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PERSPECTIVE Sixth Disease and the Ubiquity of Human Herpesviruses

Sixth Disease and the Ubiquity of Human Herpesviruses

Charles Prober, M.D.

Related article, page 768

Human herpesvirus 6 (HHV-6) is the cause of the appearance of herpesviruses include oral secretions
sixth clinically distinct exanthematous disease of (for HSV-1, EBV, CMV, HHV-6, and HHV-7), genital
childhood. Measles virus, erythrogenic group A secretions (HSV-2, CMV, and HHV-6), urine (CMV),
streptococci, and rubella virus are the causes of the mononuclear cells (CMV, HHV-6, and HHV-7), and
first three diseases, and parvovirus B19 is the cause breast milk (CMV and HHV-7). Host immunity in-
of the fifth disease. The origin of the fourth classic fluences both the likelihood of reactivation and the
childhood illness, formerly referred to as Dukes’ severity of clinical illness. In general, the greater the
disease, is controversial. Some medical historians degree of immune impairment, the more substan-
believe that it probably represented misdiagnosed tial the consequences of herpesvirus reactivation.
cases of rubella or scarlet fever, rather than a distinct Given the high incidence of all herpesvirus in-
illness. fections (except HHV-8 infection) and the biologic
HHV-6 is so named because it was the sixth hu- phenomenon of latency, the ubiquity of these virus-
man herpesvirus to be identified. This family of es is readily apparent. In the United States, infec-
large DNA viruses includes eight known human tions caused by HSV-1 begin in infancy, and at least
pathogens. In addition to HHV-6, these include her- 50 percent of young adults have been infected. In-
pes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1), herpes simplex vi- fections caused by HSV-2 begin with the onset of
rus type 2 (HSV-2), varicella–zoster virus (VZV), sexual activity, and an estimated 25 percent of U.S.
Epstein–Barr virus (EBV), cytomegalovirus (CMV), adults have contracted infection. EBV infections in-
human herpesvirus 7 (HHV-7), and human herpes- crease in frequency during adolescence, and most
virus 8 (HHV-8) (see table). Herpesviruses have of the population is infected by middle age. CMV is
several common features. Each roughly spherical the most common cause of congenital infection,
virion is 150 nm to 200 nm in diameter and con- with 1 percent of all newborns infected; postnatal
sists of a 100-nm icosahedral nucleocapsid con- infections begin to occur within the first few weeks
taining a core of linear, double-stranded DNA viral of life, and by early adulthood approximately 50 per-
genome, spooled around a nucleoprotein central cent of the population is seropositive. Before the
mass. The nucleocapsid is surrounded by a layer of development of a vaccine for VZV, chickenpox (VZV
amorphous, asymmetrically distributed material infection) occurred in virtually all people by late
(tegument), which, in turn, is encased by a lipid- childhood; the epidemiology of infection has been
containing envelope with multiple glycoprotein changing since the introduction of universal vacci-
protrusions. nation.
The most important biologic property shared by In this issue of the Journal, Zerr et al. (pages
all herpesviruses is their ability to establish a per- 768–776) note that approximately three quarters of
sistent state following primary infection. This ca- children have been infected with HHV-6 by two
pacity means that once a person has become infect- years of age. Data from other studies suggest that
ed with a herpesvirus, he or she is forever susceptible infection with HHV-7 has a similar epidemiologic
to periodic viral reactivation. Reactivation results in pattern. Clearly, herpesvirus infections are omni-
the emergence of transmissible virus. The site of vi- present, and at any given time, a substantial pro-
ral latency varies. Even in the absence of signs or portion of the population is shedding one or more
symptoms of infection, common sites of periodic of these infectious agents, maintaining the chain of
transmission and the high prevalence of infection.
Dr. Prober is a professor of pediatrics and of microbiolo-
Even though the majority of infections caused by
gy and immunology at Stanford University School of herpesviruses are asymptomatic or mild (see figure),
Medicine and scientific director of the Glaser Pediatric the morbidity attributable to these agents remains
Research Network — both in Stanford, Calif. substantial. Furthermore, death due to herpesvirus-

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PERSPECTIVE Sixth Disease and the Ubiquity of Human Herpesviruses

Human Herpesviruses.

among Young Common Site of Mode of
Virus U.S. Adults (%) Infections Persistence Transmission
Herpes simplex virus 50 Herpes labialis, herpes Neuronal cells, espe- Contact with secretions,
type 1 whitlow, herpetic ker- cially trigeminal especially oral
atitis, herpes simplex ganglia
Herpes simplex virus 25 Herpes genitalis, herpes Neuronal cells, espe- Contact with secretions,
type 2 proctitis, neonatal cially sacral gan- especially genital
herpes glia
Varicella–zoster virus 100 Chickenpox, herpes Neuronal cells, espe- Contact with infected skin
zoster (shingles) cially posterior lesions; respiratory
root ganglia route for chickenpox
Epstein–Barr virus 75 Infectious mononucleo- B lymphocytes Contact with oral secre-
sis, prolonged fever, tions, blood, or trans-
multiorgan manifes- planted organs
Cytomegalovirus 50 Infectious mononucleo- Monocytes, macro- Contact with oral or genital
sis, prolonged fever phages secretions, urine,
breast milk, blood, or
transplanted organs
Human herpesvirus 6 100 Febrile illness, roseola T lymphocytes Contact with oral secre-
Human herpesvirus 7 100 Febrile illness, roseola T lymphocytes Contact with oral secre-
tions or breast milk
Human herpesvirus 8 <10 Kaposi’s sarcoma Not established Contact with bodily secre-

es is a major issue for the ever-increasing popula- types of cancer is well established (e.g., EBV has a
tion of immunocompromised persons. HSV-1 in- role in Burkitt’s lymphoma in Africa, nasal pharyn-
fections cause herpes labialis, whose manifestations geal carcinoma, and post-transplantation lympho-
range from periodic mild discomfort accompanied proliferative disorder, and HHV-8 has a role in Ka-
by a few perioral vesicles to a severe infection neces- posi’s sarcoma). In contrast, the role of these
sitating hospitalization. HSV-1 is also responsible viruses in several chronic diseases, such as multi-
for most cases of herpetic whitlow and other cuta- ple sclerosis and the chronic fatigue syndrome,
neous eruptions (e.g., herpes gladiatorum and ec- continues to be debated.
zema herpeticum), herpetic keratitis, and a severe Although HHV-6 was initially isolated in 1986
form of nonseasonal, focal encephalitis. HSV-2 is from the B lymphocytes of immunocompromised
the predominant cause of genital herpes, herpes adults, within two years it was described as the
proctitis, and neonatal herpes infections. cause of most cases of roseola (sixth disease). The
The most common manifestation of EBV infec- classic clinical picture of roseola, dating back to
tion is infectious mononucleosis, although EBV has 1910, is three to five days of high fever in an infant,
also been proposed as a cause of myriad diseases in- followed by the acute onset of a rose-pink, nonpru-
volving virtually every organ in the body. The mani- ritic, macular rash, predominantly on the neck and
festations of CMV infection overlap substantially trunk. Because of the abrupt onset of the rash, the
with those of EBV infection, and both viruses are disease was called exanthema subitum (“subitum”
important causes of prolonged febrile illnesses in meaning “sudden” in Latin).
normal hosts. VZV causes chickenpox and, with re- Subsequent reports identified HHV-6 as a major
activation, herpes zoster. cause of illness in young children who were brought
The pathogenic role of herpesviruses in some to emergency departments for the evaluation of fe-

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PERSPECTIVE Sixth Disease and the Ubiquity of Human Herpesviruses

have HHV-6 infection, more than 10 percent have

EBV HSV- 1 febrile seizures, and more than 10 percent are hos-
pitalized. HHV-6 appears to account for approxi-
mately one third of febrile seizures in children in
this age group.
The lack of a prospective, population-based study
of HHV-6 beyond the acute care setting had limited
our understanding of the full spectrum of illness
that is attributable to this virus. Zerr et al. have ad-
HSV- 2 VZV dressed this shortcoming. Using an intensive study
design that included the collection of weekly sam-
ples of saliva for the diagnosis of HHV-6 infection
on the basis of quantitative DNA testing, the Seattle
investigators prospectively followed a cohort of 277
infants from birth through two years of age. The fre-
quency and types of clinical illness associated with
HHV- 6 CMV HHV-6 infection were determined on the basis of
daily illness logs, and symptoms were compared
with those in age-matched controls who were not
acutely infected with HHV-6.
More than three quarters of the infants were in-
fected with HHV-6 by the second year of life, and
more than 90 percent of the infections were associ-
ated with symptoms. Fever and fussiness were the
most common manifestations of infection; roseola
Clinical Characteristics of Herpesviruses.
was diagnosed in about one quarter of the study
The image of Epstein–Barr virus (EBV) infection shows a child with exudative
pharyngitis associated with infectious mononucleosis, the image of herpes
population. Almost 40 percent of the children were
simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) infection shows a paronychial infection (herpetic evaluated by a physician for symptoms coincident
whitlow), the image of herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2) infection shows with their HHV-6 infection. In contrast to studies
ulcerative lesions on the vulva (genital herpes), the image of varicella–zoster involving febrile young children recruited from
virus (VZV) infection shows vesicular lesions in a dermatomal distribution emergency departments, this study showed that
(herpes zoster), the image of human herpesvirus 6 (HHV-6) infection shows
a child with the rash of roseola, and the image of cytomegalovirus (CMV) in-
seizures were not a feature of HHV-6 infection.
fection shows chorioretinitis consistent with infection in an immunocompro- Remarkably, HHV-6 DNA remained detectable
mised host. EBV courtesy of Stanley Martin, M.D. at moderately high levels in saliva for at least 12
months after the initial infection. Although the pre-
cise relationship between the quantity of viral DNA
ver. Depending on the specific age range of the and transmissible virus has not been established,
population studied, 10 to 50 percent of febrile ill- previous studies have indicated that saliva is the
nesses leading to an emergency room visit have principal source of infectious virus. Previous studies
been attributed to HHV-6 infection, the peak age of also have demonstrated that persons who are sero-
infection being six to nine months. The conse- positive for EBV, CMV, HSV-1, and HSV-2 shed reac-
quences of HHV-6 infection diagnosed in children tivated virus frequently throughout their lives. Taken
in emergency departments may be substantial; together, these studies underscore an inescapable
among those younger than two years of age who epidemiologic fact: herpesviruses are ubiquitous.

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The New England Journal of Medicine

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Copyright © 2005 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved.

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