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1 The Objective-C Crash Course

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2 The Objective-C Crash Course

Introduction ......................................................................6
A Note About NSLog ..............................................................................6

How to Use the Included Source Code ................................................7

Patterns of Use ......................................................................................8

Methods and Messaging .......................................................................9

Types vs. Objects .................................................................................10

Objective-C How To .......................................................12

How to Use Strings ..............................................................................12
Using strings ......................................................................................................12

Inserting a string into another string ...............................................................12

Inserting a number into a string .......................................................................12

Inserting a string and a number into another string ......................................12

How to Use Numbers ...........................................................................13

Using integers ....................................................................................................13

Using doubles ....................................................................................................13

Doing arithmetic ................................................................................................13

Using NSInteger .................................................................................................13

Using NSUInteger ..............................................................................................13

Using the NSNumber Class ..............................................................................13

How to Use Objects, Properties and Methods ..................................14

Using a class method ........................................................................................14

Instantiate an object from a class ....................................................................14

Send a message to an object to evoke a method (calling a method) ...........14

3 The Objective-C Crash Course

Send a message to an object with a parameter ..............................................14

Send a message to an object with two parameters ........................................14

Using a value returned from an object function .............................................14

Assign a value to a property using dot syntax ...............................................14

Accessing a property value using dot syntax ................................................15

Release an objectʼs memory allocation ...........................................................15

How to Use Arrays ...............................................................................16

Instantiate an array ............................................................................................16

Add elements to an array ..................................................................................16

Retrieve an element from an array ...................................................................16

Retrieve the last object in an array ..................................................................16

Move through each element in an array ..........................................................16

How to Use Dictionaries ......................................................................17

Instantiate a dictionary ......................................................................................17

Add objects to a dictionary indexed by keys ..................................................17

Retrieve an object from a dictionary with a key .............................................17

Release a dictionary ..........................................................................................17

How to Use If-Then Statements ..........................................................18

How to Use Switch Statements or Case Statements ........................18

How to Use Loops ................................................................................19

Using for loops ..................................................................................................19

Working with Classes and Subclasses ..............................................21

How to Add Properties to a Class Definition ...................................................22

How to Add a Class Method ..............................................................................23

4 The Objective-C Crash Course

How to Add an Instance Method .......................................................................24

How to Add a Method with a Parameter ..........................................................25

Complete Code for a Class Definition ..............................................................27

Interface File (myClass.h) .................................................................................27

Implementation File (myClass.m) .....................................................................28

Memory Management ...........................................................................29

Reference Counting ...........................................................................................29

How Reference Counting Works ......................................................................30

Autorelease ........................................................................................................31

How to Use Autorelease ....................................................................................31

Memory Management Pointers .........................................................................32

Final Word .............................................................................................33

5 The Objective-C Crash Course


Objective-C is the primary programming language used in iPhone

programming. Objective-C is similar to other programming languages; it
has loops, if-then statements, objects and arrays. However, the syntax is
different than many other languages.

In order to help you get over the disorientation of jumping into working with
the iPhone this crash course will show you the Objective-C approaches to
using common programming methods like looping and if-then logic.

This document will get you up to speed with the tasks that you are used to
as a programmer. However, if you do not have much experience as a
programmer and would like an introduction to programming concepts and a
deeper knowledge of Objective-C then I recommend the book Learn
Objective-C on the Mac.

A Note About NSLog

In the examples here, the NSLog function is used to demonstrate snippets of

code. For example,

NSLog(@”Write this to log”);

This function writes whatever string is presented between the parentheses to

the log window. Click on this button in XCode (this only works when an app
is executing) to see the log window:

6 The Objective-C Crash Course

How to Use the Included Source Code

Included in the bonus materials is an XCode project that has the source code
discussed here. The project is called “ProgrammingCheatSheet”. Open the
project by choosing the file ProgrammingCheatSheet.xcodeproj from the file
menu item in XCode or by using Finder.

In the app delegate (ProgrammingCheatSheetAppDelegate file) you will see

how the program evokes the example code.

The screen above is what you will see when you open the
ProgrammingCheatSheet project in XCode. It is marked it up here to make
it clear where the source code is located.

7 The Objective-C Crash Course

Patterns of Use

{, } & ;

Objective-C follows the conventions of C when it comes to using the symbols

above. The symbol “;” is used to terminate a line of code. This means that
you may write code over multiple spaces in XCode, but it will be viewed as
only one line of code that ends where the “;” is placed.

For example:

NSString *newString =
[NSString stringWithFormat:
@"I Added This to %@.", myString];

Even though the statement above looks like it spans over three lines, the
system considers in one line of code that ends with the “;” after “myString].

The “{“ and “}” are used to group lines of code together in this family of
languages. For example,

int x = 5;
if(x == 5){
NSLog(@"More Stuff");

The brackets are used to ensure that both NSLog statements above are
executed when the x == 5 condition is met.

8 The Objective-C Crash Course

Methods and Messaging

Like other OO languages, Objective-C uses the idea of a method. A method

is a unit of code that executes a set of instructions. You may be used to
referring to a method by “calling” the method from another part of the
program. However, in Objective-C this is referred to as sending a message
to an object where the method is the message.

Sending a message to an object looks like this in code:

[alert show];

The object here is “alert” and the message is “show”. Notice how the entire
object and method is contained in square brackets and there is a space
between the object and the method. In other programming languages this
statement might look something like this:;

You may also send a message to an object with a parameter. Parameters

require the “:” before the value. Here is an example:

[alert ShowThisParameter:@"I say this!"];

Other programming languages may write the same statement like this:

Alert.ShowThisParameter("I say this!");

When you use a method that requires more than one parameter you must
supply a descriptive prefix,”:” and the parameter itself. For example,

[myObject aMethodWithTwoParameters:@"First Parm"


The descriptive prefix is a unique Objective-C feature that helps you self-
document your code.

9 The Objective-C Crash Course

Types vs. Objects

You will encounter two kinds of variables when working with Objective-C.
Objects such as the alert demonstrated above and simple types like integers
and doubles. These things can cause some confusion because they follow
different rules even though they are used in similar ways.

The first notable difference is how we declare a type versus an object. Here
is how an integer would be declared:

int number;

The type and a variable name followed by a semi-colon. Pretty simple and
probably what you would expect. Here is how a NSNumber object would be

NSNumber *numberObject;

This is the class name and a variable name prefixed by an asterisk. It is

similar to the integer we created above but it must include the asterisk. The
asterisk simply means that this variable is a pointer to a space in memory.

The next significant difference is that while the integer above is ready to
use, our object have memory allocated to it and our object must be created
with an constructor (see the sections on objects and classes for more
information on this).

The integer is easy.

number = 78;

The NSNumber object requires more work.

numberObject = [[NSNumber alloc] initWithInt:78];

Finally, when you are finished working with an object you need to make sure
to release it.

[numberObject release];

10 The Objective-C Crash Course

When you are finished working with the integer you can just forget about it.

Objects also need special care when it comes to memory management (see
the memory management section). They are worth the extra trouble since
objects generally contain a very rich feature set and are used extensively in
the Cocoa-Touch frameworks.

11 The Objective-C Crash Course

Objective-C How To

How to Use Strings

Strings are sequences of characters – a line of text. For example, this is a

string: “ABCDE”. This string is made of the characters A, B, C, D and E.
Objective-C uses the NSString class to work with strings. Here are some
examples of how to use the NSString class.

Using strings

Notice that you need to put an escape character, @, in front of the quoted
text when you creating strings.

NSString *myString = @"A String";


Inserting a string into another string

NSString *newString = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"I Added This

to %@.", myString];

Inserting a number into a string

NSString *newStringWithInteger = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"I

am adding this number: %i.", 45];

Inserting a string and a number into another string

NSString *lotsOfInsertedStuffString = [NSString

stringWithFormat:@"I am adding this number: %i and this string:
%@.", 45, myString];

12 The Objective-C Crash Course

How to Use Numbers

Numbers represent quantities – the easiest way to work with numbers in

Objective-C is to use C types like int and double. Here are some examples.

Using integers

int i = 3;
NSLog(@"i = %i", i);

Using doubles

double d = 3.4;
NSLog(@"d = %f", d);

Doing arithmetic

double dPlusi = d + i;
NSLog(@"d + i = %f", dPlusi);

Using NSInteger

NSInteger ns_i = 8;
NSLog(@"ns_i = %i", ns_i);

Using NSUInteger

NSUInteger nsu_i = 18;

NSLog(@"nsu_i = %i", nsu_i);

Using the NSNumber Class

NSNumber *numbersObject = [[NSNumber alloc] initWithInt:78];

NSLog([numbersObject stringValue]);
[numbersObject release];

13 The Objective-C Crash Course

How to Use Objects, Properties and Methods

Classes and objects are used frequently in Objective-C since it is an object-

oriented programming language. Here is how you work with classes that
already exist in code:

Using a class method

//A class method can be used without instantiating the object

[myClass demonstrateAClassMethod];

Instantiate an object from a class

myClass *myObject = [[myClass alloc] init];

Send a message to an object to evoke a method (calling a method)

[myObject demonstrateAnInstanceMethod];

Send a message to an object with a parameter

[myObject demonstrateAnObjectMethodWithThisParameter:@"I say this!"];

Send a message to an object with two parameters

[myObject aMethodWithTwoParameters:@"First Parm"


Using a value returned from an object function

NSLog([myObject aFunctionReturnsThatAString]);

Assign a value to a property using dot syntax = @"My Object's Name";

14 The Objective-C Crash Course

Accessing a property value using dot syntax


Release an objectʼs memory allocation

[myObject release];

15 The Objective-C Crash Course

How to Use Arrays

Arrays are lists of objects. They can be strings, numbers or custom objects.
An array can contain different types of objects. Objective-C uses the
NSMutableArray class to work with arrays. Here are some examples.

Instantiate an array

NSMutableArray *myArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];

Add elements to an array

[myArray addObject:@"Element 1"];

[myArray addObject:@"Element 2"];
[myArray addObject:@"Element 3"];

Retrieve an element from an array

NSLog([myArray objectAtIndex:0]);

Retrieve the last object in an array

NSLog([myArray lastObject]);

Move through each element in an array

for (NSString *s in myArray) {


Release an array

[myArray release];

16 The Objective-C Crash Course

How to Use Dictionaries

Like an array, a dictionary is a list of objects. However, dictionaries make it

easier to organize data by providing "keys" that make it a snap to find the
things you put in there. These are sometimes referred to as a hash or a

Instantiate a dictionary

NSMutableDictionary *dictionary = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];

Add objects to a dictionary indexed by keys

[dictionary setObject:@"A Book about the Letter A" forKey:@"A"];

[dictionary setObject:@"A Book about the Letter B" forKey:@"B"];
[dictionary setObject:@"A Book about the Letter C" forKey:@"C"];

Retrieve an object from a dictionary with a key

NSLog([dictionary objectForKey:@"B"]);

Release a dictionary

[dictionary release];

17 The Objective-C Crash Course

How to Use If-Then Statements

An If-Then statement is one way to direct the flow of traffic in programming.

These statements are used when the program must evaluate whether a
condition exists or not. Here is how you do code an if-then statement:

int x = 5;
if(x == 5){

How to Use Switch Statements or Case Statements

Switch statements are used when a program must evaluate an option based
on a list of conditions. This is sometimes referred to as a “Case” statement.
Here is how you code a switch statement:

switch (x) {
case 1:
NSLog(@"i = 1");
case 5:
NSLog(@"i = 5");
NSLog(@"default case");

18 The Objective-C Crash Course

How to Use Loops

Loops are used when a program must repeat a set of instructions many
times in a row. Objective-C has a few options that may be used when loops
are needed:

Using for loops

for (int y = 0; y < 3; y++) {

NSLog(@"y = %i", y);

Using do loops

x = 0;
NSLog(@"x = %i", x);
while(x <= 4);

Using while loops

x = 0;
while (x <= 4 ) {
NSLog(@"x = %i", x);

19 The Objective-C Crash Course

Using for each loops

//Create an array and add elements to it

NSMutableArray *anArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
[anArray addObject:@"Element 1"];
[anArray addObject:@"Element 2"];
[anArray addObject:@"Element 3"];

//Use a for each loop to iterate through the array
for (NSString *s in anArray) {

//Release the array
[anArray release];


20 The Objective-C Crash Course

Working with Classes and Subclasses

Subclassing in Objective-C is usually referred to as inheritance in other

programming languages. It is what you do when you want to create a
custom class that inherits properties and methods from another class.
Usually, the root class, NSObject, is what is used as a base class. This is the
line of code that indicates we are using a subclass:

@interface myClass : NSObject {

@interface means that this is definition of the class, myClass is the name of
our subclass, : means that this class is inheriting and NSObject is the name
of the class that we are inheriting from.

The code below shows a complete subclass that inherits from NSObject and
it also happens to be the class used in the previous section, How to Use
Objects, Properties and Methods. See that section for demonstrations on
how to use the properties and methods of this subclass.

Generally, when you create your own subclass you use two files – an
interface file (ends in h) and an implementation file (ends in m). You must
add code to both files when writing code for your subclass.

XCode will create both of these files and fill in the details when you use
XCode to add a new NSObject subclass to your project.

21 The Objective-C Crash Course

How to Add Properties to a Class Definition

Here is how you add a property to a subclass:

Interface File (myClass.h)

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>

@interface myClass : NSObject {

NSString *name;

@property (nonatomic, retain) NSString *name;


Implementation File (myClass.m)

#import "myClass.h"

@implementation myClass

@synthesize name;

-(void) dealloc{
[name release];
[super dealloc];


22 The Objective-C Crash Course

How to Add a Class Method

Class methods may be used even if an object has not been created. You
know a method is a class method when it as a “+” in front of the (void)
instead of a “-“. Here is how you would add a class method to your

Interface File (myClass.h)

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>

@interface myClass : NSObject {

NSString *name;

@property (nonatomic, retain) NSString *name;

+(void) demonstrateAClassMethod;


Implementation File (myClass.m)

#import "myClass.h"

@implementation myClass

@synthesize name;

-(void) dealloc{
[name release];
[super dealloc];

+(void) demonstrateAClassMethod{
NSLog(@"Class Method");


To use a class method, you must send a message to the class and not the

23 The Objective-C Crash Course

How to Add an Instance Method

Instance methods require an object to have been instantiated. You can tell
that a method is an instance method when it has a “-“ before (void). Here is
how you would code an instance method:

Interface File (myClass.h)

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>

@interface myClass : NSObject {

NSString *name;

@property (nonatomic, retain) NSString *name;

-(void) demonstrateAnInstanceMethod;
+(void) demonstrateAClassMethod;


Implementation File (myClass.m)

#import "myClass.h"

@implementation myClass

@synthesize name;

-(void) dealloc{
[name release];
[super dealloc];

-(void) demonstrateAnInstanceMethod{
NSLog(@"Instance Method");

+(void) demonstrateAClassMethod{
NSLog(@"Class Method");


24 The Objective-C Crash Course

How to Add a Method with a Parameter

Often you will want to be able to pass a parameter to your method. To do

this you follow the same pattern as before but you need to add more code to
the end of the statement, but before the “;”.

Consider this statement as an example:

-(void) demonstrateAnObjectMethodWithThisParameter:(NSString *) aParameter;

-(void) demonstrateAnObjectMethodWithThisParameter means that the

statement refers to the specified instance method. The “:” means that a
parameter will be required. (NSString *) Specifies the type of parameter
and aParameter specifies the local name of the parameter.

25 The Objective-C Crash Course

Here is how you would put this into a class definition:

Interface File (myClass.h)

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>

@interface myClass : NSObject {

NSString *name;

@property (nonatomic, retain) NSString *name;

-(void) demonstrateAnInstanceMethod;
+(void) demonstrateAClassMethod;
-(void) demonstrateAnObjectMethodWithThisParameter:(NSString *) aParameter;


Implementation File (myClass.m)

#import "myClass.h"

@implementation myClass

@synthesize name;

-(void) dealloc{
[name release];
[super dealloc];

-(void) demonstrateAnInstanceMethod{
NSLog(@"Instance Method");

+(void) demonstrateAClassMethod{
NSLog(@"Class Method");

-(void) demonstrateAnObjectMethodWithThisParameter:(NSString *) aParameter{



26 The Objective-C Crash Course

Class methods may also use parameters and methods may use more than
one parameter.

See the complete code below for examples of methods that use more than
one parameter, a method that references the object it is contained in and a
function. This code is contained in aMethodWithTwoParameters,
aMethodThatReferencesSelf and aFunctionReturnsThatAString respectively.

Complete Code for a Class Definition

Interface File (myClass.h)

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>

@interface myClass : NSObject {

NSString *name;

@property (nonatomic, retain) NSString *name;

-(void) demonstrateAnInstanceMethod;
+(void) demonstrateAClassMethod;
-(void) demonstrateAnObjectMethodWithThisParameter:(NSString *) aParameter;
-(void) aMethodWithTwoParameters:(NSString *) firstParameter
aInteger:(int) secondParameter;
-(void) aMethodThatReferencesSelf;
-(NSString *) aFunctionReturnsThatAString;


27 The Objective-C Crash Course

Implementation File (myClass.m)

#import "myClass.h"

@implementation myClass
@synthesize name;

if (self = [super init]){ = @"New Name";
return self;
-(void) dealloc{
[name release];
[super dealloc];
-(void) demonstrateAnInstanceMethod{
NSLog(@"Instance Method");
+(void) demonstrateAClassMethod{
NSLog(@"Class Method");
-(void) demonstrateAnObjectMethodWithThisParameter:(NSString *) aParameter{
-(void) aMethodWithTwoParameters:(NSString *) firstParameter
aInteger:(int) secondParameter{
NSLog(@"First Parameter:%@, Second Parameter: %i:",
firstParameter, secondParameter);
-(void) aMethodThatReferencesSelf{
[self demonstrateAnInstanceMethod];

-(NSString *) aFunctionReturnsThatAString{
return @"A Returned String";


28 The Objective-C Crash Course

Memory Management

When you are programming on the iPhone you need to worry about memory
- the iPhone does not use a garbage collection system to automate assigning
and releasing blocks of memory.

Reference Counting

The system used in the iPhone to deal with memory is called reference
counting. A number is assigned to every object that is created that is equal
to the number of times that object has been referenced by another object.

This number is referred to as a reference count or a retain count. When the

reference count is equal to zero, the object is allow to go away and the
memory associated with it is freed.

29 The Objective-C Crash Course

How Reference Counting Works

When you create an object you generally use this pattern. First, you declare
an object of a class.

myClass *myObject;

Then you use the alloc method to allocate memory and the init constructor
to return an instance of the class.

myObject = [[myClass alloc] init];

When the alloc method is used the reference count of the myObject class is
incremented from 0 to 1.

As myObject goes through it’s life cycle other objects that require it to stick
around will send the myObject a retain message. This again increments the
retain count so that the object can be sure that myObject will not go out of
memory while it is still needed. Here is how the retain message is sent.

[myObject retain];

When an object it is retained by you it is your responsibility to then release

the object. Releasing the object decreases the retain count by 1.

[myObject release];

This retain and release pattern corresponds to adding and subtracting from
the retain count. When the object reaches 0 then it disappears and its
memory is reclaimed by the system.

30 The Objective-C Crash Course


Normally, we use this alloc, use and release pattern when working with
objects. If we do need to send a retain message we must match it with a
corresponding release message. That way, we know that we always have
the object when we needed but that it will free up memory when we do not
need it.

However, there are times when this system will not work. For example,
many classes have functions that return objects. The function cannot
release the object before it returns the object; whatever is using the function
will not be able to work with the object if it is released.

However, we cannot be sure that the returned object will eventually be

released. This puts us at risk of causing a memory leak. Memory leaks are
caused when an object’s retain count never reaches zero. These objects
continue to take up memory even though they will no longer be used. This
causes problems in the memory limited environment of the iPhone system.

The solution to this problem is to use autorelease. This is a special system

managed pool of temporary objects that are periodically purged from the

How to Use Autorelease

When you return an object from function you simply send the autorelease
message to the object before return it to the system.

-(myObject *) getAnObject{
myClass *myObject;
myObject = [[myClass alloc] init];
[myObject autorelease];

return myObject;

When you use autorelease in this way it is best to assume that the object
being returned will only be used temporarily. If the other components in
your system need the returned object for a longer period of time send a
retain message to keep the object around.

31 The Objective-C Crash Course

Memory Management Pointers

• When you use alloc and init to create an object you will need to send a
release message when you are finished

• Objects that are returned through functions are usually autoreleased so

you must send a retain message to them to keep them around

• Adding objects to collections like navigation controllers, sub-views, arrays

and dictionaries automatically sends a retain message to the object.

• Releasing collections automatically sends a release message to every

object in the collection.

• When you use properties in your class definitions with the retain keyword
the system is creating code for your (in the background) that automatically
retains the object. This is why you need to release these objects in the
dealloc method.

• The dealloc method is executed when the retain count of an object reaches

• One huge problem that occurs when objects attempt to access another
object that has been released from memory is that this causes the app to

• Another memory problem you will encounter is memory leaking.

• Learn how to use Instruments and NSZombie to diagnose and fix these
memory problems.

• These memory techniques only apply to objects and not C types. When
you are working with things like int, BOOL or double you do not need to
worry about the retain and release pattern.

32 The Objective-C Crash Course

Final Word

At this point, you should be getting familiar enough with the Objective-C
language to fully implement your iPhone app with the help of the main How
to Make an iPhone App book. If you want to learn about the Objective-C
language in greater detail I would recommend this book: Learn Objective-C
on the Mac. If this is your first exposure to any programming that I suggest
that you read Learn C on the Mac. as well in order to learn the basics of
programming in the C language.

33 The Objective-C Crash Course

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