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Instruments Used in Engineering Drawing -its Uses and Importance

What is Engineering Drawing?

In engineering drawing, engineering related objects like buildings, walls, electrical fittings, pipes,
machines etc. are represented with specifications like size, shape, materials etc.

Several engineering drawing software with more accuracy are available. But, drawing on paper is
still being used in some areas and for small constructions.

Importance of Engineering Drawing

Drawing plays vital role in the engineering and construction works. The drawing requires no
language any one can read it. So, drawings of other countries structures can also be studied
easily.The drawing improves the imagination and new inventions can be developed. The estimate
for the project can be done using the details provided in the drawing.The structure can be analyzed
completely before construction by using drawing. So, every engineering construction department
especially civil engineering requires drawing to start a project.
Instruments Used in Engineering Drawing
The instruments used in engineering drawing are:

1. Drawing sheet
2. Drawing board
3. Mini drafter
4. T square
5. Compass
6. Divider
7. Set squares
8. Clinograph
9. Protractor
10. French curves
11. Templates
12. Pencils
13. Eraser
Drawing Sheet
Drawing sheet is a white paper on which an object is drawn which is available in various sizes.
The sheet used for engineering should be of good quality. It should be white in color with uniform
thickness with must resist the easy torn of paper. The surface of sheet must be smooth.

Various sizes of drawing sheets recommended by Indian standards are listed below.

Drawing Sheet Type Dimensions (Length X Width) (mm)

A0 841 X 1189

A1 594 X 841

A2 420 X 594

A3 297 X 420
A4 210 X 297

A5 148 X 210

Drawing Board
Drawing board is generally made of soft wood and it is in rectangular shape. It is used to support
drawing sheet, so, the size of board is made according the size of the drawing sheet.

The wood portions are joined by tongue and grove type joint to prevent cracks. At the edge of
board, straight ebony edge is provided for the T-square usage.

Different types of drawing boards and their sizes according to IS classification are listed below.

Type of Drawing Board Length X Width X Thickness (mm)

D0 1500 X 1000 X 25

D1 1000 X 700 X 25

D2 700 X 500 X 15

D3 500 X 350 X 15
Mini Drafter
Mini drafter is an instrument which can be used for multiple functions in drawing. It contains two
arms which is adjustable to required angle and at the end of the lower arm a scale set is attached.

The scale set contains two scales connected perpendicular to each which cannot be separated. This
instrument is fixed to the drawing board at one edge with the help of screw provided for the drafter.

Mini drafter is used for drawing horizontal lines, vertical lines, inclined lines, angles, parallel lines,
perpendicular lines etc.

T square is used to draw horizontal and vertical lines on drawing sheet. It made of wood or plastic
and in T shape. The vertical part of T is called as blade and horizontal part of T is called as head.

The edge of head is uniform level and attached to the edge of the board. The working edge is used
to draw lines anywhere on the sheet by moving the instrument top to bottom.

Compass is used to draw an arc or circle with known dimensions on engineering drawing. It is
generally made of steel and consists two legs. One leg contains needle at the bottom and other leg
contains a ring in which a pencil is placed.

The needle tip is placed at the respected point and pencil tip is adjusted to the height at least 1mm
just above the tip of the needle. The gap is nothing but the paper thickness.

The divider looks like a compass, but the difference is the two legs of divider are provided with
needles. This is used to divide a line or curve into equal parts. It is also used to check the

Set Squares
Set squares are used to draw lines with an angle between them. In most of the structures, 30, 45,
60 and 90-degree lines are most common. So, set squares make the work easier for this type of

Generally, set squares are of two types. One is 45 degree set square and another one is called as
30 – 60 degree set square. Both are required in the drawing. 45 set square has a side of 25 cm while
30-60 set square has 25 cm length on one side.

Clinograph is an instrument used to draw parallel lines to the inclined lines. It contains one
adjustable wing or strip which can be adjusted to required angle. So, it can be termed as adjustable
set square.
Protractor is used to draw and measure the angles of lines in the drawing. It is transparent and
made of plastic. It is in the shape of semi-circle, and the edge of semi-circle part consists reading
with one-degree accuracy.

The bottom line joins the 0o to the 180o. The center of this bottom line is marked as “O” or “C”
from which the angles are measured.

French Curves
French curves are made of plastic and they are in irregular shapes. Sometimes the drawing requires
irregular curves or shapes or arcs which cannot be drawn using compass. In that case French curves
are suitable.

Generally French curves are more suitable for small curves and for long curves splines are used.
Drawing Templates
Templates are nothing but plastic or wooden boards which contains spaces of several shapes or
letters. Non-dimensional shapes or variety font letters are drawn by using templates which makes
drawing easier and perfect.

Pencil is used to draw on the paper. Any type of pencil is not suitable for drawing. There are some
limitations, the drawing appearance should be very neat and understandable.

Every line of the drawing should indicate its importance. It depends upon the hardness of pencil.

Based on the hardness quality pencils are classified into 18 grades and they are
Grade of Pencil Hardness of Pencil

9H Hardest

6H, 5H, 4H Extremely Hard

3H Very hard

2H Hard

H Moderately hard

F Firm

HB Medium hard

B Moderately soft and black

2B Soft and black

3B Very soft and black

4B, 5B, 6B Very soft and very black

7B Softest

Out of the above 18 grades of pencils, following grades are used in engineering drawings.

Grade of Pencil Used to Draw

3H Construction lines

2H Dimension lines, center lines, sectional lines, hidden lines

H Object lines, lettering

HB Dimensioning, boundary lines

Eraser is used to remove the lines or spots which drawn by mistake or with wrong measurements.
The eraser used should be of good quality and soft. It should not damage the paper while erasing.

Paper Holders
When the drawing sheet is placed on the board it may not be in fixed position. To fix the drawing
sheet to the board paper holders are used.

Generally used paper holders are thumb pins, spring clips, stick tapes etc. Care should be taken
while removing the clips or tapes otherwise the sheet may tore.

Source :
Engineering drawing

A graphical language used by engineers and other technical personnel associated with the engine
ering profession. Thepurpose of engineering drawing is to convey graphically the ideas and infor
mation necessary for the construction or analysisof machines, structures, or systems. See Comput
er graphics, Drafting, Schematic drawing

The basis for much engineering drawing is orthographic representation (projection). Objects are
depicted by front, top, side,auxiliary, or oblique views, or combinations of these. The complexity
of an object determines the number of views shown. Attimes, pictorial views are shown. See Pic
torial drawing

Engineering drawings often include such features as various types of lines, dimensions, lettered n
otes, sectional views, andsymbols. They may be in the form of carefully planned and checked me
chanical drawings, or they may be freehandsketches. Usually a sketch precedes the mechanical d

Many objects have complicated interior details which cannot be clearly shown by means of front,
top, side, or pictorial views.Section views enable the engineer or detailer to show the interior det
ail in such cases. Features of section drawings arecutting-
plane symbols, which show where imaginary cutting planes are passed to produce the sections, a
nd section-lining(sometimes called cross-
hatching), which appears in the section view on all portions that have been in contact with thecut
ting plane.

In addition to describing the shape of objects, many drawings must show dimensions, so that wor
kers can build the structureor fabricate parts that will fit together. This is accomplished by placin
g the required values (measurements) along dimensionlines (usually outside the outlines of the o
bject) and by giving additional information in the form of notes which are referencedto the parts i
n question by angled lines called leaders.

Layout drawings of different types are used in different manufacturing fields for various purpose
s. One is the plant layoutdrawing, in which the outline of the building, work areas, aisles, and ind
ividual items of equipment are all drawn to scale.Another type of layout, or preliminary assembl
y, drawing is the design layout, which establishes the position and clearance ofparts of an assemb

A set of working drawings usually includes detail drawings of all parts and an assembly drawing
of the complete unit.Assembly drawings vary somewhat in character according to their use, as de
sign assemblies or layouts; working drawingassemblies; general assemblies; installation assembli
es; and check assemblies.

Schematic or diagrammatic drawings make use of standard symbols which indicate the direction
of flow. In piping andelectrical schematic diagrams, symbols are used. The fixtures or componen
ts are not labeled in most schematics becausethe readers usually know what the symbols represen
t. See Schematic drawing

Structural drawings include design and working drawings for structures such as building, bridges
, dams, tanks, andhighways. Such drawings form the basis of legal contracts. Structural drawings
embody the same principles as do otherengineering drawings, but use terminology and dimensio
ning techiques different from thoses shown in previous illustrations.

Source :
The Importance of Technical Drawing to an Engineer
By Linda Ray

Your drawings will be read by everyone from the architect to the site supervisor.
Engineers may have innovative and exciting ideas, but if they can’t effectively communicate those
ideas, what’s the use? Engineers can’t just write about the plans they conceive, either; you have to
be able to draw the design so that the non-engineering folks, like the client company's president or
your immediate supervisor, can understand. Without effective drawing skills, you aren’t going to
get very far in engineering.

Get the Message Across

No one is saying you have to be an artist to be an effective engineer, but you’ve got to be able to
sketch out a vision that’s rolling around in your head. Even before you get the authorization to
pursue that idea, you have to be able to show your superiors that your idea is viable. Unless you’re
in a small engineering firm with other women who take chances and create products on spec,
you’re going to have to send your ideas up a chain of command. Once you get approval or a specific
assignment, you can rely on your technical drawing skills to create a usable image.

Follow the Uniform Standards

So that everyone talks the same language and reads drawings with the same understanding,
engineers follow standards in their drawing that follow specifications from the American National
Standards Institute, or ANSI. It’s important to follow ANSI standards when drawing a medical
device, a part for an aircraft or an entire building. Builders and manufacturers rely on accurate
renderings from engineers. Users of the final product especially rely on standards being met.
Inaccuracies in your drawings could mean the difference between life and death.

Get Comfortable on the Computer

Even if you are a talented free-style artist who can sketch exceptional designs, you’ll eventually
have to transfer your sketches to computer-aided design drawings, called CAD in the industry.
CAD is the globally recognized style of drawing for architectural, mechanical, construction and
manufacturing drawings. The industry constantly updates its programs, too, so even as you gain
experience, you’ll have to maintain your credentials by learning new CAD systems as they come
out. For example, Apple designed an application called FingerCAD, which you can use to draw a
house, a bridge or a piece of an engine with your fingertip when inspiration hits or when you need
to be mobile with your ideas and give clients on-the-spot examples of your style.

Combine the Tech in You with Your Talent and Creativity

Engineering is one way you can use your creativity in the business world and earn a decent living
without having to take the "starving artist" route. Webinars and courses in applicable creativity are
a mainstay at the Society of Women Engineers, where women support each other in the education
and career enhancement of female engineers. Creativity and collaboration are hallmarks of the
engineering industry and offer a successful career path for women who can combine those art and
business talents into a professional environment.

Source :

Engineering drawings technique are images that are created using methods, provisions, rules that
have been agreed upon by technical experts. The purpose of technical drawings is to convey
graphically the ideas and information needed for construction or analysis of machines, structures,
or systems. Image techniques often include features such as various types of lines, dimensions,
letter notes, section views, and symbols. In addition to describing the shape of objects, many
images must show dimensions, so workers can build structures or make parts that will fit together,
drawing plays an important role in engineering and construction work. In technical drawings,
objects related to techniques such as buildings, walls, electrical equipment, pipes, machinery etc.
Represented with specifications such as size, shape, material, etc. Some more accurate technical
drawing software is available. However, drawing on paper is still used in some areas and for small


Gambar teknik merupakan gambar yang dibuat dengan menggunakan cara-cara, ketentuan-
ketentuan, aturan-aturan yang telah disepakati bersama oleh para ahli teknik. Tujuan gambar
teknik adalah untuk menyampaikan secara grafis ide dan informasi yang diperlukan untuk
konstruksi atau analisis mesin, struktur, atau sistem. Gambar teknik sering menyertakan fitur-fitur
seperti berbagai jenis garis, dimensi, nota huruf, pandangan bagian, dan simbol. Selain
menggambarkan bentuk objek, banyak gambar harus menunjukkan dimensi, sehingga pekerja
dapat membangun struktur atau membuat bagian yang akan cocok bersama, menggambar
memainkan peran penting dalam pekerjaan rekayasa dan konstruksi. Dalam gambar teknik, benda-
benda yang berhubungan dengan teknik seperti bangunan, dinding, peralatan listrik, pipa, mesin
dll. Diwakili dengan spesifikasi seperti ukuran, bentuk, bahan, dan lain-lain. Beberapa aplikasi
menggambar teknik dengan lebih akurat banyak tersedia. Namun, menggambar di atas kertas
masih digunakan di beberapa daerah dan untuk konstruksi kecil.

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