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Case: D:\coba 800,hsc

Current Flowsheet Environment:
Unit 11 14 H2O 16 26 52 -42 64

Vapour Fraction <empty> 0 0 <empty> <empty> <empty> <empty> <empty>

Temperature C 1200 200 200 <empty> 200 <empty> <empty> <empty>
Pressure bar <empty> 29.91385 30 <empty> <empty> <empty> <empty> <empty>
Molar Flowkgmole/h <empty> 0 229.2116 <empty> <empty> <empty> <empty> <empty>
Mass Flow kg/h 100000 0 4129.271 <empty> <empty> <empty> <empty> <empty>
Liquid Volume Flow
m3/h <empty> 0 4.137604 <empty> <empty> <empty> <empty> <empty>
Heat Flow kJ/h <empty> 0 -6.2E+07 <empty> <empty> <empty> <empty> <empty>
lean amine 123 recycle MDEA zzz asdf sweet gas
rich aminerich
hotamine hot1

Vapour Fraction 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0.019611

Temperature C 166.499 116.9604 49 104.0987 116.2897 49.4672 93.24555 83.89407
Pressure bar 2.05 40.5 40.15526 1.768742 1.768742 40 40.5 3
Molar Flowkgmole/h 7784.014 40777.39 40777.4 7784.014 40777.39 7985.488 43775.74 43775.74
Mass Flow kg/h 675614.8 1270000 1270000 675614.8 1270000 77005.98 1400531 1400531
Liquid Volume Flow
m3/h 680.4611 1275.992 1275.992 680.4611 1275.992 267.1501 1436.197 1436.197
Heat Flow kJ/h -2.6E+09 -1.2E+10 -1.2E+10 -2.7E+09 -1.2E+10 -2.7E+08 -1.3E+10 -1.3E+10
coall Pyrolysis Vapor
Pyrolysis Solid O2 Mix Pyrolysis
Sweet Gas to Methanator
vap met 1 liq met 1

0 1 0 1 0.422111 0 1 1 0
30 600 600 400 600 40 299.909466986 937.8997 937.8997
30 30 30 30 30 29.864489478 30 30 30
124.7505 3134.606 4291.417 594.1201 7426.023 4.3741790601 7985.487913311 9860.412 0
100000 48456.58 51543.35 19000 99999.93 79.232425855 77005.98396828 154007.5 0
70.42254 114.703 31.38945 16.73071 146.0924 0.0795505427 267.1500567037 381.5728 0
-2.1E+08 -2E+08 39666131 6885176 -1.6E+08 -1248353.204 -208810031.4293 -7.5E+08 0
acid gas 1234567 PURGE 1WATER MUMDEA
1 MU 1 PZ MU 1 Vapor To G-313 to E-314 CW in E-314

1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0
117.5109 49 116.2897 104.0987 104.0987 104.09874446 40 75.56424 25
2 40.15526 1.768742 1.768742 1.768742 1.7687418431 29.8644894782 41 4.5
35991.73 40777.39 0 32993.38 0.001454 0.0009947595 10983.83552235 10983.84 11683.78
724915.8 1270000 0 594384.9 0.173244 0.0856854792 207536.4203212 207536.4 210484.5
755.7364 1275.992 0 595.5304 0.000167 0.0001190289 425.8741439418 425.8741 210.9092
-9E+09 -1.2E+10 0 -9.2E+09 -630.237 -16.42069284 -1430964639.54 -1.4E+09 -3.3E+09
inlet HE met
cw1 met 1 out
cw met 1 ininlet met 2vap met 2 liq met 2inlet HE metcw
2 met 2 cw
in met 2 out
inlet met 3

1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1
937.8997 50 25 300 449.4183 449.4183 449.4183 25 50 300
30 3.870149 4.559625 29.93105 29.93105 29.93105 29.93105 4.559625 3.870149 29.79316
9860.412 171051 171051 9860.412 4624.324 0 4624.324 17156.66 17156.66 4624.324
154007.5 3081500 3081500 154007.5 77003.6 0 77003.6 309079 309079 77003.6
381.5728 3087.719 3087.719 381.5728 183.1361 0 183.1361 309.7027 309.7027 183.1361
-7.5E+08 -4.9E+10 -4.9E+10 -1.1E+09 -5.4E+08 0 -5.4E+08 -4.9E+09 -4.9E+09 -5.7E+08
CW out E-314 1 CW our 2CW our 2-2-2
gasi out 2-2-2 -13 cwin SYNGAScw from E-311

0 0 <empty> 0 1 1 0 0.999602 <empty> 0

40 25 <empty> 50 200 200 25 40 <empty> 40
4.450989 4.5 <empty> 3.817162 29.91385 29.91385 4.5 29.86449 <empty> 4.245933
11683.78 81351.25 <empty> 81351.25 10759 10988.21 51721.8 10988.21 <empty> 51721.8
210484.5 1465551 <empty> 1465551 203486.7 207615.7 931773.5 207615.7 <empty> 931773.5
210.9092 1468.508 <empty> 1468.508 389.0252 425.9537 933.6539 425.9537 <empty> 933.6539
-3.3E+09 -2.3E+10 <empty> -2.3E+10 -1.3E+09 -1.4E+09 -1.5E+10 -1.4E+09 <empty> -1.5E+10
vap met 3 liq met 3inlet HE met
3 separator
cw met 3 cw
in met 3 out
SNG to tank liq sisa to metrecycle
2 to met 1

1 0 1 0.621208 0 0 1 0 1 1
331.5601 331.5601 331.5601 40 25 40 40 40 300 300.3454
29.79316 29.79316 29.79316 29.65526 4.559625 3.870149 29.65526 29.65526 29.93105 30
4562.809 0 4562.809 4562.809 111166.5 111166.5 2834.453 1728.357 4930.206 4930.206
77003.57 0 77003.57 77003.57 2002676 2002676 45866.41 31137.16 77003.73 77003.73
181.5927 0 181.5927 181.5927 2006.718 2006.718 150.3924 31.20028 190.7864 190.7864
-5.7E+08 0 -5.7E+08 -7E+08 -3.2E+10 -3.2E+10 -2.1E+08 -4.9E+08 -5.4E+08 -5.4E+08
toflash cw eeee cwoooo from esteammmmsm steammmsout

<empty> 0 0 1 1 0
<empty> 25 40 332 400 50
<empty> 2.5 2.155262 39.93105 30 29.93105
<empty> 258154.7 258154.7 7985.488 1295.532 1295.532
<empty> 4650682 4650682 77005.98 23339.13 23339.13
<empty> 4660.068 4660.068 267.1501 23.38623 23.38623
<empty> -7.4E+10 -7.4E+10 -2E+08 -3E+08 -3.7E+08
to met 1to mix met 1 asfxxz
Vapor Liquid
steam Ash Gasificationcwwww 1 cwwww2

1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1
299.5898 300.3454 300 1560.084 1560.084 400 600 600 25 300
30 30 29.93105 30 30 30 30 30 4.5 3.810483
12915.68 4930.194 4930.206 3610.496 3818.498 4718.264 42.91 10759 682.1418 682.1418
154008.8 77002.86 77003.73 73136.06 45863.21 85000 515.3834 203486.7 12288.85 12288.85
457.9358 190.7857 190.7864 130.59 27.93029 85.17153 0.313864 389.0252 12.31365 12.31365
-7.5E+08 -5.4E+08 -5.4E+08 -2.7E+08 1.11E+08 -1.1E+09 396622.8 -1.1E+09 -2E+08 -1.6E+08
rich amine cold

<empty> 0.999366 0.044275

<empty> 40 99
<empty> 40.95874 2.966745
<empty> 10983.84 43775.74
<empty> 207536.4 1400531
<empty> 425.8741 1436.197
<empty> -1.4E+09 -1.3E+10
Unit 11 14 H2O 16 26 52 -42 64

Comp Mole Frac (Coal*) <empty> 0 0 <empty> <empty> <empty> *** <empty>
Comp Mole Frac (Hydrogen) <empty> 0.470149 0 <empty> <empty> <empty> <empty> <empty>
Comp Mole Frac (CO) <empty> 0.156692 0 <empty> <empty> <empty> <empty> <empty>
Comp Mole Frac (CO2) <empty> 0.266918 0 <empty> <empty> <empty> <empty> <empty>
Comp Mole Frac (H2O) <empty> 0.003541 1 <empty> <empty> <empty> <empty> <empty>
Comp Mole Frac (H2S) <empty> 0.003386 0 <empty> <empty> <empty> <empty> <empty>
Comp Mole Frac (Nitrogen) <empty> 0.003109 0 <empty> <empty> <empty> <empty> <empty>
Comp Mole Frac (Oxygen) <empty> 0 0 <empty> <empty> <empty> <empty> <empty>
Comp Mole Frac (COS) <empty> 2.02E-05 0 <empty> <empty> <empty> <empty> <empty>
Comp Mole Frac (Methanol) <empty> 0 0 <empty> <empty> <empty> *** <empty>
Comp Mole Frac (NO2) <empty> 0 0 <empty> <empty> <empty> *** <empty>
Comp Mole Frac (SO2) <empty> 0 0 <empty> <empty> <empty> *** <empty>
Comp Mole Frac (Methane) <empty> 0.096185 0 <empty> <empty> <empty> <empty> <empty>
Comp Mole Frac (Carbon) <empty> 0 0 <empty> <empty> <empty> *** <empty>
Comp Mole Frac (MDEAmine) *** *** *** *** *** *** <empty> ***
Comp Mole Frac (Low Rank Coal*) *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
Comp Mole Frac (Piperazine) *** *** *** *** *** *** <empty> ***
lean amine 123 recycle MDEA zzz asdf sweet gas
rich aminerich
hotamine hot1

Comp Mole Frac (Coal*) *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
Comp Mole Frac (Hydrogen) 1.31E-13 2.50E-14 2.50E-14 1.31E-13 2.50E-14 0.645204 0.000316 0.000316
Comp Mole Frac (CO) 1.95E-14 3.72E-15 3.73E-15 1.95E-14 3.72E-15 0.215147 8.46E-05 8.46E-05
Comp Mole Frac (CO2) 0.0003 5.72E-05 5.72E-05 0.0003 5.72E-05 0.000625 0.066938 0.066938
Comp Mole Frac (H2O) 0.288838 0.864246 0.864246 0.288838 0.864246 0.002991 0.805295 0.805295
Comp Mole Frac (H2S) 3.11E-05 5.94E-06 5.87E-06 3.11E-05 5.94E-06 3.97E-07 0.000855 0.000855
Comp Mole Frac (Nitrogen) 1.76E-16 3.36E-17 3.37E-17 1.76E-16 3.36E-17 0.004271 1.26E-06 1.26E-06
Comp Mole Frac (Oxygen) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Comp Mole Frac (COS) 6.02E-16 1.15E-16 1.15E-16 6.02E-16 1.15E-16 2.63E-05 2.72E-07 2.72E-07
Comp Mole Frac (Methanol) *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
Comp Mole Frac (NO2) *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
Comp Mole Frac (SO2) *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
Comp Mole Frac (Methane) 3.01E-13 5.75E-14 5.77E-14 3.01E-13 5.75E-14 0.131735 0.000113 0.000113
Comp Mole Frac (Carbon) *** *** *** *** *** 0 *** ***
Comp Mole Frac (MDEAmine) 0.616124 0.117612 0.117612 0.616124 0.117612 *** 0.109557 0.109557
Comp Mole Frac (Low Rank Coal*) *** *** *** *** *** 0 *** ***
Comp Mole Frac (Piperazine) 0.094707 0.018079 0.018079 0.094707 0.018079 *** 0.01684 0.01684
coall Pyrolysis Vapor
Pyrolysis Solid O2 Mix Pyrolysis
Gas to Methanator
vap met 1 liq met 1inlet HE met 1

1 0 0 0 0 0 *** *** *** ***

0 0.511283 0 0 0.215818 2.46E-05 0.645204 0.115392 0.115393 0.115392
0 0.210928 0 0 0.089035 9.71E-06 0.215147 0.038719 0.03872 0.038719
0 0.128547 0 0 0.054261 0.003737 0.000625 0.000913 0.000913 0.000913
0 0.004776 0 0 0.002016 0.996122 0.002991 0.314791 0.314784 0.314791
0 0.007164 0 0 0.003024 0.000106 3.97E-07 6.12E-07 6.12E-07 6.12E-07
0 0.009949 0 0.005 0.0042 9.47E-07 0.004271 0.006917 0.006917 0.006917
0 0 0 0.995 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0.004776 0 0 0.002016 2.68E-08 2.63E-05 4.26E-05 4.26E-05 4.26E-05
0 0 0 0 0 0 *** *** *** ***
0 0 0 0 0 0 *** *** *** ***
0 0 0 0 0 0 *** *** *** ***
0 0.122577 0 0 0.051741 3.73E-08 0.131735 0.523224 0.523229 0.523224
0 0 1 0 0.577889 0 0 0 0 0
*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
*** *** *** *** *** *** 0 0 0 0
*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***

acid gas 1234567 PURGE 1WATER MUMDEA

1apor To G-313
to E-314 CW in E-314
CW out E-314

*** *** *** *** *** *** 0 0 0 0

0.000384 2.50E-14 0 0 0 0 0.470337 0.470337 0 0
0.000103 3.72E-15 0 0 0 0 0.156754 0.156754 0 0
0.08135 5.72E-05 0 0 0 0 0.267022 0.267022 0 0
0.91699 0.864246 1 1 0 0 0.003146 0.003146 1 1
0.001033 5.94E-06 0 0 0 0 0.003387 0.003387 0 0
1.53E-06 3.36E-17 0 0 0 0 0.00311 0.00311 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
3.31E-07 1.15E-16 0 0 0 0 2.02E-05 2.02E-05 0 0
*** *** *** *** *** *** 0 0 0 0
*** *** *** *** *** *** 0 0 0 0
*** *** *** *** *** *** 0 0 0 0
0.000137 5.75E-14 0 0 0 0 0.096224 0.096224 0 0
*** *** *** *** *** *** 0 0 0 0
6.26E-21 0.117612 0 0 1 0 *** *** *** ***
*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
2.93E-20 0.018079 0 0 0 1 *** *** *** ***
cw met 1 out
cw met 1 ininlet met 2vap met 2 liq met 2inlet HE metcw
2 met 2 cw
in met 2 out
inlet met 3vap met 3

*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
0 0 0.115392 0.023756 0.02375 0.023756 0 0 0.023756 0.003807
0 0 0.038719 0.008256 0.008255 0.008256 0 0 0.008256 0.001673
0 0 0.000913 0.000925 0.000925 0.000925 0 0 0.000925 0.000891
1 1 0.314791 0.368735 0.368942 0.368735 1 1 0.368735 0.380494
0 0 6.12E-07 6.53E-07 6.53E-07 6.53E-07 0 0 6.53E-07 6.62E-07
0 0 0.006917 0.007375 0.007373 0.007375 0 0 0.007375 0.007474
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 4.26E-05 4.54E-05 4.54E-05 4.54E-05 0 0 4.54E-05 4.60E-05
*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
0 0 0.523224 0.590906 0.59071 0.590906 0 0 0.590906 0.605614
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***

1 CW our 2CW our 2-2-2

gasi out 2-2-2 -13 cwin SYNGAScw from E-311
cwwwwww toflash

0 <empty> 0 0 0 0 0 <empty> 0 ***

0 <empty> 0 0.376305 0.47015 0 0.47015 <empty> 0 <empty>
0 <empty> 0 0.26389 0.156692 0 0.156692 <empty> 0 <empty>
0 <empty> 0 0.167372 0.266917 0 0.266917 <empty> 0 <empty>
1 <empty> 1 0.087544 0.003542 1 0.003542 <empty> 1 <empty>
0 <empty> 0 0.002087 0.003386 0 0.003386 <empty> 0 <empty>
0 <empty> 0 0.003175 0.003109 0 0.003109 <empty> 0 <empty>
0 <empty> 0 1.13E-48 0 0 0 <empty> 0 <empty>
0 <empty> 0 0.001391 2.02E-05 0 2.02E-05 <empty> 0 <empty>
0 <empty> 0 1.13E-48 0 0 0 <empty> 0 ***
0 <empty> 0 1.13E-48 0 0 0 <empty> 0 ***
0 <empty> 0 1.13E-48 0 0 0 <empty> 0 ***
0 <empty> 0 0.098235 0.096185 0 0.096185 <empty> 0 <empty>
0 <empty> 0 0 0 0 0 <empty> 0 ***
*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** <empty>
*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** <empty>
liq met 3inlet HE met
3 separator
cw met 3 cw
in met 3 out
SNG to tank liq sisa to metrecycle
2 to metto
1 met 1

*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
0.003805 0.003807 0.003807 0 0 0.006129 3.17E-07 0.115392 0.115392 0.442965
0.001673 0.001673 0.001673 0 0 0.002694 1.60E-07 0.038719 0.038719 0.147801
0.000891 0.000891 0.000891 0 0 0.001426 1.29E-05 0.000913 0.000913 0.000734
0.381071 0.380494 0.380494 1 1 0.00275 0.999983 0.314791 0.314791 0.122011
6.62E-07 6.62E-07 6.62E-07 0 0 1.05E-06 2.97E-08 6.12E-07 6.12E-07 4.67E-07
0.007469 0.007474 0.007474 0 0 0.012029 3.55E-06 0.006917 0.006917 0.005281
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
4.61E-05 4.60E-05 4.60E-05 0 0 7.40E-05 8.68E-08 4.26E-05 4.26E-05 3.25E-05
*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
0.605045 0.605614 0.605614 0 0 0.974897 3.39E-07 0.523224 0.523224 0.281175
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***

cw eeee cwoooo from esteammmmsm


0 0 *** *** ***

0 0 0.645204 0 0
0 0 0.215147 0 0
0 0 0.000625 0 0
1 1 0.002991 1 1
0 0 3.97E-07 0 0
0 0 0.004271 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 2.63E-05 0 0
0 0 *** *** ***
0 0 *** *** ***
0 0 *** *** ***
0 0 0.131735 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
*** *** *** *** ***
*** *** 0 0 0
*** *** *** *** ***
to mix met 1 asfxxz
Vapor Liquid
steam Ash Gasificationcwwww 1 cwwww2 coba1

*** *** 0 0 0 2.83E-46 0 0 0 <empty>

0.115396 0.115392 0.312907 0 0 0 0.376305 0 0 <empty>
0.03872 0.038719 0.248619 0 0 0 0.26389 0 0 <empty>
0.000911 0.000913 0.177096 0 0 0 0.167372 0 0 <empty>
0.314789 0.314791 0.135131 0 1 0 0.087544 1 1 <empty>
5.82E-07 6.12E-07 0.006219 0 0 0 0.002087 0 0 <empty>
0.006917 0.006917 0.009461 0 0 0 0.003175 0 0 <empty>
0 0 0 0 0 0 1.13E-48 0 0 <empty>
4.26E-05 4.26E-05 0.004146 0 0 0 0.001391 0 0 <empty>
*** *** 0 0 0 0 1.13E-48 0 0 <empty>
*** *** 0 0 0 0 1.13E-48 0 0 <empty>
*** *** 0 0 0 0 1.13E-48 0 0 <empty>
0.523224 0.523224 0.106421 0 0 0 0.098235 0 0 <empty>
0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 <empty>
*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
0 0 *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
rich amine cold

0 ***
0.470337 0.000316
0.156754 8.46E-05
0.267022 0.066938
0.003146 0.805295
0.003387 0.000855
0.00311 1.26E-06
0 0
2.02E-05 2.72E-07
0 ***
0 ***
0 ***
0.096224 0.000113
0 ***
*** 0.109557
*** ***
*** 0.01684
Unit Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6 Q7 Q10 Q9

Heat Flow kJ/h <empty> <empty> <empty> <empty> <empty> <empty> <empty> <empty>
Q8 Q14 Q13 Q15 Q20 Q12 Q98 Q97 Q96 Q Pyrolysis

<empty> <empty> <empty> <empty> <empty> <empty> <empty> <empty> <empty> 48400513
qcompre Q99 q nn q cond q reboil q pump qcoolwr-2 q G-313 jnkd

71592.68 -1.1E+07 -3.7E+07 4.32E+09 5.99E+09 6697488 <empty> 12418590 8392933


Flash Type Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown

Flash Type Unknown

LIQUIDmet FeederBlock_cw
1 out met 1 in met 2 in

Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown
2 out metProductBlock_SNG
3 in met 3 ProductBlock_liq
out to tank
sisa ProductBlock_Ash

Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown
gas FeederBlock_MDEA
1 MUFeederBlock_PZ
1 MU 1FeederBlock_16
1 ProductBlock_CW
in E-314 FeederBlock_1
out E-314

Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown
our 2FeederBlock_cwin
2-2-2 ProductBlock_cwwwwww
from E-311
our ProductBlock_toflash
2 FeederBlock_toflash
FeederBlock_cw eeee

Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown

Unknown Unknown
Unit Pyrolysis Zone
1 3CRV-100 CRV-101

Vessel TemperatureC 600 937.8997 331.5601 1560.084 449.4183

Vessel Pressure bar 30 30 29.79316 30 29.93105
Vapour Molar Flow
kgmole/h 3134.606 9860.412 4562.809 3610.496 4624.324
Liquid Molar Flow
kgmole/h 4291.417 0 0 3818.498 0
Heat Flow kJ/h 48400513 0 0 0 0
UnitGasification Zone

Separator Type Separator

Vessel TemperatureC 600
Vessel Pressure bar 30
Vapour Molar Flow
kgmole/h 10759
Liquid Molar Flow
kgmole/h 42.91
Heat Flow kJ/h -1.1E+07
Unit Water-Gas Shif

Vessel TemperatureC 200

Vessel Pressure bar 29.91385
Vapour Molar Flow
kgmole/h 10988.21
Liquid Molar Flow
kgmole/h 0
Heat Flow kJ/h -3.7E+07
Unit E-101

DUTY kJ/h -3.7E+07

Feed Temperature C 25
Product TemperatureC 300
Unit MIX-101 MIX-107 MIX-108 MIX-109 MIX-106 MIX-103

Product Molar Flow

kgmole/h 7426.023 9860.412 4624.324 4562.809 12915.68 <empty>
Product Mass Flowkg/h 99999.93 154007.5 77003.6 77003.57 154008.8 <empty>
Product Volume Flowm3/h 146.0924 381.5728 183.1361 181.5927 457.9358 <empty>
Product TemperatureC 600 937.8997 449.4183 331.5601 299.5898 <empty>
Product Pressure bar 30 30 29.93105 29.79316 30 <empty>
Equalize Pressures No No No No No No
Unit RCY-1 RCY-3

Type of Recycle Nested Nested

Convergence State ConvergedConverged
Maximum Iterations 10 10
Iterations 0 0
Unit ADJ-2 ADJ-3

Target Value 0 <empty>

Target Offset <empty> <empty>
Unit HE met 1 HE met 2 HE met 3 HE amine E-100 E-103-2-2 E-106 E-102

Duty kJ/h 3.32E+08 33324514 1.29E+08 1.26E+08 13618609 1.58E+08 60267781 3.01E+08
Tube Side Feed Mass kg/h
Flow 3081500 309079 2002676 1400531 207536.4 1465551 931773.5 4650682
Shell Side Feed Mass Flow
kg/h 154007.5 77003.6 77003.57 675614.8 210484.5 203486.7 207615.7 1270000
Tube Inlet TemperatureC 25 25 25 83.89407 75.56424 25 25 25
Tube Outlet Temperature C 50 50 40 99 40 50 40 40
Shell Inlet Temperature
C 937.8997 449.4183 331.5601 166.499 25 600 200 116.9604
Shell Outlet Temperature
C 300 300 40 104.0987 40 200 40 49

Unit Pyrolysis Zone
1 3CRV-100 CRV-101
Zone ShifV-101

Inlet Molar Flow (coall)

kgmole/h 124.7505 12915.68 4624.324 7426.023 4930.206 3610.496 229.2116 10988.21
Inlet Molar Flow(2)
kgmole/h <empty> <empty> <empty> 594.1201 <empty> 3818.498 10759 <empty>
Inlet Molar Flow(3)
kgmole/h <empty> <empty> <empty> <empty> <empty> 4718.264 <empty> <empty>
Inlet Molar Flow(4)
kgmole/h <empty> <empty> <empty> <empty> <empty> <empty> <empty> <empty>
Vapour Molar Flow
kgmole/h 3134.606 9860.412 4562.809 3610.496 4624.324 10759 10988.21 10983.84
Liquid Molar Flow
kgmole/h 4291.417 0 0 3818.498 0 42.91 0 4.374179
Vessel TemperatureC 600 937.8997 331.5601 1560.084 449.4183 600 200 40
Vessel Pressure bar 30 30 29.79316 30 29.93105 30 29.91385 29.86449
Liquid Percent Level% 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50
Last Separator

Unit TEE-101

Feed Molar Flow

kgmole/h 9860.412
Feed Temperature C 300
Feed Pressure bar 29.93105
Flow Ratio(1) 0.5
Flow Ratio(2) 0.5
Unit K-103 G-313

Compressor Speedrpm <empty> <empty>

Power kW 19.88686 3449.608
Capacity (act feed vol
flow) 7794.822 9420.205
Feed Pressure bar 29.93105 29.86449
Product Pressure bar 30 41
Product TemperatureC 300.3454 75.56424
Surge Flow Rate
ACT_m3/h <empty> <empty>

Object is Ignored in Calculations <empty> <empty> <empty> <empty> <empty> <empty> <empty> <empty>
Calculation Level <empty> <empty> <empty> <empty> <empty> <empty> <empty> <empty>
Object is an Extension <empty> <empty> <empty> <empty> <empty> <empty> <empty> <empty>
Unit FLOW-1
Unit Absorber

Spec Value(1) <empty>

Spec Calc Value(1) 12.15993
Spec Error(1) <empty>
Spec Is Active(1) 0
Convergence Converged
Number of Trays 11
Unit Distillation

Spec Value(1) 3
Spec Value(2) 0.000556
Spec Value(3) <empty>
Spec Value(4) 861111.1
Spec Value(5) 124
Spec Value(6) <empty>
Spec Value(7) 140
Spec Value(8) 0.0003
Spec Value(9) 80
Spec Calc Value(1) 2.999998
Spec Calc Value(2) 29.99308
Spec Calc Value(3) 2.162226
Spec Calc Value(4) 1662839
Spec Calc Value(5) 166.499
Spec Calc Value(6) 9.997702
Spec Calc Value(7) 166.499
Spec Calc Value(8) 0.0003
Spec Calc Value(9) 117.5109
Spec Error(1) -8.01E-07
Spec Error(2) 53986.55
Spec Error(3) <empty>
Spec Error(4) 0.010858
Spec Error(5) 0.084998
Spec Error(6) <empty>
Spec Error(7) 0.052998
Spec Error(8) -9.22E-05
Spec Error(9) 0.075022
Spec Is Active(1) 1
Spec Is Active(2) 0
Spec Is Active(3) 0
Spec Is Active(4) 0
Spec Is Active(5) 0
Spec Is Active(6) 0
Spec Is Active(7) 0
Spec Is Active(8) 1
Spec Is Active(9) 0
Convergence Converged
Number of Trays 5
Unit P-100

Speed rpm <empty>

Power kW 1860.413
Capacity(Actual Vol, Flow)
m3/h 1296.915
Feed Pressure bar 1.768742
Product Pressure bar 40.5
Product TemperatureC 116.9604
Unit VLV-100

Molar Flowkgmole/h 43775.74

Pressure Drop bar 37.5
Feed Pressure bar 40.5
Percentage open % 50
Unit MAKEUP-100

Product Molar Flow

kgmole/h 40777.39
Product Mass Flowkg/h 1270000
Product Volume Flowm3/h 1275.992
Product TemperatureC 116.2897
Product Pressure bar 1.768742
Equalize Pressures <empty>
Unit K-100

Expander Speed rpm <empty>

Power kW 2331.37
Capacity (act feed vol
flow) 10178.57
Feed Pressure bar 39.93105
Product Pressure bar 30
Product TemperatureC 299.9095
Surge flow rate
ACT_m3/h <empty>

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