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The study made use of the phenomenological research design in determining the views
about the effects of Facebook in the academic performance of Grade 12 HUMSS students of St.
Paul University The data was elicited through interview with the used of structured
questionnaires. The qualitative responses of Grade 12 HUMSS students of St. Paul University
were related to the insights and experiences about the study and it was analyzed and recognized
using thematic analysis. Based on the findings of the study, among the reasons and causes
presented, Facebook can be useful in getting information and in communication yet it was also
distractive. Most of the participants suggested that it is need to set limitations and be responsible
in using Facebook for them not to affect their academic performance.

Nowadays, in this vast network of technology, everyone is connected generated by the

internet. In today’s world, the improvements of communication technology (ICT) Modern
Technology in a communication are a global village. It illuminates the lives of people by
spreading knowledge internationally, thereby making us global citizens. The new world of social
networking allows free sharing of thoughts. The networking sites used by people to interact
students to use social media to their studies. Social media is like two sides of a coin, bring with it
both positive and negative effect to the students studies.

In growth of Social Media over past few years has changed the way in which the internet
is experienced by must and users. It is built on the idea how people know and interact with each
other. It gives people the power to share, making the world more open and connected with each
other. Social Networking has a vital influence as our lives as it helps a lot in every field of life
such as educational field. Students usually used Social Sites for many reason such as for study
purpose, entertainment as social media provides any data you want easily and quickly within a
fraction of seconds. Usage of social media depends upon the person to person at it has good as
well as the negative impact on studies.

One of the most popular and recognized platforms used on the Internet are social
networking sites such as Facebook. Facebook being at the forefront of the social media craze,
has over 500 million active users on its website every month. It is emerged on February 4, 2004,
when a 19-year-old sophomore Harvard student named Mark Zukerberg founded the
revolutionary site to connect Harvard University students (Grossman, 2010). But later, this site
allows users to build social networks with hundreds or even thousands of people around the
world of which university students are one of the primary demographics using Facebook, with
features such as photos, wall posts, and status updates becoming seemingly irresistible to those
who want to connect with their friends (Gold, 2011).

Academics should be given importance for this will lead us to our future someday. We
conducted this kind of study because as observed nowadays, students are into Facebook and as a
result it affects them not only their behavior but also their academics. We want to help our fellow
students by knowing their insights, perception and views about the said study.

This research assesses the impact of Facebook in studies of students here in Saint Paul
University Philippines particularly in Grade 12- HUMSS students.

Statement of the Problem

The study generally aimed to know the insights of the students about the effects of
Facebook in their studies.

Specifically, the study aimed to answer the following:

1. What are the reasons of the participants engage themselves in using Facebook?

2. What are the possible effects of Facebook in their academic performance?

3. How can participants positively influence of the use of Facebook in their studies?


Research Design

Phenomenology was used in the study to determine their views about the effects of
Facebook in their studies since the data will be elicited through interview using the structured

Participants of the Study

The study was conducted in Saint Paul University Philippines. The participants involved
are the Grade-12 HUMSS Students only.

Data Gathering Instruments

The researcher interviewed the participants using the structured questionnaires to obtain
valid and reliable data. More specifically, such questionnaire seeks information about their
experiences, insights and suggestions about The Effects of Facebook in their Academic

Data Gathering Procedures

In conducting this study, researchers prepared an interview guide to be asked for the
different participants which are the Grade 12 HUMSS students of Saint Paul University
Philippines June Opening. Through the interview conducted, the researchers analyzed and
interpreted the responses and come up with the new ideas as a result of the study.

Data Analysis Tools

Qualitative responses related to experiences and their insights about the study was
analyzed and recognized using thematic analysis.

Result and Discussion

Reasons of participants in using social media

They are all active in their social media sites and some of them are almost online every
day even in schooldays, even more during weekends. They said that it’s fun and interesting but 1
out of the 8 participants considered it as a distraction. They said that they can get several things
from Facebook such as updates, class suspensions (CPIO), info about travel and food ideas,
trivia facts, pictures and videos, news, birthdays, Entertainment- memes videos, shared posts,
Updates on others’ lives, social skills ( public groups on Facebook ), New discoveries and others.

Participant’s perception about the useful effects of Facebook

According to them as student, Facebook is important to them as a student because they

can have additional information regarding their requirements in class and have different
references for assignments. It can also widen one’s knowledge and also for communication. It
also improves their social skills not only virtually but also can apply to the real world in
socializing to others. Facebook is informative that’s why it can help them not only in their
studies but also being updated in hot and trending topics all over the world. The data reflects
their positive view about the importance of Facebook for them as a student but one participant
disagreed for he said that there are more reliable sources for us students than depending
ourselves to Facebook.

Participant’s views about the positive and negative effects of Facebook

a.) Positive Effects

6 out of the 8 respondents agreed that Facebook is beneficial to them as a student

because it can add references in getting answers in their requirements and assignments. It can
also help them to get updated in others people’s lives and of course communication in group
chats and messaging. While one person dis agreed because for him, Facebook is for
entertainment only and not that much for studies. And also one participant answered sometimes,
because he said that it all depends on the person using it and time management is the key to
balance both social life and studies.

b.) Harmful Effects

6 out of 8 respondents agreed that Facebook is harmful in the studies of the students and
leaves a great impact on their academics. According to them, it became as a distraction in doing
assignments, requirements and in reviewing. Most of them can’t manage their time in using
Facebook and in doing paper works. In addition to that,

Facebook can destroy one’s life through cyber bullying and bashing other people. While the 2
participants said that they can still balance their time in using Facebook by not affecting their
academics as well. They know their limitations very well and knowledgeable enough in using

IV. Participant’s Suggestions to their fellow students in using Facebook.

Their suggestions are, in using social media sites especially Facebook, they should know
the limitations and boundaries. Everyone should be aware for the consequences, they should
know the responsibilities especially in studies (academics) and know first the priorities and
should not spend much time in using it. Also, there is more reliable source for paper works than


Based on the finding of the study, it is indeed that most of the participants rely
themselves too much in using Facebook and it is really a distractive yet informative social media
app. I therefore conclude that the participants should set limitations.


After deeper analysis of the findings and conclusions, the researchers offer the following

The students may know how to be responsible in using Facebook.

That the students allow to open their Facebook account or Google in particular period if



Boyd, D., & Ellison, N. B.(2008). Social network sites: Definition, history, and scholarship, Journal of
Computer-Mediated Communication, 13,2010-230

Comscore.(2008).Social Networking Goes Global.

"She's been a stalwart member of "Women in Leadership" for the last ten
years. Over that time she's served in every office: secretary, treasurer,
chairperson, chief fundraiser, education officer to name a few and in some
roles several times over.

Her passionate dedication to promoting public speaking as an important

component of empowerment is inspiring. We estimate that she has
personally mentored at least 100 new speakers and has set an extraordinary
"yes, you can" example for many more.

We see her as capable, confident and fluent - never at a loss for words. But
what you probably don't know is that this women once stuttered,
stammered and blushed.

Yes, she was temporarily paralyzed, struck dumb by the mere thought of
standing in front of an audience to speak.

How she got from awkward tongue tied silence to an eloquent front line
spokesperson is the story she will share with us tonight. Ladies, I give you
... Rose Stephenson!"

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