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Nr 11–12 (745–882)



Reactive surfactants – chemistry and applications

Part I. Polymerizable surfactants
Marcin Kaczorowski1), Gabriel Rokicki1), *)

Abstract: Reactive surfactants, due to their versatility, are being rapidly developed and they are finding more and
more applications. The aim of this paper is to present recent advances in the chemistry and technology of func-
tional surfactants: surfmers (polymerizable surfactants), inisurfs (surface-active initiators), and transurfs (surface-
active transfer agents). Reactive surfactants, beside other advantages, are also environmentally friendly and their
use can reduce costs of chemical processes.
In this part of a brief review, basic information about reactive surfactants is presented and surfmers are described
and discussed. Surfmers combine properties of surfactants (surface activity) and monomers (ability to polymer-
ize). They are widely used for emulsion polymerization, but their other, more sophisticated applications include
miniemulsion stabilization, nanomaterials synthesis, drug-delivery systems, and hydrogels.

Keywords: polymerizable surfactant, surfmer, surface-active monomer, polymerizable emulsifier, emulsion po-
lymerization, nanomaterial, drug-delivery system, hydrogel.

Surfaktanty reaktywne – chemia i zastosowania

Część I. Surfaktanty zdolne do polimeryzacji

Streszczenie: Ze względu na wszechstronność zastosowań reaktywnych surfaktantów następuje szybki rozwój

metod syntezy tej grupy związków. W artykule zaprezentowano najnowsze osiągnięcia chemii i technologii
reak­tywnych surfaktantów: surfmerów (surfaktantów zdolnych do polimeryzacji), inisurfów (powierzchniowo
czynnych inicjatorów) oraz transurfów (powierzchniowo czynnych środków przeniesienia łańcucha). Zastoso-
wanie reaktywnych surfaktantów może uczynić proces chemiczny bardziej przyjaznym środowisku i obniżyć
koszty jego prowadzenia.
W tej części artykułu przedstawiono najważniejsze informacje dotyczące reaktywnych surfaktantów oraz opi-
sano szerzej surfmery, które łączą w sobie właściwości charakterystyczne dla surfaktantów (aktywność po-
wierzchniowa) oraz monomerów (zdolność do polimeryzacji). Surfmery są szeroko stosowane w polimeryzacji
emulsyjnej, ale mają również inne, bardziej wyrafinowane zastosowania, takie jak: stabilizacja miniemulsji,
synteza nanomateriałów, systemy dostarczania leków i hydrożele.

Słowa kluczowe: surfaktant zdolny do polimeryzacji, surfmer, monomer powierzchniowo czynny, emulgator
zdolny do polimeryzacji, polimeryzacja emulsyjna, nanomateriał, system dostarczania leków, hydrożel.

Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Chemistry, Noakowskiego 3, 00-664 Warsaw, Poland.


* Author for correspondence; e-mail:

748 POLIMERY 2016, 61, nr 11–12

Due to many regulations concerning environment pro- purification step after polymerization, which is neces-
tection and safety of chemical processes, solvent-based sary when using traditional surfactants. Polymerizable
systems are being substituted with aqueous systems. surfactant simply builds into polymer structure and does
This tendency is also present in polymers production and not remain in reaction mixture. It also prevents migration
results in growing importance of emulsion polymeriza- of a surfmer to the interface (polymer/air and polymer/
tion. Moreover, in many fields new forms of delivery are substrate) in films formed of the lattice. It results in bet-
required, e.g., micro- and nanoemulsions, concentrated ter properties of the coating and reduces water sensitiv-
emulsions, or suspoemulsions. It results in the need to ity, adhesion, or gloss [16–18].
develop new surfactant systems [1]. The synthesis of a Aside from emulsion polymerization, surfmers can be
surfmer by Freedman et al. in 1958 [2] is considered to be used for more sophisticated purposes, e.g., for drug-deliv-
the first step in development of a new class of compounds ery systems, hydrogels, nanomaterials, and encapsulation.
– reactive surfactants.
Reactive surfactants have the ability to covalently bind Structure
to the dispersed phase. As a result they cannot be dis-
placed from the interface as easily as traditional surfac- Surfmer consists of three parts:
tants, which are only physically bonded. Permanent at- – a hydrophobic moiety;
tachment to the dispersed phase have also environmental – a hydrophilic moiety;
and economic advantages. It results in lower use of sur- – a polymerizable moiety – usually with a double
factants and smaller contamination of sewage. Reactive bond.
surfactants can be used to obtain redispersable lattices Surfmers can be anionic, cationic, or non-ionic.
[3], latexes with functionalized surface [4], or dispersions Polymerizable surfactants can have various polymeriz-
with increased stability [5]. It is worth mentioning that able moieties. Most popular moieties are:
they are widely applied in industrial processes to obtain – acrylic/methacrylic [19–21];
inkjet inks [6–9], water-thinnable alkyd resins for coat- – vinylbenzyl [22–25];
ing purposes [10–11], and other coating compositions [12]. – maleic [26–28].
Reactive surfactants can be also used for many advanced A great advantage of maleic-based surfmers is the fact,
applications, e.g., nanoparticles stabilization, drug-deliv- that they do not enter homopolymerization, but copoly-
ery systems, hydrogels, and many others. merize with most vinyl monomers [29].
There are three basic groups of reactive surfactants: The polymerizable moiety can be localized either at the
surfmers – polymerizable surfactants, inisurfs – surface- hydrophobic part of the surfmer, or at the hydrophilic part.
-active initiators, transurfs – surface-active transfer
agents. All this three groups of reactive surfactants form Properties
micelles in aqueous solutions above the critical micelle
concentration (cmc). It is worth mentioning, that reactive Surfmer reactivity is very important aspect. It needs
surfactants can be either relatively small molecules, or to be well balanced. If the surfmer is too reactive in a
macromolecules. polymerization process, it will quickly build into grow-
The most popular among reactive surfactants are ing polymer chain and get buried inside lattice particle,
surfmers, which are commercially available and used in which may cause problems with emulsion stability. On
large scale chemical processes. The use of inisurfs and the other hand, to low reactivity results in very low in-
transurfs is more problematic. In addition to dispersion corporation of surfmer into lattice. There is of course no
stability, the concentration of inisurf affects polymeriza- ideal surfmer, but some balance needs to be found to get a
tion rate and the concentration of transurf affects mo- stable polymerization process and good surfmer incorpo-
lar mass distribution [13]. Furthermore, the cage effect ration [30]. Optimal surfmer behavior is to maintain low
makes the efficiency factor of inisurfs very low [14, 15]. surfmer conversion at the beginning of the process and
For these reasons, it is harder to optimize the polymeriza- reach high conversion at the end of the polymerization
tion process while using inisurfs or transurfs. [31]. When it comes to cmc, its value should be low. In that
case, aqueous phase polymerization of the polymerizable
SURFMERS surfactant is limited and the risk of forming polysoaps,
which can cause bridging coagulation of lattice particle,
Surfmers, also known as polymerizable surfactants, is minimized [4, 32]. Requirements for the optimal perfor-
surface-active monomers, polymerizable emulsifiers, mance of surfmer during emulsion polymerization have
monomeric surfactants, or monomeric emulsifiers, are been excellent described by Asua and Schoonbrood [13].
the largest group of reactive surfactants. Polymerizable Surfmers can be divided into three groups, which dif-
surfactants act in emulsion polymerization both as a fer in the type of the hydrophilic moiety. The hydropho-
surfactant and as a co-monomer. Usually, emulsion sta- bic moiety is in most cases a hydrocarbon chain, but poly-
bilization is their main objective, and the ability of copo- siloxane [33], polycaprolactone [34], or poly(propylene
lymerization is an extra advantage, which can eliminate oxide) [24, 35–37] chain can also be used.
POLIMERY 2016, 61, nr 11–12  749

The hydrophilic moieties in anionic surfmers are: particles. A nonreactive surfactant (II) is more distributed
– phosphates [24, 37]; in the water phase than an analogue surfmer.
– sulphates [38, 39]; The effects of the type and amount of the surfactant, al-
– carboxylates [40–43]. lyloxy nonylphenol propyl polyoxyethylene ether sulfate
There is a large number of commercially available an- [Formula (III)], and reactive cosurfactant stearyl methac-
ionic surfmers. They are produced by Sigma-Aldrich rylate [Formula (IV)] on the miniemulsion polymeriza-
(483729, 454974), Clariant (Emulsogen APS 100, APS 104, tion of acrylate monomers were studied by Li et al. [48].
APS 100 S, APG 2019), Croda (Maxemul 6106 and 6112), The results obtained by them showed that the resultant
Ethox (E-Sperse RS-1596, RS-1618, RS-1684, RX-202), polyacrylate miniemulsion had a high monomer conver-
Evonik­(Visiomer MPEG 750 MA W). sion rate and a low coagulum fraction, which were af-
Cationic surfmers in most cases are quaternary ammo- fected little by the surfactant and cosurfactant type.
nium salts. An important group of cationic surfmers are O
gemini surfmers.
– +
In case of non-ionic surfmers, the hydrophilic moiety O
is usually a poly(ethylene oxide) chain [22, 34, 44]. Hydro- 10

philic moiety can be also based on, e.g., polyglycidol [45] C9H19
or glucose [46]. The hydrophobic moiety is usually a long
hydrocarbon or poly(propylene oxide) chain. O
Commercially available non-ionic surfactants are pro-
duced by Clariant (Emulsogen RAL 100, RAL 109, RAL O
208, RAL 307, R 100, R 109, R 208, R 307), Croda (Maxemul (IV)
5010, 5011), GEO SC (Bisomer EP100DMA, EP150DMA,
PEM63P HD) and Ethox (E-Sperse RS-1616, RS-1617, RX- Tan et al. [34] reported synthesis of similar amphiphilic
-201). diblock [Formulas (V), (VI)] and triblock copolymers [For-
mulas (VII), (VIII)] consisting of central poly(ethylene oxide)
Applications (PEO) as a hydrophilic segment and poly(3-caprolactone)
(PCL) as hydrophobic segments. These block copolymers
Emulsion polymerization of acrylate monomers, gemini were end-functionalized by esterification with linoleic acid
surfmers, styrene and styrene copolymers, and other (LA), which contains reactive allylic double bonds.
monomers Diblock copolymers:
Guyot’s group investigated the use of styrene con- O O H
taining block-copolymers as polymerizable surfactants 45 m

in emulsion polymerization of core-shell acrylic latexes PEO PCL

[47]. The authors have found that copolymers containing (V)
a large amount of the monomer units are formed. The
uncopolymerized surfmer [Formula (I)] can be desorbed H3C O
45 m 7 4

from the particles, but it was incomparably more strongly O

adsorbed than the nonreactive surfactant [Formula (II)].

O n m
O SO3K (I) Triblock copolymers
HO n 45 m


O n
The latex prepared with a surfmer can be washed H3C O
4 7 O
without aggregation, whereas a latex prepared with an O m
analogue nonreactive surfactant was rapidly flocculat- LA
ed. From the nuclear magnetic resonance spectrosco- PEO
py (NMR) data the authors estimated that about 5 % of O
the surfmer units remained in the serum, most proba- H3C O m

bly as copolymers, while only a part of the hydrophilic 4 7

poly(ethylene oxide) sequence was mobile enough to par-
ticipate to the steric and electrosteric stabilization of the (VIII)
750 POLIMERY 2016, 61, nr 11–12

The latices of PMMA prepared with LA-functionalized Recently, Roy, Favresse, and Laschewsky [50] present-
diblock and triblock copolymers yielded narrow particle ed a new type of sulfonated anionic surfmer terminat-
size distributions and particle sizes of 180 and 370 nm, re- ed with an isobutenyl reactive group (Scheme B), and its
spectively, whereas latices prepared with typical surfac- alternating copolymerization with fumarates and ma-
tant – sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) had a particle size of leimides.
90 nm. After extraction of the latex particles with metha-
nol, the amounts of the unextractable (either buried or PTC
O H + Cl CH2 Cl NaOH
copolymerized) LA-functionalized diblock and triblock n

copolymers were 10 and 24 % of the initial amount of n = 4 or 10

surfactant added, respectively. Control experiments with PTC
a stearic acid containing diblock copolymer showed that O CH2 Cl Na3SO3
the amount of buried surfactant in PMMA latices was
ca. 6.5 %.
Jung et al. [49] presented other acrylic group-terminat- O CH2 SO3Na
ed polyurethane macromonomer surfmer obtained from n = 4 or 10
urethane prepolymer and acrylamide (Scheme A), which Scheme B
was applied for as a reactive stabilizer in the dispersion
polymerization of methyl methacrylate in methanol. The authors claim, similarly to Schoonbrood and cowork-
ers [51], that the “ideal” surfmer should have a polymeriz-
HO CH2CH2O H + OCN CH2 NCO able group of rather lower reactivity in comparison to po-
m 6
lymerized monomers. Otherwise, the surfmers are mostly
80 °C acetone reflux fixed to the latex particles at the beginning of the emulsion
polymerization, and will be buried in the course of the pro-
O O cess leading to poor stability of the latexes. Thus, the rela-
OCN CH2 NH C O CH2CH2O C NH CH2 NCO tively low reactivity of the novel surfactant monomer to-
6 m 6 wards acrylics and vinyl monomers should be particularly
urethane prepolymer advantageous for stabilizing growing latex particles.
O Recently, polymerizable gemini surfactants have at-
10 wt % acrylamide
CH2 C H C NH2 aqueous solution tracted increasing attention for their novel physicochemi-
cal properties. Gemini surfactants contain two monomeric
surfactants linked with a spacer. In comparison to typi-
6 m 6
cal monomeric surfactants they present lower critical mi-
O C C O celle concentration (cmc), a lower surface tension measured
CH CH at the cmc, spontaneous formation of vesicles and worm-
CH2 -like micelles even at relatively low concentrations, and a
lower Krafft temperature and good water solubility in the
Scheme A case of ionic gemini surfactants. When gemini surfactants
are used the total consumption of chemicals in industrial
The authors obtained monodisperse PMMA micro- products is reduced and therefore they can be recognized
spheres that had good uniformity with 20 wt % macro- as environmentally friendly materials [52]. Due to their ex-
monomer content. The macromonomer acted as an effec- cellent adsorption and micellization capability at low con-
tive stabilizer, and therefore the monodisperse stable and centration they exhibit remarkable physico-chemical prop-
cross-linked PMMA microspheres could be prepared. erties attractive for materials for many applications.
Schoonbrood and Asua [31] have defined the optimum Usually, gemini surfmers contain polymerizable
conditions of use of polymerizable surfactants, namely groups, such as acrylate one, and two ammonium
anionic maleic surfmers in various emulsion copolymer- groups, e.g., N,N,N’,N’-tetramethyl-N,N’-bis(11-methacry-
ization systems including styrene, acrylates, and vinyl loyloxyundecyl)ethylene diammonium dibromide [53].
acetate. They have found that the reactivity ratios were O –
the most important variable controlling the incorpora-
+ CH3
tion of the surfmer into the polymer chains. The surfmer O CH2 N CH
conversion also depended on the particle size: the larger 11
the particle size, the lower the surfmer conversion. They  (IX)
have found that when the surfmer copolymerized well H 2C
with the monomers attaining high conversions from the CH3
O CH2 N+
beginning of the process onward, a significant part of 11

the surfmer was buried in the particle interior, leading Br
to unstable latexes.
POLIMERY 2016, 61, nr 11–12  751

Br – Abe’s group developed three types of oleic-based gem-

+ CH3 ini surfactants: anionic phosphate- (Scheme C) [38], sul-
CH3 (X) fonic- [58], carboxylic-, and non-ionic sugar-type surfac-
O CH3 tants [52].

Abe and coworkers [53] showed that the polymeriz-
able cationic gemini surfactant [Formula (IX)] containing
methacryloxy groups at the terminal of each hydropho- (i) (COCl)2
bic chains have no contact with the air/water interface
(ii) pyridine/THF
in the monolayer, whereas for the corresponding mono- R = CnH2n+1NH2 (n = 6, 8 and 10)
meric surfactant [Formula (X)], the methacryloxy group
contacts at the interface forming a looped configuration O
like a bolaamphiphile. Polymerized micelles of the gemi- R
ni surfactant are fairly small monodisperse and spherical
particles with a mean diameter of 3 nm. The aggregation H
(i) H2O2, HCOOH
properties of such gemini surfactant in the condition of
added electrolytes have been investigated by the same (ii) K2CO3, EtOH
group [54].
Li et al. [55] showed that the polymers built of polymer- HO O H O
ic gemini surfactant with acrylic group in the spacer ex- R
hibited novel selfassociation behavior and were expected
to be good functional materials. Very recently, the same H
(i) Hn+2nPO3n+1, benzene
group compared obtained results with the use of gem-
ini surfmer to those of single-chain surfmer [56]. They (ii) HCl, H2O
reported that the gemini surfmers [Formulas (XI), (XII)]
possess low critical micellar concentration (cmc) value
and the surface tension value at cmc (γcmc). The introduc- NaOH
tion of the acryloxyl group into surfactant resulted in a EtOH
higher degree of ionization and micropolarity of aggre- HO P O
gate. These results the authors attributed to the existence HO O O
of intramolecular dipolar interaction between the car- * * R
bonyl of acryloxyl group and the cationic nitrogen atom.
* regioisomers H
This increases the hydrophobicity and the regularity
enantiomers mixture
of the molecule, which induces the formation of tighter
and larger size aggregate in comparison with reference Scheme C
gemini surfactant [Formula (XIII)] without the acryloxyl
group. New sorbic acid amphiphilic derivatives with quater-
nary ammonium groups as gemini polymerizable surfac-
tants were proposed by Bunio and Chlebicki [59].
Arz [60] claimed that the combination of anionic sur-
O O O factants with non-ionic polymerizable ones lead to stable
dispersions, which can be used as a binder for lacquers
and paints.
– – – – + –
Br Br
N Br N N + Br He and Zhang [61] revealed that acrylic pressure-sen-
R R R R R sitive adhesives obtained with the use of polymerizable
(XI) (XII) (XIII) surfactant showed adhesion properties and water resis-
tance better than those of conventional ones. These dif-
R = dodecyl, tetradecyl, hexadecyl ferences the authors attributed to the different migration
abilities of the surfactants. Similar results were obtained
Semi-fluorinated gemini surfactants containing acrylic by Severtson’s group [62]. As emulsifiers the authors used
group located in the linkage between the two hydrophilic ammonium salts of sulfonated nonylphenol ethoxylates.
heads were synthesized to evaluate their surface active The polymerizable surfactant contained a reactive double
properties alongside with their antibacterial and anti- bond at its phenyl ring allowing for participation in free-
fungal properties [57]. Moreover, Caillier and coworkers -radical polymerization.
showed that the introduction of a polymeric moiety into Guyot’s group [25, 63] investigated preparation of
the spacer lead to advanced functional materials. miniemulsions of styrene or methyl methacrylate in the
752 POLIMERY 2016, 61, nr 11–12

presence of a styrenic polymerizable surfactant – vinyl- polyether sulfates. The copolymerization was proceeded
benzylsulfosuccinic acid sodium salt [Formula (XIV)]. in the presence of colloidal nano-SiO2 dispersion and ob-
tained films exhibited high hardness and water-resistance.
NaO3 S O Kohri et al. [68] applied polymerizable surfactant such
as N,N-dimethyl-N-n-dodecyl-N-2-methacryloyloxy-
ONa  (XIV) ethyl ammonium bromide (Scheme D) for enzymatic
O miniemulsion polymerization of styrene using a horse-
radish peroxidase (HRP) as an enzyme and in the pres-
Anionic surfmer, containing less reactive al- ence of H2O2/β-diketone as initiating system.
lyl terminal group, namely sodium undec-10-enoate
(CH2=CH(CH2)8COO-Na+), was proposed and used for sty- HRP
rene emulsion polymerization initiated by 60Co γ-rays by O β-diketone
Wang and Huang [64]. The authors claimed that resultant la- + O H2O2
tex particles had good monodispersity. The colloidal stabil- water, r.t.
ity of the latex prepared with that surfmer was better than styrene CH3
that prepared with a conventional surfactant. The obtained N polystyrene
H3C +

latexes with droplet diameters in the range 100–250 nm in- –

C12H25 particles
dicated excellent stability when potassium persulfate was
used as an initiator. The authors revealed that the size of the polymerizable surfactant
particles was further increased by using these latexes as a Scheme D
seed polymerization of the monomer in the presence of an-
other polymerizable non-ionic surfactant. Guyot and Goux Interesting biodegradable and polymerizable surfactant
[65] presented dodecyl monoester of maleic acid as a cheap – sodium polyaspartate with an acryloyloxy end group
and efficient anionic stabilizer for the emulsion polymeriza- (Scheme E) was synthesized by Tomita and Ono [69].
tion of styrene. The authors claim that such simple reactive
surfactant can be applied in rubber industry where polymer
products are recovered upon flocculation. OH OH
Suresh and Bartsch [40] applied anionic polymeriz- +
able surfactant – sulfonated 3-pentadecyl phenyl acrylate
[Formula (XV)], in emulsion polymerization of styrene. O O
They have found that behavior of surfmer containing O O O Cl
polymers resembles that of plasticized ionomers. HO

 (XV) O O O
C15H31 N OH
O n
A polymerizable cationic dialkyl maleic emulsifier with
hydrophobic chain (R = C12H25) [Formula (XVI)] was inves- O
tigated in batch emulsion copolymerization of styrene and O NH ONa
NH n
butyl acrylate [66]. Guan group revealed that such maleic ONa
emulsifier has lower cmc and surface tension compared with
cationic cetyltrimethyl ammonium bromide emulsifier. O
Scheme E
Br C2H5


CH2 N CH2CH2 O O The authors used this polymerizable stabilizer in dis-
C12H25 (XVI)
C2H5 persion copolymerization of styrene in a mixture of etha-
nol and water. The polyaspartate macromonomer acted
Zhang, Kang, and Luo [67] have revealed emulsion as an effective stabilizer and yielded submicron-sized
copolymerization of styrene-butyl acrylate-acrylic acid polymeric particles in dispersion polymerization carried
which was carried out using single or combined polymer- out in polar medium. The particles were smaller than
izable emulsifiers, such as hydroxypropyl methacrylate so- those prepared when polyaspartate surfmer without
dium sulfate, sodium vinyl sulfate, and vinyl alkylphenol acrylic group was used as a dispersion stabilizer.
POLIMERY 2016, 61, nr 11–12  753

Recently, Hu et al. [43] presented anionic polymeriz- and a reactive cross-linkable surfactant (“cross-surf”) con-
able surfactants obtained from biobased ω-hydroxy taining epoxy groups was used as a model system. High
fatty acids. Synthesis of ω-acryltetradecanoic acid [For- sheer force miniemulsification was utilized to obtain
mula (XVII)] and ω-maleate tetradecanoic acid [Formula small, narrowly distributed nanodroplets. Miniemulsion
(XVIII)] are shown in Scheme F. droplets were not densely covered with surfactant mol-
ecules and often referred to as “critically stabilized” [72].
O The proposed cross-surfs are able to stabilize reactive
OH compounds without the need of dense encapsulation.
Reactive epoxide surfactants were utilized for interfacial
polyaddition with amine nanodroplets and followed by
(XVII) isothermal titration calorimetry experiments that clearly
indicate an interface deactivation with an ultrathin stabi-
lization layer formed.
O Crespy et al. [24] described synthesis of polymer parti-
Et3N, THF cles and nanocapsules stabilized with PEO/PPO contain-
Cl ing polymerizable surfactants in miniemulsion.
Different types of cross-linkable surfactants are cur-
OH rently being developed by authors of this review. First
of the cross-surfs was fatty acid-based non-ionic surfac-
O tant containing two methacrylic groups [Formula (XIX)].
Second type is a group of graft copolymers with poly-
toluene, 60 °C siloxane as the main chain and poly(ethylene glycol)
and methacrylic side chains [Formula (XX)]. Both of this
cross-surfs are to be applied as shell-forming agents for
encapsulation of hydrophilic liquids [e.g., low molar mass
Scheme F poly(ethylene oxide)] in emulsion polymerization. They
are supposed to form a durable shell due to their cross-
OH -linking ability.
CH3 (CH2)7 (CH2)8 O
O O n


It was found that both surfmers were effective surfac- OMe OMe OMe OMe
tants in the emulsion polymerization of styrene, yield- MeO Si O Si O Si O Si OMe
ing stable latexes, small particle sizes, and reasonably fast OMe (CH2)3 n (CH2)3 m
OMe  (XX)
polymerization rates. The particle sizes ranged from 52 O O o

to 155 nm, when applied at loadings from 10 to 1 wt % of O

surfactant to styrene.
Reactive surfactants were also used for polymerization x
and copolymerization of other monomers. Kitzmiller et al.
[70] used an allylsulfosuccinate as surfmer in miniemul- Drug-delivery systems
sion copolymerization of vinylacetate and vinylethylhex-
anoate. Authors demonstrated vinylethylhexanoate in Very recently, Dong and coworkers [73] revealed the
miniemulsion, and also the gain in nucleation efficiency use of an amphiphile that contains a coumarin unit and
obtained by the addition of surfmer to the formulation. alkynyl groups, as a two-photon-cleavable segment and
polymerizable groups for stable drug-delivery systems.
Nanostructured droplets and capsules The reactive surfactant was obtained from a coumarin
derivative as the two-photon-cleavable unit with hydro-
Very recently, Taden and coworkers [71] proposed sta- phobic chains of tetradecyl groups and hydrophilic am-
bilization of reactive emulsions via cross-linkable surfac- monium group. The coumarin unit was alkylated with
tants. Emulsion droplets were stabilized by an interfa- n-tetradecyl bromide and then coupled with dipropargyl
cial reaction between the active material and the reactive aminoalcohol. The latter one was finally converted into
surfactant. Polyaddition-type reaction between an amine ammonium moiety in the reaction with bromoethane.
754 POLIMERY 2016, 61, nr 11–12

Br –
O O +




+ +

N O O Br

Scheme G

Such amphiphile formed a vesicle-type assembly, sults in deswelling of the capsules, presumably due to
which can be stabilized by in situ “click” polymerization. the decreased electrostatic repulsion between quaternary
Hydrophobic guests can be encapsulated within the ves- ammonium groups within the polymerized film. Such
icle membrane and can be released from the vesicle by a swelling/deswelling nature enables the control of the
UV or near-IR (NIR) irradiation, through splitting up the capture and release capabilities of glucose into/from the
amphiphilic structure of the product (Scheme G). capsule core.
Biodegradable gemini surfactants with gemini quater- Guittard’s group [76] synthesized polymerizable sur-
nary ammonium groups containing biodegradable am- factants with quaternary ammonium groups [Formulas
ide and ester groups also were investigated by Pisárčik (XXII), (XXIII)] and used them as antibacterial and anti-
and coworkers [74]. Therapeutic effect of the so-called fungal materials.
“soft” drugs is based on the presence of easily decompos- – O
Br CH3
able chemical groups in the drug molecule. In the process +
of biodegradable drug or disinfectant design it is impor- H3C CH2 N CH2 O  (XXII)
n m
tant to select the “proper” decomposable chemical group CH3
with respect to the corresponding molecule conforma-
tion in the bulk and at the phase interface to allow easy – O
interaction of the decomposable group with the respec- Br CH3
tive decomposing agent (usually enzyme). The authors CH 2 N CH 2 O  (XXIII)
have found that the surfactant molecules containing an CH 3
ester group occupy smaller area at the air/water interface
than those with an amide group, mainly due to the high- They have found that increasing length of the spacer
er conformational flexibility of ester groups. between the acrylic part and the ammonium group had a
Abe’s group [75] reported potential application of the favorable effect on the minimal inhibitory concentration
gemini surfmers in stimulus-responsive material and and minimal lethal concentration results. The introduc-
nano-structural template. Organic capsules have been tion of perfluorinated chains in the molecular structure
fabricated using the polymerizable gemini surfactant, of quaternary ammonium gemini surfactants have led to
namely1,2-bis[dimethyl(11-methacryloyloxy)undecylammo- antimicrobial agents [77, 78]. They exhibited peculiar bac-
nio]hexane dibromide [Formula (XXI)] as a single wall teriostatic properties as compared to commercial avail-
component. able references and to a hydrocarbon analogue.
The apparent hydrodynamic diameter of the capsule Similar fluorinated surfmer was used for miniemul-
was reversibly changed in response to a change in ionic sion polymerization of styrene and n-butyl methacrylate
strength: e.g., the increase in electrolyte concentration re- [79]. Mono-fluoroalkyl maleate [Formula (XXIV)] acted as a
surfmer providing efficient stability to obtained dispersion
Br – and functionalization of particle surface with fluoro-groups.
CH2 +
O N C8F17 O O

O CH N+ fully fluorinated alkyl chain
2 –
11 Br
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