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Hematology - CM

Bessisy Tamir M1248

1. What are the criteria for differential diagnosis between aplastic anemia and acute leukemia:
A. [ ] Anemic syndrome
B. [X] Proliferative syndome
C. [ ] Hemorrhagic syndrome
D. [ ] Pancytopenia in the peripheral blood count
E. [X] Blast cells over 20% in the bone marrow aspirate
2. What morphological features are observed in iron-deficiency anemia:
A. [X] Hypochromia of erythrocytes
B. [ ] Hypersegmentation of neutrophil nuclei
C. [X] Microcytosis of erythrocytes
D. [ ] Targeted erythrocytes
E. [ ] Microspherocytes
3. The following statements are suitable for diagnosis of iron-deficiency anemia, with an exception of:
A. [ ] Angular stomatitis
B. [ ] “Pica chlorotica”
C. [X] Paresthesia in fingers of hands and feet
D. [X] Wax-like nuance of the skin
E. [ ] Hypochromia of erythrocytes
4. Iron-deficiency anemia should be differentiated commonly from:
A. [ ] Vitamin B12- deficiency anemia
B. [ ] Folic acid-deficiency anemia
C. [ ] Aplastic anemia
D. [X] Marchiafava-Micheli disease
E. [X] Thalassemia
5. Aplastic anemia is manifested by:
A. [X] Anemic syndrome
B. [ ] “Pica chlorotica”
C. [ ] Proliferative syndome
D. [ ] Sideropenic syndrome
E. [X] Hemorrhagic syndrome
6. Iron-deficiency anemia is manifested by:
A. [X] Perversion of tastes
B. [ ] Hemorrhagic syndrome
C. [ ] Neurologic syndrome
D. [X] Sideropenic syndrome
E. [ ] Paresthesia in fingers
7. Sideropenic syndrome is characterized by the following clinical manifestations:
A. [X] Hair and nails fragility
B. [ ] Skin jaundice
C. [X] “Pica chlorotica”
D. [ ] Splenomegaly
E. [ ] Lymph nodes enlargement
8. The following drugs are used for treatment of iron-deficiency anemia:
A. [ ] Vitamin B12
B. [ ] Folic acid
C. [ ] Polyvitamins
D. [X] Hemofer
E. [X] Sorbifer-Durules
9. Vitamin B12- deficiency anemia may be caused by:
A. [ ] Hiatal hernia
B. [X] Diffuse atrophy of the gastric mucosa
Hematology - CM
Bessisy Tamir M1248

C. [X] Gastric cancer

D. [ ] Chloramphenicol
E. [ ] Ancylostomiasis
10. What of the following syndromes serves for differential diagnosis between iron-deficiency anemia
and vitamin B12- deficiency anemia:
A. [ ] Anemic
B. [X] Neurologic
C. [ ] Hemorrhagic
D. [ ] Proliferative
E. [X] Sideropenic
11. The most frequent causes of folic acid-deficiency anemia are:
A. [X] Insuficient dietary intake
B. [X] Increased folate requirements
C. [ ] Diffuse atrophy of the gastric mucosa
D. [ ] Total gastrectomy
E. [ ] Intrinsic factor Castle deficiency
12. The main clinical syndromes of folic acid-deficiency anemia are:
A. [ ] Sideropenic
B. [ ] “Pica chlorotica”
C. [ ] Hemorrhagic
D. [X] Anemic
E. [X] Gastrointestinal
13. The peripheral blood smear examination reveals megalocytes and marked hyperchromia. What of the
following signs may be linked with that hematological pattern:
A. [ ] Disfagia
B. [X] Paresthesia in fingers of hands and feet
C. [ ] Marked splenomegaly
D. [X] Diffuse atrophy of the gastric mucosa
E. [ ] Hemorrhagic syndrome
14. The following stages of Hodgkin lymphoma are treated by the involved-field radiotherapy:
A. [X] I
B. [X] II
C. [ ] III
D. [ ] IV
E. [ ] În toate cele enumerate
15. Hodgkin lymphoma is characterized by:
A. [ ] Anemic syndrome
B. [ ] Hemorrhagic syndrome
C. [X] Consecutive involvement of the lymph nodes in the primary tumor site
D. [X] Consecutive tumor dissemination in the lymph nodes
E. [ ] Frequent primary extranodal involvement
16. The following statements are suitable for diagnosis of Hodgkin lymphoma:
A. [ ] Concomitant enlargement of the all lymph node groups
B. [X] Dominant primary involvement of the peripheral lymph nodes
C. [ ] Frequent primary involvement of the gastrointestinal tract
D. [ ] Bone marrow involvement is absent
E. [X] The involved lymph nodes are painless and non-adherent to the adjacent tissues
17. In Hodgkin lymphoma systemic B symptoms suggest:
A. [X] Unfavorable prognosis
B. [X] Aggressive evolution of the disease
C. [ ] Favorable prognosis
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Bessisy Tamir M1248

D. [ ] Favorable evolution of the disease

E. [ ] High efficiency of the treatment
18. The following drugs are commonly used for single-agent chemotherapy in high-grade non-Hodgkin
A. [X] Cyclophosphamide
B. [X] Vincristine
C. [ ] Chlorambucil
D. [ ] Busulfan
E. [ ] Melphalan
19. There are following histological types of low-grade non-Hodgkin lymphomas:
A. [ ] Microlymphoblastic
B. [ ] Macrolymphoblastic
C. [X] Prolymphocytic
D. [X] Lymphoplasmacytic
E. [ ] Immunoblastic
20. The following statements are compatible with diagnosis of non-Hodgkin lymphoma:
A. [X] Primary tumor focus develops in any organ, which contains lymphoid tissue
B. [ ] Frequent primary involvement of the pulmonary tissue
C. [ ] Bone marrow is not involved
D. [X] Age-dependant morbidity increase
E. [ ] Rare primary involvement of the gastrointestinal tract
21. The following statements are suitable for prolymphocytic/lymphocytic type of non-Hodgkin lymphomas:
A. [ ] Aggressive evolution
B. [X] Frequent involvement of the bone marrow
C. [ ] Frequent involvement of the central nervous system
D. [X] Frequent primary involvement of the spleen
E. [ ] Primary extranodal localizations are rarely registered
22. Bone marrow aspiration is performed in the following phases of chronic myeloid leukemia:
A. [ ] Early chronic
B. [ ] Late chronic
C. [X] Accelerated
D. [X] Acute
E. [ ] In all phases
23. The early chronic phase of chronic myeloid leukemia is manifested by the following blood changes:
A. [ ] Leukocytosis > 30.0 x 109/l
B. [X] Leukocytosis < 30.0 x 109/l
C. [ ] Leukopenia < 3.0 x 109/l
D. [X] Shift to the left up to myelocytes
E. [ ] Lymphocytosis
24. The following statements are suitable for diagnosis of idiopathic myelofibrosis:
A. [ ] Absence of splenomegaly
B. [ ] Erythrocytes are normocytic
C. [ ] The anemia is unfrequent
D. [X] Thrombocytopenia is rarely observed
E. [X] Usually the platelets count is increased
25. Histological examination of the spleen sections in idiopathic myelofibrosis reveals:
A. [ ] Plasmatic cells
B. [X] Myeloid line cells
C. [X] Erythrocaryocytec and megacaryocytes
D. [ ] Lymphocytosis
E. [ ] Monocytosis
Hematology - CM
Bessisy Tamir M1248

26. Therapy with parenteral iron preparations is indicated in cases of:

A. [X] Severe intestinal malabsorption
B. [X] Chronic enteritis
C. [ ] First two quarters of pregnancy
D. [ ] Blood donors
E. [ ] Hiatal hernia
27. The peripheral blood smear examination reveals microcytosis and marked hypochromia. What of the
following signs may be linked with that hematological pattern:
A. [X] Disfagia
B. [X] Angular stomatitis angulară
C. [ ] Paresthesia in fingers of hands and feet
D. [ ] Marked splenomegaly
E. [ ] Jaundice
28. The following statements are suitable for diagnosis of anemia due to chronic infections:
A. [ ] Ring sideroblasts are characteristic
B. [X] The iron content in the bone marrow macrophages is increased
C. [ ] Microcytosis is a reliable sign
D. [ ] The oral iron preparations are administered
E. [X] The treatment with iron preparations is contraindicated
29. What of the following criteria serve for differential diagnosis between iron-deficiency anemia and
anemia due to chronic inflammation:
A. [ ] Red cell count
B. [X] Ferritin
C. [ ] Reticulocyte count
D. [ ] Decreased plasma iron concentration
E. [X] Absence of sideropenic syndrome
30. What of the following signs are registered only in vitamin B12-deficiency anemia:
A. [X] Megaloblastic hematopoiesis
B. [ ] “Pica chlorotica”
C. [ ] Hypochromia and microcytosis
D. [X] Neurologic syndrome
E. [ ] Plasma iron concentration is markedly decreased
31. What of the following statements aren’t compatible with diagnosis of Biermer anemia:
A. [ ] Increased incidence of gastric cancer
B. [ ] Atrophic gastritis
C. [X] Decreased values of folic acid
D. [ ] Megaloblastic hematopoiesis
E. [X] Plasma iron concentration is markedly decreased
32. What of the following criteria serve for differential diagnosis between vitamin B12-deficiency
anemia and folic acid-deficiency anemia:
A. [X] Neurologic syndrome
B. [ ] Anemic syndrome
C. [ ] Gastrointestinal syndrome
D. [ ] Sideropenic syndrome
E. [X] Reticulocyte crisis under the treatment trial with vitamin B12
33. What of the following parameters are compatible with diagnosis of aplastic anemia:
A. [X] Infections are frequently registered
B. [X] Hemorrhagic syndrome is characteristic for the disease
C. [ ] Megaloblastic hematopoiesis in the bone marrow
D. [ ] Lymph nodes enlargement
E. [ ] Splenomegaly
Hematology - CM
Bessisy Tamir M1248

34. What of the following blood count parameters are compatible with diagnosis of aplastic anemia:
A. [ ] Thrombocytosis
B. [ ] Reticulocytosis
C. [X] Leukopenia
D. [X] Thrombocytopenia
E. [ ] Leukocytosis over 15.0 x 109/l
35. Clinical picture of aplastic anemia comprises the following syndromes:
A. [ ] Neurologic
B. [ ] Sideropenic
C. [X] Hemorrhagic
D. [X] Infections occurs frequently
E. [ ] Proliferative
36. The following statements are compatible with diagnosis of hereditary microspherocytosis:
A. [X] The disease may evolve with aplastic crisis
B. [ ] The hemolysis takes place mainly in the bone marrow and to a limited extent in the spleen
C. [ ] The correction of anemia needs high doses of iron preparations
D. [X] Red cell membrane proteins are genetically altered
E. [ ] Splenectomy is absolutely contraindicated
37. Intravascular hemolysis is characterized by:
A. [X] Release of hemoglobin into plasma
B. [ ] Increased values of hemopoietin
C. [ ] Dominant spleen involvement in erythrocyte distruction
D. [X] Hemoglobinuria and hemosiderinuria
E. [ ] Clinical evolution of chronic hemolysis
38. The diagnosis of thalassemia is proved by the following criteria:
A. [ ] Decreased plasma iron concentration
B. [ ] Positive Ham test
C. [X] Increased values of hemoglobin F during electrophoresis of hemoglobin
D. [X] Marked splenomegaly
E. [ ] Decreased osmotic resistance
39. The following hemostasis alterations are present in thrombocytopenic purpura:
A. [X] Prolonged bleeding time
B. [ ] Absence or decrease of concentration of factor VIII
C. [X] Decrease of platelets count
D. [ ] Decreased prothrombin index
E. [ ] Presence of fibrin monomers
40. A fertile woman with thrombocytopenic purpura may have the following changes of the peripheral
blood count:
A. [ ] Leukopenia
B. [X] Posthemorrhagic anemia
C. [ ] Lymphocytosis
D. [ ] Presence of blast cells
E. [X] Decreased platelets count
41. The following statements are suitable for diagnosis of thrombocytopenic purpura:
A. [ ] Clot retraction is normal
B. [X] Prolonged bleeding time
C. [ ] Hereditary coagulation disorder
D. [X] Decreased platelets count
E. [ ] Prolonged coagulation time by Lee-White
42. The prolonged bleeding time is registered in:
A. [X] Thrombocytopenic purpura
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Bessisy Tamir M1248

B. [ ] Hemophilia
C. [ ] Rendu-Osler disease
D. [ ] Hemorrhagic capillary toxicosis
E. [X] Von Willebrand disease
43. The prolonged coagulation time is registered in:
A. [ ] Thrombocytopenic purpura
B. [X] Hemophilia
C. [ ] Rendu-Osler disease
D. [X] Von Willebrand disease
E. [ ] Hemorrhagic capillary toxicosis
44. The following laboratory data prove the diagnosis of hemophilia:
A. [ ] Prolonged bleeding time
B. [ ] Decreased platelets count
C. [X] Prolonged coagulation time by Lee-White
D. [ ] Decrease of prothrombin index
E. [X] Increase of partial activated thromboplastine time
45. Hemophilia is characterized by:
A. [X] Hemarthroses and hematomas
B. [ ] Decrease of platelets count
C. [X] Increase of partial activated thromboplastine time
D. [ ] Prolonged bleeding time
E. [ ] Hemorrhagic syndrome in the form of petechias and ecchymoses
46. The diagnosis of Hodgkin lymphoma with the involvement of mediastinal lymph nodes should be proved by:
A. [ ] X-ray examination
B. [X] Mediastinoscopy with biopsy
C. [ ] Ultrasound scanning
D. [X] Exploratory Thoracotomy with biopsy
E. [ ] Computerized tomography scanning
47. The following statements are characteristic for Hodgkin lymphoma:
A. [ ] Central nervous system involvement is the most frequent extranodal localization
B. [ ] Histological type has no prognostic value
C. [X] Histological type has a prognostic value
D. [ ] The increase of alcaline phosphatase indicates the involvement of mediastinal lymph nodes
E. [X] Immune deficiency
48. The following statements may be related to the treatment of Hodgkin lymphoma:
A. [ ] Single-agent chemotherapy constitutes the first-line treatment option in patients with localized stages
B. [X] The treatment modality is ellaborated according to the stage and histological type of the tumor
C. [ ] Radiotherapy is applied only in generalized stages
D. [ ] Patients with stage I of the tumor don’t need specific treatment
E. [X] In patients with stage IV Hodgkin lymphoma, the main treatment option is combined chemotherapy
49. The are following high grade histological types of non-Hodgkin lymphoma:
A. [X] Lymphoblastic
B. [ ] Prolymphocytic
C. [ ] Lymphocytic
D. [X] Immunoblastic
E. [ ] Lymphoplasmacytic
50. The unfavorable evolution of non-Hodgkin lymphoma is asserted by:
A. [ ] Prolymphocytic type
B. [X] Leukemic conversion with blast cells
C. [X] Generalized stages
D. [ ] Localized stages
Hematology - CM
Bessisy Tamir M1248

E. [ ] Primary localized involvement of the stomach

51. The most frequent localizations of primary extranodal involvement by non-Hodgkin lymphoma are:
A. [ ] Pulmonary tissue
B. [X] Gastrointestinal tract
C. [ ] Central nervous system
D. [ ] Bones
E. [X] Nasopharyngeal lymphoid ring
52. The most frequent extramedullary localizations of the acute lymphoblastic leukemia proliferation are:
A. [ ] Gingiva
B. [ ] Tonsils
C. [ ] Skin
D. [X] Meninges
E. [X] Testes
53. The unfavorable prognosis factors in acute myeloblastic leukemia are:
A. [X] Hyperleukocytosis
B. [ ] Young age (under 30 years)
C. [ ] Positive peroxidase reaction
D. [ ] Presence of Auer rods
E. [X] Secondary (inducted) origin of acute leukemia
54. The prevention of meningeal involvement in acute lymphoblastic leukemia is realized by:
A. [ ] Intravenous steroid therapy
B. [ ] Chemotherapy with Vincristine
C. [ ] L-asparaginase
D. [X] Intrathecal administration of Methotrexate
E. [X] Craniocerebral irradiation
55. The following statements are suitable for diagnosis of acute leukemia:
A. [X] The urine alcalinisation prevents postcytotoxic uric nephropathy
B. [ ] The treatment with All Trans-Retinoic Acid is indicated in children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia L1
C. [ ] The therapy with Heparin is used for prevention of DIC syndrome in acute leukemia M4
D. [X] The maintenance treatment of acute lymphoblastic leukemia is performed with the usage of
6-Mercaptopurine and Methotrexate
E. [ ] The association of antifungal and antibacterial agents is contraindicated for treatment of severe
infections in acute leukemias
56. In chronic myeloid leukemia, the bleeding syndrome results mainly from:
A. [ ] Decreased synthesis of coagulation factors
B. [X] Thrombocytopenia due to the bone marrow failure
C. [X] Functional disorders of platelets
D. [ ] Decreased fibrinolysin
E. [ ] Increased vascular fragility
57. The most utilized drugs for treatment of chronic myeloid leukemia are:
A. [X] Busulfan
B. [ ] Vinblastine
C. [ ] Prednisolone
D. [ ] Chlorambucil
E. [X] Hydroxyurea
58. The diagnosis of idiopathic myelofibrosis is asserted by:
A. [ ] Leukocytosis over 100.0 x 109/l
B. [ ] Decreased values of alcaline phosphatase in neutrophils
C. [X] Giant splenomegaly
D. [ ] Presence of Ph chromosome
E. [X] Myeloid and megacaryocytic proliferation in the bone marrow bioptate
Hematology - CM
Bessisy Tamir M1248

59. What of the following statements are compatible with diagnosis of chronic lymphocytic leukemia:
A. [X] Infectious complications occurs frequently
B. [ ] The first-line treatment comprises Melphalan
C. [X] Leukocytosis is caused by the absolute lymphocytosis
D. [ ] Polyclonal character of lymphoid infiltration
E. [ ] The cause of anemia is always autoimmune hemolysis
60. Chronic lymphocytic leukemia is a tumor of hematopoietic system, originating from:
A. [ ] Stem cell
B. [X] Lymphoid B-cell precursor
C. [X] Lymphoid T-cell precursor
D. [ ] Myeloid cell precursor
E. [ ] Blast cell
61. The causes of anemia in chronic lymphocytic leukemia are:
A. [ ] Iron deficiency
B. [ ] Vitamin B12 deficiency
C. [X] Autoimmune hemolysis
D. [ ] Bleeding
E. [X] Bone marrow involvement
62. Polycythemia vera may evolve with the following complications:
A. [X] Miocardial infarction
B. [X] Necroses of fingers
C. [ ] Autoimmune hemolysis
D. [ ] Cholelithiasis
E. [ ] Frequent infectious complications
63. What of the following drugs are more efficient in treatment of polycythemia vera:
A. [X] Imifos
B. [X] Hydroxyurea
C. [ ] Cyclophosphamide
D. [ ] Vincristine
E. [ ] Chlorambucil
64. The diagnosis of multiple myeloma may be asserted by the association of the following criteria:
A. [X] Myeloma cells over 15% in the bone marrow aspirate
B. [X] Osteolytic lesions on X-ray examination of the bones
C. [ ] Detection of pathologic paraprotein
D. [ ] Proteinuria
E. [ ] Anemia and accelerated ESR in the peripheral blood count
65. What of the following examinations are mandatory to prove the diagnosis and determine the stage of
multiple myeloma:
A. [X] X-ray examination of the bone skeleton
B. [X] Plasma proteins electrophoresis
C. [ ] Coagulation tests
D. [ ] Determination of bilirubin and aminotransferases concentrations
E. [ ] Neciporenco test of the urine
66. The following statements are suitable for pathogenesis of Rendu-Osler disease:
A. [X] Deficiency or absence of collagen fibers in pericapillary connective tissue
B. [ ] Prolonged prothrombin time
C. [X] Platelets aren’t activated, that leads to the adhesion disorder
D. [ ] Antiplatelets antibodies are formed
E. [ ] Autocoagulation test is altered

Hematology - CM
Bessisy Tamir M1248

67. The treatment of Rendu-Osler disease is limited to:

A. [ ] Platelets transfusions
B. [X] Local hemostatic treatment
C. [ ] Fresh frozen plasma transfusions
D. [X] Treatment of iron-deficiency anemia, resulting from bleeding
E. [ ] Transfusions of cryoprecipitate
68. Prolonged Lee-White coagulation time is observed in:
A. [ ] Rendu-Osler disease
B. [ ] Thrombocytopathies
C. [X] Hemophilia
D. [ ] Hemorrhagic vasculitis
E. [X] Von Willebrand disease
69. A fertile woman with thrombocytopenic purpura may have the following changes in the peripheral
blood count:
A. [X] Posthemorrhagic anemia
B. [ ] Leukocytosis up to 30.0 x 109/l
C. [X] Decrease of platelets count up to solitary thrombocytes
D. [ ] Basophilia and eosinophilia
E. [ ] Blast cells
70. The following statements may be related to autoimmune thrombocytopenia:
A. [ ] Is a disorder of secondary hemostasis
B. [X] Results from the formation of antibodies against thrombocytes with normal antigen structure
C. [ ] Is registered more frequently in males
D. [X] There are idiopathic and symptomatic autoimmune thrombocytopenias
E. [ ] Hemarthroses occur frequently
71. The following statements may be related to autoimmune thrombocytopenia:
A. [ ] Hemarthroses and hematomas are the dominant clinical manifestations
B. [X] The severe types of the disease may evolve with meningocerebral bleedings
C. [ ] Steroid therapy lasts 4 – 5 months
D. [ ] Immunosuppressant drugs constitute the main treatment
E. [X] Immunosuppressant drugs are administered, if splenectomy is not efficient
72. What of the following data prove the diagnosis of hemophilia A:
A. [ ] Bleeding time is constantly prolonged
B. [X] Lee-White coagulation time is prolonged
C. [ ] Males are carriers
D. [X] Is a coagulation disorder caused by factor VIII deficiency
E. [ ] The presence of fibrin monomers pleads for subclinical types of the disease
73. Hemophilia B is characterized by:
A. [X] Alteration of partial activated thromboplastine time
B. [ ] Reduction of platelets adhesion and aggregation
C. [ ] Decrease of platelets count up to solitary thrombocytes
D. [ ] Cerebrospinal bleedings develop frequently
E. [X] Is the deficiency of coagulation factor IX
74. The main treatment option for hemophilia A is:
A. [ ] Red cell transfusions
B. [ ] Platelets transfusions
C. [X] Fresh frozen plasma transfusions
D. [X] Transfusions of cryoprecipitate
E. [ ] Administration of immunosuppressant drugs
75. Chronic lymphocytic leukemia is:
A. [X] B-cell in 94 – 95% of cases
Hematology - CM
Bessisy Tamir M1248

B. [ ] Neoplasia, with morphological substrate composed of blast cells

C. [X] T-cell in 5 – 6% of cases
D. [ ] Systemic disease
E. [ ] A disease, which affects mostly young persons
76. What of the following statements may be related to chronic lymphocytic leukemia:
A. [ ] Is a myeloproliferative neoplasia
B. [X] Is a lymphoproliferative neoplasia, with morphological substrate composed of mature lymphocytes
C. [ ] Is manifested by two main syndromes: osteomedullary and pathologoproteinic
D. [X] Is frequently complicated by intercurrent infections and autoimmune disorders (autoimmune
hemolytic anemia and autoimmune thrombocytopenia)
E. [ ] Microcirculation disorders and thromboses occur frequently
77. Chronic lymphocytic leukemia is characterized by:
A. [ ] Domination of blast cells in the peripheral blood count
B. [ ] Frequent involvement of the gastrointestinal tract
C. [X] Peripheral lymph nodes enlargement
D. [ ] Develops and progresses rapidly
E. [X] Liver and spleen involvement
78. Relative iron deficiency in anemias chronic disorders results from the action of:
A. [X] Interleukin 1
B. [ ] Interleukin 3
C. [X] Apolactoferrin
D. [ ] Haptoglobin
E. [ ] Ceruloplasmin
79. Hemolytic anemias are characterized by the following syndromes:
A. [ ] Sideropenic
B. [X] Anemic
C. [ ] Gastrointestinal
D. [ ] Neurologic
E. [X] Hemolytic
80. Hereditary microspherocytosis may be complicated by:
A. [X] Thromboses
B. [ ] Infections
C. [X] Cholelithiasis
D. [ ] Hemorrhagic syndrome
E. [ ] Lymph nodes enlargement
81. Morphological examination of erythrocytes in hereditary microspherocytosis reveals:
A. [X] Normochromic erythrocytes
B. [X] Microspherocytes
C. [ ] Elliptocytes
D. [ ] Hypochromia
E. [ ] Stomatocytes
82. The following peripheral blood count changes are revealed in hereditary microspherocytosis:
A. [X] Anemia associated with reticulocytosis
B. [ ] Leukopenia
C. [ ] Lymphocytosis
D. [X] Microspherocytes
E. [ ] Thrombocytopenia
83. In thalassemia, the hemolysis takes place in:
A. [ ] Liver
B. [X] Bone marrow
C. [X] Spleen
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Bessisy Tamir M1248

D. [ ] Intravascular
E. [ ] In all above-mentioned sites
84. Morphological examination of erythrocytes in thalassemia reveals:
A. [ ] Microspherocytes
B. [X] Hypochromia
C. [X] Targeted red cells
D. [ ] Elliptocytes
E. [ ] Acantocytes
85. Clinical picture of thalassemia is characterized by:
A. [X] Hemolytic syndrome
B. [ ] Hemorrhagic syndrome
C. [ ] Neurologic syndrome
D. [X] Splenomegaly
E. [ ] Lymph nodes enlargement
86. The patients with thalassemia may have the following complications:
A. [ ] Infectious
B. [X] Secondary hemosiderosis
C. [X] Thromboses
D. [ ] Hemorrhagic syndrome
E. [ ] Autoimmune
87. The following tests are specific for paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria:
A. [ ] Direct Coombs test
B. [ ] Indirect Coombs test
C. [X] Ham test
D. [X] Test with sucrose
E. [ ] Sickling test
88. Heteroimmune hemolytic anemias develop as a result of:
A. [ ] Action of antierythrocyte antibodies
B. [ ] Mechanical distruction of red cells
C. [ ] Structural alterations of red cell membrane
D. [X] Production of antibodies against erythrocytes, in which some drugs are bound to membrane
E. [X] Production of antibodies against erythrocytes, in which some viruses are bound to membrane
89. The following criteria plead for autoimmune hemolytic anemia with antibodies against nucleated
red cells of the bone marrow:
A. [ ] Erythroid hyperplasia of the bone marrow
B. [ ] Reticulocytosis
C. [X] Absence of reticulocytosis
D. [X] Total or subtotal absence of erythrocaryocytes in the bone marrow
E. [ ] Bilirubinemia
90. The following drugs are used for treatment of acute lymphoblastic leukemia:
A. [ ] Melphalan
B. [ ] Busulfan
C. [ ] Chlorambucil
D. [X] Vincristine
E. [X] Adriablastin
91. The following drugs of choice are used for remission induction in acute myeloblastic leukemia:
A. [X] Cytarabine
B. [ ] Vincristine
C. [X] Adriablastin
D. [ ] L-asparaginase
E. [ ] All Trans-Retinoic Acid
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Bessisy Tamir M1248

92. L-asparaginase is used in treatment of:

A. [X] Acute lymphoblastic leukemia L1
B. [X] Acute lymphoblastic leukemia L2
C. [ ] Acute myeloblastic leukemia M2
D. [ ] Acute myelomonoblastic leukemia M4
E. [ ] Acute phase of chronic myeloid leukemia
93. The following statements are suitable for diagnosis of acute leukemia:
A. [ ] Gingival hyperplasia is registered more frequently in lymphoblastic type
B. [ ] Positive PAS-reaction is characteristic for myeloblastic type
C. [ ] Auer rods are characteristic for monoblastic type
D. [X] DIC syndrome is characteristic for promyelocytic type
E. [X] The diagnosis of acute leukemia is proved, if the bone marrow aspiration reveals over 20% of blast cells
94. The diagnosis of multiple myeloma is asserted by the presence of the following syndromes:
A. [ ] Intoxication
B. [ ] Plethoric
C. [X] Osteomedullary
D. [ ] Hemolytic
E. [X] Pathologoproteinic
95. The following examinations are applied for the assertion of diagnosis of solitary myeloma:
A. [ ] X-ray exam of the tumor
B. [X] Biopsy and morphological examination of the tumor
C. [ ] Ultrasound scanning
D. [X] Bone marrow aspiration
E. [ ] Computerized tomography
96. The genesis of anemia in multiple myeloma constitutes:
A. [ ] Iron deficiency
B. [ ] Hemolysis
C. [ ] Aplasia
D. [X] Metaplasia
E. [X] Chronic renal failure
97. The most frequent complications of multiple myeloma are:
A. [ ] Hemolytic crisis
B. [ ] Hepatosplenomegaly
C. [X] Paraproteinemic coma
D. [ ] Gingival hyperplasia
E. [X] Peripheral sensorial neuropathy
98. The following criteria should be considered for assertion of diagnosis of polycythemia vera:
A. [ ] Blast cells in the peripheral blood
B. [ ] Lymphocytosis in the peripheral blood
C. [X] Pancytosis in the peripheral blood
D. [ ] Accelerated ESR
E. [X] Panmyelosis in the bone marrow bioptate
99. Thromboses in polycythemia vera are caused by:
A. [X] Blood hyperviscosity
B. [ ] Neurologic syndrome
C. [X] Thrombocytosis
D. [ ] Functional disorder of the gastrointestinal tract
E. [ ] Osteomedullary syndrome
100. Microcirculation disorders in polycythemia vera are manifested by the following signs:
A. [ ] Funicular myelosis
B. [ ] Paramyloidosis
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C. [X] Erythromelalgia
D. [ ] Sensorial neuropathy
E. [X] Epileptiform convulsions
101. Hemorrhagic complications in polycythemia vera results from:
A. [ ] Paraproteinemic syndrome
B. [X] Functional disorders of thrombocytes
C. [X] Blood hyperviscosity
D. [ ] Splenomegaly
E. [ ] Erythromelalgia
102. What of the following peripheral blood parameters are compatible with diagnosis of folic acid deficiency
A. [ ] Thrombocytosis
B. [ ] Reticulocytosis
C. [X] Macrocytosis, hyperchromia
D. [X] Cabot rings, Jolly bodies
E. [ ] Hypochromia
103. Red cells transfusion is justified for treatment of vitamin B12- deficiency anemia in cases of:
A. [X] Anemic coma
B. [ ] Megaloblastic psychosis
C. [ ] Considerably decreased hemoglobin values
D. [ ] Total gastrectomy
E. [X] Surgical intervention according to the vital indications
104. Vitamin B12- deficiency anemia is characterized by:
A. [X] Anemic syndrome
B. [X] Neurologic syndrome
C. [X] Gastrointestinal syndrome
D. [ ] Hemorrhagic syndrome
E. [ ] DIC syndrome
105. The following morphological changes may be observed in iron-deficiency anemia:
A. [ ] Hypersegmentation of neutrophil nuclei
B. [X] Hypochromia
C. [X] Microcytosis
D. [X] Ring erythrocytes
E. [ ] Targeted red cells
106. Sideropenic syndrome is characterized by the following manifestations:
A. [X] Tastes perversion
B. [X] Angular stomatitis
C. [ ] Neurologic syndrome
D. [ ] Hemorrhagic syndrome
E. [X] Gastrointestinal syndrome
107. The following drugs are used for the treatment of aplastic anemia:
A. [ ] Totema
B. [X] Vitamin therapy
C. [X] Nerobol
D. [X] Prednisolone
E. [ ] Chlorambucil
108. The following signs may be present in megaloblastic anemia:
A. [ ] Decerased plasma iron concentration
B. [ ] Decreased plasma ferritin concentration
C. [X] Pallor with icteric nuance
D. [X] Diffuse atrophy of the gastric mucosa
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E. [X] Neurologic syndrome

109. Iron deficiency may result from:
A. [X] Chronic enteritis
B. [X] Krohn disease
C. [ ] Insuficiency of intrinsic Castle factor
D. [X] Chronic bleeding
E. [ ] Diffuse atrophy of the gastric mucosa
110. Vitamin B12- deficiency anemia is manifested by:
A. [ ] Normoblastic hematopoiesis
B. [X] Paresthesia in hands and feet
C. [X] Anemic syndrome
D. [X] Megaloblastic hematopoiesis
E. [ ] Chronic bleeding
111. What are the favoring factors in secondary aplastic anemia:
A. [X] Chloramphenicol
B. [X] Ionizing radiation
C. [X] Viral hepatitis C
D. [ ] Chronic bleeding
E. [ ] Absence of R-protein in gastric juice
112. Vitamin B12- deficiency anemia is manifested by:
A. [X] Fever caused by the accelerated distruction of erythrocytes in the bone marrow
B. [X] Hunter glossitis
C. [X] Sensation of „cotton-like feet”
D. [ ] “Pica chlorotica”
E. [ ] Rossolimo-Bechterew syndrome
113. In patients with vitamin B12- deficiency anemia, the peripheral blood examination reveals:
A. [X] Erythrocytes count is decreased much more than hemoglobin concentration
B. [ ] Increased leukocyte count
C. [X] Decreased leukocyte count
D. [X] Decreased platelets count
E. [ ] Hypochromia of red cells
114. The diagnosis of vitamin B12- deficiency anemia should be asserted by:
A. [ ] Bone marrow biopsy
B. [X] Megaloblastic hematopoiesis in the bone marrow aspirate
C. [X] Reticulocyte crisis in 4 – 5 days after the beginning of vitamin B12 therapy
D. [ ] Reticulocyte crisis in 10 – 14 days after the beginning of vitamin B12 therapy
E. [X] Asynchronous development of cytoplasm and nucleus of erythrocaryocytes
115. Asinchronous development of cytoplasm and nucleus in the bone marrow erythrocytes indicates:
A. [ ] Iron-deficiency anemia
B. [X] Hemolytic crisis of the autoimmune hemolytic anemia
C. [X] Vitamin B12- deficiency anemia
D. [ ] Metaplastic anemia
E. [X] Folic acid deficiency anemia
116. The following statements are suitable for treatment of Hodgkin lymphoma:
A. [X] Involved-field radiotherapy is applied only in localized stages (I-II)
B. [ ] Involved-field radiotherapy is applied only in generalized stages (III-IV)
C. [X] Combined chemotherapy is the first-line treatment in stage IV
D. [ ] Single-agent chemotherapy is indicated mainly in localized stages
E. [X] Stage III disease is treated with 6 cycles of combined chemotherapy + extended-field radiotherapy
117. The following statements are compatinle for diagnosis of Hodgkin lymphoma:
A. [ ] One short-term involved lymph node should be biopsied
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B. [X] The long-term involved lymph node should be biopsied

C. [X] Explorative thoracotomy is used in cases of isolated involvement of the mediastinal lymph nodes
D. [X] Explorative laparotomy is used in cases of isolated involvement of the abdominal lymph nodes
E. [ ] X-ray examination of the thorax is sufficient for diagnosis in cases of isolated involvement of the
mediastinal lymph nodes
118. Lymphoid depletion type of Hodgkin lymphoma is characterized by:
A. [X] Aggressive clinical evolution
B. [ ] Favorable diagnosis
C. [X] Decreased number of lymphoid cells in histological samples
D. [X] Increased number of Sternberg-Reed cells
E. [ ] Diffuse proliferation of lymphocytes, Sternberg-Reed cells are solitary
119. The following statements are compatible with diagnosis of Hodgkin lymphoma:
A. [ ] Histological type may be changed with respect to the clinical stage
B. [X] Prognosis depends on histological type
C. [X] Histological types are stable
D. [ ] Clinical evolution does not depend on histological type
E. [X] Nodular sclerosis and mixt cellularity are the most frequently registered histological types
120. The following statements are suitable for diagnosis of non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas:
A. [ ] The systemic B symptoms occur more frquently in patients with low grade histological types
B. [X] The systemic B symptoms occur more frquently in patients with high grade histological types
C. [X] The isolated involvement of one organ is considered as a localized stage
D. [ ] There is no correlation between dissemination rhythm and histological type of the tumor
E. [X] Primary involvement of the spleen occurs more frequently in patients with prolymphocytic type
121. The following statements are suitable for diagnosis of non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas:
A. [X] In the majority of cases the tumor extends firstly in the adjacent lymph nodes
B. [X] Mediastinal lymph nodes are rarely involved in pathologic process
C. [ ] The bone marrow involvement and the leukemic conversion occurs more frequently in lymphoblastic type
D. [ ] Secondary involvement of the central nervous system dominates in prolymphocytic/lymphocytic type
E. [X] Tumor dissemination in the liver and in the spleen occurs commonly in prolymphocytic/ lymphocytic type
122. The bone marrow involvement by non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma occurs more frequently in:
A. [ ] Lymphoblastic type
B. [X] Prolymphocytic noncleaved cell type
C. [X] Primary involvement of the spleen
D. [X] Prolymphocytic small cleaved cell type
E. [ ] Immunoblastic type
123. The following statements are compatible with diagnosis of non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas:
A. [X] The selection of chemotherapy regimen is realized according to histological type
B. [ ] The selection of chemotherapy regimen does not depend on histological type
C. [X] The bone marrow involvement occurs more frequently than in Hodgkin lymphoma
D. [ ] The extranodal onset occurs in exceptional cases
E. [X] The evolution of non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas is more aggressive as compared with Hodgkin lymphoma
124. Late chronic phase of chronic myeloid leukemia is characterized by:
A. [X] Splenomegaly
B. [ ] Hemorrhagic syndrome
C. [X] Shift to the left which correlates with leukocyte count
D. [X] Complications caused by hyperleukocytosis (splenic infarction, edema of retina, thromboses of small vessels)
E. [ ] Lymph nodes enlargement
125. The following symptoms are characteristic for accelerated phase of chronic myeloid leukemia:
A. [ ] Erythrocytosis
B. [X] Decreased efficiency of the performed cytotoxic treatment
C. [X] Fever without evidence of infections
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D. [X] Bone pain

E. [ ] Decrease of spleen size
126. Splenectomy may be performed in rare cases of chronic myeloid leukemia, including:
A. [ ] Initial phase of the disease
B. [ ] Blast crisis
C. [X] Frequent splenic infarctions
D. [X] Thrombocytopenia
E. [X] Marked abdominal discomfort
127. Histological examination of the bone marrow in idiopathic myelofibrosis reveals:
A. [X] Polymorphous hypercellularity
B. [X] Hypercellularity with domination of fibrosis
C. [X] Markedly increased megacaryocyte number
D. [ ] Replacement of hematopoietic tissue by adipose cells
E. [ ] Diffuse infiltration by lymphoid cells
128. What of the below-mentioned situations require prophylaxis of iron-deficiency anemia with oral iron therapy:
A. [ ] Intoxications with plumb
B. [ ] Hemochromatosis
C. [X] Pregnancy
D. [X] Adolescence
E. [X] Blood donors
129. Iron-deficiency anemia in newborns may be caused by:
A. [X] Premature birth
B. [X] Cesarean section
C. [X] Gemellary pregnancy
D. [ ] Chronic blood losses
E. [ ] Nutrition factor
130. Red cell transfusions are justified for treatment of iron-deficiency anemia in cases of:
A. [X] Surgical interventions according to the vital indications
B. [X] Intolerance to all iron preparations
C. [ ] Considerably decreased values of hemoglobin and erythrocyte count
D. [ ] After gastrectomy
E. [X] Anemic coma
131. There are following morphological changes in Biermer anemia:
A. [X] Hypersegmentation of neutrophil nuclei
B. [X] Marked anisocytosis and poikilocytosis
C. [X] Giant metamyelocytes
D. [ ] Microcytosis and hypochromia
E. [ ] “Targeted” erythrocytes
132. The following features are characteristic for vitamin B12- deficiency anemia, with an exception of:
A. [ ] Paresthesia in fingers
B. [X] Angular stomatitis
C. [ ] Wax-like skin nuance
D. [X] Calcaneal fissures
E. [X] Perversion of tastes and smell
133. Folic acid-deficiency anemia is characterized by:
A. [X] Anemic syndrome
B. [X] Gastrointestinal syndrome
C. [ ] Neurologic syndrome
D. [ ] Sideropenic syndrome
E. [X] Absence of neurologic syndrome

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134. The following criteria should be applied for differential diagnosis between aplastic anemia and
bone marrow failure in acute leukemia:
A. [X] Splenomegaly
B. [X] Leukemic cells in the bone marrow
C. [ ] Hemorrhagic syndrome
D. [X] The bone marrow is replaced by the adipose cells
E. [ ] The infections occur frequently
135. What etiologic factors may be identified in aplastic anemia:
A. [X] Ionizing radiation
B. [ ] Increased level of erythropoietin
C. [ ] Pluripotent stem cell and hematopoietic growth factors
D. [X] Cytomegalovirus
E. [X] Chloramphenicol
136. Hemolytic anemias are characterized by:
A. [X] Increased incidence of cholelithiasis
B. [X] Shortening of erythrocyte life-span
C. [ ] Increased values of plasma haptoglobin in cases of intravascular hemolysis
D. [ ] Constant absence of splenomegaly
E. [X] Erythroid cell line hyperplasia in the bone marrow
137. What statements may be related to thalassemic syndromes:
A. [ ] Qualitative deficiency of globin chains
B. [X] Anemia is hypochromic, microcytic
C. [X] Anemia is hemolytic
D. [X] The therapy with iron preparations is contraindicated
E. [ ] The presence of poikilocytosis does not support the diagnosis of thalassemia
138. The following mechanisms may be involved in premature distruction of red cells in hemolytic anemia:
A. [ ] Increased ratio “surface/volume”
B. [X] Alteration of membrane permiability
C. [X] Alteration of membrane structure
D. [ ] Erythrocyte diameter of 7,3μ
E. [X] Precipitation of intraerythrocyte hemoglobin
139. The following statements may be compatible with diagnosis of autoimmune hemolytic anemia:
A. [ ] Cold autoantibodies are of IgG type
B. [X] Occurs in systemic lupus erythematosus
C. [X] Develops frequently in lymphoproliferative malignancies
D. [X] Glucocorticoid therapy may be one of the main treatment options
E. [ ] Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria is one of the main types of autoimmune hemolytic anemia
140. What of the following statements are suitable for diagnosis of hemophilia:
A. [X] Is a disorder of secondary hemostasis
B. [X] Hemarthroses and hematomas occur frequently
C. [ ] Hemorrhagic syndrome in the form of petechias and ecchymoses
D. [X] Response to the treatment with fresh frozen plasma and cryoprecipitate
E. [ ] Is a disorder of primary hemostasis
141. The following statements are valuable for diagnosis of hemophilia B:
A. [ ] Is caused by the deficiency of factorului VIII
B. [X] Is similar to hemophilia A in regard to the clinical picture, evolution and complications
C. [X] Is a disorder of secondary hemostasis
D. [ ] Platelets concentrate is a practically used treatment option
E. [X] Is caused by the deficiency of factorului IX
142. What of the following manifestations are observed in hemophilia A:
A. [X] Hemarthroses and hematomas
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B. [ ] Petechias on the skin

C. [ ] Ecchymoses
D. [X] Bleeding after dental extractions
E. [X] Hematuria
143. The pathogenetic treatment of autoimmune thrombocytepenia comprises:
A. [X] Glucocorticoid therapy
B. [X] Splenectomy
C. [X] Immunosuppressive therapy
D. [ ] Transfusions of fresh frozen plasma
E. [ ] Transfusions of cryoprecipitate
144. The following bleeding manifestations are present in patients with autoimmune thrombocytopenia:
A. [X] Gingival bleeding
B. [X] Epistaxis
C. [ ] Hemarthroses
D. [X] Uterine bleeding
E. [ ] Hematomas
145. The following laboratory findings are registered in autoimmune thrombocytopenia:
A. [ ] Prolonged Lee-White coagulation time
B. [X] Clot retraction is absent
C. [X] The development of posthemorrhagic anemia is possible
D. [ ] Pancytopenia and lymphocytosis in the peripheral blood count
E. [X] Decreased thrombocyte count
146. The following statements are suitable for diagnosis of hemophilia A:
A. [ ] Decreased platelets count in the peripheral blood analysis
B. [ ] Prolonged bleeding time
C. [X] Normal clot retraction
D. [X] Prolonged Lee-White coagulation time
E. [X] The first-line treatment comprises fresh frozen plasma and cryoprecipitate
147. The following peripheral blood changes may occur in cases of Hodkin lymphoma with the bone
marrow involvement:
A. [X] Anemia
B. [ ] Erythrocytosis
C. [ ] Hyperthrombocytosis
D. [X] Thrombocytopenia
E. [X] Leukopenia
148. The specific liver involvement in patients with Hodgkin lymphoma may be associated with:
A. [ ] Decreased activity of alcaline phosphatase
B. [X] Increased activity of alcaline phosphatase
C. [X] Decreased concentration of plasma albumin
D. [ ] Infectious complications
E. [X] Liver enlargement
149. There are following systemic B symptoms in Hodgkin lymphoma:
A. [ ] Fatigue
B. [X] Fever over 380C
C. [X] Body weight loss more than 10% during last 6 months
D. [X] Night sweats
E. [ ] ESR more than 30 mm/hour
150. Surgical treatment followed by chemotherapy is the first-line treatment in non-Hodgkin’s
lymphomas in cases of:
A. [X] Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma of the stomach
B. [ ] Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma of the peripheral lymph nodes
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C. [ ] Generalized non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma of the skin

D. [X] Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma of the spleen
E. [X] Intestinal non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma
151. The treatment tactics in non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma is determined by the following factors:
A. [X] Histological type
B. [X] Stage of the tumor
C. [ ] Activity of alkaline phosphatase
D. [ ] Gender
E. [X] Localization of primary tumor site
152. Lymphoblastic non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma with leukemic conversion is characterized by:
A. [ ] Normal blood analysis
B. [X] Blast cells in the peripheral blood
C. [X] Suppression of normal hematopoiesis
D. [X] Increased blast cells in the bone marrow aspirate
E. [ ] Normal bone marrow aspirate
153. Acute myeloblastic leukemia is characterized by :
A. [X] Presence of Auer rods in leukemic cells
B. [ ] Positive PAS reaction in blast cells
C. [ ] Positive cytochemical reaction for alcaline phosphatase
D. [X] Positive peroxidase reaction in blast cells
E. [X] Positive sudan black reaction in blast cells
154. What of the following statements aren’t suitable for diagnosis of acute monoblastic leukemia:
A. [X] Development of DIC syndrome
B. [ ] Leukemic skin infiltrates
C. [X] Auer rod in leukemic cells
D. [X] Positive PAS reaction in blast cells
E. [ ] Positive nonspecific esterase reaction in blast cells
155. What of the following statements are characteristic for acute erythroblastic leukemia:
A. [X] Occurs commonly in children
B. [ ] Is frequently complicated with hemolysis
C. [X] The treatment comprises programmed combined chemotherapy
D. [ ] Presence of aneuploid clone of the erythroid cell line
E. [X] It is possible to obtain a long-lasting remission
156. The following statements may be linked to the treament of acute leukemias:
A. [ ] Cytotoxic chemotherapy is administered, if the leukocyte count exceeds 30.0 x 109/l
B. [X] Lymphoblastic types require the prophylaxis of central nervous system involvement
C. [ ] Cytarabine is contraindicated in myeloblastic types
D. [X] L-asparaginase is efficient in lymphoblastic types
E. [X] Combined chemotherapy is contraindicated in patients over 70 years old
157. There are following criteria of complete remission in acute leukemias:
A. [X] Disappearance of clinical symptoms
B. [ ] Decrease of blast cells below 5% in the peripheral blood count
C. [ ] Decrease of blast cells below 30% in the bone marrow aspirate
D. [X] Normalization of the peripheral blood count
E. [X] Normalization of the bone marrow morphology
158. The following complications may occur within the frame of evolution of chronic myeloid leukemia:
A. [X] Hyperuricemia
B. [X] Splenic infarction
C. [ ] Autoimmune hemolytic anemia
D. [ ] Hepatic failure
E. [X] Priapism
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159. What of the following statements are uncompatible with diagnosis of chronic myeloid leukemia:
A. [ ] Presence of splenomegaly
B. [ ] Presence of leukocytosis with shift to the left
C. [X] Usage of chlorambucil for treatment
D. [X] Absence of chronic myeloid leukemia in children
E. [X] Favorable prognosis
160. There are following indications for splenectomy in idiopathic myelofibrosis:
A. [X] Severe hypersplenism
B. [X] Repeated splenic infarctions
C. [ ] The first-line therapeutic option in myeloproliferation phase
D. [ ] In cases of the marked bone marrow sclerosis
E. [X] Autoimmune hemolytic complications
161. The unfolded stage of chronic lymphocytic leukemia is characterized by:
A. [X] Generalized lymph nodes enlargement
B. [ ] Richter syndrome
C. [X] Splenomegaly
D. [X] Frequent infectious complications
E. [ ] Central nervous system involvement
162. The infectious complications in chronic lymphocytic leukemia are caused by:
A. [X] Marked neutropenia
B. [ ] Hypersplenism
C. [ ] Occurs concomitantly with Richter syndrome
D. [X] Immune deficiency
E. [X] Long-lasting treatment with glucocorticoids
163. The prognosis in chronic lymphocytic leukemia depends on:
A. [X] Phase of the disease
B. [X] Extent of lymphoid infiltartion of the bone marrow
C. [ ] Age of the patient
D. [ ] Gender
E. [X] Tumor mass at the moment of diagnosis assertion
164. What are the clinical manifestations of polycythemia vera:
A. [ ] Transient hyperemia of the face
B. [X] Constant hyperemia of the face
C. [X] Skin itching after warm shower
D. [ ] Gingival hyperplasia
E. [X] Head fullness sensation
165. There are following indications for blood exfusions as a first-line treatment in polycythemia vera:
A. [X] Benign evolution of polycythemia vera
B. [X] Fertile age of patients
C. [ ] Polycythemia vera with leukocytosis, thrombocytosis and splenomegaly
D. [ ] Severe condition of patient
E. [X] Relapses of polycythemia vera after cytotoxic treatment, associated with constant decrease of
platelet and leukocyte counts
166. The terminal phase of polycythemia vera is manifested by:
A. [X] Posterythremic myelofibrosis
B. [X] Acute leukemia
C. [ ] Chronic lymphocytic leukemia
D. [X] Chronic myeloid leukemia
E. [ ] Sarcomatization
167. Myeloma cells synthesize:
A. [X] Pathologic paraproteins
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B. [ ] Ca2+ ions
C. [X] Osteoclast-activating factor
D. [ ] Parathyroid hormone
E. [X] Bence-Jones protein
168. What of the following statements are compatible with diagnosis of autoimmune thrombocytopenia:
A. [X] Is a disorder of primary thrombocyto-vascular hemostasis
B. [X] The first relapse serves as an indication for splenectomy
C. [ ] Fresh frozen plasma is the first-line treatment option
D. [X] The main treatment comprises glucocorticoid therapy
E. [ ] Splenectomy is contraindicated
169. The treatment of autoimmune thrombocytopenia includes the administration of:
A. [ ] Cryoprecipitate
B. [X] Glucocorticoids
C. [X] Angioprotectors
D. [X] Platelets concentrate in cases of marked hemorrhagic syndrome
E. [ ] Fresh frozen plasma is the first-line treatment option
170. The following laboratory findings pleads for diagnosis of autoimmune thrombocytopenia:
A. [ ] The autocoagulation test is altered
B. [X] Decrease of thrombocyte count
C. [ ] Prolonged Lee-White coagulation time
D. [X] Bleeding time is constantly prolonged
E. [X] Megacaryocyte number is increased in the bone marrow aspirate
171. The following statements are compatible with diagnosis of Rendu-Osler disease:
A. [ ] Is a disorder of immune system
B. [X] Is a hereditary disease with autosomal dominant inheritance
C. [X] Occurs in patients of all ages
D. [X] Is one of the most frequent vascular pathology
E. [ ] Is a coagulation disorder with the disturbance of secondary hemostasis
172. The hemorrhagic syndrome in Rendu-Osler disease is manifested by:
A. [X] Epistaxis
B. [ ] Hemarthroses
C. [ ] Hematomas
D. [X] Hemoptysis
E. [X] Gastrointestinal bleeding
173. The bleeding time is prolonged in:
A. [X] Thrombocytopenias
B. [X] Thrombocytopathias
C. [ ] Hemophilia
D. [ ] Rendu-Osler disease
E. [X] Von Willebrand disease
174. The following statements are suitable for treatment of hemophilia A:
A. [X] Fresh frozen plasma is the first-line treatment option
B. [X] Transfusions of cryoprecipitate
C. [ ] Native plasma is efficient
D. [ ] Transfusions of platelets concentrate
E. [X] Human antihemophilic factor Koate-HP increases rapidly and significantly the concentration of factor VIII
175. The following treatment options may be used hemophilia B:
A. [ ] Vincristine
B. [X] Fresh frozen plasma
C. [X] Native plasma
D. [X] Medicine Novoseven
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E. [ ] Platelets concentrate
176. The following statements are suitable for treatment of hemophilia:
A. [X] The main treatment option constitutes the replacement of the deficient coagulation factor
B. [ ] The surgical treatment is widely practicable
C. [ ] The first-line treatment is erythrocytes concentrate
D. [X] High doses of cryoprecipitate and Prednisolone are recommended for treatment of patients with hemophilia
E. [X] In cases of epistaxis and postextraction dental bleeding the local hemostasis is ensured by the
application of thrombin and 5% aminocaproic acid
177. The following statements are compatible with diagnosis of chronic lymphocytic leukemia:
A. [ ] Sarcomatization does ‘t develop
B. [X] Affects persons over 45 years old and mostly males
C. [X] Leukocyte count may reach the values of several hundreds thousands
D. [X] The morphological substrate is composed of mature lymphocytes
E. [ ] Splenectomy is widely practicable
178. The terminal stage of chronic lymphocytic leukemia is manifested by:
A. [X] Body weight loss up to cachexia
B. [X] The lymph nodes, liver and the spleen are considerably enlarged
C. [ ] The performance status of patient remains satisfactory
D. [ ] Blast crisis develops frequently
E. [X] Progressive anemia and thrombocytopenia
179. Chronic lymphocytic leukemia is characterized by:
A. [ ] Leukopenia associated with lymphopenia
B. [X] Detection of Gumprecht shadows (destroyed lymphocyte nuclei)
C. [X] Lymphocytosis up to 90%
D. [X] In the unfolded stage the leukocyte count may reach the values of 500.0 – 600.0 x 109/l
E. [ ] Vascular complications: cerebral, mesenteric and venous thromboses
180. Hemolytic syndrome is manifested clinically by:
A. [ ] Skin pallor
B. [X] Pallor and jaundice of the skin
C. [ ] Skin petechias and ecchymoses
D. [X] Dark colour of the urine
E. [X] Presence of splenomegaly in certain cases
181. Intravascular hemolysis is characterized by:
A. [X] Hemoglobinemia
B. [ ] Hematuria
C. [X] Hemoglobinuria
D. [ ] Acholic stool
E. [X] Hemosiderinuria
182. Anemia chronic disorders develops due to:
A. [X] Redistribution of Fe ions with deposition in tissues
B. [ ] Disturbance of iron absorption
C. [X] Shortening of erythrocyte life-span
D. [X] Decrease of erythropoietin level
E. [ ] Disturbance of vitamin B12 absorption
183. The following statements are suitable for anemias of chronic disorders:
A. [X] Plasma iron concentartion is normal or decreased
B. [ ] Plasma iron concentartion is decreased
C. [ ] Total iron-binding capacity is increased
D. [X] Total iron-binding capacity is moderately decreased
E. [X] Normal level of serum ferritin

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184. The following statements are justified in cases of structural disturbances of erythrocyte membrane:
A. [ ] Increased elasticity
B. [X] Decreased elasticity
C. [ ] Increased plasticity
D. [X] Decreased plasticity
E. [X] Decreased selective permeability
185. Hereditary microspherocytosis is characterized clinically by:
A. [ ] Lymph nodes enlargement
B. [X] Anemic syndrome
C. [X] Hemolytic syndrome
D. [X] Splenomegaly
E. [ ] Hepatomegaly
186. Thalassemia is characterized clinically by:
A. [ ] Lymph nodes enlargement
B. [X] Anemic syndrome
C. [ ] Hemorrhagic syndrome
D. [X] Hemolytic syndrome
E. [X] Splenomegaly
187. The folowing statements are justified for thalassemia:
A. [ ] Plasma iron concentration is decreased
B. [X] Plasma iron concentration is increased
C. [ ] Serum ferritin is decreased
D. [X] Serum ferritin is increased
E. [X] The percentage of sideroblasts is increased
188. Thalassemia is characterized by the following signs:
A. [X] Pallor and jaundice of the skin
B. [X] Bone alterations
C. [X] Splenomegaly
D. [ ] Lymph nodes enlargement
E. [ ] Involvement of the pulmonary tissue
189. In Marchiafava-Micheli disease the relapse of hemolysis is caused by:
A. [X] Infectious processes
B. [X] Stresses
C. [ ] Glutathione oxidation under the action of certain drugs
D. [ ] Binding of viruses to the red cell membrane
E. [X] Physical efforts
190. The treatment of autoimmune hemolytic anemia is realized with:
A. [X] Glucocorticoids
B. [ ] Antihistaminic drugs
C. [X] Splenectomy
D. [X] Immunosuppressant drugs
E. [ ] Radiotherapy
191. Intravsacular destruction of erythrocytes takes place in:
A. [ ] Hereditary microspheocytosis
B. [X] Marchiafava-Micheli disease
C. [ ] Hereditary elliptocytosis
D. [X] March hemoglobinuria
E. [X] Hemolytic anemia associated with the deficiency of glucose–6–phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency
192. The following drugs are used for remission induction in children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia:
A. [ ] Busulfan
B. [X] Vincristine
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C. [X] L-asparaginase
D. [X] Prednisolone
E. [ ] Low doses of cytarabin
193. The following statements are justified for acute lymphoblastic leukemia:
A. [X] Positive PAS-reaction in blast cells
B. [ ] Necrotic gingivitis is characteristic
C. [X] The lymph nodes enlargement is possible
D. [ ] Presence of the skin leukemic infiltrates
E. [X] Neuroleukemia develops more frequently
194. The following criteria are important for differential diagnosis between acute leukemia and aplastic anemia:
A. [ ] Pancytopenia
B. [X] Lymph nodes enlargement
C. [X] Splenomegaly
D. [ ] Hemorrhagic syndrome
E. [X] Metaplasia of the bone marrow with blast cells
195. What of the undermentioned statements are characteristic for acute monoblastic leukemia:
A. [X] Positive PAS-reaction in blast cells
B. [ ] Increase of lysozyme concentration in the blood and urine
C. [X] Development of disseminated intravascular coagulation
D. [X] Presence of Auer rods in the blast cells
E. [ ] Gingival hyperplasia
196. The development of chronic renal failure in multiple myeloma depends on:
A. [ ] Percentage of myeloma cells in the bone marrow aspirate
B. [X] Hyperparaproteinemia
C. [ ] Anemia
D. [X] Hypercalcemia
E. [X] Blood hyperviscosity
197. What of the following statements are uncompatible with diagnosis of multiple myeloma:
A. [ ] The disease develops in elderlies
B. [ ] The disease develops slowly
C. [X] Paramyloidosis never occurs
D. [X] Leukemic conversion is not possible
E. [X] Tumor manifestation don’t occur
198. There are following clinical manifestations of paramyloidosis in multiple myeloma:
A. [ ] Bone fractures
B. [X] Macroglossia
C. [X] Different dermatoses
D. [ ] Loss of orientation
E. [X] Gastrointestinal disturbances
199. Hypercalcemia in multiple myeloma is manifested by:
A. [X] Nausea, vomiting
B. [X] Somnolence
C. [X] Loss of orientation
D. [ ] Presence of M-gradient
E. [ ] Infectious complications
200. Plethoric syndrome in polycythemia vera is manifested clinically by:
A. [ ] Lymph nodes enlargement
B. [X] Skin hyperemia
C. [X] Scleral injection
D. [ ] Skin pallor
E. [X] Positive Cuperman symptom
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201. What are the options for diagnosis assertion in the initial stage of polycythemia vera :
A. [X] Dispensarization and dynamic follow-up
B. [X] Dynamic peripheral blood count
C. [X] Bone marrow biopsy
D. [ ] Bone marrow aspiration
E. [ ] Lymph node puncture
202. The hematological transformations of erythremia in the terminal stage are:
A. [X] Anemia, thrombocytopenia
B. [X] Acute leukemia
C. [X] Posterythremic myelofibrosis
D. [ ] Hodgkin lymphoma
E. [ ] Chronic lymphocytic leukemia
203. The peripheral blood analysis in stage IIB of polycythemia vera reveals:
A. [X] Erythrocytosis
B. [ ] Thrombocytopenia
C. [X] Leukocytosis
D. [X] Shift to the left of the leukocyte count
E. [ ] Elevated ESR
204. The following syndromes are attributed to the clinical picture of aplastic anemia:
A. [ ] Neurologic syndrome
B. [X] Frequent infections
C. [X] Hemorrhagic syndrome
D. [X] Anemic syndrome
E. [X] Pancytopenia with relative lymphocytosis in the peripheral blood count
205. Folic acid-deficiency anemia is characterized by:
A. [X] Anemic syndrome
B. [ ] Neurologic syndrome
C. [X] Gastrointestinal syndrome
D. [X] Absence of neurologic syndrome
E. [X] Megaloblastic hematopiesis
206. Iron-deficiency anemia is characterized by:
A. [X] Normoblastic hematopiesis
B. [X] Sideropenic syndrome
C. [X] Gastrointestinal syndrome
D. [ ] Absence of sideropenic syndrome
E. [X] “Pica chlorotica”
207. The following syndromes are attributed to the clinical picture of vitamin B12-deficiency anemia:
A. [X] Neurologic syndrome
B. [ ] Hemorrhagic syndrome
C. [X] Anemic syndrome
D. [X] Gastrointestinal syndrome
E. [X] Funicular myelosis
208. The following criteria are important for differential diagnosis between vitamin B12-deficiency
anemia and aplastic anemia:
A. [X] Presence of neurologic syndrome
B. [ ] Absence of neurologic syndrome
C. [X] Presence of funicular myelosis
D. [X] Presence of histamine-resistant achilia
E. [X] Increase of the level of methylmalonic acid
209. The following factors are involved in the development of aplastic anemia:
A. [X] Virus hepatitis C
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B. [X] Benzene and its derivatives

C. [X] Chloramphenicol
D. [X] Ionizing radiation
E. [ ] Mutation at the level of myeloid cell precursori
210. The following treatment options are used in patients with aplastic anemia:
A. [X] Replacement transfusional treatment with blood components
B. [X] Antibacterial treatment
C. [X] Androgen therapy
D. [X] Splenectomy
E. [ ] Antitumor chemotherapy
211. There are following diagnosis criteria for severe aplastic anemia:
A. [X] Neutrophil count below 500/ml
B. [X] Thrombocyte count below 20 000/ml
C. [X] Retculocyte count below 1%
D. [X] Severe hypocellularity (below 25%) of the bone marrow
E. [ ] Hemoglobin concentration below 50 g/l
212. What are the response criteria of treatment with iron preparations:
A. [X] Reticulocytosis within 7 – 10 days
B. [ ] Reticulocytosis within 4 – 5 days
C. [X] Increase of hemoglobin concentration after 3 weeks of treatment
D. [X] Disappearance of sideropenic symptoms after 2 – 3 weeks
E. [X] Appearance of erythrocytes saturated with hemoglobin
213. The disturbance of iron absorption takes place in cases of:
A. [ ] Billroth I gastric resection
B. [X] Billroth II gastric resection
C. [X] Chronic enteritis
D. [X] Malabsorption syndrome
E. [X] Extensive resection of the proxymal part of small intestine
214. The following statements are justified for iron-deficiency anemia:
A. [X] Occurs commonly in fertile females
B. [X] The most frequent cause is chronic bleeding
C. [X] The insufficient dietary intake of iron dominates in children less than one year old
D. [X] The insufficient dietary intake of iron occurs in mature persons, who consume mainly dairy
products or follow the vegetarian diet
E. [ ] Idiopathic iron-deficiency anemia may occur
215. The following examination are performed in order to determine the stage of Hodgkin lymphoma:
A. [ ] Bone marrow aspiration
B. [X] Chest X-ray examination and mediastinal tomography
C. [X] Ultrasound scanning
D. [X] Computerized tomography
E. [X] Bone marrow biopsy
216. The following signs may occur in Hodgkin lymphoma:
A. [X] Lymph nodes enlargement
B. [X] Fever
C. [X] Body weight loss
D. [X] Excessive sweats
E. [ ] Skin hemorrhagic syndrome
217. The histological types of Hodgkin lymohoma are:
A. [X] Lymphocyte rich
B. [ ] Prolymphocytic
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C. [X] Nodular sclerosis

D. [X] Mixt cellularity
E. [X] Lymphocyte depleted
218. The following statements aren’t compatible with doagnosis of Hodgkin lymphoma:
A. [X] Histological type has no prognostic value
B. [ ] Frequent primary involvement of the cervical and supraclavicular lymph nodes
C. [X] The involved-field radiotherapy is performed in stage III disease
D. [X] The mediastinal lymph nodes are rarely involved
E. [X] The systemic B symptoms have no prognostic value
219. The following statements are justified for non-Hodgkin’s lyphomas with leukemia conversion:
A. [X] The percentage of lymphoid cells in the peripheral blood count does not correspond to that in the
bone marrow
B. [X] The lymphocytes are enlarged, a lot of those possess the morphological patterns of prolymphocytes
C. [X] The nuclei shadows are present
D. [ ] Blood count becomes normal and lymphocytosis disappears after cytotoxic chemotherapy
220. The following statements are justified for non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas:
A. [X] Frequent primary involvement of the peripheral lymph nodes
B. [X] The mediastinal lymph nodes are rarely involved
C. [X] The primary extranodal involvement occurs frequently
D. [X] The most frequent extranodal localizations are nasopharingeal lymphoid ring and gastrointestinal tract
E. [ ] Frequent primary involvement of the brest
221. The prognosis in non-Hodgkin lymphomas depends on:
A. [ ] Leukocyte count
B. [X] Histological type
C. [X] Clinical stage
D. [X] Localization of the primary tumor focus
E. [X] Presence of the bone marrow involvement
222. High-grade non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas are characterized by:
A. [X] Rapid enlargement of lymph nodes
B. [X] Accelerated rhytm of dissemination
C. [ ] Favorable prognosis
D. [X] Unfavorable prognosis
E. [X] The bone marrow involvement exerts an impact on the longevity of patients
223. The following statements are justified for chronic myeloid leukemia:
A. [X] There is a correlation between the leukocyte count and the spleen size
B. [ ] There is no correlation between the leukocyte count and the spleen size
C. [X] Erythrocytes are normocytic
D. [X] Neutrophil alcaline phosphatase is decreased
E. [X] Cytogenetic examination of the bone marrow cells is positive for Ph chromosome
224. The following statements are justified for diagnosis of idiopathic myelofibrosis:
A. [ ] Marked shift to the left of the leukocyte count, with high percentage of myelocytes and metamyelocytes
B. [X] Morphological examination of erythrocytes reveals marked anisocytosis and poikilocytosis
C. [X] Neutrophil alcaline phosphatase is normal or increased
D. [X] Anemia is frequent
E. [X] There is no correlation between leukocyte count and spleen size
225. There are following clinical syndroms in the acute phase of chronic myeloid leukemia:
A. [X] Anemic
B. [X] Hemorrhagic
C. [X] Infectious complications
D. [X] Prolipherative
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E. [ ] Protein pathology
226. The unfolded stage of chronic monocytic leukemia is manifested:
A. [X] Anemic syndrome
B. [X] Splenomegaly
C. [X] Lymph nodes enlargement and hepatomegaly in rare cases
D. [ ] Lymphocytosis in the peripheral blood count
E. [X] Monocytosis in the peripheral blood count
227. The following iron preparations are used for the treatment of iron-deficieny anemia:
A. [X] Totema
B. [X] Hemofer
C. [X] Sorbifer
D. [X] Ferum lek
E. [ ] Vitamina B1
228. Sideropenic syndrome is characterized by the following manifestations:
A. [X] Hair and nails fragility
B. [X] Angular stomatitis
C. [X] Calcaneal fissures
D. [X] “Pica chlorotica”
E. [ ] Skin jaundice
229. Iron-deficiency anemia may be caused by:
A. [X] Hiatal hernia
B. [X] Uterine myoma
C. [X] Pulmonary hemosiderosis
D. [X] Transferrin deficiency
E. [ ] Splenomegaly
230. The bone marrow examination in vitamin B12 –deficiency anemia reveals:
A. [X] Hypercellularity
B. [X] Megaloblasts
C. [X] Anisocytosis and şi poikilocytosis
D. [X] Myelocytes and geant metamyelocytes
E. [ ] Hyposegmentation of neutrophil nuclei
231. The following changes may be present in megaloblastic anemia:
A. [X] Skin pallor with icteric nuance
B. [ ] Decreased values of plasma iron concentration
C. [X] Atrophy of gastric mucosa
D. [X] Megaloblastic hematopiesis
E. [X] Paresthesia in hands and feet
232. Vitamin B12-deficiency may result from:
A. [X] Deficiency or absence of intrinsic factor
B. [X] Diseases of the ilium
C. [X] Competitive consumption
D. [X] Presence of antibodies against parietal cells
E. [ ] Chronic bleeding
233. The following statements are justified for treatment of aplastic anemia:
A. [X] Cyclosporine is used as the most efficient immunosuppressant drug
B. [X] Glucocorticoid therapy should be administered in cases with hemorrhagic syndrome
C. [X] Infections frequently occur and require antibacterial therapy
D. [ ] The administration of antilymphocytic globulin worsens the existent immune deficiency
E. [X] The transfusions of leukocyte concentrate should be avoided in all cases
234. What are the etiologic factors of the acquired extraerythrocytic hemolytic anemia:
A. [X] Collagenoses
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B. [ ] Acute pneumonia
C. [X] Organic solvents
D. [X] Poisonous mushrooms
E. [X] Toxoplasmosis
235. What are the etiologic factors of the hereditary hemolytic anemia:
A. [X] Membrane spectrin deficiency
B. [ ] Increased sensibility of the erythrocyte membrane to plasma complement
C. [X] Decreased level of intraerythrocyte glutathione
D. [X] Decreased synthesis of the certain types of globin chains
E. [X] Alteration of aminoacids synthesis in globin chains
236. Autoimmune hemolytic anemia with warm antibodies is characterized by:
A. [ ] Increased permeability of the erythrocyte membrane
B. [X] Shortening of the erythrocyte life-span
C. [X] Moderate splenomegaly
D. [X] Reticulocytosis over 30‰
E. [X] Hypocellular pattern of the bone marrow
237. The following criteria are important for differential diagnosis between vitamin B12-deficiency
anemia and autoimmune hemolytic anemia with warm antibodies:
A. [ ] Splenomegaly
B. [X] Neurologic syndrome
C. [X] Reticulocytosis over 30‰
D. [X] Megaloblastic hematopoiesis
E. [X] Positive direct Coombs test
238. The following statements are justified for diagnosis of hemofilia A:
A. [ ] Glucocorticoids are widely used for treatment
B. [X] Is a hereditary coagulation disorder, caused by factor VIII deficiency
C. [X] Hematomas and hemarthroses occurs frequently
D. [X] Renal bleeding is possible
E. [X] Aminocaproic acid is contraindicated in case of hematuria
239. The patients with hemophilia may experience the following clinical manifestations:
A. [X] Gastrointestinal hemorrhages, caused by erosive gastritis or gastric/duodenal ulcer
B. [X] Retroperitoneal hematomas are dangerous
C. [X] Renal hemorrhages are registered in 14 – 30% of cases
D. [X] Long-lasting and life-threatening hemorrhages after trauma and surgical interventions
E. [ ] Tonsillectomy does not represent any threat and does not require transfusions of cryoprecipitate
and fresh frozen plasma
240. What of the following statements are compatible with diagnosis of hemophilia:
A. [X] The clinical picture depends on the degree of coagulation factor deficiency
B. [ ] Decreased platelet count
C. [X] Fresh frozen plasma and cryoprecipitate are efficient in cases of gastrointestinal hemorrhages
D. [X] Dental extractions lead to long-lasting hemorrhages
E. [X] Prolonged Lee-White coagulation time
241. The following hemorrhagic manifestations are present in patient with thrombocytopenia:
A. [X] Gingival bleeding
B. [X] Epistaxis
C. [X] Uterine bleeding
D. [ ] Hemarthroses
E. [X] Petechias
242. What of the following statements assert the diagnosis of thrombocytopenic purpura:
A. [X] Is a disorder of primary hemostasis
B. [X] Decreased platelet count in the peripheral blood analysis
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C. [ ] Marked splenomegaly
D. [X] Posthemorrhagic anemia may develop
E. [X] The first-line treatment option is glucocorticoid therapy
243. Autoimmune thrombocytopenic purpura may associate the evolution of the following diseases:
A. [ ] Rendu-Osler disease
B. [X] Chronic lymphocytic leukemia
C. [X] Chronic hepatitis
D. [X] Liver cirrhosis
E. [X] Collagenoses
244. The following hemorrhages may occur in patients with hemophilia:
A. [X] Hemarthroses and hematomas
B. [ ] Petechias and ecchymoses
C. [X] Macrohematuria
D. [X] Gastrointestinal bleeding
E. [X] Hemorrhages after dental extractions
245. What factors indicate the unfavorable evolution of Hodgkin lymphoma:
A. [X] Lymphocyte depleted histological type
B. [ ] Lymphocyte rich histological type
C. [X] Presence of systemic B symptoms
D. [X] Full age
E. [X] Stage III – IV
246. There are following signs of biological actiivity of Hodgkin lymphoma:
A. [ ] Hemoglobin less than 80 g/l
B. [X] ESR more than 30 mm/hour
C. [X] Fibrinogen above 5 g/l
D. [X] α2-globulin more than 10 g/l
E. [X] Haptoglobin above 1,5 mg % and ceruloplasmin more than 0,4 un.
247. The following statements are justified for Hodgkin lymphoma:
A. [X] The disease starts in cervicosupraclavicular lymph nodes in 75% of cases
B. [ ] The involvement of nasopharingeal lymphoid ring is frequent
C. [X] The primary involvement of mediastinal lymph nodes is typical for nodular sclerosis
D. [X] Pulmonary tissue involvement is one of the most frequent extranodal localizations
E. [X] The involvement of gastrointestinal tract is rarely registered
248. The following cytotoxic agents are used for combined chemotherapy of non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas
with high grade malignancy:
A. [ ] Busulphan
B. [X] Cyclophosphamide
C. [X] Vincristine
D. [X] Adriamycin
E. [X] Prednisolone
249. The following symptoms may occur in gastric non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma:
A. [X] Pain in epigastric region
B. [X] Dyspeptic symptoms
C. [X] Gastric bleeding
D. [ ] Cutaneous hemorrhagic syndrome
E. [X] Body weight loss
250. What of the following statements aren’t justified for non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas (NHL):
A. [X] NHL is a tumor of lymphoid tissue, which starts inside the bone marrow
B. [ ] NHL is a tumor of lymphoid tissue, which starts outside the bone marrow
C. [X] The morphological substrate of NHL is composed of plasmatic cells
D. [X] The morphological substrate of NHL is composed of mature myeloid cells
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E. [X] The morphological substrate of NHL is composed of monocytes

251. Acute monoblastic leukemia is characterized by:
A. [ ] Development of DIC syndrome
B. [X] Leukemic infiltration of tonsils
C. [X] Leukemic infiltration of the skin
D. [X] Positive alpha-naphthyl butyrate esterase and chloroacetate esterase staining
E. [X] Increased levels of plasma and urine lysozyme
252. What of the following statements are justified for the secondary acute leukemias:
A. [X] Are related to a group of tumors induced by chemotherapy and radiotherapy
B. [X] Develop during the course of Hodgkin lymphoma and epithelial tumors of different
localizations, usually in 10 – 15 years after the primary treatment
C. [X] The incidence increases in persons over 50 years old
D. [X] Chromosomal alterations are characteristic
E. [ ] There is a possibility to obtain long-lasting complete remissions
253. There are following unfavorable prognosis factors in acute lymphoblastic leukemia:
A. [X] Mediastinal involvement
B. [ ] Subtype L1
C. [X] Subtypes L2 and L3
D. [X] Hyperleukocytosis
E. [X] T-cell immunologic type
254. What is characteristic for acute leukemia with low percentage of blast cells:
A. [ ] Is registered more frequently in children
B. [X] Persistent normochromic anemia without retiulocytosis or pancytopenia
C. [X] The rate of blast cells in the bone marrow doesn’t exceed 30%
D. [X] Solitary blast cells in the peripheral blood
E. [X] Long-lasting (2 – 3 years) progression-free evolution
255. Acute phase of chronic myeloid leukemia is characterized by:
A. [X] Blast crisis
B. [X] Transformation in acute myeloblastic leukemia
C. [X] Sarcomatization
D. [X] Transformation in acute lymphoblastic leukemia
E. [ ] Complete recovery
256. Acute phase of chronic myeloid leukemia is characterized by:
A. [X] Resistance to chemotherapy with Busulphan
B. [X] Splenomegaly
C. [X] Bone pain
D. [ ] Accelerated positive response to the increased dosage of Busulphan
E. [X] Increased blast cells count in the peripheral blood
257. The following complications may appear during the evolution of idiopathic myelofibrosis:
A. [X] Uricemia, nephfrosclerosis
B. [X] Portal hypertension
C. [X] Transformation in acute leukemia
D. [ ] Megaloblastic hematopoiesis due to the folic acid deficiency
E. [X] Splenic infarctions
258. There are following contraindications for splenectomy in idiopathic myelofibrosis:
A. [X] Development of DIC syndrome
B. [X] Concomitant marked liver enlargement
C. [X] Clinically and hematologically terminal stage of the disease, with accelerated spleen enlargement,
cytopenia, fever and bone pain
D. [X] Marked leukocytosis and thrombocytosis
E. [ ] Autoimmune hemolitic anemia
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259. There are following indications for splenectomy in hairy cell leukemia:
A. [X] Marked cytopenia
B. [X] Frequent infectious complications
C. [X] Autoimmune complications
D. [X] Massive splenomegaly
E. [ ] Generalized lymph nodes enlargement
260. Symptomatic erythrocytosis may appear in the following pathologic conditions:
A. [X] Hypernephroma
B. [X] Pickwickian syndrome
C. [ ] Acquired cardiac defects
D. [X] Cerebellar hemangioblastoma
E. [X] Congenital cardiac defects
261. There are following indications for cytotoxic chemotherapy in polycythemia vera:
A. [X] Leukocytosis
B. [X] Thrombocytosis
C. [ ] Fertile age of patients
D. [X] Splenomegaly
E. [X] The treatment with blood exfusions is not efficient
262. The following signs pleads for stage I multiple myeloma:
A. [ ] Marked osteolytic lesions
B. [X] Hemoglobin more than 100 g/l
C. [X] Normal plasma Ca concentration
D. [X] Absence of osteolytic lesions or one osteolytic focus
E. [X] Concentration of M-component: Ig G < 50 g/l, Ig A < 30 g/l, protein Bence-Jones in urine < 4 gr/24 ore
263. The following signs pleads for stage III multiple myeloma:
A. [X] Hemoglobin less than 85 g/l
B. [ ] Normal plasma Ca concentration
C. [X] Marked osteolytic lesions
D. [X] Concentration of M-component: Ig G > 70 g/l, Ig A > 50 g/l, protein Bence-Jones in the urine > 12 gr/24 ore
E. [X] Plasma Ca concentration > 12 mg/100 ml
264. Renal failure in multiple myeloma is caused by:
A. [X] Reabsorption of protein Bence-Jones
B. [X] Canalicular precipitation of micromolecular protein
C. [X] Development of ratatinated kidney
D. [ ] Renal lithiasis
E. [X] Intrarenal hydronephrosis
265. The treatment of generalized multiple myeloma comprises:
A. [X] Prolonged chemotherapy
B. [X] Intensive high-dose chemotherapy
C. [X] Radiotherapy
D. [X] Glucocorticoid therapy
E. [ ] Physiotherapy
266. What of the following clinical data pleads for diagnosis of thrombocytopenic purpura:
A. [X] Lymph nodes aren’t enlarged
B. [X] Respiratory and cardiovascular systems are intact
C. [ ] Pulmonary tissue is frequently involved
D. [X] Liver isn’t enlarged
E. [X] Moderate splenomegaly may be observed in 30% of cases
267. Autoimmune thrombocytopenia is characterized clinically by:
A. [ ] Hematomas and hemarthroses
B. [X] Petechial type of skin bleeding
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C. [X] Ecchymotic type of skin bleeding

D. [X] Epistaxis
E. [X] Gingival bleeding
268. The following laboratory data pleads for diagnosis of thrombocytopenic purpura:
A. [X] Decrease of platelets count
B. [X] Prolonged bleeding time
C. [X] Reduced clot retraction
D. [ ] Leukopenia and lymphocytosis
E. [X] Increased number of megacaryocytes without thrombocyte formation in the bone marrow aspirate
269. The following data are revealed in hemophilia:
A. [X] Prolonged Lee-White coagulation time
B. [ ] Increased number of megacaryocytes in the bone marrow aspirate
C. [X] Posthemorrhagic anemia may develop
D. [X] Partial activated thromboplastine time is changed
E. [X] Hemarthroses and hematomas
270. The following laboratory findings pleads for diagnosis of hemophilia:
A. [X] Partial activated thromboplastine time and autocoagulation test are changed
B. [X] Normal peripheral blood count
C. [ ] Prolonged bleeding time
D. [X] Clot retraction is unchanged
E. [X] Prolonged Lee-White coagulation time
271. The following data are revealed in Rendu-Osler disease:
A. [X] Clot retraction is normal
B. [X] Bleeding time is normal
C. [X] Lee-White coagulation time is normal
D. [X] Posthemorrhagic iron-deficiency anemia
E. [ ] Decrease of platelet count up to solitary thrombocytes
272. The following statements are justified for Rendu-Osler disease:
A. [ ] The first-line treatment option is platelets concentrate
B. [X] Is the most frequent hereditary vascular disorders
C. [X] Peripheral blood analysis is normal
D. [X] Pathologic changes of coagulation aren ‘t detectable
E. [X] Positive diagnosis is based on detection of telangiectasias
273. The examination of primary hemostasis is performed by determination of:
A. [X] Thrombocyte count
B. [ ] Lee-White coagulation time
C. [X] Clot retraction
D. [X] Bleeding time
E. [X] Thrombocytes adhesion and aggregation
274. The treatment of chronic lymphocytic leukemia comprises:
A. [ ] Busulphan
B. [X] Radiotherapy
C. [X] Chemotherapy (medicine of choice is chlorambucil)
D. [X] Glucocorticoids
E. [X] Splenectomy in cases of hypersplenism and relapsing autoimmune complications
275. There are following clinical types of chronic lymphocytic leukemia:
A. [X] Benign
B. [X] Classic with continuous progression
C. [X] Tumor
D. [X] Hairy cell leukemia
E. [ ] Reticular
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276. The following laboratory data reveal the increased destruction of erythrocytes:
A. [ ] Conjugated hyperbilirubinemia
B. [X] Unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia
C. [X] Urobilinuria
D. [X] Increase of stercobilinogen concentration
E. [X] Decrease of plasma haptoglobin concentration
277. The following signs are characteristic for anemias of chronic disorders:
A. [X] Anemia is normochromic and normocytic in the majority of cases
B. [X] Hemoglobin concentration decreases usually up to 80 – 100 g/l
C. [X] Reticulocyte count is normal or slightly increased
D. [ ] Hemoglobin concentration increases up to 170 – 180 g/l
E. [X] Leukocyte and thrombocyte counts depend on the underlying pathology
278. The following factors may exert negative impact on red cells life-span:
A. [X] Membrane structure alteration
B. [X] Intraerythrocyte enzyme deficiency
C. [X] Globin structure alteration
D. [X] Antierythrocyte antibodies formation
E. [ ] Nothing of those mentioned
279. Erythrocytes may be destroyed mechanically in patients with:
A. [X] Massive splenomegaly
B. [X] Hemangiomatosis
C. [ ] Antierythrocyte antibodies
D. [X] Prosthetic cardiac valves
E. [X] After long-lasting march
280. The following statements are justified for hereditary microspherocytosis:
A. [ ] Evolves with lymph nodes enlargement
B. [X] Splenomegaly is present
C. [X] Children may experience a growths delay
D. [X] Bone malformations may occur
E. [X] Trophic ulcers may occur on shins in a series of patients
281. Hereditary microspherocytosis is characterized by :
A. [X] Anemia associated with reticulocytosis
B. [ ] Leukcopenia
C. [X] Unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia
D. [X] Urobilinuria
E. [X] Erythroid hyperplasia of the bone marrow
282. The following drugs may induce the hemolysis in hemolytic anemia as a result of glucose–6–phosphate
dehydrogenase deficiency in red cells:
A. [X] Sulfanilamides
B. [X] Antimalarial drugs
C. [X] Nitrofuran derivatives
D. [ ] Antihistamines
E. [X] Isonicotinic acid derivatives
283. The following findings are revealed by the peripheral blood analysis in patients with thalassemia:
A. [X] Hypochromia
B. [X] Anemia
C. [X] Targeted red cells
D. [ ] Microspherocytes
E. [X] Reticulocytosis
284. The following statements are compatible with diagnosis of thalassemia:
A. [X] Erythroid hyperplasia of the bone marrow
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B. [X] Plasma iron concentration is increased

C. [ ] Ferritin is decreased
D. [X] Ferritin is increased
E. [X] The percentage of sideroblasts is increased
285. The following statements are compatible with diagnosis of autoimmune hemolytic anemia:
A. [ ] The protein structure of red cell membrane is altered
B. [X] The antigen structure of erythocyte membrane is normal
C. [X] Primary involvement of the immune system
D. [X] Loss of a subset of T-lymphocytes responsible for suppression of antibody production by B-lymphocytes
E. [X] B-lymphocytes produce antierythrocytic antibodies
286. The following laboratory findings are characteristic for autoimmune hemolytic anemia with
warm autoantibodies:
A. [X] Anemia associated with reticulocytosis
B. [X] Erythroid hyperplasia of the bone marrow
C. [X] Bilirubinemia
D. [ ] Proteinuria
E. [X] Urobilinuria
287. The following statements are justified for Marchiafava-Micheli disease:
A. [X] Pancytopenia is commonly revealed in the peripheral blood analysis
B. [X] Erythroid hyperplasia of the bone marrow without morphological changes
C. [X] Bilirubin concentration is increased at the account of unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia
D. [X] Hemoglobinemia is common
E. [ ] Positive direct Coombs test
288. The following statements are justified for the initial stage of polycythemia vera:
A. [X] Indolent progression of fatigue and dizziness
B. [X] Mild hyperemia of the skin
C. [X] Absence of splenomegaly
D. [X] Absence of vascular complications
E. [ ] Lymph nodes enlargement
289. Microcirculation disturbances in patients with polycythemia vera may lead to the development of:
A. [ ] Skin itching after contact with water
B. [X] Erythromelalgia
C. [X] Gangrene ofvthe fingers
D. [X] Stenocardia
E. [X] Abdominal pain
290. There are following criteria for differential diagnosis between stage IIB and IIA polycythemia vera:
A. [X] Spleen size is not decreased after the blood exfusions
B. [X] Leukocytosis with the shift to the left up to myelocytes in the peripheral blood
C. [X] Presence of erythrocaryocytes in the peripheral blood
D. [ ] Plethoric sndrome
E. [X] Fibrosis in trepanobioptate of the bone marrow
291. There are followin complications of polycythemia vera:
A. [X] Trombosis of the cerebral vessels
B. [X] Miocardial infarction
C. [ ] Splenomegaly
D. [X] Arterial hypertension
E. [X] Flebotrombosis
292. Osteomedullary syndrome in multiple myeloma is manifested by:
A. [X] Osteolysis
B. [X] Increase of plasma calcium concentraion
C. [ ] Increase of plasma protein concentration
Hematology - CM
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D. [X] Anemia
E. [X] Pathologic fractures
293. Pathologic protein syndrome in multiple myeloma is manifested by:
A. [ ] Hypercalcemia
B. [X] Hyperparaproteinemia
C. [X] Proteinuria
D. [X] Uremia
E. [X] Disturbances of peripheral microcirculatione
294. What pathologies should be differentiated from multiple myeloma, taken into consideration the
possibility of reactive plasmocytosis:
A. [ ] Polycythemia vera
B. [X] Chronic hepatitis
C. [X] Cancer
D. [X] Immune complex diseases
E. [X] Agranulocytosis
295. What immune disorders may occur in multiple myeloma:
A. [X] Monoclonal gammopathy
B. [X] Insufficiency of antibodies synthesis
C. [X] Underproduction of normal plasmatic cells
D. [X] Frequent infectious complications
E. [ ] Delayed hyperesensibility reaction
296. The diagnosis of acute leukemia is asserted on a basis of :
A. [X] Anemic syndrome
B. [X] Hemorrhagic syndrome
C. [X] Proliferative syndrome
D. [ ] Compression syndrome
E. [X] Presence of blast cells in the peripheral blood analysis and in the bone marrow aspirate
297. The following statements are justified for myelomonoblastic acute leukemia:
A. [ ] Presence of DIC syndrome
B. [X] Leukemic skin infiltration
C. [X] Necrotic lesions of tonsils and gingiva
D. [X] Positive peroxidase and sudan black reactions in blast cells
E. [X] Positive alpha-naphthyl butyrate esterase and chloroacetate esterase reaction in blast cells
298. There are following manifestations of proliferative syndrome in acute leukemias:
A. [X] Lymph nodes enlargement
B. [ ] Nectoric tonsillitis
C. [X] Splenomegaly
D. [X] Gingival hyperplasia
E. [X] Leukemic skin infiltration
299. The diagnosis of acute leukemia needs to be proved by:
A. [X] Analysis of patient’s clinical data
B. [X] Perioheral blood count
C. [X] Bone marrow examination
D. [X] Cytochemical analysis of blast cells in the bone marrow aspirate
E. [ ] Biochemical analysis of blast cells in the bone marrow aspirate


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