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f Reading Strategy: Inference

What can you infer from the sentences below? Check(./) the possible inferences.
1. The Olympic Movement encompasses organizations, athletes, and other
persons who agree to be guided by the Olympic Charter.
D The Olympic Movement is large.
D You don't have to be an athlete to be part of the Olympic Movement.
D The Olympic Movement is very old.
D It's expensive to be part of the Olympic Movement.
2. Olympism is a state of mind based on equality of sports which are
international and democratic.
D Olympism is something new.
D Olympism is something you can do.
D Olympism does not approve of discrimination.
D Olympism is about the way you think.
3. When he announced in Paris, on a winter's evening in 1892, the
forthcoming re-establishment of the Olympic Games, Pierre de Coubertin
was applauded, but nobody at the time imagined the scale of the project
entailed in reviving the ancient Olympic Games.
D People approved of Coubertin's idea of bringing back the Olympic
D Coubertin established the first Olympic Games.
D Bringing back the Olympic Games was an enormous job.
D People knew how much work it would take to bring the Olympic
Games back, but they wanted to do it anyway.

Unit 2: Organizations

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