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Castle View High School

Parent Survey
Questions 2006 2007 2008 2009
Respondents 30 116
I feel welcome at my student's school. 90 92
Students are generally respectful of each other. 67 81
My student's teachers care about him/her as a person. 80 83
I know what my student's teacher expects of him/her. 64 74
There is adequate recognition of my student's successes. 67 70
My student shows genuine enthusiasm for learning. 63 79
My student generally tells the truth, even when it's not easy. 92
School wide discipline procedures are administered fairly and consistently at
this school.
My student feels comfortable reporting suspicious activity. 81
Physical/Social Environment
My student is safe at school. 90 94
My student is safe going to and from school. 83 96
My student knows how to respond to someone who tries to bully or intimidate
80 83
My student knows how to make choices that positively impact his/her physical
83 93
and emotional health.
This school promotes respect for cultural diversity in the school and community. 80 88
When I visit this schoool, the building and grounds are clean, safe and well
100 91
My student places a high value on helping others. 94
This school adequately prepares students for the next level. 73 71
This school meets the academic needs of my student. 79 73
My student has the opportunity to develop leadership skills at school. 67 85
The amount of homework my student receives is appropriate. 63 85
I am informed about my student's progress in school. 79 77
This school's grading practices are fair. 69
This school has clearly communicated grading practices. 77
This school's grading practices are applied consistently. 66
This school's grading practices help me understand how I can support my
student at home.
My student's teacher challenges him/her to learn new ideas. 77 80
My student uses reason and logic when making decisions. 86
My student is good at identifying alternatives when trying to solve problems. 78
My student is comfortable using current technology. 93 97

Percent Strongly Agree or Agree

Castle View High School
Parent Survey
Questions 2006 2007 2008 2009
Leadership Focused
I believe this district is headed in the right direction. 62
I am satisfied with the communication I receive from this school. 57 80
I am encouraged to become involved through volunteering or parent
76 89
My calls to the school are returned in a timely manner. 64 82
School administrators treat parents with respect. 86 91
This school's administrators listen to my ideas and suggestions. 52 75
The district communicates important decisions about new schools and district
initiatives prior to implementation.
The district is responsive to my questions, comments, and concerns. 60
Additional High School
Counselors are available for academic guidance. 72
I have received college planning assistance. 54
I have received career planning assistance. 38
My student was provided adequate information and support during the
transition to high school.
This school offers a sufficiently wide range of extra curricular activities. 96

Percent Strongly Agree or Agree

Castle View High School
Student Survey

Questions 2006 2007 2008 2009

Respondents 14 122
I feel like I belong at this school. 71 85
My teachers care about me. 62 83
My teachers are fair. 54 73
I am recognized for my successes at school. 57 66
I am excited about learning. 57 72
Physical/Social Environment
I feel safe at school. 86 87
I feel safe going to and from school. 100 88
I know how to respond to someone who tries to bully or intimidate me. 93 88
I have lots of friends at school. 86 87
My school offers a sufficiently wide range of extracurricular activities. 86 90
The school building and classrooms are clean, safe, and well maintained. 93 82
I know what my teachers expect of me. 79 80
I am comfortable using current technology. 100 89
I have support for learning at home. 92 84
The amount of homework I am assigned is appropriate (the right amount). 64 56
My homework helps me learn. 53
My teachers regularly give me feedback on how I am doing in my classes. 79 50
I get feedback from my teachers about writing in various classes. 67
My teachers grade fairly. 69
My teachers challenge me to learn new ideas. 77 79
My teachers encourage me to learn all that I can. 80
My teachers make learning interesting most of the time. 70
I understand what I read at school. 82
I get the support I need to understand mathematics. 78
Responsible Citizens
I have the opportunity to develop leadership skills at school. 71 80
I have the skills to influence others in a positive way. 93 86
Students at my school are generally respectful of each other. 71 53
Others treat me with respect even when I look and think differently from them. 69 70
I am honest and try to do the right thing. 100 91
I know how to make choices that positively impact my physical and emotional
92 88
I think about the good and bad consequences of my actions before I act. 80
I consider the opinions of others when deciding what to do. 82
I am able to defend my position when I make a decision. 91
Students who participate in competitive groups are positive representatives of
79 74
my school.

Percent Strongly Agree or Agree

Castle View High School
Student Survey

Questions 2006 2007 2008 2009

Leadership Focused
Administrators at my school do not tolerate inappropriate behavior. 93 78
Administrators clearly communicate rules and expectations for students. 64 62
School-wide discipline procedures are administered fairly and consistently. 43 56
At my school, coaches and sponsors at my school promote good character and
86 84
ethical behavior.
Cultures of Thinking
I learn more when teachers expect me to think about my learning. 79
I use information from more than one source to better understand the
concepts/skills I am learning.
I have opportunities to ask questions and listen to my peers during my learning. 88
My teachers expect me to think rather than memorize. 73
I demonstrate my learning in a variety of ways. 85
I am expected to connect my learning to real world situations. 79
I am expected to connect my learning to previous learning. 86
I am expected to connect my learning to other subjects. 73
I understand the vocabulary in my lessons, units or courses. 83

Percent Strongly Agree or Agree

Castle View High School
Staff Survey

Questions 2006 2007 2008 2009

Respondents 32 27
I feel like I belong at this school. 91 85
I have the opportunity to do what I do best every day. 88 85
I know what is expected of me at work. 91 89
I frequently receive recognition or praise for good work. 71 74
I work with people who listen if I have ideas about doing things
81 85
The people I work with cooperate as a team. 84 85
There is someone at work who encourages my professional
94 84
Work Environment
I feel physically safe at work. 88 89
I am not exposed to unsafe working conditions at my site. 87 85
Most of the time, the temperature in my building is comfortable. 66 59
The rules for staff at my school are fair. 94 85
I have had training on the technology and/or equipment necessary
81 81
to do my job.
I have access to the technology necessary to do my job. 94 81
I have the materials and equipment I need to do my job. 84 78
I have the training necessary to do my job. 84 85
I have opportunities to improve my knowledge and skills. 94 81
The practices and procedures at my worksite are well defined. 63 70
With few exceptions, I am able to complete my work within normal
31 37
work hours.
Leadership Focused
I know what my school is trying to accomplish to meet DCSD’s
88 85
student learning goals.
I feel issues that impact my work are resolved in a timeframe
63 78
acceptable to me.
I have input on decisions that affect my job. 88 85
My supervisor treats me with respect. 91 85
My supervisor keeps me well informed in areas that affect my job. 58 85
My supervisor cares about me as a person. 88 81
In the last six months, my supervisor has communicated with me
90 89
about how I am performing my job duties.
District Focused
I believe the district is moving in a positive direction. 84 50
I believe my school has a good public image. 78 89
The climate and culture in our district make for a positive work
88 77
DCSD provides an atmosphere in which every child can succeed. 84 89
The communication between the district and my school is amicable
84 81
and productive.
I feel valued as an employee. 88 85

Percent Strongly Agree or Agree

Castle View High School
Staff Survey

Questions 2006 2007 2008 2009

Teachers only
I feel the district level administration and system support my work in the
80 65
I feel supported by my principal. 84 63
I believe my principal is moving our school in a positive direction. 84
I believe my principal is an instructional leader. 86
Teachers in this school collaborate with each other to make student
learning consistent.
79 83
I have adequate opportunity to collaborate with others who impact the work
I do.
68 83
I have access to the data necessary to make decisions about my work with
Teachers are using multiple data sources to validate student learning of
I consistently use data to inform my instructional decisions. 87
I am committed to making necessary changes to improve student learning. 100 91
I regularly integrate technology into my classroom instruction. 79 82
I regularly consider different learning styles when planning my lessons. 91
I use essential learnings and assessments for my grade level/course. 86
Students would tell you that I have created a culture of thinking in my
My students ask appropriate clarifying questions. 78
My students draw conclusions that are justified. 83
Cheating is not an issue in my classroom. 65
I would appreciate training in:
Working with low achieving students. 24 30
Working with high achieving students. 24 13
Working with special education students. 20 9
Working with English Language Learners. 8 17
Working with students from diverse ethnic and religious
8 9
Working with students from poverty backgrounds. 17
Different learning styles. 28 26
Using assessments to inform my instructional practices. 32 17
Understanding content standards and assessment frameworks for my grade level. 20 26
Different learning characteristics of boys and girls. 24 26
How to integrate technology into my classroom instruction. 40 30
Managing student behavior. 30
Bullying and suicide prevention. 13
Response to Intervention. 26
Teaching critical thinking. 17
Teaching ethical leadership. 17
Embedding service learning into instruction. 13

Percent Strongly Agree or Agree

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