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Transforming Your Temperament: A

Study in Personalities

Part One - Overview and Basic Personalities

We hear a lot in today's society about therapy and trying to discover our "true"
selves. But how does this figure into a Christian's life? How can we be individuals
but all fit together as believers to do the work of the church? I strongly believe that
God gave each one of us a unique and wonderful personality that allows us to
serve Him in a special way. We are all different but it is the differences that
compliment one another and help us to fit, not unlike puzzle pieces, to form the
body of believers.

This is what I would like to explore in a several part series: Temperaments &
Personality. We will also explore examples in Scripture, find the roadblocks to our
success and how to overcome them. I hope this will be insightful and helpful for
you in your Christian walk. This study is based, in part, on a Bible study that a dear
pastor friend of mine, Frank Hayward, wrote and taught. This study was called
20/20 Vision and I later adapted the study for my own use, with his permission.

**Disclaimer** I know many Christians are uncomfortable with the personality/

temperament testing or psycho-analysis. Some believe it is an excuse for us to not
follow God's commands/ will. (Ex.: "I can't do this or change that because it's just
my personality.") I personally find temperament studies to be motivating. It helps
me to understand where my strengths/weaknesses lie and, how, through God's
great love and wisdom, I can change to better serve Him.

Basic Overview of the Temperaments

SANGUINE: Warm, buoyant, lively and enjoys life. Feelings dominate his
decisions. Enjoys people and is never at a loss for words. Makes friends easily.

CHOLERIC: Hot, quick, active, practical, and strong-willed. Self-sufficient and very
independent. Is decisive and opinionated. Often succeeds where others fail.

MELANCHOLIC: Richest of all the temperaments. He/she is analytical, self-

sacrificing, gifted, perfectionist, and very sensitive. By nature an introvert, but
shows a variety of moods. (Introvert)

PHLEGMATIC: Calm, cool, slow, and easy going. Doesn't get upset easily, has a
very high boiling point. Enjoys people. Tends to be a spectator watching others.
Has a good retentive mind. (Introvert)

Simple Temperament Test

There are many different personality/temperament tests. I take my information

primarily from the Tim LaHaye books. He finds there are four basic temperaments:
sanguine, choleric, melancholic, and phlegmatic. He also goes further in the study
to determine that we don't all have just one temperament. There are variants and
one person may have certain percentages or some or all of the temperaments.
(For example, someone may test at 60% choleric, 35% sanguine and 5%
phlegmatic.) But for the purposes of this study, I plan to focus on the primary
temperament rather than all the blends.

As you begin, remember that any test is only as good as the subject taking it. Be
honest with yourself. Take into consideration your mood. Taking a test like this
may depend greatly on your feelings at that time.

Making a Determination

Way #1: You may try to determine your primary and secondary
temperament by how you see yourself.

Way #2: You may also make the determination by how others see you. To do this
it would be wise to ask several people in order to get an average idea of your

Final determination: After doing the above, you need to consider whether you see
yourself as other do. If people don't see you as you see yourself then you must
take careful consideration. If your score is in marked contrast, then you may be
trying to make yourself something you aren't.

A Simple Test
1. Are you an extrovert or introvert?
2. Are you a spontaneous, quick-talker?
3. Do you have to apologize frequently?
4. Do you have a high emotional response?
5. Are you quiet and slow to speak?
6. Are you a good speller?
7. Do you do well at math and detail?
8. Do you get depressed easily?

If your answer to question 1 was extrovert and you answered yes to 2-4
If your answer to question 1 was extrovert and you answered yes to only one of 2-
If your answer to 1 was introvert and answered yes to 5-8 -MELANCHOLIC
If your answer to 1 was introvert and you said yes to 5 and you don't get
depressed often (8) –PHLEGMATIC

You may also want to take this test: It gives a more
specific temperament breakdown, including the blends.

Now that you've found your primary temperament, let's move on to part two,
Transformed Temperaments, the Biblical Examples.

For further reading in the temperaments & other great resources:

The Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman

The Disciplined Life by Richard S. Taylor
Spirit-Controlled Temperament by Tim LaHaye
Transformed Temperaments by Tim LaHaye
Why You Act the Way You Do by Tim LaHaye

Part Two -Transforming Your Temperament

1. Transforming Your Temperament: Biblical

Example of a Choleric

Paul, the Apostle of Love

The choleric, though an extrovert temperament like the sanguine, is vastly

different. Cholerics get right to the point. They want to straighten out the problem
immediately. (Keep in mind these are generalities. Not all cholerics lack balance;
this tends toward the extreme.) Here are some other aspects of a choleric:
Eating Habits: They seldom change what they eat and will bolt it down in big
chunks, all the while talking.

Driving: They are speed demons on the road; they like to make up for lost time.

Shopping: They are not fond of shopping and will only do it when they have to.
They will usually over-buy.

Yard Care: Generally, cholerics hate yard work but when they do it, it is usually in
a frenzy. Everything is cut to the same level and a simple yard is best.

Study Habits: Cholerics are clever, but not usually brilliant. They like history,
geography, literature and psychology. They are poor spellers, fast readers, and
have curious minds. Constantly ask why and love charts, diagrams and graphs.
They have poor handwriting.

Speaking: They speak freely but with more deliberation than sanguines.

Bill Paying: They like to pay bills on time. Like things orderly. Don't care if the
checkbook doesn't balance exactly.

Discipline: They want to run their home like a boot camp. Always tell children
what they expect, but fail to show love. They love to give orders. Usually spank too
hard, too often and too much. Can be good parents, but must really work at it.
Hard to please. Need to encourage, assure and build up children.

Now let's look at the example of Saul/Paul from the New Testament. For those not
as familiar with this character, the Apostle Paul was known as Saul before his
conversion. He was a Jewish leader who was quite well connected. He also had the
distinction of being a Roman citizen. (This afforded him even more standing
socially and politically in that day.) Not all Jews could boast citizenship in the
Roman Empire. Let's see where that pride of station and standing got him...

Saul of Tarsus


Every inch of Saul was choleric. A practical activist, strong-willed and goal
oriented. Acts 9:1-2
Every inch of Saul was hot. When he heard Stephen speaking, he was sure to be
hot-tempered, harsh, and cruel. Acts 7:54, Acts 8:1

Every inch of Saul was driven. On his way to Damascus, he was a crusader and a
religious zealot. Acts 9:1-2

Every inch of Saul had goals. He was well educated and probably a leader of the
group that killed Stephen. If Saul's commitment hasn't changed he could well have
become a real scourge to the church. He even breathed out threats of slaughter.
Acts 9:1. Everyone feared Saul of Tarsus.


If pointed in the right direction, he could be greatly used.

If pointed to the truth, his writing would be very practical as he was probably part

If pointed to serve, his strong will would keep him going when things were hard. I
Corinthians 9:24-27.

If pointed to faith, his mind would be set and determined and his heart would be
fixed. He would be highly motivated to honor the lord. He would be determined to
live a life of faith.


Paul couldn't tolerate quitters. Acts 13:13, 15:39. It caused sharp contention.

Paul couldn't quit being self-sufficient and being independent. Acts 20:34. He
refused payment and made tents.

Paul couldn't quit preaching. In Athens, he had to speak out on Mars Hill. Acts 17,
his heart burned.

Paul of Damascus


Under God's control, Paul became a dynamic leader for good.

On board the ship, the prisoner became the captain and saved the ship. Acts

When being examined by Tertullus, Felix, and Agrippa he took command.

When in prison, his guards became his captives. People either loved Paul or hated


He kept his thinking right, not living in the past.

He was consistent in his humility and served the Lord humbly.

He was consistent in his love and tenderness. See Romans 10:1, 9:1-3

He showed compassion and concern while feeling the needs of others.

He felt peace even while in jail. Philippians 4:11-12

He had to rely on the Lord for strength. II Corinthians 12:7.

He lived a surrendered life.

Temperament Transformation: Choleric

The Choleric will need 7 fruits or strengths of the Holy Spirit.

Love- compassion to replace insensitivity and a lack of showing love.

Joy- that comes even without a project.

Peace- that replaces activity.

Gentleness- in speech.

Goodness- living for a good purpose.

Faith- not in self, but in God.

Meekness- that replaces pride.

Questions to Think About:

1. Whether you have a choleric temperament or not, is there anything you can
identify with Paul?
2. Is there anything that helps you understand and interact better with a choleric?
3. Read Philippians 3:12-14. With your temperament in mind, what does this mean
to you?

2. Transforming Your Temperament: Biblical

Example of a Sanguine

Peter, the Man of Hope

If you had to choose, which Biblical character do you think you would have the
most in common with? Would it be Abraham- a great patriarch but who was, at
times, indecisive and faithless? Or perhaps it is Moses, another great leader but
prone to anger and moodiness. You may identify with Peter, a great talker and
charming but erratic and often spoke/acted without thinking. Maybe Paul, a
brilliant scholar and missionary but often unloving and controlling, is the character
you equate yourself to.

God gave us such rich examples and illustrations in Scripture. I believe that He
gave us examples of believers who were just like us and were infused with His
power to do great things. This is not only a wonderful peek into their lives but a
hope for what our lives could be like when fully committed to God.

For this lesson, let's take a look at a great example of a sanguine who was
transformed by God.
Sanguines are the first of the extroverted temperaments we will discuss. They are
a unique blend of happy confidence. They will talk about weather, friends, and a
hundred other things before facing the real problem. Here are some more aspects
of a sanguine:

Eating Habits: They eat everything in sight. Rarely look at a menu until the
waitress arrives. The least picky of all the temperaments.

Driving: Are erratic drivers. Sometimes fast and sometimes slow. Like to look
people in the face while talking and driving.

Shopping: Are not price conscious, are drawn to color or display. Usually have
overloaded carts.

Yard Care: Have all the tools but before they can get started they get side-
tracked and later end up putting the tools away.

Study Habits: Are not usually good students but can be if motivated. Bright, but
restless, and usually undisciplined. Short interest span and easily distracted. Hard
to stay focused for a long time. They have expressive and flamboyant handwriting.

Speaking: Are intuitive speakers. Overly expressive and use exaggeration freely.

Bill Paying: Are usually terrible record-keepers. May take several reminders. Hate
details. May hate their overspending, but rarely cut down.

Discipline: Usually take time to comfort and love children after disciplining them.
Can be very loud and expressive. Can be screamers. May not carry out threats.
Children may not respond until they think they have to. Should discipline
immediately, otherwise they may change their mind and be too forgiving, which
may lead to permissiveness. Be consistent.

Peter- Man of Hope

The Good- Peter was an extrovert. He was also impetuous, loveable, and
laughable. As a Sanguine, he was warm, friendly and the kind of person who was
like a magnet to others. He was the life of the party, a good talker, happy-go-lucky,
generous, compassionate, and responsive to his surroundings and those around

The Bad- He was often weak-willed, emotionally unstable, explosive, restless and
egotistical. He had great difficulty following through on details. Often he felt
insecure and fearful. Peter's life was one of extremes including failures and
successes. Sanguines find it hard to diagnose their own personality because they
are not given to self-examination or introspection.

The Truth-

Impulsive. Peter wasn't naturally spiritual. He was a fisherman, but immediately

left all to follow Jesus. He invited Jesus to his mother-in-law's house and she was
sick. He got out of the boat without really thinking. When he didn't know what to
do, he talked. Luke 9:33. He also tended to jump from one thing to another.
Uninhibited- Luke 5:1-11. He was eager to please.

Outspoken- Here is a positive example of when his heart was right. Matthew

Egotistical- He couldn't stand success without letting it go to his head. We see

good and bad all in one chapter. Matthew 16:17, 22-23. He receives a severe

Self-seeking- Matthew 19:27

Braggart- Tends to brag that whatever he does or has is best. Matthew 26:31, 33

Weak-willed- Lies under pressure rather than face shame or penalty. Forgets past
affirmations and intentions. John 13:37

The Failure

Peter stood by the fire and even used curse words to deny the Lord. Sanguines
need Christian fellowship as they are many times no stronger than those they are
with. They are also prone to cry. They can be hot one moment and cold the next.
Simon by name and nature was the little rock. It took this great failure to realize
the need for change and the Holy Spirit's power in Peter's life.

The Transformation

A Sanguine under God's influence doesn't promote self or talk about "I" so much.

A Sanguine under God's influence loves prayer, worship and church.

A Sanguine under God's influence will bear fruit.

Wisdom. God gives wisdom. Acts 4:18-20. Under pressure, Peter knew what to


Humility. Acts 9:36-42. Unusual for a Sanguine not to want a crowd and to seek
glory for helping.

Prayerfulness. He thought on the vision, Acts 10:19.

Love. Acts 10:28-29

Gentleness. Peter didn't get angry. Acts 11:2,4,18

Faith. Sound asleep, Acts 12:5-6

Patience. Just kept on knocking. Acts 12:16

Leadership. Acts 15:7

Summary: Though Peter had lapses (Galatians 2:14) because of the fear of man,

we still see the road to maturity. In the book of 2 Peter, he even honors the Apostle
Paul. The really wonderful thing is how much God used this sanguine.

Temperament Transformation: Sanguine

The Sanguine will need 6 fruits or strengths of the Holy Spirit.

Peace- instead of restlessness

Long-suffering- endurance to finish things

Gentleness- in conversation

Meekness- in place of ego

Faith- to overcome fear and insecurity

Self-control- to overcome lack of self-control

Questions to Think About:

1. Whether you have a sanguine temperament or not, what are some things you
can identify with Peter? Anything?
2. Why do you suppose the Scripture records so many of Peter's failings? What can
we learn from this?
3. Read 2 Peter 1:3-8. With your temperament in mind, what does this mean to

3. Transforming Your Temperament: Biblical

Example of a Melancholic

Moses, the Servant with a Cure

Melancholies are the first of the two introverted temperaments we're studying.
Melancholy is also known as the artistic temperament. They also struggle with
depression, self-pity, and unhappiness. Here are some other aspects of a

Eating Habits: They take forever to decided what to eat, but usually enjoy it once

they decide. Picky eaters.

Driving: Always prepare well for a trip. They study the map. Rarely speed.

Shopping: Are deliberate and decisive shoppers. Compare price and quality. May
take time to decide.
Know where things are and use coupons.

Yard Care: Usually have the best yards. Talk to and baby plants.

Study Habits: Are usually good students who enjoy leaning. Love reading. Able to
concentrate. Remember details and are good spellers. They have the most
unpredictable handwriting of all the temperaments. Extremely complex and write
that way.

Speaking: Never talk unless they have thought out precisely what to say. Don't
like to interrupt others.

Bill Paying: Are perfectionists. Balance the checkbook to the penny. Must pay bills
on time or they get very irritated.

Discipline: Have high to unreal standards for their children. Last ones to learn that
everyone needs praise. Usually correct okay but may take out frustration on their

A Broad View of Moses

A brief summary

Gifted is one word that describes a melancholy like Moses. The Bible has many
famous names of the same temperament: Jacob, Solomon, Elijah, Elisha, Jeremiah,
Isaiah, Daniel, Ezekiel, Obadiah, Jonah, John the Baptist, the Apostles John and
Thomas, and many others.

Potential is another word to describe Moses. Melancholies have great potential if

they do not give in to a negative thinking pattern.

A brief reminder

Remember that the melancholy is prone to be pessimistic, very sensitive, moody,

critical, and a perfectionist.

Another thing to remember is that Moses lived during the time when the Holy Spirit
did not indwell people as He does today.
No one needs reminding about the intellect of Moses. Stephen, in Acts 7, says that
Moses "was learned in all the wisdom of the Egyptians, and was might6 in words
and in deeds." Acts 7:22.

A Close View of Moses

Self-sacrificing. Melancholies are prone to give themselves to some sacrificial

cause. This may even be directed by a sense of pride. Self-sacrifice must be God-
directed. No one should be motivated by a sense of guilt. Why did Moses make the
decision he made to leave the comforts and ease of the palace? The Bible reveals
the answer in the book of Hebrews. Moses chose to live by faith, and to trust God.
Hebrews 11:24-27.

Self-depreciating. Melancholies may feel inferior when in reality it isn't true.

They may also have a hard time accepting praise or commendation. They may
tend to remember their mistakes instead of their accomplishments. Criticism to a
small child with this thinking may discourage them for the future. This may also
result in making excuses for not doing things. Melancholies tend to hate criticism.
All this may lead a melancholy to live far below their ability level. A melancholy
personality should never trust their feelings alone to guide them. How did Moses

I don't have any talent. Exodus 3:11. "Who am I?"- What was God's response?
Exodus 3:12. How does a melancholy get help? A study in the Bible of God's

I don't know theology. Exodus 3:13. "What shall I say?"- Many people offer the
same excuse today. Moses didn't need ability, but availability.

No one will believe me! Exodus 4:1. Fear of rejection even though God had
promised they would listen. Exodus 3:18. All Moses could think about was his
rejection 40 years earlier. Instead of focusing on failures, we need to see needs
and possibilities. The service and the cause of Christ are more important than our
pride. His fear was selfish. We are not responsible for the failure or success of our
witness, but we are responsible to witness.

I can't speak in public. Exodus 4:10. The question isn't what you can do, but
what God can do. Moses ended up being saddled with Aaron. God doesn't ask for
eloquence, but He does ask for obedience.

I don't want to go. Exodus 4:13. Sometimes when a melancholy makes up their
mind they can't, even good reasoning won't change them. God had answered
every question and even demonstrated His power to Moses. Moses was suffering
from deep resentment. He had had forty years in the wilderness to brood over his
rejection and isolation. His thinking had been poisoned and it was hard to change.
All of Moses' excuses seemed reasonable to him.

Anger. Exodus 16:2; 32:19. Moses not only suffered from fear, but anger as well.
Failure to control his anger cost him. Anger usually causes problems. James 1:20.
Some anger may be right, Exodus 32:19, but some is wrong. See Numbers 20:3-5,
9-12. Anger and unconfessed sin can bring about early death. 1 Corinthians 11:30-

Perfectionism. In writing the first five books of the Bible, Moses shows his ability
to carefully give all the details as laid out by God for the Tabernacle, the priest, for
sacrifice and worship. Moses also demonstrated a problem melancholies have with
delegating authority and responsibility. Exodus 18:17-18. D. L. Moody said,
"Instead of doing the work of ten men, get ten men to work." We need to learn to
trust God to use other people.

Depression. Numbers 11:10-15. Moses was one of three in the Bible who became
depressed enough to want to die. God never asked Moses to carry all the burden
and load. Read Moses' words carefully, "If this is how you are going to treat me,
put me to death right now." It's a good thing God doesn't grant all our requests. In
everything, give thanks.

Loyalty. Because Moses remained loyal, the people of Israel remained loyal. His
devotion grew over the years. Moses is a good example of what God can do with a
fearful, insecure, doubtful, pessimistic, compulsive, and depressed man. He
became a great leader. He was a great instrument in the hands of God. He is a
perfect illustration of the fact God doesn't use perfect men & women, but men &
women of faith who trust Him.

Summary: Instead of worrying over your weaknesses, thank God for his power in
your life.

Temperament Transformation: Melancholy

The Melancholy will need 5 fruits or strengths of the Holy Spirit.

Love- for others in spite of imperfections.

Joy- to replace moodiness.

Peace- to replace fluctuating thoughts.

Goodness- towards others that gives fulfillment to self, also in a right way.

Faith- to do what they fear they can't.

Questions to Think About:

1. Whether you have a melancholy temperament or not, is there anything you can
identify with Moses?
2. Is there anything that helps you understand and interact better with a
3. Read Isaiah 6:8. Isaiah was another man in the Bible who was a melancholy.
How was his response different to the call of God than Moses'?
4. With your temperament in mind, what does the previous verse mean to you?

4. Transforming Your Temperament: Biblical

Example of a Phlegmatic

Abraham- the Man with Motivation

Phlegmatic is the second of the introverted temperaments. Their even temper and
calmness differentiates them from the melancholic. They make great diplomats
and peacemakers. Phelgmatics rarely get around to making a decision or talking
about the problem. Many are teachers, doctors, scientists, comedians and writers.
They can make capable leaders. Here are some other aspects of a phlegmatic:

Eating Habits: Are the most deliberate eaters and usually the last to finish.

Driving: Are usually the slowest drivers of all. They usually are indecisive and can
be slow.

Shopping: Enjoy shopping. They take longer and are more fugal. Hard time

Yard Care: Usually do the yard because their desire to rest is overcome by their
drive to do the accepted thing and have a nice yard.

Study Habits: Can be good students if they don't procrastinate. Work best under
pressure. Have orderly minds. Are capable of analysis and deductions. Good
memories. Usually write small and neat.

Speaking: Are quiet about everything. Seldom enter into debate.

Bill Paying: Systematize everything. Keep good records. Like to pay bills early.
Love to balance the checkbook.

Discipline: Need to learn to be more assertive when necessary. They have lots of
patience with children and take time to play with them. May allow children to sass
them. Least likely to spank. Needs to agree with spouse about correction.

A Broad View of Abraham

A brief summary:

Easy- The easiest people in the world to get along with are phlegmatics. They are
easy going and clam. Winner of the "nice guy of the year" award. May even act like
Christians before becoming one. Works well with others. Conservative, dependable
and with a practical turn of mind. Because he is quiet, his good and bad points are
less perceptible.

Slow- The least motivated of the temperaments. He can ignore work graciously
and is prone to be stubborn, stingy, and indecisive. May seek to avoid getting
involved in life.

A brief reminder:

Remember- that phlegmatics make great diplomats and peacemakers. Many are
teachers, doctors, scientists, comedians and writers. They can make capable
Remember- that phlegmatics never volunteer to serve as leaders but have great
ability. They usually don't create friction. Don't take no for an answer, but on the
other hand don't be pushy. Expect to be refused the first time around, but present
your case and allow time for consideration. Don't expect a quick decision.

A Close View of Abraham (Genesis 12-23)

Consistent- Once properly motivated the phlegmatics will be faithful in their

duties. They are consistent to refuse to take on more than they feel they can
accomplish. They fear failing in the eyes of others and are reluctant to launch out
into the deep. They may tend to say or think that someone else can do a better
job. This is actually a selfish response. Philippians 4:13.

Conscience- Phlegmatics need a conscience that will not excuse sloth. Because
he is not motivated, he may never get around to doing what needs to be done.
Here is where the Holy Spirit must play an important part. If the Spirit is not
allowed to lead and direct, little may be done in life. The only result will be that
people think you are lazy or unable. Lack of motivation, fear, and doubt will lead to
total failure.

Cautious- Afraid to completely obey, Abraham took his father and nephew with
him. Afraid to fully trust God's promises, Abraham took matters into his own hands
and conceived a child with his wife's handmaid. It took many, many years for
Abraham to become the Father of Faith. He stopped in Haran until his father died.
He was reluctant to obey and when tested, he failed. The first test in the promised
land came as a famine. Taking God at His word spares the difficulties and
headaches. Remember that God increases our faith through testing. James 1:2-4.
Abraham ceased to be cautious and seems not to have even prayed about going to
Egypt. His bringing Lot along with him caused even more trouble. Genesis 13:5-7

Desire- A phlegmatic's desire for peace is so great that Abraham would give up
personal possession for it. Genesis 13:8-9. Don't miss the promise that follows his
obedience. Genesis 13:114-17.

Dependable- Pressure does not change our character- it just identifies its true
nature. Sanguines may run off in the wrong direction, melancholies may go to
pieces, but cholerics and phlegmatics both rise to the occasion. Phlegmatics can
do it in a calm manner. Genesis 14. It shows his love for family, his leadership, his
calm response to victory and faithfulness to tithe.

Neutral- The most likely husband to be "henpecked" is the phlegmatic. The worst
mistake Abraham made was to give into his wife. Genesis 16:2. Then later he
listened again as he sent his son away. Genesis 21:8-11 Nothing is ever
accomplished by compromise of one's principles. Later, things changed. 1 Peter

Fearful- Afraid to trust God, he lied about his wife in Egypt. Later, he lied to
another king. Genesis 20:1-13. Sometimes lessons must be repeated and
relearned. The more Abraham learned about God, the more he learned to trust
Him. It takes time for God to reveal Himself to us. Faltering and forging ahead,
Abraham is a good example the God uses yielded vessels.

Final View of Abraham

Strength- Illustrated in the sacrifice of his son. Genesis 22. Stated in his words to
his son, "God will provide himself a lamb." Genesis 22:8.

Resource- Abraham's source of strength was God's promise. Faith doesn't needs
answers, but only direction. Without faith it is impossible to please God. Hebrews

By the end of his life, God's word was able to declare about the man who had no
motivation that he was motivated by faith in God. Hebrews 11:8, 9, 17. Abraham
was motivated to please God.

Temperament Transformation: Phlegmatic

The phlegmatic will need three fruits or strengths of the Holy Spirit.

Love- that motivates serving others.

Endurance- to replace procrastination.

Faith- to overcome fear and worry.

Questions for Discussion

1. Whether you have a phlegmatic temperament or not, is there anything you can
identify with Abraham?
2. Is there anything that helps you understand and interact better with a
3. Read Hebrews 11:1, 6. With your temperament in mind, what do these verses
mean to you?


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