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Course code: 18ME 315T Course name: COMPUTER AIDED DESIGN

Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme

L T P C Hrs/ Week Theory Total
Continuous evaluation Mid Semester End Semester Marks
3 1 -- 4 4 100
25 25 50

Prerequisites (if any):

Learning objectives:

1. To establish an understanding of the fundamental concepts related to Computer Aided

Design that includes the need of CAD in computer aided processes that are used in various
engineering applications.
2. To provide the students with exposure to various standards of CAD including the
algorithms for generating simple geometric entities namely line, circle and ellipse.
3. To provide students with exposure to the concepts of geometric modelling of various 2D
and 3D affine transformations.
4. To provide students with exposure to geometric modelling of plane curves like line, circle,
parabola, hyperbola along with the space curves like Hermite, Bezier and B-spline curves and
solid modelling.
5. To provide the fundamentals required to finite element methods as applied in finite element
6. To introduce the programming concepts to design mechanical components using commercial

CAD FUNDAMENTALS: Introduction, Reasons for implementing a CAD system, Computer aided process
application, benefits, CAD software’s, Elements of programming, CAD programming ,Need and scope of
computer aided design.

COMPUTER GRAPHICS: Scan conversion; Bresenham’s Algorithm for line, circle and ellipse. Standards for
graphics programming, features of GKS, other graphics standards, PHIGS, IGES, PDES. Standards in CAD.

GEOMETRIC TRANSFORMATIONS: Geometric transformations- 2D and 3D translation, scaling, rotation,
shear and reflection, homogeneous transformations.

PLANE & SPACE CURVES: Types of mathematical representation of curves, parametric representation of
line, circle, ellipse, parabola, hyperbola. Wire frame models, wire frame entities, parametric
representation of synthetic curves: Hermit cubic splines, Bezier curves, B-splines, constructive solid


FINITE ELEMENT METHOD: Introduction, FEM procedure, Discretization of the Domain, Interpolation
Models, Higher Order and Isoparametric Elements, Derivation of Element Matrices and Vectors, Assembly
of Element Matrices and Vectors and Derivation of System Equations, Numerical Solution of Finite Element
Equations, Basic Equations and Solution Procedure, Analysis of Trusses, Beams.

Computer Programming: Use of computer programming in design of machine elements, development of

computer program using Matlab for machine components like shaft, spring, gears, bearing etc., plotting
graphs using programming language, generalized programming, optimization in design.

Self-study: The self- study contents will be declared at the commencement of semester.

Approximate Total : 60 Hrs

Text book(s):
1. Mathematical elements for computer graphics by David F Rogers and J. Adams, 2nd Edition, Tata
McGraw-Hill, New Delhi
2. Computer Aided Engineering & Design by Jim Browne, New Age International Publications,
3. CAD/CAM: Computer Aided design and Manufacturing by Mikell Groover and Zimmer, Pearson
4. CAD/CAM Theory & Practice by Ibrahim Zeid, 2nd Edition, Tata Mc Graw Hill, New Delhi
5. Computer Graphics & design by P. Radhakrishnan, C.P. Kothanadaraman, New Age publication
6. Finite Element Analysis by Chendraupatla, EEE Publication.
7. The Finite Element Method in Engineering by S. S. Rao, 5th Edition, Butterworth–Heinemann
8. Computer Graphics by Donald Hearn, 2nd Edition, Pearson

Reference book(s):
1. Finite Element Procedures by K. J. Bathe 2nd Edition, Prentice Hall Publications
2. An Introduction to Finite Element Methods, MC Graw Hill Publishers, 3rd Edition
3. Curves and Surfaces for Computer Graphics, David Salomon, Springer
Program Outcomes (PO)

(a) An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering in solving/analyzing problems
in industries, research and development institutions, public sector units, higher education and in

(b) An ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data in mechanical
engineering theory and practice at various industrial work-places.

(c) An ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within realistic constraints
such as economic, environmental, health and safety, manufacturability, and sustainability.

(d) An ability to function on multidisciplinary teams.

(e) An ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems.

(f) An ability to communicate effectively.

(g) The broad education necessary to understand the impact of mechanical engineering solutions in a
local, global, economic, environmental, and societal context.

(h) A recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning.

(i) A knowledge of contemporary issues.

(j) An ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern mechanical engineering tools necessary for
engineering practice.

(k) An ability to design sub-systems, systems, components and processes in the thermal and mechanics
stems of the mechanical engineering curriculum.

Outcomes Contribution Discussion/ Remarks

(a - k) (Major/ Minor)

a Major An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics and engineering in

solving/analyzing problems related to modeling and analysis in industries,
research and development institutions, higher education and in
b Major An ability to understand spreadsheets, model component models design
as well as analyze and interpret data in mechanical engineering theory
and practice at various industrial work-places.

c Minor

d Minor

e Major An ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems in CAD


f Minor

g Minor

h Major A recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning.

i Major A knowledge of contemporary issues in the design and analysis of

mechanical components using FEM.

j Major An ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern mechanical

engineering tools like advanced curve modeling and FEM necessary for
engineering practice.

k Major An ability to design sub-systems, systems, components and processes in

the thermal and mechanics stems of the mechanical engineering

Specific Course Outcomes:

1. An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics and engineering in solving/analyzing problems related

to modeling and analysis in industries, research and development institutions, higher education and in

2. An ability to understand spreadsheets, model component models design as well as analyze and
interpret data in mechanical engineering theory and practice at various industrial work-places.

3. An ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems in CAD environment.

4. A knowledge of contemporary issues in the design and analysis of mechanical components using FEM.

5. An ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern mechanical engineering tools like advanced curve
modeling and FEM necessary for engineering practice.
6. An ability to design sub-systems, systems, components and processes in the thermal and mechanics
stems of the mechanical engineering curriculum. A recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage
in life-long learning.

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