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Tudosă Mihai

English A-French B Group 4

Lecture notes

Theme: The lack of certainty

Important characters:
● Hamlet
● Claudius
● Ghost of Hamlet’s Father
● Gertrude

The thing that stood out to me the most was always the difficulty of making a
decision that Hamlet was struggling with, contrasted with the scene where he just
snaps and attacks the curtains, killing the innocent man. All this uncertainty has as
a root cause the way his father delivered the message, as a ghost, which can make
Hamlet think he has gone mad. I think we are judging a bit too much his struggle
to make decisions considering the decisions he has to make, as these are not
decisions everyone must take everyday, they are decisions about killing someone
based on what a ghost said. And how would he even know to trust the ghost? What
if the ghost was an evil soul trying to get him to commit sins?

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