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Pamela Breyer Sasan Srempleski

Pamela Breyer

Printed in 1997
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rsBN 0-71i2-7900-6

Written and produced for Grolier Incorporated John Fanselow, Ph.D.

by onrwirntncHllD rNc., NEw YoRK Professor of Language and Education
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rEssoN r I'dlike some baking potatoe; z

LEssoN z I need two boxes of cereal. 8

rEssoN r lt's $2.19 oPound. v

rEssoN c Is that your special dinner I smell? zo
rEssoN s You weren't here ysterdny. 26

rEssoN e They offered me a job in Denuer.

t He was rich and fomous. l8


LEssoN e Did I tell you you're terrific? 44

rEssoN c But I think I'm qualified for the job.

LESSON r o don't be neruous. 56

LESSON I I What did you stu.dy in school? 62

rEssoN 12 Just take alook. 68

rEssoN r 3 I neuer thought I'd ask anJone this again. 74

rEssoN 14 So cell me aboutyour plans. ao

rEssoN rs Where's John going to go? 86

LEssoN r 6 When are Jou going to get marriedl sz


vocABu[aRY LrsT 104


vrDEo scRtPT 107


Beronr rre Vroeo
A. Do you remember these people? write the correct name after each sentence.

Carol John Jake Linda Susan

l. He has a job offer in Denver. Tohn

2. He always wants to be the star of "Hello America."

3. She doesn't want John to go to Denver.

4. She's the boss of "Hello America. "

5. She wants to be Jake's girlfriend.

B. Look at the picture. Answer the questions. Check a, b, or c.

l. Where are theyl

! a. In Carol's aparrment.
! b. In a supermarket.
! c. In the WEFL studio.
2. Who are they?

! a. John and Carol.

f, b. Steven and Carol.
! c. Jake and Carol.

rrvarcx rHE vrDEo
08:41 A. Watch tne
he vr deo Who says whatl Check tthe bo xes as you wa tch
Carol Steven

l. "What are you doing here?"

2. "l don't cook much."

3. "At least there's work.'

4. I'm not really happy at work right now.'

5. "lf I can help, let me know."

B. Why isn't Carol happy at work? Circle a, b, or c.

a. It isn't very interesting. b. It's too hard. c. She wants more money.

c. Watch the video again and check your answers.

TESSON 1t I'dlike some baking pomnel

D. Can you remember? What does Carol buy? Check the items'

L_l grapes L-l strawberries ! cauliflower !

E. If you need to, watch the video again and check your answers.

GnlmmlR: Countable and Uncountable Nouns

There are two kinds of nouns in English.


apples ice cream lettuce

d\ ,(a

o" N .4)I,
Countable nouns are singular and Uncountable nouns are singular.
plural. Use a or an with singular Don't use a or on with uncountable
counmble nouns. nouns.

Here are some nouns from the video. Put each word under the correct heading.


a potato

lettuce lc'f f ctc e


an apple


ice cream


TESSON 1: I'dlil<e some bakingpomtoel

GnammaR: some and any

A. Look at Carol's grocery list.

She needs some cauliflower.

She doesn't need any strawberries.

NOTE: Use some and any with uncountable nouns and plural
countable nouns.
Use some with affirmative verbs.
Use cny with negative verbs.

B. Now tell ifCarol needs or doesn't need these things. Use some or anJ ln your senrences.

l. potatoes

2. milk

3. cookies

4. ice cream

5. cauliflower

6. strawberries

7. bananas

8. grapes

9. lettuce

SPELLING NOTE: potato potatoes

C. What about you? Name three things you need at the supermarket. Write a grocery list.

T ncP,d somz rni IK .

Fnom rHE VIDEo: Asking for What You \Uant
A. Watch this dialogue on the video. Notice how Carol asks for what she wants.
07:18 Cenol: Excuse melI'd like some baking potatoes.
Do you have any baking Potatoes?

Pnooucr ClrRx: Yes. They're over there'

Cenou Do you have any bananas?

Pnoouce Cnnx: Yes. I have those.

Cenou Are they ripel

Pnooucs Clrnx: Yes, they are.

Cnnol: These look good. Do you have any grapes?

Pnooucr Cr-eRx: Sorry, we're out of grapes.

B. What's the grammar rulel Circle the conect answer.

You can use 4n)

a. in negative statements.
b. in questions.
c. in negative statements and in questions.

Gnrur,tulR: Questions with 4n)

Do you have any strawberries? Sorry, we're out of strawberries.

Ask these people questions with any. Fill in the bubbles.

t. 2.

I r-ny'b,^nonas? ) 6'"'*-) :
\_*_;a I out of bananas. ,/

-a? -r--

3. 4.

I out of ice cream. /

TESSON l': I' d hke some baking poratoes.

GnamuaR: Finding Things in rhe Supermarket

Where's the coffee? It's in aisle 3.

Where are the TV dinnersl They're in the frozen food section.

NOTE: Uncountable nouns are used with singular verb forms.

TY DrN'./rR
A. Look at the

signs. Then answer the questions.

DRTNK5 !asrttrfs



strawberries tce cream

caulif lower TV dinners


l. Where's the milk? 2. Where are the cookiesl


3. Where's the coffee? 4. Where are the eggsl

Now ask for these things.

l. yogurt 2. mushrooms

Whe re "' the yoclurt ?

3. soft drinks 4. cauliflower

5. ice cream 6. donuts

LESSON l: I'dlike somc baking powtoes.

Cxrcr YouRsrlr
A. Circle the correct answer.

t. Carol needs potatoes. 2. Where are the eggs?

in aisle 6.
b. some
- a. They're
c. any b. It's
c. It
3. We don't have grapes. 4. Steven need any ice cream.

a.a a. do
b. some - b. don't
c. any c. doesn't

5. Where the apples? 5. Where's the ice cream?

in aisle 6.
a. is
b. am a. They're
c. are b. It's
c. It
B. circle the correct response.

l. Where's the milkl 2. Where are the bananas?

a. I like milk. a. They're behind the apples.

b. The milk is in the dairy section. b. They're ripe.
c. It's cold. c. We have some nice bananas.

3. Do you have any grapes? 4. Do you have any apples?

a. No, thanks. a. Yes. They're next to the grapes.

b. Sorry, we're out of grapes. b. No, thanks.
c. I don't need any grapes. c. These look good.


Say what you need and don't need I need some milk.
I don't need anv strawberries.

Ask for and say what you want Do you have any bananasl
I need some cauliflower.

Ask and say where things are in a supermarket Where's the coffee?
It's in aisle 3,


O Lrsrsx ro rHE Auoro clssrrrr

Berone rxe Vroro
A. Look at the picture. Answer the questions. Check a, b, or c.

l. Where are Susan and John?

! a. In a supermarket.
! b. In a restaurant.
I c. In a hotel.
2. What
are they looking atl
! a. A newspaper.
tr b. Agrocerylist.
! c. A sign.
B. Look up this word in a dictionary or in your Study Guide: upset.

wrrcn rHE vrDEo

Il:51 A. Watch the video. Who says what? Check the boxes as you watch.
l. "l can't 6nd my list."
2. "You seem upset today

3. "How about this? This is a nice head of lettuce."

4. "That's a lot of tomatoes. What are vou makingl"

5. "Are you upset about my trip tomorrow?"

6. "Are you coming backJ"

B. Why is Susan upset? Circle the correct answer.

a. The tomatoes are expensive. b. John is going to Denver. c. John isn't coming back.

c. Circle True or False.

l. Susan thinks the lettuce isn't fresh. False

2. She needs a lot of tomatoes. True False

3. The tomatoes aren't exPensive' True False

4. Susan buys some mushrooms. True False

5. There aren't any peaches. True False

D. Watch the video again and check your answers'

LESSON 2t I need two boxes of cereal.

Voclgur-ARY: Foods

Uncountable Nouns Countable Nouns

homburger meot cereol breod peoches

GnlmmaR: rhere isn't and there aren't

There isn't any cereal.

There aren't any peaches.

NOTE: Use there isn't with uncountable nouns and singular

countable nouns.
Use there aren't with plural countable nouns.

EI A. !ilatch the video and complete these dialogues.

I l:06 l. SusaN: mushrooms.
Pnoouce Crenx: I can get some from the back. How many do you want?
I l:51

2. Susex: Do you have any peachesl

PRoouce Clrnx: Peaches aren't in season.

B. Answer the questions. Write negative statements with There isn't or There aren't.

l. Do you have any large eggsl No ahere o,ren't onY.

2. Do you have any hamburger meat?

3. Do you have any fresh carrots?

4. Do you have any French bread?

5. Do you have any donutsl

6. Do you have any Colombian coffee?

7. Do you have any strawberries?

TESSON 2z I need two boxes of cereal.

GnammaR: Questir)ns wirh how much and hotu mon)

How much cereal does Susan need?

She needs Z boxes of cereal.

How many tomatoes does Susan need?

She needs l2 tomatoes.

NOTE: Use how much with uncountable nouns.

Use houu many with countable nouns.

Susan: I need some tomatoes.
John: How many tomatoes do
vou need?

Write questions about what Susan needs. Use Hoql much or How many

l. cereal Flow murh cereo-[ d'e. 3t^so.n nee-d ?

2. bread

3. tomato paste

4. eggs

5. meat

6. lettuce

7. tomatoes

8. carrots

9. mushrooms

10. peaches

LESSON 2t I need two boxes of cereal'

VoclguLARY: Quantities of Food at the Supermarket

A. Look at the pictures.

@ s
trI oWo ) ffi)r
Q!.,' S ur', in W'((/1
t'lrlK t\
,'yg N/
o pound of a quort of o gollon ol o box of a heod ol
meot milk milk cereol lettuce

----- -t-z

't*et z
o IoaJ oJ o con oi a dozen eggs 'o bunch of
breod tomoto poste

NOTE: I pound (lb.) = 453.6 grams

1 quart = 946 ml

ET B. Watch the video. Listen for the quantities of food Susan needs. Then complete Susan's grocery list.
l0:56 l. z boYes OT cereal

2. I bread

3. I tomato paste

4. I eggs

5.2 meat

6. I lettuce

tz tomatoes

7. I carrots

8. z mushrooms

ET FnOm THE VtDEo: Expressing Dissatisfaction
l0:31 A. Watch the video. Notice how Susan expresses dissatisfaction by saying what's wrong and asking for
something different.

SusaN: This isn't fresh. Don't you have any fresh lettuce?

SuseN: Excuse me. Look at these. They're too ripe. Don't you have any other tomatoes?

B. Here are some ways of expressing dissatisfaction.

f/- I l^/r

They're They're too They're ripe. They're too

expensive. erpensive. ripe.

C. Study these phrases.


These aren't fresh/ripe.
They're too expensiue/ripe.

D. Say what's wrong with the items. Use these words in your sentences: ripe, experuive, fresh.

l. These strawberries

2. This meat

3. These peaches

4. This lertuce isn't

Cxecr YounselP
A. Circle the correct answer.

l. There any meat. 2. Ineed lettuce.

a. is a. a head of
b. isn't b. any
c. aren't c.a

3. This is riPe. 4. She wants a of tomato Paste.

a. too a. can
b. no - b. loaf -
c. both a and b c. dozen
5. How apples do You needl 6. There any donuts'

a. much a. are
b. many b. aren't
c. big c. isn't

B. Circle the correct response.

l. How much cereal do you need? 2. Do you need any vegetables?

a. I need three boxes. a. They aren't fresh.

b. I don't. b. Yes. I need some ice cream.
c. It's $3.00. c. Yes, I do.

3. How many apples do you need? 4. Do you have any hamburger meat?

a. Six gallons. a. No. There isn't any.

b. Six. b. No. We're out of hamburger meat.
c. Six heads. c. Both a and b.


Say how much food you need I need two pounds of meat.

Ask how much food someone needs How much meat do you need?

Express dissatisfaction This is too ripe.

These aren't fresh.


Lrsrex ro THE Auoro Clsserre

Beronr You Rrlo
Look at the pictures.

a bog o( opples o bottle of beer o bunch of fresh corrots o pockoge of frozen peos

A. Look at the advertisement. Then answer these questions.

l. Where is the salel

2. When is the sale?

On Srle February 1l-17 at Morgan's Supermarket

Italian Sausage
Pure pork
$2.19 lb. ;{-jl-"ffi
8_oz. box
Mushrooms /a1


NOTE: 16 ounces = 1 pound (453.6 grams)

oz. = ounce/ounces
1[. : pound
U.S. money
$.99 = 99 cents (999)

LESSON 3: It's $2. 19 a Pouil'

B. Circle True or False. C. Match the descriptions with the words.

l. The strawberries are frozen. True False d's in a bottle. a. mushrooms

2. The peas are fresh. True False 2. They're in a box' b. apples

3. The mushrooms are frozen. True False 3. They're in a bag. c. tomato paste

4. It's in a can. d. beer

D. Cross out the words that don't belong'

l. peas carrots Fere@ mushrooms

2. grapes sausage strawberries apples

3. yogurt lce cream bread milk

4. beer hamburger sausage meat

5. can bottle package lettuce

GnammlR: hoc, much

How much are the tomatoes? They're $3.00 a pound'

How much is the breadl lt's $.89 a loaf'

NOTE: Uncountable nouns take singular verbs.

A. Look again at the advertisement on page 14. Then answer these questions.

l. How much is the sausage? 2. How much are the eggsl

-tl., $2..t1 o fov.nd .

3. How much is the hamburger meat? 4. How much is the ice creamJ

5. How much are the mushrooms? 6. How much are the applesl

B. Now write questions about these items. Use How much'

l. strawberries 2. tomato paste

tlor nu-r,,ch r're the ',freu'hcrrres?

3. coffee 4. peas

TESSON 3: It's $2. 19 a pound.

GRamuaR: General Plural

I don't like carrots.

I like cauliflower

NOTE: In general statements, use plural countable nouns or

singular uncountable nouns.

F lst{

Po p.r

S aunsH
ww G".rn#c^uov

Berone You Rrao

A. Look at the list. Check what you like to eat and drink.

n fish n cauliflower n beer

n raw fish fl mushrooms n wine
! pork n onions n coffee
n chicken n garlic n milk
n rice n popcom n candy
n squash ! eggs n ice cream

NOTE: raw = not cooked

B. Name three things you like to eat and drink.

1. T like


c.N ame three things you don't like to eat and drink.



LESSON 3: It's $2. 19 a Pound.

Gnmlmlt; alot of

Americans eat a lot of sugar.

NOTE: a lot of = a large quantity or number of

What Americans Eat and Drink
Americans eat a lot of red meat and potatoes, and they drink a lot
of milk. They also eat candy and other foods that have a lot of sugar.
These are the favorite foods and drinks of Americans:
l. potatoes 1. milk
2. red meat 2. soft drinks
3. vegetables 3. coffee
4. fruit 4. tea
5. pork 5. beer
6. chicken
7. eggs
8. ice cream
Americans eat a lot of apples. It's their favorite fruit. And what do a
lot of Americans eat for breakfastl Cold cereal with milk.

Circle True or False.

l. Americans eat only red meat and potatoes. True False

2. A favorite drink of Americans is milk. True False

3. Americans drink a lot of soft drinks. True False

4. Americans don't eat a lot of sugar. True False

5. Americans like apples. True False

TESSON 3: It's $2. 19 aPound.

Brrone You Rrao


January April July October

February M"y August November
March June September December

NOTE: Capitalize the months.


winter from December 22 to March 19

spring from March 20 to June 20
summer from June 21 to September 22

fall from September 23 to December 21

osPoro9us Peors pumpkins corn

Foods and Seasons

The seasons are winter, spring, summer, and fall. In the United
States, it's very hot in summer, especially in August. A lot of fruits and
vegetables are in season in summer. This means they grow in summer.
You can buy fresh strawberries, peaches, and tomatoes in U.S.
supermarkets in summer.
Asparagus is in season in spring. Apples, pears, red grapes, corn,
and pumpkins are in season in fall. In winter, there is a lot of fresh
squash in the supermarkets.
You can buy frozen fruit and vegetables in every season of the year.


A. Answer these questions. Write complete sentences'

l. When can you buy fresh strawberries in the United Statesl

2. \Uhen can you buy fresh asParagus?

3. When are red grapes in season?

4. When is there a lot of squash in the supermarkets?

5. When can you buy frozen vegetablesl

B. Cross out the words that don't belong.

l. carrots tomatoes cereal cauliflower

2. box quart pound onion

3. February April winter December

4. bag apples squash peaches

5. spring April summer fall


Ask and say how much food costs How much is the bread?
It's $.89 a loaf.

Say what foods you like and don't like I like cookies.
I don't like raw fish.

Say the months and the seasons


LrsreN To rHE Auoro Casserre



I SlVIHtt?
BeroRr rHE VtDEo
A. Do you remember? Complete the story with the words in rhe box.

dinner tomorrow upset

John is going to Denver . He's going for two

days. Susan is but she wants to make him a

great before he leaves.

B. Look at the pictures.

fhe spoghetti tostes good. solt qnd pepper

It's delicious.

C. Look up this word in a dictionary or in your Study Guide: missing.

ET Warcn rHE VrDEo

l6:15 A. \ilatch the video. Put these pictures in order. Number each picture L,2,3,4, or 5.

LE SSO N 4z Is that yow special diruwt I smell?



B. Why do Susan and John laugh at the end of the video? Circle a, b, or c.
a. Because Jake was in the supermarket.
b. Because the spaghetti sauce doesn't have any sausage.
c. Because the spaghetti sauce needs salt and pepper.

c. Watch the video again and check your answers.

GRammaR: one and ones

I'd I ik"".ffi"?
I'd I ike some ,onl",o.r. Which on[s?

NOTE: [Jse one instead of repeating singular nouns.

Use ones instead of repeating plural nouns.

A. Complete these dialogues from the video. Use one or ones.



JonN: Do you have an onionl SusaN: How much are the cookies?

SusaN: I have these. lUhich CHrcxour Clenx: Which

do you want?
SusaN: The over

JoHN: The big there.


B. Watch the video again and check your answers.


LESSO N 4: Is that wur sbecial dinner I smell?

Fnou rHE VtDEo: Talking About Food

l5:29 A. Read this diirkrguc. Noticc how John and Susan talk about food.

JoHH: How do you like it?

SusaN: Umm . . it's. .. umm delicious. It

just needs some pepper.

JoHN: Do you have any?

SuseN: Here it is.

JoHN: Now how does it taste?

SuseN: Good. It iust needs some salt.

B. Here are some ways of asking about and complimenting food.


Do you like the squash/cookiesl Yes. It's/They're delicious.
How do you like the spaghetti? It's delicious/good/great.
How does it taste? It tastes delicious/good/great.

C. Complete this dialogue with the sentences in the box.

They taste delicious. Yes. It's very good.

It tastes great. They're good.


How does it tastel

LESSO N 4z Is that pur speciaL dinner I smell!

A. Look at the pictures.

/u teospoon, I teospoon, ss9or

I toblespoon

B. Look at this recipe.

I nninn
t carrot t/z teospoon of peffer
I clove ol garlie t/z teaspoon of solf
I tabtespoon o{ oil t/z pound o{ spaghelti
I can of tomaloes
t' can rt tomato pr<te
I feaspoon of sugar

C. Now double the recipe.

filarinara Saucefor I oeoole

2 0nions


A. Complete this telephone conversation. Choose the correct word and write it in the blank.

I'd like to order groceries . Yes, please. Deliver

( l. some/any)

them to 50 Grand Street . . . I'd like chocolate chip

(2. some/any)

cookies, a ot tomato paste, pumpkin,

(3. pound/can) (4. a/two)

of mushrooms . . . What? You don't have

(5. pounilbottle)
fresh mushroomsl Then srve
- me
(6. some/any) (7. a/two)

cans of mushrooms. I'd like tomatoes...How

(8. some/any)

tomatoes? Four . . . Andone of

(9. much/many) (10. loaf/head)

bread . . No, that's all . . . Thank you . . Goodbye.

B. Look up this word in a dictionary or in your Study Guide: dclfuer.

LESSO N 4: Is that your speciaL dinner I smeLl!

Ctecr YounselF: Lessons 1-4

A. Circle the correct answer.

l. How much the beer? 2. How much are the tomatoesl

a. are
b. is a. one
c. have - b. ones
c. some

3. I like spaghetti. 4. How much the bananasl

a. don't a. does
b.- doesn't b. is
c. no c. are
5. How it taste? 5. I don't like
a. does a. carrot
b. - b. carrots
c. -(nothing)
do c. a carrot

7. How much is the ice cream? 8. I'd like mushrooms.

$2.99 a quart.
a, any
a. It's b. some
b. It c.a
c, They're

B. Circle the correct response.

l. What month is it? Do you like chicken?

a. It's January. a. Here it is.
b. It's spring. b. \Vhich ones?
c. It's hot. c. Yes. It's delicious.
3. How much are the eggs? 4. Where are the carrotsl

a. Two dozen. a. Yes, they are.

b. They're behind rhe bananas. b. In fall,
c. They're 69(. a dozen. c. They're next to the onions.
5. How do you like the strawberries? 6. Which one do you wantl
a. They're very good. a. The red one.
b. Yes, they are. b. The big one.
c. They're very expensive. c. Both a and b.


Lrsrex ro rHE Auoro Casserrr



Brronr rxe Vtoeo
A. Look at the picture.

It's her birthdoy.

B. Now look up these words in a dictionary or in your Study Guide: fauh,lift, friendly.

Wlrcx rHE VtDEo

20249 A. Watch the video. Circle the correct answer.

l. At the end of the video, Susan is 2. At the end of the video, John is

a. upset. a. happy.
b. happy. b. friendly
c. friendly. c. angry.

B. Watch the video again. Who says what? Check the boxes as you watch.

Susan John

l. "l called, but vou weren't at home."

2. "Mavbe I was at mv exercise class.'

3. "l want the iob, but I don't want to leave you.'

4. "l want it to work.'

5. "Long-distance relationships never work.'

5. "Can you just leave me alone now? Please?"

C. Watch the video one more time and check your answers.

L ESSO N 5t You weten' t lwre Testerdol'

GnammaR: tpos and were

Linda Steven and Linda

She was at work on FridaY night They were at work on FridaY night.

NOTE: Today is Saturday. Yesterday was Friday. Last night was Friday night'

GnammlR: No Article with home, school, and work

at home at the studio at a friend's house

at work at the exercise class at her grandmother's house
at school at the supermarket

A. Write eight true sentences about the people on the video. Use this chart.

Carol was at a job interview yesterday.

Susan were at the exercise class last night.
Linda and Steven in Denver yesterday.
John at her grandmother's house last night.
Jake at work last night.
with Chris last night.
in New York yesterday.
at the studio last night.








B. What about youl !?here were you at 7:00 last night?

GRAmmaR: Using Negatives to Correct Statements

I was at home. He was at home.

No, you weren't. No, he wasn't,
You were at work. We were at school.
No, I wasn't. No, you weren't.
She was at home. They were in Stamford.
No, she wasn't, No, thev weren't.

A. use negatives to correct these statements. Then write true statemenrs.

l. Carol was at work last night.

No, she wasn't. She was at ]he- erercise class.

2. John was in Stamford.

3. Linda and Steven were at home.

4. Jake and Chris were in Denver.

5. Susan was at a job interview.

What about youl Correct these statements about yourself.

l. You were at a job interview yesterday.

2. You were in the United States vesterdav.

LE SSO N 5: You weren' t here yesterday.

FnOm THE VIDEO: Expressing Surprise and Asking for Confirmarion

A. Watch the video. Notice horv Carol expresses surprise and asks for conlirmation.
l7:09 SuseNr: I was at my grandmother's house.
She lives in New York.

CaRor: No kidding? She lives in New Yorkl

SusaN: Yes. Yesterday was her birthday.

She's eighty-one.

CaRor: Really? She's

B. Here are some ways of expressing surprise and asking for confirmation.


No kiddingl Your grandmother lives in New Yorkl
Really? She's eighty-onel
You're jokingl Yesterday was your birthdayl
What a surprise! He was in Denver?

Express surprise at what these people say Then ask for con{irmation. Fill in the bubbles.


My father is

I run five miles

every morning.


My grand{ather
rides a bicycle.

L ES SO N 5: You weren' t here ysterday.

GnaumaR: Yes/No Questions with cras and were

Was John in Denver yesterday?

Were Steven and Linda at the studio last night?

Ask John four questions about his trip. Use this chart.

the people at KDEN I nervous ar the interviewl

Were I the weather I friendly?
Was I the hotel I nicel
you | the studiol


GumuaR: Questions with where

Where was Jake on Friday night?

He was with Chris.

Ask where these people were. Fill in the bubbles.


I he was with Chris. /


/ | / )
\ thev were at the / | l
Cxecr YouRselr
A. Circle the correct answer.

l. Jake and Chris together yesterday' 2. Carol is work today.

a. were a. at
b. are b. at the-
c. was c. ata
3. Susan at home last night. 4. Steven was supermarket.

a. is a. at
b. was b. at the -
c. both a and b c. the

5. They were at home. 5. at the studio yesterday.

No, they a. Mike was
a. wasn't -b. Was Mike
b. aren't c. Is Mike
c. weren't

B. Circle the correct response.

l. !7here was John on Friday night? 2. Was the weather nice?

a. He was at a job interview. a. No, it wasn't.

b. He was in Denver. b. The hotelwas nice.
c. Both a and b. c. It was delicious.
3. My mother is seventy-six. 4. Was John in Denver yesterday?
a. Reallyl a. He's watching TV.
b. That's not too ripe. b. Yes, he was.
c. Both a and b. c. In Denver.


Ask and say where people were !ilhere was Carol last nightl
She was at the exercise class.

Correct incorrect statements She wasn't home. She was at work.

Express surprise No kidding?

What a surprise!

Ask for confirmation He was in Denver?


Ltsrsx ro rHE Auoro Clsserrr

Beronr rxr Vtoeo
A. Look ar rhe picture. :'-f-';'-;-


B. Look up these words in a dictionary or in your Study Guide: offer, expect, dpply.

c. On the video, John talks about the job in Denver. \Uhat does John tell Linda? Try to predict.
Circle a or b.
a. "l'm planning to stay at WEFL."
b. "l'm planning to take the job."

wrrcn rHE vrDEo
23:31 A. !7atch the video. Who
says what? Check the boxes as you watch.

Linda John

l. "They offered me a job in Denver. "

2. "Why didn't you talk to me firstl"

3. "l wanted to hear about the job first."

4. "lt's a two-year contract."

5. "l can't believe it. When do you go?'

6. "Did you study your contract at WEFL?"

7. "l don't think you can leave that fast.'

LESSO N 5: Thcy offered me a job in Dennrer '

B. Why is John planning to take the job in Denverl Circle a, b, or c'

a. Because it's a good job ftrr him.
b. Because he ivants to leave Susan.
c. Because he doesn't have a contract at WEFL.

C. Watch the video again and check yotrr answers.

GRltr,ttrlAR: Affirmative Statements in the Past Tense

Mike watched a movie on Saturday night.

Linda worked at the studio on Friday night

NOTE: Add -ed to form the past tense of regular verbs.

Tell what each person did on the weekend. Use these verbs: clecn, watch, work, play,listen,

the house. at the studio.

5. to muslc.

GnamuaR: Negative Statemenrs in the past Tense

Mike watched TV on the weekend.

Carol didn't watch TV.

NOTE: didn't : did nor

Complete these sentences about the people on the video. Use negative verbs.

l. Mike watched TV.


2. Carol stayed at home.

Jake He played tennis.

3. Carol cleaned the house.

Mike He watched TV.

Carol exercised on Friday night.

Susan She was in New York.

5. Susan visited her grandmother.

John Susan's grandmother. He was in Denver.

B. What about you? What did you do on the weekendl What didn't you dol Circle the correct words.
l. I
t-tl--,-d I tennis. 2. I
laia"'tptuy I ldid.t't*atch lTV.
3. I
I cleaned I

4. I
I did.,', clear, I the house.

5. I
6. I
I did"'r *o.k. I to
I I didn't listen
[*d'"d fd"-td.d -__-l
7. I English. 8. I to take a new job'
ldidn'trtudy I I didn't decide I

GummlR: Yes/No Questions in the Past Tense

Did Mike watch TV on SaturdaY night?

Did Linda work on FridaY nightl

NOTE: To form yes/no questions in the past

tense, use did and the base form of the verb.

Fnom rHE VIDEo: Yes/No Questions in the Past Tense

A. Watch the video. Notice the questions Linda asks John. Match Linda's questions with John's answers'
23:31 b l. Did vou decide to take the job? a. Yes. I studied it yesterday.

2. Did theY offer You a lot of moneY? b. Yes, I did, Linda.

- 3. Did you aPPIY for the job? c. Yes. It's a two-year contract.

- 4. Did theY give You a contract? A Yes, but it wasn't just the money.

- 5. Did you study your contract at WEFL? No. They came to me 6rst.

B. -Ask John five questions. Use this chart'

Did you talk your contract at \07EFLI

go an interview at KDEN?
have to Denver last weekend?
read the job for the money?
take to Linda about the job?

t. Tir! yo& lelk Io Linde aboql thz Joh?





t ESS O N 6: They ffired me a job in Denver.

GnaumaR: Questions with ruhar

Susan visited her grandmother on Friday night.

What did Susan do on Saturday'.,igh,l

\ilrite questions about Mike, Carol, Jake, and John. Begin your questions with !/hat.

l. 2.
___--l \ \

_/ / \/;;- tennis.
L-r. /


3. 4.

home and cleaned
the house.
/ 6**\
( Rocky on TV. /

GnammlR: Short Answers in the Past Tense

Did Susan exercise on Saturday night? Yes, she did.

Did she answer the phone on Saturday night? No, she didn't.

NOTE: Yes/No questions can also be answered with onlv yes or No.

Answer these questions about the people on the video. Use short answers.
2316 l. Did John call Susan on Saturday night?

2. Did the people at KDEN offer John a job?

3. Did they offer John a lot of moneyl

4. Did they offer him a good 1ob?

5. Did John apply for the job?

6. Did John decide to take the job?

7. Did Linda expect John to leave WEFL?

LESSO N 6: Thel offered me a job in Denuer'

Cxecr Younselr
A. Circle the correct answer.

l. you work yesterdaY? What last Wednesday?

a. Was a. she did

b. did she do
-b. Did
c. Do did she

3. What he do last night? Susan watch TV last Saturday.

a. did a. didn't
b. was b. -
c. both a and b c. -(nothing)

5. Did you to Susan? Jake to music last night'

a. talk a. listened
b. talks
- b. listens
c. talked c. listen

B. Circle the correct response.

l. What did you do last nightl Did John decide to take the jobl

a. Yes, I did. a. Really?

b. No. I didn't work. b. Yes, he did.
c. I watched TV. c. He's at work.

3. What did Susan and John do yesterday? Did you play tennis yesterday?
a. They were in Stamford. a. I worked.
b. They worked. b. No, I didn't.
c. Yes, they did. c. Both a and b.


Ask and say what people did Did Carol work at the studio last night?
No, she didn't. She cleaned the house.

Say what people didn't do She didn't go to the exercise class last night.


Lrsrex ro rHE Auoto Cassrrre



Berone You Rrao
A. Look at the pictures.


o microphone q phonogroph o light bulb

B. Look up these words in a dictionary or in your Study Guide: die, fanous, invent, inuentor,Iaw, start.

Two Famous Americans


Thomas Alva Edison was bom in Ohio in 1847. He starred ro work

when he was twelve. At sixteen, he was a telegraph operator. Then he
was an inventor. He invented the microphone, the phonograph, and
the light bulb. He died on October 18, 1931. He was rich and famous.


Abraham Lincoln was the sixteenth President of the United States.

He was born in Kentucky in 1809. His family was very poor. He
started to work when he was very young. He worked in a store and in a
post office. Then he studied law. He died in 1865 when he was fifty-
six. He was a great American President.

LESSON 7: He was rich mdfanous


11th eleventh 2l st twenty-first

lTth twelfth 22nd twenty-second
13th thirteenth 23rd twenty-third
14th fourteenth 24th twenty-fourth
15th fifteenth

A. Circle True or False.

l. Thomas Alva Edison was bom in 1857. True False

2. Edison was a famous inventor. True False

3. He died in 1831. True False

4. Abraham Lincoln was the first President of the United States. True False

5. Lincoln's family was rich. True False

6. He studied law. True False

Z. He died when he was sixty-four. True False

B. Answer these questions. Write complete sentences.

l. Where was Thomas Alva Edison bom?

2. What was Edison's job when he was sixteen?

3. What did he invent?

4. \Vhere was Abraham Lincoln born?

5. When did he die?

C. Cross out the words that don't belong.

l. Connecticut Kentucky post office New Jersey

2. microphone president light bulb phonograph

3. inventor newscaster rich telegraph operator

GRl,tuaR: Occupations with was and were

Susan is a newscaster.
Susan was a writer. It was her first iob.

A. These people are now famous actors and actresses. But what was each person's first job? Complete the
sentences. Use crcs or were and an or a, if necessary.

l. Dustin Hoffman He- was a, janitor.

2. Barbra Streisand and Syl vester Stallone They Wefe- ushers.

3. RaquelWelch waltress.

4. Harrison Ford carpenter.

5. Sean Connery and Warren Beatty construction workers.

6. Jane Fonda model.

7. Burt Reynolds football player.

B. Complete the sentences.

l. Elvis Presley was a singer.

he truck driver.

Rock Hudson was an actor.

Before he mail carrier.

c. What about you? Answer these questions. Write about yourself.

l. What was your first job?

2. What was your father's first job?

D. Look up any occupations you don't understand in a dictionary or in your Study Guide.

GnamuaR: Prepositions of Time: in and on

in 1847.
in February
Thomas Alva Edison was bom
on February 11.
on February 11, 1847.

NOTE: Use in for years and months. Use on for days and dates.
Don't use an article with years, months, days, or dates.

Uates are wntten llt<e

,. February
, , , \oay/
, 1847
(montn/ (c()mma) (yeau

When were these famous people bom? Complete the sentences with in or on.

l. prince Charles was born rn 1948.

2. Actor Sidney Poitier was born February 20, 1924.

3. Jackie Onassis was bom 1929.

4. Michaeljackson was born August 29.

5. Singer Stevie Wonder was born May.

GuumaR: suas and were born -

Joan Collins I was born I in May.

Steuie Wonder and Joan Collins I were born I in May.

Complete the sentences with cras born or were bom and a preposition.

l. Actress Joan Collins wos horn on May 23.

2. Cher and Joan Collins May.

3. Newscaster Dan Rather October.

4. Singers Ray Charles and Bruce Springsteen September 23.

5. Actress Brigitte Bardot September 28.

5. Dan Rather and Johnny Carson October.

LESSO N 7 z He wa "ich
and famous.

Brronr You Reao grondporents


o grondfother


Dovid ond Kotherine Webster

tune 6,1932

David Webster is Susan's grandfather. He was born in Ireland in

1908. He married Katherine O'Connor on June 6, 1932. They were
married in lreland. David Websrer isn'r alive. He died in 1984.
Katherine Webster is alive. She was born in Ireland too. She was
born on May 15, 1910. She's Susan's grandmother. Yesterday was her

Write six true sentences from this chart.

David I was bom I in 1984.

Katherine I were born I in lreland.
David and Katherine I died I on June 6, 1932.
were married I on May 15, 1910.

l. -Davtd was born in lreland.







A. Two sentences in the story are not true. Read the story and underline the false sentences.

KDEN offered John job in Denver. The station offered him a ten-
year contract. John decided to take the job, and he plans to leave in
rwo weeks. He studied his contract at WEFL, and then he talked to
Linda. She asked John about the job at KDEN. They talked about his
contract at WEFL, and she wanted to see it. She wanted John to take
the job at KDEN.
KDEN offered John a lot of money, but John didn't decide to take
the job for the money. He decided to take it because it's a good job for
him. He's a serious newscaster, and he has a lot of experience. At
KDEN, he can be the host and executive producer of a new show.

B. Now correct the false sentences from the story.




State personal information He was bom in lreland.

He was married on June 6, 1932.

Describe past events The station offered him a contract.

He talked to Linda.
He died in 1984.


Lrsrex ro rHE Auoto Cassrrre



Beronr rxr Vroeo
A. Do you rememberl Complete the story with the words in the box.

be decided listen offered see studied talked

KDEN John a job in Denver. He

1 z

his contract at WEFL, and he to take the job. He

talked to Susan about the rob, but she didn't want to

She was upset and wanted tcr alone. Then he

to Linda about the job. Linda was angry and wanted

his contract.

B. Look at the pictures.


This is the This is the She's pointing He's putting out

smoking section. non-smoking section. to o sign. o cigorette.

Wlrcx rHE VrDEo

27:26 A. Watch the video. Who says what? Check the boxes as you watch.

l. "This is a story about the new smoking law."

2. "Well, I watched the tape. I didn't see a man smoking."

3. "Can you play the tape again, please?"

4. "Somcthing's missing."

5. "There was a problem, but I fixed it."

6. "Did I tell vou vou're terrihc/"

LESSON 8: DidI tell You 1ou're tenific?

B. Watch the video again and check your answers.

c. Answer the questions. Circle a, b, or c.

l. What was wrong with Jake's taPe? 2. How did Carol Iix Jake's tape?
a. An important part was missing. a. She showed the woman smoking.
b. The woman didn't smoke. b. She added the missing part.
c. The waiter was angry. c. She showed the tape to lohn.

3. Whv does Jake think Carol is terrilicJ

a. Because she watched the tape.
b. Because John likes her.
c. Because she fixed the tape.

D. Watch the video. Match the pictures with the sentences.

a. The woman is walking into the restaurant.

b. Carol and Jake are watching the videotape.
c. The woman is looking at the menu.
d. The woman is following the waiter.
e. The woman is talking to the waiter.

t. 2. 3.

4. 5.

E. If you need to, watch the video again and check your answers.

SpeutNC: Regular Verbs in the Past Tense

ded ied
decide*d watch+ed study * ied
smoke*d play*ed

NOTE: Add d to verbs ending in e.

Add ed to verbs ending in a consonant.
Add ed to verbs ending in a vowel -r y.
Drop the y and add ied to verbs ending in consonant + ).
The ending ed after a ltl or /d/ sound is pronounced as a
separate syllable: visit ' ed : ltdl ,

Write the past-tense form of these verbs.

l. call 2. try - 3. stay

4. exerclse 5. miss 6. visit

7. offer 8. expect 9. fix

10. ask I l. carry 12. add

PnoxuxctATloN: Resular Past Tense

EI Listen to these sentences on the video. Notice the pronunciation of started", pointed", asked, talked, fixed, and
24:40 aAded. Circle the past forms that are pronounced with an extra syllable: /rd/.

l. Jaxr: Then a man started to smoke. The 2. CeRor-: I nlked to him andl fixed the tape. I
woman pointed to the non-smoking sign added the part with the man smoking.
and asked him to put out the cigarette.

Fnom rHE VtDEo: Describing Past Evenrs

EI A. Complete this dialogue with the past form of the verbs in the box.
ask follow look point start talk walk

Canol: See? The woman into the restaurant. She to the waiter .

She for the non-smoking section. Then she the waiter to a

table. Then she sat down and at the menu.


Jere: Then a man to smoke. The woman to the non-smoking sign


and asked him to put out the cigarette.

B. \7atch the video again and check your answers.

LESSON 8z DidI tellycuyau're tenifc?

Berone You Wnrre

A. Look up this word in a dictionary or in your Study Cuide: credte.

B. Read this paragraph.





Walt Disnev

Donald Duck. He died in 1966 when he was 65.


Complete this paragraph about John Steinbeck.



John Steinbeck

United States 1902.

at Stanford University in California.

writer. His most famous book is

The Grapes of Wrath. 1968


A. There are 15 verbs hidden in the puzzle. Find the verbs and circle them.



B. Write about yourself. Answer these questions with complete sentences.

INrrRvtBwrR: It's nice to meet you.

You: Nice to meet You too.

INreRvrrwrn: I'd like to ask you some questions. lUhere were you born?

You -L WQS

INrrRvtrweR: I'd like to ask you about your work experience. What was your first job?


INrrnvtpweR: Where did vou work?


INreRvrpwen: What's your present job?


INrrRvreweR: Where do you work now?


INrrRvrcwrR: Thank you for coming in.

You: It was nice to meet vou.

Cnecr YounselF: Lessons 5-8
A. Circle the correct answer.

l. Susan at the studio last night. 2. Linda and Steven at work yesterday.
a. wasn't a. were
b. weren't b. was
c. didn't c. did

3. John was in Stamford. 4. We play tennis last Saturday.

No, he He was in Denver.
a. didn't
a, weren't b. no
b. wasn't c. don't
c. didn't
5. Jake to find Mike. 6. He was invenror.
a. try a.a
b. tried b. an
c. tryed c.
7. Susan bom in Mexico City. 8. My mother was born 1945.
a. was a. on
b. were b. in
c. is c. at -

B. Circle the correct response.

l. Where was Carol? 2. What did John do?

a. Very friendly. a. He studied his contracr.
b. On Saturday. b. It was OK.
c. At the exercise class. c. Both a and b.
3. When was she bom? 4. You weren't at home yesterday.
a. In Stamfbrd. a. No, I wasn't.
b. On May 15. b. No, you weren't.
c. She studied law. c. Iwasawriter.
5. Where was Walt Disney born? 6. Did Mike work yesterdayl
a. In 1901. a. Yes.
b. He was a movie producer. b. Yes, he did.
c. In the United States. c. Both a and b.


JI Lrsrex ro rHE Auoro casserre

Beronr rne Vloeo
A. Look up these words in a dictionary or in your Study Guide qualified, r'lsumd.

B. On the video, Carol talks to Steven about work. What does Carol tell Steven? Try to predict.
Circle a, b, or c.
a, want to leave WEFL.
b. want more money.
c. want John's job.

wrrcx rHE vrDEo

30:37 A. \Uatch the video. Circle a, b, or c.

Why does Carol thank Steven?

a. Because she can make the taPe.
b. Because she can go home.
c, Because she has a new job.
B. Watch the video again. Circle True or False.

l. Carol worked at a radio station. True False

2. She was a newscaster. True False

3. She worked there for one year. True False

4. She was on television in college. True False

5. She went to the University of Michigan. True False

6. Then she studied at Columbia University. True False

C. Watch the video one more time and check your answers.

LESSON 9: But I think I'm qual$ed for the job.

GnauuaR: Regular and lrregular Past-Tense Verbs.

Carol gets up at 5:30 every day

She got up at 5:00 yesterdaY.

NOTE: Some verbs don't end in d in the past tense. They are
irregular. Here are two irregular verbs.
get uP got uP
go went

Write this story in the past tense. Use these words in your sentences: 1etup, go, talk, work, exercise.


ffi 2. She
to work.

at the health club.

TESSON 9: Butl thinkl'mquahfedforthe job.

FnOm THE YTDEO: Asking About Education and Experience

fJJ A. What questions does Steven ask Carol about her education and experiencel Use the sentences in the box
2&52 to complete the dialogue.

Were you on television?

What did you study therel
Where did you go to school?
Where did you work in the pastl
How long did you work therel

SreveN: t.

Canol: I worked at a radio station. I was a writer.

SrrvrN: 2.

CaRor-: I worked there for two vears. from 1986 to 1988.

SreveN: 3.

Canol: Only in college.

SrrvrN: 4.

CaRor-: I went to the University of Michigan.

Srrvrx: 5.

Canol: I was a communications major.

B. Watch the video and check your answers.

c. \iUhat is the person asking? Fill in the bubbles with questions about educarion and experience.

l. ,:

w G
3. 4.

hospital. /
lTi /il;i ( for five years. /

LESSO N 9z Bur I think I'm quolfied for tlw job.

GnammaR: Questions with what, when, where, and hou.r long

Carol worked at a radio station.

How long did she work at the radio station? For two years.
When dld she work therel From 1986 to 1988.
Carol went to college.
Where did she go to college? At the University of Michigarr.
What did she study there? Communications.

Write six questions about Susan. Use this chart.

What did Susan go to college?

Where work in the past?
When live in Mexico City?
How long study in collegel

l. \^/hr,{ diJ S&san sfud) n college ?






GRammlR: Prepositions of Time: at, from, and /or

Carolwatched TV at 10:00.
She watched TV from 10:00 to I 1:00.
She watched TV for an hour'

Complete the sentences with at, from, to, or for.

l. Carolworked f rorv't 730 fo 3,30.

2. She exercised two hours.

3. She exercised 5:00 to 7:00 p.v.

4. She practiced for her audition tape two hours.

5. She got home 7:30.

GnamuaR: Irregular Past-Tense Verbs


come came
be was

A. Complete the story with the past form of the verbs.

Carol Green born in 1962. She to the

(1. be) (2. eo)

University of Michigan from 1979 to 1983. She a communications

(3. be)

major. She at her college television station for two years. She
(4. work)

to journalism school at Columbia University after she

(5. eo)

from the University of Michigan. She from

(6. graduate) (7. graduate)
Columbia University in 1985. She a writer for two years. She
(8. be)

at a radio station from 1986 to 1988. She to

(9. work) (10. come)
WEFL on September 1, 1988.

B. Look up rhis word in a dictionary or in your Study Guide: graduate.

GummaR: after

Carol talked to Susan.

Then she talked to Steven.
Carol talked to Steven after she talked to Susan.

EI A. Write rhree rrue sentences about Carol. Use this chart.


Carol went to Columbia University after she was on television.

She worked at a radio station she went to the University of Michigan.
she went to Columbia University.




B. If you need to, watch the video again and check your answers.

Cnecr Younselr
A. Circle the correct answer.

l. Carol to work earlY YesterdaY. 2. Where from 1985 to 1987?

a. goes a. dld you work

b. went b. you worked
c. go c. do you work

3. I worked 8:00 to 5:00. 4. did you live there?

For five years.
a. to
b. at a. How long
c. from b. Where
c. When

5. Did you to college? 5. She studied Spanish two years.

a. go a. from
b. went- b. for
c. both a and b c. at

B. Circle the correct response.

l. How long did you watch TV? 2. !7hat did he study in college?
a. At home. a. At the exercise class.
b. For three hours. b. Journalism.
c. Yesterday. c. For four years.

3. When did you work in New York? 4. Where did she live?

a. For five years. a. From 1986 to 1989.

b. In an office. b. In Mexico City.
c. From 1987 to 1989. c. Last Friday.


Talk about people's work experience Carol worked at a radio station.

She was a writer.

Talk about people's education She went to the University of Michigan.

She was a communications major.

Ask about people's education and experience Where did you go to school?
What did you study?
How long did you work therel


Lrsrrx ro rHE Auoto Clsserrr



Brrone rxe Vloro
On the video, Carol is getting ready to make her audition tape. Check the sentences you expect to hear.

[ "What should I dol" ! "Smile at the camera."

! "Where do you live?" [ "Good luck."
fl "We're almost ready. " [ "This is so exciting, Carol."
! "Hello. My name is Carol Green." ! "That movie was really funny."
! "Ready."

warcn rHE vrDEo
33:54 A. Watch the video to see if your guesses were correct.

B. Watch the video again. Who says whatl Check the boxes as you watch.

Carol Mike Rita

l. "l told him what I wanted."

2. "You look great. I love what you're wearing."

3. "Susan gave it to me.'

4. "l think it's time for me to go out there."

5. "Do you need anythingl"

6. "And . three, two, one. Camera."

c. Circle the correct answer.

l. \ilho helped Carolpractice for her audition?

a. Rita.
b. Susan.
c. Mike.

Where did Carol practice for her audition?

a. In Steven's apartment.
b. In Susan's apartment.
c. At the exercise studio.
3. What did Carol wear when she made her taoe?

a. A dress.
b. A suit.
c. A skirt and blouse.

D. Watch the video again and check your answers.

GnamulR: lrregular Past-Tense Verbs


give gave
say said
wear WOre

ET A. Watch the video. Complete the sentences with the past form of g1ve, scy, and wear'

32224 l. Rtra: I always that you were someone special.

2. CnRol: Susan it to me. She it on her first audition.

B. Ifyou need to, watch the video again and check your answers'

FnOu THE VIDEO: Understanding Sports Reports

EI A. Watch the video again. Check the sentences you hear'

32:01 l. ! u. In basketball, the Lakers played the Celtics.
I b. In hockey, the Lakers played the Celtics.
2. E a. The Lakers lost.
E b. The Lakers won.
3. I u. The score was 91 to 84.
I b. The score was 94 to 81.
4. I a. In baseball, the Yankees beat the Indians 7 to3'
i U. t" baseball, the Mets beat the Indians 11 to 3'

5. f] a. In football, it was the Patriots against the Bears'

I b, In football, it was the Patriots against the Giants.

6. f] a. The Giants lost again.

! b. The Giants won again.

7. I u. The score was 13 to 6.

ll b. The score was 30 to 6.

B. If you need to, watch the video again and check your answers.

GnaumaR: Irregular Past-Tense Verbs


beat beat
Wln WOn
lose lost

ET A. Watch the video. Complete Carol's report with these words: agahut, beat, Inst, played, score, won.
32:01 CeRor-: In basketball, the Lakers the Celtics. The Lakers

The was 94 to 81. In baseball, the Mets the Indians

---;- a
11 to 3. In football, it was the Patriots the Giants. The Giants

again. The was 13 to 6.

B. Watch the video again and check your answers.

c. Look at the scores. Then answer these questions.


New York 6, Boston 3


l. In basketball, who did Cleveland playl 2. lUho beat Atlanta?

Who woni What was the score?

What was the score?

3. In hockey, who did New York play? 4. In baseball, who wonl

lUho lost? What was the score?

LESSON l0: Nocu don'tbenerorous.

Fnom rHE VtDEo: Telling People ro Do Something

ET A. Watch the vitleo. Complete the dialogue with tl-re sentences in the box.
Try something. Try it again.
Look at thecamera. Smile at the camera.

Canor: OK. What should I dol

SusaN: Pretend this is a camera. Look at vour notes. but

don't read them. oK.

Canol: All right. Umm'n . two men entered a bank and stole five million dollars. There was a fire
on 57th Street last night.

SusnN: Good. But look at the camera.

B. What are these people sayingl Complete the sentences.

32:l t


\:{/ i\li t,:t'V

l. Rrra: 2. Mrxr:
nervous. a few words.

C. If you need to, watch the video again and check your answers.

GnammlR: Base Form vs. Past-Tense Form

DreaK DroKe that.
I didn't know She didn't do that.

do did I Did you know that? Did she do thatl

have had I Y.r, I knew that. Yes, she did that.
know knew

NOTE: Be sure to use the base form of the verb in neqatives and

]-J A. Complete rhis dialosue from the video. Choose the correct form of the verb and write it in the blank.
32:52 Rrrn: Did you Deborah Hall an auditi<>n here?
(1. know/knew) (2. have/had)

Cenol: Really?

Rtra: Yeah. It was awful. She her nail right before the show. She was very
(3. break/broke)

upset. But she a good job.

(4. do/dld)

Canol: I didn't that Deborah Hall here.

(5. know/knew) (6. work/worked)

Rrra: She didn't here. She an audition here.

(?. work/worked) (8. have/had)

She to New York instead.

(9. go/went)

B. Watch the video and check your answers.

GnammaR: Past Tense with lasr and dgo

When did you last wear a suit? I wore a suit yesterday.

last night.
a week ago.
three months ago.

What about youl Answer these questions. Write sentences about yourself.

l. When did you last wear blue jeans? 2. When did you last do the dishes?

3. When did you last give a party? 4. When did you last break something?

LESSON l0: Now don'tbe nerorous.

Cxrcr Younsrlr
A. Circle the correct answer.

l. Susan the dress to Carol yesterday. 2. The Celtics the game last night.
a. give a. win
b. gave b. wins
c. gives c. won

3. Did you she was here? 4. When did you last a headachel

a. knew a. had
b. know
- b. has
c. knows c. have

5. I didn't the table. 6. Did the Giants

a. break a. lost
b. broke b. lose -l
c. c. beat
B. Circle the correct response.

l. \Vhen did you last give a party? 2. Who wonl

a. At my apartment. a. The Celtics.

b. A month ago. b. The Mets.
c. For two weeks. c. Both a and b.

3. What was the score? 4. Did you know about the party?

a. The Indians won. a. Yes, I knew.

b. Yes, it was. b. Yes, I know.
c. It was 84 to 75. c. Both a and b.


Talk about sports The Lakers played the Celtics.

The Lakers won.
The Mets lost.
The Indians beat the Mets.

Tell people to do something Look at the camera.


Lrsrex ro rHE Auoro Clssrrrr

rEssoN r r


BeroRe You Relo
Look at the pictures.

ts-l|-\ f'ngs
'isng a

He groduoted from high school. She groduoted trom college.
He hos o diploma. She hos o bachelor's degree.

Education in the United States
In the United States, students go to elementary school and junior
high school for eight years. After junior high school, they go to high
school for four years. When they graduate from high school, they
receive a high schooldiploma.

After high school, a lot of Americans go to a college or university.

There are about 4,000 colleges and universities in the United States. If
students go to college for four years and graduate, they receive a

bachelor's degree. This can be a Bachelor of Arts (8.A.) or a Bachelor

of Science ( B. S. ).
Some students continue their education after the bachelor's degree.
They can study medicine, law, and other subjects in a university. They
can receive an M.A. (Master of Arts), M.D. (Doctor of Medicine),
Ph.D. (Doctor of Philosophy), and other degrees.

A. Circle True or False.

l. In the U. S. , students go to elementary school and junior high school for twelve True False

2. Americans go to high school for six years. True False

3. When Americans graduate from high school, they receive a diploma. True False

4. There are a lot of colleges and universities in the U.S. True False

5. When students graduate from college, they receive a bachelor's degree. True False

6. Students can't study medicine or law in a university. True False

B. Match the names of these college and university degrees with their abbreviations.

l. Doctor of Medicine a. B.A.

- 2. Bachelor of Arts b. M.A.

- 3. Bachelor of Science c. M.D.

- 4. Doctor of Philosophy d. B.s.

5. Master of Arts e. Ph.D.

Voclgut-ARy: Some Maiors and Fields of Study

Accounting Economics Music

Anthropology English Nursing
Art Fine Arts Psychology
Art History French Russian
Biology History Science
Business Italian Social Studies
Chemistry joumalism Spanish
Communications Mathematics

NOTE: Do not use an article with fields of study.

TESSON 1 | z Whor did you stuly in school?

What about you? Answer these questions. Write sentences about yourself.

l. How long did you go to school?

2. What did you study in school?

3. Did you receive a diploma or degree? What was itl

VoclguLARY: The Category Game

Fill in the boxes. Use a word that begins with the same letter and belongs in the category on the left.


Languages 5par,,sh
Foods ca-rr ots
Months x X
Occupations pfodu-cer

Fields of Study

t ESSON 1 | t What did yru studl in scAor.,ll

A. Look at the r6sum6. Then circle the correcr answer.
This r6sum6 is
a. Carol's.
b. John's.
c. Jake's.


57 Clark Street
Stamford, Connecticut 06830
Telephone: 203-555-0859

1985-present Newscaster,wEFLTelevision,stamford,connecticut
1981-1985 Reporter, WBTU Television, Hartford, Connecticut

1976-1981 Writer, WLSW Radio, providence, Rhode lsland

1974-1976 Reporter, NYIJ News, New york, New york

1974-1976 New york University, School of Journalism,
New York, New York, M.A. (Journalism), 1976

1970-1974 Dartmouth College, Hanover, New Hampshire,

B.A. (History),1914

B. Circle the correct answer.

t. John studied at Dartmourh College 2. After Dartmouth, John went to

from 1970 to 1974.
a. New York University
a. English b. Columbia Universrry
b. history c. -.
the University of Michigan
c. anthropology
3. He received a degree from New York 4. From 1976 to 1981, John worked in
University in 1976.
a. Hartford, Connecticut
a. Bachelor of Arts
- b. New York, New York
b. Master of Arts c. Providence, Rhode Island
c. Doctor of Medicine

to 1981, John was a

5. From 1976 at 6. John started to work at WEFL in
WLS\? Radio in Providence.
a. 1981
a. newscaster
- b. r976 -.
b. writer c. 1985

C. Answer the questions. lffrite complete sentences.

l. What was John's major at New York University?

2. What degree did he receive from Dartmouth College?

3. \Uhen did he work at WBTU Television?

4. What was his job at WBTU?

D. Cross out the words or letters that don't belong'

l. history English anthropology degree

2. writer college reporter newscaster
3. M.A. \ULSW B.A. Ph.D.

carol talked to Steven. She told him she wanted John's job. Steven
wanted to help her. He asked Carol about her experience and
education, and she told him about her background. Then she gave
Steven her r6sum6. She told him she wanted to make an audition tape.

Finally Steven agreed.

The next day, Carol told Susan the news. Susan was very happy for
her. she was helpful too. when carolpracticed for the audition tape,
Susan helped her. She also gave Carol a dress to wear.

That night, Carol made the tape. She was a little nervous' but Rita
and Mike were very kind.

A. Circle True or False.

l. Carol told Linda she wanted John's job. True False

2. Steven asked about her experience. True False

3. He gave her his r6sum6. True False

4. Mike agreed to make Carol's audition tape. True False

5. Susan was helpful to Carol. True False

6. Carol didn't practice for the audition tape. True False

7. The night she made the tape, Carol was a little nervous. True False

B. Match the words with their definitions.

l. background a. to do again and again to leam

- 2. to practice b. to have the experience and education for a job

- 3. to be qualified c. friendly, nice

- 4. to agree d. a person's experience and education

- 5. kind e. to say yes

-C. What do you think? Answer the questions. Write sentences telling your own opinion.

l. Was Carol's tape goodl

2. Did Sreven and Linda like it?

3. Is Carol qualified for John's job?


Say what degrees or diplomas people have He has a Bachelor of Arts degree.

Read a r6sumd


Lrsrex ro rHE Auoto Clssrrre



Beronr rne Vtoro
A. Do you remember? Complete the sentences with the words in the box.

station audition tape

radio newscaster
writer education John's iob

l. Before Carol worked at !7EFL, she was a

2. She worked at a

3. Now she wants to be a

4. She thinks she's quali{ied for

5. She told Steven about her experience and

6. She made an ro show to Linda.

B. On the video, Steven shows Carol's tape to Linda. What do Steven and Linda say about Caroll Try to
predict. Circle a, b, or c.

l. a. "Just take a look. I think she's 2. a. "You're right. She's awful."

terrific. " b. "She needs more experience."
b. "Look at the tape. She's awful." c. "You're wrong. She's awful."
c. "She should be the host. "


34:l I
36:03 A. Watch the video to see if your guesses were correct.

B. Circle True or False.

l. Carol's audition tape is good. True False

2. Linda is sure she wants to give the job to Carol. True False

3. Linda thinks Carol needs more experience. True False

tE SSON 1 2: Just take a laok.

C. What does Carol talk about on her ar,rdition tape? Check the boxes.


! the weather ! the President's trip



! a basketball game I a movie theater

D. Watch the video and check your answers.

ET E. Watch the video again. Check the sentences you hear.

35'22 l. I a. The President traveled to New York today.
! b. The President traveled to Idaho today.
2. I u. He gave a speech about his plan to help the farmers.
I b. He gave a speech about his plan to help education.
3. I a. The teachers liked what rhe President said.
! b. The farmers liked what the President said.

4. E In local news, a new restaurant opened in Stamford.

! ".
b. In local news, a new movie theater opened in Stamford.

5. E u. One man got in line at 10:00 at night.

! b. One man got in line at 6:00 in the moming.

6. ! a. Ticket prices were $8.00 a show.

! b. Ticket prices were $7.00 a show.

7. I a. People liked the new theater .

! b. People didn't like the new theater .

F. Watch the video one more time and check your answers.

What about you? Fill in this application. Write about yourself.



Last Name First Middle

Telephone Number

Country of Birth Date of Birth

Check one: n u"t" ! Female


L ESSON 122 lust take a bok.

Fnou rxe Vtoeo: Useful Expressions

A. Look at the pictures.

born throw owoy

B. Study these dialogues from the video.

l. JoHN: Susan, we can continue our 2. SrEveN: Just take a look at the tape. I think
relationship. she's terrific.
SusaN: Oh, come on. I wasn't born LtNoa: OK, OK. Turn it on.
yesterday. It won't work.

3. JoHN: Don't throw away what we have 4. JoHN: Do you have a minute? I need to talk
together. to you.
SuseN: It's over, John. Lnlon: Sure. Come into my of6ce.

5. CaRol: Ohh, my legs. I can't stand it. 5. SrsvrN: I want to help you, Carol, but I'm not
sure that I can.
Cenol: Look, I'm a good writer. You know
that. Just give me a chance.

c. What do these expressions meanl Circle the correct answer.

l, I wan't bcnrt yesterdq means 2. Just tal<e a look at the n7e means

a. Yesterday wasn't my birthday. a. Watch the tape.

b. I have experience in life. b. Take the tape.

3. Don't throw awal wlwt we lwve together means 4. Do yu have a minutel means

a. Don't throw the relationship in the trash' a. Do you have any time nowl
b. Don't end the relationship. b. What time is itl

5. I can't stonl it means 6. Just give me o charce means

a. I can't stand up. I want to sit down. a. Help me.

b. This is too hard. I want to stop. b. Give me a lucky ticket.

A. Complete this news report with the correcr present- or past-tense form of the verb.

Good evening. I'm Bill Henning, and this is the evening news. The

President back in Washington now, after his trip to

0. b")
New York. Yesterday n. ____,J.1;" to teachers in New york

about his plan to help education.

Movie actress Anna Arbor birth to her frfth child

(1. give)
yesterday. It a girl, and the baby's name
(4' be)
-.- Anita. She born in Hollvwood
(5. be) (6. be)

at 4:00 p.r',r. And newscaster Bob Sands last night

(?. di")
at his home in Palm Beach, Florida.

In local news, two men - a mistake when they

(8. make)
to steal three hundred dollars from Pere's Sunermarket
(9. t.v)
in Stamford last night. A police officer in the
(10. be)

supermarket at the rime of the robbery. The men in

(l l. be)

the Stamford jailnow.

The weather today cloudy. The high for today

(lZ. be)

fl1 h.\
52 degrees. The weather forecast for tomorrow -
good-sunny and warm'
04. l..k)
In baseball, the Yankees the Red Sox 9 to 8 today.
(15. beat)
And the Indians -------:------- the Dodgers last night. The Indians
(16. play)

" The score 6 to 3.
(17. lose) il8. be)

B. Look up this word in a dictionary or in your Study Guide: jcil.

Cxecr YounsrlF: Lessons 9-l?.
A. Circle the correct answer.

t. I uP at six YesterdaY. 2. She an audition in Los Angeles last week.

a. get a. had
b. got b. has
3. She in 1991. 4. Carol for one hour every day.

a. graduated a. exercises
b. graduates b. exercised
5. You home at 11100 last night. 6. They to New York last June.

a. came a' go
b. come b. went
7. He went to college from 1980 1984. 8. I was a writer ten years.

a. for a. for
b. to - b. from -
B. Circle the correct response.

l. Do you have a minute? 2. What was his lob?

a. It's six o'clock. a. He was tenific.

b. Sure. b. He was a carpenter.
c. Both a and b. c. He worked.

3. Where did he go? 4. How long did you go to school?

a. To Los Angeles. a. Yes, I did.

b. On Friday. b. Twelve years.
c. From 1975 to 1977. c. ln Paris.

5. When did he graduate? 6. Can you just give me a chance?

a. From New York University. a. I want to help you, but I can't.
b. For five years. b. Thank you.
c. In 1986. c. I'm a good writer.


O Lrsrex ro rHE Auoto crsserre

Beronr rHE VtDEo
On the video, John and Susan are at a restaurant. Check the questions you expect to hear.

n "Can I help you?" n "Could I have a cup of coffee?"

n "How much are the tickets?" tr "Do vou have a VCR?"
! "Would you like to order now?" E "How is the steak preparedl"
n "Do you have fried chickenl" ! "Where's the post office?"
n "Would you like soup or salad with that?" ! "\Uhat do you have for desserrl"

Wlrcx rHE VrDEo

4l:09 A. Watch the video to see if your guesses were correct.

B. Watch the video again. Who says whatl Check the boxes as you warch.

Carol Jake John Susan

l. "!7ill you marry me?"

2. "Carol, I care for vou a lot."

3. "l'm sorry I don't know what to sav."

4. "l love you, but I don't think I can marry you.'

5. "l have a new job, and I'm going away for a while."

c. Watch the video again and check your answers.

D. Circle True or False.

l. John wants to be alone with Susan. True False

2. Susan thinks the restaurant is awful. True False

3. John asks Susan to marry him. True False

4. Jake wants to talk about Susan and John. True False

5. Susan wants to marrv lohn and move to Denver. True False

6. Carol has a new job. True False

L ESSO N | 3: I neuer thought I' d ask anyone this again.

GnammaR: Orderins with wouldlike

I'd like the fried chicken.

I'd like the chocolate ice cream.

A. Look at the pictures.

f'-*: t

rl r- ,
3 t

broiled fried

erurafss DESSEFTs
a Chicken
Broiled astrawberries
aF(ied Chicken ?Apple Pie
qBroiled Bluefish achocolate lce Cream
.aSpaghetti with Marinara Sauce

EI B. Watch the video and listen to how these people order food from the waiter. Write what they say.
38:25 l. Susan orders the steak.

T') like *he sleak

2. Susan orders Italian dressing.

3. John orders the broiled chicken, a baked potato, and salad with blue cheese dressing.

4. Jake orders the fried chicken.

5. Jake orders soup.

C. What about you? Order the food you'd like. Use the menu in Exercise A.


LESSO N | 3: I neuer tlwught I' d ask anyorw thk again,

GnamuaR: Questions wirh or

Would you like soup or salad? Salad, please.

I'd like salad.

A. Look at the pictures.

souP solod solod o boked French
dressing pototo fries

EI B. Watch the video. Notice the questions the waiter asks Susan. Complete the dialogue with the questions
37:16 you hear.
SusaN: I'd like the steak.


Sr.'saN: A baked potato, please.


SusaN: Salad, please.

c. What about you? Answer these questions.

l. Would you like soup or salad?

S alad , please .

2. Would you like Italian dressing or blue cheese dressing on your salad?

3. Would you like a baked potato or French fries?

4. Would you like potatoes or rice?

LESSON l3: I rcr,er rhought I'd ask anyone this again.

FnOm THE VIDEO: Expressing Satisfacrion and Dissatisfaction

A. Study these dialogues.

JoHn: How do you like it? WarrrR: Is something the matter, sirl
SuseN: It's delicious. JonN: I ordered broiled chicken. This is
fried chicken.

B. Here are some ways of expressing satisfaction and dissatisfaction.


It's delicious. I ordered broiled chicken. This is fried chicken.
They're excellent. I ordered peas. This is squash.
This cheese is out of this world. This isn't what I ordered.
This is a lovely place/nice place. This spoon is dirry.

C. What are rhese people sayingl Fill in the blanks with the sentences in the box.

These forks are dirty. This ice cream is great.

This coffee is cold. I ordered blue cheese. This is Italian.

These forks
arl dtrtv.

TESSON 13: I twuer thought I'd ask arLyone this again.

GnlmuaR: could

Could I have a napkin, please?

NOTE: Coull is a polite form for making a request.

A. Look at the pictures.

*hod I

.tflojr 9Poot't

o cup ol coffee o gloss of woter

lJl B. Watch the video and listen to the questions these people ask the waiter. Write the questions.
39:35 l. John wants the check,
2. Jake wants a cup of coffee.
3. Carol wants a spoon.

C. What about you? Ask for the following items. Write questions with could.

t. 2. 3.

TESSON l3t I twuer tfuwght I'd ask anlone this again.

Cxrcr Younsrlr
A. Circle the correct answer.

l. I'd the apple pie. 2. I have a spoon, please?

a. liked a. Did
b. -like b. Could
c. like to c. Do

3. These are dirty. 4. you like soup or salad?

a. ice cream a. lUould

b. plate
- b. Could
c. forks c. Can
5. Could we a table for four? 6. I'd like of coffee.
a. have a. a cup
b. had
- b. a glass
c. has c. a bottle

B. Circle the correct response.

l. Can I help you? 2. How do you like the fish?

a. Yes. A table for two, please. a. No.

b. It's delicious. b. It's excellent.
c. How do you like it? c. Fish, please.
3. Would you like to order now? 4. Would you like cauliflower or carrots?

a. Yes. I like chicken. a. Yes, I do.

b. Yes. I'd like the chicken. b. Carrots, please.
c. Both a and b. c. Both a and b.


Order things in a restaurant I'd like fried chicken.

Express satisfaction This is a lovely place.

This cheese is delicious.

Express dissatisfaction I ordered broiled chicken. This is fried chicken.

Make a polite request Could I have a glass of water please?


O Lrsrrx ro rHE Auoto casserrr



Beronr rxe Vroro
On the video, Carol talks to Susan about her plans. What does Carol tell Susan? Try to predict.
Circle a. b. or c.
a. I'm going to marry Jake.
b. I'm going to leave for Vermont next month.
c. I'm going to get John's job.

Wlrcn rHE VrDEo

42256 A. Watch the video to see if your guess was correct.

B. True or false? Check the boxes.

True False
l. Susan decided to marry John. !n
2. John decided to stay in Stamford. nn
3. Carol decided to leave her job at WEFL. nn
c. Watch the video again and check your answers.

D. Watch the video again. Who says what? Check the boxes as you watch.

l. "So, it's really over between you and John."

2. "l don't know what I'm going to do. I love him."

3. "So tell me about your plans."

4. "Well, I'm going to leave for Vermont next month."

5. "l'm going to be a newscasterl"

5. "l'm happy for you, but I'm going to miss you. "

7. "Up and down, up and down, and up and down

E. Watch the video one more time and check your answers.

TESSON l4: So rell me &out your plans.

GnammaR: Future with going ro

going to play tennis tomorrow

NOTE: Today is Friday. Tomonow is Saturday.

What are these people going to doi Complete the sentences with these verbs: get, play, hnve, give,

t. ahe'., 3rrn3 to 2.

married' tennls. a speech.


a baby.

GnammaR: Yes/No Questions with golng ro

Is John golng to move to Denver?

Are John and Susan going to move to Denver?

NOTE: Today is May 7. Next week is May i4. Nexr month is June.

Write 6ve logical questions using the words in this chart.

Is John going to become a newscasterl

Are Carol get married?
John & Susan move to Denver?
go to Vermont next week?
stay in Stamford?





Short Answers with going to

Is Susan going to move to Denver? Yes, she is.

No, she isn't.
Are John and Susan going to get marriedl Yes, they are.
No, they aren't.

NOTE: Yes/No questions can also be answered with only Yes or No.

lVrite short answers to these questions.

l. Is John going to move to Denver?

2. Are the people at KDEN going to find an apartment for him?

3. Are they going to pay for his apartment?

4. Is Carol going to stay in Stamford?

Fnom rxr Vtoro: Talking About Future plans
EI A. What are Carol's future plansl Complete the dialogue with the sentences in the box.

Yes, but first I'm going to look for an apartment.

Oh, I'm going to come back to Stamford.
Yes, to visit.
Well, I'm going to leave for Vermont next month.
I'm going to be a newscasterl

SuseN: So tell me about your plans. What are you going to do?

Canor: u|zll, T'm qoinc' te leeve fer Verrnont ne't month.

Susau: Are you going to start your new job next month too?


SusaN: When are you going to look for an apartment?

Cenol: Next weekend. You know, I'm very excited about the job.

SusaN: That's great. I'm happy for you, but I'm going to miss you.


Susan: You're going to come back?


SuseN: That's good.

B. Watch the video and check your answers.

c. What about you? Answer these questions. Write sentences about your future plans.
Use short answers if possible.

l. What are you going to do next month?

2. Are you going to start a new job next monthl

3. Are you going to look for a new apartmentl

LESSON I 4: So tell me about wur blans.

Fnom rxe Vtoeo: Editing


Yes, I am.
I'm going to leave. Are you going to leave?
No, I'm not.
Yes, he is.
He's going to leave. Is he going to leave?
No, he isn't.
Yes, they are.
They're going to leave. Are they going to leave?
No, they aren't.

A. Look at these corrections.

Is Susan B6nto moue to Vermont?

No, sheX. 'sn'f

Shggoing to stay in Stamford.
She's going^stay at WEFL.

There are seven errors in this dialogue. Read the dialogue and correct the errors.
42:04 Canol: So, it's really over between you and John.

Susax: I need to think about it. I don't know what I going to do. I love him.

CaRor: \Uhen is John go to leave?

SusaN: He's going leave in two weeks.

Canol: Does he have an apartment?

SuseN: The people at KDEN going to find one for him.

Canol: Are they go to pay for it too?

SuseN: No, they are. But they're going give him money to move.

c. \0Uatch the video and check your answers.

LESSON l4: So tell me about.tour blans.

Cxecr Younsrlr
A. Circle the correct answer.

l. going to play tennis. 2. Are they to get manied?

a. He a. goes
- He's b. go
c. He did c. going
3. I'm going a party. 4. going to play tennis?
a. give a. Do we
b. to give
- b. Did we
c. gave c. Are we
5. Is Carol going to move to Vermont? 5. \07hen going to leavel
Yes, she
a. John is
a. is b. is John
b. does c. John
c. did
B. Circle the correct response.

l. I'm going to be a newscaster. 2. What are your plansl

a. That's great. a. Yes.
b. Congratulations. b. That's good.
c. Both a and b. c. I'm going to get a new job.

3. When are you going to leave? 4. Are they going to get married?
a. Next week. a. No, they aren't.
b. To Denver. b. From 5 o'clock to 7 o'clock.
c. From New York. c. On Tuesday.


Ask and answer questions about future plans What are you going to do?
Is Carol going to move to Vermontl
Yes, she is.

Tell what people are going to do He's going to graduate.

They're going to get married.


O a,rrEN ro rHE AuDro cAssErrE

Susan and John went to a restaurant for dinner. They looked at the
menu. Then they gave their order to the waiter. Susan ordered steak, a
baked potato, and salad with Italian dressing. John ordered broiled
chicken, a baked potato' and salad with blue cheese dressing' The
walter made a mistake. He brought John fried chicken. John was upset.
The waiter wanted ro take the chicken back to the kitchen, but John
said no and asked for the check.
Jake and Carol ate at the same restaurant' Jake ordered
chicken and vegetable soup. For dessert, Carol ordered chocolate cake.
Jake didn't have any desserr. He drank coffee and carol had tea.

A. Who ordered whatl Check the boxes.

Susan John Jake Carol

l. steak

2. baked potato

3. salad

4. soup

5. fried chicken

6. broiled chicken

7. chocolate cake

B. Answer these questions. Write complete sentences.

l. \yhere did Susan and John go for dinner? 2. Who did they give their order tol

they went to a- resfasrr'rtt.

3. What kind of dressing did Susan have on 4. !ilhat mistake did the waiter makeJ
her salad?

5. What did Carolorder for dessert? 6. Who drank coffee?

C. What about you? Answer these questions. Write sentences about yourself.

l. When did you last go to a restaurant? 2. What did you order to eat?

LESSON 15: Where's fohn going to go!

3. What did you drink? 4. Do 1'ou usualll' ortler dcssert after dinnerl

GnaumaR: Questions with when, where, and what time

Where's he going to go? To Denver.

When's he going to leavel On June 17th.
What time is he going to leave? At 3:00.

NOTE: where's : *n.r. ,, *O,..ra : *h,.r, O

A. Write questions about John and Carol with crhen and where. Fill in the bubbles.

'tr/here's lohn
I/ He'sgoing to \

/-l 6ffi)
( leave on July lst.r/

B. Look at the invitation. Write three questions about the party. Use V/hen, Where, andWhnt rime. Then
answer your questions. Write complete sentences.

* *JIT'S 4::: When: Friday, f,une gfh

::ffircq! What
Where: WE|L Srudio

6:00 p.m.

l. When's the oarlv aoinq to bz ?



TESSON | 5: Where's fohn goingto gol


Mon-Sun 5:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m.
Credit Cards
VISA, MasterOard, American Express

"This typical American

cooking is good."
Stamford Times
654 Dover Street. Stamford, Connecticut



Tomato Soup $ 3.00 Mixed Green $ 3'00

Cream of Mushroom Soup 3.50 Spinach and Mushroom 3.75
Vegetable Soup 3.25 Cucumber and Red Onion 2.50

(served with potato and vegetable)

Roast Long lsland Sirloin Steak 10'95

Duckling 11.00 Pork ChoPs 9.95
Roast Leg of Lamb 10.75 Poached Salmon 11.00
Roast Prime Rib 12.50 Bluefish 9.00
Fried Chicken 7.50


Apple Pie 3.00 Cake of the DaY 3.00

Blueberry Pie 3.00 Chocolate Chip Brownie 1.75
Chocolate Cake 3.25 Fresh Fruit Salad 2.75
Carrot Cake 2.75 lce Cream (chocolate, 2.50


cotD HOT

Soft Drinks 1.50 Coffee 1.50

Apple Juice 1.50 Tea 1.50
Beer 2.50 Herb Tea 1.75
Mineral Water 2.00

Ask to See Our Wine List

TESSON l5: Where'sJohngoing rogo?

A. Look at the menu on page 88. Circle True or False.

l. Wilson's is open seven days a week. True False

2. It's open from 12:00 noon to 10:00 p.u. True False

3. You can use an American Express card to pay your check. True False

4. Wilson's serves typical American food. True False

5. Wilson's serves beer and wine. True False

6. The entr6es are served with salad. True False

7. The roast prime rib is $14.75. True False

8. The desserts are homemade. True False

B. lVhat about you? Order what you want to eat and drink at \il/ilson's. Write your order on
the check below.

Chec k


c. Cross out the words that don't belong.

l. vegetable French fries tomato cream of mushroom

2. salmon carrots peas spinach

3. fried chicken herb tea pork chops duckling

4. chocolate cake ice cream pork chops apple pie

5. bluefish coffee beer tea

D. Look up these words in a dictionary or in your Study Guide duckling, lanb, prime rib,
pork chops, sahnon.

Brrone You Rrao
Look quickly at the menu for Mama's Restaurant' Circle a, b, or c.

Mama's Restaurant serves

a. Chinese food.
b. ltalian food.
c. Mexican food.

A. Read the menu. You do not have to understand everything'












B. True or false? Check the boxes.

l. Mama's is an expensive restaurant. nn False

2. A large iced tea is 95 cents at Mama's. !T

3. The mixed green salad has blue cheese dressing. nn
4. You can order spaghetti with Italian sausage at Mama's. ntr
5. Mama's serves five kinds of soft drinks. n!
A. Two sentences in the story are not true. Read the story and underline the false sentences.

John and Susan went to a restaurant for breakfast. John asked Susan
to marry him. susan said, "l love you, but I don't think I can marry
you." John was upset. He's going to leave in two weeks, and he wants
Susan to move to Denver with him.
Susan loves John, but she doesn't want to just stay at home' She
wants a career. She said, "l can't just be Mrs' John P' Banks'"
Carol and Jake went to the restaurant too. Jake talked to Carol
about their relationship. He said he cared for her a lot' Carol told Jake
she was sorry, but it was too late.
Steven showed Carol's audition tape to Linda. Linda got Carol a job
as a newscaster. Carol is going to move to Denver.

B. Correct the false sentences from the story.



Ask what people are going to do When's he going to leavel

Where's he going to go?

Read restaurant menus

Read party invitations


Lrsrex ro rHE Auoro Cassrrre

Berone rxe Vroeo
A. Do you remember these people? Write the correct name after each sentence.

Carol Jake John Linda Susan

l. He said he cared for Carol a lot.

2. He was upset because Susan didn't want to marry him.

3. She loves John, but she doesn't know what she's going to do.

4. She's going to leave for Vermont next month.

5. He's going to Denver in two weeks.

6. She got Carol a job as a newscaster.

B. What's going to happen in the story? Look at these pictures from the video. Try to predict.
Check Yes or No.

Yes No
l. Carol's going to marry Jake. trn
2. John's going to stay in Stamford. nn
3. Susan's going to marry John. nn
4. Jake and Carol are going to go to Vermont. !n
5. Jake and Carol are going to work together. nn
6. Susan's going to go to Denver with John. trn
46:20 A. Watch the video to see if your guesses were correct.

LESSON 1 6: When are Jougoing to get maded?

B. Watch the video again. Who says what? Check the boxes as you watch.

Carol Jake Linda Susan

l. "l was surprised when you told me."

2. "Do you believe this is me, Caroll"

3. "Susan and John are going to get married."

4. "Jake, I hired Carol. She's going to work with you."

5. "Jake, Jake, are you all right?"

6. "So, Carol, would you like to practice some news?"

c. Watch the video again and check your answers'

D. What do you think? Answer the questions. Write sentences telling your own opinion.

l. Is Carol going to be a good newscasterJ

2. Is Jake going to work with Carol?

3. Are Susan and john going to be happy in Denver?

GnlmmaR: Irregular Past-Tense Verbs


knew knew
hear heard

E A. complete these dialogues from the video. Use the base form or the past-tense form of know or hear.
45:17 Rrra: And who's surprised by that news?

Mrxr: Did you

Rrre: Of course I

JexE: When did you that John and Susan are going to get married?
LrNoe: I last night.

B. Watch the video again and check your answers.

LESSON | 6: Vlwn me you going to get narriedl

Fnom THE Vroeo:

FROM VTDEO: Congratulating and Making a Toast

EI A. Watch the video. Notice how Linda congratulates John and Susan and how evervone makes a toast.

Lrxoa: I want to congratulate both John and susan and wish them well.

EveRyoNe: To John and Susan!

B. Here are some ways of congratulating and making a toast.


Congratulations! To
I want to congratulate you. Here's to
Let me congratulate you. Good luck!

C. lUhat are these people sayingl Fill in the blanks with the sentences in the box.

Here's to the bride and groom!

Congratulations on your graduation!
Cood luck on your new job!

G@@EEW;v@@E LvcK

BeroRe You WRtre
A. Look up these words in a dictionary or in your Study Guide: mai.d of hotwr, best nnu
B. Read this news storv.

Susan Ana Webster and John P. Banks, newscasters at television

station \UEFL in Stamford, Connecticut, are going to get married on
june 15. They're going to have a small wedding at Saint Andrew's
Church in New York. Miss Webster is going to wear a white suit, and
she's going to carry yellow and white flowers. Her brother's wife, Sarah
Webster, is going to be the maid of honor. Mr. Banks's son, Ronald, is
going to be the best man.

Rewrite rhe news story in the simple past tense. Change the words Miss Webster to Mrs. Banks.

Susan Webster and John Banks Married June 15

Stamford, Connecticut
Susan Ana ldebster and John P. Banks, neurscasters at
tel ev i s i on sLaLi on VIEF L in Stamf ord, ConnecLi cux , got
marrie.d on June 15-

t ES S O N 1 5t Wen are lou going to get maded,!

EI A. What do these people say? Answer the questions with the sentences in the box.

"Before you leave, how about a kissl" "l'm so happy for you both. "
"Jake, I hired Carol." "What am I going to do?"
"And who's surprised by that newsl" "This cheese is out of this world. "
"Yes, please. I'd like a glass of wine." "So tell me everything."

l. Rita thinks the cheese is delicious. What does she say to the waiter?

2. Carol is happy for Susan and John. What does she say to John?

3. Carol wants to know John and Susan's future plans. What does she say to Susan?

4. When the waiter offers to get Carol a drink, what does she say?

5. Rita isn't surprised thatJohn and Susan are going to get married. What does she say to Mike?

6. Linda's worried about two newscasters leaving at the same time. What does she say toJake?

7. Linda tells Jake that she hired Carol as a newscaster. What does she say?

8. Carol wants Susan and John to kiss before they leave. What does she say to theml

B. If you need to, watch the video aqain and check vour answers.

Cxrcr YounselF: Lessons 13-16

A. Circle the correct answer.

l. Did you know? 2. Did he the newsl

Of course I
a. heard
a. know b. hear
b. knows
-. c. hears
c. knew

3. Are John and Susan going manied? 4. Are Jake and Carol going to work together?
Yes, they
a. get
b. gets a. are
c. to get b. were
c. is

5. Did Carol- a new jobl 5. going to move to Denverl

a. get a. Do they
b. gets b. Are they
c. got c. They

7. She a white suit yesterday. 8. Was Linda surprisedl

Yes, she
a. is wearing
b. wears a. did
c. wore b. were
c. was

B. Circle the correct response.

l. What do you have for dessert? 2. Can I get you a drinkl

a. Apple pie and ice cream. a. Yes, please.
b. Iced tea. b. Congratulations.
c. Soup. c. Both a and b.

3. Are you going to get marriedl 4. Where are John and Susan going to livel
a. No, I'm not. a. Yes, they are.
b. Yes, I am. b. In two weeks.
c. Both a and b. c. In Denver.
5. He's going to come back. 6. When are they going to leaveJ

a. He's out of this world. a. Next week.

b. He's not here. b. For two weeks.
c. That's good. c. Yes, they are.


O Lrsrex ro rHE Auoro casserrr


Axswrn Kev LESSON 2 Poge 13

Poge 8
A.t.b b. l. a
A. l.a 2.c
Poge 2 2.b 3.a 3.b
A. 2. Jake B. 1. b 4.a 1.c
3. Susan 7.. b
A. 1. Susan B.b 5.b
4. Linda
2. John
C. 2. True
5. Carol
3. Produce Clerk
3. False
4. John LESSON 3
A. 2. Steven B. a 5. John
4. True
3. Steven 5. True Poge 14
6. Susan
4. Carol
A. 1. (The sale is) at Morgan's
Poge 9 Supermarket.
5. Steven
A. 1. There aren't any. 2. February 1l-17.
Poge 3 2. There aren't any.
Poge 15
D. potatoes, bananas, cauliflower
B. 2. No. There isn't any. l.
B. True D. 2. sausage
3. No. There aren't any. Z. False 3. bread
bananas 4. No. There isn't any. J. False 4. beer
an apple 5. No. There aren't any. 5. lettuce
grapes 6. No. There isn't any.
c.2. a
strawberries 7. No. There aren't any.
Poge l0 A. 2. They're $1.29 a dozen.
UNCOUNTABLE NOUNS 2. How much bread does Susan
3. It's $2. l9 a pound.
milk need?
4. It's $2.89 a quart.
ice cream 3. How much tomato paste does
5. They're $.99 a box.
coffee Susan needl
6. They're $2.69 a bag.
Poge 4
4. How many eggs does Susan
need? B. 2. How much is the tomato paste?
B. 3. She doesn't need any cookies.
5. How much meat does Susan 3. How much is the coffeel
4. She doesn't need any ice
needl 4. How much are the peas?

6. How much lettuce does Susan
She needs some cauliflower. Poge
6. She doesn't need any 1. False
?. How many tomatoes does Susan
strawberries. 2. True
7. She needs some bananas. J. True
8. How many carrots does Susan
8. She needs some grapes. 4. False
9. She doesn't need any lettuce. 5. True
9. How many mushrooms does
Poge 5 Susan needl Poge 19
B.c 10. How many peaches does Susan A. 2. You can buy asparagus in
needl spnng.
2. Do you have any applesl
3. Do you have any lettucel Poge ll l. Red grapes are in season in fall.
4. There is a lot of squash in the
4. Do you have any ice creaml B. 2. loaf of
supermarkets in winter.
Poge 6 3. can of
5. You can buy frozen vegetables
A. Z. They're in the bakery section. 4. dozen in every season of the year.
3. It's in aisle 3. 5. pounds of
4. They're in the dairy section. 6. head of B. l. cereal 4. bag
7. pound of 2. onion 5. April
B. 2. Where are the mushroomsl 8. pounds of 3. winter
3. Where are the soft drinks?
4. \Uhere's the cauliflowerl Poge l2
D. 2. is too expensive
tEssoN 4
5. Where's the ice creaml
6. Where are the donutsl 3. are too ripe Poge 20
aren't ripe A. tomorrow, upset, dinner
PogeT 4. fresh
Poges 20-21
A. 1.b B.r.b A.a.3 B. b
3.c 3.b b. I
4.c 4'a c.5
6.b e.Z

Poge 2l Poge 28 4. He played
A. 1. one A. 2. No, he wasn't. He was in 5. They listened
2. one Denver.
Poge 34
J. ones 3. No, they weren't. They were at
A. 2. didn't stay at home
4. ones the studio.
3. didn't clean the house
4. No, they weren't. They were in
?oge22 4. didn't exercise on Friday night
C. 2. They're good. 5. didn't visit
5. No, she wasn't. She was at her
3. Yes. It's very good. grandmother's house' Poge 35
4. It tastes great. 4.2.d
B. 1. No, Iwasn't. Iwas-. J.e
Poge 23 2. No, I wasn't. I was
C. 2 carrots 4.c
2 cloves of garlic Poge 29 5.a
C. 2. What a surpriselA'lo
2 tablespoons of oil B. Z. Did you go to Denver last
2 cans of tomatoes Really?/You're joking! He's
I can of tomato paste ninety-onel
3. Did you have an interview at
2 teaspoons of sugar 3. ReallylAlo kidding?/You're KDEN?
teaspoon of basil jokinglAVhat a surprisel She's a
4. Did you read your contract at
teaspoon of salt famous singer?
teaspoon of pepper 4. Really?AJo kiddingl/You're
5. Did you take the job for the
pound of spaghetti jokinglfVhat a surprise! You
run five miles every moming?
Poge 24
5. No kiddingl/ Reallyl/You're Poge 36
A. l. some 6. any
jokinglfVhat a surprise! You 2. What did Jake dol
Z. some 7. two
speak four languagesl 3. What did Carol do?
3. can 8. some
You're jokinglNo kiddingl/
6. 4. What did Mike doi
4c 9. many
Really?AVhat a surprisel Your
5. pound 10. loaf 2. Yes, they did.
grandfather rides a bicyclel
3. Yes, they did.
Poge 25
Poge 30 4. Yes, they did.
A. l.b B.l.a Z. Were you nervous at the 5. No, he didn't.
2.b 2.c interview? 6. Yes, he did.
3.a J.c 3. Was the weather nice? 7. No, she didn't.
4.c 1.c Was the hotel near the studiol
5.a 5.a Poge 37
6.b 6.c z. Where were youl A. l.b B. 1. c
7. a { Where were Carol and Susanl z.b L.O
8.b 4. Where was Lindal 3.a 3.b
4.a 4.b
Poge 3l 5.a
LESSON 5 A. l.a B. l.c 6.a
Poge25 )q 2.a
A. 1.a B. 1. John l.b J.a LESSON 7
2.c 2. Susan 4.b 4b Poge 39
3. John 5.c A. 1. False
4. John 6.a 2. True
5. Susan 3. False
6. Susan LESSON 6
4. False
Poge27 Poge 32 5. False
A. 2. Susan was at her grandmother's c.b A. l. John 6. True
house last night. 2. Linda 7. False
3. Susan was in New York 3. John
yesterday. 4. John B. l. He was bom in Ohio.
4. Linda and Steven were at work 5. Linda 2. He was a telegraph operator.
last night. 6. Linda J. He invented the microphone,
5. Linda and Steven were at the 7. Linda the phonograph, and the light
studio last nighr. bulb.
Poge 33
6. John was at a job interview B.a 4. He was born in Kentucky.
yesterday. 5. He died in 1865.
?. John was in Denver yesterday. 2. He watched
8. Jake was with Chris last night. l. She worked


C. L post of6ce Poge 45 Poge 52

2. president \,. i. a D. l.b A. 2. How long did you work there!
3. rich 2.b 2.a 3. Were you on televisionl
Poge rO
l.c J.e 4. Where did you go to schooll
A. 3. She was a
4.d 5. What did you study therel
4. He was a 5.c
C. 2. What did you study?
5. They were Poge 46 3. Where did you work in the
6. She was a 1. called l. started, pointed past I
7. He was a 2. tried 2. added 4. How long did you work therel
3. stayed
B. l. was a
.t. exerclseo, A. l. walked Poge 53
2. he was an actor, : mtssecl,
). 1.. talked 2. Where did Susan go to collegel
was a
o' vrsrteo, J. asked 3. Where did Susan work in the
C. 1. I was a/an i. orered 4. followed pastl
2. He was a/an d. expectecl
). looked 4. Where did Susan live in
6. started Mexico City?
Y. nxed
Poge 4l 7. 5. When did Susan go to collegel
2. on 2. were bom in
10. ;:il Pointed
6. When did Susan work in the
3. in 3. was bom in
I l. carried
12. added
4. on 4. were bom on 7. When did Susan live in Mexico
5. in 5. was bom on Poge 47 City?
6. were bom in John Steinbeck was bom in the 8. When did Susan study in
United States in 1902. He studied college?
Poge 42
2. David died in 1984.
at Stanford University in 9. How long did Susan go to
Califomia. Hewas a writer. He college?
3. Katherine was born in lreland.
died in 1968 when lw wos 66. 10. How long did Susan work in
4. Katherine was born on May 15,
the pastl
1910. Poge t|8
5. David and Katherine were bom A. fix, follow, stay, point, call, talk,
I l. How long did Susan live in
Mexico Cityl
in lreland. ask, watch, look, like, die, play,
6. David and Katherine were walk 2. for
married in Ireland. 3. from
Poge 49
7. David and Katherine were
A. l.a B. 1. c 4. for
married on June 6, 1932. l^ 5. at
Poge 43 3.b 3.b Poge 54
A. The station offered him a ten-year 4.a 4.a A. 2. went
conract. 5.b 3. was
She wanted John to take the job at 6.b 6.c 4. worked
KDEN. 5. went
8.b 6. graduated
B. 1. The station offered him a two-
year contract.
?. graduated
2. LESSON 9 8. was
She didn't want John to take
9. worked
the job at KDEN. Poge 50
10. came
B.c B. 1. True
2. False A. l. Carol went to Columbia
3. False University after she was on
Poge44 4. True television.
A. l. offered A. L Jake 5. True 2. Carol went to Columbia
2. studied 2. Carol 6. True University after she went to the
3. decided 3. Jake University of Michigan.
4. listen 4. Jake Poge 5l 3. She worked at a radio station
5. be 5. Carol 2. went
after she was on television.
6. talked 6. Jake 3. She talked
4. She worked at a radio station
7. see 4. She worked
after she went to the University
5. She exercised
of Michigan.
5. She worked ar a radio station
after she went to Columbia

Poge 50 Poge 65
Poge 55
A.r.b B. l.b A. l.
know A.b B.l.b
7.b 2. had 2.a
3.c 3.c 3. broke 3.b
4.a 4.b 4. did 't. c
5.a 5. know 5.b
6.b 6. worked 6.c
7. work Poge 65
LESSON l0 8. had C. 1. John's/His major was
9. went joumalism.
Poge 56
"Vhat should I dol" 2. I did the dishes 2. He received a Bachelor of Arts
"We're almost ready." 3. I gave a party degree from Dartmouth
"Hello. My name is Carol Green." 4. I broke something College.
"Ready. "
Poge 5l
-. 3. He worked at WBTU
"Smile at the camera." Television from 1981 to 1985.
A. l.b B. 1.b 4. He was a reporter.
"Good luck." 2.c 2.c
"This is so exciting, Carol." t. f) 3.c D. 1. degree
B. L Carol C. I' b 4.c 4.a 2. college
2. Rita 7. c 5.a 3. \yLSW
3. Carol 3. a 6.b Poge 67
4. Carol A. l. False B.r.d
5. Rita rEssoN ll 2. True
6. Mike Poge 63 3. False l.b
Poge 57 A. 1. False B. 1. c 4. True 4,
A. l. said A. I' a 2. False 5. True
2. gave, wore Z. b 3. True 3.d 6. False
3.b 4. True 4.e 7. True
4.b 5. True 5.b
5.b 6. False LESSON l2
6.a Poge 64 Poge 68
7. a
CATEGORY GAME A. l. writer B. l. a
Poge 58 2. radio station 2. b
Languages: Arabic, Chinese,
A. 2. won
3. score
4. beat

Foods: spinach, spaghetti, squash,

;: ;h.;il 'lIi::

5. education 3' True

5. against strawberries, steak; apple, asparagus; 6. audition tape
6. lost peas, potato, pumpkin
Poge 69
7. score Months: September; April, August C. the President's trip, a movre

C. L Cleveland won.
Occupations: secretary, singer,
The score was 108 to 97. salesperson; accountant, actor, actress' E.l.b
2. Denver beat Atlanta. architect, artisti cameraman, 2.a
The score was 99 to 84. cameraperson, cashier, clerk, 3.b
3. New York played Boston. computer operator, computer 4.b
Boston lost. programmer, cook ).b
4. California won.
The score was 4 to l. Countries: Saudi Arabia, Spain,
South Africa, Switzerland, Singapore;
7. a
Poge 59 Argentina, Austria, Australia; China,
A. 1. Look at the camera. Canada, Chile, Colombia,
Poge 7l
2. Smile at the camera. Czechoslovakia, Cuba; Portugal,
c. l.b
3. Try something. Paraguay, Puerto Rico
4. Try it again. 3.b
Fields of Studv: science, social 4.a
B. l. Now don't be studies, Spanish, sociology; 5.b
2. Say
accounting, anthropology, art, art 6.a
history; chemistry, communicationsi

Poge72 C. 1. Could have a glass of waterl Canol: When is John going to leavel
A. l. is 10. was 2. Could have an ashtrayl SuseN: He's going to leave in two
2. talked I l. are 3. Could have a knife? weeks.
3. gave 12. was Cenor-: Does he have an apartmentl
4. was/is 13. was Suser: The people at KDEN are
5. is 14. looks
A. 1.b B. l.a going to 6nd one for him.
6. was 15. beat
2.b L.D
J,C l.b Canol: Are they going to pay for it
7. died 16. played tool
8. made 17. lost '1. a 4.b
5.a SuseN: No, they aren'r. But they're
9. rried 18. was going ro give him money ro
Poge 73 move.
A. l.b It. l. b LESSON l4 Poge 85
z. b
Poge 80 A. l. r) B. l. c
3.a 2.c Z.c
h D. 1. Carol
4. b
2. Susan 3.b 3.a
5.a c B. 1. False 4.c 4.a
3. Susan
6.b A a Z. False 5.a
7.b J. 4. Carol
5. Carol 6.b
6. Susan
7. Edna tEssoN l5
Poge 86
Poge 8l
2. They're going to play A. l. Susan
"Can I help youl" 2. Susan,
"Would you like to order now?"
l. She's going to give John
3. Susan, John
"Do you have fried chickenl" 4. He's going to graduate.
5. She's going to have 4. Jake
"Would you like soup or salad with 5. Jake
thatl" Poge 82 6. John
"Could I have a cup ofcoffeel" 2. Is John going to stay in 7. Carol
"How is the steak preparedl" Stamfordl
"What do you have for dessertl" 3. Is Carol going to become
B. 2. They gave their order ro the
B. 1. John D. 1. True
4. Is Carol going to go to Vermont
l. Susan had Italian dressing on
2. Jake 2. False her salad.
next weekl
3. Carol 3. True 4. John ordered broiled chicken,
5. Are John and Susan going to
4. Susan 4. False and the wairer broughr him
get manied?
5. Carol 5. False fried chicken.
6. True 2. Yes, they are. 5. Carol ordered chocolate cake
3. No, they aren't. for dessert.
Poge 75
B. 2. I'd like Italian dressing.
4. No, she isn't. 6. Jake drank coffee.
3. I'd like rhe broiled chicken, a Poge 83 C. 1. I went to a restauranr
baked potato, and salad with A. 2. Yes, but first I'm going to look 2. I ordered
blue cheese dressing. for an apartment.
Poge 87
4. I'd like the fried chicken. 3. I'm going to be a newscasterl
5. I'd like soup. J. I drank
4. Oh, I'm going to come back to
4. Yes, I do.No, I don't.
B. 1. Would you like a baked potato 5. Yes, to visit. A. Z. When's he going to leavel
), Where's Carol going to gol
or French fries with thatl C. l. I'm going to
1. When's she going to leavei
2. Would you like soup or salad? 2. Yes, I am.No, I'm nor.
3. Yes, I am.No, I'm nor. B. 1. It's going to be on Friday, June
C. 2. This ice cream is great. Poge 8f z. Where's it going to bei
3. I ordered blue cheese. This is CnRol: So, it's really over between
It's going to be at the WEFL
Italian. you and John.
4. This coffee is cold. Susex: I need to rhink about it. I
J. What time is it going to be?
don't know what I'm going ro
Poge 78 It's going to be at 6:00 p.r,r.
do. I love him.
B. 1. Could have the check, please?
2. Could have a cup ofcoffeel
3. Could have a spoonl

Poge 89 Poge 95
A. 1. True C. 1. French fries A. 1. "This cheese is out of this
2. False 2. salmon world. "
3. True 3. herb tea 2. "l'm so happy for you both."
4. True 4. pork choPs 3. "So tell me everything."
5. True 5. bluefish 4. "Yes, please. I'd like a glass of
6. False wine."
7. False 5. "And who's surprised by that
8. True news?"
6. "What am I going to dol"
Poge 90
7. 'Jake, I hired Carol."
8. "Before you leave, how about a
B. 1. False kiss l"
2. True Poge 97
3. False A. l.c B.1.a
4. True 2.b 2.a
5. True 3.c
Poge 9l 1.4 4.c
A. John and Susan went to a 5.a 5.c
restaurant for breakfast. 6.b 6.a
Carol is going to move to Denver. 7"
B. 1. John and Susan went to a
restaurant for dinner.
2. Carol is going to move to

A. 1. Jake B. 1. No
Z. John 2. No
3. Susan 3. Yes
4. Carol 4. No
5. John 5. Yes
6. Linda 6. Yes
Poge 93
B. 1. Carol A. 1. know
2. Susan 2. knew
3. Linda 3. hear
4. Linda 4. heard
5. Linda
6. Jake
Poge 94
C. L Congratulations on your
2. Here's to the bride and groom!
l. Good luck on your new job!
Poge 95
They had a small wedding at Saint
Andrew's Church in New York. Mrs.
Banks wore a white suit, and she
carried yellow and white flowers. Her
brother's wife, Sarah Webster, was the
maid of honor. Mr. Banks's son,
Ronald, was the best man.


Voclsur-aRv Lrsr came, 54 F janitor, 40

can, I I famous, 38 joke, 30
A candy, 16 farewell, 87 joumalism, 54
a few, 59 carefor, ?4 farmer, 69 juice, 88
a little, 66 career,9l fast, 32 junior high school, 62
a while, 74 carpenter, 40 fauh,26 just, 26
add, 44 carrot, 9 field ofstudy, 64
against, 57 canoon, 47 6sh, 16 K
ago, 60 cartoon character, 47 fish cake, 90 kid, 29
agree,66 cauliflower, 3 follow, 45 kiss, 96
aisle, 2 cereal, 9 fork, 78 knew, 60
alive, 42 chance, Tl French fries, 76 knife, 78
all right, 59 checkout clerk, 2l fresh, 8
almost, 56 chicken, 16 fried, 75 t
anthropology, 6l chocolate, T5' fiiendly, 26 lamb, 88
anything, 56 clean, 33 frozen, 6 lasagna, 90
appetizer, 88 clerk, 45 fruit, l7 last, 60
apple, 3 clove, 16 law, J8
apply, 32 cola, 90 G leave alone, 26
art, 47 college, 52 gallon, I I lettuce, 3
ashtray, 78 come, 48 6l
game, life, 7l
asparagus, 18 communications, 52 garlic, l6 l&, 26
at least, 2 congratulate, 94 garlic bread, 90 light bulb, 38
audition, 56 construction worker, 40 gave, 56 list, 4
continue, 62 get manied, 8l loaf, I I
B contract, 32 girlfriend, 2 local, 72
Bachelor of Arts, 62 cookie, 3 give, 35 long-distance, 26
Bachelor of Science, 62 com, 18 go away, 74 look for, 83
bachelor's degree, 62 could, 78 going to, 8l lose, 57
back, 9 create, 47 got up, 51 lovely, 77
background, 66 credit card, 88 graduate, 54 lucky, 7l
bag, 14 cucumber, 88 gram, 14
baked potato, 76 grandfather, 42 M
bakery, 6 D grandmother, 27 maid of honor, 95
baking, 2 dairy,6 grandparents, 42 mail carrier, 40
banana, 3 degree, 62 grape, 3 major, 52
basil, 23 deliver, 24 groceries, 24 make, 66
be bom, 38 dessert, 74 grocery, 8 marry,42
be going to, 8l did, 60 groom, 94 Master of Arts, 62
be out of, 5 die, 38 grow, 18 meat, 9
beat, 57 diet, 90 meatballs, 90
beer,14 diploma, 62 H menu, 45
believe, 32 dirty, 77 had, 60 microphone, 38
best man, 95 dishes, 60 heard, 93 milk, 3
beverage, 88 Doctor of Medicine, 62 herb tea, 88 million, 59
birth, 70 Doctor of Philosophy, 62 high school, 62 mineral water, 88
birthday, 26 dozen, I I hire, 9l miss, 80
bluefsh, 75 drank, 66 homemade, 88 missing, 20
blue jeans, 60 dressing, ?5 mistake, 72
bottle, 14 duckling, 88 I mixed, 88
box, l0 ice cream, 3 model, 40
bread, 9 E
iced coffee, 90 most, 47
bride, 94 education, 62 iced tea, 90 move, 82
broiled, 75 elementary school, 62 in season, 9 mushroom, 6
broke, 60 enter, 59 instead, 60
brownie, 88 entr€e, ?5 invent, 38 N
bunch, ll exciting, 56 inventor, 38 nail, 60
executive producer, 43 napkin,78
c expecr, 32 I no kidding, 29
cake, 86 iail, TZ


position, 70 salmon, 88 tape, 44

non-smoking, 44
porato, salt, 20 taste, 20
notes, 59 2
pound, ll same, 96 tea, l7
telegraph, 38
o practice, 56 sauce, 20
oil, 23 prepare, 74 sausage, 14 terrific,44
one,2l present, 48 section, 6 throw away, 70
onion, 16 president, 38 seem, 8 ticket, 69
onion rings, 90 pretend, 69 serve,89 toast, 94
operator, 38 prime rib, 88 shopping cart, 2 tomato paste, l0
order, 75 produce, 5 side order, 90 trash, 70
other, l2 pumpkin, l8 sit down, 71 rrip, 8

ounce, 14 pure, 14 smile, 56 truck driver, 40

out there, 56 put out, 44 smoking, 44 TV dinner, 6
over, 80 soda, 90 typical, 88
over there, 5 a soft drink, 6
qualifred, 56 something, 45 U
P quart, I 1 soup, 76 university, 62
package, 14 spaghetti, 20 usher, 40
party, 60 R special, 57
pasr, 52 ravioli, 90 speech, 69 v
peach, 9 raw, 16 spinach, 88 vegetable, l8
pear,18 ready, 56 spoon, ?8
peas, 14 receive,62 spring, 18 w
pepper, 20 recipe, 23 squash, 16 waiter, 86
personal, 70 relationship, 26 start, J8 waitress, 40
phonograph, 38 reporter, 65 steak, 74 was, 54
pie, 75 rdsum6, 50 steal, Tl weather forecast, ?2
place, ?7 rice, 16 stole, 59 went,5l
plan, 32;69 rich, 38 strawberry, 3 when, 19
plate, 78 ripe, 5 subject, 62 win, 57
player, 40 robbery, 72 summer, l8 winter, l8
poached, 88 root beer, 90 supermarket, 2 wore, 57
point, 44 surprised, 93 world, 77
police officer, 72 s
poor, 38 said, 57 T Y
pork, 14 salad, 76 tablespoon, 23 yesterday, 70
pork chop, 88 salad dressing, 76 take back, 86 yogurt, 6

SupplemeNTARY Vocagu LaRv
FRUITS sausage carton mashed potatoes
steak cup meatballs
veal glass mixed vegetables
jar pancakes
POUTTRY loaf pizza
pack soup
grapefruit chicken
package spaghetti
grapes duck
piece tossed salad
lemon turkey
bluefrsh January July
pineapple QUANTTTTES February August
cup March September
gallon April October
ounce M"y November
plnt June December
asparagus scallops
beans shrimp wrnter summer
beet spring fall
broccoli BAKERY
carTot aisle
brownie accounting
cauliflower bag
cake anthropology
celery baked goods
cookie art
com bakery
donut arr hisrory
cucumber beverages
muffin astronomy
eggplant bread
ple biology
lettuce canned goods
roll business
mushroom cash register
onion chemistry
BEVERAGES communications
peas checkout counter
potato computer science
beer conveyor belt
pumpkin economtcs
coffee customer
spinach cola dairy products
squash herb tea deli counter
tomato lulce frozen foods
6ne arts
zucchini mineral water grocenes
root beer household items
DAIRY PRODUCTS soft drinks (soda) produce section
tea scale
butter history
wine shelf
cheese Italian
shopping cart
cream joumalism
SEASONINGS shopping basket
eggs law
margarine basil mathematics
milk salt
yogurt pepper
FOODS muslc
bacon nursing
MEAT CONTAINERS/ baked potato physical education
PORTIONS eggs physics
French fries psychology
beef bag
French toast Russian
ham bottle
fried chicken science
hamburger meat bowl
hamburger social studies
lamb box
hot dog sociology
pork can
lasagna Spanish
pork chops


Vroeo ScRtpr EOOK THREE, LESSON TWO SuseN: They look OK.
JoHN: What is it, Susan? Are You
upset about my triP
JonN: What's wrong? tomorrow?
SCENE ONE: THE SUPERMARKET SusnN: I can't find my list. SusaN: I want to make you a great
Cenor: Excuse mel I'd like some JonN: Do you need the listl dinner before you leave for
baking potatoes' Do you Susar, Yes, I do. I can't Denver.
have any baking potatoesl remember everything on
JonN: It doesn't have to be a big
Pnooucr lt.
deal. I'm just going for two
CIERx: Yes. They're over there. JonN: You seem upset today,
Cnnol: Do you have any bananasl Susan.
SusaN: Are you coming backl
Clenx: Yes. I have those. SusaN, Oh, here's the list.
JoxN: Yes. Of course I'm coming
Cenol: Are they ripe? JoHN, OK. Where to 6rstl
CIERx: Yes, they are. SuseN: Aisle six. I need two boxes
SuseN: I want you to go on a full
ofcereal, one loafof
Canor-: These look good. Do you
bread, a can of tomato
have any grapes? Cr-ERx: Your mushrooms, miss.
paste, a dozen eggs, and
CLenx: Sorry, we're out of graPes. SuseN: Do you have any peaches?
two pounds of meat.
We have some nice Cr-rRx: There aren't any. Peaches
JoHN: Here's the produce
aren't in season.
section. Do you need anY
Canol: No, thanks. I don't need
fruit or vegetablesl
any strawberties' Where's BOOK THREE, LESSON FOUR
the cauliflower?
SusaN: Yes. I need some
Clrnx: Oh, it's next to the
Hi. ls that your
lettuce. Susar: This isn't fresh. Don't you JoHN: special
dinner I smelll
Cenol: Thank you. have any fresh lettucel
SusaN: I cooked it too long.
Srevrrq: Carol!
Cunx: How about this? This is a JonN: I'm sure it's delicious.
Cenol: Hi. What are you doing Where is itl
nice head of lettuce.
here I
SusaN: It's OK. Thank you. JonN: Don't worry I'm a good
SrpveN: I'm shopping.
Cenol: Do you usually shop herel JoHr'r: Do you need anything cook.
else I SusnN: Reallyl I didn't know that.
SrrveN: No. I'm on my way home. SuseN: I can cook
My sister lives around the
I need some tomatoes. JonN: Yes, it's true.
JouN: How many tomatoes do dinner in no time. Now, do
you needl vou have anv mushrooms?
Cenol, Your shopping cart is
SusnN: Twelve. Susnr: How many mushrooms do
almost empty. Is that all
JoHN: That's a lot of tomatoes. you want?
you're buying-some milk,
What are you makingl JonN: \Thatever you have. And I
some ice cream, and some
Susan: It'sasurprise. . Excuse need a can of tomato paste.
mel Look at these. They're SusaN: OK. Here.
SrevrN: I don't cook much. The
too ripe. Don't you have Jonr: Do you have an onion?
life of a single man.
any other tomatoesl SusaN: I have these. Which one do
Cenol: I know what you mean. wantl
Clpnx: I have those. you
Srevrr: At least there's work. The big one. Mmmm' Wait
Canol: To tell you the truth,
SusaN, How much are theyl JoHN:
CLrRx: Three dollars a pound. until you taste this sauce.
Steven, I'm not really
JoHN: Three dollars a pound. SusnN: What are you makingl
happy at work right now.
SreveN: What's wrong?
That's too expensive. JoHN: Spaghetti.
SusnN: They're expensive, but SuseN: Spaghetti. I love spaghetti.
Canol: It isn't very interesting. We're missing one
they aren't too expensive.
SrevrN: I'm sorry you're not happy.
I'll take them. ingredient.
lf I can help, let me know.
Cenol: Thank you, Steven. That's JoxN: What elsel Jonrv: Whatl
SuseN: I needa pound of carrots JoHN e
and two pounds of Susarq; Spaghetti!
SreveN: Sure. And now I have a
very important questlon to SCENE TWO: THE SUPER,MARKET
aren't any mushrooms.
ask you.
Clenx: I can get some from the
SuseN: Hi, Jake.
Canol: What? Jexe: Oh, hello, Susan. How
back. How many do you
SrpveN: Where's the coffeel are you doingl
Canou It's in aisle three. Follow
SuseN: Two pounds.
Susnn: I'm 6ne, thanks. Is that
me. I need some coffee too. your dinner?
JoHr: These apples look


JexE: Yes. Maybe I should put SusaN: Was Linda herel Susar: You have to do what's rieht
it back and we can have Cenol: No. She was at work. She for you.
dinner together. and Steven were at the JoHN, Susan, we can continue our
SusaN: No, thanks. John is studio. relarionship.
cooking spaghetti. Susax: And where was Jake? Was SusaN: Oh, come on. I wasn't bom
Cspcxour he at the studio tool yesterday. It won't work.
Clenx: Is that alll CeRor' On Friday night? You've got JouN: I want it to work.
Susnu: Yes, this is all I need. to be kidding. He was with SusaN: Long-distance relationships
Wait a minute. How Chris. never work.
much are the cookiesl How was John's tripl JouN: Susan, I really care for you.
Clenx: Which ones? SuseN: I don't know. Suser: Can you just leave me alone
Susar: The ones over there. EoNa: Sit-ups, ladies. Get on your nowl Pleasel
Clpm: Fifty cents each. backs. Jonr.r: Don't throw away what we
Suseu: Give me four, please. have together.
Cenol: Susan, were you ever a
SuseN: It's over, John. Please go.
Jonn: How do you like itl Suserl: Yes. It was my lirst job. Joar.r: Susan!
SusaN: Please go, John. Excuse me.
SusaN: Umm. . . it's. . umm. Canol: After while, were you
delicious. It just needs some ready to make a changel
pepper. Sus..tN: I guess I was . Why? Are
JouN: Do you have any? Youl SCENE ONE: THE rvEFt STUDIO
SuseN: Here it is. Cenol' I'm not sure. Hey, this Mrxr: What did you do on the
exercise makes me thirsty. weekend, Caroll
Jonn: Now how does it tastel
Do you want to go for a diet Cnnol: I stayed at home and
SusaN: Good. It just needs some salt.
soft drink with mel cleaned the house.
JoHN: Salt. OK.
Susax: Five more sit-ups. Then I Mrxr: Did you watch TV on
SusaN: John, it's delicious. It really is. want some rce cream. nightl
But something is missing. I EoNa: Some ice cream? That's fifty Cnnor-: No. Whyl
don't know what it is. more sit-ups. One, two. Mtxe: I watched a great movie.
JoHN: Maybe you're right. One, two. One, two. Cenor-: Which onel
SusaN: What kind of spaghetti sauce is One, two. Mtxe: Rocky with Sylvester
this? Stallone.
Joun: Sausage.
\Uhat did you do this
SusnN: I know what's missing.
SusaN: John, you're back!
weekend, Steven?
Jonn: Me too. Sreveu: Iworked. . . Iwasatthe
JoHN: I was at home last night. I
Jonn o called, but you weren't at
studio on Sarurday and
Suser: The sausagel
home. Where were youl
Mrre: Well, you missed a great
BooK THREE, LEssoN FtvE Sus'"N: Maybe I was at my exercise
class. You look awful.
movie on TV.
Canol: Jake, how was your
Canol: You weren't here vesterdav. SusaN: Why!
SusaN: No, I wasn't. I was at mv fouN: I wasn't sure if I should take Jexr:
grandmother's house. She Cnnol: What did you do?
the job.
lives in New York. Jexr: I played some tennis with a
SusaN: So was the weather nice in
CaRor-: No kiddingl She lives in friend, and then we
listened to music at my
New Yorkl JonN: No. Itwas cold and cloudy.
Susen: Yes. Yesterday was her SusnN: Were the people at KDEN
birthday. She's friendlyl
Mrxp: How about you, Johnl Did
you do anything this
Cenol: Reallyl She's eighty-onel JoHr: Yes. They were very
. . . WasJohn with you? friendly.
SuseN: No. John was in Denver. SuseN: Was the hotel near the Joun: Well, l... Linda! Doyou
have a minute? I need to
CaRol: Was he at KDENI studiol
talk to you.
SusaN: Yes, he was, but don't tell Jonr: Yes, it was. Do you want to
anyone. He doesn't want hear about the jobl
LrNoa: Sure. Come into my office.
anyone to know. SusaN: Oh, John. Don't tell me SCENE TWO: tINDA'S OFFICE
EoNe: Pay attention, ladies, One, now. I don't want ro talk Jonr: They offered me a job in
two. One, two. One, two. about it. Denver.
One, two. JouN: I want the job, but I don't LrNoa: I didn't expect this, John.
Susax: Were you here last nightl want to leave you. Did you decide to take the
Cenol: Yes, I was. jobl

vlDto scRlPT

JoHN: Yes, I did, Linda. I'm table...Thenshesat Jaxe: Did you hear that John is
planning to take the job. down and looked at the leavingl
LrNoa: Did they offer you a lot of menu. Canor: Yes, I did. Did you talk to
moneyl Jerr: Then a man started to Mike?
JonN: Yes, but it wasn't just the smoke. The woman pointed Jarc: No. I don't know where he
money. to the non-smoking sign and is. Now, what can I do?
LrNoa: What was it? asked him to put out the Canol, Don't worry. I talked to him
The job. cigarette. and I lixed the tape. I added
LrNoa: Did you apply for the job? Cenor: No, she didn't. the part with the man
JoHN: No. They came to me first. Jaxe: Can you play the tape again, smoking.
LrNoa: Why didn't you talk to me please? Jaxr: Did I tell you you're terrific?
6rst I Canol: No, you didn't.
Canol: That's the end of the tape.
Jonr.r: I wanted to hear about the
You didn't show a man
Jaxr: Well, I think you're terrific,
job first. It's a good job for Carol.
Jnxe: Something's missing. A man Jarr: I'm standing in front of
LrNoa: Did they give you a contract? started to smoke, and the Louie's Seaside Restaurant.
JouN: Yes. It's a two-year contract'
woman asked him to stop. Some people are unhappy
It's for a new show. I'm the
The man was very upset about the new smoking law.
only host and the executive . I wanr to ask Mike
LrNon: I can't believe it. When do
Cenol: Yes, you should.
JoHn: Hi, Carol. Susar: I told John it was over.
Joun: In two weeks.
Canol: Oh, hi. How was your trip? CaRol: You didl Ohh, my legs are
Lrrqoa: Did you study your contract
JoHN: It was good. Thanks. killing me. Is Edna really
Canor: Did you take the job? qualified to teach?
JoHn: Yes. I studied it yesterday. I
JonN: Yes, I decided to take it.
have to give you two weeks' SusaN: She studied with Jane
Canol: Congratulations.
Thanks. I just talked to
LrNoa: How can you do this? JoHN: Cenor' Reallyl When was that?
Linda about it. From 1978 to 1980.
JouN: Linda, I was never happy SusaN:
Cenol: Was she surprisedl
Cnnol: I don't believe it.
JonN: Yes, she was. And she was
LrNoa: I want to see your contract. I SuseN: You're always asking
angry too. questions. Did you ever
don't think you can leave
Canol: Did you tell Susan about the
rhink abour becoming a
that fast. I have it right here.
Did I leave it at home? newscasterJ
JouN: Yes. She was pretty upset.
Where did I put itl Canol: John said the same thing.
Canol: I'm sure she was.
But I don't have enough
JouN, What are you working on?
BOOK THREE, LESSON EIGHT CaRol: A story for Jake. There was SusRN: Did you go to joumalism
SCENE ONE: THE CONTROT ROOM aproblem, but I fixed it. He
Jnxr: This is a story about the new doesn't know it yet.
Canol: Yes. I studied joumalism at
smoking law. Restaurants JoHN: You're very good, Carol.
Columbia University.
have smoking and non- CaRol: Thanks.
EoNa: Ladiesl We exerclse our
smoking sections now. JonN: Did you ever try being a bodies here, not our
Canor: Yes, but you should show newscaster?
people smoking. Cenol: Yes, I did. But that was a
Cenor, I don't believe she studied
Jare: I did. long time ago. with Jane Fonda.
CaRor-: No, you didn't. JonN: Did you like it? EoNa: One, two. One, two.
JnxE: Yes, I,lid. I showed a man Cnnor: I loved it, but I wasn't very Canol: Ohh, my legs. I can't stand
smoking. good at it.
Cenol: Well, I watched the tape. I JonN: You should try again. A job
didn't see a man smoking. is opening up, you know. SCENE TWO: STEVEN'S OFFICE

Jaxr: Can we watch it togetherl CaRor-: That's true. Canol: Steven, I want to talk to
Canol: you.
Sure. Jexr: What's truel
JonN: That Carol is good. SrevrN: Yes?
Cenol: Seel The woman walked Cenol: Do you knowJohn is
into the restaurant. She Jarcr: You didn't have to tell me
that. leavingl
talked to the waiter . SrrvrN: Yes.
JoHN: Think about it, Carol. See
She asked for the non-
you later, Jake. CnRol: Well, I want John's job.
smokingsection. . . Then
she followed the waiter to a


SrrvrN: Carol, I want to help you, SusaN: Pretend this is a canlera. Rtra: Do you need anything?
but John has a lot of Look at the camera. Look at Cenol: Just a glass of water, please
expenence. your notes, but don't read RIra: Sure, Carol.
CaRor: I know, but I. Not
so do them. Smile at the camera. Mtxe: Say a few words.
the way John does, of OK. Try something. Cnnol: Hello, my name is Carol
course. But I think I'm Canor: All right. Ummm . rwo Green, and this is "Hello
qualified for the job. men entered a bank and America."
SrrvpN: Where did you work in the stole five million dollars. Mrrr: Good, Carol.
pastl There was a fire on 57th Rrre: Here's your water.
Canol: I worked at a radio station. Street last night. Mrxr: We're ready.
I was a writer. SuseN: Good. But look at the Canol: Ready.
SrrvEN: How long did you work camera. Try it again. Mrxr: Quiet, please. . . And. . .
there I Canol: In basketball, the Lakers three, two, one. Camera.
Canol: I worked there for two played the Celtics. The Canol: Hello, I'm Carol Green, and
years, from 1986 to 1988. Lakers won. The score was this is "Hello America."
Srevrx: Were you on televisionJ 94 to 8L In baseball, the Today, the President is in
Canol: Only in college. Mets beat the Indians 11 to Idaho, and here at home, a
SrrvnN: Where did you go to l. In football, it was the new movie theater openec
school? Patriots against the Giants. in Stamford.
Cenol: I went to the University of The Giants lost again. The
Michigan. score was 13 to 6. For EOOK THREE, LESSON TWELVE
Sreven: What did you study therel WEFL, I'm Carol Green.
Canol: Iwasacommunications
T\{O: Srrvrx:
major. I went to joumalism
SCENE THE MAKEUP ROOM Just take a look. I think
school after I graduated.
RIra: This is so exciting, Carol. she's terrific.

SrrvrN: You went to joumalism

Cenol: Thanks, Rita. LtNoa: OK, OK. Turn it on.
Rtra: I always said that you were
CaRor-: Hello. I'm Carol Green, and
someone special.
CaRol: Yes. At Columbia this is "Hello America."
University in New York
Cenol: Oh, Rita.
Today, the President is in
City. Here's my r6sum6.
Rrre: Now don'r be nervous. You
Idaho, and here at home, a
look great. I love what
new movie theater opened
SruvrN: I want to help you, Carol, you're wearing.
in Stamford.
but I'm not sure that I can. Cenor: Thanks. Susan gave it ttr
The President traveled to
Cenol: Look, I'm a good writer. me. She wore it on her first
Idaho today, where he met
You know that. Just give audition.
with potato farmers. He
me a chance. RIre: I remember that.
gave a speech about his plan
SrrvpN: How can I do that? Canol: You must have some good
to help the farmers.
Canol: I'd like to make an audition stories to tell.
Afterwards, we spoke to
tape. And then if you think Rtra.: Sure. Did you know
some of the farmers and
it's good, show it to Linda. Deborah Hall had an
asked them about the
SrrveN: I'd like to rhink about it. audition herel
President's visit.
Canor-: No. I want to know now. Canol: Reallyl
The farmers liked what the
Please help me, Steven. Rtre: Yeah. lt was awful. She
President said.
Give me this chance. broke her nail right before
In local news, a neu movie
ST sveN: OK. If Mike agrees to shoot the show. She was very
theater opened in Stamford.
lt. upset. But she did a good
People stood in line for two
Canol: I spoke to him. He said job.
hours to buy tickets to the
he'd do it. Canol: I didn't know that Deborah
show. One man got in line
SrrvrN: OK, Carol. The studio is Hall worked here.
at six in the morning.
free tomorrow night. That's RIre: She didn't work here. She Ticket prices were eight
a good time to do it. had an audition here. She
dollars a show. People liked
Cenol: Thanks. went to New York instead.
the new theater, but one
CaRor-: I think it's time for me to go
woman said this: "l paid
eight dollars to see a movie.
Rtra: Mike is waiting for you.
A box of popcorn and a soft
Good luck.
Canor: I did it. I told him what I drink cost five fifty. That's
wanted. S€ENETHREE: THE,,HEILO outrageous. "
SuseN: Cood for youl AMERICA" SET LrNoa: She's very good, Steven .
Canor: OK. What should I do? MIxe: OK, Carol. We're almost But I'm not sure we can give


her the job. She needs more chicken, a baked potato, WerreR: Dessert?
expenence. and salati with blue cheese Jexe: I'm not hungry.
SrrveN: Think about it, Linda. dressing. Cnnol: What do you have for
Maybe we can work Wetrrn: Thank yotr. dessert I
something out. Warren: We have apple pie or
SusaN: This is a lovely place,
Lrxoe: Leave the tape here. I want chocolate cake.
John. Could I have a cup of
to watch it again.
And you are lovely, Susan. Jexr:
JoHN: coffee?
Cenor: Hello, I'm Carol Green, and I never thought I'd ask
Canol: Tea for me, please. And I'd
rhis is "Hello America." anyone this again.
like the chocolate cake.
Today, the President is in WarreR:
JonN: Will you marry mel Yes, of course.
Idaho, and here at home, a
new movie theater opened Jnxr: Do you have fried chicken? Jaxr: Why? Why is it too latel
in Stamford. Wnrren: Yes. Cenor: Oh, waiter. Could I have a

Jaxe: I'd like the fried chicken. spoonl I have a new job
BOOK THREE, LESSON Watren: Would you like soup or and I'm going away for a
THIRTEEN salad with that? while. Linda saw my tape
Jaxr: I'd like soup. and got me a job as a
Werrpn: We have vegetable soup or newscaster.
JouN: Oh, look. It's Carol and tomaro soup. Jare: Where's the jobl
Jarr: I'd like the vegetable soup. Canol: In Vermont.
SusaN: Oh, no. I hope they don't
Warrrn: Thank you.
slt near us. JoxN: Carol, congratulations.
JouN: I picked this restaurant Jaxr: Carol, I want to talk about Did you hear Carol's good
because I wanted to be us. newsl
alone. CaRor: Usl You mean you and mel Jnrc: She told me.
Jaxe: Carol, I care for you a lot. JouN: When are you going to
Jaxr: Look, there's Susan and
I didn't realize it until last leavel
John. week. But now I-l know Canol: Next month.
Jaxe: Let's go say hello. you're the woman for me. SusnN: I guess that leaves just you
Canor: No. They want to be Canol: Jake, life is so funny. For and me, Jake.
alone. weeks, even months, I JaxE: I guess so. Check, please.
WnrrrR: Can I help you? tried to get you to notice
Jexr: Yes, a table for two. me. But you never did. BOOK THREE, LESSON
Werren: Right this way. Now it's too late. I'm sorry FOURTEEN
. . . I don't know what tcr
SuseN: I can't believe this is our
last meal together. Canor-: So, it's really over between
JoHN: You didn't want to see me WerreR: Is something the matter, you and John'
agaln. sirl SusaN: I need to think about it. I
SusaN: I changed my mind. JoHN: I ordered the broiled don't know what I'm going
Werrrn: Would you like to order chicken. This is fried to do. I love him.
nowl chicken. CaRol: When is John going to
SusaN: I have a few questions' \?errpR: Would you like me to take leave?
WarrEn: Certainly. it back? Suserv, He's going to leave in two
Suser: How is the steak PrePared? JoHN: No. Could I have the weeks.
Warrnn: It's broiled. check, pleasel Cenor-: Does he have an apartmentl
SusaN: I'd like the steak. WarrpR: Very well. SuseN: The people at KDEN are
WarrEn: Would you like a baked SusaN: Don't be so upset, John. going to lind one for him.
potato or French fries with Why can't we continue CaRol: Are they going to pay for it
thatl with things the way they too?
SusaN: A baked potato, please. are ? SusaN: No, they aren't. But they're
WarrrR: Would you like soup or JonN: You don't want to move to going to give him money to
saladl Denver with me. move.
SusaN: Salad, please. SusaN: What about my career, my EoNa: Faster, ladies.
'Warrrn: We have Italian dressing or life? I can't just be Mrs. Canol: Oh, I can't. In a minute.
blue cheese dressing. John P. Banks. I'm going to quit.
SusaN, I'd like Italian dressing. JoHN: What's wrong with thatl SusaN: Sotell me about your plans.
Werrrn: Of course, madam. And SusnN: Oh, John. I love you, but I What are you going to dol
you, sir? don't think I can marry Canol: Well, I'm going to leave for
JoxN: I'd like the broiled you. Vermont next month.

SusaN, Are you going to start your Susex: Do you believe this is me, Ar-l: To john and Susanl
new job next month rool Caroll
CaRor-: Yes, but firsr I'm going to CaRor-: I think it's wonderful. So Jarr: When did you hear that
look for an apartmenr. tell me everything. When John and Susan are going
SusaN: When are you going to look are you golng to get
to get married?
for an apartment? marriedl What are you LrNoa: I heard last night. I was
Cnnol: Next weekend. You know, going to wearl Where are shocked. Two newscasters
I'm very excited about the you going to livel leaving at the same time.
job. I'm going to be a WaruR: What am I going to do?
Can I get you a drink?
newscasterl Canol: Yes, please. I'd like a glass JaxE: Well, I can do it alone.
SuseN: That's great. I'm happy for of wine.
LrNoa: Jake, I hired Carol. She's
you, but I'm going to miss going to work with you.
JouN: How about you?
you. SusaN: I'd like a Diet Pepsi. Jake, Jake, are you all
Canol: Oh, I'm going to come back rightl
to Stamford.
LtNoa: We are here to say goodbye
to John and Susan. Susan JoHN: Susan and I are going to
Suseu: You're going to come backl leave in a few minutes. We
and John are going to get
CaRor-: Yes, to visit. want to thank you. It was
SusaN: That's good. great working with every
EoNe: Up and down, and up and Rtra: And who's surprised by one of you.
down, and up and down . . , that newsl CaRor-: Wait! Before you leave,
MrrE: Did you know? how about a kiss?
BOOK THREE, LESSON SIXTEEN RIra: Of course I knew. Don't I JoHN: A kissl (Everyone shours
know everything? encouragement. )
Rtra: Oh, thank you. This Shall we?
LtNoa: Susan's going with John to
cheese is out of this world. Denver. She got a grear job
SusaN: Why notl

Canol: I'm so happy for you both.

at the station there too. ] Au: Goodbye, good luck.
want to congratulate both
I was surprised when you Jare: So, Carol, would you like
told me. John and Susan and wish
to practice some newsl
them well.
JouN: I was surprised too.


Auoto Scntpr F: Where are the grapesl Cookies and donuts

M: They're over there in the are in the bakery.
BOOK THREE, TESSON ONE produce section. Cookies and donuts
N: Very good, Sam. Now some are in the bakery.
N: Book Three. Lesson One. pronunciation practice. Listen N: Sentence Three.
Welcome to Book Three, Sam. Ice cream and TV dinners
and repeat. F:
Congratulationsi You need a
M: it's over it's over there are in the frozen food section'
piece of paper and a pencil for
in the produce section Ice cream and TV dinners
this lesson. It's over there in the produce are in the frozen food section.
Listen to the conversation Ice cream and TV dinners
F: Good morning. Excuse mel
they're over they're over there are in the frozen food section.
M: Yes. Can I help youl
in the produce section N: OKI Good! This time listen and
F: Where are the potatoesl Do you
They're over there in the repeat.
have any?
produce section. F: Milk, yogurt, and eggs are in the
M: Yes. They're over there in the
N: Now you're the produce clerk, dairy section.
produce section.
Sam. We say . . M Cookies and donuts are in the
F: And the cauliflower. Where's the
Where are the bananas? bakery.
And you say . F: Ice cream arrd TV dinners are in
M: It's next to the potatoes.
They're over there in the the frozen food section.
F: Thanks.
produce section. N: Now, Sam, some true-or-false
N: OK, Sam. Where does this
Wesay.. sentences. Listen.
conversation take Placel Where
Where's the lettucel Milk is in the dairy section.
do you think the people arel
And you say . True or false?
That's right. A supermarket.
It's over there in the produce M: True.
They're in a supermarket.
section. N: Yes, rrue. Milk is in the dairy
Some foods in a supermarket are
N: Remember, some items are sectlon.
countable, like potatoes, for
countable and some are Again, true or falsel
example: one potato, two
uncountable. Are you ready? F: Milk is in the bakery.
potatoes. Some are uncountable,
Let's begin. M: False.
like cauliflower. N: False. Milk isn't in the bakery.
F: Where are the bananasl
Now some pronunciation It's in the dairy section.
M: They're over there in the
practice. Listen and rePeat.
produce section. Now you, Sam. True or falsel
F: cauliflower thecauliflower Milk in the frozen food
F: Where's the lettucel F: is
Where's the cauliflowerl
M: It's over there in the produce sectlon.
potatoes the potatoes M: False.
Where are the potatoes?
And the strawberries. Where are F: Donuts are in the bakerY.
N: Now you're the customer, Sam. M: True.
I'll name an item, for example: They're over there in the F: Yogurt is in the dairy section.
"Cauliflower." And you say ' .
produce section. M: True.
F: Where's the cauliflower? F, lce cream is in the dairy section.
F: And the cauliflower. Where is it?
N: I say, "Potatoes." And you M:
M: It's over there in the produce False.
say .
F: TV dinners are in the bakery.
F: Where are the potatoesl
F: Do you have any peaches? M: False.
N: Readyl Let's begin. Cauliflower.
Where are theyl F: Eggs are in the dairy section.
F: Where's the cauliflowerl
M: They're over there in the M: True.
M: It's over there in the produce
produce section. N: Very good, Sam. Now, Carol
sectton. wants to make a dinner for
N: Take a pencil and a piece of
N: Potatoes.
paper, Sam. Readyl Now listen Steven. Listen to her as she says
F: Where are the potatoes? what she needs. Just listen.
first and then write. We repeat
M: They're over there in the Canol: Well, let me see . . . I need
each sentence three times.
produce section. .
Sentence One. some potatoes some
N: Apples. lettuce. I don't need any
Milk, yogurt, and eggs
F: Where are the apples?
are in the dairy section. coffee. I have some. Hmmm
M: They're over there in the . ...
produce section.
Milk, yogurt, and eggs . whatelsel
are in the dairy section. Strawberries! They're always
N: Lettuce.
\Where's the lettuce? Milk, yogurt, and eggs nice. Maybe some grapes
are in the dairy section. too. I don't need any milk
M: It's over there in the produce
N: Sentence Two. . . . and I have cookies, so I
M: Cookies and donuts don't need any of them. Oh,
N: Grapes.
and I need some ice cream.
are in the bakery.


Steven likes ice cream. And N: How about grapesl Does she N: This is the end of Lesson One. It
that's all, I think. need any grapes? wasn't so difficult, was itl
N: Did you remember all of that, M: Yes, she needs some grapes.
Sam? No, of course not. Ask N: Does she need any milk? EOOK THREE, LESSON TWO
Carol again what she needs for M: No, she doesn't need any milk.
her dinner. I say, "Grapes." And N: And ice creaml Does Carol need N: Hellol Welcome to Lesson Two,
you ask Carol . . . Sam. You need a pencil and a
any ice creaml
piece of paper for this lesson.
M: Do you need any grapes, Caroll M: Yes, she needs some lce cream.
Listen to the conversation at the
N: I say, "Coffee." And you N: Does she need any lettucel
ask... M: Yes, she needs some lettuce.
M: Do you need any coffee, Carol? N: And what about coffeel Does she Susan: i need a pound of carrots
N: OKI Let's begin. Grapes. .^^^-l
rrrcu ^-.. ^^ff^^
dlry !(,ilqgl )
and two pounds of
M: Do you need any grapes, Caroll M: No, she doesn't need any coffee. mushrooms...There
Canol: Yes, I need some grapes. N: Now, let's go back to the aren'f anv mushrooms.
N: Coffee. supermarket. Repeat this word: Pnooucr
M: Do you need any coffee, Caroll bread Bread is in the bakery. Clenx: I can get some from the
Cenor: No, I don't need any coffee. Listen to this conversation. back. How many do you
N: Cookies. F: Excuse me. Do you have any want?
M: Do you need any cookies, Caroll Italian bread? SusaN: Two pounds.
Canol: No, I don't need any M: Sorry. We don't have any Italian
N: Now some pronunciatron
cookies. bread, but we have some nice
practice. Listen and repeat.
N: Lettuce. French bread.
M: Do you need any lettuce, Caroll N: OK. Now some pronuncratron
F: mushrooms there aren't any
There aren't any mushrooms.
Canol: Yes, I need some lettuce. practice. Listen and repeat.
N: Strawberries. M: bread Italian bread
M: carrots there aren't any
There aren't any carrots.
M: Do you need any strawberries, French bread
F: peaches
Carol? cheese American cheese
There aren't any peaches.
Canol: Yes, I need some French cheese
strawberries. wine Italian wine
N: Remember, Sam, for plural
countable items, you say . .
N: Milk. French wine
M: Do you need any milk, Caroll but we have
F: There aren't.
Canor: No, I don't need any milk. but we have some nice
N: But for uncountable items, you
N: Potatoes. French bread

M: Do you need any potatoes, But we have some nice French

F: There isn't.
Caroll bread.
N: Listen and repeat.
Canol: No, I don't need any but we have
F: there isn't
There isn't any lettuce.
potatoes, but we have some nice
N: Well, Sam, do you remember But we have some nice French
M: there aren't
There aren't any bananas.
some of the items Carol needs for cheese.
her dinnerl I hope so because N: Now, Sam, I say, "Do you have
N: OK, Sam? Now I say, "Do you
have any peaches/" And you
now we're going to ask you. any Italian breadl And you
say .
Please answer in complete say .

sentences. I say, "Does Carol M: Sorry. We don't have any Italian

F: No, there aren't any peaches.

need any cookiesl" And you bread, but we have some nlce
N: I say, "l
need some coffee. Is

say .
there any coffeel" And you
French bread.
say .
M: No, she doesn't need any N: OKI Ready, Sam? Let's go. Do
cookies. you have any ltalian bread?
F: No, there isn't any coffee.
N: I say, "Does she need any M: Sorry. \?e don't have any Italian
N: Are you readyl Let's begin. Do
you have any peachesl
strawberriesl" And you say . bread, but we have some ntce
M: Yes, she needs some strawberries. French bread.
F: No, there aren't any peaches.
N: Readyl Let's begin. Does Carol N: Do you have any American
N: I need some coffee. Is there any
coffee I
need any cookiesl cheese J

M: No, she doesn't need any M: Sorry. We don't have any

F: No, there isn't any coffee.
cookies. American cheese, but we have
N: I want some mushrooms. Do you
have any mushroomsJ
N: Does she need any strawberriesl some nice French cheese.
M Yes, she needs some strawbernes. N: What about ltalian winel Do you
F: No, there aren't any mushrooms.
N: OK. Does Carol need any have any Italian winel
N: Do you have any cereal?
potatoes ? M: Sorry. We don't have any Italian
F: No, there isn't any cereal.
M Yes, she needs some potatoes. wine, but we have some nice
N: Are there any carrotsl
French wine.
F: No, there aren't any carrots.


2qnq 'rear8 A11ea:

'uqo[ Pue uEsns ura^u3q a:,Aaq1 ' 'ruurutH'

uorlesJJ^uol JLll ol ualsll :N sader8;o t{runq V iPooC :Nvsns
'seder8,o saqrunq o^\l sPseu aqs :hl 'lea:8 al,f,eqt 'sa1 :hl
'o./t\l uosssl aqr erv :Nvsns
ipaeu eqs saoP sad€13 ,{ueru ,tog :N lpoo8 sader8
Jo Pua
' ' ' rx€s 'lle s.leql 's33a uazop e sPeau eqs :hl ')O ' ' ' sBEe uazoP aug :hl
'qsag l.uar€ 'sFEa uazoP Y :Nvsns
^rqJ iPaau eqs
' ' slnuoP asoql illn^
saop s33a uetu esnf,xE :N ' ' atsed ol€llro1 Jo uel auo :hl
'qse{ l.usr s(11 ^\oH ieur :hl ' ' alsed
'sEBa uazoP E sPeeu eqs
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.sAlsuedxe oot ar.Asql
,{ueur .tro11 1s33a rnoqe req6 :N Jo Peaq aql
rauv ')o :Nvsns
i^\ol(\ iPunod E 'elsed iPuv' ' 'ef,nllal
aa.rql eJ€ stuoolqsnu ^lq8re
asoql :ni Y 'adr:11e ar,l'aq1 :W
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'qsa{ r,usr ll 'oipaau ar{s saoP atsed
'saotettlol adu .lnog :NVsnS
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'a^rsuedxa ool s(11 :l\
'af,nrlel Jo PEaq euo sPaeu aqs tearu ra8:nqrueq;o sPunod omr
' ' ' lsBJ os alll/t\ r,uer I 'd1.'no1s
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'a^rsuadxe ool el,AaqJ
'reeru ra8rnqrueq ' ' ' puE 's33a uazoP e 'alsed
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iPeau '^,1 jo peaq 3u6-336181us1 adt:
'e^lsuadxa oot
aqs saop teau ra8:nqrueq qlnru lnoj-saol€luol .lnoj '
'JEol E
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srEIIoP eerqr sr P€arq leql i^\oa\ :N ^\oH il€aur
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eqs :hl :l
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.a^rsu3dxa oot srtl
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'teaut raBrnqtueq
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'saolEruol lnoj spaau aqs :hl
'qsa{ t.usr ll :c
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seop saol€lxol '^€s I :N
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ra8rngurEt{ }o Punod srqJ,, ',{€s I :N
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qf,ntu .,rroH,, 'Aes 1 'ueg ',rtto51 :N
ool sr Pearq jo JEol srqJ
sederS;o qrunq e qrunq E :l auos Paau I 'ollaq 'sal :Nvsns
PEarg Jo JBol srqr e lrunb e :hl
'qsa{ r,usr rl illtu Jo lrenb ;no[ dlaq 1

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uotletrunuo:d eruos.{\oN :N
tEatu raSrnqruEq Jo Punod stqr :c
uEf, no^ 'oot rsll e alEru no^
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BOOK THREE, LESSON THREE M: The Italian bread? Eighty cents a N: Or...
N: Hi, Sam. This is Lesson Three. loaf. F: I don't drink a lot of coffee.
We're at the supermarket again. N: And you say . N; "l eat a lot of' or "l don't eat a
Just listen.
F: Give me a loaf, please. lot of," "l drink a lot of' or "l
N: OKI Let's begin. Apples. don't drink a lot of." Are you
SusRN: Wait a minute. How much F: How much are the applesl ready? Let's begin.
are the cookiesl M: Seventy cents a pound. M: A lot of ice cream. A lot of raw
CHrcxour F: Give me a pound, please. fish. A lot ofcoffee. How about
CIERx: Which onesl N: Italian bread. popcorn, Saml A lot of popcorn.
Susar: The ones over there. F: How much is the Italian breadl And beerl A lot of beer. How
CHrcxour M: The Italian breadl Eighty cents a about teal A lot of rea, Sam.
CI-rRr: Fifty cents each. loaf. N: Great, Sam. Before we stop, let's
SusaN: Give me four, please. F: Give me a loaf, please. practice pronouncing the months
N: Now some pronunciation N: Milk. of the year. Are you readyl The
practice. Listen and repeat. F, How much is the milkl first month is . . .l That's right,
F: how much how much are M: It's ninety-live cents a quart. January. Repeat.
How much are the cookiesl F: Cive me a quart, please. F: Ja.t Janu January
M: fifty cents Fifty cents each. N: Tomatoes. N: The next month?
F: how much how much is F: How much are the tomatoesl F: Feb Febru Februa.y
How much is the Italian breadl M: They're a dollar ten a pound. N: The next one is easy.
N: You're the customer, Sam. I say,
F: Give me a pound, please. F: March March
"ltalian bread." And you N: Frozen peas. N: After March comes? That's right,
F: How much are the frozen peasl April. Repeat.
say .

F: How much is the Italian breadl

M: Sixty-eight cents a box. F: April April
N: I say, "Cookies." And you
F: Give me a box, please. N: The next one is uery easy.
say .
N: Peaches. F: May May
F: How much are the cookiesl
How much are the peachesl N: Then comes .

N: Ready? Let's go. Italian bread.

M: They're a dollar twenty-nine a F: June June
Fr How much is the Italian breadl
pound. N: Good, Saml Now let's say the
M: Eighty cents a loaf.
F: Give me a pound, please. first six months again. Listen and
N: Cookies.
N: Eggr. repeat.
F: How much are the cookiesl
F: How much are rhe eggs? F: January February
M: Fifty cents each. M: A dollar forty a dozen. March April
N: Milk. F: Give me a dozen, please. M"y June
F: How much is the milk? N: OK, Sam, let's talk about you- N: After June comes . . .l July.
things you like and things you That's right. Listen and repeat.
M: Ninety-five cents a quart.
N: Strawberries.
don't like. We say . F: Jrly July
F: How much are the strawberriesl
M: Coffee. N: Next comes . .l
M: The strawberries? A dollar a box. N: And you say . F: August August
N: Great, Sam. Now listen and F: I like coffee. N: Then...
N: Or... F: September September
F: a pound
F: I don't like coffee. September
Give me a pound, please. N: "l like" or "l don't hke." OK? N: After September comes . I
aloaf Let's begin. F: October October October
Cive me a loaf, please. M: Coffee. Spaghetti. How aoour N: What comes after October, Sam?
a quart
popcom, Sam? And ice creaml That's right, November. Repeat.
Give me a quart, please. Beer. Raw fish. How abour raw F: November November
N: OK, Sam. I say, "Apples." And fish, Saml N: And the last month rs . . .

you say .
N: Let's talk abour some more F: December December
F: How much are the apples? things, Sam. We say . . N: Now let's say rhe last six months
N: The grocery clerk says . . . M: A lot of ice cream. again. Listen and repeat.
M: Seventy cents a pound. And you say . July August
Nt. And you say . F: I eat a lot of ice cream. September October
F: Give me a pound, please.
\1. Or... November December
N: I say, "ltalian bread." And you F: I don't eat a lot of ice creanr. N: That's all for now, Sam. We
say .
N: Wesay... practice the months again in the
F: How much is the Italian bread? M: A lot ofcoffee. next lesson. This is the end of
The grocery clerk says . And you say . Lesson Three.
F: I drink a lot c'rf coffee.


BOOK THREE, IESSON FOUR F: Which ones do you wantl F: How much oil do you need,
N: N: Give nre :r banana, please. Johnl
Hello, Sam. \Telcome ro Lesson
Four. You need a piece of paper
E. Which one do you wantl N: I say, "Tomatoes." And you
N: Ciive rle one of those peirchcs, say
and a pencil for this lesson. .

Now let's say all twelve months.

please. F: How many tomatoes do you
Listen and repeat.
F: Which one do you wantl need, Johnl
F: February
N: Can I have a cookie? N: Remember the difference
March April F: Which one do you wantl between countable and
M"y June
N: That was easy, wasn't it? Now, uncountable items. Are you
take a pencil and a piece of readyl Let's begin. Oil.
July August
September October paper, Sam. Readyl Here's the F: How much oil do you need,
November list of ingredients you need for John?
N: Here are some questions for you, John's special marinara sauce. JoHN: You need three tablespoons of
Write the list. OKI Let's begin. oil.
M: What month is it now? Name a JoHN: You need oil, good oil. N: Garlic.
winter month. How about a N: Oil. OK. F: How much garlic do you need,
summer monthl What's your JouN: Garlic, a lot of garlic. It's Johnl
good for you. JouN: You need four tablespoons of
favorite monrh, Saml Really?
N: John is making dinner for Susan.
N: OK, you need a lot of garlic. garlic.
Just listen.
And then? N: Red pepper.
JouN: Red pepper. F: How much red pepper do you
JoHN: I need some onions, Susan. N: Why red pepper? need, Johnl
They're over rhere, I think. JouN: Red pepper's hot. You need JoHN: Just one teaspoon.
SusaN: Which ones do you wantl just a little. N: Salt.
JonN: Those small whrte ones . N: OK. Oil, garlic, red pepper. F: How much salt do you need,
over there. What else? John?
Susax: Oh, I see them. How many Jonn: Salr. But jusr a lirrle. It's bad JoHN: Again, one reaspoon.
do you want? for you. N: Onions.
JoHN: Three or four. Thanks. N: Salt. OK. F: How many onions do you need,
SusaN: Mmmml Smells delicious! JouN: Then onions, white onions. Johnl
JonN: N: Excuse me, Sam. How do you JoHN: You need three small white
];:J.tto*t.tmarinara spell onionsl That's o-n-i-o-n-s. onions.
N; Now some pronunciatron Thanks, Sam. N: Fresh basil.
practice. Listen and repeat. JoHN: Then you need basil, fresh F: How much fresh basil do you
M: I need some basil. need, Johnl
I need some onions. N: Fresh b-a-s-i-1, basil. And? JoHN: Three tablespoons.
F: Which ones do you want JonN: Carrots. N: Carrots.
Which ones do you wantl N: Carrots. Yes. What else? F: How many carrots do you need,
M: I need an onion. JoHN: After carrots comes tomato Johnl
F: which one paste. Good Italian tomato JoHN: You need one carrot.
Which one do you wantl pasre. N: Tomato paste.
N: I say, "l need some onions." And N: OK, tomato pasre. F: How much tomato paste do you
you say .
JoHr.r: Then you need tomatoes. need, John?
Fresh, ripe t()mat()es in JonN: Just one can.
F: Which ones do you wantl
N: I say, "l need an onion." And season. N: Tomatoes.

you say .
N: Just a minute . F: How many tomatoes do you
t-o-m-a-t-o-e-s, tomatoes. need, Johnl
F: Which one do you want?
Thenl JonN: Four ripe tomatoes.
N: It's easy, Sam. But remember the
rule about singular and plural JoHN: That's all. Oil, garlic, N: That was great, Sam. Now you
red pepper, salt, too can make John's special
countable items. Readyl Let's go.
I need some onions.
onions, fresh basil, marinara sauce. But what about

F: Which ones do you want?

carrots, tomato paste, the spaghetti, Johnl How do you
and ripe romatoes. make the spaghetti?
N: I need an onion.
F: Which one do you wantl
N: But wait a minute! We don't JouN: Oh, you can buy the spaghetti
know hou., many tomatoes John at the supermarket.
N: I'd like an apple, please.
F: Which one do you want?
needs or how much oil. Sam! You N: Thanks, John. That's all, Sam.
ask John "How much" and "How End of Lesson Four.
N: I'd like some of those tomatoes,
many." I say, "Oil." And you
say .


BOOK THREE, LESSON FIVE Jake with Chris last nightl" And M: No, they weren't. They were at
you say . the studio.
N: Hello, Saml How are youl
M: Yes, he was. N: Was earol in New York with
Good. This is Lesson Five. N: I sav, "Were thev at the stlrdiol" Susan?
Ready? Let's begin. Just listen. F: No, she wasn't. She was at her
And 1'ou sa-v .

EoNa: Pay attention, ladies. One, M: No, they weren't. exercise class.
two. One, two. One, two. N: Readl'l Let's go. Was Jake u'ith N, Was Chris at the studio on
One, two. Chris last nightl Friday night?
SuseN; Were you here last night? M: Yes, he was. M: No, she wasn't. She was with
Canol: Yes, I was. N: Were they at the studiol Jake.
SusaN: Was Linda here? M: No, they weren't. N: Was John in Stamford?
Canol: No. She was at work. She N: Was Susan at her grandmother's F: No, he wasn't. He was in
and Steven were at the house last night? Denver.
studio. F: Yes, she was. N: How about you, Saml Were You
'!Vas in Denver last night? Good.
SusaN: And where was Jakel Was N: she with John?
he at the studio tool F: No, she wasn't. Now listen to the conversation.
Canol: On Friday night? You've got N: And Johnl Was John in Denverl Susar: I was at my grandmother's
to be kidding. He was with M: Yes, he was. house. She lives in New
Chris' N: Was he with Lindal York.
M; No, he wasn't. Cenor, No kidding? She lives in
N: Now some pronunciatton Was Linda with Steven last
N: New Yorkl
practice. Listen and rePeat.
night? SusaN: Yes. Yesterday was her
M: Carol was at her F: Yes, she was. birthday. She's eightY-one.
exercise class
N: Were they at home? Canor: Really? She's eightY'one?
Carol was at her exercise class. No, they weren't.
F' Susan was at her Good, Saml Now I want to N: Listen and repeat.
grandmother's house No kiddingl
know a little about you. I saY, F:
Susan was at her grandmother's She lives in New York?
"Were you at home last night,
Sam?" You answer . No kidding? She lives in New
M, Linda and Steven were at Yes, I was. Yorkl
Linda and Steven were at the Really? She's eighty'one?
l\: Or...
studio. Reallyl She's eighty-onel
F: No, I wasn't.
F: Jake was with Chris. N' OKI Let's begin. Were you at N: No kiddingl and Reallyl express
M: John was in Denver. home last night, Sam? Were You surprise. "She lives in New
N: OK, Sam. Do you remember with a friendl Tell me, Sam' York?" and "She's eighty-onel"
where everyone was last night? are ways of asking for
were you at the supermarket
Let's see. I say, "Where was yesterday? Were you at work on confirmation. Remember theY
Carol last night?" And You Friday? are questions' Now Susan
say .
Great, Sam! Now let's talk some says .

M: She was at her exercise class.

more about Carol, Susan, John, SusaN: My grandmother lives in
N: I say, "\Uhere was Susan last Linda, Steven, and the rest of New York.
nightl" And you say . the people at WEFL. I say, "Was N: And you say . .

F: She was at her grandmother's

Susan in Denver with John?" CaRor: No kidding? She lives in
house. New Yorkl
And you say .
N: Readyl Let's begin. Where was N: She says ..
F: No, she wasn't. She was at her .

Carol last night? SusaN: She'seighty-one.

grandmother's house in New
M: She was at her exercise class.
York. N: And you say .
N: Where was Susan last night? \T. I say, "Were Linda and Steven at Cenol: Really? She's
F: She was at her grandmother's
home on Friday nightl" And you N: Are you ready, Saml Let's go.
say . SusaN: My grandmother lives in
Where were Linda and Stevenl
M: No, they weren't. They were at New York.
They were at the studio.
the studio. Cnnor: No kiddingl She lives in
What about Jake? Where was
N: Ready? Let's begin. "Was Susan New York?
Jake last night? in Denver with John?" SusaN: Yes, and she's eighty-one.
He was with Chris.
And where was John?
No, she wasn't. She was at her Canol: Reallyl She's eighty-onel
grandmother's house in New SusaN: Yes. In fact, yesterday was
He was in Denver.
York. her birthday.
That was easy, wasn't itl Here
Were Linda and Steven at home Canol: No kidding? Yesterday was
are some more questions about
on Friday night? her birthdayl
the people at WEFL. I say, "Was


M: Oh, come on. I wasn't born What did you do on the

SusaN: There were a lot of PeoPle at
yesterday. weekendl
her house.
CeRot-: Reallyl There were a lot of N: That's all for now, Sam. Enci of N: OK, Sam. I saY, "On the
Lesson Five. weekend." And you say .
people at her housel
SuseN: Yes. For spaghetti and
F: What did you do on the
Canor: No kidding? For sPaghetti
N: I say, "Yesterday." And You
and Mexican beer?
N: Hi, Sam! Welcome to Lesson say .

Six. lt's Monday moming F: What did you do yesterdaY?

SusaN: She loves Mexican beer.
at WEFL. Listen to the N: Ready? Let's begin. On the
Cenor: Really? She loves Mexican
conversation between Mike weekend.
N: Well, that was easy' wasn't it' and Carol. F: Vhat did you do on the
Sam? Now listen to the MrxE: What did you do on the
conversation between Susan and weekend, Carol? M: I stayed at home and cleaned the
I stayed at home and house.
John. CaRor-:
cleaned the house' N: Yesterday.
SusaN: You have to do what's right F: What did you do yesterdaY?
Mrxe: Did you watch TV on
for you.
Saturday nightl M: I played tennis with a friend.
JonN: Susan, we can continue tlur N: Last night.
Canor: No. Why?
Mrxr: I watched a great movie F: What did yotr do last night?
SusnN: Oh, come on. I wasn't bclrn M: Last nightl I watched TV last
Canol, Which onel
yesterday. It wcln't work. night.
MtrB: Rockl with Sylvester
JonN: I want it to work. N: On Saturday.
SusaN, Long-distance relationships F: What did you do on Saturdayl
never work. N: Well, Sam, we know what Mike M: I was at the office on Saturday.
JoHN: Susan, I really care for You. did on the weekend. He watched N: Last summer.
SuseN: Can you just leave me alone Rocky on TV. And Caroll What F: What did you do last summerl
nowl PleaseJ about Caroll Tell me, what did M; I went to Denver for a month.
she do on the weekend? N: Very good, Sam. Now listen to
N: Listen and repeat.
M: She stayed at home and cleaned
F: Oh, come on. I wasn't born the conversation. Just listen.
the house. F: How was your weekend?
I wasn't born yesterday.
Oh, come on. I wasn't born
N: That's right. And what about the M: It was really boring. I didn't do a
rest of the people at WEFLI thing.
What about Jake and Stevenl Do Oh, come on. Didn't you go out
N: Susan says, "Oh, come on. I
you remember from the video
wasn't born yesterday," to show on Saturday night?
what they did, Sam? Let's see. M: No, I didn't go out.
she doesn't think John is right.
What did Carol do on the F: No kiddingl Did you really stay
Now, Sam, I say, "Long-distance
weekend? at homel
relationships always work." And
you say .
M: She stayed at home and cleaned M: Yeah, I stayed at home and
the house. watched old movies on TV.
M; Oh, come on. I wasn't bom
N: And what did Mike do on the F: That's really awfull
N; I say, "You can learn English in a N: Here are some questions about
week." And you say .
F: He watched Rocky on TV. your weekend, Sam. Answer in
M: Oh, come on. I wasn't bom
N: How about Jakel Do you complete sentences. I say, "Did
remember what Jake did? Did he you really play tennis last
play tennisl Did he listen to
N: Readyl Let's begin. Long- weekendl" And you say .

musicl What did he do on the F: Yes, I played tennis last

distance relationships always
weekend? weekend.
M: He played tennis. He also N: Or...
M: Oh, come on. I wasn't bom
listened to music. M: No, I didn't play tennis last
N: You can learn English in a week.
N: And Steven? Did he work at the weekend.
M: Oh, come on. I wasn't born studiol What did he dol N: I say, "You didn't really watch
F: He worked at the studio. TV on Saturday night, did you?"
N: How about you, Saml What did
N: You know, cigarettes are good for And you say .
you do on the weekendl OKI F: Yes, I watched TV on Saturday
Very interesting. Now some
M: Oh, come on. I wasn't bom night.
pronunciation practice. Listen N: Or...
and repeat. M: No, I didn't watch TV on
N: The weather is always warm and
sunny in London.
F: what what did you Saturday night.
what did you do


N: Ready? Let's begin. Did you N: Go to the oflice on Saturday really great lady, Mrs. Webster,
really play tennis last weekend, morning. and-
Sam? You didn't really watch TV F: Did you go r() the office on Krrry: Please, call me Kitty.
on Saturday night, did youl Did Saturday morning? M: OK, Kitty . I want to know
you really play golf Saturday M: Yes, I did, but just for an hour. more about you.
afternoon? You didn't really N: Read the contract. Krrry: Like what?
clean the house last weekend, F: Did you read the conrractJ M: Well, I know you're eighty-one.
did you? Did you really visit a M: N,,, I didn't. I didn'r have rimc. And you were bom on .
friend on Sundayl Did you really N: See Carol on the weekend. Krrry: May fifteenth. Yes, I was
listen to music on Sarurday F: Did you see Carol on the born on the fifteenth of May.
morningl You didn't really stay weekendl M: In what yearl
at home on Sunday evening, did M: Yes, I did. She was at my place Ktrry: In nineteen ten . . . in the
youl Did you really study your Saturday night. year nlneteen ten.
English last weekend, Saml N: Go out for dinner. M: I can't believe it. You look so
That wasn't difficult, was it, F: Did you go out for dinnerl youngl And where were you
Saml Now listen to the M: No, we didn't. Carol made born, Mrs.-l mean, Kityl
conversation. Just listen. spaghetti and salad. Krrry: Oh, I was born in Ireland. In
LINoa: Did they offer you a lot of N; Have a good time. Dublin, Ireland.
moneyl F: Did you have a good timel
M: I sure did. Carol is really great. N: Now some pronunciation
JouN: Yes, but ir wasn'r just rhe pracrice. Listen and repeat.
money. N: Here are some more questrons
just for you, Sam. I say, "Did you M: eleven eleventh
LrNoa: What was it?
February eleventh
go to a movie last Friday nightS"
Jonn: The job. F: twelve twelfth
LrNo.q: Did you apply for the job? And you say .
February twelfth
F: Yes, I did.
JonN: No. They came to me lirst. M: thirreen thirteenth
N: Now some pronunciation M: No, I didn't. March thirteenth
practice. Listen and repeat. NI. OKI Let's go. Did you go to a
F: fourteen fourteenth
F: did they did they offer you movie last Friday night, Saml
April fourteenth
a lot of M: were you born?
Did you have a good weekend?
Did they offer you a lot of And this morningl Did you get
I was born on May fifteenth
moneyl up early this morning, Sam? Did
I was born on May lifteenth
did you did you apply you have a big cup of coffeel Did
nlneteen ten
for the job you go out for lunch yesterday?
I was born on May fifteenth,
Did you apply for the job? nineteen ten.
Did you watch football on TV
N: Now you ask the questions, Sam. M: Where were you born?
last night? Did you go to bed late
I say, "Apply for the job." And F: I was born
last nightl
you say . I was born in lreland.
That's all for today, Sam. End of
F: Did you apply for the jobl Lesson Six.
N: OK, Sam, take a pencil and a
N: I say, "Enjoy the weekend." And piece of paper. Readyl Now wrire
you say . only the names and dates of
F: Did you enjoy the weekendl some famous people as Mrs.
N: OKI Let's begin. Apply for the N Well, Sam, here we are ar Webster-l mean, Kitty-reads
job. Lesson Seven. Take a piece of the following information. Just
paper and a pencil. the names and dates, OKI You
F: Did you apply for the job?
We begin today with an can check your answers at the
M: No, I didn't.
interview with Susan's end. Let's go.
N: Enjoy the weekend.
F: Did you enjoy the weekendl
grandmother. You remember Krrry: First comes Thomas Edison.
her. She lives in New York. The He was born on February
M: Yes, I did.
one who loves Mexican beer. eleventh, eighteen forty-
N: Go to a movie Friday night.
Her name is Katherine Webster. seven. Yes, the eleventh of
F: Did you go to a movie Friday
Listen to the interview. February in the year eighteen
Here she is. forty-seven.
M: No, I didn't. I stayed home.
N: Watch TV. Next comes Abraham
M: Here we are in New York. We're
F: Did you watch TVI
Lincoln, the sixteenth
talking with Mrs. Katherine
President of the United
M: Yes, I did. I watched Rambo with Webster. She just had a
States. He was bom in
Sylvester Stallone. birthday.
eighteen nine on February
N: Like Rambo. Ktrry: Hil How're you doingl twelfth. That's the twelfth of
F: Did you like Rambol M: Congratulationsl Listen, I just February, eighteen-oh-nine.
M: Are you kiddingl It was awful. want to say rhat I think you're a


Well, we need some famous N: When was Maria Callas born? F: Where was Abraham Lincoln
women on this list. Let's see F: She was born on December born?
. there's the famous oPera fourth, nineteen twenty-three. M: He was born in Kentucky.
singer, Maria Callas. That's N: Was that in Novemberl N: Maria Callas.
M-a-r-i-a C-a'l-l-a-s. She was F: No, that was in December. F: \Uhere was Maria Callas bomJ
born just three weeks before N: How about Marilyn Monroe? M: She was bom in New York.
Christmas on December When was she bornl N: Marilyn Monroe.
fourth, nineteen twenty- F: She was born on June first, F: \Uhere was Marilyn Monroe
three. nineteen twenty-six. bornl
Next comes John F. N: Was that on the third of Junel M: She was bom in California'
Kennedy, K-e-n-n-e'd-Y . .' F: No, that was on the lirst of June. N: John F. Kennedy.
not the son, the father . . . N' How about John F. Kennedyl F: Where was John F. KennedY
the one who was President. When was he boml bornl
He was born in the month of F: He was born on May twenty- M: He was born in Massachusetts.
May. In fact, the date is MaY ninth, nineteen seventeen. F: Wherel
twenty-ninth, nineteen N: Was that in Aprill M: Massachusetts .

something. Let me see . F: No, that was in Ma1 . Massachusetts.

oh, yes. It was in nineteen N: Finally, do you remember when N: That's the end of Lesson Seven.
seventeen . . . MaY twenty- Kitty Webster was bornl When Way to go, Saml
ninth, nineteen seventeen. was Kitty Webster born, Saml
Last on the list is MarilYn That's right. She was bom on BOOK THREE, LESSON EIGHT
Monroe, M-o-n-r-o-e. She May fifteenth, nineteen ten.
N: Welcome to Lesson Eight, Sam.
was born in Califomia on the Anci where was she bornl Good!
Here we are at the WEFL studio
6rst ofJune, nineteen She was bom in Dublin, Ireland.
in Stamford. Listen to the
twenty-slx, How about you, Saml When
N: Have you got all that, Sam? were you bornl And where were
Here's the list again. you born, Saml Canol: Well, I watched the tape. I
Ktrrv, ThomasEdison-February John F. Kennedy, Marilyn didn't see a man smoking.
eleventh, eighteen forty- Monroe, etc., were all famous Jaxe: Can we watch it togetherl
seven. Americans. But what were they Cenol: Sure.
Abraham Lincoln-February famous forJ I'm sure you already See? The woman walked
twelfth, eighteen-oh-nine. know. Let's see. I say, "Who was into the restaurant. She
Maria Callas-December Thomas Edison?" And you talked to the watter .

fourth, nineteen twenty- say . She asked for the non-

three. F: He was an inventor. smokingsection. . . Then
John F. Kennedy-May N: Easy, huh! Ready? Let's begrn. she followed the waiter to a

twenty-ninth, nineteen Who was Thomas Edisonl table. . . Thenshesat

seventeen. F: He was an inventor. down and looked at the
Marilyn Monroe-June first, N: Who was Maria Callasl menu.
nlneteen twenty.slx. F: She was an opera singer.
N: Now some pronunciation
N: Now I say, "\iVhen was Abraham N: And who were Abraham Lincoln
practice. Listen and rePeat.
Lincoln born?" And you say . and John F. Kennedyl
F: I watched
F: He was born on February F: They were Presidents of the
I watched the tape.
twelfth, eighteen-oh-nine. United Stares.
the woman walked
N: I say, "Was that on the N: How about Marilyn Monroe.
The woman walked into the
thirteenthl" And you say . \i7ho was shel
F: No, that was on the uelfth. F: She was a movie actress.
she talked
N: Readyl Let's begin. \fhen was N: Very good, Sam. Now we know
She talked to the waiter.
Abraham Lincoln bornl u.,h1 these people were famous,
she asked
F: He was born on February and, yes, we know wlren they
for the non-smoking section
twelfth, eighteen-oh-nrne. were bom. But we don't know
She asked for the non-smoking
N: Was that on the thirteenthl where they were bom. You ask,
F: No, that on the twelfth.
was Sam. OKI I say, "Thomas
then she looked
N: When was Thomas Edison bornl Edison. " And you say .
Then she looked at the menu.
F: He was born on February F: Where was Thomas Edison born?
N: Note, Sam, that in the past
eleventh, eighteen forty-seven. N: Readyl Thomas Edison.
tense all these verbs-look, walk,
N: Was that in eighteen thirty- F: \ilhere was Thomas Edison bornl
wlk, and watch-are pronounced
seven I M: He was born in Ohio.
with a T sound at the end, /d, as
F: No, that was in eighteen forty- N; Abraham Lincoln.
in walked.


F: We watch a lot of TV every day. N: And for regular verbs ending F: started then a man started
We watched a lot of TV with the F sound as in lcugh . . . Then a man started to smoke.
yesterday. F: He always laughs at everything. pointed rhe woman pointed
N: Look in the past tense is looked. Last night he laughed at The woman pointed ro rhe non-
F: I look at the newspaper every nothing. smoking sign.
night. N: S(), to make the past tense, we N: Note, Sam, that the past tense of
I looked at the newspaper last add the T sound to regular verbs start is started. You add an extra
night. ending with CH (ttjl) as in . syllable: start, started.
N: The same for walk and talk. F: Vlatch; F: A man started to smoke.
F: You talk a lot. N: Ending with the K sound as N: And that the past tense of point
You talked a lot last night. ln is pointed. You add an extra
N: In fact, when a regular verb ends F: Look, nlk, and walk; syllable: point, pointed.
with CH ([tjl) as in u.,atch or N: Ending with the S sound as F: The woman pointed to the non-
with the K sound as in walk, talk, in. smoking sign.
and look, you add a T sound at F: Miss and kiss; N: Regular verbs ending with a T
the end tcl make the past tense. N: Ending with the P sound as sound like point and stdrt in the
Listen and repeat. in. past tense are pointed and started.
F: We watch a lot of TV. F: Stop; The same is true for regular verbs
We watched a lot of TV. N: And ending with the F sound as ending ',ri ith a D sound like ald
I look at the newspaper. in.. and end. These verbs are
I looked at the newspaper. pronounced with an ID ([td])
N: Now, Sam, let's practice. I say, N: Remember, Sam, rhis rule works sound at the end as in olled and
"We watch a k;t of TV every for regular verbs, not irregular ended. Listen ro the
day." And you say . verbs. Now let's do an exercise. I conversation.
F: We watched a lot of TV say, "He laughs a lot." And you
CaRor-: Did you talk to Mikel
yesterday. say...
N: I say, "l
look at the newspaper F: He laughed a lot. Jaxr: No. I don't know where he
is. Now, what can I dol
every night." And you say . N: OK, I really want to hear that T
F: I looked at the newspaper last sound. Readyl Let's begin. He
Cenor' Don't worry. I talked to him
and I fixed the tape. I added
night. laughs a lot.
the part with the man
N: Readyl Let's go. \Ue watch a lot F: He laughed a lot.
of TV every day. N: They kiss everybody.
Fr We watched a lot of TV F: They kissed everybody. N: The verb add in the past tense is
yesterday. N: We watch a lot of movies. dded.
N: I looked at the newspaper every r: We watched a lot of movies. F: I added the part with the man
night. N: She stops at the produce section. smoking.
F: I looked at the newspaper last F: She stopped at the produce N: Let's practice some of these verbs
night. sectlon. ending with the T sound or the
N: She walks to the supermarket N: She asks about the bananas. D sound. I say, "The woman
every day. F: She asked about the bananas. points to the sign." And you
F: She walked to the supermarket N: They look a little too ripe. say .

yesterday. F: They looked a little too ripe. F: The woman pointed to the sign.
N, You ask a lot of questions every N: She laughs at the price. N, OKI Let's go. The woman points
night. F: She laughed at the pnce. to the sign.
F: You asked a lot of questions last N: Good, Sam. That wasn't F: The woman pointed to the sign.
night. difficult, was itJ Now listen to N: I add the part with the man
N: lt looks OK today. the conversation. smoking.
F; It looked OK yesterday. F: I added the part with the man
N: Good, Sam! This rule about the Jexe: Then a man started tcr
smoke. The woman pointed
T sound is also true for regular The man starts to smoke.
to the non-smoking sign and
verbs ending with the S sound as The man started to smoke.
asked him to put out the
in miss and kiss. They expect him to stop.
F: I miss him. They expected him to stop.
Canol: No, she didn't. Susan visits us on the weekend.
I missed him yesterday.
N: For regular verbs ending with the
Jarr: Can you play the tape again,
Susan visited us on the weekend.
please I
P sound as in stoP . We end the lesson with music.
F: We usually stop in Washington. N: Now some pronunciation We ended the lesson with music.
But last week we stopped in New practice. Listen and repeat. Very good, Sam. The rest of the
York. regular verbs in the past tense,
for example, follow and shocr, are


pronounced with a D sound at F: "Of course not," answered the M: I want John's job.
the end, /d/, as in followed and famous opera singer. N: More money.
showed. LP, "With spaghettil" F: I want more money.
F: She followed the waiter. N: That's all for today, Sam. End of N: Make more money.
I showed a man smoking. Lesson Eight. M: I want to make more money.
N: Now here's a story. We tell the N: A cup of coffee.
story in the present tense. But BOOK THREE, LESSON NINE F: I want a cup of coffee.
you, Sam, tell the story in the N: OK, Sam. Let's continue the
N: Hi, Sam! Welcome to Lesson
conversation between steven
past tense. I say, "Sophia Loren
Nine. Carol wants John's job'
walks into a restaurant." And and Carol. Just listen.
Listen to the conversation.
you say .
SruveN: Where did you work in
F: Sophia Loren walked into a Canol: Steven, I want to talk to
the pastl
restaurant. you.
Cnnol: I worked at a radio
N I say, "The waiter shows her to a SrevrN: Yesl
station. Iwasawriter.
table." And you say . Canor: Do you know John is
SrrvrN: How long did you work
F: The waiter showed her to a leaving?
there I
table. SrevrN Yes.
Well, I want John's job.
Canol: I worked there for two
N: Readyl Here we go. Cenol: years, from nineteen
One day the famous actress SrrvsN Carol, I want to help
eighty-six to nineteen
Sophia Loren walks into a you, but John has a lot
restaurant. of experience.
SrEvrN: Were you on televisionl
F: One day the famous actress
N: Now some pronunciation Canol: Only in college.
Sophia Loren walked into a
practice. Listen and repeat
F: want to talk
N: Now, Sam, here's some
N The waiter shows her to a table. pronunciation practice. Listen
want to talk
F: The waiter showed her to a and repeat. Readyi
want to talk to you.
want M: did you how long did you
M: John's job
N: Atthe next table is Luciano how long did you work
want John's job.
Pavarotti, the famous opera How long did you work there?
want to help
singer. did you how long did you
want to help
F: Atthe next table was Luciantr how long did you live
want to help you.
Pavarotti, the famous opera How long did you live therel
M: want Iwantabig
slnger. did you how long did you
want a big of6ce.
SL: "What are you having for how long did you study
N: OK, Sam. I say, "Talk to you."
lunch?" How long did you study therel
And you say . . .
N: she asks.
F: I want to talk to you.
N: OK, Saml I say, "\?EFL." And
F: "What are you having for you say .
N: I say, "A job at WEFL." And
lunchl" she asked.
you say .
M: How long did you work there?
LP: "A steak."
M: I want a job at WEFL.
N: I say, "Columbia University."
N: answers Pavarotti. And you say . . .
N: Easy, huh? OK, let's go. Talk to
F: "A steak," answered Pavarotti.
M: How long did you study therel
N: Then the waiter arrives with
F: I want to talk to you.
N: I say, "New York." And you
Pavarotti's steak. say .
N: A job at WEFL.
r: Then the waiter arrived with
M: I want a job at WEFL.
M: How long did you live therel
Pavarotti's steak.
N: Help you.
N: Ready, Saml Let's begin. WEFL.
N: It's really too big for one person.
F: I want to help you. M: How long did you work therel
F: It was really too big for one
N: A big office. F: I worked there for two years,
person. from nineteen eighty-six to
M: I want a big office.
N: Pavarotti starts to eat. nineteen eighty-eight.
N: A million dollars.
F: Pavarotti started to eat.
F: I want a million dollars. N: ColumbiaUniversity.
N: Sophia points to the steak and
N: Make a million dollars. M: How long did you study therel
looks at him.
M: I want to make a million dollars. F: I studied ar Columbia for three
F: Sophia pointed to the steak and years, from nineteen eighry-one
N: Another chance.
looked at him. to nineteen eighty.four.
F: I want another chance.
SL: "Are you eating that alonel" N: New York.
N: Go home.
N: she asks. M: How long did you live therel
"Are you eating that alonel"
M: I want to go home.
N: Watch TV. F: I lived there for seven years,
asked. from nineteen seventy-seven to
LP: "Of course not," F: I want to watch TV.
nineteen eighty-four.
N: answers the famous N: John's job.
opera singer N: Denver.


M How long did you live therel N: Rea.ll l Let's go. john \\'enr r() N: OK, Sam. Now some
F: I lived in Denver for nine ( i'lrrrnl.rrr L nlvcr\rr\. pronunciation practice. Listen
months, from February tcr F: False. and repeat.
October nineteen seventy-slx. N: Aftcr he went to school in Neu F: look look at
t\: IBM. York, John rvorked in Look at the camera.
M: How long did you work therel Providence. look look at your
E. At lBMl Two years. From F: True. Look at your notes.
nlneteen seventy-two to N: After he was in Providence, John N: Very good, Sam. Now we're
nineteen seventy-fcrur. worked in Hartford. going back to Edna's exercise
N: Hamilton College. F. True. class.
M: How long did you study there? N: John went to New York EoNa: Hello there. Welcome to my
F' I studied English at Hamilton University for six years. exercise class.
from nineteen sixty-eight tcr F: False. N: Hello, Edna. This is Sam.
nlneteen seventy-two. N: After he studied at New York EoNa: Hi, Saml
N: That wasn't difficult, was it, University, John got a job at N: Well, let's begin, Edna. What dcr
Saml Now we have two KDEN in Denver. you want us to dol
questions to ask ahout you. F: False. EoNa: Just do what I say. Ready,
Here's the first. Where did you 1\: After he worked in Hartford, he Saml Here we go. Smilel
study in the past, Sam? And the went to WEFL in Stamford. N: Come on, Sam. Smilel
second. How long did you study F: True. Eora: Look at the door. Look at rhe
there? 1\: John stayed in Hartford for eight table. Look at the window.
Well, Sam, that was very easy. years, from eighty-one to eighty- Look at the floor. Close your
Now, listen to John's interview nlne. eyes.
at KDEN in Denver. Just listen. F: False. N: Come on, Sam. Close your eyesl
Wouex: So, I see you're still
N: John was a reporter. EoNe: Open your eyes. Look at your
working at WEFL in
F: True. left hand. Look at your right
Stamford, John.
N: Hartford is in Connecticut. hand. Look at your feet. Look
Yes, I am.
F: True. at your book. Look at your
WoueN: And before that you were
N: Good, Sam. Now some more watch. Smile.
ar WBTU in Hartford,
questions for you. Ready? N: OK, OK. That's enough for now.
Where did you go to schooll Whewl
What did you study therel How That was very good, Sam. Now
JoHN: Yes, I was . . . forfour
long did you stay there? Were Susan calls Carol to see how her
years, from eighty to
you a good studentl audition went. Listen to the
eighty-four. I was a
That's all for now, Sam. End of telephone conversation. Just
Lesson Nine. listen.
WouaN: I see. And before that, you
were in Providence . . SusaN: Hello, Caroll
and before Providence, you Cnnol: Hi, Susan.
were in New York? N: Hello, Sam. This is Lesson Ten. SusaN: Welll How did it gol Were
JonN: Yes. I went to school in For this lesson, you need a pencil you nervous?
New York. and a piece of paper. CaRor-: Not really. It went OK. I
WounN: Ohl Where did you gol Listen to the conversation wore the dress.
Jonn: I went to New York between Susan and Carol at SusaN: The one I gave youl
University. Edna's exercise class. CaRor: Yeah. It looked great.
Wouar: No kidding! I went there
SusnN: Pretend this is a camera.
SusnN: I'm sure you were terrific.
too. When were you therel Did they say anythingl
Look at the camera. Look at
JoHN: From seventy-four to
your notes, but don't read
Canol: Mike said it was good.
seventy-six. How about SusaN: Reallyl That's great.
them. Smile at the camera.
Youl OK. Try something. N: OK, Sam. Listen and repeat.
Wonar: I graduated in seventy-
Canol: All right. Ummm . two M: It went OK. Carol wore
men entered a bank and Carol wore the dress.
N: OK, Sam, here are some true-or- stole frve million dollars. F: the one
false sentences. I say, "John went There was a fire on Fifty- The one Susan gave her.
to Columbia University." And Seventh Street last night. M: Mike said
you say . . Susax: Good. But look at the Mike said it was good.
F' False. camera. Try it again. N: That was easy, wasn't it, Sam?
N: I say, "John went to New York Now I say, "Did Carol's audition
University." And you say . gobadlyl" And you say . .

F: True. M: No, it went OK.


that game. The score was play for Los Angeles' Well'
N: I say, "Did Mike say it was
awfull" And you say . ntnety-slx to- the Los Angeles Lakers beat
F: No, he said it was good. M: OK. Thank you verY much, thePistons. .Lakers
N: Ready? Let's begin. Did Carol's Edna. ninetY-six' Pisttrns ninetY'
audition go badlyl EoNa: Pistons, ninetY- N: Do you have all that, Saml How
M: No, it went OK. M: Thank y,,u, Edna. Have a nice about repeating, Ednal
N: Did Mike say it was awful? trip back to Stamford. That's all ErNa, OK. Game one: Celtics
F: No, he said it was good. for now. Back to the game . ninety-eight, Pistons ninetY'
N: Did Carol wear a skirt and N: OK, Sam. Edna loves basketball. four.
sweaterl She knows all the games and the Game two: Knicks one
M: No, she wore a dress. scores. Take a Piece of PaPer and hundred, Celtics ninetY-nine.
N: The one Linda gave herl a pencil, and write the Game three: Pistons one
F: No, the one Susan gave her. information, that is, game hundred six, Knicks eightY'
N: Did it look terrible? numbers, names of teams, Places eight.
M: No, it looked great. where the teams are from, and Game four: Lakers ninetY-six,
N: Very nice, Sam. Now we're scores. Ready/ Pistons ninetY.
going to the Boston Garden EoNa: Well, first here are the two N: Do you have it' Saml Good.
where the Celtics are playing the teams in game one. Write Now I say, "ln game four, the
Los Angeles Lakers. Listen Just them down, OKI The Pistons beat the Lakers." And
listen. Celtics. That's C'e-l-t-i-c-s, you say .

M: Welcome, basketball lovers. It's Celtics. They're from Boston. F: No. In game four, the Pistons
halftime here at the Boston Then the Pistons. Thar's lost. The Lakers won.
Garden where the Lakers are P-i-s-t-o-n-s, the Pistons' N: I say, "ln game two' the Knicks
losing to the Celtics, forty-eight They play for Detroit. lost." And y()u say .

to forty-two. I'm talking to Edna OK. In game one, it was the F: No. ln game two' the Knicks
here. Hi, Edna. Boston Celtics against the won. I he Ueltlcs lost.
EoNe: Hi. Detroit Pistons. The Celtics N: Ready? Let's begin. In game four,
M: Edna's from Stamford where she won. The score was Celtics the Pistons beat the Lakers.
teaches exercise classes. ninety-eight to Pistons F: No. In game fcrur, the Pistons
EoNa: That's right. I came to Boston ninety-four. That was ninetY- lost. The Lakers won.
just for the game. I was here eight to ninety-four. OK? N: In game two, the Knicks lost.
last week when the Celtics In the next game, game two' F: No. In game two, the Knicks
played against the Pistons. we have the Knicks, that's won. The Celtics lost.
What a great game: K-n-i-c-k-s. The Knicks- N: In game four, the Pistons PlaYed
M: Yeah, great game. The Celtics they play for New York- against the Celtics.
lost that one. The score was- against the Celtics. They beat F: No. In game four, the Pistons
EoNa: No. They won. They beat the the Celtics, one hundred to played against the Lakers.
Pistons. The score was Celtics ninety-nine. That was one N: The Pistons beat the Celtics in
ninety-eight, Pistons ninety. hundred to ninety-nine. game one.
four. Two weeks ago they lost Then- F: No. The Pistons lost. The
against the New York Knicks. N: Excuse me, Edna. Are you Celtics won in game one.
Maybe you're thinking of that writing this down, Saml In the N: The Knicks played against the
game. It was Knicks one first game, the Celtics ninety- Celtics in game three.
hundred, Celtics ninety-nine. eight, Pistons ninety-four. F: No. The Knicks played against
Billy Miles scored in the last In the second game, the Knicks the Pistons in game three.
two minutes to win it for the one hundred, the Celtics ninety- N: How about in game four? Did the
Knicks. nine. Pistons beat the Lakersl
M: Oh. EoNn: Then. in game three, it was F: No. In game four, the Pistons
EoNa: Last month the Knicks played the Knicks against the lost. The Lakers won.
against the Pistons in New Pistons. N: Did rhe Celtics lose in game
York. They lost that one. N: That's the New York Knicks one /
M: The Pistons lost? against the Detroit Pistons. F: No. The Celtics won. The
EoNa: No. The Pistons won. They EoNn: Right! The Knicks lost. The Pistons lost in game one.
beat the Knicks, one hundred Pistons won. Pistons one N: Did the Pistons win in game
six to eighty-eight. Maybe hundred six, Knicks eighty- fourl
you're thinking of the game eight. That's one hundred six F: No. The Pistons lost. The Lakers
where the Pistons played to eighty-eight. OKI won in game four.
against the Lakers last In the last game, game four, N: That was very good, Sam. Now,
Thursday. The Lakers won the Pistons played the Lakers. here are some true-or-false
That's L-a-k-e-r-s. The Lakers sentences. I say, "The score in


game one was Celtics ninety- WovaN: I went to New York F: No, I didn't know Steve
eight, Pistons ninety-four." And University too. I got an Lennon, but I knew John
you say . M.A. in psychology. Did Lennon.
F: True. you know Mike Stonel N: Did you know Linda Taylorl
N: I say, "The Knicks are fiom JoHN: No, I didn't know Mike, M: No, I didn't know Linda Taylor,
Boston." And you say . but I knew Frank Stone but I knew Elizabeth Tavlor.
F: False. a long time ago. He N: Did you know Jake Jacksonl
N: OK? Let's begin. The score rn was a professor of F: No, I didn't know Jake Jackson,
game one was Celtics ninety- communicaticlns. Great but I knew Michael Jackson.
eight, Pistons ninery-ftrur. teacherl N: Did you know Susan Monroe j
F: True. Wouax: Great man . . He's M: No, I didn't know Susan
N: The Knicks are from Bosron. Mike's father. Monroe, but I knew Marilyn
F: False.
N: OK, Sam. Listen and repeat. Monroe.
N: In game three, the score was N: How about Bob Sinatral Did you
Pistons twenty-six, Knicks lifty-
F: did you know
Did you know Mike Stonel know Bob Sinatral
eight. F: No, I didn't know Bob Sinatra,
M: n0, didn't
nO' didn't know Mike but I knew Frank Sinarra.
The Lakers are from Los N: How about Sam Gorbachevl Did
but knew
Angeles. you know Sam Gorbachevl
but I knew Frank Stone
No, I didn't know Mike, but I
M: No, I didn't know Sam
N: In game four, the Lakers lost, Gorbachev, bur I knew Mikhail
knew Frank Stone.
thirty-six ro rhirry. Gorbachev.
N: Good, Sam. Now take a piece of
F: False.
paper and a pencil, OKI Here's a N: Well, Sam, thar wasn't difficult,
N: The Pistons are from Pittsburgh. was it? John and the woman
short list of famous people. Write
F: False. from KDEN are having lunch.
N: The Pistons lost two games. their names. Ready/
Listen to the conversatitrn.
F: True.
F: John Lennon. That's J-o-h-n
N: That was terrific, Sam. Now
. . . John. Lennon .
JonN: Mmmmm! This spaghetti
L-e-n-n-o-n. John Lennon. is really good. How long
some practice using the past
M: Elizabeth Taylor. Elizabeth . . . did you study in New York
tense. I say, "l drink a lot of
tr -l -i -, -" -h-" -r -h T"r,l^' before you came out here
water." And you say .
T'a-y -l-o-r. Elizabeth Tayior. to Denver, Ms.-
F: I drank a lot of water.
Michael Jackson. Michael . . . SuenoN: Please, John. Call me
N: Easy, huhl Ready? Let's go. I
M-i-c-h-a-e-1. Jackson . . . Sharon, OKI
drink a lot of water.
M: I drank a lot of water. J-a-c-k-s-o-n. Michael Jackson. JonN: Sure, Sharon.
M Marilyn Monroe. That's M-a-r-i- SuanoN: I came out here rn
1\: She has a nice boyfriend.
l-y-.t . . . Marilyn. M-o-n-r-o-e nineteen seventy-eight,
M: She had a nice boyfriend.
t\: They know a lot of people.
. . Monroe. Marilyn Monroe. right after lgot mv M.A.
Frank Sinatra. That's F-r-a-n-k That's more than thirteen
M: They knew a lot of people.
N: You
. . . Frank. Sinatra. . . S-i-n-a- years ago.
do excellent work.
t-r-a. Frank Sinatra. JoHN: When were you last in
M: You did excellent work.
Nt. Do you have those names, Saml New Yorkl
N: You break my heart.
M: You broke my heart.
Listen again. SsanoN: Hmmm...Three
N: It's a good lesson. John Lennon. months ago, for business.
M: Elizabeth Taylor. Another glass of wine,
M: It was a good lesson.
F: Michael Jackson. John?
N: That's all for now, Sam. End of
M: Marilyn Monroe. JouN: I'd love one.
Lesson Ten. E, Frank Sinatra.
N: Goodl Now I say, "Did you
N: Well, John is having a good
BOOK THREE, LESSON ELEVEN time, isn't he, Saml Now listen
know Steve Lennon?" And you
N: Hi, Saml This is Lesson Eleven.
and repeat. Ready?
say .

You need a pencil and a piece of F: No, I didn't know Steve

M: when when were you
paper for this lesson.
when were you last
Lennon, but I knew John
When were you last in New
Here is some more of John's Lennon.
interview at KDEN in Denver. N: I say, "Did you know Linda
Listen ro rhe conversation.
F: months three months
Taylor?" And you say .

Three months ago.

M: No, I didn't know Linda Taylor,
WouaN: What did you srudy at N: OK, Sam. That was easy, wasn't
but I knew Elizabeth Taylor.
New York University,
Readyl Let's begin. Did you
itl Now I say, "ln New York."
Johnl And you say .
know Steve Lennon?
JouN: Journalism.


M: When were you last in New asked them about the N: That's wasn't difficult, was it,
Yorkl President'svisit. . . The Saml Here's some more of
N: I say, "At a basketball game." farmers liked what the Carol's audition. Listen.
And you say President said.
Canou: ln local news, a new movie
M: When were you last at a N: Listen and repeat. theater opened in Stamford.
basketball gamel f: he gave he gave a speech People stood in line for two
N: OKI Let's go. In New York. about his plan hours to buy tickets to the
M: When were you last in New He gave a speech about his plan. show. One man got in line
Yorkl N: OK, Sam. I say, "His plan." And at six in the morning'
F: Three months ago, for business. you say . Ticket prices were eight
N: At a basketball game. F: He gave a speech about his plan. dollars a show. People liked
M: When were you last at a t\: I say, "Potatoes." And you the new theater, but one
basketball gamel say . woman said this: "l Paid
F: Hmmm...Aweekago, I
F, He gave a speech about potatoes. eight dollars to see a movie.
rhink. N: Readyl Let's begin. His plan. A box ofpopcom and a soft
N: At a football game. F: He gave a speech about his plan. drink cost five fifty. That's
M: \?hen were you last at a football
N: Potatoes. outrageous. "
F: He gave a speech about potatoes.
N: Now some pronunciation
F: At a football game? Last fall.
N: His program.
N: On a train. practice. Listen and rePeat.
F: He gave a speech about his
F: a new movie theater
M: When were you last on a trainl program.
A trainl Itwas five years ago. I a new movie theater oPened
N' Farmers.
in Stamford
went from New York to
F: He gave a speech about farmers.
A new movie theater opened in
Philadelphia. lt was awful N: ldaho.
N: In a taxi. Stamford
F: He gave a speech about ldaho.
M: people stood
M: When were you last in a taxil
N: That went very well, Sam. Now,
people stood in line
F: I was in a taxi last night. some pronunciation Practtce.
N: On a boat. for two hours
Listen and repeat.
M: When were you last on a boat? People stood in line for two
F: we asked
we asked the farmers
N: In love. we asked the farmers about
F: one man
M: When were you last in lovel one man got in line
the President's visit
F: I'm always in love. at slx
\7e asked the farmers about the
N: Very nice, Sam. That was One man got in line at six.
President's visit.
terrific. Now here are some
N: Good, Sam. Now I say, "The
N: OK, Sam. Now I say, "The new
questions just for You. Are You movie theater opened in Los
President's visit." And you
ready? Here we go. When were Angeles." And you say . . .
say .
you last on a boat, Sam? When F: No, the new movie theater
F: We asked the farmers about the
opened in Stamford.
were you last at a football gamel
President's visit.
When were you last in London?
N: I say, "His plan." And you
N: I say, "People stood in line for
\ilhen were you last in a two days." And you say . . .
say .
restaurant? And when were You
F: We asked the farmers about his
F: No, people stood in line for two
last in love, Saml hours.
Way to go, Sam! That last
N: OK? Let's go. The President's
N: Readyl Let's begin. The new
quesrion was a little difficult, movie theater opened in Los
wasn't itl That's all for now. End Angeles.
F: We asked the farmers about the
F: No, the new movie theater
of Lesson Eleven.
President's visit.
opened in Stamford.
N: His plan.
N: People stood in line for two days.
BOOK THREE, LESSON TWELVE F: We asked the farmers about his
N: Hi, Sam. This is Lesson Twelve. plan.
F: No, people srood in line for two
Here's a part of Carol's audition. N: His speech.
N: One man got in line at four in
Just listen. F: We asked the farmers about his
the moming.
CaRor-: The President traveled to
N: ldaho.
F: No, one man got in line at six in
Idaho today, where he met the moming.
F: We asked the farmers about
with potato farmers. He
N: Ticket prices were five 6fty a
gave a speech about his plan show.
N: Potatoes.
to help the farmers.
F: We asked the farmers about
F: No, ticket prices were eight
Afterwards, we spoke to dollars a show.
some of the farmers and


N: People didn'r like the new movre F: Eight dollars for one ticket. N: Listen and repeat.
theater. N: You say . . M: would you would you like
F: No, people liked the new movre M: That's outrageous! a baked potato
theater. N: When the price is good . . . would you like a baked potato
N: A woman said, "l paid eight F: Two dollars a ricker. or French fries
dollars to drink a soda. " N: You say . Would you like a baked porato or
F: No, a woman said, "l paid eight M: That's not bad. French fries?
dollars to see a movie." N: OKI Let's begin. Tickets. would you would you like
N: A box of cookies and a sofr drink M: How much did you pay for rhe soup or salad
cost 6ve fifty. tickets I Would you like soup or salad?
F: No, ofpopcorn and a soft
a box F: Eighr dollars for one ticket. N: Cood, Sam. Now I sav, "A
drink cost five fifty. M: That's outrageousl baked potato or French fries."
N: Great, Sam! That was very good. N: Popcorn. And you say . . .
Now we're going to the new M: How much did you pay for the M: Would you like a baked potato or
movie theater in Stamford. popcoml French friesl
Listen to the conversation. Just F: The popcorn costs fifty cents a N: I say, "Soup or salad." And you
lisren. box. say .

M: Did you ger rhe rickersl M: That's not bad. M: Would you like soup or saladl
F: Yeah, I gor rhem. N: Soft drinks. N: Readyl Let's begin. "A baked
M: How much did you pay? M: How much did you pay for the potato or French fries."
F: Eight dollars. soft drinks? M: Would you like a baked potaro or
M: Eighr dollars for twol That's not F: I paid a dollar for two. French friesl
bad. M: That's not bad. F: I'd like a baked potato, please.
F: No, nol They were eight dollars N: Hamburgers. N: Soup or salad.
each. M: How much did you pay for the M: Would you like soup or saladl
M: Eight dollars for one ticketl hamburgers? F: Salad, please.
That's outrageous! The hamburgersl They were N: ltalian dressing or blue cheese
N: Listen and repeat. Ready? twelve dollars each. dressing.
M: how much M: That's outrageous! M: Would you like Italian dressing
how much did you pay N: Cookies or blue cheese dressingl
How much did you pay for rhe M: How much did you pay for the F: Italian or blue cheesel I'd like
ticketsl cookiesl Italian dressing, please.
that's not That's not bad. F: Eight dollars for two small N: Steak or 6sh.
Outrageous! That's outrageous! cookies. M: Would you like steak or 6sh?
N: OK, Sam. I say, "Tickets." And M: That's outrageous. F: Hmmm . . . I think I'd like the
you say . N: Candy. steak.
M: How much did you pay for the M: How much did you pay for the N: Peas or cauliflower.
ticketsi candy? M: \?ould you like peas or
N: I say, "Popcom." And you F: The candy was five cents. cauliflower?
say... M: That's not bad. F: Peas, please.
M: How much did you pay for the N: And that's all for now, Sam. You N: Strawberries or chocolate ice
popcoml were terri6c. End of Lesson cream.
N: Readyl Let's go. Tickets. Twelve. M; Would you like strawberries or
M: How much did you pay for the chocolate ice creami
ticketsl BOOK THREE, LESSON F: I don't want dessert, thank you.
F: Eight dollars each. THIRTEEN Just a cup of coffee.
N: Popcorn. N: Terrific. Sam. Now. listen to the
M: How much did you pay for the
N: This is Lesson Thirteen.
conversation. Just listen.
Congratulations, Sam. Let's
F: I paid three dollars.
begin. We're going to a Jaxe: I'd like rhe fried chicken.
N: Soft drinks.
restaurant. Listen to the Warren: Would you like soup or
conversatlon. salad with thatl
M: How much did you pay for the
soft drinksl SusaN: I'd like the steak. Jaxr: I'd like soup.
F: They cost two fifty each. Warrrn: Wnrrrn: We have vegetable soup or
Would you like a baked
tomato soup.
N: Candy. potato or French fries with
M: How much did you pay for the thatl Jaxr: I'd like the vegetable soup.
r07arrrR: Thank you.
candyl Susen: A baked potato, please.
F: Three dollars a box. Warrpn: Would you like soup or N: Listen and repeat.
N: Now, Sam, when the price is salad I
high... Susnn: Salad, please.


M: I'd like the fried chicken F: Could I have a spoon, pleasel Cenol: Yes, but first I'm going to

I'd like the fried chicken. N: A cup of coffee. look for an apartment.
I'd like I'd like soup F: Could I have a cup ofcoffee, N: Now some pronunciation
vege vegetable please ?
practice. Listen and rePeat.
I'd like the vegetable N: A napkin. F: what are what are You going
I'd like the vegerable souP. F: Could I have a napkin, pleasel to do
N: OK, Sam. Now I saY, "Fried N: Very go,d, Sam. Now I'm going What are you going to dol
chicken." And you say . tcl ask you some questions. You
N: I say, "Do." And you say .
M: I'd like the fried chicken, please. and I are at the restaurant. The F: What are you going to do?
N: I say, "Vegetable soup." And you waiter comes to the table. Listen I say, "Have." And you say .
say... and answer my questions.
M: What are you going to havel
M: I'd like the vegetable soup, M: Hello. Would you like to order N: Readyl Let's go. Do.
please. nowl F: What are you going to dol
N: Readyl Let's go. "Fried chicken." N: Yes, please.
N: Have.
M: I'd like the fried chicken, please. M: Would you like the steak or the M: What are you going to have?
N: Vegetable soup. chickenl
N: Get.
M: I'd like the vegetable soup, N: I'd like the chicken' How about F: What are you going to getl
prease. you, Saml Would you like the
N: Give.
N: French fries. steak or the chicken?
M: What are you going to give?
M: I'd like the French fries, please. M: Fried or broiledl
N: Say.
N: Broiled bluefrsh. N: I'd like the broiled chicken.
F: What are you going to sayl
M: I'd like the broiled bluefish, And you, Saml Fried or broiledl
N: Eat.
please. M Would you like a baked Potato or What are you going to eatl
N: Spaghetti with marinara sauce. French fries?
N: Drink.
M: I'd like the spaghetti with N: I don't know. What about You,
F: What are you going to drinkl
marinara sauce, please. Saml Would you like a baked
N: Very good, Sam. Now some
N: Chocolate ice cream. potato or French friesl Goodl
pronunciation practice. Listen
M: I'd like the chocolate ice cream, Me too.
and repeat.
please. M: And on your saladl Would You
M: I'm going I'm going to leave
N: OK, Sam. That was easy, wasn't like ltalian or blue cheese
for Vermont
itl Listen to some more of the dressing I
I'm going to leave for Vermont
conversation in the restaurant. N: Hmmm. Italian or blue cheesel next month
F: Waiter! Waiter! Excuse me . Blue cheese, I think. Sam?
I'm going to leave for Vermont
M: Yesl Would you like Italian or blue
next month.
F: I don't have a fork. cheese dressing on your saladl
t\: I say, "Are you leaving for
M: Ohl I'm sorry. M: For dessert, we have aPPle Pie or
Vermont now?" And you
F: Could I have one, pleasel And strawberries.
say .
could I have a slass of water tool N: No dessert for me, thanks. And
F: No, I'm not. But I'm going to
M: Sure. you, Sam? Would you like aPPle
leave for Vermont next month.
F: Thanks. pie or strawberries for dessertl
N: I say, "Are you looking for an
N: Listen and repeat. Could we have the check'
apartment nowl" And you
F: could I pleasel My friend Sam is PaYing.
say .
Could I have one, pleasel Well, that's all for this lesson.
M: No, I'm not. But I'm going to
couldl couldlhave End of Lesson Thirteen.
look for an apartment next
a glass of water
Could I have a glass of water, BOOK THREE, LESSON N: Readyl Here we go. Are you
please I FOURTEEN leaving for Vermont nowl
N: I say, "A glass of water." And
N: This is Lesson Fourteen. Hi, F: No, I'm not. But I'm going to
Sam. Today we're going to visit leave for Vermont next month.
F: Could I have a glass of water,
Edna's exercise class. Listen to N: Are you looking for an
please I
the conversation between Susan apartment nowl
N: OK, Sam. Readyl Let's begin.
and Carol. M: No, ['m not. But I'm going to
A glass of water.
look for an apartment next
F: Could I have a glass of water, SusaN: So tell me about your plans.
please I What are you going to dol
N: Are you looking for a job nowl
N: A fork. Cenol: Well, I'm going to leave for
F: No, I'm not. But I'm going to
F: Could I have a fork, pleasel Vermont next month.
look for a job next month.
N: A knife. Susau: Are you going to start your
N Are you buying a car nowl
F: Could I have a knife, pleasel new job next month too?
N: A spoon.


M: No, I'm not. But I'm going tcr apartmentl Are you going to N: To leave for Vermonr.
buy a car next month. watch TV tonightl Are you SusaN: When are you going to leave
N: Are you a newscaster nowl going to go to a football game for Vermontl
F: No, I'm not. But I'm going tr> be next weekend! Are you going tcr Cenol: I'm going to leave next
a newscaster next month. have lunch with a friend month.
N: OK, Sam. Now some tomorrow I N: To invite Jake.
pronunciation practice. Listen Susan calls Carol. Listen ro the Canol: When are you going to
and repeat. telephone conversation. invite Jakel
M: are you are you going Susau: Tomorrow, I think.
are you going to start
Cnnor: Hello?
SusaN' Hi, Carol. It's Susan. N: Very nice, Sam. Now here are
are you golng to start some questions about the
your new job
next month
Cnnol: Oh, hi, Susan. How are
you? conversation between Susan and
Are you going to start your new Carol. I say, "ls John going to
job next monthl SuseN: Fine. Listen, I'm thinking of
having a small party for you have a partyl" And you say .
N: Very nice, Sam. Now I say, M: No, he isn't.
"Start your new job next before you leave fcrr
N: I say, "ls Susan going ro have a
month." And you say .
partyl" And you say
M: Are you going to start your new Cenor-: Gee, that's really nice of .

you, Susan. When are you M: Yes, she is.

job next monthl N: OKI Let's begin. "ls John gorng
going to have itl
N: I say, "Leave for Vermont to have a partyl"
tomorrow." And you say .
SuseN: I don't know. That's why
I'm calling you. When are M: No, he isn't.
M: Are you going to leave for N: Is Susan going to have a partyl
you going to be free?
Vermont tomorrowl M: Yes, she is.
N: Ready? Let's begin. Start your
CaRol: Well, how about sometrme
N: Is Jake going to buy the food?
next weekl
new job next month. M: No, he isn't.
M: Are you going to start your new
SusaN: Is Saturday OKI
N: Is Susan going to invire Jake?
job next monthl CRnor-: Greatl Can I bring
M: Yes, she is.
F: Yes, I am. N: Is Carol going to be free on
N: Leave for Vermont tomorrow.
Susax: No. Just bring yourself.
M: Are you going to leave for Listen, I'm going to invite
M: Yes, she is.
Vermont tomorrow? John and Steven and Jake
and... N: Well, that's all for now, Sam.
E. No, I'm not. End of Lesson Fourteen.
N: Buy an apartment. N: Now some pronunciation
M: Are you going to buy an practice. Listen and repeat. BOOK THREE, LESSON FIFTEEN
apartment J F: when are when are you going
F: Buy an apartmentl No, I'm not. When are you going to have itl N: Hi, Sam. Here we are at Lesson
N: Look for a car. when are when are you going Fifteen. Carol and Susan meer ar
M: Are you going to look for a car? When are you going to be freel Wilson's restaurant for lunch.
F: A carl Yes, I am. N: Good, Sam. Now I say, "To Listen to the conversation.
N: Come back to Stamford next have it." And you say . SusaN: What are you going to havel
weekend. Cenol: When are you going to have CaRor-: Oh, I don't know. What are
M: Are you going to come back to it I you going to havel
Stamford next weekendl N: I say, "To be free." And you SusaN: Hmm. . . Ithinkl'mgoing
F: Are you kiddingl No, I'm not. say . to have the steak.
N: OK, Sam. Here are some SusaN: When are you going to be CaRor-: Metoo. . . withagreen
questions just for you. Susan free I salad and a baked potato.
says . N: Readyl Let's begin. To have it. SusaN' Listen, Carol, we can't have
SuseN: Are you going to buy a new CnnoL; When are you going to have the party on Saturday. John
car next weekl it I isn't soinp to he rn
N: And you say . SusaN: I don't know. That's why Stamford.
M: Yes, I am. I'm calling you. Canol: Ohl Where's he going to bel
N: Or... N: To be free. In Denverl
F: No, I'm not. SuseN: When are you going to be SusaN: No. In New York. How
N: It's easy: "Yes, I am," or "No, free I about next Fridayl
I'm not." Readyt Let's begin. Canor-' I'mgoing to be free next CaRou: Well ...
Are you going to buy a new car Saturday.
next week, Sam? Are you going N: To buy the food.
N: i\o* so*. pronunciation
practice. Listen and repeat.
to start a new job, Saml How Canol: When are you going to buy
about a new apartment, Saml the food?
F: where's he where's he going
Where's he going to bel
Are you going to look for a new SusaN: Next Friday, after work.


where's he where's he going N: Readyl Let's go' Leave the N: Very nice, Sam. Susan meets
\Vhere's he going to gol studio. Jake in the parking lot. Listen to
SusaN, What time is he going ttr the conversation.
N: Good, Sam. Now I saY' "Be'"
And you say . leave the studio?
SusaN: Hi, Jake. Excuse me. Can I
CnRol: Where's he going to bel Canol: At seven thinY, I think. Just talk to you for a minutel
N: I say, "Go." And You say . after the news.
JexE: Hi, Susan. What's up?
Canol: Where's he going to gol N: Have dinner. SusaN: I'm going to have a party for
N: OKI Let's begin. Be. SusaN: What time is he going tt-r
Carol before she leaves for
Canol: Where's he going to be? have dinnerl Vermont. I'd like to invite
SusaN: He's going to be in New CnRol: At eight. you. Can you comel
York. N: Meet Linda. Jare: Sure. Are you going to come
N: Go. Suser.:: What time is he going to
to the party at the studiol
Canol: Where's he going to gol meet Lindal SusaN: ohl
Susex: He's going to go to a CaRor-: He's going to meet Linda Yeah. Linda's going to have
basketball game. back at her Place at nine. a party for John before he
N: Eat. N: Come back to the oflice. leaves for Denver.
Canol: Where's he going to eat? SusaN, What time is he going ttr SuseN: When's it going to bel
Susnn: Probably at a Mexican come back to the office? On Saturday, I think.
restaurant. Cenol: At ten, I think. SuseN: This is a surprise. What
N: Sleep. N: Go to the party. timel
Cenol: Where's he going to sleePl SuseN: What rime is he going to go
Jexr: I think it's going to start at
SusaN, At a hotel, I think' to the Party? six.
N: Live. Cenol: I don't know. After he SusaN, Six . . . Terrific! At the
Cenol: Where's he going to live? leaves the office, I think.
studio, huhl
SusaN: He's going to live in Denver. Suser: Isn't that going to be too
Jnxr: Yeah. Everyone's going to
N: OK, Sam. Susan and Carol are late I
be there: Rita, Mike,
at the restaurant. Listen to the N: Good, Sam. Now, listen and Carol ...
conversation. repeat.
F: isn't that isn't that going N: OK, Sam. I say, "Linda's going
Susax: So, how about FridaY,
isn't that going to be to have a party for Jake'" And
Caroll Not this Friday but you say
Isn't that going to be too much .

next Friday, June twentY- F: No, she isn't. Linda's going to

isn't that isn't that going have a party for John.
Canol: That's OK.
Isn't that going to be too latel N: I say, "lt's going to be at Susan's
SusaN: I want to talk to Steven. N: OK. I say, "Too much money." place." And you say .
What time is he going to F: No, it isn't. It's going to be at
And you say .
leave the studio? Do you
Canol: lsn't that going to be too the studio.
much moneyl N: Ready, Sam? Here we go. Linda's
Cnnol: At seven thirty, I think' Just N: I say, "Too late." And you going to have a party for Jake.
after the news. F: No, she isn't. Linda's going to
say .
Susar: I'm thinking of having the
CRnor-: Isn't that going to be too have a party for John.
party at a restaurant. My N: The party's going to be at Susan's
late ?
apartment is too small.
N: Ready? OK, let's begin. Too place.
Canol: Wow! Isn't that going to be much money. F: No, it isn't. It's going to be at
too much moneYl
CaRol: Isn't that going to be too the studio.
SuseN: Steven's going to helP . . . '.,,^L
rrrurrr -^^-.,1
rrrvrrLy. N: Jake's going to go to a movie on
N: Listen and repeat. N: Too late. Saturday night.
F: what time Canor: Isn't that going to be too F: No, he isn't. He's going to go to
what time is he going late ? the party on Saturday night.
what time is he going to leave N: Diffrcult. N: The party is going to start at
What time is he going to leave CaRor-: Isn't that going to be nrne.
the studio? diffcultl F: No, it isn't. It's going to start at
N: OK, Sam. Now I say, "Leave the N: A problem. six.
srudio." And you say . Cnnor-: Isn't that going to be a N: Rita and Mike are going to be in
SusaN, What time is he going to problem? Vermont Saturday evening.
leave the studiol N: A lot of work. F: No, they aren't. Rita and Mike
N: I say, "Have dinner." And you CaRor-: Isn't that going to be a lot of are going to be at the party
say . workl Saturday evening.
SusRN: What time is he going to N: The party's going to be tenible.
have dinner?


Ar-l: No, it isn't. It's going ro be Of course I did. I had a great

JexE: When did you hear that
John and Susan are going to
N: That's all for now, Sam. End of N: Very good, Sam. Now I say, get marriedl
Lesson Fifteen. "Did she know about John and LINoa: I heard last night. I was
Susanl" And you say . shocked. Two newscasters
BOOK THREE, LESSON SIXTEEN M: Of course she knew about John leaving at the same time.
N: and Susan. \Uhar am I going to dol
Well, Sam. This is Lesson
Sixteen. It's going to be rhe last
N: I say, "Did she break rhe news tcr Jnxe: Well, I can do it alone.
lesson in Book Three. Now,
Stevenl" And you say . LrNoa: Jake, I hired Carol. She's
let's go to rhe farewell party
M: Of course she broke the news to going to work with you.
at IYEFL. Listen to the N: Lisren and repeat.
N: Ready, Saml Here we go. Did
conversation. M: when did you hear
she know about John and Susanl
Rtra: And who's surprised by that M: Ofcourse she knew about John when did you hear that John and
newsl Susan
and Susan.
Mrxp: Did you knowl N: Did she break the news to when did you hear that John and
Rrra: Of course I knew. Don't I Steven J Susan are going
know everything? M: Of course she broke the news to Vhen did you hear that John
Steven. and Susan are going to get
N: Listen and repeat. marriedJ
N: Did she speak to Jakel
M: did you did you know When did you hear that John
M: Of course she spoke to Jake.
Did you know abour John and and Susan are going to get
N: Did she do a good job?
Susan I marriedl
M: Of course she did a good job.
F: of course of course I knew N: OK, Sam. I say, "Get married."
N: Did she give John a kissl
Ofcourse I knew about John and And you say .
M: Of course she gave John a kiss.
N: Did she drink a glass of winel M: When did you hear that John
N: OK, Sam. I say, "Know about and Susan are going to get
M: Of course she drank a glass of
John and Susan." And you married?
say .
N: Did she have a good time? N: I say, "Leave IYEFL." And you
M: Did you know about John and say .
M: Of course she had a good time.
Susan I
N: Very nice, Sam. Now I say, M: When did you hear that John
N: I say, "Break the news to and Susan are going to leave
"Rita and Mike are going to get
Steven." And you say . WEFLI
married." And you say .
M: Did you break the news ro N: OK, Sam? Are you readyl Let's
No, they aren't. Susan and John
Stevenl go. Get married.
are going to get married.
N: OK, Saml Readyl Let's begin. M: When did you hear that John
N: I say, "Carol is going to move to
Know about John and Susan. and Susan are going to get
Vermont." And you say
M: Did you know about John and

F: No, she isn't. She's going to stay
in Stamford. F: I heard last night. I was shocked.
F: Ofcourse I knew about John and N: Leave \UEFL.
N: Readyl Let's go. Rita and Mike
are going to get married.
M: When did you hear that John
N: Break the news to Steven. and Susan are going to leave
No, they aren't. Susan and John
M: Did you break the news ro
are going to get married.
Steven? F: They told me last night.
N: Carol is going to move to
F: Yes, I broke the news to Steven.
N: Move to Denver.
N: Speak to Jake.
F: No, she isn't. She's going to stay M: When did you hear that John
M: Did you speak to Jakel
in Stamford. and Susan are going to move to
F: Yes, I spoke to Jake.
N: Denverl
Susan and John are going to live
N: Do a good job. F: I heard about that lasr night too.
in Stamford.
M: Did you do a good lobl
F: No, they aren't. They're going to N: Work together at KDEN.
F: Yes, of course I did.
live in Denver.
Mr When did you hear that John
N: Give John a kiss.
N: Mike's going to be the new
and Susan are going to work
M: Did you give John a kissl
newscaster at WEFL.
together at KDEN I
F: I sure did. I gave him a big kiss.
No, he isn't. Carol's going to I heard just a few minutes ago.
N: Drink a glass of wine.
the new newscaster at WEFL.
I was surprised.
M: Did you drink a glass of wine I
N: Carol's going to work alone.
N: Visit Susan's grandmother.
F: Yes, I drank two glasses.
F: No, she isn't. She's going to
M: When did you hear that John
N: Have a good time.
work with Jake.
and Susan are going tt.l visit
M: Did you have a good timel
N: That was great, Sam. Now back
Susan's grandmother?

to the party. Listen. Just listen.


F: I heard about that a week ago and John are going to get M: Here's to John and Susan!
too. married. N: Carol.
N: Have dinner with Edna All: To John and Susanl M: Here's to Caroll
tomorrow. N: You.
Listen and repeat.
M: When did you hear that John M: Here's to you!
Here's to John and Susan.
and Susan are going to have N: Us.
Repeat, Sam, with more passion.
dinner with Ednal M: Here's to usl
Here's to John and Susan!
F: Just now. I was surprised. I didn't
N: All of us.
Now, Sam, I say, "John and M: Here's to all of us!
know they were friends' Susan." And you say .
N: OK, Sam. Back to the party. Ar-r-: To all of us!
Here's to John and Susan!
Listen. N: That's all, Sam. End of Lesson
I say, "Carol." And you say . Sixteen.
LrNoe: We are here to say goodbye Here's to Carol!
This is the end of Book Three.
to John and to Susan. Susan Readyl Here we go. John and

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