms Moreno), Barcelona, Spain; Respi- cells as continuous variables. Continuous variables were checked
ratory Intensive Care Unit (Dr Ranzani), Hospital das Clínicas, for the assumption of linearity in the logit. Single collinearity
Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil; was evaluated with the Pearson correlation among the indepen-
Servicio de Enfermedades Infecciosas (Dr Mensa), Hospital
Clínic, IDIBAPS, Barcelona, Spain; and Servicio de Neumologia dent variables and multicollinearity was evaluated with the var-
(Drs Montull and Menéndez), Hospital Universitario La Fe, iance inflation factor. The ORs and corresponding 95% CIs for
Valencia, Spain. each variable were computed. The discriminative ability of the
Funding/Support: This work was supported by the Centro de model to predict the outcome of patients was assessed by the
Investigación Biomédica en Red-Enfermedades Respiratorias area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC).
(CibeRes CB06/06/0028)-Instituto de Salud Carlos III [Grant Estimated AUC values were compared using the nonparamet-
2009 SGR 911], PII de infecciones respiratorias of SEPAR, and ric method described by Hanley and NcNeil.19 The calibration
IDIBAPS. ability for the model was evaluated with the Hosmer-Lemeshow
Correspondence to: Miquel Ferrer, MD, PhD, Unitat de Vigilancia goodness-of-fit statistics. To explore the role of the platelet count
Intensiva Respiratoria, Servei de Pneumologia, Hospital Clínic,
Villarroel 170, 08036 Barcelona, Spain; e-mail: in patient outcome, we retrieved the predicted 30-day mortality
© 2013 American College of Chest Physicians. Reproduction for each patient from the final model and plotted it against the
of this article is prohibited without written permission from the respective absolute platelet count. Data were processed with
American College of Chest Physicians. See online for more details. the SPSS version 18.0 (IBM). The level of significance was set at
DOI: 10.1378/chest.12-1235 0.05 (two-tailed).

768 Original Research

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Results Complications, Length of Stay,
Patient Characteristics and Readmission Rate

During the study period, we evaluated 3,010 patients Patients with thrombocytosis more frequently had
with CAP (Fig 1), and it was possible to analyze 2,423 sub- respiratory complications due to higher rate of empy-
jects who met inclusion criteria and in whom the plate- ema and complicated pleural effusion. By contrast,
let count at admission was available: 53 patients (2%) patients with thrombocytopenia presented more often
with thrombocytopenia, 204 patients (8%) with throm- with severe CAP, severe sepsis, and septic shock, and
bocytosis, and 2,166 (90%) with a normal platelet count. need for invasive mechanical ventilation and ICU
The general characteristics of the patients are shown admission, with a trend toward a higher rate of car-
in Tables 1 and 2. diovascular complications.
Patients with thrombocytosis were younger, had The length of hospital stay was significantly lon-
more frequently received previous antibiotics, and had ger in patients with thrombocytosis and those with
a lower CRB-65 score at admission. Patients with throm- thrombocytopenia compared with those with normal
bocytopenia more frequently had chronic heart and platelet count; no statistical difference in length of
liver disease, and heart rate, leukocyte counts, fibrin- stay was found between the two former groups .
ogen level, and prothrombin time were all lower at Among the survivors of the first hospitalization, the
admission. Moreover, there was a weak but signifi- 30-day hospital readmission rate was higher in patients
cant positive correlation between platelet count and with thrombocytopenia and those with thrombocy-
leukocyte count (r 5 0.21, P , .001) and fibrinogen tosis, with no significant difference between them
level (r 5 0.18, P , .001). (Table 4).
In the overall population, 2,072 patients (86%)
received antibiotic treatment adherent to ATS guide- Thrombocytosis and Severity Scores
lines. Among 1,060 patients with a known etiology,
Adding thrombocytosis to the CRB-65 score slightly
947 (89%) were treated with an appropriate antimi-
improved the accuracy of this score to predict mortality
crobial therapy. Adherence to the guidelines and appro-
(the AUC increased from 0.634 to 0.654, P 5 .049).
priateness of the empirical antibiotic treatment were
Adding thrombocytosis to the pneumonia severity
not significantly different among the three groups.
index score and the IDSA/ATS minor criteria of severe
CAP did not improve the prediction of mortality and
Microbial Etiology
ICU admission, respectively.
An etiologic diagnosis was established in 1,060 patients
(44%). Streptococcus pneumoniae was the most fre- Mortality and Causes of Death
quent pathogen in all groups. Atypical agents were less
frequently identified in thrombocytopenic patients, Overall, 127 patients (5%) died within 30 days of
and there was no significant difference in the remain- hospital admission. The mortality rate was higher in
ing pathogens (Table 3). patients with thrombocytopenia and patients with
thrombocytosis, with no significant difference between
them (Table 4). Patients with pulmonary complications
had a higher mortality rate with respect to patients
without pulmonary complications (65.4% vs 62.7%,
P 5 .003). The multivariate analysis, using platelet
count as a categorical variable, confirmed the associ-
ation between higher platelet count and 30-day mor-
tality (Table 5). By contrast, the association of a low
platelet count with 30-day mortality did not reach
statistical significance.
To evaluate the role of continuous platelet count,
the multivariate analysis showed that the increased
risk of death was significantly associated with increas-
ing platelet count (Fig 2). The same analysis was run
for leukocyte count, without significant association
within mortality.
In all groups, the main cause of death was pneu-
monia, but through different mechanisms: Patients with
Figure 1. Flow diagram of the selected population. CAP 5 thrombocytosis died more frequently of acute respi-
community-acquired pneumonia. ratory failure, whereas patients with thrombocytopenia CHEST / 143 / 3 / MARCH 2013 769

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Table 1—General Characteristics of the Study Population at Admission

Characteristics Thrombocytopenia (n 5 53) Normal Platelet Count (n 5 2,166) Thrombocytosis (n 5 204) P Value
Demographic data
Age, mean ( SD), y 68 (18) 66 (18) 61 (20) , .001a
Male sex 38 (72) 1361 (63) 115 (56) .071
Previous antibiotics 11 (21) 550 (25) 67 (33) .042b
Active smoking 12 (23) 552 (25) 62 (30) .271
Active alcohol abuse 1 (2) 118 (5) 10 (5) .500
Statin therapy 3 (6) 155 (7) 8 (4) .204
Antiplatelet therapy 6 (11) 239 (11) 16 (8) .369
Chronic respiratory disease 20 (38) 951 (44) 94 (46) .547
Chronic heart disease 19 (36) 406 (19) 24 (12) , .001c
Diabetes mellitus 10 (19) 414 (19) 35 (17) .789
Chronic liver disease 4 (7) 45 (2) 8 (4) .010
Chronic renal disease 5 (9) 169 (8) 11 (5) .410
Neurologic disease 8 (15) 331 (15) 27 (13) .735
Data given as No. (%) unless otherwise indicated.
aDifferences between thrombocytopenia and thrombocytosis.
bDifferences between thrombocytosis and the other groups.

cDifferences between thrombocytopenia and the other groups.

died more frequently of septic shock. The thrombo- Inflammatory Biomarkers

cytosis group did not show higher frequency of throm- IL-1 at admission was lower in patients with nor-
botic events as cause of death compared with the other mal platelet count (P 5 .048). We also observed a non-
groups (Table 6). significant trend for higher procalcitonin and tumor

Table 2—Characteristics of Pneumonia at Admission

Characteristics Thrombocytopenia (n 5 53) Normal Platelet Count (n 5 2,166) Thrombocytosis (n 5 204) P Value
Vital signs
Respiratory rate, breaths/min 25 (7) 26 (8) 26 (7) .843
Heart rate, beats/min 90 (17) 97 (19) 95 (20) .017a
Systolic BP, mm Hg 128 (27) 133 (34) 130 (24) .284
Diastolic BP, mm Hg 72 (16) 73 (14) 73 (12) .857
MAP , 70 mm Hg, No. (%) 7 (13) 122 (6) 10 (5) .056
Temperature . 38°C, No. (%) 24 (45) 732 (34) 52 (25) .010
Laboratory findings
WBC count/mm3 9,939 (6,556) 13,774 (6,386) 16,664 (7,650) , .001b
WBC count , 4,000/mm3, No. (%) 7 (13) 35 (2) 0 , .001b
WBC count . 12,000/mm3, No. (%) 17 (32) 1169 (54) 143 (70) ,.001c
C-reactive protein, mg/dL 15 (11) 16 (12) 17 (11) .470
Hematocrit, % 39 (5) 40 (5) 40 (5) .299
Prothrombin time, % 55.6 (29.5) 66.9 (30.9) 72.4 (25.3) .029c
APTT, s 37.2 (13.6) 32.1 (13.2) 32 (7.3) .120
Fibrinogen, g/L 5.4 (1.7) 7.1 (2.4) 7.8 (2.3) .003c
Albumin, mg/dL 3.2 (0.4) 3.4 (0.5) 3.3 (0.5) .237
Bilirubin, mg/dL 0.93 (0.84) 0.61 (0.49) 0.48 (0.29) , .001b
Pao2/Fio2 284 (77) 290 (72) 290 (79) .849
Paco2, mm Hg 34 (7) 36 (9) 37 (11) .239
Arterial pH 7.45 (0.08) 7.44 (0.06) 7.44 (0.07) .411
Pneumonia severity index
Risk class I-III, No. (%) 28 (53) 1053 (49) 112 (55) .204
Risk class IV-V, No. (%) 25 (47) 1111 (51) 92 (45) .204
CRB-65 score 1.96 (0.81) 1.99 (0.84) 1.82 (0.81) .018d
Data given as mean ( SD) unless otherwise indicated. APTT 5 activated partial thromboplastin time; CRB-65 5 confusion, respiratory rate, and
BP plus age  65 y score; MAP 5 mean arterial pressure.
aDifferences between thrombocytopenia and normal platelet count.

bDifferences between thrombocytopenia and the other groups.

cDifferences between thrombocytopenia and thrombocytosis.

dDifferences between thrombocytosis and normal platelet count.

770 Original Research

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Table 3—Etiologic Diagnosisa

Diagnosis Thrombocytopenia Normal Platelet Count Thrombocytosis P Value

Etiologic diagnosis 21 (40) 946 (44) 93 (46) .722
Streptococcus pneumoniae 10 (48) 483 (51) 37 (40) .113
Pseudomonas aeruginosa 0 45 (5) 6 (6) .446
Atypical 0 119 (13) 17 (18) .060
Chlamydia pneumoniae 0 38 (4) 7 (7) .172
Coxiella burnetii 0 29 (3) 2 (2) .639
Mycoplasma pneumoniae 0 54 (6) 9 (10) .154
Legionella pneumophila 2 (9) 91 (10) 10 (11) .939
Staphylococcus aureus 1 (5) 38 (4) 4 (4) .978
Haemophilus influenzae 2 (9) 71 (7) 3 (3) .285
Enterobacteriaceae 1 (5) 29 (3) 2 (2) .793
Fungi 0 12 (1) 0 .481
Respiratory viruses 3 (14) 136 (14) 17 (18) .597
Other 5 (24) 56 (6) 4 (4) …
Data given as No. (%).
aThe percentages of pathogens are related to the number of patients with etiologic diagnosis in each group.

necrosis factor (TNF)-a levels in patients with throm- bocytopenia in 2% cases of a large series of consecu-
bocytopenia (Table 7). tively hospitalized patients with CAP; (2) thrombocytosis
but not thrombocytopenia is an independent marker
of poor outcome; and (3) thrombocytosis was more
Discussion frequently associated with empyema and complicated
pleural effusion, whereas patients with thrombocy-
The main findings of our study were as follows: topenia presented more often severe sepsis, septic
(1) Thrombocytosis was observed in 8% and throm- shock, and the need for mechanical ventilation.

Table 4—Complications and Outcome Variables

Variable Thrombocytopenia (n 5 53) Normal Platelet Count (n 5 2,166) Thrombocytosis (n 5 204) P Value

Length of hospital stay, mean ( SD), d 10 (9) 8 (8) 10 (13) .004

ICU admission 10 (19) 166 (8) 18 (9) .011a
30-d mortality 6 (11) 101 (5) 20 (10) .001c
30-d readmissionb 13 (27) 370 (18) 47 (25) .011c
Invasive mechanical ventilation 8 (15) 82 (4) 11 (5) , .001a
Noninvasive ventilation 1 (2) 64 (3) 7 (3) .832
Severe CAP 24 (45) 358 (16) 33 (16) , .001a
Respiratory complicationd 21 (40) 764 (35) 95 (47) .005
Pleural effusion 10 (19) 384 (18) 58 (28) .001
Complicated pleural effusion/empyema 0 38 (2) 18 (9) , .001
Uncomplicated pleural effusion 10 (19) 346 (16) 40 (20) .358
Multilobar pneumonia 15 (28) 463 (21) 47 (23) .425
Cavitation/abscess 0 9 (0.4) 3 (1.5) .106
Cardiovascular complication 9 (17) 191 (9) 14 (7) .069
Acute coronary syndrome 0 22 (1) 2 (1) .762
Cerebral stroke 1 (2) 8 (0.4) 1 (0.5) .231
Cardiac failure 4 (7) 77 (4) 6 (3) .265
Arrhythmia 4 (7) 84 (4) 5 (2) .218
Renal complication 14 (26) 370 (17) 31 (15) .153
Hepatic/gastrointestinal complication 3 (6) 119 (5) 15 (7) .547
Neurologic complication 11 (21) 377 (17) 29 (14) .405
Hyperglycemia 2 (4) 116 (5) 4 (2) .097
Severe sepsis 53 (100) 718 (33) 67 (33) , .001a
Septic shock 10 (19) 165 (8) 14 (7) .009a
Data given as No. (%) unless otherwise indicated. CAP 5 community-acquired pneumonia.
aDifferences between thrombocytopenia and the other groups.

bReadmission rates are calculated from the survivors from the initial episode that required hospital admission.

cDifferences between normal platelet count and the other two groups.

dOne hundred eight patients (4.5%) presented with more than one respiratory complication as follows: four (7.5%) in the thrombocytopenia group,

91 (4%) in the group. with normal platelet counts, and 13 (6%) in the thrombocytosis group (P 5 .194). CHEST / 143 / 3 / MARCH 2013 771

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Table 5—Multivariate Logistic Regression Model In the literature, thrombocytopenia in severe CAP
for 30-d Mortality has already been studied and its role as a marker of
Variable b OR 95% CI P Value severity is well established.4,5 On the other hand, few
studies have investigated thrombocytosis in CAP.
Age 0.045 1.046 1.031-1.061 , .001
Chronic liver disease 0.896 2.449 0.966-6.209 .059
Recently, however, it has been proposed that throm-
Altered consciousness 0.673 1.961 1.282-2.999 .002 bocytosis could be a marker of poor outcome and spe-
at admission cific complications.
Pao2/Fio2 , 200 mm Hg 1.102 3.010 1.810-5.006 , .001 Mirsaeidi et al7 analyzed 500 patients with CAP, of
Septic shock at admission 1.287 3.620 2.244-5.842 , .001 whom 65 (13%) presented thrombocytosis and 27 (5%)
Platelets .001
presented thrombocytopenia. These authors reported
Normal range Reference 1 … …
Thrombocytosis 1.001 2.720 1.589-4.657 , .001 that both patients with thrombocytopenia and those
Thrombocytopenia 0.651 1.917 0.743-4.947 .179 with thrombocytosis had significantly higher mortality
and that platelet count was a better predictor of out-
come than an abnormal leukocyte count. However,
We have shown that according to platelet count, it the cause of mortality, complications, etiology, and
is possible to identify populations with different char- systemic inflammatory response were not analyzed
acteristics. Patients with thrombocytopenia were older, and the population studied included elderly patients
often had cardiac and liver diseases, and presented with cancer.
more frequently with higher acuity and severity of In pediatric patients with CAP, two studies showed
disease (ie, higher rate of severe CAP, need for ICU that thrombocytosis was associated with a poor out-
admission, need for mechanical ventilation, and sep- come and more severe and protracted disease, with
tic shock). Patients with thrombocytosis were younger, a higher probability of developing empyema.20,21 In
had a lower CRB-65 score at admission, and presented another study in adults with CAP, thrombocytosis
more often with respiratory complications (especially (platelet count . 400,000/mm3) was an independent
related to a local inflammatory reaction such as empy- risk factor for the development of complicated para-
ema and complicated pleural effusion). pneumonic effusion or empyema.22
Compared with patients with normal platelet counts, In our study, multivariate logistic regression con-
both the thrombocytopenia and thrombocytosis groups firmed the association between thrombocytosis and
presented with a worse prognosis but apparently for 30-day mortality. The adjusted risk of death was 2.7-fold
different reasons: Infection in patients with thrombo- greater in patients presenting with an elevated plate-
cytopenia patients tended to spread with the devel- let count at hospital admission relative to patients with
opment of systemic complications (ie, septic shock), a normal platelet count. Surprisingly, in contrast to
whereas in patients with thrombocytosis, infection other studies,4,23-25 we could not confirm the inde-
tended to compartmentalize with the development of pendent association between thrombocytopenia and
local respiratory complications with a subacute course mortality. Several reasons may explain this result: the
(ie, empyema/complicated pleural effusion). presence of a low number of patients with thrombo-
cytopenia, the higher weight of septic shock and hyp-
oxemia in determining mortality in these patients,
and the different characteristics of our population,
with the inclusion of patients with less severe CAP
(patients not in the ICU), compared with previous
studies. However, our results do not discard the idea
that thrombocytopenia remains a marker of serious
underlying diseases and complications that are ulti-
mately associated with death. In accordance with the
results of Mirsaeidi et al,7 we did not find an associa-
tion in our population between leukocyte count and
mortality, so an increase of platelet count appeared
to better identify patients with higher mortality risk.
A possible explanation of why patients with throm-
bocytosis had a poor outcome would be the higher
rate of empyema and complicated pleural effusion.
In the literature, these types of complications have
been associated with a longer length of hospital stay,
Figure 2. Multivariate logistic regression model to evaluate the
association between platelet count as a continuous variable and treatment failure, and higher mortality.26-30 Moreover,
mortality. as explained in the sepsis guidelines,11 besides the

772 Original Research

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Table 6—Cause of Death

Cause of Death Thrombocytopenia (n 5 6) Normal Platelet Count (n 5 101) Thrombocytosis (n 5 20) P Value
Pneumonia 5 (83) 58 (57) 16 (80) .090
Acute respiratory failure 2 (33) 41 (41) 15 (75) .015a
Septic shock 3 (50) 17 (17) 1 (5) .033b
Thrombotic event 0 10 (10) 1 (5) .576
Acute coronary syndrome 0 4 0 …
Cerebral ischemic stroke 0 5 0 …
Intestinal ischemia 0 0 1 …
Pulmonary embolism 0 1 0 …
Other causes 1 (17) 10 (15) 1 (10) .653
Unknown 0 23 (23) 2 (10) …
Data given as No. (%).
aDifferences between thrombocytosis and the other groups.
bDifferences between thrombocytopenia and the other groups.

implementation of rapid, adequate antibiotic treatment, pleural effusion that may need specific treatment
control of the source of infection is fundamental for (eg, drainage or a different follow-up). Adding throm-
the resolution of infections. We can, therefore, hypoth- bocytosis to the CRB-65 score slightly but signifi-
esize that the higher mortality of patients with thrombo- cantly improved the capacity of this score to recognize
cytosis could be related to inadequate management of patients with higher mortality risk.
these complications for different reasons, for example, This large, two-center, cohort study has some limi-
delayed diagnosis and drainage, antibiotic treatment tations that should be addressed. First, we only eval-
that is too brief, or a lack of adequate follow-up. uated data regarding platelet counts on admission,
In our population, we did not observe a higher rate since the main purpose of assessing platelet count
of thrombotic/cardiovascular events in patients with at admission was to help decide patients’ allocation
thrombocytosis, as hypothesized by Mirsaeidi et al.7 based on the prediction of outcome. Serial measure-
These results were in line with other studies that ments of platelet counts during hospitalization could
showed that reactive thrombocytosis, in contrast to differentiate between a transient event and sustained
primary thrombocytosis, was not associated with higher derangements in the platelet count. Second, we did
risk of cardiovascular or thrombotic events.31-34 not evaluate possible differences in the functional
According to our results, we suggest that platelet activity of platelets among the different groups. Third,
count should be monitored in patients with CAP: biomarkers and cytokines were not analyzed in all the
Thrombocytopenia requires awareness of septic com- patients, thereby limiting our analyses.
plications and hemodynamic alterations, whereas in In conclusion, thrombocytosis has been proved to
patients with thrombocytosis, clinicians should pay be a marker of poor outcome in CAP. Consequently,
attention to local respiratory complications, such as it should be considered in the severity evaluation of

Table 7—Inflammatory Biomarkers

Biomarkers Thrombocytopenia (n 5 13) Normal Platelet Count (n 5 532) Thrombocytosis (n 5 48) P Value
Day 1
C-reactive protein, mg/dL 11 (7-24) 15 (8-24) 16 (7-23) .721
Procalcitonin, ng/mL 2.72 (0.63-10.57) 0.49 (0.18-2.27) 0.37 (0.22-1.40) .089
TNF-a, pg/mL 39 (28-66) 25 (15-44) 24.5 (14-37) .089
IL-1, pg/mL 21 (4-34) 14 (3-31) 23 (8-44) .048a
IL-6, pg/mL 101 (50-157) 83 (29-238) 78 (37-138) .625
IL-8, pg/mL 4 (0-44) 8 (2-18) 6 (1-15) .248
IL-10, pg/mL 6.5 (1-18) 5 (0-18) 10 (0-23) .522
Day 3
C-reactive protein, mg/dL 5 (2-11) 5 (2-11) 6 (2-11) .975
Procalcitonin, ng/mL 0.39 (0.09-1.32) 0.29 (0.1-0.59) 0.20 (0.10-0.41) .586
TNF-a, pg/mL 26 (9-40) 20 (12-37) 25.5 (14-40) .463
IL-1, pg/mL 7.5 (0-28) 11 (3-28) 13 (1-37) .709
IL-6, pg/mL 29 (19-55) 29 (10-73) 33.4 (8-88) .914
IL-8, pg/mL 3.5 (0-14) 4 (0-12) 6 (0-15) .793
IL-10, pg/mL 12 (1-20) 8 (2-19) 6.5 (0-22) .924
Data given as median (interquartile range). TNF 5 tumor necrosis factor.
aDifferences between thrombocytosis and normal platelet count. CHEST / 143 / 3 / MARCH 2013 773

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Dr Prina: contributed to study design, analysis of data, and writing Association of Critical-Care Nurses; American College of
the manuscript and served as principal author. Chest Physicians; American College of Emergency Physicians;
Dr Ferrer: contributed to the study design, analysis of data, and Canadian Critical Care Society; European Society of Clinical
writing of the manuscript. Microbiology and Infectious Diseases; European Society
Dr Ranzani: contributed to the study design, analysis of data, and of Intensive Care Medicine; European Respiratory Society;
approved the manuscript. International Sepsis Forum; Japanese Association for Acute
Dr Polverino: contributed to the recruitment of patients, data col-
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Dr Cillóniz: contributed to the recruitment of patients, data col- ety of Critical Care Medicine; Society of Hospital Medicine;
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Dr Menéndez: contributed to the recruitment of patients, data
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