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Topic Weddings School Class Roll No. .


Group leader Avanish Kumar Pawar Public School 9th C 35 Group

Singh What main
Leader values are
Student Karan Thakur Pawar Public School 9th B 38 Video Editor taught by
Student Soumil Abhay Pawar Public School 8th B 24 Assistant parents?
Dabholkar How many
Student Saksham Jaiswal Pawar Public School 8th B 28 English siblings do
Editor you have?
What kind
Student Kavin Ramasubramani Pawar Public School 7th C 38 Assistant
of relation
Student Nakul Siddharth Pawar Public School Assistant do you
have with
Our self-evaluation: Done: yes/no Our score : Poor (P) / fair (F) / good (G)/ very your
good (VG) siblings?
our self-evaluation (friends,
Done Our score caring,
Checklist Criteria yes/no P/F/G/VG helping…)
Attractive 10p Layout: use of different features of the Weebly Yes G What kind
(columns, of relation
layout pictures, gallery, scribd, videos etc.). would you
Is the text well readable (font size etc.)? Yes G like to have
Videos. Are they creative (scenario, humour) , Yes G with your
technically well si
produced (sound, bli
image)? n
Part one. Group 5p Text, pictures, video. Yes F gs
introduction ?
Part two 25p Content. Are all research questions covered? How Yes F Which
good was the qualities of
Research research? your
Subquestions siblings do
What is the composition of an Indian / a European No you like /
family? Who dislike?
lives under the same roof? How many children? What kind
Servants? of relation
Which family matters are discussed with the do your
members of parents
the family: free time, studies, holidays, purchases, have with
renovation of their
the house, etc.? siblings?
3 Does the
have any
P Is it clear
ar how the
t 2 research
tw 0 has been Y
o p conducted? es G
Each group
interviews N
one parent. o P
Each group member interviews one other person –if possible-
from different backgrounds and other age groups. Mention the
names and age level of people interviewed.
Part two 10p Has the research been documented by pictures/videos? Are there No P
Research. enough pictures and relevant to the topic?
Pictures, videos Videos. Are they relevant to the topic?
Part two Bonus 5p Which outcomes (methods, products, activities etc.) have been No
Collaborative reached together with counterparts in India/EU?
Part two 5 p. Is there a clear answer (conclusion) from the main question? Yes
Part three. 10p. Evidence of communication with counterparts. No
Evidence of Short report with screenshots, pictures of communication.
communication Report on videoconferences.
Part four. 10p Compare your outcomes with the research results of your No
Comparison counterparts. Indicate clearly which group and school.

Part four. 5p Write a group’s reflection. What went well? What would you do
Reflection differently? Methods, group work, technical aspects etc. At least 5

We could not compare our article because we did not have any
If there is no possibility to compare (no articles sort of contact with them except the interview.
from EU/Indian side), please indicate why you
could not compare your findings with those of
the counterparts. The group will be assessed on
a total of 90 points.
We could not work together with peers in India/EU because we
If there was no possibility to work together with are not aware about them.
peers in a subcluster, please explain why
The group will be assessed on a total of 90

Can we nominate our group to get a certificate of excellence?

Has your group completed the project (except in some cases comparison and collaborative tasks)?
Has the group assessed most of the elements of the checklist good /very good? No
How to nominate your group?
Send the filled in self-evaluation checklist as a wordfile via mail.
The international jury will use the form to check your assessment against the criteria.

Any remarks about your self-evaluation. I would like to say the group does not deserve the certificate of
Excellence since the project appears to be a last minute result.

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