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Gastritis is a condition of inflammation of the stomach lining or edema . Gastritis
can last only for a short time ( acute gastritis ) , or long for months to years (
chronic gastritis ) .

Causes , incidence , and risk factors The most common cause of gastritis are :
a) Certain drugs , such as aspirin , ibuprofen , or naproxen , when taken over a
period of time
b) Drinking too much alcohol
c) stomach infection with a bacterium called Helicobacter pylori
d) The common causes are rare :
e) Autoimmune disorders ( such as pernicious anemia )
f) The reverse flow of bile into the stomach ( bile reflux )
g) Cocaine abuse
h) Eating or drinking caustic or corrosive substances ( such as toxins )
i) Extreme stress
j) Viral infections , such as cytomegalovirus and herpes simplex virus ,
especially in people with weakened immune systems
k) Trauma or disease , sudden severe as major surgery , kidney failure , or
placed on a breathing machine can cause gastritis .

Many people with gastritis do not have any symptoms . Symptoms that may be
found early are :
• Loss of appetite
• Nausea and vomiting
• Pain in the upper abdomen
• If gastritis cause bleeding of the stomach lining , symptoms may include :
• black stools
• Vomiting blood like coffee color

As for how to diagnose patients with suspected gastritis can do some tests
1. Complete blood count ( CBCT ) to check for anemia or low blood count
2. Examination of the stomach with an endoscope (
esophagogastroduodenoscopy or EGD )
3. Examination of bacteria by bacterial culture
4. Examination of stool to check for a small amount of blood in the stool ,
which may be a sign of bleeding in the stomach

Treatment depends on the specific cause . Some of the causes will disappear over
time . Doing cessation of aspirin , ibuprofen , naproxen , or other drugs that can
cause gastritis very helpful , as for it with a doctor's permission
Moreover, it can use over-the - counter and prescription drugs that reduce the
amount of acid in the stomach , such as :
1. Antacids : can be used to treat chronic gastritis caused by infection with the
bacterium helicobacter pylori .
2. h2 antagonists : famotidine ( pepsid ) , cimetidine ( tagamet ) , ranitidine (
zantac ) , and nizatidine ( axid )
3. proton pump inhibitor ( ppi ) - omeprazole ( prilosec ) , esomeprazole (
nexium ) , iansoprazole ( prevacid ) , rabeprazole ( aciphex ) , and
pantoprazole ( protonix )

Expectations ( prognosis )
Can usually heal on their own or with minimal treatment and a healthy die

• Blood loss and an increased risk of gastric cancer
• Pain in the upper abdomen or stomach are not lost
• Stool in Black
• Vomiting blood or coffee - ground

Avoid prolonged use of the use of drugs that can irritate the gastric mucosa ( such
as aspirin , anti - inflammatory drugs , or alcohol ) .

source :

David C. Dugdale , III , MD . 2011. Gastritis . [ online ] . (

Http:// , accessed on 16
december 2014 )

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