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I am Haben, a PHD student at Old dominion University.

I am currently working on research areas

related to fall detection of elderly peoples using wearable sensors and machine learning algorithms.
Creativity for me is the act of generating new ideas and changing those imaginary ideas to solve
the real-world problems. Creative should be original and functional. When we say someone is
creative, it means that he/she has the ability to understand the real-world problems in different way
than existing one, to find unseen patterns, to relate those patterns and come up with solutions. For
me to say someone is creative, he/she has to think about the existing real-world problems, propose
solutions and make product available for novice users.
There are many situations that needs to be creative, it can be short term creativity in day to day
activities which is everyday problem-solving and the ability to adapt to change. For example, I
should be creative when I write computer programming code in my day to day activities. Which
means I should come up with a solution to solve the programming problem and it should be also
efficient, optimized and readable code. The other one is long term creativity that needs a long way
to come up with a solution for the existing problem. It occurs when a person solves a problem or
creates an object that has a major impact on how other people think, feel and live their lives.
There are many criteria to be creative and propose solution for specific problems. Some of them
are domain-relevant skills, motivations for solving the existing problems, and cultural factors like
freedom, support and positive feedback from the environment. Creativity can be measured in
different componential factors such as novelty (state of the art), usefulness, fluency, etc. In my
opinion though, it is always likely to be incomplete and will never wholly encompass what is
meant by 'creativity' overall because creativity is a catch-all for many, many different subtle and
subjective components. Other aspects that can be judged that fall under the category of what is
'creative' or not include things like level of technical skill displayed, the pleasure afforded to the
creator and/or their audience by the creative product, imagination, level of emotion conveyed, the
sale-ability of the final product, humor, surprise, etc. The consensual assessment technique laid
out by Amabile suggests that everyone has some innate ability to judge what is creative and what
is not based on a learned, internalized concept that is largely consistently shared socially. However,
in my experience in my research, the inter-rater reliability of allowing people to just use their own
definitions of creativity when judging the creativity of artworks is not great, and it appears to
increase consistency of judgment to break creativity down into smaller, more discrete components.

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