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OpenStack Cheat-Sheet

Common Router Volumes

show help for command list routers list all volumes
nova help [command] neutron router­list nova volume­list
neutron help [command] show router details show volume details
etc. neutron router­show [subnetID] nova volume­show [volumeID]
create a neutron router create a new volume
Instances neutron router­create [router­name] nova volume­create [size_inGB]
list instances delete a neutron router delete a volume
nova list neutron router­delete [routerID] nova volume­delete [volumeID]
show instance details update router's information attach a volume to an instance
nova show [instanceID] neutron router­update [routerID] nova volume­attach [instanceID][volumeID][device]
create instance detach a volume from an instance
nova boot ­­image [imageID] ­­flavor [flavorID] User nova volume­detach [instanceID][attachmentID]
create instance snapshot list all user update volume attachment
nova image­create [instance­ID] [snapshotID]  keystone user­list nova volume­update [instanceID][attachmentID][volumeID]
delete instance show user details list all snapshots
nova delete [instanceID] keystone user­get [username] nova volume­snapshot­list
control an instance create new user show details about a snapshot
nova pause [instanceID] keystone user­create [­­name[username]][­­tenant­ nova volume­snapshot­show [snapshotID]
id[tenantID]][­­pass[pass]]  [­­email[email]][­­
nova unpause [instanceID] add a new volume
nova suspend [instanceID] nova volume­snapshot­create [volumeID]
nova resume [instanceID] delete use delete a snapshot
nova start [instanceID] keystone user­delete [username] nova volume­snapshot­delete [snapshotID]
nova stop [instanceID] update user's information
nova rescue [instanceID] keystone user­update[­­name[username]] [–email[email]][­­ Flavors
nova resize [instanceID][flavorID] enabled[boolean]][user] list flavors
nova resize­confirm [instanceID] nova flavor­list
nova reboot [instanceID] Tenants show flavor details
nova reset­state [instanceID] list all tenants nova flavor­show [flavorID]
keystone tenant­list
Security-Groups show tenant details FloatingIP
list security groups keystone tenant­get [tenantID] list floatingIP for this tenant
neutron security-group-list create new tenant nova floating­ip­list
show security group details keystone tenant­create [­­name[tenant­name]][­­description  list all floatingIP pools
[tenant­description]][­­enabled [boolean]]
neutron security­group­show [securitygroupID] nova floating­ip­pool­list
create a security group delete a tenant allocating a new floatingIP
neutron security­group­create [securitygroupname] keystone tenant­delete [tenantID] nova floating­ip­create [floatingIP­pool]
create a security group rule update tenant's information deallocate a floatingIP
neutron security­group­rule­create [SecuritygroupID] keystone tenant­update [­­name [tenantname][­­description  nova floating­ip­delete [IP]
delete a security group [tenant­description]][­­enabled [boolean]] [tenant] associate a floating IP with an instance
neutron security­group­delete [securitygroupID] nova floating­ip­associate [instanceID][[IP]
delete a security group rule Images disassociate a floatingIP from an instance
neutron security­group­rule­delete [securitygroup­ruleID] list glance images nova floating­ip­disassociate [instanceID][IP]
update a security group glance image­list
neutron security­group­update [securitygroupID] show image details
glance image­show [imageID]
Network create glance image
list networks and subnets glance image­create [­­name [image­name]][­­is­public 
[boolean]][­­container­format [[container­format]][­­disk­
neutron net­list
format [disk­format]][­­copy­from [URI]]
neutron subnet­list
show network and subnet details delete an image
neutron net­show [networkID] glance image­delete [imageID]
neutron subnet­show [subnetID] update an image
create a network glance image­update [imageID]
neutron net­create [network­name] download an image
neutron subnet­create [subnet­name][CIDR] glance image­download [imageID] Version 0.1
delete a network 21.10.14
neutron net­delete [networkID]
neutron subnet­delete[subnetID]
update information of network
neutron net­update [subnetID]

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