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ESSAY 4 – Argumentative Essay (INDIVIDUAL Essay)

In addition to arguing a position, you will also employ the skill of synthesis, integrating
sources/various perspectives into your writing. According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the
definition of synthesis is: “The putting together of parts or elements so as to make up a complex
whole; the combination of immaterial or abstract things, or of elements into an ideal or abstract
whole. (Opposed to ANALYSIS 1.) Also, the state of being put so together.”

You will debate whether or not users’ privacy should be protected.

Your fourth essay will answer this question: Should the government be allowed to
demand companies such as Apple and Google share users’ data?

Your thesis will take one position on the debate, and you must synthesize sources with your
own perspective. You will rely on at least THREE sources from our class discussions to support
your conclusions. Hence, there must be in-text citations AND a works cited page in proper
MLA format.

20% of the overall course grade
12-pt. font in Times New Roman
3-4 FULL pages in length (any shorter than 3 pages will result in a grade reduction)
One-inch margins
Specific title
MLA formatting standards (Consult Purdue’s OWL if there is any doubt or confusion.)
Is focused and well-organized, with effective use of transitions and logical order

First draft: 11/29 (You must be present for peer-review; otherwise, there is a grade reduction on
the revision.)
Revised draft: 12/4
*Remember all hard copies are due at the BEGINNING of each class period to avoid grade-
Argumentative Essay Rubric

Provides a clever introduction that begins the persuasive paper with background information
and/or summary and offers an arguable thesis.
Excellent Good Adequate Needs Improvement Poor

Relates each paragraph, in which there is one main idea, of the persuasive paper to the
arguable thesis.
Excellent Good Adequate Needs Improvement Poor

Presents interesting reasons devoid of logical fallacies.

Excellent Good Adequate Needs Improvement Poor

Supports the logical reasons with convincing evidence with facts, statistics, expert testimony,
anecdotal evidence, case studies, and/or textual evidence.
Excellent Good Adequate Needs Improvement Poor

Does not overpower the logos and ethos with pathos.

Excellent Good Adequate Needs Improvement Poor

Integrates other people’s ideas (including a counter-argument) carefully and respectfully while
upholding the thesis of the paper.
Excellent Good Adequate Needs Improvement Poor

Concludes the persuasive paper with the same strength as the introduction but leaves the
reader convinced of the thesis.
Excellent Good Adequate Needs Improvement Poor

Rather than discussing in a roundabout manner, uses precise academic language to persuade
an academic audience.
Excellent Good Adequate Needs Improvement Poor
Argumentative Essay Handout
The following framework is only to help you in constructing your argument. As each rhetorical
case is different, you will structure your paper appropriately. The following framework suggests
a way to plan your response and also represents the criteria for evaluating your paper:

- What is the situation that people are concerned about?
- What is your position?

Analysis of the Issue:

- What are the problems? Consider one at a time.
- What evidence shows that there is a problem? (You have to establish that there is an issue
that needs for someone to take a position and advocate.)

Support for Your Position:

- What cogent points do they make?
- How can you elaborate or build on their points as support for your position? (Remember: you
will need to logically consider the issue and only use the sources as support. You will not
provide a literature review or strictly summarize the articles.)

- There are reasonable persons who do not agree with you.
- What do they have to say?
- What is wrong with their testimonies or thinking?
- How can you respectfully disagree with the opposition while strongly asserting your
- Where should this appear in relation to the supporting evidence I provide?

This Toulmin Model of Logic is an effective way to structure your body paragraphs.

A simplified version might look something like this:

Claim: Students need better food options.

Data (Evidence): Statistically, college students gain fifteen pounds over the course of their
undergraduate experience.
Warrant: College students are apt to gain more weight because they likely binge on junk food,
as it is quick and easy to access; therefore, students need to eat more healthily in order to avoid
such weight gain, and the college can help them do so by providing more and better options.

Toulmin Model (simplified)

Claim: A college education, though useful in obtaining a job, should first and foremost cultivate
students’ intellect.
Data: Literacy among college graduates has declined over the past decade.
Warrant: There should be certain intellectual expectations and standards for a college
graduate. Because literacy has declined, colleges and universities need to redirect the purpose
of a college education to foster intellectual development, rather than job-training.

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