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Antiasthmatic Agents 1

Antiasthmatic Agents
Hans Michael Jennewein, Boehringer Ingelheim Pharma KG, Ingelheim/Rhein, Federal Republic of
Jorge Casals-Stenzel, Gauting-Königswiesen, Federal Republic of Germany
Kurt Schromm, Boehringer Ingelheim Pharma KG, Ingelheim/Rhein, Federal Republic of Germany

1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2.3. Anticholinergic Drugs . . . . . . . . . 16

2. Bronchodilators (Relievers) . . . . . 3 3. Antiinflammatory Drugs or Con-
2.1. Adrenoceptor Agonists . . . . . . . . 3 trollers (Glucocorticosteroids) . . . . 17
2.1.1. Aminocatechol Derivatives . . . . . . . 3 4. Antiallergic Therapy . . . . . . . . . . 18
2.1.2. Resorcinol Derivatives . . . . . . . . . 6
5. Antileukotrienes . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
2.1.3. Saligenin Derivatives . . . . . . . . . . 8
2.1.4. Further Arylalkylamines . . . . . . . . 9 6. Newer Concepts in Asthma Therapy 20
2.2. Xanthine Derivatives . . . . . . . . . . 13 7. References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

1. Introduction Extrinsic or allergic asthma (50 % of cases)

generally occurs in childhood or young adult-
Asthma therapy is based on the complex patho- hood (under the age of 40) and relates to such
physiology of this disease. Because of the vari- extrinsic factors as common allergens (pollens,
ety of stimuli and the multiple factors that are house dust, animal dander, inhalants, and some
involved in the induction and development of foods and drugs) or occupationally encountered
asthma, its treatment involves a multiplicity of dust (sawdust, flour). The house dust mite Der-
therapeutic approaches and drugs [1], [2]. matophagoides pteronyssinus is often involved.
Bronchial asthma is generally understood to Extrinsic asthma can be controlled effectively
be a chronic inflammatory pulmonary disease with drug therapy.
characterized by recurrent episodes of wheezy Intrinsic or nonallergic asthma generally
labored breathing with prolonged expiration ac- occurs in middle-aged patients who have no
companied by dry coughing and tough mucus. family history of allergies and exhibit negative
These symptoms are the clinical expression of allergy tests. It relates to intrinsic factors that are
a narrowing of the bronchi (bronchoconstric- not well understood, e.g., respiratory tract in-
tion), a bronchial mucosal thickening (edema, fections, exercise, emotional stress, changes in
eosinophilic bronchial infiltration), bronchial weather and temperature, cold air, and inhalation
wall remodeling, and an excessive mucus pro- of such air pollutants as sulfur dioxide and other
duction with plugging of the conducting airways chemicals, e.g., diisocyanates, poly(vinyl chlo-
in the lungs. This more or less generalized air- ride), phthalic anhydride, or ethylenediamine.
way changes result in an increased irritability or Patients with intrinsic asthma do not respond
sensitivity of the bronchi (bronchial hyperreac- well to drug therapy and may progressively de-
tivity) to a wide variety of stimuli (irritants), al- velop a chronic form of asthma.
lergic and nonallergic. The obstruction is usually Bronchial hyperreactivity, the fundamental
reversible, either spontaneously or in response to feature of asthma, has been attributed to a
appropriate therapy. pathophysiologic mechanism, which involves
Depending on its dynamics bronchial asthma dysfunction of sympathetic nerves mediated
is clinically categorized into acute (attacks, sta- by β-adrenergic receptors, hyperfunction of
tus asthmaticus) and chronic (persistent) asthma. the parasympathetic nerves (efferent fibers of
It is further subdivided into extrinsic and intrin- the vagus nerves), and altered intracellular cy-
sic asthma depending on the nature of its causes. clic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) – cyclic

c 2005 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

10.1002/14356007.a02 453
2 Antiasthmatic Agents

guanosine monophosphate (cGMP) ratios in laxation of smooth muscle. Conversely, a fall in

bronchial smooth muscles (effector cells) or cAMP concentration or a rise in that of cGMP
in mast cells [3–5]. Immunologic mechanisms triggered by vagal stimulation, cholinergic ag-
(antigen – antibody reactions) also are involved. onists, histamine, β-adrenergic antagonists, or
Remodeling of the bronchial wall due to the PGF2α , causes contraction. Calcium plays an
chronic inflammatory event may also contribute important role in the mast cell, where it in-
to airway hyperreactivity. teracts with cAMP in the regulation of gran-
The smooth muscle of the airway is con- ule release. The release of mediators (e.g., his-
trolled by the autonomic nervous system and tamine and leukotrienes) is stimulated by a flow
bronchoactive chemical mediators. The air- of calcium into the cell, possibly initiated by the
ways are supplied with both sympathetic and IgE – antigen reaction at the cell surface.
parasympathetic nerve fibers from the auto- Eosinophilic bronchial infiltration is one of
nomic nervous system. At the bronchial smooth the hallmarks of asthma. This infiltration is obvi-
muscle preferentially β2 -adrenoreceptors medi- ously caused by a dominant T lymphocyte helper
ate relaxation of the muscle, i.e., dilation of cell subpopulation (so called TH2 cells → Blood,
the bronchi. Stimulation of the parasympathetic Chap. 2.1.3.), which, via secretion of various cy-
nerve fibers (Nervus vagus) or the administration tokines (i.e., IL-5), facilitates this eosinophilic
of acetylcholine causes bronchoconstriction. inflammation. Eosinophils are thought to be the
The bronchial smooth muscle also responds most important inflammatory cells in asthma.
to bronchoactive chemical mediators, includ- Taking into consideration the pathophysiol-
ing such bronchoconstrictors as histamine, sero- ogy of bronchial asthma, the therapy of this
tonin, neurokinins, and prostaglandins (PG), disease can be directed to several sites along
e.g., PGF2a . The leukotrienes C4 , D4 , and E4 , are the trigger-to-target organ response pathway. A
also included in this group. Bronchodilating me- causal therapy would include the prevention of
diators are, e.g., PGE1 and PGI2 . All these me- exposure to precipitating factors, on the one
diators act via specific receptors on the bronchial hand, and the prevention of mast cell stimula-
smooth muscle. The chemical mediators capable tion by hyposensitization or desensitization pro-
of causing bronchoconstriction generally are re- cedures (immunotherapy) on the other. Causal
leased by precursors stored either in static cells therapy is uncertain and difficult to accom-
fixed within tissue (the mast cells) or in mobile plish. Current antiasthmatic therapy is therefore
blood cells (the eosinophilic leukocytes) infil- to a great extent symptomatic and its princi-
trating the bronchial mucosa. The classic exam- pal aim is to keep airway patency at the opti-
ple of such a mediator release is the allergic chal- mal level for each particular patient. The symp-
lenge in allergic or extrinsic asthma, in which the tomatic therapy of asthma consists of bron-
allergen interacts with a specific immunoglobin chodilation by modification of the end-organ re-
E (IgE) antibody (antigen – antibody reaction, sponse, i.e., the smooth muscle response or by
type I allergic reaction) fixed to the surface of blockage of the cholinergic reflex pathways (va-
mast cells. It is also possible that mediators are gal reflex) and of antiallergic therapy, includ-
released by other nonallergic stimuli in nonal- ing anti-inflammatory treatment, inhibition of
lergic or intrinsic asthma. antibody formation (immunosuppression), and
The binding of the mediators histamine, prevention of mast cell degranulation or media-
leukotriene, PG, etc., or of β-adrenoceptor tor antagonism. These symptomatic therapeutic
agonists to the corresponding receptors on measures are achieved by five main groups of
the smooth muscle cells triggers intracellu- substances: sympathomimetic agents, methylx-
lar changes in the concentrations of cAMP or anthines, anticholinergic drugs, corticosteroids,
cGMP. There is an optimal ratio of cAMP to and disodium cromoglycate and related drugs. In
cGMP. An increase in cAMP concentration or a the last few years new types of possible antiasth-
fall in that of cGMP, triggered by β2 -adrenergic matic agents have been proposed: leukotriene
sympathomimetics, PGE1 , or phosphodiester- antagonists or inhibitors of leukotriene synthe-
ase inhibitors, such as theophylline, induces re- sis [6], [7].
Antiasthmatic Agents 3

2. Bronchodilators (Relievers) cal structure. Further substitutions on the benz-

ene ring lead to other very active compounds,
This type of antiasthmatic drug acts on the e.g., the long-acting clenbuterol, procaterol, or
bronchial smooth muscle and induces a relax- bitolterol.
ation of the airway muscle which leads to desired Aminocatechols are largely eliminated by
bronchodilation thus relieving the most promi- neuronal and extraneuronal uptake mechanisms
nent symptom of asthma. The term bronchodila- at the sympathomimetic nerve terminals. Non-
tor drug might be expected to cover any drug aminocatechols are resistant to both uptake
that causes dilation of the bronchi, but by com- mechanisms. The aminocatechols (adrenaline,
mon usage it is restricted to drugs with a fairly isoprenaline, isoetharine, and rimiterol) contain-
rapid action. Because this sort of therapy causes ing a 3,4-benzenediol ring are also metabolized
a more of less immediate relieve, therapy with by the enzyme catechol-O-methyltransferase
bronchodilators is also known under the term (COMT) to relatively inert 3-methoxy metabo-
reliever therapy. lites. Non-aminocatechols (resorcinol and sali-
genin derivatives) are not metabolized by this
enzyme and thus their half-lifes are prolonged.
2.1. Adrenoceptor Agonists Another widely distributed enzyme, monoamine
oxidase (MAO), cleaves the aminocatechol be-
β-Receptor stimulation produces bronchodila- tween the α-carbon and the amino group. The re-
tion. This can be achieved by a wide variety moval of one or both of the hydroxyl groups from
of agents including those which release ami- the benzene ring prevents the action of COMT,
nocatechols producing α and β effects (e.g., and substitution of the α-carbon atom and the
ephedrine), direct β stimulants which stimu- amino group blocks oxidation by MAO.
late both β1 and β2 receptors (e.g. isoprenaline
and adrenaline, which also has α effects), and
drugs that are more selective in their stimula- 2.1.1. Aminocatechol Derivatives
tion of β2 receptors (e.g., fenoterol, clenbuterol,
and salbutamol) [8]. The development of rel- Epinephrine [51-43-4], adrenaline, 1-(3,4-
atively specific agents for β2 stimulation left dihydroxyphenyl)-2-(methylamino)etha-
little place for ephedrine or other nonselective nol, free base, C9 H13 NO3 , M r 183.21,
drugs that stimulate both β1 and β2 receptors mp 211 – 212 ◦ C (l-form); hydrochloride
and have adverse effects on the heart caused [51-42-3], C9 H13 NO3 · HCl, M r 219.67,
by β1 stimulation (tachycardia, palpitations). mp 147 – 154 ◦ C (l-form); for pharmacology,
The β2 -adrenoceptor agonistic bronchodilators see [9].
can be used by inhalation, by oral, or by intra- A naturally occurring hormone, l-epi-
venous administration. In clinical practice the nephrine is produced by the medulla of the
main problem in their use lies in the cardiovas- adrenal gland and released when the body is
cular side effects and the skeletal muscle tremor under stress (→ Hormones). It is the model for
caused by overdosage. Nevertheless, they are the all other sympathomimetic drugs, but its clinical
drugs of choice in the treatment of acute bron- use has been largely supplanted.
chospasm. Long-acting β2 -adrenoceptor ago- Synthesis [10], [11]: see next page.
nists have been introduced. They are especially Trade names: Suprarenin (Hoechst, Ger-
useful in the treatment of nocturnal asthma at- many), Medihaler Epi (Riker, United Kingdom,
tacks. USA), Adrenalin (Parke-Davis, USA).
The parent compound of the sympath-
omimetic agents is 2-phenylethylamine. Substi-
tutions on the benzene ring, on the α- and β-
carbon atoms, or on the terminal amino group
yield a wide range of compounds with sym-
pathomimetic activity. They can be classified
into aminocatechols, resorcinol derivatives, and
saligenin derivatives depending on their chemi-
4 Antiasthmatic Agents

Isoproterenol [149-53-1], isoprenaline, 1-

anol, free base, C11 H17 NO3 , M r 211.26,
mp 155.5 ◦ C (racemic form); hydrochloride
[949-36-0], C11 H17 NO3 · HCl, M r 247.72,
mp 170 – 171 ◦ C (racemic form); sulfate di-
hydrate [6078-56-4], C11 H17 NO3 · 1/2 H2 SO4
· 2 H2 O, M r 296.33, mp128 ◦ C (racemic form,
some decomp.); for pharmacology, see [12].
Clinical use has been all but abandoned in Eu-
rope because isoproterenol is not selective for β2
Synthesis [13]: see right column, above.
Alternative synthesis [14]: see right column,
Trade names: Aludrin (Boehringer Ingel-
heim, FRG), Aleudrin (Lewis, United King-
dom), Isomenyl (Kaken, Japan), Isuprel
(Winthrop, USA).

Isoetharine [530-08-5], 1-(3,4-dihydroxy-

phenyl)-2-(isopropylamino)butanol, free base,
C13 H21 NO3 , M r 239.32, hydrochloride
[50-96-4], C13 H21 NO3 · HCl, M r 275.78, mp
212 – 213 ◦ C (decomp.); for pharmacology, see
The clinical use of isoetharine is declining
because of its low β2 specificity, but it is still
used in combinations.
Synthesis [16]: see right column, below.
Trade names: Asthmalitan (Kettelhack-
Riker, FRG), Numotac (Riker, United King-
dom), Bronkosol (Breon, USA).
Antiasthmatic Agents 5

Protokylol [136-70-9], 1-(3,4-dihydroxy- Trade name: Pulmadil (Riker, United King-

phenyl)-2-(α-methyl-3,4-methylenedioxyphen- dom).
ethylamino)ethanol, free base, C18 H21 NO5 ,
M r 331.37, mp 163 ◦ C; hydrochloride Trimethoquinol [30418-38-3], tetroquinol,
[136-69-6], C18 H21 NO5 · HCl, M r 367.83, (−)-1-(3,4,5-trimethoxybenzyl)-1,2,3,4-tetra-
mp 126 – 127 ◦ C; for pharmacology, see [17]: hydro-6,7-isoquinolinediol, free base,
Synthesis [18]: C19 H21 NO5 , M r 343.38, mp 125 – 126 ◦ C; hy-
drochloride [18559-59-6], C19 H21 NO5 · HCl,
M r 379.84; for pharmacology, see [21].
Trimethoquinol is a β-sympathomimetic
agent that inhibits the aggregation of platelets.
Synthesis of d,l-trimethoquinol [22]:

Trade names: Caytine (Chugai, Japan), Ven-

taire (Marion, USA).

Rimiterol [32953-89-2], 1-(3,4-dihydroxy-

phenyl)-1-(2-piperidinyl)methanol, free base,
C12 H17 NO3 , M r 223.27, mp 203 – 204 ◦ C;
hydrobromide [31842-61-2], C12 H17 NO3 The racemic mixture is resolved using (+)-
· HBr, M r 304.19, mp 220 ◦ C (decomp.); for tartaric acid to yield l-trimethoquinol.
pharmacology, see [19]. Trade names: Inolin (Tanabe, Japan), Vems
Rimiterol is not in wide-spread clinical use. (ISF, Italy).
Synthesis [20]:
Hexoprenaline [3215-70-1], N,N -bis[2-
methylenediamine, free base, C22 H32 N2 O6 ,
M r 420.51, mp 162 – 165 ◦ C; dihydrochlo-
ride [4323-43-7], C22 H32 N2 O6 · 2 HCl,
M r 493.43, mp 197.5 – 198 ◦ C; sulfate
[32266-10-7], C22 H32 N2 O6 · H2 SO4 ,
M r 518.59, mp 222 – 228 ◦ C; for pharmacol-
ogy, see [23].
Synthesis [24]: see next page.
Trade names: Etoscol (Byk Gulden, Ger-
many), Etoscol (Morishita, Japan).
6 Antiasthmatic Agents

Alternative synthesis [27]:

2.1.2. Resorcinol Derivatives

Metaproterenol [586-06-1], orciprenaline,

ethanol, free base, C11 H17 NO3 , M r 211.26,
mp 100 ◦ C (racemic form); hydro-
chloride [7104-40-7], C11 H17 NO3 · HCl,
M r 247.72, mp 147 ◦ C (racemic form); sul-
fate [31023-56-0], C11 H17 NO3 · 1/2 H2 SO4 ,
M r 260.30, mp 202 – 203 ◦ C (racemic form);
for pharmacology, see [25].
Metaproterenol was the first β-
sympathomimetic drug with metabolic stability
to achieve wide clinical use. Trade names: Alupent (Boehringer Ingel-
Synthesis [26]: heim, Germany, France, United Kingdom,
USA), Alotec (Boehringer-Tanabe, Japan).

Terbutaline [23031-25-6], 1-(3,5-dihydro-

xyphenyl)-2-(tert-butylamino)ethanol, free
base, C12 H19 NO3 , M r 225.29; sulfate
[23031-32-5], C12 H19 NO3 · 1/2 H2 SO4 ,
M r 274.33, mp 246 – 248 ◦ C; for pharmacol-
ogy, see [28].
Terbutaline is a specific β2 -sympathomimetic
agent in wide clinical use.
Synthesis [29]: see next page.
Trade names: Bricanyl (Astra, Germany,
United Kingdom, USA), Bricanyl (Astra-
Injisawa, Japan), Terbasmin (Erba, Italy).
Antiasthmatic Agents 7

Trade names: Berotec (Boehringer Ingel-

Fenoterol [13392-18-2], 1-(3,5-dihydroxy- heim, Germany, Switzerland, Sweden, the
phenyl)-2-(4-hydroxy-α-methylphenethylami- Netherlands, Canada), Berotec (Warner-
no)ethanol, free base, C17 H21 NO4 , M r 303.36; Lambert, United Kingdom, Ireland), Respilac
hydrobromide [1944-12-3], C17 H21 NO4 · HBr, (Angeli, Italy).
M r 384.28, mp 232 – 233 ◦ C; for pharmacology,
see [30]. Reproterol [54063-54-6], 7-[-3-[[2-(3,5-
Fenoterol is a selective β2 -sympathomimetic dihydroxyphenyl)-2-hydroxyethyl]amino]pro-
agent that is in wide clinical use in Europe. pyl]-3,7-dihydro-1,3-dimethyl-1H-purine-2,6-
Synthesis [31]: dione, free base, C18 H23 N5 O5 , M r 389.41;
hydrochloride [13055-82-8], C18 H23 N5 O5
· HCl, M r 425.88, mp 249 – 250 ◦ C; for phar-
macology, see [32].
Reproterol is structurally a combination of
a β-sympathomimetic compound and theo-
phylline, but it shows only sympathomimetic ac-
Synthesis [33]:
8 Antiasthmatic Agents

Trade names: Bronchospasmin (Chemiew-

erke Homburg, Germany), Bronchospasmin Alternative synthesis [36]:
(Farmades, Japan), Bronchodil (Keymer, United

2.1.3. Saligenin Derivatives

Salbutamol [18559-94-9], albuterol,

methylphenyl)ethanol, free base, C13 H21 NO3 ,
M r 239.32, mp 151 ◦ C; sulfate [51022-70-9],
C13 H21 NO3 · 1/2 H2 SO4 , M r 288.36; for phar-
macology, see [34].
Salbutamol is a specific β 2 -stimulant in wide
clinical use in Europe and Japan.
Synthesis [35]:
Antiasthmatic Agents 9

C12 H20 N2 O3 · 2HCl, M r 312.2, mp 182 ◦ C

(decomp.), acetate [65652-44-0], for pharma-
cology see [93]. Pirbuterol is a β2 -agonist in the
management of disorders with reversible air-
ways obstruction. It is given by inhalation and
orally. Synthesis [94]:

Trade names: Sultanol (Glaxo, Germany,

Japan), Ventolin (Glaxo, France; Allen & Han-
burys, United Kingdom; Sankyo, Japan), Bron-
covaleas (Valeas, Italy).

Salmeterol [89365-50-4], (±)-4-hydroxy-

α1 -[[[6-(4-phenylbutoxy)hexyl]amino]methyl]-
1,3-benzenedimethanol, 1-hydroxy-2-naphtho-
ic acid salt [94749-08-3], C25 H37 NO4 C11 H8 O3 ,
M r 603.75, mp 137 – 138 ◦ C, for pharmacology
see [90], [91]. Salmeterol is a long-acting β2 -
agonist for patients with chronic asthma, useful
also in controlling persistent nocturnal asthma.
Synthesis [92]:

Trade names: Exirec, Spirolair, Noxair,

Zeisin (3M Medical).

2.1.4. Further Arylalkylamines

Trade name: Serevent (Glaxo Wellcome).
Modern β2 -specific sympathomimetics with dif-
Pirbuterol [38677-81-5], α6 -[(tert-butyl- ferent substituents on the aromatic ring are de-
amino)methyl]-3-hydroxy-2,6-pyridinedimeth- scribed in this group along with ephedrine and
anol, dihydrochloride [38029-10-6], thiadrine.
10 Antiasthmatic Agents

Ephedrine [299-42-3], 2-methylamino- free base, C12 H18 Cl2 N2 O, M r 277.20,

1-phenylpropanol, free base, C10 H15 NO, mp 109.1 ◦ C; hydrochloride [21898-19-1],
M r 165.24, mp 79 ◦ C (racemic form); C12 H18 Cl2 N2 O · HCl, Mr 313.66,
hydrochloride [50-98-6], C10 H15 NO · HCl, mp 174.0 – 175.5 ◦ C; for pharmacology, see
M r 201.70, mp 187 – 188 ◦ C; sulfate [134-72-5], [41].
C10 H15 NO · 1/2 H2 SO4 , M r 214.28, mp 247 ◦ C; Clenbuterol is a long-acting, potent, and spe-
for pharmacology, see [37]. cific β2 stimulator that is used orally.
Ephedrine is a naturally occurring alkaloid Synthesis [42]:
drug (→ Alkaloids) derived from Ephedra equi-
stina and Ephedra vulgaris. It can be prepared
synthetically. It is used mainly in combination
with other agents.
Synthesis of l-(−)-ephedrine [38]:

Trade names: Ephetonin (E. Merck, Ger-

many), Ephedrin (Knoll, Germany), Spaneph
(Smith Kline & French, United Kingdom),
Ephedrine “Nagai” (Dainippon, Japan), Cal-
cidrine (Abbott, USA).
Alternative synthesis [43]:
Thiadrine [14007-67-1], 3,4-dimethyl-2-
imino-5-phenylthiazolidine, free base,
C11 H14 N2 S, Mr 206.31; thiocyanate,
C11 H14 N2 S · HSCN, M r 265.40, mp 190 – 192 ◦ C;
for pharmacology, see [39].
Thiadrine is not in wide-spread clinical use
as a bronchodilator.
Synthesis [40]:

Trade name: Priatan (Chem. Werke Minden,


Clenbuterol [37148-27-9], 1-(4-amino-3,5-

Antiasthmatic Agents 11

C12 H18 ClNO · HCl, M r 264.20, mp 165 – 170 ◦ C;

for pharmacology, see [46].
Synthesis [47]:

Trade name: Spiropent (Dr. Karl Thomae,

Trade names: Berachin (Toyo Tanabe,
Japan), Hokunalin (Hokuriku Senjaku, Japan).
Mabuterol [56341-08-3], 1-(4-amino-3-
amino)ethanol, hydrochloride [54240-36-7], Carbuterol [34866-47-2], 1-(5-[2-(tert-
C13 H18 ClF3 N2 O · HCl, M r 347.21 for phar- butylamino)-1-hydroxyethyl]-2-hydroxy-
macology see [44]. Mabuterol is an orally active phenyl)urea, free base, C13 H21 N3 O3 ,
β2 -adrenergic agonist related to Clenbuterol. M r 267.33, mp 205 – 207 ◦ C; hydrochloride
Synthesis [45]: [34866-46-1], C13 H21 N3 O3 · HCl, M r 303.79,
mp 209 – 210 ◦ C; for pharmacology, see [48].
Synthesis [49]:

Trade name: Broncholin (Kaken Pharmaceu-


Tulobuterol [41570-61-0], 2-(tert-

free base, C12 H18 ClNO, M r 227.74,
mp 89 – 91 ◦ C; hydrochloride [56776-01-3],
12 Antiasthmatic Agents

Trade names: Bronsecur (Smith

Kline & French, Belgium, the Netherlands,
South Africa), Pirem (Gödecke/ Sasse, FRG).

Formoterol [73573-87-2], (RR,SS)-(±)-N-

formamide, semifumarate [43229-80-7],
C21 H26 N2 O6 , M r 402.21, for pharmacology
see [50], [51]. Formoterol is a potent bronchos-
elective β-agonist with long duration of action
given by inhalation. Trade names: Foradil (Novartis Pharma),
Synthesis [52]: Atock (Rhône Poulenc), Oxis (Astra/pharma

Procaterol [72332-33-3], 8-hydroxy-5-[1-

quinolinone, C16 H22 N2 O3 , M r 290.37,
mp 141 – 142 ◦ C; hydrochloride [62929-91-3],
C16 H22 N2 O3 · HCl ·1/2 H2 O, M r 335.83,
mp 193 – 197 ◦ C (decomp.); for pharmacology,
see [53].
Synthesis [54]: see left column of next page,
Trade name: Meptin (Otsuka, Japan).

Bitolterol [30392-40-6], 4-[2-(tert-butyl-

toluate), free base, C28 H31 NO5 , M r 461.56,
mp 80 – 84 ◦ C; mesylate [30392-41-7],
C28 H31 NO5 · CH4 O3 S, M r 557.67,
mp 170 – 172 ◦ C; for pharmacology, see [55].
Synthesis [56]: see left column of next page,
Trade names: Effectin (Shionogi, Japan), Tor-
nalate (Sterling Drug, USA).
Antiasthmatic Agents 13

hydrochloride [81732-46-9], C18 H29 N3 O5

· HCl, M r 403.9, for pharmacology see [57],
[58]. Bambuterol is an inactive prodrug of terbu-
taline (see page 6). It has a prolonged duration
of action when administered orally.
Synthesis [59]:

Trade name: Bambec (Astra/pharma stern,


2.2. Xanthine Derivatives

This group includes the familiar compounds
Bambuterol [81732-65-2], (±)5-[2-(tert- present in the stimulant beverages, i.e., caffeine
butylamino)-1-hydroxyethyl]-m-phenylene- (coffee, tea, cola), theobromine (cocoa), and
bis- theophylline (tea) [60–62]. All are methylated
(dimethylcarbamate), C18 H29 N3 O5 , M r 367.45, derivatives of the natural metabolite xanthine, a
14 Antiasthmatic Agents

precursor of uric acid. Apart from their stimulat-

ing effects, methylxanthines possess a number
of properties that are clinically useful (diuretic
effect, increase in cardiac output, vasodilation).
Most xanthines have bronchodilator activity, but
only some are employed therapeutically for this
The following processes contribute to the
mechanism of action of theophylline. Phospho-
diesterase inhibition enhances monophosphate
(cAMP). The intracellular metabolism and con-
centration of calcium in bronchial smooth mus-
cle (bronchodilation) and in the mast cells (in-
hibition of mediator release) change consecu-
tively. Adenosine receptor antagonism also may
contribute to the relaxation of bronchial smooth
muscle and to the inhibition of histamine release
from mast cells; adenosine is known to increase
this release. Theophylline also influences pros-
taglandin synthesis. (Rona, United Kingdom), Theophyllol (Sankyo,
Theophylline preparations can be adminis- Japan), Broncodyl (Breon, USA), Blixophyllin
tered intravenously, orally, or rectally. They (Berlex, USA).
would be ineffective and irritating if admin-
istered as aerosols. The major pharmacologi- Theophylline ethylenediamine [317-34-0]
cal problem with these agents is the enormous is a salt of theophylline with ethylenediamine.
individual variability in their rates of absorp-
tion and metabolism. The unpredictability of
its levels in plasma after oral administration
and the low therapeutic index of theophylline
make it difficult to handle, and careful moni-
toring of plasma levels may be required. Theo-
phylline must be used in different preparations
because its solubility in water is poor (about
1 %). Therefore, theophylline itself is not suit- Trade names: Aminophylline (Promonta,
able for intravenous use, but is sufficiently sol- Germany), Aminophylline (ICN; Searle; Wyeth;
uble for oral administration. Theophylline is USA), Euphyllin (Byk Gulden, Germany), Car-
prepared as a soluble salt of ethylenediamine dophylin (Fisons, United Kingdom), Neophyllin
or of choline (choline theophyllinate) for intra- (Eisai, Japan).
venous use. True theophylline derivatives are
7-substituted compounds, e.g., dihydroxypro- Etofylline [519-37-9], 3,7-dihydro-7-(2-hy-
pyltheophylline (proxyphylline). These are less droxyethyl)-1,3-dimethyl-1H-purine-2,6-dione,
potent bronchodilators than theophylline, but C9 H12 N4 O3 , M r 224.22, mp 158 ◦ C; for phar-
they cause less intestinal irritation than theo- macology, see [65].
phylline or its salts and are much used in Europe. Synthesis [66], [67]: see next page.
Trade names: Cordalin (Chemiewerke
Theophylline [58-55-9], 3,7-dihydro-1,3- Homburg, Germany), Oxyphylline (Amido,
dimethyl-1H-purine-2,6-dione, C7 H8 N4 O2 , France), Oxyphylline (Sankyo, Japan), Mesotin
M r 180.17, mp 270 – 274 ◦ C. (Malescil, Italy).
Synthesis [63], [64]: see next column, above.
Trade names: Solosin (Cassella-Riedel, Ger-
many), Neulin (Riker, United Kingdom), Phyllin
Antiasthmatic Agents 15

Trade names: Asthmolysin (Kade, Ger-

many), Neutraphylline (Houdé, France), Neu-
traphylline (Cox-Continental, United King-
dom), Dihydrophylline (Tokyo Hosei, Japan),
Neothylline (Lemmon, USA).

Acephylline piperazine [18833-13-1],

acepifylline, piperazine salt of 1,2,3,6-tetra-
acid, C9 H10 N4 O4 C2 H5 N, M r 281.27.
Synthesis [71]: The compound is synthesized
by reacting theophylline with chloroacetic acid.

Proxyphylline [603-00-9], 3,7-dihydro-7-

2,6-dione, C10 H14 N4 O3 , Mr 238.25,
mp 135 – 136 ◦ C; for pharmacology, see [68].
Synthesis [69]:

Trade name: Etaphydel (Delalande, Ger-


Bamifylline [2016-63-9], 3,7-dihydro-7-[N-

1,3-dimethyl-1H-purine-2,6-dione, free base,
C20 H27 N5 O3 , M r 385.47, mp 80 – 85.5 ◦ C;
hydrochloride [20684-06-4], C20 H27 N5 O3
· HCl, M r 421.93, mp 185 – 186 ◦ C; for phar-
macology, see [72].
Trade names: Spantin (Pharmacia, Ger- Synthesis [73]:
many), Spasmolysin (Kade, Germany), Brontyl
(Reckitt & Colman, United Kingdom), Mono-
phylline (Yoshitomi, Japan).

Diprophylline [479-18-5], dyphylline,

methyl-1H-purine-2,6-dione, C10 H14 N4 O4 ,
M r 254.25, mp 158 ◦ C.
Synthesis [67], [70]:
16 Antiasthmatic Agents

Trade name: Trentadil (Sedaph, France), Trade names: Bronchovycrin (Endopharm,

Trentadil (Armour, United Kingdom). Germany), Perasthman Inhalat (Bissantz, Ger-

2.3. Anticholinergic Drugs Ipratropium bromide [22254-24-6],

The rationale for using anticholinergic drugs panium bromide (±)-tropate, C20 H30 BrNO3 ,
in the treatment of asthma is based on an M r 412.38, mp 230 – 232 ◦ C; for pharmacology,
irritant – bronchoconstrictor vagal reflex [74]. see [75], [77].
The allergen combines with antibodies on the Synthesis [78]:
surface of the mast cells releasing mediators
that act on nervous receptors in the epithelium
and elicit a reflex bronchoconstriction via the
vagus nerves (parasympathetic nerves). Com-
pounds, such as atropine (→ Alkaloids), which
block transmission at parasympathetic neuroef-
fector junctions, inhibit vagally induced smooth
muscle contraction and secretory activity. The
clinical use of atropine has been discouraged
because of fears of side effects (an increase in
the sputum viscosity and a possible decrease in
the ciliary activity). However, the clinical use of
this type of compound has been reassessed in
response to the introduction of ipratropium bro-
mide [75] and oxitropium bromide. These drugs
are inhaled. A long acting anticholinergic drug Trade name: Atrovent (Boehringer Ingel-
is tiotropiumbromide, which is in an advanced heim, Austria, Belgium, Germany, United King-
phase of development. dom, Italy, Mexico, the Netherlands, Spain).

Atropine [51-55-8], d,l-hyoscyamine, Oxitropium bromide [30286-75-0], 7(S)-

1αH,5αH-tropan-3α-ol (±)-tropate, endo-(±)- (1α,2β,4β,5α,7β)-9-ethyl-7-(3-hydroxy-1-oxo-
α-(hydroxymethyl)phenylacetic acid 8-methyl- 2phenylpropoxy)-9-methyl-3-oxa-9-azoniatri-
8-azabicyclo[3.2.1]oct-3-yl ester, free base, cyclo[,4 ]nonane bromide, C19 H26 BrNO4 ,
C17 H23 NO3 , M r 289.38, mp 114 – 116 ◦ C; M r 412.33, mp about 198 ◦ C.
sulfate [55-48-1], C17 H23 NO3 · 1/2 H2 SO4 , Synthesis [79]:
M r 338.42, mp 190 – 194 ◦ C; methylnitrate
[52-88-0], C17 H23 NO3 · CH3 NO3 , M r 366.42,
mp 163 ◦ C; for pharmacology, see [9].

Atropine is an alkaloid drug (→ Alkaloids)

found in the plants Atropa belladona, Datura
stramonium, and Hyoscyamus niger. l-
Hyoscyamine is obtained by extraction from
these plants and then transformed into the Trade name: Ventilat (Dieckmann, Ger-
racemic form using an alkaline ethanol solu- many), Tersigat (Laboratoires Francais de
tion [76]. Thérapeutique, France).
Antiasthmatic Agents 17

Tiotropium bromide [136310-93-5] responsive genes resulting in either induction or

[7(S)-(1α,2β,4β,5α,7β]-7-[2-hydroxy-2,2- repression of genes. Thereby production of in-
di(2-thienyl)acetoxy]-9,9-dimethyl-3-oxa-9- flammatory cytokines, enzymes, antiinflamma-
azoniatricyclo[ ]nonane bromide, tory proteins, receptors and adhesion molecules
C19 H22 BrNO4 S2 , M r 472.41, mp 226 – 227 ◦ C may be influenced. So for example β2 -receptors
(decomp.), bromide hydrate [139404-48-1], for are upregulated which improves the efficacy of
pharmacology, see [80] β-receptor agonists. This is known as the per-
Synthesis [81]: missive effect of glucocorticoids.
Oral corticosteroid therapy suffers from a ma-
jor drawback. The high dosage of steroids used
to control inflammatory and immunologic reac-
tions leads inevitably to unwanted, disturbing
influences on metabolism; moreover withdrawal
symptoms occur after long-term administration.
Every effort should be made to avoid such long-
term oral use. However, in severe case this can-
not always be avoided. For intravenous adminis-
tration during severe acute asthma (attacks), hy-
drocortisone (→ Hormones) is the preparation
of choice, among other drugs. For oral corti-
costeroid therapy, prednisolone is preferred. For
topical or inhalative treatment, aerosol prepa-
rations of beclomethasone dipropionate, be-
3. Antiinflammatory Drugs or tamethasone valerate, flunisolide, budenoside,
Controllers (Glucocorticosteroids) and triamcinolone acetonide (→ Hormones) are
available. In some countries fluticasone has al-
Glucocorticosteroids are the most potent agents ready been introduced. Inhalative administration
available for the treatment of asthma [82]. When minimizes the metabolic side effects of the glu-
given orally, these substances cause adrenal sup- cocorticoids. Side effects, like candidiasis of the
pression, metabolic side effects like obesity, os- mouth and hoarseness of the throat are usually
teoporosis, hyperglycemia, glycosuria, and dis- mild and can be tolerated.
turbance of growth. However, when admin-
istered topically via inhalation glucocorticoid Beclomethasone [4419-39-0], 9α-chloro-
therapy can avoid these systemic side effect to a 11β,17α,21-trihydroxy-16β-methylpregna-
great extent. Therefore glucocorticoids given by 1,4-diene-3,20-dione; 17,21-dipropionate
inhalation have become the primary treatment [5534-09-8], C28 H27 ClO7 , M r 510.97, mp
of asthma. The mechanism of action of this type 117 – 120 ◦ C. Beclomethasone dipropionate is
of compound is not fully understood, but it in- claimed to exert a topical effect on the lungs
cludes interaction with an intracellular glucocor- without significant systemic activity. It is used
ticoid receptor [83]. The glucocorticoid receptor by inhalation, generally from a metered aerosol,
binds the steroid at its C-terminal part. After nu- for the prophylaxis of the symptoms of asthma
clear translocation the middle part of the recep- [84], [85]. Chemical structure:
tor, which forms so-called “zinc fingers”, inter-
acts with DNA. An N -terminal domain then in-
duces transcriptional transactivation of genes. In
its inactivated form the glucocorticoid receptor
is bound to a protein complex that includes heat
shock proteins, immunophilline proteins, and
others. The binding site of the DNA is termed
glucocorticoid response elements (GRE). The
interaction of the steroid receptor complex with
GREs change the rate of transcription of steroid
18 Antiasthmatic Agents

Trade names: Sanasthmax, Sanasthmyl 16α-methyl-17α-propionyloxy-3-oxoandrosta-

(Glaxo, UK). 1,4-diene-17β-carbothioate, C25 H31 F3 O5 S, M r
500.58, mp 272 – 273 ◦ C (decomp.). Flutica-
Flunisolide [3385-03-3], 6α-fluoro-11β,21- sone propionate is claimed to exert a topical
dihydroxy-16α,17α-isopropyldioxypregna- effect on the lungs without significant systemic
1,4-diene-3,20-dione, C24 H31 FO6 , M r 434.5, effects, due to its low systemic bioavailability
hemihydrate [77326-96-6]. Flunisolide hemi- [89]. Chemical structure:
hydrate is administered by inhalation from me-
tered aerosol and used in the management of
asthma. Chemical structure:

Trade name: Flutide (Glaxo Wellcome).

Trade name: Inhacort (Boehringer Ingel-

heim, Germany).
4. Antiallergic Therapy
Antiallergic therapy, including the use of cor-
Budesonide [51333-22-3], an epimeric mix- ticosteroids, is an alternative to bronchodila-
ture of α- and β-propylforms of 16α,17α- tor therapy in the treatment of asthma. The
butylidendioxy-11β-21dihydroxy-pregna-1,4- objectives of antiallergic therapy are the in-
diene, C25 H34 O6 , M r 430.54. Comparative in- hibition of mediator release, e.g., by dis-
vestigations of the clinical efficacy/safety of odium cromoglycate or related compounds
budesonide and beclomethasone dipropionate (→ Antiallergic Agents, Chap. 3.) or by corti-
administered by inhalation in patients with costeroids (→ Hormones, Chap. 4.), and the an-
chronic bronchial asthma showed no differences tagonism of mediators, e.g., by antihistamines
[86], [87]. Nebulized budenoside was effec- or by the inhibition of either the activity or the
tive in severe childhood asthma [88]. Chemical synthesis of leukotrienes. The classical antihis-
structure: tamines are irrelevant to asthma therapy, pre-
sumably because of the presence and impor-
tance of other strong mediators. Newer antihis-
taminic agents, such as ketotifen [34580-13-7],
have been employed in the treatment of asthma
(→ Antiallergic Agents, Chap. 2.1.7.). Antago-
nists of cysteinyl-leukotrienes (i.e., leukotriene
D4 antagonists, zafirlukast, montelukast) or in-
hibitors of the enzyme 5-lipoxygenase are close
to registration or already on the market (zileu-

Disodium cromoglycate [15826-37-6] dis-

odium 4,4’-dioxo-5,5’-(2-hydroxytrimethy-
Trade name: Pulmicort (Astra/Pharma stern, C23 H14 Na2 O11 , M r 512.3, free acid
Germany). [16110-51-3] is a relatively nontoxic agent used
for the long-term prevention of many types of
Fluticasone propionate [80474-14-2], S- asthma [95]. It has no bronchodilator proper-
fluoromethyl-6α,9α-difluoro-11β-hydroxy- ties and is used in the prophylaxis of asthma.
Antiasthmatic Agents 19

It does not play a role in the treatment of acute C4 , D4 , E4 and of leukotriene B4 . Zileuton is the
asthmatic attacks including severe asthma [96], most advanced 5-lipoxygenase inhibitor, which
[97]. Chemical structure: has been introduced into the therapy of asthma
in some countries.

Zafirlukast [107753-78-6], N-[4-[5-cy-

zenesulfonamide, C31 H33 N3 O6 S, M r 575.68.
Disodium cromoglycate was developed from Chemical structure:
khellin, a natural substance that has been used
for centuries to alleviate colic pains. It is a
highly soluble powder that must be inhaled di-
rectly into the lung to be effective. Less than
1 % is absorbed when it is administered orally.
Trade name: Intal (Fisons).

Nedocromil sodium [69049-74-7], di-

sodium 9-ethyl-6,9-dihydro-4,6-dioxo-10-pro-
ylate, C19 H15 Na2 O7 , M r 415.3; free acid
[69049-73-6]. Nedocromil sodium has simi- Zafirlukast is a potent LTC4 -, LTD4 - and
lar properties to sodium cromoglycate and can LTD4 -antagonist and is clinically effective in pa-
inhibit asthmatic responses provoked by aller- tients with mild to moderate asthma [99], [100].
gen challenge and attenuate allergen-induced Trade name: Accolate (Zeneca).
bronchial hyperresponsivness. It is rapidly ab-
sorbed from the lungs following inhalation and Montelukast sodium [151767-02-1],
poorly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract sodium 2-[1-[1(R)-[3-[2(E)-(7-chloroquinolin-
[98]. Chemical structure: 2-yl)vinyl]-phenyl]-3-[2-(1-hydroxy-1-methyl-
pyl]acetate, C35 H35 ClNNaO3 S, M r 608.17, free
acid [158966-92-8]. Chemical structure:

Trade name: Tilade (Fisons).

5. Antileukotrienes
It has been shown that leukotrienes Montelukast sodium is a potent, selective
(→ Prostaglandins, Chap. 2.) play a funda- competitive antagonist for cysteinyl leukotriene
mental role in asthma. Especially the cystenyl receptors such as LTD4 . It is orally active and
leukotrienes are thought to be involved in the shows therapeutic effects in patients with asthma
pathophysiology of asthma. The leukotriene an- [101].
tagonists montelukast and zafirlukast are the Trade name: Singulair (Merck Frosst).
most prominent antileukotrienes which are reg-
istered or close to registration. Another possi- Zileuton [111406-87-2], (±)-N-(1-benzo-
bility is to inhibit the synthesis of leukotrienes. [b]thien-2-ylethyl)-N-hydroxyurea, C11 H12 N2 O2 S,
The key enzyme is 5-lipoxygenase which, when M r 236.29. Chemical structure:
inhibited, blocks the formation of leukotriene
20 Antiasthmatic Agents

5. W. M. Gold in J. A. Nadel (ed.): Physiology

and Pharmacology of the Airways, Marcel
Dekker, New York – Basel 1980, p. 123.
6. B. R. C. O’Driscoll, A. B. Kay, Thorax 37
Zileuton is a potent and selective orally ac- (1982) 241.
7. E. Middleton, J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 73
tive 5-lipoxygenase inhibitor. It inhibited LTB4
(1984) 643.
synthesis and was active in some inflammation 8. A. E. Tattersfield, Pharmacol. Ther. 17 (1982)
models. Clinically it shows effects after acute 299.
and chronic administration in mild to moderate 9. A. Goodman Gilman, L. S. Goodman, A.
asthma [102], [103]. Gilman (eds.): The Pharmacological Basis of
Trade name: Zyflo (Abbott). Therapeutics, 6th ed., Macmillan Publ. Co.,
New York 1980.
10. F. Stolz, Ber. Dtsch. Chem. Ges. 37 (1904)
6. Newer Concepts in Asthma 4149.
11. B. F. Tullar, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 70 (1948)
Therapy 2067.
12. H. Konzett, Naunyn-Schmiedebergs Arch. Exp.
Various new and old approaches have been tried Pathol. Pharmacol. 197 (1940) 27.
in the therapy of asthma. Calcium antagonists 13. C. H. Boehringer Sohn, DE 723278, 1939.
have no place in the routine management of 14. D. Beke, O. Kovács, I. Fabricius, I. Lám,
asthma [7]. A substantial portion of ongoing Pharm. Zentralhalle Dtschl. 92 (1953) 237.
research concentrates on phosphodiesterase in- 15. A. M. Lands, F. P. Luduena, J. I. Grant, E.
hibitors of type IV. The isoenzyme phospho- Ananenko, J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. 99
diesterase is located in inflammatory cells like (1950) 45.
16. I.G. Farbenind., DE 638650, 1934.
the eosinophils which are important in asthma.
17. R. A. Seibert, C. A. Handley, J. Pharmacol.
There are also trials going on using human- Exp. Ther. 110 (1954) 304. A. Leslie, D. H.
ized monoclonal antibodies against IgE, IL-5, Simmons, Am. J. Med. Sci. 234 (1957) 321.
IL-4, tumor necrosis factor α (TNFα) or ad- 18. Lakeside Labs., US 2900415, 1959.
hesion molecules. Search for inhibitors of in- 19. W. C. Bowman, I. W. Rodger, Br. J.
ducible NO synthetase is also continuing. Ef- Pharmacol. 45 (1972) 574.
forts are made to influence various transcription 20. G. H. Sankey, K. D. E. Whiting, J. Heterocycl.
factors (i.e., NFK B) or to find inhibitors of phos- Chem. 9 (1972) 1049. Smith, Kline & French,
pholipase A2 and antagonists for neurokinin re- US 3705169, 1972.
ceptors. Endothelin receptor antagonists are in 21. Y. Iwasowa, A. Kiyomoto, Jpn. J. Pharmacol.
development. Also potassium channel openers 17 (1967) 143.
are still under evaluation. Time will show which 22. Tanabe Sinjaku, GB 1114660, 1966.
23. R. M. Pinder, R. N. Brogden, T. M. Speight,
of those various approaches will lead to novel
G. S. Avery, Drugs 14 (1977) 1.
therapies of asthma. 24. Oesterr. Stickstoffwerke, AT 241436, 1963.
25. A. Engelhardt, W. Hoefke, H. Wick, Arzneim.
Forsch. 11 (1961) 521.
7. References 26. C. H. Boehringer Sohn, BE 611502, 1961.
27. C. H. Boehringer Sohn, DE 1275069, 1960.
1. L. M. Lichtenstein, K. F. Austen: Asthma: 28. J. Bergmann, H. Persson, K. Wetterlin,
Physiology, Immunopharmacology and Experientia 25 (1969) 899.
Treatment, Academic Press, New York – San 29. Draco, GB 1199630, 1967.
Francisco – London 1977. 30. H. P. Kuemmerle, G. Hitzenberger, G. M. Ling,
2. M. E. Gershwin: Bronchial Asthma, Principles H. Uehleke (eds.): “Berotec-Symposium
of Diagnosis and Treatment, 1971,” Int. J. Clin. Pharmacol. Ther. Toxicol.
Grune & Stratton, New York 1981. 4 (1972) Suppl., 6 – 27.
3. A. Szentivanyi, J. Allergy 42 (1968) 203. 31. C. H. Boehringer Sohn, DE 1286047, 1962.
32. S. Habersang, F. Leuschner, F. Stroman, A.
4. B. G. Simonsson, F. M. Jacobs, J. A. Nadel, J.
Domenico, A. v. Schlichtegroll, Arzneim.
Clin. Invest. 46 (1967) 1812.
Forsch. 27 (1977) 22.
Antiasthmatic Agents 21

33. K. H. Klingler, Arzneim. Forsch. 27 (1977) 4. 59. A. B. Draco, EP 43 807, 1982, US 4 419 364
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Med. J. 47 (1971) Suppl., 11 – 34. 60. N. Svedmyr, Scand. J. Respir. Dis. 101 (1977)
35. D. T. Collin, D. Hartley, D. Jack, L. H. C. Suppl. 125.
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36. Allen & Hanburys, GB 1200886, 1966. Physicians, Park Ridge, Ill., 1975, p. 391.
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Charles C. Thomas, Springfield, Ill., USA, Arzneim. Forsch. 5 (1955) 194.
1970, p. 95. 63. W. Traube, Ber. Dtsch. Chem. Ges. 33 (1900)
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Soc. 51 (1929) 580. 64. H. Bredereck, A. Edenhofer, Chem. Ber. 88
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779. 65. A. Lespagnol, J. Vanlerenberghe, L. Masse,
40. P. Ballmer, CH 266997, 1948; US 2558068, Bull. Soc. Pharm. Lille 2 (1948) 18.
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42. J. Keck, G. Krüger, K. Noll, H. Machleidt, Ges. 292 (1959) 234.
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22 Antiasthmatic Agents

91. R. N. Brogden, D. Faulds, Drug 42 (1991) 97. T. L. Petty et al., Am. Rev. Respir. Dis. 139
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94. Pfizer, DE 2 204 195, 1972, US 3 700 681, 99. Ann. Drug Data Rep. 18 (1996) 789.
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96. S. Murphy, H. W. Kelly, Drug Intell. Clin. 101. Drugs of the Future 22 (1997) 1103.
Pharm. 21 (1987) 22. 102. Drugs of the Future 18 (1993) 616.
103. Ann. Drug Data Rep. 19 (1997) 609.

Antiatherosclerotic Agents → Cardiovascular Drugs

Antibacterial Chemotherapeutics → Chemotherapeutics

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