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Antiarrhythmic Drugs 1

Antiarrhythmic Drugs
Gerda von Philipsborn, Knoll AG, Ludwigshafen, Federal Republic of Germany
Anton Oberdorf, Knoll AG, Ludwigshafen, Federal Republic of Germany
Fritz Binnig, Knoll AG, Ludwigshafen, Federal Republic of Germany
Albrecht Franke , BASF Aktiengesellschaft, Ludwigshafen, Federal Republic of Germany

1. Antiarrhythmic Drugs . . . . . . . . . 1 2.1.2. Class I b Drugs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

1.1. Physiology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2.1.3. Class I c Drugs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
1.2. Disorders of Cardiac Rhythm (Ar- 2.2. Class II Drugs: β-Receptor Block-
rhythmias) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 ing Agents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
1.3. Cardiac Action Potentials . . . . . . 3
2.3. Class III Drugs: Agents Increasing
1.4. General Aspects of Pharmacology . 4
the Action Potential Duration . . . . 11
1.5. General Aspects of Chemistry . . . . 7
2.4. Class IV Drugs: Calcium Channel
2. Individual Antiarrhythmic Drugs . 7
Blockers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
2.1. Class I Drugs: Sodium Channel
Blockers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 2.5. New Antiarrhythmic Drugs . . . . . 12
2.1.1. Class I a Drugs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 3. References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

1. Antiarrhythmic Drugs travels along special fibers within the ventricular

walls (His-Purkinje system), thereby reaching
1.1. Physiology the ventricular muscle (working myocardium).
The atrioventricular node (AV node) is a sec-
Unimpaired functioning of the heart is the most ondary pacemaker; its natural frequency is lower
important requirement for the normal supply of than that of the SA node (its intrinsic rhythm
blood to all regions of the organism. The heart is about 40 – 60 impulses per minute). Accord-
rhythm is determined by the body’s changing re- ingly, the higher frequency of the SA node de-
quirements for blood. This constant adjustment termines the normal heart beat. However, if the
is controlled by venous return from the body’s SA node fails, the AV node can take over the
periphery, which influences both the stroke vol- pacemaker function. A similar relationship ex-
ume of the individual heart beats and the con- ists between the AV node and the Purkinje fibers.
tractile force of the ventricular muscle. Heart They also are capable of spontaneous rhythmic
rate and contractile force are controlled by the activity if the AV node fails; however, their fre-
autonomic nervous system. quency is at 15 – 40 impulses per minute.
The individual heart beat begins with the Contraction of the heart muscle therefore is
electrical excitation of the sinoatrial node (SA the result of electrical, biochemical, and me-
node), a group of special pacemaker cells situ- chanical processes in the cell membranes and
ated at the entrance of the superior vena cava. within the myocardial cells (electromechanical
The SA node generates impulses automatically; coupling). Blood is pumped by the contraction
their frequency is controlled largely by the au- of the heart wall muscles in coordination with
tonomic nervous system, although it also can the functioning of the various heart valves. All
be affected by hormones, e.g., adrenaline, by processes associated with the excitation and con-
metabolic processes, and by wall tension. The traction of the heart are reversible. All the above-
normal frequency of SA node excitation is about mentioned phenomena and the automaticity of
70 – 80 impulses per minute. Within the heart, the pacemakers, particularly the SA node, there-
excitation spreads via the conduction system fore enable the heart to function rhythmically.
from the SA node to the atrial muscles and also to For more information on the physiology of ex-
the atrioventricular node, passes through it, and citation and contraction of the heart, see [1–4].

c 2005 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

10.1002/14356007.a02 439
2 Antiarrhythmic Drugs

1.2. Disorders of Cardiac Rhythm muscle. They trigger individual, premature heart
(Arrhythmias) beats, which are called extrasystoles. These may
occur either sporadically or frequently, irregu-
Diagnosis. Arrhythmias differ greatly in larly or firmly coupled to the normal rhythm
their etiology and symptoms. The most impor- of the heart. Polytopic extrasystoles originate
tant diagnostic tool is the electrocardiogram at several different foci simultaneously. De-
(ECG). pending on the anatomic position of the im-
The electrocardiogram reflects electrical po- pulse generation, extrasystoles are described
tential changes in the heart as a function of time. as supraventricular or ventricular. Supraven-
The potential differences originate from the so- tricular extrasystoles are triggered at points
called “action potentials” at all excitable cardiac above the His-Purkinje system. They include
cells (see Section 1.3); they are measured at vari- sinoidal, atrial, and atrioventricular extrasys-
ous sites on the body’s surface. For example, the toles. Ventricular extrasystoles originate in the
ECG in Figure 1 has been obtained from elec- His-Purkinje system or in the ventricular my-
trodes placed on the right arm and the left leg. ocardium.
A series of waves, designated P, Q, R, S, and Paroxysmal Tachycardia. Heterotopic disor-
T, is detected. The P – Q interval is the period ders of impulse generation also include sudden
between the beginning of the contraction of the and more or less prolonged phases of a highly ac-
atria and the beginning of the contraction of the celerated heart rate, which are known as parox-
ventricles. The QRS complex is caused by the ysmal tachycardias. Rapid regular impulse gen-
depolarization of the ventricles. The Q – T inter- eration (250 – 300/min) in the atrium is known
val reflects the duration of ventricular contrac- as atrial flutter. In this case, impulse conduction
tion. to the ventricles is disturbed. The same applies
A more accurate diagnosis of cardiac arrhyth- to atrial fibrillation, which is characterized by
mias is made possible by His bundle electrog- high-frequency (> 400/min) and irregular im-
raphy. In this method, the electrical activity of pulse generation. Because the ventricles may be
the heart is detected by intracardiac electrodes, refractory to most of these impulses, their ac-
which are inserted intravenously [5], [6]. In tivity becomes irregular; this results in absolute
addition, intermittent arrhythmias may be de- arrhythmia.
tected by 24-hour long-term electrocardiogra- Similar impulse-generation disorders may
phy (Holter monitoring) [7]. In certain types of also originate in the ventricles, namely ventric-
arrhythmias, auscultation of the heart sounds as ular flutter (with a frequency in most instances
well as palpation of the pulse in arteries and neck above 220/min) and ventricular fibrillation in
veins also provide information on the presence which irregular multifocal impulses occur si-
and type of arrhythmia. multaneously at high frequency. In ventricular
Arrhythmias are classified in two main flutter, the heart is still able to pump a small vol-
groups according to their etiology: disorders of ume of blood; in ventricular fibrillation, how-
impulse generation and disturbances of impulse ever, circulatory arrest occurs.
Impulse-Conduction Disturbances. Im-
Disorders of Impulse Generation. Nomo- pulse transmission to lower sections of the heart
topic disorders involve the normal pacemaker, can be delayed or blocked at different points
i.e., the sinoatrial node. They occur either as si- of the conduction system. Atrial or ventricular
nus tachycardia (increased rate) or sinus brady- systoles can be blocked either partially or com-
cardia (reduced rate). Irregular functioning of pletely. In total sinoatrial block, sinus excitation
the sinus node also may cause sinus arrhyth- does not reach the atria and the ventricles at all.
mias. Impulse generation disorders are called Consequently, systoles cease until another pace-
heterotopic when the impulse originates not in maker situated at a lower level becomes active
the sinoatrial node but in one of the centers sub- as the automaticity center.
ordinate to it: in the AV node, at certain foci Intra-atrial disturbances affect impulse
in the ventricular conduction system with es- propagation within the atrial musculature. They
cape rhythms, or even at other sites of the heart
Antiarrhythmic Drugs 3

Figure 1. Normal ECG with bipolar recording from the body surface in the direction of the long axis of the heart
The times below the ECG curve are important limiting values for the durations of the parts of the curve [1].

are less significant provided regular conduction 1.3. Cardiac Action Potentials
to the ventricles remains intact.
However, atrioventricular block (AV block), In the heart, as in other excitable tissue, rest and
in which conduction between atria and ventricles excitation are accompanied by electrical phe-
is disturbed, is extremely important. Atrioven- nomena, the so-called action potentials, which
tricular block is characterized according to either are caused by ionic currents. The flow of ions
location or degree. In first-degree AV block, con- into and out of the cardiac cells is controlled
duction is still regular but in some cases delayed by changes in cell membrane permeability to
by several times the normal duration. In second- sodium, potassium, and calcium ions. For de-
degree AV block (incomplete AV block), conduc- tails, see [1–4], [6–9].
tion is interrupted sporadically or frequently. In Figure 2 shows transmembrane action poten-
third-degree AV block (total heart block) there tials of normal, nonautomatic cardiac cells, such
is no conduction of excitation between atria and as ventricular or atrial muscle cells (V), and of
ventricles. Both beat independently of one an- sinoatrial nodal cells (SA). Usually, five differ-
other, the atria generally at the sinus rate and the ent phases are distinguished [10].
ventricles about once every two seconds. In phase 0 rapid depolarization occurs on ex-
In intraventricular disturbances, impulse citation. The difference in membrane potential
conduction within the ventricular walls is de- decreases and the inside of the cell becomes
layed or interrupted. positive in relation to the outside during the
For more detailed information on causes and so-called overshoot. The ionic mechanism for
basic diseases, syndromes, diagnosis, therapy, phase 0 is an increase in sodium conductance.
and prognosis of cardiac arrhythmias, see [5–7],
4 Antiarrhythmic Drugs

4) Automaticity: determined by the slope of

phase 4 (discussed previously)
5) Maximum upstroke velocity (V/s): the steep-
est slope of rise during phase 0
6) Excitability: dependent on the level of the
threshold potential
7) Effective refractory period (ERP): period of
repolarization during which no normal action
potential can be elicited, although a weak,
Figure 2. Action potentials of a ventricular muscle cell (V) nonpropagated action potential can arise
and a sinoatrial nodal cell (SA). 8) Relative refractory period (RRP): period of
TP = Threshold potential repolarization in which no propagated action
potential can arise
The first phase of repolarization (phase 1) is
quite rapid and is followed by a period of slow These parameters can be altered experimen-
repolarization (phase 2 or plateau). Repolariza- tally by antiarrhythmic drugs. The therapeutic
tion speeds up again in phase 3 and completes antiarrhythmic activity of such drugs in humans
the process by returning the transmembrane po- is associated with these changes also.
tential to the resting potential. The ionic mech- The most important antiarrhythmics are those
anisms for repolarization are an increase in cal- that inhibit pathologically accelerated impulse
cium conductance (slow inward flow) and a de- generation and/or propagation, that is, any so-
crease in potassium conductance. In ventricular called tachyarrhythmia. Such compounds are
muscle cells, phase 4 is characterized by an elec- also termed antifibrillatory drugs.
trical quiescence in which depolarization cur- Bradyarrhythmias are disturbances of car-
rents and repolarization currents are in balance. diac rhythm caused by delayed or blocked im-
The action potentials of automatic cells, such pulse generation and/or propagation; they are
as those of the sinoatrial node, differ conspic- rare. The bioelectrical phenomena of heart func-
uously from those of ventricular muscle cells: tion insure that the heart always responds to
First, the maximum diastolic potential reached the more rapid pacemaker. Whenever impulse
in these cells is less negative (−70 mV). Sec- generation in the SA node is delayed, nor-
ond, the automatic SA nodal cells exhibit spon- mal cardiac function can be restored by im-
taneous diastolic depolarization. This is shown planting an electrical pacemaker. In emergen-
by the gradual increase of transmembrane ac- cies, but not in long-term therapy, sympath-
tion potential in phase 4. When the potential omimetic noradrenaline and parasympatholytic
difference reaches the threshold potential (TP; atropine can be administered parenterally. Oral
about −50 mV in SA nodal cells), rapid de- β-sympathomimetics, such as isoprenaline and
polarization (phase 0) occurs. This mechanism, orciprenaline, may be used until a pacemaker is
by which the heart generates its own impulse, implanted.
is called autorhythmicity. Finally, upstroke ve-
locity (phase 0) and amplitude are distinctly
smaller. 1.4. General Aspects of Pharmacology
Further parameters of the transmembrane ac-
tion potential that are important in a discussion Antiarrhythmic agents act by changing the elec-
of the mechanism of action of antiarrhythmic trical properties of the membrane of the heart
drugs are: cell [11].
Figure 3 shows the characteristic changes
1) Action potential amplitude: the total potential caused by various class I antiarrhythmic agents
change occurring during phase 0 in the ventricular action potential (Fig. 3 A), the
2) Action potential duration (APD): the period electrocardiogram (Fig. 3 B), the duration of the
from the start of phase 0 to the end of phase 3 effective refractory period (ERP), the relative re-
3) Conduction velocity: the speed at which a fractory period (RRP), and the total action po-
stimulus or action potential is propagated tential duration (APD; Fig. 3 C).
Antiarrhythmic Drugs 5

Figure 3. Effects of various antiarrhythmic drugs on the ventricular action potential, the electrocardiogram, and the durations
of the effective refractory period (ERP), the relative refractory period (RRP), and the total action potential duration (APD)
The arabic numerals in parentheses indicate phases of the action potential1.3. The circles represent the level of repolarization
at which the fiber becomes reexcitable.

The classification of antiarrhythmic agents by channels of nerve fibers, which explains the
Vaughan Williams [12–14] (Table 1), is com- local-anesthetic effect of class I agents.
prised of four classes and three subgroups of Under block, the sodium channels may re-
class I; it is based primarily on electrophysio- cover quickly or slowly, depending on the
logical effects (class II is the exception). class of antiarrhythmic drug [15]. With class I b
Several of the drugs act in more than one of agents, such as lidocaine, phenytoin, tocainide,
the four ways; therefore, the classification does mexiletine, or sparteine, recovery time is less
not so much categorize the agents as it describes than 1 s. Therefore, this class of drugs can block
four ways in which abnormal cardiac rhythms premature and high-frequency excitation selec-
can be corrected or prevented. tively. With class I a or class I c agents, how-
ever, the recovery time of the sodium channels
Class I: Sodium Channel Blockers. All is longer (1 – 250 s); therefore, the blocking ef-
class I antiarrhythmic agents (I a, I b, and I c) fect also affects normal-frequency action poten-
decrease the rate of rise (upstroke velocity) of tials. This difference also is detected by ECG. In
phase 0 of the action potential by inhibiting the healthy heart, class I b antiarrhythmic agents
the rapid sodium influx. Under suitable condi- in therapeutic doses do not change the conduc-
tions these agents also can block the sodium tion times, whereas class I a and class I c agents
6 Antiarrhythmic Drugs
Table 1. Classification of antiarrhythmic drugs [14] , pp. 232, 234 [15]

Generic name Mode of action ECG changes ∗

Heart P–Q ∗∗ QRS ∗∗ Q–T ∗∗

rate interval duration interval

Class I a: quinidine sodium channel blockade inc. (inc.) inc. inc.

procainamide by classes I a, I b, I c; (dec.)
disopyramide rate of rise of phase 0
Class I b: lidocaine of action potential: dec. - - -
phenytoin delayed by I a, I b, I c;
tocainide action potential duration:
sparteine shortened by I b,
mexiletine not changed or prolonged
Class I c: ajmaline by I a and I c dec. inc. inc. -
Class II: propranolol β-receptor blockade dec. inc. - -
and all other
Class III: amiodarone prolongation of action dec. - - inc.
sotalol potential duration
Class IV: verapamil calcium channel blockade; dec. inc. - -
gallopamil action potential (SA node
diltiazem and AV node) duration
bepridil and plateau shortened

∗ dec., decrease; inc., increase; -, no or little change; ( ), change not pronounced.

∗∗ for definition, see 1.2.

lengthen the ECG times (Fig. 3). Some class I a In addition to this specific effect, high doses of β-
agents have an additional atropine-like effect. blockers also block membrane sodium channels
Occasionally this increases frequency and short- (membrane stabilizing effect). In antiarrhythmic
ens the P – Q interval. therapy, β-blockers are used primarily for tach-
The duration of the action potential and yarrhythmias resulting from sympathetic hyper-
the Q – T interval in the ECG are lengthened function or from increased catecholamine re-
by class I a agents (quinidine, procainamide, lease [17] (→ β-Receptor Blocking Agents).
disopyramide) and by some class I c agents
(ajmaline, propafenone) but are shortened by Class III: Agents That Increase Action
class I b agents (phenytoin, lidocaine, mexile- Potential Duration. Class III antiarrhythmic
tine). Phenytoin acts during repolarization: the agents lengthen the duration of the action poten-
membrane potential at which the fibers become tial without changing its rate of rise. The refrac-
reexcitable is shifted to a more negative value tory period of the heart fibers is therefore pro-
and the effective refractory period is lengthened longed. Currently, only three agents of this class
with respect to total action potential duration. are known: amiodarone, sotalol, and bretylium.

Class II: β-Receptor Blocking Agents. Class IV: Calcium Channel Blockers. Cal-
Two types of receptors exist in the sympathetic cium channel blockers also are known as cal-
nervous system: α- and β-receptors [16]. Stim- cium antagonists. In various excitable cells these
ulation of β-receptors produces increased sym- agents block the slow influx of calcium ions
pathetic activity of the heart, increasing contrac- through the cell membrane during excitation;
tility, oxygen consumption, and heart rate and the flow of sodium ions is not influenced. Cal-
accelerating impulse propagation. cium antagonists are applied chiefly in coronary
These effects are specifically, competitively, heart disease. Some of these substances also are
and reversibly blocked by β-receptor blockers. used in antiarrhythmic therapy: verapamil, gal-
Antiarrhythmic Drugs 7

lopamil, diltiazem, and bepridil. Their antiar- 2. Individual Antiarrhythmic Drugs

rhythmic effect is based on prolongation of the [6], [7], [9], [15], [21–24]
impulse conduction in the AV node and to a
lower degree on inhibition of the impulse gen- 2.1. Class I Drugs: Sodium Channel
eration in the sinus node. They act especially on
tachyarrhythmias that originate in the atria (see
also → Calcium Antagonists).
2.1.1. Class I a Drugs

1.5. General Aspects of Chemistry Quinidine [56-54-2], (+)-(αS)-α-(6-

Class I antiarrhythmic agents belong to two nuclidin-2-yl)]methanol, C20 H24 N2 O2 , M r
groups: N-substituted carboxamides and ajma- 324.4, mp 174 – 175 ◦ C.
line derivatives. The group of N-substituted car-
boxamides includes lidocaine, tocainide, pro-
cainamide, disopyramide, lorcainide, flecainide,
bunaftine, and encainide; mexiletine usually is
included because of its similar structure. An-
tiarrhythmic drugs of the second group include
the ajmaline-type alkaloids and such derivatives
as prajmalium, detajmium, and lorajmine, as Quinidine is one of the most widely applied
well as quinidine and sparteine. Some other sub- antiarrhythmics and has been used for 30 years.
stances, e.g., phenytoin and aprindine, do not fit It is used primarily against atrial flutter and fib-
into either group. rillation and against heterotopic extrasystoles.
All N-substituted carboxamides have three Quinidine generally is administered orally,
features in common: a lipophilic aromatic group, although slow intravenous administration also
an aliphatic spacer group, and an amino sub- is possible [25]. Quinidine is the prototype of
stituent. Lipophilicity is crucial for nonspecific class I antiarrhythmics; therefore, substances in
interaction with the alkyl chains of the mem- this group also are called “quinidine-like.” How-
brane’s phospholipids. Together with the ami- ever, it differs, for example, from lidocaine by
no group, which can be protonated at physio- the following effects: it increases the duration
logical pH values, this seems to be the molec- of the action potential, in the ECG it increases
ular requirement for antiarrhythmic activity in QRS duration and Q – T interval, and the refrac-
this group of compounds. The molecular inter- tory period is markedly prolonged. Quinidine
action between these drugs and the membrane can accelerate the impulse conduction rate in the
and quantitative structure – activity relations of AV node (atropine-like effect). Side effects in-
antiarrhythmic agents are described in more de- clude gastrointestinal disturbances and allergic
tail in [18]. reactions.
The class II antiarrhythmic agents (β- Trade Names: Chinidin, Kinidin (Astra
receptor blockers) virtually all belong to Chemicals) contain quinidine hydrogen sul-
the group of aryloxyaminopropanols (→ β- fate [747-45-5]; Duraquin (Parke-Davis),
Receptor Blocking Agents). As mentioned Quinaglute (Berlex) contain quinidine gluconate
above, these compounds can even initiate a [7054-25-3].
membrane-stabilizing effect if administered in
relatively high concentrations. Predominantly Procainamide [51-06-9], 4-amino-N-(2-
the l-isomers of the β-receptor blockers show β- diethylaminoethyl)benzamide, C13 H21 N3 O, M r
adrenolytic activity; the membrane-stabilizing 235.3; the hydrochloride [614-39-1] melts at
effect is observed in both isomers and depends 165 – 169 ◦ C.
on the lipophilicity of the compounds [19], [20].
Structure – activity relationships are not ev-
ident in class III and class IV antiarrhythmic
8 Antiarrhythmic Drugs

In the United States procainamide is one of tant side effects are disturbances of the central
the most frequently used antiarrhythmics; in Eu- nervous system.
rope, it is of minor importance. Its mode of ac- Trade Names: Xylocain, Xylocaine, Xylo-
tion resembles that of quinidine. The substance card (Astra Chemicals); all preparations contain
may be administered parenterally and orally but lidocaine hydrochloride [73-78-9].
is only short acting. Side effects with longterm
therapy are gastrointestinal disturbances, agran- Phenytoin [57-41-0], 5,5-diphenylhydantoin,
ulocytosis, and lupus erythematosus. An antiar- C15 H12 N2 O2 , M r 252.3, mp 295 – 298 ◦ C.
rhythmic metabolite, acecainide page 13, was
detected in humans.
Trade Names: Novocamid (Hoechst), Pron-
estyl (Squibb) both contain procainamide hydro-
Phenytoin is used primarily as an antiepilep-
Disopyramide [3737-09-5], (±)−4- tic. The compound finds its chief use as an an-
diisopro-pylamino-2- phenyl-2- (2-pyridyl) bu- tiarrhythmic in cases of cardiac glycoside over-
tyramide, C21 H29 N3 O, M r 339.5, mp 94.5 ◦ C. dosage. The effect of the substance is difficult
to control because of its long half-life. In addi-
tion, it has strong cardiac and extracardiac side
effects (gingival hyperplasia, osteomalacia, ane-
mia, hypertrichosis).
Trade Names: Dilantin, Epanutin (Parke
Davis), Phenydan (Desitin), Zentropil
Disopyramide has a pharmacological profile (Nordmark-Werke); all preparations contain
similar to that of quinidine and procainamide phenytoin sodium [630-93-3].
[26–29]. Clinically, it is active against most
forms of arrhythmias (supraventricular and ven- Tocainide [41708-72-9], (±)−2-amino-
tricular). However, the substance also can pro- N-(2,6-xylyl)propionamide, C11 H16 N2 O,
duce serious side effects, such as negative in- M r 192.1; the hydrochloride [35891-93-1] melts
otropic and hemodynamic effects, increased at 246 – 247.5 ◦ C.
oxygen consumption, and increased infarct size,
as well as anticholinergic activity.
Trade Names: Norpace (Searle), Rythmodan
(Roussel), Rythmodul (Albert Roussel), all con-
tain disopyramide phosphate [22059-60-5].
Tocainide corresponds to lidocaine in its ac-
tion profile and side effects. In contrast to li-
2.1.2. Class I b Drugs docaine it can be taken orally because it lacks
two ethyl groups that contribute to lidocaine’s
Lidocaine [137-58-6], lignocaine, N-(2,6- first-pass hepatic degradation after oral admin-
xylyl)-diethylaminoacetamide, C14 H22 N2 O, istration [27], [30], [31]. The substance has been
M r 234.4, mp 68 – 69 ◦ C. on the market in most European countries since
1981 – 1982.
Trade Names: Tonocard, Xyloctan (Astra
Chemicals); all preparations contain tocainide

Mexiletine [31828-71-4], (±)-1-methyl-

Lidocaine is used both as a local anesthetic 2-(2,6-xylyloxy)ethylamine, C11 H17 NO,
and as an antiarrhythmic. As an antiarrhythmic it M r 179.3; the hydrochloride [5370-01-4] melts
is administered only parenterally as an infusion at 203 – 205 ◦ C.
because it has a short half-life. The most impor-
Antiarrhythmic Drugs 9

shows only a weak negative inotropic effect.

The preferred route of application is slow in-
travenous infusion because oral bioavailability
varies greatly among individuals. Side effects
include disturbances of the central nervous sys-
Mexiletine is effective both parenterally and tem and intrahepatic cholestasis.
orally [32], [33]. Because the substance has a Trade Names: Cardiorythmine (Servier),
large distribution volume, a high initial dose is Gilurytmal (Giulini).
necessary. Side effects include bradycardia and
disturbances of the central nervous system. Prajmalium bitartrate [2589-47-1], 4-pro-
Trade Name: Mexitil (Boehringer Ingel- pylajmalium hydrogen tartrate, C27 H38 N2 O8 ,
heim) contains mexiletine hydrochloride. M r 518.6, mp 133 ◦ C (decomp.).

Sparteine [90-39-1], dodecahydro-7,14-

methano-2H, 6H-dipyrido-[1,2-a : 1 ,2 -e]
[1,5]diazocine, C15 H26 N2 , M r 234.4, bp 173 ◦ C
(at 11 kPa).

With at least five times the potency of ajma-

line, prajmalium is a most effective antiarrhyth-
mic, and it is superior to ajmaline in its reliable
oral effect and sustained action [37–39]. The ac-
Sparteine is effective against sinoatrial and
tivity profile of prajmalium is very similar to
atrial tachycardias, atrial extrasystoles, and also
that of ajmaline, although the sodium channels
against ventricular arrhythmias [34]. Despite
are blocked much longer by it than by any other
prolongation of the myocardial refractory period
class I antiarrhythmic [15].
in vitro, the ECG times are not prolonged in vivo.
Trade Name: Neo-Gilurytmal (Giulini).
Pregnancy in the last trimester is a contraindi-
cation because the substance can induce labor
through increased smooth muscle tone. Detajmium bitartrate [53862-81-0], 4-(3-
Trade Name: Depasan (Giulini) contains dimethylamino-2-hydroxypropyl)ajmaline hy-
sparteine sulfate [299-39-8]. drogen tartrate, C31 H47 N3 O9 , M r 605.7, mp
123 – 125 ◦ C.

2.1.3. Class I c Drugs

Ajmaline [4360-12-7], (17R,21R)-ajmalan-

17,21-diol, C20 H26 N2 O2 , M r 326.4, mp 195 ◦ C

Detajmium is comparable to ajmaline but

shows better oral activity. In potency it ranges
between ajmaline and prajmalium [40].
Trade Name: Tachmalor (VEB Arzneimit-
telwerk, Dresden).
Ajmaline is active against both ventricular
and supraventricular arrhythmias [35–37]. Un-
like quinidine, procainamide, and disopyramide,
ajmaline has no anticholinergic activity and
10 Antiarrhythmic Drugs

Aprindine [37640-71-4], N-(3-diethylami- Trade Name: Tambocor (Kettelhack Riker)

nopropyl)-N-indan-2-ylaniline, C22 H30 N2 , M r contains flecainide acetate [54143-56-5].
322.5; the hydrochloride [33237-74-0] melts at
120 ◦ C. Propafenone [54063-53-5], (±)−2 -
phenylpropiophenone, C21 H27 NO3 , M r 341.5;
the hydrochloride [34183-23-8] melts at
173 – 174 ◦ C.

Aprindine has a sustained activity. Because of

serious side effects (agranulocytosis), aprindine
should only be used for life-threatening arrhyth-
mias otherwise refractory to therapy [27].
Propafenone has not only pronounced class I
Trade Names: Amidonal (Madaus), Fibocil
effects but also class II (structure related) and
(Lilly), Fiboran (Christiaens); all preparations
class IV activities [44–46]. Accordingly, it has
contain aprindine hydrochloride.
a broad spectrum of activity against ventricular
Lorcainide [59729-31-6], 4 -chloro-N-(1- and supraventricular arrhythmias. Propafenone
isopropyl-4-piperidyl)−2-phenylacetanilide, can be administered intravenously and orally;
C22 H27 ClN2 O, M r 370.9; the hydrochloride it is well suited for long-term anitiarrhythmic
[58934-46-6] melts at 263 ◦ C. treatment [9] and has been increasingly used
since it was first marketed in Germany in 1978.
Trade Name: Rytmonorm (Knoll) contains
propafenone hydrochloride.

2.2. Class II Drugs: β -Receptor

Like lidocaine, lorcainide acts primarily on Blocking Agents
ventricular arrhythmias but is stronger and also
orally effective [41], [42]. Side effects include For more information, → β-Receptor Blocking
insomnia and gastrointestinal disturbances. Agents.
Trade Name: Remivox (Janssen) contains
lorcainide hydrochloride. Propranolol [525-66-6], (±)−1-isopro-
Flecainide [54143-55-4], (±)-N-(2- C16 H21 NO2 , M r 259.3; the hydrochloride
piperidylmethyl)−2,5-bis-(2,2,2-trifluoro- [318-98-9] melts at 163 – 164 ◦ C,
ethoxy)benzamide, C17 H20 F6 N2 O3 , M r 414.4;
the hydrochloride [54143-55-4] melts at
228 – 229 ◦ C.

Major indications of propranolol, and of

many other β-blockers, include coronary heart
disease, hypertension, and cardiac arrhythmias.
Flecainide is effective if administered intra- These β-blocking agents are mainly used in
venously and orally; its effect is long-lasting. arrhythmias accompanied by increased cate-
The drug combines the modes of action of cholamine levels, e.g., excitement, stress, or hy-
class I a and I b drugs with those of class III. Fle- perthyroidism [17].
cainide shows few side effects; it does not affect Trade Names: Dociton, Inderal (ICI) contain
the central nervous system [29], [43]. The sub- propranolol hydrochloride.
stance has been used increasingly since it was
first put on the market in 1982.
Antiarrhythmic Drugs 11

2.3. Class III Drugs: Agents Increasing

the Action Potential Duration
Amiodarone [1951-25-3], (2-butylbenzofuran-
nyl]ketone, C25 H29 I2 NO3 , M r 645.3; the Bretylium tosylate is reported to be effec-
hydrochloride [19774-82-4] melts at 161 ◦ C. tive in the acute control of recurrent ventricular
tachycardia and even fibrillation [48], [50]. The
drug is contraindicated in arrhythmias caused by
digitalis intoxication.
Trade Names: Bretylol (American Critical
Care), Bretylate (Wellcome).
Amiodarone was introduced as a coronary
therapeutic agent more than 20 years ago. Later,
2.4. Class IV Drugs: Calcium Channel
its antiarrhythmic activity was discovered [47–
49]. Amiodarone increases the duration of the Blockers
refractory period and is active against supraven-
tricular as well as ventricular arrhythmias. Its The main application of calcium antagonists is
therapeutic spectrum is relatively broad. The the treatment of coronary heart disease. The sub-
full activity of amiodarone only develops after stances mentioned below also are active against
10 – 15 d of treatment. The drug is active up to arrhythmias.
45 d after it is discontinued. Side effects include:
microcrystalline deposits in the cornea in 90 % Verapamil [52-53-9], (±)−5-[N-
of the cases, impaired thyroid function, and pho- (3,4-dimethoxyphenethyl)-N-methylami-
tosensitivity. no]−2-(3,4-dimethoxyphenyl)−2-isopro-
Trade Names: Cordarex, Cordarone (Labaz), pylvaleronitrile, C27 H38 N2 O4 , M r 454.6;
both contain amiodarone hydrochloride. the hydrochloride [152-11-4] melts at
139.5 – 140.5 ◦ C.
Sotalol [3930-20-9], (±)−4 -(1-hydroxy-
C12 H20 N2 O3 S, M r 272.4; the hydrochloride
[959-24-0] melts at 207 ◦ C.
Verapamil, the classic calcium antagonist,
has a negative inotropic, anti-ischemic, and
conduction-delaying effect on the heart [27],
Sotalol acts as an antiarrhythmic by β- [51–54]. Its antiarrhythmic effect is based pri-
receptor blockade as well as by prolonging the marily on a prolongation of impulse conduction
action potential duration in atrium and ventricle time in the AV node and a reduction of frequency
and the refractory period in atrium and AV node of impulse generation in the SA node. Vera-
[48]. Activity against supraventricular and ven- pamil has a very strong effect against paroxys-
tricular arrhythmias was demonstrated. The sub- mal supraventricular arrhythmias, although ac-
stance has the typical side effects of β-blockers. tivity against ischemic ventricular arrhythmias
Trade Names: Beta-Cardone (Duncan, has been demonstrated also [51]. The most im-
Flockhart), Sotalex (Lappe), Sotazide (Bristol- portant side effect is decreased blood pressure.
Meyers Pharmaceuticals), all preparations con- Trade Names: Isoptin (Knoll), Securon
tain sotalol hydrochloride. (Knoll Ltd.), Calan (Searle), Cardibeltin
(Pharma Schwarz), Cordilox (Abbott); all prepa-
Bretylium tosylate [61-75-6], 2-bromo- rations contain verapamil hydrochloride.
benzyl (ethyl) dimethylammonium toluene-
4-sulfonate, C18 H24 BrNO3 S, M r 414.4,
mp 97 – 99 ◦ C.
12 Antiarrhythmic Drugs

Gallopamil [16662-47-8], 2.5. New Antiarrhythmic Drugs

methylamino]−2-(3,4,5-trimethoxyphenyl)−2- Only limited clinical experience exists for these
isopropylvaleronitrile, C28 H40 N2 O5 , M r 484.7; drugs.
the hydrochloride [16662-46-7] melts at
145 – 148 ◦ C. Encainide [37612-13-8],
(±)−2 -[2-(1-methyl-2-piperidyl)ethyl]-
p-anisanilide, C22 H28 N2 O2 , M r 352.2,
mp 131.5 – 132.5 ◦ C.

Gallopamil has a distinctly stronger effect

than verapamil but a similar activity profile [54],
Trade Name: Procorum (Chemische Werke
Minden); contains gallopamil hydrochloride. Encainide is a membrane-active class I c
agent with complex metabolism and clinical
Bepridil [74764-40-2], N-(3-isobutoxy-2-
pharmacology [60], [61]. To date, its effective-
ness has been proved against ventricular arrhyth-
C24 H34 N2 O, M r 366.3; the hydrochloride
mias. Side effects include central nervous sys-
monohydrate melts at 88 – 90 ◦ C.
tem activity.
Trade Name: Enkade (Bristol-Meyers).

Bunaftine [32421-46-8],
mide, C21 H30 N2 O, M r 326.7.
In addition to class IV effects, bepridil also
shows class I effects. The substance is active
against both supraventricular and ventricular ar-
rhythmias [56], [57].
Trade Name: Cordium (Lab. Mauverney);
contains bepridil hydrochloride monohydrate. Bunaftine is said to have a “quinidine-like”
Diltiazem [42399-41-7], Trade Name: Meregon (Malesci) contains
cis-(+)−3-acetoxy-5-(2-dimethylamino- bunaftine citrate.
benzothiazepin-4(5H)-one, C22 H26 N2 O4 S, Moracizine [31883-05-3],
M r 414.5, mp 212 ◦ C (decomp.). ethyl[10-(3-morpholinopropionyl)phenothiazin-
2-yl]carbamate, C22 H25 N3 O4 S, M r 427.5,
mp 156 – 157 ◦ C.

Like verapamil and gallopamil, diltiazem has

both vascular (antihypertensive) and cardiac (an- Moracizine is said to have an activity similar
tianginal) activities and shows antiarrhythmic to but stronger than quinidine. Gastrointestinal
activity similar to these drugs [58], [59]. and neurological side effects are observed rarely
Trade Names: Dilzem (Gödecke), Herbesser [27], [62].
(Tanabe), Cardizem (Marion); all preparations
contain diltiazem hydrochloride [33286-22-5].
Antiarrhythmic Drugs 13

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8. D. T. Mason, A. N. Demaria, E. A.
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9. B. Lüderitz: ” Herzrhythmusstörungen“,
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65 (1976) no. 4, 467.
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Acecainide [34118-92-8], 4-acetylami- 15. P. Honerjäger in C.-J. Estler (ed.): Lehrbuch
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C15 H23 N3 O2 , M r 315.65; the hydrochloride Pharmakologie und Toxikologie, F. K.
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16. R. P. Ahlquist, Am. J. Physiol. 153 (1984) 586.
17. D. G. McDevitt, Drugs 17 (1979) 267 – 288.
18. R. E. Thomas in M. Wolff (ed.): Burger’s
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