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Anesthetics, General 1

Anesthetics, General
→ Local Anesthetics is a separate keyword.

Hartmund Wollweber, Bayer AG, Wuppertal, Federal Republic of Germany

1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 3.2. Thiobarbituric Acids . . . . . . . . . . . 7

2. Inhalation Anesthetics . . . . . . . . . . 3 3.3. Miscellaneous Compounds . . . . . . . 8
2.1. Nitrous Oxide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 4. Combination Anesthetics . . . . . . . . 9
2.2. Hydrocarbons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 4.1. Sleep-Inducing Anesthetics . . . . . . . 9
2.3. Halogenated Hydrocarbons . . . . . . . 3
4.2. Benzodiazepines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
2.4. Ethers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
2.5. Halogenated Ethers . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 4.3. Steroid Derivatives . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
3. Intravenous Anesthetics . . . . . . . . . 6 4.4. Neuroleptanalgesics . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
3.1. Barbituric Acids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 5. References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

1. Introduction 1) The analgesic stage, permitting slightly

painful procedures, such as changing dress-
General anesthetics are agents that temporarily ings.
produce a stupor- or sleeplike condition dur- 2) The excitation stage, which must be over-
ing which “painless” operation is possible. In come quickly by premedication or additional
this condition of general anesthesia (narcosis), anesthetic.
consciousness, pain sensitivity, defense reflexes, 3) The tolerance stage, in which the centers of
and muscular reflexes are depressed to a large the cerebrum and spinal cord are inhibited,
extent, whereas the vital centers of the medulla allowing surgical operations to be carried
oblongata, particularly those controlling respi- out.
ration and circulation, are relatively unaffected. 4) The asphyxia stage, characterized by inhibi-
In practice, the conditions depend entirely on the tion of the autonomic centers and the medulla
dosage of the anesthetic. Agents with too narrow oblongata (the vasomotor and respiratory
a therapeutic range, i.e., too narrow a margin of centers), extreme muscle relaxation, and ces-
safety between anesthetic dose and lethal dose, sation of thoracic respiration. In practice, this
may not be employed. stage must be counteracted immediately by
The numerous theories regarding anesthesia appropriate measures, such as artificial res-
either deal with the effectiveness or distribution piration and/or infusion therapy; indeed, this
of anesthetics within the body or speculate on stage should never be reached during anes-
their modes of action. Because inert gases, even thesia.
the noble gases, are also effective anesthetics, the
mode of action is believed to be a purely physi- The tolerance stage can be subdivided into
cal, reversible effect on the lipid-containing cel-
lular membrane of the neurons. In principle, this a) Paralysis of the spinal cord and mesen-
affects all body cells. Only the higher sensitivity cephalon, slight relaxation of the muscles
of the cells of the central nervous system (CNS) b) Drop in blood pressure and body tempera-
makes the desired gradual anesthetization possi- ture, relaxation of the skeletal musculature
ble with an appropriate dosage of the anesthetic c) Relaxation of the abdominal musculature,
agent. onset of respiratory depression
Four different stages of anesthesia are distin-
d) Relaxation of the nonstriated musculature,
lack of reflexes, difficult and deep breath-
ing, abdominal breathing only, further drop

c 2005 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

10.1002/14356007.a02 289
2 Anesthetics, General

in blood pressure and body temperature, on- less soluble in blood and require a higher par-
set of hypoxemia, cyanosis tial pressure to maintain the tolerance stage. The
steep concentration gradient makes it possible
During emergence from the tolerance stage, to induce and withdraw anesthesia quickly, thus
the patient passes back through the excitation providing better control of the narcosis.
and analgesia stages. The “minimum alveolar concentration”
Effective anesthesia is required to bring (MAC), a concept introduced in 1965, is a mea-
about sure of the potency of inhalation anesthetics. It
is expressed as the concentration in the alveo-
1) Unconsciousness lar air that prevents 50 % of patients from re-
2) Complete analgesia and absence of pain re- sponding to pain stimuli. The MAC levels are
flexes changed by premedication agents or adjuncts,
3) Relaxation of the muscles and anesthetic dosage always must be adjusted
accordingly. However, the concentration of an
The patient must receive sufficient anesthetic anesthetic agent cannot be increased arbitrarily
to fulfill the third requirement; in practice, this because of the narrow therapeutic range, which
usually means overdosage regarding the first two for most agents is ≈ 1.5.
requirements. Consequently, a combined tech-
nique is currently in use: other pharmaceutical Intravenous (Parapulmonary) Anesthet-
agents, generally sedatives, neuroleptics, anal- ics. Metabolization and distribution gradually
gesics, and muscle relaxants, are used to support render intravenous agents ineffective; i.e., they
the anesthesia, particularly in the initial phase. are subject to processes over which the anesthe-
Depending on the duration of their action, siologist has no influence. Further, these agents
anesthetic agents are termed long acting, short cannot be controlled once they have been ad-
acting, or very short acting. Depending on how ministered. However, they are psychologically
they are administered, they also can be divided well tolerated by patients, and they are quite use-
into inhalation, intravenous, and combination ful for brief narcosis and as induction agents
anesthetics. for inhalation anesthesia, providing the basic
anesthesia. Only intravenous anesthetics can be
Inhalation (Pulmonary) Anesthetics. A used when the airways must be maintained com-
large number of gases or vapors that are in- pletely patent.
haled in a mixture with air or oxygen produce
unconsciousness and analgesia. For practical Combination Anesthesia. Inhalation or in-
purposes, however, only a few have proved effi- travenous anesthetics, used singly, depend on
cacious. dosage to achieve the conditions necessary for
Inhalation anesthetics are characterized by surgery: autonomic depression, sleep, analge-
great stability. They are taken up quickly in the sia, and muscle relaxation. Nowadays, prefer-
lungs and to a large extent are eliminated rapidly ence is given to combinations of medications,
and mostly unchanged through the lungs (only which broaden the therapeutic range. Moreover,
minimally in the urine). They can be withdrawn with several substances administered at minimal
immediately should an untoward incident occur; dosages the particular goals of anesthesia can be
i.e., they can be controlled. Their main disad- achieved.
vantages are that they often cause a pronounced Sleep-inducing anesthetics. To induce nar-
excitation stage and that many patients expe- cosis and regulate sleep, the short-acting barbitu-
rience discomfort (postnarcotic nausea, vomit- rates (the induction agents) – etomidate, steroid
ing). With inflammable gases the danger of ex- anesthetics, and some benzodiazepine deriva-
plosion is always present. tives – are used.
Gas and vapor anesthetics exhibit different Neuroleptanalgesics. A stage that approxi-
distributions between the lipophilic and hy- mates that reached during the first stage of anes-
drophilic phases and so have different solubil- thesia can be attained by simultaneous admin-
ities in blood and different affinities to the lipid- istration of a potent analgesic and a neurolep-
rich nervous tissue of the CNS. The gases are tic agent. In this state of so-called neurolep-
Anesthetics, General 3

tanalgesia, there are complete analgesia, psychic not be achieved with it alone, it is used mixed
and motoric depression, and amnesia. The auto- with oxygen and ether or halothane as a basic
nomic nervous system is depressed, whereas all anesthetic for all types of surgery because of its
important reflexes are retained. In general, the minimal toxicity. Further, N2 O does not irritate
patient remains conscious, making this type of the airways. Nitrous oxide is always mixed with
narcosis particularly suitable for operations in oxygen (20 %, in dentistry 20 – 50 %) to avoid
which active participation on the part of the pa- anoxia. The use of nitrous oxide considerably
tient is necessary, for example, brain, ear, and reduces the requirements for other anesthetics
laryngeal operations. If higher doses of anal- and analgesics.
gesics are given, artificial respiration is nec- Trade Names. Stickoxydul (Hoechst) and oth-
essary. Commonly, the patient is premedicated ers.
with muscle relaxants, such as succinylcholine,
with atropine, and even with anesthetics, such as
propanidid or N2 O–O2 . 2.2. Hydrocarbons
Neuroleptanalgesia is used for gentle narco-
sis, for lengthy operations, or for patients at risk Hydrocarbons have an anesthetic effect. How-
in senium or with cardiovascular diseases. ever, despite their good anesthetic qualities and
Relaxants. Muscular relaxation is necessary low toxicities, they are now rarely used because
for anesthesia and the operation. Some anesthet- of the high risk of explosion. After serious explo-
ics produce muscle relaxation by affecting the sions during anesthesia, ethylene and acetylene
central regulation of the tonus. However, periph- are no longer employed in Germany.
eral muscle relaxation is achieved only by in-
hibiting the neurotransmitter acetylcholine with Cyclopropane [75-19-4], trimethylene,
depolarizing substances or substances that block USP XIX, C3 H6 , M r 42.08, is a colorless, odor-
the acetylcholine receptor in the motor end plate. less, inflammable gas, mp -127 ◦ C, bp −33 ◦ C.
Such relaxants ( → Skeletal Muscle Relaxants) At room temperature it liquefies at 4 – 6 bar
include tubocurarine, alcuronium, gallamine, (400 – 600 kPa). The explosive range is between
pancuronium, decamethonium or suxametho- 2.4 and 10.3 vol % in air and between 12.5 and
nium, neostigmine, and pyridostigmine. Pre- 60.0 vol % in oxygen. The blood – gas partition
medication with the anticholinergics atropine coefficient at 37 ◦ C is 0.46. Cyclopropane is
and scopolamine is common practice. Adminis- mixed with oxygen (15 – 30 % cyclopropane)
tered intramuscularly, these agents inhibit sali- for medical purposes. In contrast to nitrous
vary and gastric secretions (prophylaxis against oxide, cyclopropane (MAC 9.2) at concentra-
aspiration), prevent bradycardia, and provide tions of 20 % can produce anesthesia. It can be
protection against acute vagal reflexes. controlled readily and has a broad therapeutic
range. Cyclopropane increases the sensitivity of
the heart to catecholamines.
2. Inhalation Anesthetics Cyclopropane is manufactured commercially
from 1,3-dichloropropane with zinc in the pres-
2.1. Nitrous Oxide ence of sodium iodide.
Trade Names. Cyclopropane (ICI; Mallinck-
Nitrous oxide [10024-97-2], nitrogen monoxide rodt; Squibb). Cyclopropane USP is available
or laughing gas, N2 O, M r 44.02, is a colorless in sealed orange metal cylinders or in chrome-
gas with a slightly sweet odor and taste, mp – plated cylinders with orange labels.
90.81 ◦ C, bp −88.46 ◦ C. At a pressure of 1 bar
(100 kPa) one volume of water dissolves one vol-
ume of N2 O at 5 ◦ C and 0.596 volumes at 25 ◦ C. 2.3. Halogenated Hydrocarbons
Nitrous oxide also is soluble in alcohol and ether.
For manufacture → Nitric Acid, Nitrous Acid, Low-boiling halogenated hydrocarbons exhibit
and Nitrogen Oxides. anesthetic activity. Compared to hydrocarbons,
Nitrous oxide exerts a shallow anesthetic ef- they are more potent but also more toxic. Anes-
fect, MAC > 80. Although deep anesthesia can- thetics previously in common use – chloroform,
4 Anesthetics, General

carbon tetrachloride, and ethyl chloride – are to considerable accumulation in tissue and fat.
now never or hardly ever employed because of Halothane reduces the peripheral vascular re-
their hepatotoxic and carcinogenic side effects. sistance, increases the possibility of arrythmias,
In addition, tribromoethyl alcohol is no longer and has a negative effect on liver function. On
employed in the major industrial nations. The repeated use it is hepatotoxic.
chlorinated hydrocarbons increase the sensitiv- Trade Names. Fluothane (ICI Pharma);
ity of the heart to catecholamines. Halothan “Hoechst” (Hoechst); Halan
(Arzneimittelwerk Dresden); Halovis (Vister,
Trichloroethylene [79-01-6], CCl2 =CHCl, Italy); Narcotan (Spofa, Prague); Rhodialothan
M r 131.4, is a colorless, noninflammable liquid (Rhodia Pharma).
with a characteristic chloroform-like odor, bp
87.2 ◦ C. (For further information → Chlorinated Teflurane [124-72-1], 2-bromo-1,1,1,2-
Hydrocarbons.) Trichloroethylene is highly hep- tetrafluoroethane, CF3 CHFBr, M r 180.95, a
atotoxic and nephrotoxic and causes hepatocel- nonexplosive, noninflammable gas, bp 8 ◦ C.
lular carcinomas in mice. In the presence of Its anesthetic qualities are similar to those of
alkali, trichloroethylene decomposes to highly halothane [4]. Teflurane is prepared by bromina-
toxic dichloroacetylene and HCl. For anesthetic tion of 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoroethane at temperatures
purposes, the substance is stabilized with thymol above 400 ◦ C [5].
and mixed with a blue coloring agent. Trade Name. Teflurane (Dow; Abbott)
Indication. For inhalation analgesia in ob-
stetrics and for minor surgical procedures, but
only with a special inhaler. Trichloroethylene 2.4. Ethers
(MAC 0.17) should not be used in a closed-
circuit apparatus. Trichloroethylene is better tol- The ethers have a broad anesthetic range; i.e., the
erated than chloroform. difference between the dose needed to produce
Trade Names. Anamenth (Brunnengräber) the tolerance stage and the lethal dose is large.
contains menthol as a stabilizer; Chlorylen They have enjoyed a certain popularity as inhala-
(Schering); Ecrylène (Robert & Carrière, Paris); tion anesthetics. The best known, diethyl ether,
Narkosid (Heyl); Trethylene (Davies-Rose- usually is combined with other agents. There is
Hoyt); Trichloran (Merck); Trilene (ICI; Ay- always the danger of explosion in mixtures with
erst). oxygen or air. The solubility of ether in blood
and tissue results in a 15-min induction period,
Halothane [151-67-7], 2-bromo-2- which is accompanied by irritation of the mu-
chloro1,1,1-trifluoroethane, CF3 CHBrCl, M r cous membranes and airways and by salivation.
197.39, is a colorless, noninflammable liquid The recovery phase is long, and ether is no longer
with a characteristic sweet odor, bp 50.2 ◦ C. in routine use by anesthesiologists, despite its fa-
Halothane is soluble in water to the extent of vorable effects on the bronchial musculature and
0.345 wt %, miscible with ether, and sensitive cardiocirculatory system and its relatively good
to light. Anesthetic halothane contains 0.01 % relaxant effect on the muscles.
thymol as a stabilizer.
Halothane is manufactured by chlorination of Diethyl ether [60-29-7], H5 C2 -O-C2 H5 ,
CF3 CH2 Br or bromination of CF3 CH2 Cl in the M r 74.12, is a mobile, colorless, inflammable
gas phase at 250 – 475 ◦ C [2] or by the rearrange- liquid with characteristic odor, bp 34.6 ◦ C. Mix-
ment [3] tures of diethyl ether and air are explosive. Di-
ethyl ether is miscible with short-chain alcohols,
chloroform, and petroleum ether. An aqueous
solution saturated with ether contains 8.43 wt %
Indication. Because of its potent and rapid ether at 15 ◦ C and 6.05 wt % at 25 ◦ C. Ether
effect, halothane (MAC 0.77) is used in spe- saturated with water contains 1.2 wt % water at
cial vaporizers mixed with oxygen and water. 20 ◦ C (MAC 1.9). For details on preparation and
The high lipid – blood partition coefficient leads purification → Ethers, Aliphatic.
Anesthetics, General 5

Trade Names. Aether puriss, pro narcosi Enflurane [13838-16-9], 2-chloro-1-

“Hoechst” (Hoechst); Aether puriss, pro narcosi (difluoromethoxy)-1,1,2-trifluoroethane,
“Bonz” (Bonz). CHClFCF2 -O-CHF2 , M r 184.5, bp 56.5 ◦ C, is a
colorless, noninflammable liquid with a pleasant
Divinyl ether [109-93-3], vinyl ether, odor. Enflurane (MAC 1.68) is used in special
CH2 =CH-O-CH=CH2 , M r 70.09, is a mobile, vaporizers and, depending on the stage of anes-
colorless, inflammable liquid with a characteris- thesia, is mixed with various amounts of oxygen
tic sweet odor, bp 28.4 ◦ C. Approximately 4 % and nitrous oxide. Its advantage over halothane
ethanol is added as a stabilizer. Divinyl ether is the more rapid induction and withdrawal. Ar-
may contain 0.0077 % of a stabilizer, phenyl-α- rythmias are observed less frequently, which
naphthylamine, that produces a slightly reddish makes the combination with catecholamines
fluorescence. less a problem.
Divinyl ether is prepared by the reaction of Enflurane is prepared by dichlorination of
liquefied alkali hydroxide or sodium alkoxide the methyl group of 1-chloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-2-
on β,β  -dihalodiethyl ether [6] or by pyrolysis methoxyethane and replacement of these two
of α,α -dichlorodiethyl ether in the gas phase at chlorine atoms by fluorine [12], [13]:
600 – 800 ◦ C in the presence of barium chloride
catalyst [7].
Indication. Divinyl ether is used for minor
surgery, obstetrics, dentistry, and inducing anes-
thesia. A certain degree of hepatotoxicity rules
out long-term use. Hypersecretion has also been Trade Names. Ethrane (Deutsche Abbott);
observed. Divinyl ether increases and decreases Ethrane (Ohio Medical Products).
in tissue levels faster than diethyl ether.
Trade Names. Vinydan (Lundbeck) contains N- Methoxyflurane [76-38-0], 2,2-dichloro-
phenylnaphthylamine as a stabilizer and abso- 1,1- difluoro-1-methoxyethane, CHCl2 CF2 -O-
lute alcohol; Venesthene (May & Baker; Merck CH3 , M r 164.98, bp 104.65 ◦ C, is a colorless
Sharp & Dohme); Vinether (Robert & Carrière, liquid with a fruity odor. It is produced industri-
Paris); Ethydan (Lundbeck) is a 1 : 3 mixture ally by the addition of methanol to 1,1-dichloro-
of divinyl ether and diethyl ether. 2,2-difluoroethylene in the presence of sodium
methoxide [14].
Methoxyflurane is used with special vaporiz-
2.5. Halogenated Ethers ers and, depending on the depth of anesthesia de-
sired, is mixed with various amounts of oxygen
The polyfluorinated ethers have analgesic and and nitrous oxide. Its high lipid solubility gives
muscle-relaxing properties but are more dif- it the lowest MAC, 0.2, found among inhalation
ficult to control. In addition, some are read- anesthetics in use. It does not sensitize the heart
ily inflammable. They fall between the ethers to catecholamines; otherwise, the majority of its
and the halogenated hydrocarbons in their ef- side effects are those of halothane (see page 4).
fect on the heart. The importance of the flu- Oxalate deposits and nephrotoxic fluoride con-
orinated ethers varies from country to coun- centrations are undesirable metabolic products
try. In 1985, enflurane was the most important. of methoxyflurane.
Some fluorinated ethers – such as sevoflurane, Methoxyflurane may not be administered to
1,1,1,3,3,3-hexafluoro-2-(fluoromethoxy)-pro- patients with severe liver damage or renal insuf-
pane [8] (Baxter); aliflurane, 2-chloro-1- ficiency or those concomitantly receiving ami-
methoxy-1,2,3,3-tetrafluorocyclopropane [9] noglycoside antibiotics and tetracyclines.
(W. R. Grace); dioxychlorane, 4,5-dichloro- Trade Names. Penthrane (Abbott) contains
2,2-difluoro-1,3-dioxolane [10] (Ayerst); and 0.01 % butylated hydroxytoluene as an antox-
thiomethoxyflurane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1-difluoro- idant; Analgizer (Abbott); Methofane (Pitman-
1-methylmercaptoethane [11] (Ohio Medical Moore).
Products) – are still being tested clinically.
6 Anesthetics, General

Isoflurane [26675-46-7], 1-chloro-1- Administration of oxygen is recommended, par-

(difluoro- methoxy)−2,2,2-trifluoroethane, ticularly with barbiturates and thiobarbiturates.
CF3 CHCl-O-CHF2 , M r 184.5, is a colorless, Intraarterial injection must be avoided because
noninflammable liquid with a faint odor, bp of the danger of tissue necrosis.
48.5 ◦ C. Isoflurane is prepared by chlorination
of 2,2,2-trifluoroethoxydifluoromethane, itself
obtained by alkylation of trifluoroethanol with 3.1. Barbituric Acids
difluorochloromethane [12], [15]:
The 5,5-disubstituted barbiturates have at-
tained an extremely broad range of use as
anesthetics and also are employed in other
therapeutic areas (→ Hypnotics,→ Sedatives,
and→ Antiepileptics).
Isoflurane (MAC 1.3) has a low blood – gas
distribution coefficient, which leads to rapid re-
covery from the anesthesia. Myocardial func-
tions remain intact, and as the depth of anesthe-
sia increases, vasodilation progressively devel-
ops [16].
Trade Name. Forane (Ohio Medical Products).
The effective anesthetics are methylated at po-
Fluroxene [406-90-6], 2,2,2-trifluoro-1- sition 1, and usually one of the substituents at
vinyloxyethane, CF3 CH2 -O-CH=CH2 , M r position 5 is unsaturated. The barbiturates are
126.8, bp 42.5 ◦ C, is a colorless liquid with a so-called haloencephalic anesthetics; i.e., the
pungent odor. It is inflammable and, at concen- reversible inhibition of activity of all excitable
trations above 4 %, explosive in air. Fluroxene tissue is particularly marked in the central ner-
(MAC 3.4) generally is used in a mixture with vous system. The redistribution of the lipophilic
oxygen and nitrous oxide. Several cases of liver barbiturates from the well-perfused cerebral tis-
damage have been observed. sue into the peripheral storage depots of muscle
The compound is prepared by catalytic viny- and fatty tissue is more important for the cessa-
lation of 2,2,2-trifluoroethanol in the presence tion of anesthesia than is metabolism. Balanced
of alkali-metal trifluoroethoxide [17]: distribution between plasma and fatty tissue
is attained only after a relatively long period,
CF3 CH2 OH + CH≡CH −→ CF3 CH2 -O-CH=CH2 e.g., for the thiobarbiturates, only after 1.5 – 2 h.
Repeated administration of barbiturates carries
Another synthesis is based on acetalde- with it the risk of accumulation.
hyde-bis(trifluoroethylacetal), from which tri- Only a few of the many barbiturates have
fluoroethanol is split off in the presence of mont- pharmacokinetic properties that make them suit-
morillonite catalysts [18]: able for use. The barbiturates are poor analgesics
and muscle relaxants. The tolerance stage of
(CF3 CH2 O)2 CHCH3 −→ CF3 CH2 -O-CH=CH2 + CF3 CH2 OH
anesthesia is reached quickly and can be main-
tained with an inhalation anesthetic. The barbi-
Trade Name. Fluoromar (Ohio Medical Prod- turates are employed generally for minor surgery
ucts). and as induction agents for anesthesia. Pheno-
barbital is used only for premedication.
The following classification is based on a
British evaluation of barbiturate and thiobarbitu-
3. Intravenous Anesthetics rate anesthetics [19]; in other countries, assess-
ment is not necessarily identical:
Intravenous anesthetics, like inhalation anes-
thetics, can be used alone. Most have side ef- Good, equally effective: thiopental, thiamy-
fects. The majority cause respiratory depression. lal, thiobutabarbital, thialbarbital
Anesthetics, General 7

Insufficient, frequent side effects: hexobar- cacious for almost 50 years, at least for induction
bital, methitural, buthalital of anesthesia. Abuse can lead to addiction.
Some advantages, some side effects: metho- Trade Names (ampule with dry sub-
hexital, narcobarbital stance): Evipan-Natrium (Bayer); Evipal
Sodium (Winthrop-Stearns); Cyclonal Sodium
Methohexital sodium [309-36-4], sodium (May & Baker); Dorico Solubile (Winthrop);
5-allyl-1-methyl-5-(1-methyl-2-pentynyl)- Hexanastab (Boots); Toleran inj. (Kwizda).
barbiturate, M r 284.30. The free acid
[18652-93-2] forms colorless crystals, mp
60 – 64 ◦ C. It is prepared by condensing di- 3.2. Thiobarbituric Acids
ethyl allyl(1-methyl-2-pentynyl)malonate with
N-methylurea [20]. The anesthetic effect of the thiobarbituric acids
differs from that of the barbiturates in that they
produce a somewhat longer period of sleep after
withdrawal of medication. Emergence is calmer
and quicker. The duration of anesthesia can be
lengthened considerably in patients having only
limited fat deposits outside of the central ner-
Methohexital sodium is a short-acting anes- vous system (i.e., asthenic persons) or having fat
thetic administered intravenously. It is very po- deposits saturated by several injections of thio-
tent and has the shortest duration of action barbiturates. The thiobarbiturates depress respi-
among the barbiturates used. A disturbing factor ration more than the barbiturates and are less
is that rather frequently it causes hiccups directly well tolerated by the veins.
after injection. Patients are reported to recover The thiobarbituric acids are more acidic than
rapidly from anesthesia. Abuse can lead to ad- the barbituric acids. They dissolve in aqueous al-
diction. kali, but the heterocyclic ring opens after a time.
Trade Names. Brevane (Elanco, USA); Brevital They are prepared by condensation of substi-
Sodium (Eli Lilly). tuted malonic esters, malononitrile, malononi-
trile esters, or malonamide esters with thioureas
Hexobarbital [56-29-1], 5-(cyclohexen-1- or N-alkylthioureas, whereby the imino deriva-
yl)-1,5-dimethylbarbituric acid, M r 236.26. The tives initially produced are hydrolyzed to thio-
acid forms colorless crystals that turn pink on ex- barbituric acids [22].
posure to light, mp 146 ◦ C. A 10 % aqueous so-
lution of the sodium salt [50-09-9], M r 258.25, Thiopental sodium [71-73-8], the sodium
has a pH of 11.5. salt of 5-ethyl-5-(1-methylbutyl)thiobarbituric
acid [76-75-5], M r 264.35, a yellowish-white,
crystalline, slightly bitter powder, is very sol-
uble in water and soluble in alcohol. The com-
pound is hygroscopic and has a weak unpleasant
odor. The free acid forms colorless crystals, mp
Hexobarbital sodium is prepared by conden- 158 – 159 ◦ C. A 10 % solution of the sodium salt
sation of methyl(cyclohexen-1-yl)cyanoacetic has a pH of 10.6.
ester with dicyanodiamide to 5-(cyclohexen-
acid, followed by methylation with dimethyl
sulfate and hydrolysis with 25 % sulfuric acid
Hexobarbital sodium is an intravenous anes- It is prepared by condensation of thiourea with
thetic for short procedures and combination a disubstituted malonic ester [23].
anesthesia. Hexobarbital is tolerated by tissue Thiopental sodium is a short-acting intra-
much better than thiopental and has proved effi- venous anesthetic used for brief surgical proce-
dures and induction of anesthesia. It is a potent,
8 Anesthetics, General

rapidly effective hypnotic. Sleep ensues within Trade Names. Surital (Parke-Davis); Thiosec-
30 – 60 s. A disadvantage is the lengthy hang- onal (Eli Lilly); Bio-Tal (Philips Roxane, vet-
over. In the United States and Great Britain it is erinary anesthetic).
the most widely used injection anesthetic. Abuse
can lead to addiction. Buthalital sodium [510-90-7], the sodium
Thiopental sodium is used in a mixture with salt of 5-allyl-5-isobutyl-2-thiobarbituric acid,
approximately 6 % sodium carbonate. M r 262.31, is a water-soluble amorphous pow-
Trade Names. Farmotal (Farmitalia); Hypnos- der. The free acid [468-65-5], M r 240.33, melts
tan (Leiras, Turku); Intraval (May & Baker); at 147 ◦ C. Buthalital sodium is prepared by con-
Leopental (Leo); Nesdomal (Specia); Pen- densation of thiourea with a malonic ester [27],
tothal (Abbott); Pentothal-Natrium (Deutsche [28].
Abbott); Thio-Barbityral (Amino, Neuenhof,
Switzerland); Thionembutal (Abbott); Thiobar-
bital (Miro, Palma de Mallorca); Thiopental
“Lentia” (Hormonchemie, Munich); Trapanal
(Promonta; Byk Gulden).
Buthalital sodium is eliminated so rapidly that
Thiobutabarbital sodium [947-08-0], slow injection does not produce anesthesia [29].
the sodium salt of 5-sec-butyl-5-ethyl- For pharmacological properties, see [30].
thiobarbituric acid, M r 241.32, is a yellowish- Trade Names. Baytinal (Bayer); Transithal
white amorphous powder soluble in water and (May & Baker); Ulbreval (Wyeth).
alcohol. The colorless crystals of the free acid
[2095-57-0] melt at 163 – 165 ◦ C. Thiobutabar- Thialbarbital [467-36-7], 5-allyl-5-(cy-
bital is prepared from thiourea and a malonic clohexen-2-yl)-2-thiobarbituric acid, Mr
ester [24]. 264.36, mp 79 – 81 ◦ C. The sodium salt
[3546-29-0], M r 286.34, is a pale yellowish,
water-soluble, amorphous powder.

It is a short-acting intravenous anesthetic. It is

the least potent of the thiobarbiturates and there-
fore causes the least number of complications Thialbarbital is prepared from thiourea and a
during anesthesia. The compound is available malonic ester [31].
as 5 % and 10 % solutions. Trade Name. Kemithal (ICI; Avlon).
Trade Names. Inaktin (Byk Gulden); Narkoth-
ion (Sanabo); Brevinarcon (Arzneimittelwerk
Dresden). 3.3. Miscellaneous Compounds
Thiamylal [77-27-0], 5-allyl-5-(1- A miscellaneous group mainly includes com-
methylbutyl)-2-thiobarbituric acid, M r 254.36, pounds that are readily soluble in lipids and
mp 132 – 133 ◦ C. The sodium salt [337-47-3], that must be brought into aqueous solution with
M r 276.36, is an amorphous powder soluble in solubilizers. They are generally short- and very
water. It is prepared by condensation of thiourea short-acting anesthetics used for surgical inter-
with a malonic ester [25], [26]. vention and induction of inhalation anesthesia.

Propanidid [1421-14-3], propyl 3-

phenylacetate, M r 337.42, is a colorless to pale
yellowish water-insoluble oil. It is prepared
The properties of this rapidly effective anes- from the propyl ester of sodium homovanillic
thetic are similar to those of thiopental. acid and N,N-diethylchloroacetamide [32].
Anesthetics, General 9

Ketamine is a short-acting anesthetic effective

for 5 – 30 min, depending on the amount in-
jected. It is suitable for diagnostic purposes and
for surgical procedures that do not require mus-
cle relaxation. The occasional hallucinations
that occur during anesthesia suggest a chemical
relationship to phencyclidine, which was used
as a short-acting anesthetic until identified as a
Propanidid is used as a very short- to short-
dangerous drug of abuse.
acting intravenous anesthetic for minor surgery
The mode of action of ketamine differs from
and gynecology. It is characterized by rapid
that of the barbiturates. It suppresses the activi-
onset of and quick recovery from anesthesia,
ties of the cerebral cortex (consciousness) and
producing surgical anesthesia for 3 – 4 min. Re-
the thalamic pain pathways (analgesia). Parts
peated injections can be used to prolong the
of the upper brainstem and the limbic system
anesthesia. Postanesthetic sleep does not occur
are not affected (so-called dissociative analge-
because the propyl ester is hydrolyzed rapidly
sia). The patient exhibits a characteristic super-
in the patient to form inactive 3-methoxy-4-
ficial sleep with complete elimination of pain.
Because of the psychomotor side effects, com-
acid. After 20 – 30 min the patients generally
bination with neuroleptics and tranquilizers is
are completely responsive [33].
necessary. Ketamine is used especially in pe-
The commercial 5 % aqueous solution con-
diatrics. The usual preparations are 0.1 % and
tains 20 % of the solubilizer Cremophor EL
0.5 % solutions.
(polyethoxylated castor oil) [34]. Histamine re-
Trade Names. Ketanest (Parke-Davis); Ketaject
lease is sometimes observed, in part because of
(Bristol); Ketalar (Parke-Davis; Sankyo); Ke-
the Cremophor EL.
taset (Bristol); Vetalar (Parke-Davis, veterinary
Trade Names. Epontol (Bayer; Theraplix);
Propanidid (Riker); Fabontal (Bayer); Propan-
tan (Leiras, Turku); Sombevrin (Gedeon
4. Combination Anesthetics
Ketamine [6740-88-1], 2-(o-chloro- Combination anesthetics are used only in combi-
phenyl)-2-methylaminocyclohexan-1-one, M r nations to produce balanced anesthesia (see page
237.74. The hydrochloride [1867-66-9] forms 2). Chemically and pharmacologically they be-
colorless crystals, mp 262 – 263 ◦ C. Its solubil- long to many different groups.
ity in water at 20 ◦ C is 20 g per 100 mL.
It is prepared by bromination of o-chloro-
phenyl cyclopentyl ketone, which is then reacted 4.1. Sleep-Inducing Anesthetics
with methylamine to give the methylimino al-
cohol. Thermolysis of the imino hydrochloride Etomidate [33125-97-2], ethyl (R)-(+)-1(α-
yields ketamine by ring expansion [35]: methylbenzyl)-imidazole-5-carboxylate, Mr
224.28, is a white to yellowish crystalline or
amorphous powder, mp ca. 65 – 70 ◦ C. It is in-
soluble in water at pH 7, but soluble in acidic
aqueous solutions at pH < 3. Etomidate is sol-
uble in propylene glycol and readily soluble in
The preparation of etomidate involves
a modification of Jones’ synthesis: α-
phenylethylamine is alkylated with ethyl chloro-
acetate to the N-(α-phenylethyl)-glycine ester,
whose NH group is formylated. This product
is condensed with methyl formate and cyclized
10 Anesthetics, General

with HCl-KSCN to yield ethyl 2-mercapto-1-(α- The sodium salt is available as a 24 % aque-
methylbenzyl)-5-imidazolecarboxylate, which ous solution.
is then oxidatively desulfurized [36]. The (R) Trade Names. Somsanit (Kühler Chemie);
isomer is obtained by separating the racemic Gamma-OH (Ebifarm); Anetamin (Sankyo);
acid with (R)-(+)-1-phenylethylamine. Gioron (Kaken-Ono, Japan).

Disoprofol [2078-54-8], 2,6-diisopro-

pylphenol, bp 136 ◦ C at 40 mbar, mp 19 ◦ C,
belongs to a new group of anesthetics. Its ef-
fects are similar to those of Althesin (see page
11) and thiopental (see page 7). However, it
is more effective and may be given repeatedly
without lengthening the reapplication interval.
It has been in phase II of clinical trials since
1982 [40].

4.2. Benzodiazepines
Among the benzodiazepines, diazepam and flu-
Etomidate is administered intravenously as nitrazepam were used because of their sedative,
a short-acting anesthetic for the induction of anxiolytic, muscle relaxant, and anesthetic po-
lengthy anesthesia, especially for the induction tentiating effects; initially, they were adminis-
of neuroleptanalgesia (Section 4.4) and inhala- tered perorally but later also by injection. The
tion anesthesia [37], [38]. Etomidate produces frequency of pain at the injection site and of
3 – 5 min of sleep. postoperative phlebothromboses led to the de-
Trade Names. Hypnomidate (Janssen; John- velopment of the water-soluble midazolam.
son & Johnson; Sanwakagaku Kankyusho; Ab-
bott) as a 0.2 % solution; Radenarcon Midazolam maleate [59467-70-8], 8-
(Arzneimittelwerk Dresden). chloro-6-(2-fluorophenyl)−1-methyl-4H-
imidazo[1,5-a]-[1,4]benzodiazepine maleate
Sodium oxybate [502-85-2], sodium γ- [59467-94-6], M r 441.59, mp 148 – 151 ◦ C, is a
hydroxybutyrate, HOCH2 CH2 CH2 COONa, M r stable, water-soluble powder. The solubility in
126.09, is recrystallized from alcohol and is sol- water depends on pH: ≈ 85 mg/mL at pH 2.7 and
uble in water. It is prepared by saponification of 0.3 mg/mL at pH 7.6. The free base, M r 325.78,
γ-butyrolactone [39]. melts at 152 – 154 ◦ C. The maleate is subject to
The substance is related to γ-aminobutyric reversible ring opening. Below pH 4 the ring is
acid, a cerebral metabolite that is supposed to open; above pH 4 the cyclic form is present. The
be sleep inducing. When given i.p., it produces anesthetic formulation is a buffered aqueous
a shallow anesthesia (tolerance stage a: paraly- solution containing 2.5 mg/mL at pH 3.5.
sis of the spinal cord and mesencephalon, slight
relaxation of the muscles, see Chap. 1) that
resembles natural sleep as seen via the elec-
troencephalograph. It is employed as an anes-
thetic during labor and in combination anesthe-
sia with nitrous oxide, barbiturates, or neurolep-
Anesthetics, General 11

The preparation starts with 7-chloro- narcosis and for induction of lengthy anesthe-
5-(2-fluorophenyl)−1,3-dihydro-2H-1,4- sia. The first commercially available as an anes-
benzodiaze-pinone [41]. For the literature, also thetic was 21-hydroxypregnane-3,20-dione, as
see [42]. the water-soluble sodium hemisuccinate, un-
Midazolam is approximately twice as active der the generic name hydroxidione and by the
as diazepam, causes less pain at the injection trade names Presuren (Schering) and Viadril
site, and has a shorter half-life than diazepam. (Boehringer Mannheim; Pfizer).
Side effects: dose-dependent cerebral depres- The compound has been withdrawn in Great
sion with tranquilization, sedation, and dryness. Britain and other countries, for, even when
Reduction in blood pressure, respiratory depres- strongly diluted, it irritates the venous wall, in-
sion, and cardiovascular effects were slight. creasing the risk of thrombosis, and elicits a
long recovery phase. It is characterized by a
late onset of the anesthesia after a relatively
long, excitation-free induction period of 5 min.
The induction period depends on the hydrolysis
of the hemisuccinate ester to the active steroid
alcohol. Viadril G, in which the hemisuccinate
is combined with glycine, is supposed to be
better tolerated. Most of the disadvantages can
be avoided by dissolving the active pregnane
derivative in Cremophor EL (BASF) [45].
A marked oversensitivity of patients to Al-
thesin [45] led to the development of the
water-soluble steroid minaxolone [44] (Glaxo-
Allenbury), which is still being tested clinically.

Alphaxalone [23930-19-0], 3α-hydroxy-

5αpregnane-11,20-dione, M r 332.49, forms col-
orless prisms, mp 172 – 174 ◦ C, [α]26
D + 113.4
(c = 1.2 mg/mL in CHCl3 ). It is prepared by
reduction of 3,11,20-trioxo-5-α-pregnane with
trimethyl phosphite in the presence of an irid-
ium catalyst. Only this reducing agent forms the
Trade Names. Dormicum (Hoffmann-La axial alcohol (3α) [46], [47].
Roche, Switzerland); Hypnovel (Hoffmann-La
Roche, United Kingdom).

4.3. Steroid Derivatives

A number of pregnane derivatives with oxy-
gen substituents on C-3, C-20, and C-21 ex-
hibit anesthetic properties without hormonal ac-
tivity [43]. The preparations are used for brief
12 Anesthetics, General

Alphaxalone is the more potent component 1) Haloperidol and phenoperidine (≈ 70 times

of Althesin. Addition of alphadolone increases more active than pethidine)
the total amount of active steroidal anesthetic in 2) Droperidol and fentanyl ( ≈ 100 times more
the Cremophor solution. active than morphine)
Only the second is still important. A
Alphadolone [14107-37-0], 3α,21-
newer development is alfentanyl, N-[1-
acetate, M r 390.52, forms colorless crystals,
mp 175 – 177 ◦ C, [α]26
D + 97 (c = 1.02 mg/mL in N-phenylpropanamide hydrochloride (John-
CHCl3 ). To prepare alphadolone, alphaxalone
son & Johnson), which was developed from fen-
is reacted with lead tetraacetate in the presence
tanyl and is an effective anesthetic analgesic in
of a Lewis acid, such as BF3 etherate [47].
phase III of clinical trials [48].

Althesin is an effective intravenous anes- Droperidol [548-73-2], 1-[3-(4-fluorobenzoyl)-

thetic for short surgical procedures or for in- propyl]-4-(2-oxo-1-benzimidazolinyl)-1,2,3,6-
duction of lengthy anesthesia [45]. Doses of tetrahydropyridine, M r 379.44. The monohy-
0.050 – 0.075 mL per kg of body weight produce drate melts at 145 – 146.5 ◦ C. It is prepared
anesthesia in adults for 5 – 20 min and analgesia by alkylating (2-oxo-1-benzimidazolinyl)-
to surgical stimuli for 2 – 5 min. Althesin causes 1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine with 4-fluoro-γ-
cardiodepressive side effects. Although it is used chlorobutyrophenone [49].
in countries in which French pharmaceuticals
dominate, it is hardly used in Germany.
Trade Names. Althesin and Saffan (Glaxo); Au-
rantex (Glaxo, Bad Oldestoe).

Droperidol is a very potent neuroleptic from

4.4. Neuroleptanalgesics the phenylbutyrophenone group. It is never
used in outpatient practice. To induce narcosis,
Even with adequate somnolence and analgesia, 15 – 25 mg is injected, followed by further doses
surgical stress factors can be suppressed only as needed. Narcosis begins rapidly, and the du-
if the activity of the deeper cerebral regions is ration of action is short. Extrapyramidal symp-
subdued also. This is accomplished with small toms are absent to a large extent. For anesthesia,
doses of neuroleptics ( → Neuropharmacology) the analgesic fentanyl is administered simulta-
to induce the so-called neuroleptanalgesia (see neously.
page 2). A potent analgesic is used in conjunc- Trade Names. Dehydrobenzperidol (Janssen,
tion with a neuroleptic, the dosage usually ad- Düsseldorf); Thalamonal, Innovar in the USA,
justed for each individual. The first neurolep- (Janssen) is a combination of droperidol with
tanalgesic was the “coctail lytique” of Laborit fentanyl. (One milliliter contains 0.05 mg of fen-
and Huguenard, a mixture of pethidine as the tanyl base and 2.5 mg dehydrobenzperidol.)
analgesic, chlorpromazine as the neuroleptic,
and promethazine as an antihistamine with pro- Fentanyl [437-38-7], N-phenyl-N-[1-(2-
nounced sedative effect. In the course of further phenylethyl)-4-piperidinyl]-propanamide, M r
development, two combinations of neuroleptic 336.46, forms colorless crystals, mp 83 – 84 ◦ C.
and very potent analgesic emerged: The bitter-tasting dihydrogen citrate [990-73-8],
Anesthetics, General 13

mp149 – 151 ◦ C, is soluble in water (1 g per 28th ed., The Pharmaceutical Press, London
40 mL at 20 ◦ C) and methanol. For prepara- 1982, pp. 740 – 761. H. Benzer, R. Frey,
tion → Analgesics and Antipyretics. W. Hügin, O. Mayrhofer: Lehrbuch der
Anaesthesiologie, Reanimation und
Intensivtherapie, Springer Verlag, Berlin
1977. R. Dudziak: Lehrbuch der
Anästhesiologie, F. K. Schattauer Verlag,
Stuttgart – New York 1980. T. C. Gray, J. F.
Nunn, J. E. Utting: General Anaesthesia,
Fentanyl belongs to the group of base- Butterworths, London 1980. C. Nemes, M.
substituted propionanilide analgesics [50] and Niemer, G. Noack: Datenbuch
is a typical morphine agonist. Because of the Anästhesiologie, G. Fischer Verlag, Stuttgart –
danger of addiction, the short-acting fentanyl New York 1979.
is used exclusively for anesthesia. A dose of
just 0.2 – 0.3 mg produces complete short-term Specific References
analgesia in adults. Because it depresses respi- 2. ICI, GB 767779, 1954.
ration, it is necessary to control breathing dur- 3. Hoechst, US 2956624, 1960.
ing neuroleptanalgesia. Afterward, respiratory 4. J. F. Artusio, J. Weingram, Y. J. Sohn, Anesth.
depression can be alleviated by a morphine an- Analg. (Cleveland) 46 (1967) 657. G. W.
tagonist such as 1-N-allyl-3-hydroxymorphinan Black, R. S. Carke, P. J. Howard, H.
(Lorfan). McCullough, Br. J. Anaesth. 41 (1969) 288.
Trade Names. Fentanyl (Janssen, Düsseldorf), 5. Dow Chemical, US 2971990, 1957.
Sublimaze (Janssen); Thalamonal, see trade 6. Merck Sharp & Dohme, US 2021872,1931.
Squibb, US 2136387, 1936.
names for Droperidol.
7. Consortium für elektrochem. Ind.,
US 2832807, 1953.
8. Drugs Future 1 (1976) 307, 7 (1982) 440.
5. References 9. Drugs Future 2 (1977) 153.
10. Drugs Future 5 (1980) 488.
General References 11. Drugs Future 3 (1978) 323.
1. M. E. Greig in V. E. Grill (ed.): Theories of 12. R. C. Terrell, L. Speers et al., J. Med. Chem.
Anaesthesia in Pharmacology and Medicine, 14 (1971) 517.
McGraw-Hill, New York 1954. H. Kilian, H. 13. R. C. Terell, L. Speers et al., J. Med. Chem. 15
Weese: Die Narkose, Thieme Verlag, Stuttgart (1972) 604. Air Reduction Co.,
1954. M. B. Chenoweth (ed.): “Modern DE 1 138 406,1969; US 3 469 011,1969;
Inhalation Anaesthetics,” Handbuch der US 3527813,1970.
experimentellen Pharmakologie, 14. W. T. Miller, Jr., E. W. Fager, P. H. Griswold, J.
Heffter-Heubner, New Series, vol. XXX, Am. Chem. Soc. 70 (1948) 431. J. D. Park, .
Springer Verlag, Berlin 1972. AMA, Drug C. H. Snow, J. R. Laiker, J. Am. Chem. Soc.
Evaluations by American Medical Assoc., 3rd 73(1951) 861. Dow Chemical, GB 928786,
ed., Publ. Sciences Group, Acton, Mass., 1960.
1977, pp. 285 – 299. J. W. Dundee, W. C. 15. Air Reduction Co., DE 1 814 962, 1969;
McCaughy: “Drugs in Anaesthetic Practice,” US 3 535 388, 1967; US 3535425, 1967.
in G. S. Avery: Drug Treatment, Adv. Press, Hoechst, DE 2344442, 1973.
Sidney 1976, pp. 215 – 248. J. W. Dundee, 16. W. C. Stevens, T. H. Cromwell et al.,
G. M. Wyant: Intravenous Anaesthesia, Anesthesiology 35 (1971) 8 – 53.
Churchill & Livingstone, Edinburgh 1974. 17. Air Reduction Co., US 2830007, 1958.
J. W. Dundee: “New Intravenous 18. Air Reduction Co., US 2870218, 1959.
Anaesthetics”, Br. J. Anaesth. 51 (1979) 19. J. W. Dundee, Br. J. Anaesth. 51 (1979) 641.
641 – 648. K. A. Lehmann: “Narkose – 20. Eli Lilly, US 2872448, 1956.
angewandte Toxikologie?”, Pharm. Unserer 21. IG-Farbenind., DE 590175, 1933. Beilstein
Zeit 11 (1982) 18 – 32. B. Helwig, M. Helwig: 24 (2), 294.
Moderne Arzneimittel, 5th ed., Wissenschaftl. 22. D. L. Tabern, E. H. Volwiler, J. Am. Chem.
Verlags GmbH., Stuttgart 1982, pp. 233 – 248. Soc. 57 (1935) 1961. F. S. Crossley, J. Org.
Martindale: The Extra Pharmacopoeia, Chem. 5 (1940) 238.
14 Anesthetics, General

23. E. Miller, J. C. Munch, F. S. Crossley, W. H. 37. P. A. J. Janssen, C. J. E. Niemegeers et al.

Hartung, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 58 (1936) 1090. Arzneim. Forsch. 21 (1971) 1234. D. H.
Abbott, US 2876225,1956. Kettler, H. Sonntag et al., Anaesthesist 23
24. Parke-Davis, US 2153711, 1934. Abbott, (1974) 116.
US 2153729, 1934. 38. Annu. Drugs Data Rep. 2 (1979/80) 88. Drugs
25. Lilly, GB 613704, 1968. Abbott, US 2876226, Future 1 (1976) 461.
1959. 39. C. S. Marvel, E. R. Birkhumer, J. Am. Chem.
26. J. K. Abe, T. Ischisaka, Y. Tsukamato, Soc. 51 (1926) 260.
Yakugaku Zasshi 75 (1955) 891. 40. Drugs Future 7 (1982) 156.
27. E. Miller, J. C. Munch, F. S. Crossley, W. H. 41. Hoffmann-La Roche, DE-OS 2540522, 1975.
Hartung, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 58 (1936) 1090. 42. Drugs Future 3 (1978) 822, 4 (1979) 852, 5
28. IG-Farbenind., DE 692928, 1935. (1980) 585, 6 (1981) 736.
29. H. Weese, F. H. Koss, Dtsch. Med. 43. H. Selye, J. Immunol. 41 (1941)
Wochenschr. 79 (1954) 601. 259. S. Y. P’an, G. D. Laubach, H. W. Rudel,
30. B. E. Schildt, E. E. Schildt, Acta Pharmacol. Science (Washington D.C.) 122 (1955)78.
Toxicol. 19 (1962) 377. Pfizer, US 2708651,1955.
31. Abbott, US 2153730, 1936. 44. Drugs Future 5 (1980) 614.
32. Bayer, DE 1134981, 1960. 45. A. Benk, G. Gogolate, Ch. Stumpf,
33. R. Hiltmann, H. Wollweber, F. Hoffmeister, W. Ch. Tschekaloff, Postgrad. Med. J. Suppl. 2
Wirth, Anaesthesiol. Wiederbeleb. 4 (1961) (1972) 120 – 123. K. J. Child, J. P. Currie et al.,
61. Br. J. Anaesth. 43 (1971) 2 – 24. E. J. Stokes,
34. BASF, BE 624258, 1963. R. E. M. Thomson et al., Lancet 1972, 88.
35. C. L. Stevens, J. L. Keundt, M. E. Munk, M. D. 46. W. Nagate, C. Tamm, T. Reichstein, Helv.
Pillai, J. Org. Chem. 30 (1965) Chim. Acta 42 (1959) 1399.
2967. Parke-Davis, BE 634208, 1963; 47. P. A. Browne, D. N. Kirk, J. Chem. Soc. C
US 3254124, 1966. E. F. Domino, P. Chodoff, 1969, 1653. Glaxo, DE 2030402, 1971.
G. Lorssen, Clin. Pharmacol. Ther. 6 (1966) 48. Drugs Future 6 (1982) 355.
279. G. C. Chen, C. R. Ensor, B. Bohner, J. 49. Janssen Pharmaceutica, US 3141823, 1964.
Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. 152 (1966) 332. 50. W. B. Wright, H. J. Brabander, R. A. Hardy, J.
36. G. Jones, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 71 (1949) Am. Chem. Soc. 81 (1959) 1518, J. Org.
644. F. Godefroi, P. A. J. Janssen et al. J. Med. Chem. 26 (1961), 476, 485; H. Wollweber,
Chem. 8 (1965) 220. Janssen Pharmaceutica, Eur. J. Med. Chem. Chim. Ther. 17 (1982)
DE-OS 2609573,1976. 125. W. Geiger, H. Wollweber, Eur. J. Med.
Chem. Chim. Ther. 17 (1982) 207.

Anhydrite → Calcium Sulfate

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