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Executive Function Activities for 3- to 5-year-olds

Children’s executive function and self-

regulation skills grow at a fast pace
during this period, so it is important to
adapt activities to match the skills of
each child. Younger children need a lot of
support in learning rules and structures,
while older children can be more
independent. Ultimately, the goal is to
shift children away from relying on adult
regulation, so when the child seems ready,
try to reduce the support you provide.

Imaginary play older children can re-purpose other things to

During intentional imaginary play, children turn them into play props (e.g., paper towel
develop rules to guide their actions in playing tube that is used as a cast for a “broken arm”).
roles. They also hold complex ideas in mind Reusing familiar objects in a new way also
and shape their actions to follow these rules, practices cognitive flexibility.
inhibiting impulses or actions that don’t fit the n Allow children to make their own play
“role.” Players often take ideas from their own props. Children must determine what is
lives, such as going to the doctor’s office. They needed, hold this information in mind, and
might act “sick,” be examined by the doctor, then follow through without getting distracted.
and receive a shot. The “doctor” talks and acts They also exercise selective attention, work-
like a doctor (calm and reassuring), the “sick ing memory, and planning. If the original plans
child” talks and acts like a sick child (sad and don’t work out, children need to adjust their
scared), and the child in the role of “parent” ideas and try again, challenging their cognitive
talks and acts like a concerned parent (wor- flexibility.
ried and caring). While younger children tend
to play alone or in parallel, children in this n Play plans can be a good way to organize
age range are learning to play cooperatively play, as shown by one early education program
and often regulate each other’s behavior—an designed to build self-regulation, Tools of the
important step in developing self-regulation. Mind. Children decide who they are going to
be and what they are going to do before they
Ways to support high-level imaginary play: start playing, and then draw their plan on
n Read books, go on field trips, and use videos paper. Planning means that children think first
to make sure that children know enough about and then act, thus practicing inhibitory control.
the scenario and roles to support pretend play. Planning play in a group also encourages
children to plan together, hold these plans in
n Provide a varied set of props and toys
mind, and apply them during the activity. It
to encourage this type of play. Younger pre-
encourages social problem solving, as well as
schoolers may need more realistic props to get
oral language.
the play started (e.g., toy medical kits), while

Ways to support children’s storytelling:
Children love to tell stories. Their early stories n Encourage children to tell you stories,
tend to be a series of events, each one related to and write them down to read with the child.
the one before, but lacking any larger structure. Children can also make pictures and create
With practice, children develop more complex their own books. Revisiting the story, either by
and organized plots. As the complexity of the reviewing pictures or words, supports more in-
storytelling grows, children practice holding and tentional organization and greater elaboration.
manipulating information in working memory.
continued 6
n Tell group stories. One child starts the story, children’s actions and requires them to attend EXECUTIVE FUNCTION
and each person in the group adds something to the story and follow it, while inhibiting their ACTIVITIES FOR
to it. Children need to pay attention to each impulse to create a new plot. 3- TO 5-YEAR-OLDS
other, reflect on possible plot twists, and tailor
n Bilingual families can tell stories in their
their additions to fit the plot, thereby challenging
home language. Research indicates that bilin-
their attention, working memory, and self-control.
gualism can benefit a variety of executive func-
n Have children act out stories they have writ- tion skills in children of all ages, so fostering
ten. The story provides a structure that guides fluency in a second language is valuable.

Movement challenges: lation and focus attention—such as using a

songs and games balance beam or yoga poses that include slow
The demands of songs and movement games
support executive function because children n Play some music and have children dance re-
have to move to a specific rhythm and syn- ally fast, then really slowly. Freeze dance is also
chronize words to actions and the music. All of fun, and it can be made more difficult by asking
these tasks contribute to inhibitory control and children to freeze in particular positions. (Tools
working memory. It is important that these of the Mind uses stick-figure pictures to direct
songs and games become increasingly com- children.) When the music stops, children must
plex to interest and challenge children as they inhibit action and shift their attention to the
develop more self-regulation skills. picture to imitate the shape depicted.
n Provide many opportunities for children to n Songs that repeat and add on to earlier
test themselves physically through access to sections (either through words or motions) are
materials such as climbing structures, balance a great challenge to working memory, such as
beams, seesaws, etc. Setting challenges for the motions to She’ll Be Coming ’Round the
children—such as obstacle courses and games Mountain, the words to Bought Me a Cat, and
that encourage complex motions (skipping, backward-counting songs, such as Five Green
balancing, etc.)—can also be fun. When chil- and Speckled Frogs and songs repeating a long
dren are trying new and difficult activities, they list (the Alphabet Song).
need to focus attention, monitor and adjust
n Traditional song games, like Circle ’Round
their actions, and persist to achieve a goal.
the Zero are also fun. Complex actions, includ-
n Encourage attention control through quieter ing finding partners, must be accomplished
activities that require children to reduce stimu- without becoming distracted.

Quiet games and other activities by the leader (e.g., for “day,” putting a chip on
n Matching and sorting activities are still fun, a nighttime picture). Children have to inhibit
but now children can be asked to sort by differ- the tendency to mark the picture that matches,
ent rules, promoting cognitive flexibility. Chil- while also remembering the game’s rule.
dren can first sort or match by one rule (such as n Increasingly complicated puzzles can engage
by color), and then immediately switch to a new children this age, exercising their visual work-
rule (such as by shape). For a more challeng- ing memory and planning skills.
ing version, play a matching game, but change
the rule for each pair. Quirkle and S’Match are n Cooking is also a lot of fun for young chil-
commercially available games that challenge dren. They practice inhibition when waiting for
cognitive flexibility in this way. Or play a bingo instructions, working memory while holding
or lotto game, in which children have to mark complicated directions in mind, and focused
a card with the opposite of what is called out attention when measuring and counting.

Pretend play suggestions Montessori activities – Songs
n Walking on the line n
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PFL-4-year-old-independent- practical-life/control-of-move-
play.pdf ment-walking-on-the-line.htm 7

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