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Helping Students Succeed by Improving CS1 - A Case


Robert Hatch
The University of Virginia’s College at Wise
One College Ave.
Wise, VA 24293

ABSTRACT The remainder of the paper is divided up as follows: Section

This paper discusses an attempt to boost retention and 2 discusses related work; Section 3 discusses the previous
better understanding of programming concepts by making format of our CS1 course, as well as our new format with
changes to a CS1 course. These changes included nightly the lab; Section 4 shows changes in student performance,
homework, more exams, and the addition of a lab hour where as well as feedback about the new format; and Section 5
students worked in teams to complete activities assigned. ponders future work.
Prior offerings of the course assigned weekly programming
assignments, three exams over the course of a semester, and 2. RELATED WORK
a final exam. The changes made to the course are compared The biggest factor considered was the addition of the lab
to prior offerings of the course, based on student perfor- to the CS1 course. For students to succeed, the lab, in
mance, as well as student feedback on the new aspects of combination with daily homework and quizzes, was critical.
the course. The course continues to be tweaked, based on
student feedback, and the instructor’s in-class observations.
2.1 Introduction of a Lab
Keywords Brown [2] believed that “most courses at the (CS1) level
C++, CS1, lab, student enhancement should include laboratory sessions. These laboratories pro-
vide the student with the opportunity to gain practical ex-
perience by actually solving problems on the computer.” Ku-
1. INTRODUCTION mar notes that the Curriculum 91 report recommended in-
Within our department, there has been a shift in of focus to cluding hands-on lab experiences in introductory program-
find ways to both recruit more information technology (IT) ming courses. The idea of closed labs comes from this report;
majors, as well as find ways to boost retention of students these are fixed-duration lab sessions during which students
who enter as IT majors. Our department loses many of work on assignments under the supervision of faculty, in ad-
the students who take CS1 or CS2. Some of the reasons dition to their class assignments.
behind the loss of potential majors include their inability
to understand how to program, which could be a result of McCauley, et al. [8] were curious whether the effectiveness
misgivings in high school, prior to their arrival at college. of the lab hinged on the fact that faculty in charge of the
Some students enter an IT field based on the reason that lecture are also in charge of the lab. In terms of perfor-
they play video games and think they would like to major mance, both sets of students performed “equally well” when
in the field, without having any notion of all of the steps and they had the same person as lecturer and lab instructor than
involvement necessary to create a successful video game. when they had different faculty members in each position.
Ford, et al. [3] consider that the lab gives the instructor an
One potential solution was to implement a lab hour, in ad- opportunity to see how well the lectured material is learned
dition to the three hours per week the students meet for and to work one-to-one with students, producing major ben-
class. The lab hour perhaps needed to be a way to help efits: group work, collaboration, collaborative problem solv-
students with concepts they were struggling with during lec- ing, and work in a controlled setting. Labs can be bene-
tures. The department hoped that this lab would help retain ficial to students, if they are structured properly, because
more students as well as provide them with a better foun- labs are more than just “homework assignment completion”
dation on programming principles before proceeding to our and “teacher-assisted debugging sessions,” as suggested by
CS2 course. Beaubouef and Mason[1]. Patitsas and Wolfman [10] dis-
cuss how to create effective closed labs in early CS courses.
The two note that CS educators believe labs might “dramat-
ically” improve interest in and perception of CS but also can
dissuade students if the lab isn’t helpful.

LeJeune [7] suggests that collaborative learning is a valu-

able educational tool for use in CS1. Collaborative learning
is defined as instructional methods whereby students are en-
couraged or required to work together on academic tasks.
2.1.1 Types of Labs to Consider a smaller portion of each student’s grade based on partic-
Soh, et al. [11] points out that labs foster cooperative learn- ipation and quizzes, depending on the instructor. Regular
ing, which is an “effective pedagogy for CS, producing signif- exams and programming assignments made up significant
icant gains in student achievement.” The authors note that percentages of the student’s final grade.
cooperative learning helps students understand that work-
ing in small groups helps them succeed in achieving tasks as 3.1.1 Grading
well as develop communication and problem-solving skills.
The programming assignments consisted of using tasks that
the students had learned recently, based on when the as-
Walker [12] provides a roadmap of how to conduct a lab that
signment was given. The exams consisted of these types
is based in active-learning experimentation. The observed
of questions: short-answer; correcting code questions; short
benefits of the lab include improved student syntax; positive
programming questions; a tracing question; and a long pro-
grades and positive, confident students; active learning; and
gramming question. The short-answer questions asked stu-
more time for faculty to contact and get to know students.
dents about concepts and sometimes asked them to provide
examples to further explain concepts. The correcting code
Lasserre [6] discusses the benefits of using team-based learn-
questions tasked the students to present a piece of code (ap-
ing (TBL) on a first-term programming class. The first ex-
proximately five lines) and find the problems with the code,
periences with computer science and programming should be
if any existed. If problems were present, students had to
positive for students; their experience further shapes their
supply the correct code. The short coding questions would
attitude toward the field and how it impacts the interest
ask students to either write the necessary code snippets to
and success of the student. Team-based learning (TBL) is
answer the task specified or rewrite a given code snippet
a teaching technique that places emphasis on applying con-
using a different structure (for instance, a “while” loop is
cepts as a means to learn. Its main objective is to test
presented; rewrite this “while” loop using a “for” loop). The
the current understanding of concepts and applying newly-
tracing exercise required students to provide output for a
acquired concepts on increasingly difficult problems, but stu-
given code. The students earned points if they showed their
dents need to come to class understanding concepts prior to
work. The last component, the long coding problem, asked
the lecture. Instructors found that students understood con-
students to write an entire C++ program to solve the given
cepts better when they discussed them with others in class.
problem or task.
Another direction to consider for instruction is the use of
studio-based learning (SBL). Narayanan, et al. [9] defines 3.1.2 Class Structure
SBL as an instructional technique that “emphasizes collabo- The structure of the class primarily used PowerPoint pre-
rative, design-oriented learning.” SBL might have some merit sentations and provided opportunities with in-class exercises
in CS1 courses. In a separate paper, Hundhausen, et al. [4] for students so that they could apply their knowledge and
explains the phases of the pedagogical code reviews (PCR) understanding of concepts which had just been introduced.
as an extension to SBL: write, submit, review, feedback, re- The order of topics coincided with the format of the text-
vise, and quality assurance. The PCR follows a similar path book: variables and sequential statements, classes, selection
to a formal code inspection. and iteration statements, functions, arrays, pointers and ref-
erences, and advanced class concepts.
2.2 Classroom Changes
A lack of practice and feedback exists in classes and labs. Discussions of classes were split up because we wanted to
Students have a right to have a knowledgeable programmer give students a foundation for their use - that they were
look at their code and provide meaningful feedback. Instruc- data types, just like integers and floating-point numbers, but
tors also might give more tests and pop quizzes if instruc- were different because they contained multiple pieces of in-
tional time isn’t lost in class or on grading. Students have formation. Classes could more adequately describe a “thing”
poor project management skills; they are unable to estimate than an integer, floating-point number, or character. Stu-
the amount of time taken to complete a project, and they dents had difficulty completing early programming assign-
wait until the last minute to start on assigned work [1]. ments with classes because those concepts which would be
covered several chapters later in the text were introduced
Problem solving skills and logical reasoning required to be in the chapter along with classes. This created the added
successful in CS1 are mainly developed through large amounts frustration of learning several concepts at once.
of practice [6]. Additionally, in terms of practice program-
ming, the greater number performed, the easier problems File I/O was introduced as a means to give the students more
seemed when they were encountered later [5]. interesting projects with large amounts of data. The stu-
dent’s job was to use compilation errors to figure out where
3. COURSE FORMAT and why the errors were occurring. Strings were introduced
This section details current and previous formats of our CS1 after arrays to give the students a sense that strings were
course. just an array of characters. The discussion of strings led to
giving students more interesting projects, similar to reasons
why File I/O was introduced.
3.1 Prior Offerings of CS1
Our CS1 course was a four-hour class that met three hours
a week. The course was taught using the following com- 3.2 Fall 2012 Offering of the Course
ponents comprising the course grade: programming assign- The students’ grades were assigned, based on a series of
ments, exams at regular intervals, and a final exam, with tasks completed during the course of a semester. These tasks
included the aforementioned programming assignments, ex- made more use of writing points on a whiteboard, which en-
ams, and final exam, as well as a homework component, quiz couraged students to take notes. The idea of having students
component, and lab component. complete in-class exercises and review examples of code re-
mained. With the addition of quizzes, only half of available
3.2.1 Grade Components class time could be devoted to a concept. These class days
The homework component consisted of assigning program- became “problem days” when the instructor worked through
ming problems from the textbook that were due at a “ran- at least one or two problems introduced at the end of each
dom” time the first half of the semester, usually on a Monday chapter in the textbook.
with sufficient advanced warning. If students did not discuss
or understand concepts presented in class, the homework The lesson plan remains largely the same as prior course
due date was changed randomly to the end of class, and stu- offerings; the sole difference is the introduction of object-
dents had to finish and turn in their homework by the end oriented programming toward the end of the semester. The
of that class. This change was introduced mid-term. Grad- rationale for this change was based on the fact that stu-
ing homework was a quick “eye test,” and students earned dents should be familiar and comfortable with many of the
one of four possible grades: 100 - satisfactory completion; programming concepts covered, including writing and call-
50 - the program compiled but did not complete the task; ing functions. Doing this allows the instructor to spend less
25 - the program did not compile; or 0 - no submission. The time reviewing material previously covered other semesters
homework component counted as ten percent toward the fi- related to the introduction of classes. This approach also al-
nal grade; the rationale was to make students practice more lows the instructor to cover interesting object-oriented con-
often and to avoid last-minute work on assignments. cepts in an unrushed setting, which is important for stu-
dents to grasp when they move on to CS2. Previously, stu-
Another addition was quizzes, given on or around the mid- dents might have received some instruction about destruc-
point between exams; the first quiz was given at the end of tors and default memberwise assignment. The way in which
the second week of class. Questions asked were often short- the course has been retooled allows students to receive ad-
answer; the class had only half of a period (25 minutes) to equate instruction in these concepts, as well as inheritance
complete it. Some questions were conceptual, while others and composition.
required students to write code snippets. The purpose of
each quiz was to serve as a diagnostic for what students Our department changed the course with the introduction of
needed to study for the next exam, so they only carried a a lab component; as a result, students must meet for an addi-
weight of ten percent toward the final grade. tional hour. The initial intent of the lab was to have students
work in groups to examine each other’s code (code review)
A student’s lab grade was determined by his or her partici- to expose them to other ways of thinking and understanding
pation and impact in group discussions and work completed; concepts. They were given checklists of questions each week,
the grades were assigned by other students in the group. The and each statement needed only a yes/no response. Check-
lab counted as 15 percent of a student’s grade. list length increased as the semester continued; the students
covered more and sometimes complex topics. We wanted
Exams were altered somewhat; the code-correcting section them to see how others approached solving a problem. Some
was dropped, and the long coding problem became a “prac- lab sessions ended with nominating a “best of group” code
tical problem.” Thus the exam was split into two parts: so that all students in the lab could see a particular solution
a written component, which was closed-book, closed-note; and why it was voted “best of group.” Sometimes the voting
and a practical component, which was open-book, open- was the result of well-documented code; at other times, it
note, open-computer and internet, but closed-neighbor. The was a unique solution. The last programming assignment
practical component was graded as completed/works (full became a two-week project, so the final labs involved work-
credit); compiles but doesn’t completely do the necessary ing in groups to write software that addressed a problem
task (at least half-credit); and doesn’t compile (normally assigned at the beginning of the lab period.
one-third to one-fourth credit, unless there was a small syn-
tactical issue). Four exams (excluding the final) were given 3.3 Spring 2013 Offering of CS1 Course
over the course of the semester, based on the fact that stu- The grading scheme of CS1 did not change going into Spring
dents had to digest so much information during the semester. 2013; all components from Fall 2012 were kept. The lab hour
The exams were calculated as 30 percent of a student’s alternated every week between the aforementioned code re-
grade. views and a team coding exercise. The students responded
more favorably when asked at the end of the Fall 2012 term
The nature of the programming assignments remained the about their experiences with the team coding activities but
same, and so did the final exam. Programming assignments not the code reviews.
were weighted at 15 percent because they were the other
previous primary indicator of whether a student would suc- The homework component was changed; homework was still
cessfully complete the course. The final exam was worth 20 assigned at the end of every class, but it was due at the
percent of the final grade. beginning of the next class (unless it was a scheduled exam
day). Homework grading was altered. Randomly-examined
3.2.2 Class Structure homework was graded using the 100/50/25/0 structure, as
The class was changed to de-emphasize the use of Power- discussed earlier. The remaining homework was graded for
Point. Presentation files were available to students after completeness, verifying that students had turned in the as-
class, but they only summarized points covered. The course signment. Students did not like the fact that homework was
randomly due on a certain date without warning. The second question posed to the students asked, “A couple
of times during the course of the semester we had lab ac-
tivities where teams worked together to work on a problem,
4. RESULTS instead of code reviews. Which do you prefer in the lab:
This section will detail the feedback received from students the activities or the code reviews? Why?” The respondents
concerning alterations to the course, as well as suggestions sided with teamwork coding activities by a tally of 17-3 (two
for improvements. This feedback was obtained through a students liked both). The reasons for the team coding ac-
survey administered at the end of the course and was a mix- tivities included students learn more with these activities,
ture of quantitative feedback using a Likert scale, as well because they mimic the real world by working with others
as qualitative feedback through open-ended questions. Ad- to solve a problem, plus everyone takes part in the project.
ditionally, student grades from previous semesters will be Students who were in favor of code reviews felt like they re-
used in comparison to the students in the 2012-2013 school ceived immediate feedback on what they had done, as well
year to determine effectiveness of understanding. as ideas on other ways to solve a problem.

The third open-ended question was, “If I could change one

4.1 Feedback from Students - Fall 2012 thing about the homework assignments, what would it be?
The quantitative feedback was elicited through twelve state-
Why?” Some students were in favor of no changes; others
ments. A Likert scale accompanied each question, using a
were split over the randomness of when homework was due.
scale of 1-5, with a 1 meaning “Strongly Disagree” and a 5
Those in favor of the randomness liked being kept on their
meaning “Strongly Agree.” Twenty-one students completed
toes; those against it felt more pressure to get everything
the survey. Table 1 represents the list of questions asked.
The students were asked five open-ended questions. The first
The fourth question asked was, “If I could change one thing
about the quizzes, what would it be? Why?” Eleven stu-
Table 1: Fall 2012 Quantitative Questions and Re-
dents stated the quizzes were fine “as is”; students liked the
sponse Averages
fact that the “quizzes (adequately) prepare you for exams.”
1 The lab was a valuable component to the 3.62
Others suggested the questions not be weighted so heavily.
2 The code reviews in the lab were helpful 3.43
The last question asked was, “If I could change one thing
to see other students’ solutions and ways
about the exams, what would it be? Why?” The most pop-
of thinking.
ular response to this question was that the students needed
3 I found working with others in the lab a 4.1 more time; two students suggested moving the exam time
valuable learning experience. to a lab time. Two students suggested removing the tracing
4 I was given adequate time to complete all 4.43 problem.
of my teammates’ code reviews.
5 I liked that each student was held account- 4.00
able for the amount of effort put into the
4.1.1 Discussion
Using the administered questionnaire and its results, some
code reviews.
of the suggestions made by the students were implemented
6 The labs reinforced concepts introduced 3.48
for Spring 2013. The first of these changes included ex-
during class time.
panding the lab activities to alternate weeks between code
7 The homework helped me to understand 3.76
reviews and team coding activities. The students did seem
concepts introduced in class.
more engaged with the coding activities, based on instruc-
8 I found the homework to be busy work. 3.38 tor observations in the lab. The questionnaire confirmed
9 The quizzes given were valuable to tell me 3.9 the students’ enthusiasm in the lab with working together
where I stood, in terms of understanding to solve a problem.
concepts covered in class.
10 I would use the quizzes to study for the 4.48 The other major change instituted for the Spring 2013 term
exams. was that homework would be assigned at the end of every
11 I found the workload for this course to be 3.12 class, as before, except that the homework was due at the
too much. beginning of the next class period. This change, hopefully,
12 I liked that the exams were part written 3.48 will encourage students to stay on their toes with respect to
and part practical. practicing and understanding concepts learned during the
lecture. The only exception to the due date is when the
of these questions was, “If I could change one thing about the next class period falls on an exam day; then the homework
lab, what would it be? Why?” Responses included: having is due on the next lecture day that follows.
more lab activities where students were divided into teams
to come up with a solution to a given problem; and having 4.2 Student Feedback - Spring 2013 Semester
the teams complete the program by the end of the lab, then Quantitative and qualitative feedback again was elicited from
talking about unique solutions teams came up with during students at the end of the semester. The previous semester’s
the next class period. Specific suggestions were made to questionnaire was reused, with two additional quantitative
change the code review to make everything electronic and questions that were included, to gauge students’ thoughts
to make the review items more specific than the others’ “ran- on the coding activities added for this semester. Thirteen
domly” circling responses. students completed the survey; the results can be found in
student found both types of activities helpful. Reasons in
Table 2: Spring 2013 Quantitative Questions and favor of code reviews included seeing how others came up
Response Averages with their solutions, hearing suggestions on one’s own work,
1 The lab was a valuable component to the 3.62 or just seeing other solutions in general. Lab activities were
course. preferred for different reasons: they allowed general involve-
2 The code reviews in the lab were helpful 2.69 ment from everyone in the group; gave a further understand-
to see other students’ solutions and ways ing of concepts from class; enabled them to work as a team
of thinking. to solve a problem; if a student wasn’t learning something
3 I found working with others in the lab a 3.85 new about a section, it re-enforced current knowledge; and
valuable learning experience. helped students feel like they were learning something.
4 I was given adequate time to complete all 4.62
of my teammates’ code reviews. The third question posed to the students concerned chang-
5 I found the coding activities in the lab chal- 4.08 ing the homework. Six students responded that they would
lenging. not change anything. Four responded that they would like
6 I found working in groups on coding activ- 3.77 less homework assigned; one said that “homework on top
ities helpful to learning course material. of the programming assignments is far too much.” While
7 I liked that each student was held account- 4.31 one of these students was concerned about the volume, he
able for the amount of effort put into the or she did state that the homework did help with under-
team activities. standing the material better. One student suggested not
8 The labs reinforced concepts introduced 3.85 having homework due on the same day as a programming
during class time. assignment. Remaining issues included having the professor
9 The homework helped me to understand 4.08 explain the homework beforehand because what the book
concepts introduced in class. stated was unclear, as well as a dislike for being graded on
10 I found the homework to be busy work. 2.69 whether the homework submitted worked or not and a desire
11 The quizzes given were valuable to tell me 4.23 for more feedback about what went wrong.
where I stood, in terms of understanding
concepts covered in class. Responses to the fourth and fifth questions remained con-
12 I would use the quizzes to study for exams. 4.69 sistent with student responses from Fall 2012.
13 I found the workload for this course to be 2.85
too much. 4.2.1 Discussion
14 I liked the fact that the exams were part 2.85 As with the administered questionnaire in the Fall, students
written and part practical. remain closer to agreeing than being neutral about benefits
of the lab. As with the responses to the Fall 2012 students,
these students responded more positively toward group cod-
Table 2. As with the previous semester, the students agreed ing activities over code reviews. The lab component is still in
with the idea that they had adequate time to complete their its infancy, so using more group coding activities in Fall 2013
code reviews; liked the fact that each student was held ac- is probable, with even fewer code reviews. Code reviews,
countable for the amount of effort put into each lab activity; however, should not be totally shelved. It is important to
the homework was a helpful aid; and they studied for exams see how others arrive at their solutions and emphasize there
with the quizzes given in class. The students also agreed, is more than one way to get from start to finish.
albeit not as strongly, that the lab is valuable to the course;
working with others is a valuable learning experience; and The slight attitude change for homework is encouraging. As
the labs reinforced concepts from class. The students also evidenced from the Fall 2012 semester, students prefer struc-
reaffirmed that the workload was not too much for them, ture over randomness concerning when homework assign-
just like their Fall 2012 counterparts. Because we added the ments are due. The purpose of the homework was mainly to
group coding activities to the lab, Questions 5 and 6 were get the students to write code more frequently, beyond their
new. Students found the coding activities challenging, yet programming assignments, with the hope that this increase
those exercises were helpful in learning course material. in coding would result in a better understanding of material.

The same five qualitative questions were posed to students 4.3 Comparing School Years 10-11 and 12-13
that were asked in the Fall 2012 semester. A variety of Table 3 shows the final letter grade students earned over
responses addressed changing the lab. For example: one the course of the semester. This table includes students
positive comment said, “In general, it allowed for more con- who completed the course; it omits students with excessive
cepts to be openly discussed instead of reviewing the same absences or those students who stopped showing up closer
general project 3 or 4 times.” Another student appreciated to the end of the semester. The data suggest there might be
having more group programs than code reviews. A third benefits from revamping the course because students appear
student said that “the code reviews ’wasted’ time that we to be making higher grades. Student performance is shown
could have used to practice more problems.” Generally, more in Table 4. The figures show significant improvement in
group programming activities were suggested because code exam averages and final exam averages with changes to the
reviews were not helpful. course. Since changes have been made to exams and finals
themselves, numbers in Table 5 list correct percentage for
With respect to the second question (code reviews v. code each of the common areas of the exams (short answer, short
activities), only two students favored code reviews; a third coding, tracing, and long coding). As Table 5 notes, there
students seem to find working in groups beneficial to their
Table 3: Final Grade Distribution - 10-11 and 12-13 understanding. They respond more positively to group cod-
Semester Students As Bs Cs Ds Fs
ing as opposed to the code reviews completed in groups.
Fall 2010 25 3 3 11 3 5
More group coding exercises may be introduced in future
Spring 2011 19 1 3 3 5 7 course offerings, but code reviews will not be completely
Fall 2012 24 4 4 6 5 5 eliminated from lab activities. The department feels that it
Spring 2013 17 5 1 5 4 2 remains important for students to see other ways of thinking
and understand there often is more than one way to reach a
Table 4: Performance - Exams and Assignments
Semester Exams Assignments Final Exam
Fall 2010 57.19 72.83 44.04
[1] T. Beaubouef and J. Mason. Why the high attrition
Spring 2011 51.25 68.14 44.32
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Fall 2012 68.66 77.38 68.02 observations. ACM SIGCSE Bulletin, 37(2):103–106,
Spring 2013 68.76 70.65 64.68 June 2005.
[2] D. Brown. Cs 1 labs: goals and expectations. ACM
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[3] F. Ford, L. King, L. Kovijanic, A. Kumar, M. D.
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structured labs in cs1. Journal of Computing Sciences
that this portion of the exam is open-book, open-note. Part
in Colleges, 17(6):6–9, May 2002.
of the problem with these two areas may lie in the fact that
[4] C. Hundhausen, A. Agrawal, D. Fairbrother, and
students feel rushed for time when getting to these last two
M. Trevisan. Integrating pedagogical code reviews into
a cs 1 course: an empirical study. ACM SIGCSE
Bulletin, 41(1):291–295, March 2009.
5. CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE WORK [5] P. Kinnunen and L. Malmi. Cs minors in a cs1 course.
Our department introduced the use of a lab to accompany In Proceedings of the Fourth International Workshop
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activities. The students critiqued each other’s impact on learning on a cs1 course. In Proceedings of the 16th
helpfulness and their active participation in a group setting. annual joint conference on Innovation and technology
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were collected the following class period. Quizzes between June 2011.
exams were added as a diagnostic to show a student’s com- [7] N. LeJeune. Critical components for successful
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G. Pothering. Is cs1 better with the same lecture and
The data on final grades, as well as exams, show some lab instructor. ACM SIGCSE Bulletin, 38(2):54–60,
improvement related to grades earned. Students still feel June 2006.
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[9] N. H. Narayanan, C. Hundhausen, D. Hendrix, and
portion and the practical portion of exams. This rush for
M. Crosby. Transforming the cs classroom with
time may contribute to poor scores in the tracing and long
studio-based learning. In Proceedings of the 43rd ACM
coding components of exams. Perhaps some homework could
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pages 165–166. ACM, March 2012.
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[10] E. A. Patitsas and S. A. Wolfman. Effective closed
Another year of study is required to see what further changes labs in early cs courses: lessons from eight terms of
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that they can understand the material. The idea of mov- technical symposium on Computer Science Education,
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Exams Short Short Tracing Long 183–187. ACM, June 2005.
Answer Coding Coding [12] G. N. Walker. Experimentation in the computer
Fall 2010 54.43% 61.56% 44.76% 55.97% programming lab. ACM SIGCSE Bulletin,
Spring 2011 61.85% 64.02% 41.07% 49.01% 36(4):69–72, December 2004.
Fall 2012 71.79% 67.11% 50.3% 63.34%
Spring 2013 74.48% 70.44% 55.88% 64.6%
Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without

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