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Act 11:16 w`j — The clause introduced by this particle could alternatively be construed

as modifying r`h,matoj.
Act 11:17 pisteu,sasin — A number of versions construe this participle as modifying
h`mi/n: “when we believed on the Lord Jesus Christ.” While this construction is
grammatically attractive (in that it construes the participle with the immediately
preceding words), I think it is unlikely based on historical context. The Pentecostal
effusion of the Spirit on the disciples was not something that happened “when they
believed,” unless “when” is to be stretched to cover a considerable interval of time.
“Because we believed” could be better defended, but it seems to me that the context
points most naturally to the faith of Cornelius and his household. When they believed
Peter’s message about Jesus Christ, immediately the Spirit fell upon them (10:36-44). So
it seems to me that the w`j clause ends with h`mi/n, and pisteu,sasin resumes the
eiv clause. It would be nice, ideally, if the participle could be construed with both
clauses, because faith was indeed crucial to disciples’ receiving of the Spirit and is the
vital link equating the two groups (see Robertson, Word Pictures). But I do not see a
natural way to diagram both connections (perhaps an elliptical pisteu,sasin could be
supplied with the w`j clause), so I have diagrammed only what I see as the primary
Act 11:16 w`j — The clause introduced by this particle could alternatively be construed
as modifying r`h,matoj.
Act 11:17 pisteu,sasin — A number of versions construe this participle as modifying
h`mi/n: “when we believed on the Lord Jesus Christ.” While this construction is
grammatically attractive (in that it construes the participle with the immediately
preceding words), I think it is unlikely based on historical context. The Pentecostal
effusion of the Spirit on the disciples was not something that happened “when they
believed,” unless “when” is to be stretched to cover a considerable interval of time.
“Because we believed” could be better defended, but it seems to me that the context
points most naturally to the faith of Cornelius and his household. When they believed
Peter’s message about Jesus Christ, immediately the Spirit fell upon them (10:36-44). So
it seems to me that the w`j clause ends with h`mi/n, and pisteu,sasin resumes the
eiv clause. It would be nice, ideally, if the participle could be construed with both
clauses, because faith was indeed crucial to disciples’ receiving of the Spirit and is the
vital link equating the two groups (see Robertson, Word Pictures). But I do not see a
natural way to diagram both connections (perhaps an elliptical pisteu,sasin could be
supplied with the w`j clause), so I have diagrammed only what I see as the primary

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