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Vol. 23, No.

7 July 2001 661

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Equine Neonatal
KEY FACTS Sepsis: The
■ Although bacteria or their
products may be responsible for
initiation of the inflammatory
Pathophysiology of
response, the response itself
results from the activity of host-
derived proinflammatory
Severe Inflammation

■ The excessive activity of

and Infection
antiinflammatory mediators may
result in immunosuppression
Marion duPont Scott Equine Medical Center
during or after a severe
Leesburg, Virginia
inflammatory response.
■ Because of the difficulty of M. O. Furr, DVM, PhD, DACVIM
definitively identifying neonates
with bacterial infection, it can be
ABSTRACT: Although the clinical syndrome of sepsis is a major problem in equine neonates,
appropriately assumed that any
the pathophysiology of this condition remains incomplete. Because the term sepsis describes
high-risk neonatal foal that a broad range of disorders with different underlying causes and often different prognoses, the
presents with clinical illness is understanding of this process is further complicated. Continued progress is being made, how-
septic. ever, in defining the syndromes associated with sepsis and in elucidating the mechanisms in-
volved in these processes. Attempts at modulating the septic process by interfering with the
action of bacterial toxins or the production or activity of individual mediators have not been
successful, thereby reinforcing that this is a multifactorial response. Fortunately, the complex
interactions of intra- and extracellular messengers leading to clinical sepsis continue to be de-
fined. An increased understanding of the processes involved in the septic response may aid in
the identification of patients with these syndromes as well as improve the effectiveness of
treatment regimens.

ne of the most challenging problems faced by equine veterinarians is the
management of equine neonates with sepsis. Despite the substantial ad-
vances that have been made in the medical management of these foals,
the mortality rate remains high.1 This is due to the fact that sepsis represents a
systemic inflammatory response to infection or injury; therefore, it can rapidly
progress to septic shock and death despite aggressive treatment. Traditionally,
the term septicemia, which is used to refer to this process in equine neonates, de-
scribes a systemic disease process involving the presence of pathogenic microor-
ganisms and/or their toxins in the blood.2 The classic presentation of sepsis was
that of disseminated gram-negative bacterial infections; however, it has become
apparent that an identical syndrome occurs in patients with gram-positive bacte-
662 Equine Compendium July 2001

vention, a process termed multiorgan

dysfunction syndrome (MODS). 5,8,9
MODS is a progressive syndrome with
Bacteremia initial dysfunction in the cardiovascular
system, followed by involvement of the
respiratory, hepatic, gastrointestinal, re-
Viremia nal, cardiac, and neurologic systems.5,11
Infection Sepsis SIRS These processes result in the development
Trauma of refractory hypotension, lactic acidosis,
Fungemia and oliguria, often progressing to
Other Inflammation
Inflammation represents the response
of tissues to either injury or the presence
Figure 1—Relationships of systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS), sep- of microorganisms. It serves a vital role
sis, and infection. Infection is not always associated with an inflammatory re- because it enhances the movement of
sponse; and SIRS can occur without infection. When SIRS occurs in association phagocytic cells and defensive molecules
with infection, the response may be referred to as sepsis.3 (e.g., immunoglobulin, complement)
from the bloodstream to the site of infec-
tion or injury. The first step in this pro-
rial infections, viral infections, trauma, hypovolemia, cess is the recognition of tissue injury or microbial inva-
hemorrhage, and immunologic and drug reactions (Fig- sion. Injured cells release preformed mediators (e.g.,
ure 1).3–6 histamine) and synthesize proinflammatory substances,
The abnormalities associated with the clinical syn- including eicosanoids (e.g., prostaglandins, thrombox-
drome of sepsis result from a nonspecific innate inflam- anes, leukotrienes) and the cytokines (interleukin [IL]-1
matory response. This response, which has been termed and tumor necrosis factor [TNF]–α; Figures 2 and 3).
the systemic inflammatory response syndrome These mediators are responsible for the initiation of a
(SIRS), is not necessarily associated with the presence nonspecific inflammatory response. Microbial invasion
of bacterial infection.7,8 SIRS, which represents a com-
mon terminal phase of the inflammatory response char- BOX 1
acterized by malignant global activation of multiple
proinflammatory pathways,4 is defined by the presence Terms Used to Describe Clinical Syndromes
of two or more of the following abnormalities: fever or Associated with Systemic Inflammation9,10
hypothermia (rectal temperature greater than 39.2˚C or Infection: Inflammatory response to the presence of
less than 37.2˚C), tachycardia (heart rate greater than microorganisms or the invasion of normally sterile
120 beats/min), tachypnea (respiratory rate greater host tissue by microorganisms
than 30 breaths/min) or hypocapnia (partial pressure of Bacteremia/septicemia: Presence of viable bacteria in
arterial carbon dioxide less than 32 mm Hg), leukocy- the bloodstream
tosis or leukopenia (leukocyte count greater than Systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS):
12,500 or less than 4000 cells/µl), or increased num- Systemic response to an array of severe clinical
bers of immature forms of granulocytes (greater than insults
10% bands).9,10 These manifestations of disease are the Shock: SIRS-induced hypotension refractory to fluid
same as those previously used to define sepsis, and the resuscitation in association with hypoperfusion
appreciation that many different stimuli can induce Sepsis: SIRS due to infection
this response has resulted in sepsis being redefined as Severe sepsis: Sepsis associated with organ
SIRS due to infection (Box 1).8 dysfunction, hypoperfusion, or hypotension
The changes associated with SIRS can lead to shock, Septic shock: Sepsis-induced shock
which is characterized by severe hypotension not re- Multiorgan dysfunction syndrome (MODS):
sponsive to intravenous fluid therapy (Figure 2). Shock Altered organ function in an acutely ill patient
can result in hypoperfusion and organ dysfunction such requiring intervention to maintain homeostasis
that homeostasis cannot be maintained without inter-
Compendium July 2001 Equine 663

Normal Foal
Intrauterine infection Postnatal infection

Hypoxia Other insults: Trauma, hypovolemia,

hemorrhage, drug or immunologic reactions

Recognition of tissue injury

or presence of microorganisms
(see Figure 4)

Proinflammatory enzymes Proinflammatory cytokines

(inducible nitric oxide synthase, Macrophage activation (interleukin-1, tumor necrosis factor–α,
phospholipase A2, cyclooxygenase-2) (see Figures 3 and 4) interleukin-6, interleukin-12, and

Increased vascular Endothelial activation and Neutrophil activation,

permeability local vasodilation chemotaxis, migration

Systemic vasoconstriction
Fluid Localized
Impaired cardiac function
extravasation hemostatic
Systemic vasodilatation

Systemic hemostatic Refractory hypotension

dysfunction (shock)

Multiorgan dysfunction Tissue injury/

syndrome cellular dysfunction

Figure 2—Schematic representation of the progression of the inflammatory process and associated pathophysiologic changes in a
foal exposed to infectious organisms or other injurious insults.

may result in tissue injury, thereby initiating this pro- sponse, the inflammatory process itself results solely
cess, or specific bacterial cell components may be recog- from the production of endogenous mediators.
nized by immune cells (macrophages), which result in Because of the predominance of gram-negative infec-
the production of inflammatory mediators and the ini- tion in foals with sepsis, LPS is commonly involved in
tiation of an inflammatory response.12 The bacterial the molecular mechanisms described. On entering the
cellular components that are recognized by the immune circulation, LPS is avidly bound to the LPS-binding
system include endotoxins (lipopolysaccharide; LPS) protein (LBP); the LPS–LBP complex then binds to a
and exotoxins from gram-negative bacteria as well as receptor present on the surface of the mononuclear
peptidoglycans (PGs), lipoteichoic acids (LTAs), en- phagocyte (mCD14) or in the circulation (sCD14).16,17
terotoxins, and superantigenic exotoxins from gram- CD14 also binds PG and LTA from gram-positive bac-
positive bacteria.7,13–15 Although bacterial infection may teria.7,13,16 This may represent a route of cellular activa-
be responsible for the initiation of an inflammatory re- tion in gram-positive infections.7,13,16 The LPS–LBP–
664 Equine Compendium July 2001

Trauma Lipopolysaccharide-binding Gram-
Hypoxia protein positive
+ –
■ Interleukin-1 ■ Complement ■ Platelet activation factor ■ Singlet oxygen
■ Interleukin-6 system ■ Thromboxane A2 ■ Superoxide anion
■ Interleukin-8 ■ Coagulation ■ Prostaglandins ■ Hydroxyl radical ANTIINFLAMMATORY
■ Interleukin-12 system ■ Leukotrienes ■ Nitric oxide MEDIATORS
■ TNF-α ■ Interferon-γ ■ Hypochloride ion ■ Interleukin-4
■ Elastase/cathepsin B ■ Interleukin-10
■ Kinin/kallikreins ■ Interleukin-13
■ Adrenal corticosteroids
■ Prostaglandin E2
■ Interleukin-1 receptor
■ Soluble interleukin-1
Low systemic levels High systemic levels receptor II
of mediators of mediators ■ Soluble TNF receptors

– –
■ Moderate fever ■ SIRS
■ Immune stimulation ■ Disseminated intravascular
■ Microbicidal effects coagulation
■ Septic shock

Figure 3—Interaction of initiating factors and host-derived proinflammatory (+) and antiinflammatory (−) mediators in the reso-
lution of infection and the development of SIRS and septic shock.14

CD14 or PG–LTA–CD14 complex is then responsible proinflammatory enzymes (e.g., inducible nitric oxide
for cellular activation of the mononuclear phagocyte via synthase, phospholipase A2, cyclooxygenase-2), and ad-
a toll-like receptor (TLR) that transmits the activation hesion molecules (e.g., selectins, intracellular adhesion
signal across the cell membrane (Figure 4).7 Numerous molecules).18 The transcription of many of the genes
types of TLRs have been identified in mammalian encoded for these mediators or the enzymes that pro-
species; evidence suggests that these different types of duce them is dependent on the transcription activator
TLRs are responsible for recognition of different types nuclear factor–κB; therefore, this molecule may be a
of microbial pathogens.7 potential target for intervention in SIRS (Figure 4).19–21
Cellular activation may also occur because of the de- The initial changes that occur in an inflammatory re-
velopment of a nonspecific oxidative stress reaction sponse are primarily the result of local vasodilation
within the mononuclear phagocyte following stimula- and increased vascular permeability caused by the effects
tion by proinflammatory stimuli such as TNF-α, endo- of vasoactive mediators released by the injured or infect-
toxin, or exotoxins (Figure 4).18 The development of an ed cell (Figures 2 and 3). These factors include his-
inflammatory response is dependent on the produc- tamine, serotonin, kinins, eicosanoids, platelet activat-
tion—primarily by the activated mononuclear phago- ing factor, fibrin degradation products, and the
cyte—of numerous inflammatory mediators, including complement products, C3a and C5a. Changes occur in
proinflammatory cytokines (e.g., TNF-α, IL-1, IL-6), the vascular endothelium under the influence of
Compendium July 2001 Equine 665

molecules arising from the injured tis-

sue (e.g., IL-1, TNF-α, histamine), re- TNF
sulting in neutrophil diapedesis and or IL-1
increased vascular permeability. On
their arrival at the site of tissue injury, +
IκB-α/nuclear factor–κB
neutrophils and macrophages phago- +
cytose foreign material and injured or +
dead tissue cells and destroy the
Nuclear factor–κB
phagocytosed material by oxidative
mechanisms (neutrophils) or by both
oxidative and nonoxidative mecha-
nisms (macrophages). In addition, IκB-α
macrophages release a number of fac-
tors that augment the immune re- Gene +
Proinflammatory transcription Cytoplasm
sponse, including the proinflammato- cytokines Protein
ry cytokines (e.g., IL-1, TNF-α, IL-6, and enzymes synthesis
IL-12, IL-18; Figure 3). The proin- Nucleus
flammatory cytokines signal target
cells, primarily neutrophils, to increase
the production of secondary inflam- Figure 4—The transcription activator nuclear factor (NF)–κB is normally retained in
matory mediators, including phospho- the cytoplasm in an inactivated state, preventing the unregulated production of in-
lipid derivatives (e.g., prostaglandins, flammatory mediators. This inactivation is caused by the binding of NF-κB by the
thromboxane A2, leukotrienes) and re- repressor protein IκB-α.19 Following stimulation of the cell by a proinflammatory
active oxygen species (singlet oxygen, agent, IκB-α is phosphorylated, freeing NF-κB, which is then capable of entering
superoxide anion, hydroxyl radical, the nucleus and activating transcription of genes encoding for inflammatory cy-
hydrogen peroxide, NO, hypochloride tokines (e.g., tumor necrosis factor–α, interleukin-1, interleukin-6), proinflammato-
ion), further increasing the activity of ry enzymes (e.g., inducible nitric oxide synthase, phospholipase A2, cylcooxygenase-18
the inflammatory response.23 The sys- 2), and adhesion molecules (e.g., selectins, intracellular adhesion molecules).
temic manifestations of inflammation
and/or infection (e.g., fever, lethargy,
malaise, loss of appetite, cachexia) are primarily due to flammatory cytokines (e.g., soluble IL-1 receptor type
TNF-α and IL-1. II, soluble TNF receptors).4,21,25 The balance between
these proinflammatory and antiinflammatory compo-
Acute-Phase Response nents is important in determining the characteristics of
Interleukin-6, IL-1, and TNF-α initiate the acute- the inflammatory response because excessive activity of
phase response, whereby the liver increases production the antiinflammatory component may result in im-
of acute-phase proteins. These substances are important munosuppression during or after a severe inflammatory
in many phases of the response to inflammatory stimuli, response, which has been termed compensatory antiin-
including complement activation, coagulation, fibrinol- flammatory response syndrome by Bone and col-
ysis, transport of substances within the blood stream, in- leagues.9
hibition of neutrophil proteases, and modulation of the
inflammatory response (Figure 3).24 The acute-phase re- Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome
sponse is critical in inflammation, healing, and adapta- In moderation, the changes associated with an inflam-
tion to noxious stimuli.24 Also included in the acute- matory response are protective, resulting in enhanced
phase response is a counterregulatory antiinflammatory killing of microbes by antigen-specific and nonspecific
component that normally functions to minimize and re- mechanisms, generalized immune stimulation, and in-
solve the inflammatory response to localized stimuli. creased activity of the systems required for the healing of
This counterregulatory response consists of antiinflam- damaged tissue. The excessive, malignant form of the
matory mediators that inhibit macrophage activation inflammatory and acute-phase responses, termed SIRS,
(e.g., IL-4, IL-10, IL-13, adrenal corticosteroids, trans- is characterized by the systemic activity of numerous
forming growth factor-β, prostaglandin-E2), antagonists proinflammatory mediators, including cytokines (e.g.,
to the receptors for proinflammatory cytokines (e.g., IL- IL-1, TNF-α, IL-6, IL-8), phospholipid derivatives
1 receptor antagonist), and soluble receptors of proin- (e.g., platelet activating factor, prostaglandins, throm-
Compendium July 2001 Equine 667

boxane A2, leukotrienes), complement components (e.g., cumulation of fibrin and aggregation of platelets and
C3a, C5a), reactive oxygen species (e.g., superoxide an- erythrocytes secondary to activation of the clotting sys-
ion, hydrogen peroxide, hydroxyl radical, singlet oxygen, tem results in occlusion of the vasculature, leading to
hypochloride ion), and vasoactive gases (e.g., NO, car- tissue hypoperfusion. Arteriovenous shunting occurs in
bon monoxide).4,25 As previously described, these media- some tissues, whereas increased vascular permeability
tors all represent components of the normal inflammato- results in extravasation of fluids into the interstitial
ry response to a localized stimulus, but the systemic space, further contributing to hypotension and hypo-
activity of these proinflammatory mediators may result volemia. Progressive alteration of the microcirculation
in an excessive, and often detrimental, response. leading to failure may represent the common final
One of the first effects that occurs with SIRS is pathway of SIRS-related injury contributing to or re-
widespread endothelial activation, resulting in the in- sulting in MODS.30
creased production of vasoactive mediators and alter- Activation of coagulation occurs primarily through
ation of vascular homeostasis. Inflammatory cytokines the extrinsic pathway because of the production and
(e.g., IL-1, TNF-α) are responsible for activation of the surface expression of tissue factor (thromboplastin) on
endothelium, and the activated cells produce inflam- endothelial cells and mononuclear phagocytes under the
matory cytokines as well as increased amounts of NO influence of IL-6, the production of which is increased
(via inducible NO synthase), prostaglandins (via in- by proinflammatory stimuli (e.g., endotoxin, TNF-α,
ducible cyclooxygenase-2), and endothelin-1.26 Activat- IL-1).25,31,32 Endothelial injury secondary to neutrophil
ed endothelial cells retract from one another, increasing degranulation results in decreased production of PGI2
the size of the intercellular pores and allowing for in- and NO, leading to increased platelet adhesion.32 In the
creased vascular permeability. They also increase their normal state, the accumulation of excessive amounts of
production of tissue factor and von Willebrand factor, fibrin would be prevented by the action of plasmin, the
resulting in localized thrombosis and platelet adher- primary mediator of fibrinolysis. In the presence of
ence, respectively.26 SIRS, the fibrinolytic system is suppressed because of
The initial systemic effect of these changes is pul- the increased plasma concentration of plasminogen-acti-
monary vasoconstriction leading to pulmonary hyper- vator inhibitor type 1, the primary inhibitor of fibrinol-
tension 27 likely caused by thromboxane A 2. 28 The ysis.31 The widespread activation of the clotting system,
initial hypertensive phase is followed by systemic hy- combined with impairment of fibrinolysis and depres-
potension caused by decreased arterial tone and results sion of the inhibitors of coagulation, can result in a con-
in decreased left ventricular preload, combined with sumptive coagulopathy potentially leading to dissemi-
venous vasodilation in the large-capacity vessels that nated intravascular coagulation.16,31
decreases venous return. These effects are likely due to
epoprostenal (PGI2; prostacyclin) and NO26 and can Shock
progress to the syndrome of hyperdynamic shock, with The progression of these processes affecting the car-
increases in heart rate and cardiac output developing as diovascular system ultimately results in shock. Shock
compensatory mechanisms to maintain tissue perfu- occurs when cardiovascular function is severely im-
sion.29 This compensatory response is impaired by the paired, such that hypotension cannot be corrected with
reduction in left ventricular preload, combined with intravenous fluid administration and requiring the use
the decreased cardiac contractility resulting from my- of inotropic and/or vasopressor agents.5,11 Shock repre-
ocardial depressants (e.g., NO, TNF-α , IL-1), de- sents severe cardiovascular dysfunction associated with
creased myocardial responsiveness to β-adrenergic SIRS and is a primary component of MODS. Septic
stimulation, and decreased compliance due to myocar- shock is defined as shock associated with infection.
dial edema.15
Changes occurring in the microvasculature further Multiorgan Dysfunction Syndrome
contribute to the impairment of tissue perfusion. Arteri- The development of MODS is likely the result of
olar vasoconstriction develops due to the impairment cardiovascular dysfunction, which leads to tissue hy-
of the normal autoregulatory systems (e.g., NO from poperfusion combined with changes in cellular
endothelial NO synthase, PGI2 from cyclooxygenase-1) metabolism that result in impairment of oxygen deliv-
caused by inflammatory cytokines and endothelin-1 ery and uptake, respectively.11 The presence of tissue
combined with the increased production of vasocon- hypoxia is manifested by metabolic acidosis and de-
strictive substances (e.g., endothelin-1, thromboxane creased oxygen extraction ratios.11 Pulmonary dysfunc-
A2). Adherence of neutrophils to the endothelium and tion is manifested by refractory hypoxemia, potentially
endothelial cell swelling further reduce blood flow. Ac- caused by increased pulmonary vascular permeability,
668 Equine Compendium July 2001

microthrombi formation, pulmonary epithelial injury, Routes of Invasion

pulmonary edema, and impairment of surfactant pro- Pathogenic organisms can infect equine neonates by
duction.33 Renal dysfunction is manifested by the de- numerous routes. While in the intrauterine environ-
velopment of azotemia and oliguria; acute renal failure ment, the fetus may be exposed to organisms that have
is likely caused by alterations in the distribution of in- invaded the placenta or that cross the placental–chorial
trarenal blood flow arising from microvascular alter- barrier, gaining direct access to the foal’s bloodstream.
ations with or without systemic hypotension.11 Bacteria associated with placental disease may enter the
Gastrointestinal dysfunction is primarily manifested amniotic fluid and gain access to the respiratory and gas-
by the presence of ileus but may also result in loss of trointestinal tracts of the fetus. After birth, bacterial in-
the normal barrier function of the gastrointestinal mu- fection can be caused by contamination of the umbilical
cosa.34 This loss of the mucosal barrier may further stump, ingestion or inhalation, or secondary to wounds.2
contribute to the pathogenesis of MODS due to bacte-
rial translocation or endotoxin absorption.34 Hepatic Organisms Involved in Neonatal Sepsis
dysfunction is manifested by the development of hyper- Blood culture remains the most definitive test for ante-
bilirubinemia and, in some cases, increased serum ac- mortem identification of septicemia in equine neonates.
tivities of hepatic enzymes (sorbital dehydrogenase, as- Blood culture should be performed—ideally prior to the
partate aminotransferase). Hepatic dysfunction may administration of antimicrobial therapy—when any
result from hypoperfusion, particularly because of the equine neonate presents with a clinical suspicion of sep-
high metabolic demands of this tissue, but may be sis. This test has been reported to have variable sensitivi-
heightened by the production of inflammatory media- ty in many species, including horses, with false-negative
tors by the hepatic Kupffer’s cells secondary to the ac- results obtained in up to 37% of cases of fatal
tions of systemic mediators or stimuli derived from the septicemia.42,43 It is interesting to contemplate how much
gastrointestinal tract.35 Dysfunction of the central ner- higher the false-negative rate might be in the less severely
vous system, which is frequently present, may manifest ill neonate that recovers with antimicrobial therapy.44 It
as depression but can progress to septic encephalopathy has been recommended that multiple samples be collect-
with extensive neuronal injury.36 The development of ed to maximize the sensitivity of this test, but the majori-
consumptive coagulopathy (disseminated intravascular ty of isolates have been reported to be present in the first
coagulation) could also be considered a component of culture sample. The need for immediate antimicrobial
MODS rather than merely a pathophysiologic process therapy usually results in only one sample being ob-
contributing to the development of organ failure. tained.2 Because of the low sensitivity of blood culture, it
is important to obtain bacterial cultures from suspected
NEONATAL SEPTICEMIA areas of infection during the course of treatment because
Risk Factors the blood culture may be falsely negative or nosocomial
A number of factors have been identified that in- infection may have developed during the course of treat-
crease the likelihood of septicemia and mortality in ment. The appropriate samples are dependent on the
equine neonates. The risk factors for septicemia may system affected but would include transtracheal aspirate;
include a history of placentitis, prenatal vulvar dis- blood; urine; synovial, peritoneal, and cerebrospinal flu-
charge, dystocia, maternal illness, premature or delayed id; and umbilical remnants following surgical resection.
parturition, induced parturition, total failure of passive Although historically gram-positive organisms were
transfer, prolonged transport of the pregnant mare, and most commonly associated with neonatal infections,
the presence of localized disease in the neonate (e.g., over the past 20 years the most common bacteria isolat-
anterior uveitis, diarrhea, pneumonia, infectious arthri- ed from infected foals have been gram-negative organ-
tis, open wounds).37,38 Partial failure of passive transfer isms (Table 1).2,42,43,45 Gram-positive organisms isolated
(serum IgG concentration 200 to 400 mg/dl) has been from infected foals are typically present in mixed infec-
considered a risk factor for septicemia. However, this tions with gram-negative organisms; streptococcal
may not be the case because one study39 reported no species are most common.2,42,46 Other organisms associ-
statistical difference in duration or frequency of illness ated with severe systemic inflammation in equine
or survival when comparing foals with IgG concentra- neonates include equine herpesvirus type 1 and Histo-
tions of less than 400 or greater than 800 mg/dl. Risk plasma capsulatum.6,47,48 It is also possible that severe hy-
factors for neonatal death may include maternal illness, poxia, which leads to hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy
premature or delayed parturition, induced parturition, (also known as neonatal asphyxia, dummy foal syn-
prolonged duration of clinical signs, and decreased drome), represents a causative factor for induction of
serum IgG concentration.40,41 SIRS in equine neonates.49,50
Compendium July 2001 Equine 669

TABLE 1 nents of the clinical situation, it also results in a loss of

Organisms Isolated from Infected Neonatal Foals
information.53 The second limitation arises from the
fact that, as previously discussed, the pathophysiologic
Organism Percentage of Isolates mechanisms operating in equine neonates with SIRS
Gram-negative are consistent, regardless of the primary etiology.
Escherichia coli 42,43,45 30.6–56% Therefore, the manifestations of disease that are subse-
Klebsiella pneumoniae 42,43 3.7–12.9% quently incorporated into a scoring system inherently
Actinobacillus species42,43,45 8–19% lack the precision required to differentiate various types
Enterobacter species42,43,45 3.5–5.7% of primary disease. As a result, no sepsis score can sub-
Pseudomonas aeruginosa 42,43,45 2.8–4.7% stitute for clinical judgment, and these scores should be
Citrobacter species43 4.7% used as a diagnostic aid in the identification of high-
Pasteurella species42 3.7% risk individuals with full consideration given to their
Salmonella species42,45 2.8–3.7% limitations.37,53 Because of the difficulty of definitively
Serratia marcescens 42,45 2.8–3.7%
identifying neonates with bacterial infection, it is ap-
Gram-positive propriate to make the assumption that any high-risk
β-hemolytic streptococci 43,45 1.2–5.6% neonatal foals presenting with clinical illness are sep-
Other streptococci 43 7.1% tic.54 Aggressive therapy that includes antimicrobials is
Staphylococcus species42,45 2.8–3.7% indicated. Although there are some risks associated
Clostridium species42,43,45 2.4–3.7% with antimicrobial therapy, they are greatly outweighed
by the risks associated with withholding antimicrobial
Other therapy from a patient with sepsis secondary to bacteri-
Equine herpesvirus type 16,47 Not available al infection.
Histoplasma capsulatum 48 Not available
The development of SIRS in equine neonates is a
Identification of Septic Neonates complex process that involves numerous initiating fac-
Identification of septic neonates is of clinical rele- tors, inflammatory mediators, and variable degrees of
vance in ensuring that appropriate treatment is admin- organ dysfunction. Initially, it may be difficult to deter-
istered and in determining prognosis for survival. The mine the underlying disease process when presented
identification of septic neonates remains problematic, with a neonate with SIRS. Treatment of patients with
however, because neonates that present with clinical ab- SIRS requires the same basic supportive therapies (e.g.,
normalities consistent with sepsis (SIRS) may be nega- intravenous fluids, antimicrobials, antiinflammatories)
tive on blood culture with no evidence of a focal site of regardless of the etiology, but identification of the spe-
infection. Attempts to identify equine neonates with cific etiology will allow for more effective and appropri-
septicemia have included the development of a sepsis ate application of both basic and adjunctive therapies. It
scoring system that combines historical information, is clear that the treatment of SIRS and its sequelae can-
objective data, and subjective measures to derive a nu- not focus solely on any single component of this process
merical representation of the patient’s condition.51 The but must be directed at resolution of the initiating stim-
sensitivity and specificity of this scoring system were re- ulus, modulation of the inflammatory response, and
ported to be 93% and 86%, respectively.51 Unfortu- support and maintenance of organ function.
nately, the specificity and sensitivity may not always be
this high.52 In addition, this scoring system must be REFERENCES
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672 Equine Compendium July 2001

51. Brewer BD, Koterba AM: Development of a scoring system d. systemic antiinflammatory response syndrome.
for the early diagnosis of equine neonatal sepsis. Equine Vet e. septic shock.
J 20(1):18–22, 1988.
52. Corley K, Furr M: Evaluation of the sepsis score for neonatal 5. The risk factors for equine neonatal septicemia include
septicemia. Proc 38th Br Equine Vet Assoc Congr:182, 1999.
all of the following except
53. van Nieuwenhoven EJ, Lefering R, Neugebauer E, Goris RJ:
Clinical relevance of sepsis scores. Langenbecks Arch Surg a. unobserved parturition.
383(1):11–14, 1998. b. gestational age.
54. Wichtel ME, Buys E, DeLuca J, Stringel G: Pharmacologic c. dystocia.
considerations in the treatment of neonatal septicemia and d. induced parturition.
its complications. Vet Clin North Am Equine Pract 15(3): e. maternal illness.
725–746, 1999.
6. Blood culture samples
a. are often contaminated with nonpathogenic bacte-
ARTICLE #4 CE TEST b. are rarely useful in guiding the clinical management

The article you have read qualifies for 1.5 con-
tact hours of Continuing Education Credit from
the Auburn University College of Veterinary
Medicine. Choose the best answer to each of the fol-
lowing questions; then mark your answers on the
postage-paid envelope inserted in Compendium.
of septic foals.
c. must be collected before administration of antimi-
crobial agents.
d. have very high sensitivity and specificity for sep-
e. should be collected in all foals presented with a
clinical suspicion of sepsis.

7. Antimicrobial therapy
1. The clinical condition of sepsis results from the activi- a. should be delayed pending the results of bacterial
ty of culture and sensitivity testing.
a. bacteria. b. should be initiated early in any high-risk clinically
b. viruses. ill neonatal foal.
c. fungi. c. is without major risk.
d. host-derived mediators. d. will prevent the culture of organisms from blood
e. all of the above cultures.
e. should be reserved only for foals with clinically de-
2. SIRS represents tectable infection.
a. the clinical response to infection.
b. the excessive activity of the antiinflammatory re- 8. Abnormalities used to define SIRS include all of the
sponse. following except
c. the result of cardiovascular dysfunction leading to a. fever.
tissue hypoperfusion. b. tachypnea.
d. the excessive, malignant form of the inflammatory c. leukocytosis.
and acute-phase responses. d. central nervous system depression.
e. a systemic disease process involving the presence of e. hypothermia.
pathogenic microorganisms and/or their toxins in
the blood. 9. Sepsis scoring systems are helpful in
a. deciding if a foal should be treated with antimicro-
3. The organisms most commonly involved in equine bials.
neonatal infections are b. monitoring the response to treatment.
a. gram-positive bacteria. c. identification of high-risk individuals.
b. gram-negative bacteria. d. assessment of passive transfer.
c. equine herpesvirus type 1. e. determining the most appropriate antimicrobials
d. mixed bacterial infections. for treatment of sepsis.
e. anaerobic bacteria.
10. Organ dysfunction in equine neonates with sepsis may
4. The excessive activity of endogenous antiinflammatory be manifested by all of the following except
mediators may result in the a. polyuria.
a. MODS. b. hypotension.
b. SIRS. c. hypoxia.
c. compensatory antiinflammatory response syn- d. ileus.
drome. e. hyperbilirubinemia.

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