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Fermentation is an
ORBIT MBBS PREPARATION a) Endothermic reaction b) Exothermic reaction c) Reversible reaction d) None of the above
Alcohols, Phenols and Ethers 28. Fermentation of starch solution to ethyl alcohol does not require
1. Which one is the general formula of monohydric alcohols? a) diastase b) invertase c) maltase d) zymase
a) CnH2nOH b) Cn+1H2nOH (c) C2nH2n + 22OH d) CnH2n+1OH 29. Ethyl alcohol on fermentation with acetobacter in presence of air gives
2. Butane-2-ol is a) CH2=CH2 b) CH3OH c) CH3CHO d) CH3COOH
a) Primary alcohol b)Secondary alcohol c) Tertiary alcohol d) An aldehyde 30. Absolute alcohol (100% alcohol) is prepared by distilling rectified spirit over
3. Which of the following is a stable compound ? a) Na b) CaCl2 c) Mg d) Mg(OC2H5)2
a) CCl3CH(OH)2 b) CH2==CHOH c) CH3CH(OH)2 d) HC(OH)3 31. Rectified spirit is a mixture of
4. R—COOHR—CH2OH. This mode of reduction of an acid to alcohol can be effected by a) 95% ethyl alcohol + 5% water b) 94% ethyl alcohol + 4.53% water
a) Zn/HCl b) Na-alcohol c) 94% ethyl alcohol + 5.43% water d) 95.87% ethyl alcohol+ 4.13% water
c) Aluminium isoproppxide and isopropyl alcohol d) LiAlH4 32. Mlethyl alcohol is used as
5. LiAlH4 converts acetic acid into a) antifreezing agent b) substitute for petrol c) both of these d) None of these
a) Acetaldehyde b) Methane c) fithyl alcohol d) Methyl alcohol 33. Ethyl alcohol can be used for the preparation of
6. Ethyl alcohol is industrially prepared from ethylene by a) acetic acid b) ethyl acetate c) ethylene d) All of these compounds
a) Permanganate oxidation b) Catalytic reduction 34. Ethylene glycol, on oxidation with periodic acid, gives
c) Absorbing in H2SO4 followed by hydrolysis d) All of the three a) Oxalic acid b) Glycol c) Formaldehde d) Glycollic acid
7. Methanol and acetic acid are obtained on a large scale by destructive distillation of 35. Which is used as an antifreeze ?
a) wood b) coal c) turpentine oil (d) CH3COOH a) Glycol b) Ethyl alcohol c) Water d) Methanol
8. The reaction of CH3MgBr with acetone and hydrolysis of the resulting product gives 36. Glycerol can be obtained from
a) CH3CH2CH2OH b) CH3CH2CH2CH2OH c) (CH3)2CHOH d) (CH3)3COH a) Fats b) Propylene c) both d) None of these
9. A mixture of methane and steam when passed over nickel supported on alumina catalyst at 750°C gives 37. Glycerol reacts with P4 +12 to form
a) CH3OH b) CO2 and H2 c) COandH2 d) None of these a) Aldehyde b) Allyl iodide c) Allyl alcohol d) Acetylene
10. Ethyl acetate reacts with CH3MgBr to form 38. Nitraglycerine is used as
a) secondary alcohol b) tertiary alcohol c) primary alcohol and acid d)acid a) An explosive b) An insecticide c) A refrigerant d) All of these
11. Which of the following is soluble in water? 39. Carbolic acid is
a) CS2 b) C2H5OH c) CC14 d) CHC13 a) phenol b) methanol c) formic acid d) acetic acid
12. The compound with the highest boiling point is 40. m-Dihydroxybenzene is also called
a) CH4 c) CH3OH c) CH3C1 d) CH3Br a) Catechol b) Resorcinol c) Quinol d) Cresol
13. The molecule with the maximum b.p. is 41. Benzenediazonium chloride on boiling with dilute sulphuric acid gives
a) CH3CHOHCH3 b) CH3CH2CH2CH2C1 c) CH3CHOHCH2OH d) CH3CHC1CH3 a) Toluene b) Benzoic acid c) Benzene d) Phenol
14. Which of the following alcohols is least soluble in water? 42. Phenol on distilling with zinc dust gives
a) CH3OH b) C3H7OH c) C6H13OH d) C10H21OH a) Benzene b) Toluene c) Zinc phenoxide d) Acetylene
15. Which reagent is useful in converting 1-butanol to l-bromobutane ? 43. What is the end product in the following sequence of operations?
a) CHBr3 b) Br2 c) CH3Br d) Br3 CO 2
Phenol A  B HCl
 C
16. Which of the following gives ketone on oxidation?
a) (CH3)3COH b) CH3CH2CH2OH c) (CH3)2CHCH2OH d) CH3CHOHCH3 a) Salicylaldehyde b) Benzoic acid c) Chlorobenzene d) Salicylic acid
17. When ethanol is passed over red hot copper at 300°C, the product formed i 44. Kolbe reaction is used for preparing
a) CH3CHO b) CH3COCH3 c) C2H4 d) CH3COOH a) Salicylic acid b) Salicylaldehyde c) Phenol d) Hydrocarbon
18. Heating of excess of ethanol with cone. H2SO4 at 140°C results in 45. If we use pyrene (CC14) in the above reaction in place of chloroform, the product formed is
a) Aldehyde b) Ketone c) Ether d) Alkene a) Salicylaldehyde b) Phenolphthalein c) Salicylic acid d) Cyclohexanol
19. Primary alcohols on dehydration give 46. Aspirin is obtained by the reaction of salicylic acid with
a) Alkenes b) Alkanes c) Both d)None of these a) acetic anhydride b) acetaldehyde c) phenol d) methanol
20. Dehydrogenation of 2-butanol gives 47. Aspirin is
a) 2-butene b) butanone c) butyraldehyde d) None of these a) Antibiotic b) Antipyretc c) Sedative d) Psychedelic
21. When primary alcohol is oxidised with chlorine, it gives 48. Which of the following is most acidic?
a) CH3CHO b) CCI3 • CHO c) CH3×CO ×CH3 d) both (a) and (b) a) p-Nitrophpnol b) o-Cresol c) Phenol (d) Anisole
22. Lucas reagent is 49. Phenol is less acidic than
a) Conc. HCl + ZnCl2 b) Dil. HCl + ZnCl2 c) H2SO4+ZnCl2 d) Conc. HCl + Zn a) Acetic acid b) p-Nitrophenol c) Both d) None of these
23. Primary, secondary and tertiary alcohols are distinguished by 50. Benzyl alcohol is obtained from benzaldehyde by
a) Oxidation metho b) Lucas test c) Victor Meyer method d) All of the above a) Fittig's reaction b) Cannizzaro's reaction c) Kolbe's reaction d) Wurtz's reaction
24. Which of the following gives red colour in Victor Meyer's \ test ? 51. Ether which is liquid at room temperature is
a) Isopropyl alcohol b) Ethyl alcohol c) 2-Butanol d) ter-Butanol a) C2H5OCH3 b) CH3OCH3 c) C2H5OC2H3 d) None of these
25. The compound with formula C4H10O yields a compound C4H8O on oxidation, the compound C4H10O is 52. Heating together of sodium ethoxide and ethyl chloride will give
a) an aldehyde b) an alcohol c) a ketone d) an anhydride a) Ether b) Ethyl alcohol c) Acetaldehyde d) Acetic acid
26. A compound with the molecular formula C3H8O on vigorous oxidation produces an acid C3H6O2. It is 53. when ether is exposed in air for some time, an explosive substance produced is
a) A tertiary alcohol b) A secondary alcohol c) Sec. alcoholKetone d) tertiary alcoholOlefin a) Peroxide b) TNT c) Oxide d) Superoxide
54. Whidi one of the following reactions gives an oxonium salt?
a) Ethyl alcohol + sodium metal b) Diethyl ether + Hydrochloric acid
c) Tertiary amine + Alkyl halide d) Nitromethane + Sodium metal
55. Epichlorohydrin is
a) 3-chloropropane b) 3-chloropropan-l-ol c) 3-chloro-l, 2-expoxypropane d) None of the above
56. A on treatment with Na gives B and with PC15 it gives C. Br and C react together to give diethyl ether. A, B and C are in the order
a) C2H5OH, C2H5C1, C2H5ONa b) C2H5OH, C2H6, C2H5Cl c) C2H50H, C2H5ONa, C2H5Cl d) C2HCl, C2H6, C2H5OH
57. The catalyst used in the preparation of an alkyl chloricde by the action of dry HCl on an alcohol is
a) anhydrous AlCl3 b) FeCl3 c) anhydrous ZnCl2 d) Cu
58. By heating phenol with chloroform in alkali, it is converted into
a) Salicylic acid b) Salicylaldehyde c) Anisole d) Phenyl benzoate
59. The only alcohol that can be prepared by the indirect hydration alkene is
a) methyl alcohol b) ethyl alcohol c) propyl alcohol d) isobutyl alcohol
60. Which is the best reagent to convert cyclohexanol in to cyclohexene?
a) conc. HCl b) conc. HBr c) conc. H3PO4 d) conc. HCl with ZnCl2

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