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Investigations in Science 7 – January 18, 2019


There is only 1 week left in 2nd quarter. Please have your child check their grades
and take care of any assignments that are Z’s and can still be turned in for credit.
My gradebook will be closing on Wednesday, January 23rd.

Thank you for all the generous donations of hand soap. I really appreciate it.

Coming Up:

 Digestive System


 January 21 - No School
 College Week January 22-25
o Tuesday – Hat Day – Put your thinking cap on and think about your
o Wednesday – Your Future is Bright! Wear Bright Colors!
o Thursday – College Spirit Day - Wear college gear or the colors from
your favorite college.
o Friday – Wear FMS gear or colors.
 January 25 - Winter Social
 January 25 – Early Dismissal
 January 25 - End of Quarter 2
 January 28 - No School
 January 29 – Marking Period 3 Begins
 January 30 - Town Hall Meetings

What we did this week:

This week, we conducted 3 different mini labs that focused on the nervous
system. Most classes haven't had an opportunity to finish so we will finish on
 Lab #1 - Counting Numbers - Students were given a sheet with numbers in
bubbles out of order. Students had to try to see how high they could count,
in order (pointing to the numbers as they find them) in a 45 second period.
They conducted 5 trials and averaged their results.
 Lab #2 - Where did you come from, where did you go? Where did you come
from Cotton Eye Lab? - Students put on goggles and their partner threw 10
cotton balls gently at their eyes. Students tried not to blink to control their
 Lab #3 - Reaction Time - One student dropped a meter stick unexpectedly
while the other partner tried to catch the meter stick as quickly as possible.
They measured the distance on the meter stick that their hand traveled
until they were able to catch it to measure their reaction time.
Yesterday and today, we will be dissecting a sheep’s eye. In order to learn how
your eye works, we will dissect it to see the different parts. Students will only
need to do what they are comfortable with for the dissection. I will upload photos
from the lab on my class blog.

Have a great weekend!

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