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Lesson Plan for OTL 502

Stage 1 – Desired Results

Content Standard(s): (Module 2)
● K.MD.A. Measurement & Data: Describe and compare measurable attributes
Unpacked Standard(s): (Module 2) Essential Questions: (Module 2)
● Describe measurable attributes of objects. ● What things about the car make it faster driving down
● Describe several measurable attributes of a the ramp? How can we measure to guess what car
single object. will be fastest?
● Compare two objects with common attribute to
see which object has more/less.
● Describe difference between the measured
(Colorado Department of Education 2018)
Students will set their own personal goals by… (Module 3)
● Discussing the essential question and thinking about what they want to know.
● Student L: Find the fastest car by measuring.

● Student N: See if the big car is fastest.

Progress on students' personalized goals will be monitored by… (Module 5)

● Students will use the rubric as we go through the lesson to judge if they have done all of the parts. They will then use
the information gathered to answer the essential question.

Rules and Procedures: (Module 5)

● Rules:
o Treat others and objects with respect
o Use listening ears
o Do your best & try even if it’s difficult
● Procedures:
o After group discussion work with assigned partner at each station
o Complete measurements for each car at given station. Ask for help if needed.
o Leave supplies and move to next station with cars.
o Repeat at each station until all measurements are taken
o As a group, teacher will race cars and we will all take note of which are faster.
o Answer your question and share thoughts with partner.

Stage 2 – Assessment Evidence Directly Aligned to Content Standard


Pre-Assessment (including analysis of the pre-assessment results): (Module 3)

1. What are ways we can measure how big or small something is?

2. What are ways we can say how big or small this toy car is?

3. How are these cars the same or different?

4. How can we know how big each car is?

5. Which car do you think is faster? Why?


Student L Student N

1. measuring tape, a scale, how long I think it is as big as my brother. With a

things are, how fast things are measuring stick.

2. small, big medium, with a measuring See how big they are next to my finger.
tape or how many fingers long they are.

3. bigger & bigger tires, smaller, smaller Some are big and some are small.
tires, the windows on the side are

4. measure how tall they are and how This is big and this is big and this other
wide they are one is small.

5. Little lightning, because it’s a race car. The H car, There is an engine in the
back and an engine on the top and it has
no doors.


Performance Task(s) or Assignment Description(s): (Module 3)

Use a scale, ruler and one other measuring “device” to see how “big” each car is. Use these measurements to guess which
car will be fastest down the ramp. Check to see if they are correct and how the measurements correlate to the speed.

Rubric: (Module 3)
1 2 3

Describe measurable Can think of one way to Can think of two ways to Can think of three or more
attributes of an objects measure, with prompting measure on own ways to measure on own

Describe measurable Can think of one way to Can think of two ways to Can think of three or more
attributes of car measure, with prompting measure on own ways to measure on own

Compare to see which Recognize difference in Understands which has Understands which has
object has more or less measurement, not clear more or less of one attribute more or less of more than
understanding of more/less one attribute using results.

Describe differences Recognizes differences, Able to articulate one Able to articulate

between objects cannot clearly state difference, i.e. is longer or accurately, using
understanding. heavier or taller than the measurements more than
others. one difference.

Answer essential question Guesses which car will win Hypothesizes one car will Hypothesizes which cars
without using a be faster, gives a reason will be fastest based on two
measurement. including one of the or more measurements.
measurements we have

Self- or Peer Assessments: (Module 5) Formative Assessments, Summative Assessments, etc.:

In pairs students will work together to complete the (Module 3)
measurements and check each other's accuracy. As a ● Students will answer questions:
group at the end of the lesson we will discuss results and 1. What are some ways that we can measure objects?
see if stated hypotheses are proven. 2. What can we use to measure objects.
3. What are some ways we can measure the cars?
● They will use a chart and fill in measurements of cars,
taking note of shortest/longest/tallest/heaviest/etc.
● They will then predict the results of the race.
● After race students will look at the measurements and
the results to see any correlations.

Stage 3 – Learning Plan – Directly Aligned to Content Standard AND Assessments


Learning Activities: (Module 4)

1. *hook* Students will choose three matchbox cars to compare and race. (5 min) Curiosity
2. Talk about how a doctor measures a patient, measure height of two students, is one taller when he is standing on a
stool? Talk about measuring when cooking (volume & weight). (15 min) Connection, Context
a. Use appropriate questioning and clarifying techniques to ensure all students understand and are able to
answer questions unpacked from state standard about measurement. Write down all of students answers to
show every contribution in important (Krasnoff, 2016).
3. Each student will use chosen object to measure the length of each car (choices they have seen before (Krassnoff,
2016): pennies, unit cubes,beans, Lego squares, Lego base mat). (10 min) Students will compare number
measurements to cars and process how numbers get bigger as cars get longer. Coherence, Coaching, Connection.
4. Students will use a ruler to measure the height of each car (centimeters). Provided help for each student for at
least one car (Krassnoff, 2016). (15 min) Coaching, concentration
5. Students will learn how to use a scale to measure their cars (grams) and then record measurements. (10 min)
Students will process information and see if all cars that look bigger are also heavier. Concentration, Coaching.
6. Process, compare and hypothesize largest/heaviest/tallest/fastest? Use rubric to see if each student is showing
complete understanding. Give immediate feedback so students can see where they are in the rubric (Krassnoff,
2016). (5-10 min) Coherence
7. Race! (5 min) Curiosity
8. Analyze results and look for correlations, generalize to “real cars” (van, truck & car) rolling down a hill, reference
runaway truck lanes on mountain roads . (10 minutes) Context
Stage 4 – Feedback Strategies, including Timeliness (Module 5)

Teacher will observes pairs and answer questions as asked at each station. Will also judge accuracy and guide students to
appropriate use of the tools, being careful to use words that will encourage students to try again and see where mistakes
were made. Use Youth in the Middle ideas for how to have a supportive classroom climate, particularly: noticing
strengths, providing encouragements and listening and adjusting lesson as necessary (Geiser & O’Guinn, 2010).

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