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1.1.Technology in General

The "technology" word is commonly used for everything that has technical
properties can facilitate human work. Technology is one of the cultural results that are
intentionally or unintentionally made by humans.

1.2.Technology According to Experts

a. Nana Syaodih S. (1997: 67) states that technology has actually existed before or
humans have used technology. If humans in the past broke candlenuts with stones
or picked fruit with poles, in fact they had used technology, named simple
b. Anglin defines technology as the application of behavioral, natural and other
knowledge systems systematically and systemically to solve problems.
c. Kast & Rosenweid said Technology is the art of utilizing scientific knowledge.
d. Iskandar Alisyahbana describes more detail about the definition of technology.
The definition of technology is how to do something to fulfil human needs with
the help of tools and reason so as to prolong, strengthen, or make more effective
members of the body, the five senses, and the human brain. According to Iskandar
Alisyahbana (1980) Technology has been known to humans since millions of
years ago because of the urge to live more comfortable, more prosperous and
more prosperous. So since the beginning of civilization there has actually been
technology, although the term "technology has not been used. The term
"technology" comes from "techne" or the way and "logos" or knowledge. So
technology can literally mean knowledge about ways. According to him, the
definition of technology is a way of doing things to meet human needs with the
help of reason and tools, so as to prolong, strengthen or make more effective
members of the body, senses and the human brain.
e. Jaques Ellul is giving the meaning of technology as a whole method that rationally
leads and has the characteristics of efficiency in every field of human activity.

1.3.Technology Development

Technology itself has now developed, not only as a practical knowledge of technical
matters, but has developed into one of the foundations of scientific knowledge widely.
This is indicated by how many fields of science is being based on technology.

Technology development is something that we cannot avoid in this life, because

technology will always develop according to the advancement of science. Every
innovation is created to provide positive benefits for human life. Provide a lot of
convenience and it also used as a new way of doing human activities.




2.1.Technology Development and Their Impact

Technology is a driving force of innovation today, challenging even the most

established companies to modernize and reimagine how they stay relevant.

No industry is impervious to the revolutions caused by technological advances. But

some industries are slower than others to feel the influence of such revolutions. The food
industry is one that is lagging behind others.

In 19th century when people around the world are less than 3 billion people, Robert
Malthus believes that one day human will be faced by food scarcity as a result of
uncontrolled population development. Nowadays, in the year that world population has
reached 7 billion people, that prediction might be come true. The green revolution has been
proved still not enough to handle world food needs and the world is haunted by a food crisis.
This reason is encouraging people to develop a new technology to fulfil world food needs.

2.2.The Various Technology Development in Food Industry

a. GMO (Genetically Modified Organism)
GMOs have actually been around for many years. The first genetically
modified organism was made in 1994. GMO products also have been in many stores
since 1997. Essentially, scientist change certain crops and making them resistant to
pests as well as herbicides. Scientists also have the ability to increase the nutrition of
the crop itself. So, when you’re biting an apple, you’re actually receiving far more
nutrition than before. Now, genetically modified organism crops are being modified to
grow in the different habitats from their origin habitats, which can provide resolution
to food crises in various countries.

b. Precision Agriculture
Precision Agriculture or being knows as satellite farming, is a form of farming
that using GPS tracking system and satellite to keep an eye on weather patterns. This
process allows farmer to adjust their crop yields and soil levels efficiently. With
increasing food shortages and overpopulation, it is important to make the most of the
region and ensure that food products develop. This technology gives farmers the
information they need to plant only in parts of the land that will produce the most

c. Indoor Garden
The ‘astronaut food’ definition might be changed. This plant technology
research even found ways to grow and bear fruit indoors to help astronauts eat healthy
food. NASA some time ago has developed hydroponic technology but did not last
long because its main priority was space exploration.

d. Biodegradable packaging of seaweed

The biggest environmental damage is caused by plastic waste from food
wrappers and drink bottles. Cheap and easy prices are made into the cause of
accumulating plastic waste. In Iceland, product designer Ari Jonsson created
alternative disposable plastic bottles made of gelatin. Gelatin is used for cooking
ingredients instead of gelatin but can also be mixed with water and poured into molds
to make durable food containers, including water bottles, which are truly
The availability of meat is a hot topic in global discussions about the
environmental impact of food because of the large amount of resources needed to
raise livestock.

e. In Vitro Meat
The availability of meat is a hot topic in global discussions about the
environmental impact of food because of the large amount of resources needed to
raise livestock.
For example, it takes about 441 gallons of water to produce one pound of beef
and the same amount of meat produces 22.3 pounds of carbon dioxide emissions. That
contributes to climate change at an alarming rate. A few years ago, food scientists in
the Netherlands discovered a controversial solution called Lab-grown meat or in vitro
Through that technology, muscles grow from cow stem cells which are
actually processed into something called "beef burger ethical". This process is
complicated and very expensive. The first burger was valued at Rp. 4,281,185 but it is
a fat-free burger which, according to the reporter's report, tastes quite good.

f. More Productive Crops

Overcoming world hunger is like a natural goal of food production technology.
Some biologists think mutant corn might be the answer. Scientists found a way to
exploit natural genetic mutations and then cross-fertilize mutations with traditional
corn plants to produce larger corn seeds without changing other aspects of the corn.
The result is an increase in crop yields of up to 50%. Surprising results for
agricultural areas struggling to meet food demand with limited areas. Although the
breakthrough has not been tested outside the laboratory, scientists have been looking
for ways to utilize the same genetic mutations in other staple plants such as wheat and

g. 3D Printed Food
Science fiction films have long imagined the future when food magically
appears when a button is pressed. Now, this is possible because food can be processed
instantly using a 3D food printer. Simply filling the machine with ingredients and
running the program, we just need to waiting for the machine to automatically process
the food ingredients. This device can also print pizza and burgers.


Agrawal, AJ. 3 Ways Technology is Changing the Food Industry.

agrawal/3-ways-technology-is-changing-the-food-industry.html, 2016.

Jennifer, L. 5 Ways New Technologies Are Affecting the Food Industry.
industry/, 2018.

Rosa, W. Teknologi Bagi Kehidupan Manusia., 2015.

Iqbal, M. Perkembangan Teknologi dalam Industri Makanan dan Bagaimana Kita

teknologi-dalam-industri-makanan-dan-bagaimana-kita-menyikapinya, 2011.

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