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Entrance: The Gospel:

Mother & Father Walk the Bride Mateo 7:21.24-29

Read by Father Gallardo
Collective Prayer:
Escucha, Senor, nuestras suplicas Rite of Marriage:
y derrama tu gracia sobre estos hijos Exchange of Wedding Vows
tuyos Sandra & Jaime, que hoy se
unen ante tu altar, para que se manten- Blessing of the Rings:
gan firmes en el amor. Por nuestro & arrhae
Senor Jesucristo, tu Hijo, que vive R.Amen.
y reina contigo en la unidad del
Espiritu Santo, y es Dios, por los Prayer of the Faithful:
siglos de los siglos. Amen. Read by Francisco Garcia
Reading of the Old Testament:
Jeremias 31:31-32a. 33-34a
Responsorial Psalm: Presentation of the Offertory/Gifts:
Salmo 111 (112):1-2.3-4.5-7a.7bc-8.9 Alan Sandoval
R: Aleluya Francisco F. Garcia
Read by Martha G. Rangel Jaime R. Sandoval

Reading of the New Testament: Prayer of the Baskets for the Poor
Romanos 8:31b-35.37-39 Preface
Aleluya & Verse of Previous Gospel: Nuptial Blessing
1 Juan 4:16 Sign of Peace
Read by Martha Garcia

Communion Final Blessing

Bread & Wine
Performed by Francisco & Martha Garcia

After Communion Prayer:

Tu que nos has permitido
participar de tu mesa,
concede, Senor, a Sandra & Jaime.,
que acaban de unir sus vidas
por el sacramento del Matrimonio
permanecer siempre fieles a ti
y dar testimonio de tu amor ante
el mundo, pr Jesucristo
nuestro Senor.R.Amen.

Wedding Party
Parents of the Bride
Francisco & Martha Garcia
Parents of the Groom
Jaime Sandoval & Martha G. Rangel
Matron of Honor
Antonia Contreras De La Torre

Best Man
Alan Sandoval
Bible & Rosary
Francisco F. Garcia & Jessica Lopez
Virgen Mary-flowers
Antonia Contreras De La Torre
Placing of Lazo
Ismael Lopez & Miranda Lopez

Sal Soria
Wedding Liturgy
Canon in D - Pachelbel
Bridal Chorus - Wagner
Liturgy of the Word
Felices Los Que Cumplen
Gospel Acclamation:
Rite of Marriage
The Reception of the Consent:
Demos gracias a Dios
Liturgy of the Eucharist
Preparation of the Gifts:
Donde hay Amor y Caridad- Rubalcava
Eucharistic Acclamations:
Misa Melodica
Fraction Rite:
Cordero De Dios
Pan de Vida - Hurd
Marian Devotion:
Ave Maria - Schubert
Concluding Rite
Wedding March - Mendelssohn.

Wedding Coordinator
Cecilia Mora
Reverend David F. Gallardo

Thank you for attending
Gracias por s participacion

Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels

555 West Temple Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012-2707

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