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ELK Advanced Training

Duration: 7 days

Topic 1: Logstash Training Advance

Module 1:
Getting Started
Introduction to the course
Introduction to Logstash
Installing Logstash on Mac/Linux
Installing Logstash on Windows
Basics of Logstash
Processing our first event
Stashing Your First Event
Parsing Logs with Logstash
Stitching Together Multiple Input and Output Plugins
Handling JSON input
Outputting events to file

Module 2:
Working with HTTP input
Filtering events
Common filter options
Understanding the Logstash execution model
Section wrap up
Project Apache
Introduction to this section
Automatic config reload & file input
Parsing requests with Grok
Finishing the Grok pattern
Accessing field values
Formatting dates
Setting the time of the event
Introduction to conditional statements
Working with conditional statements
Geographical data enrichment
Parsing user agents
Finishing up the pipeline
Sending processed events to Elasticsearch
Handling multiline events
Handling multiline events - the easy way
Parsing stack traces with Grok
Working with @metadata

Topic 2: Kibana Training Advance:

Module 1:
Set Up Kibana
Set Up X-Pack
Breaking Changes
X-Pack Breaking Changes
Getting Started
Machine Learning
Module 2:
Dev Tools
Reporting from Kibana
Kibana Plugins
Contributing to Kibana
Kibana Release Notes
X-Pack Release Notes

Topic3: Elasticsearch Advance Training

Module 1:
Introducing Elasticsearch
Pre-requisites and Course Overview
A Brief History of Search
How Does Search Work?
The Inverted Index
Lucene, an Open Source Search Library
Introducing Elasticsearch
Installing and Setting up Elasticsearch
Basic Concepts in Elasticsearch
Monitoring the Health of the Cluster
Module 2:
Executing CRUD Operations Using the Elasticsearch APIs
Introducing the cURL Command Line Utility
Creating Indices
Adding Documents to an Index
Retrieving Whole and Partial Documents
Updating Whole and Partial Documents
Deleting Documents and Indices
Performing Bulk Operations on Documents
Bulk Indexing of Documents from a JSON File
Module 3:
Executing Search Requests Using Elasticsearch Query DSL
Recap: How Search Works
The Query and Filter Context
Setting up Fake Data for Queries
Search Using Query Params
Search Using the Request Body
Source Filtering Document Contents
Full Text Searches
The TF/IDF Algorithm for Relevance
Queries with Common Terms
Boolean Compund Queries
Term Queries and the Boost Parameter
Search Using the Filter Context
Executing Analytical Queries through Aggregations
Types of Aggregation
Implementing Metric Aggregations
The Cardinality Aggregation
Implementing Bucketing Aggregations
Multi-level Nested Aggregations
The Filter and Filters Bucketing Aggregations

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