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A way to pesticide free nutritious vegetables 
in country (only 500 gms/day/person n) as compared and proper dday and night tem
mperatures. Seedliings
G  to international standard o
of 300-350 are raised foor some vegetablles such as Tom mato,
A way to pesticide free
e nutritious vegettables  gmms/day/person. Also
A the vegetables purchased chilies, Sweeet Pepper and Brrinjal in summer and
om the market may
m carry residuess of pesticides cauliflower, cabbage, broccolli, onion and letttuce
whhich are very harmmful to health. in winter. Moreover according
a to the
Kiitchen gardening g has a vast potential for recommendaations of Veegetable Progrram,
ddressing the food d and health of the
t urban and Horticulturall Research Institute, NA
peri-urban populattion. The obviou us advantages cucurbitaceouus vegetables e.g. cucumber, bo ottle
asssociated with household garden ning, such as gourd can alsso be grown earliier through seedliings
pesticide free pro oduce and availaability at the in the plasticc bags which wiill boost the oveerall
dooorstep on one side and on thee other hand, production.
vegetable and herb bs have high nutritional values.
If these are grown n, households cou uld be able to
get balanced diet which
w mainly conntributes to the
  healthy society.
Veggetable Crops R Research Progra am  Planning for Kitch hen Garden
Hoorticultural Research Institutte  Too make and manaage a kitchen gard den easily, and
Natio onal Agriculturre Research Center  to give best producction, the following things are
im Soil fertility
mabad  Sitte Selection The nutrient sources most offten used in orgaanic
______________________ __________________  Alll vegetables need sunlight. The garden
g should production aare: compost, greeen manure; man nure
A kitcheen garden is a place
p where, herrbs and recceive at least 6-88 hours of direcct sunlight per and sludge. O Organic materialss such as manure can
vegetablees are grown arou und the house or on roof daay.  be good ferrtilizers. Not onlly that they sup pply
top for household use. Family membeers can Prreparation of thee Soil nutrients, butt also they add organic
o matter to the
• Land should bee loosened upto 10 to 12 inches soil to increaase its water-holdiing capacity.
utilize th
heir leisure time working
w in the gaarden; it
deep Diseases and d Insect Control
is a sort of exercise as well.
w Working toggether in • Avoid working g the soil when it is too wet One of the saafe ways to contrrol insect pest atttack
the kitcchen garden iss really pleasu ure and • Mix compost/m manure is the use off bio pesticides which
w is the keyy to
recreatioonal to the famiily members. AlsoA the • Prepare fine beeds for seed plantiing safe healthy and nutritious veegetable productiion.
properly managed garden ns enhance the beeauty of Soowing Of seeds Extracts of Neem seeds, leeaves and Tobaacco
house. Soome vegetables (both
( winter andd summer) are leaves can bee effectively usedd in this regard.
plaanted through seeeds e.g. turnip, carrot, radish,
coriander, spinach h, peas, fenugreeek in winter
whhile okra, bittter gourd, cu ucumber and
waatermelon in sum mmer. Seed should be healthy,
genetically and ph hysically pure and
a free from

Other recommmended remediees for the controll of

insect pest arre the use of ash and practicing crop
Raaising of Nursery y rotation. In case of severe infestation use of
or raising seedlingg nursery there will
w be need of chemical peesticides are reccommended, hav ving
In Pakiistan very few peoples are kitchen
suiitable containers,, a sterilized growing medium negligible hharmful effects on human heaalth.
gardenerr; vegetable consu
umption is also very
v low
(Peat moss/ Compost), adequate light, moisture,
Before sppraying mature and
a ripen fruit sh hould be Cu
ucumber Janua
ary March April to July
ourds Janua
ary March April to July
harvestedd and vegetablees should be piccked &
umpkins Janua
ary March April to July
consumeed after 8-10 dayss of spray. Marchh --- April to July
Harvestiing Beans Marchh --- April to June
The nutrritional content, freshness,
fr and flaavor that On
nion Octob
ber January May
vegetablees possess dep pend on the sttage of Ga
arlic Octob
ber --- May
maturity and the time off day at which they t are Co
ole crops August. to
o October to  
Decemberr February
harvestedd. Over mature vegetables
v will bee stringy Leafy Septem
mber --- October to
and coarrse. When possiible, harvest veg getables veg
getables February
he cool part of thee morning and process
during th p Pea
as Augusst to --- October to
mber February
them as soon as possiblle. Ra
adish Augusst to --- September to
urnip Decem
mber March
Lettuce Augusst to September to
t September to  
mber January March
xotic winter Augusst to September to
t October to
getables Decem
mber January March
  Prroduction techno
ops Row to Plant to Plantt Quantityof
row distance growing media
distan for pot culture
omato 60 cm
c 45 cm 15 - 20 Kg
hili/peppers 60 cm
c 45 cm 20 Kg
Brinjal 60 cm
c 45 cm 20 Kg
Meelons 1.25 c m 50 cm 30 - 40 kg
ucumber 1.25 c m 50 cm 30 - 40 kg
Goourds 1.25 c m 50 cm 30 - 40 kg Forr further detaails about
umpkins 1.25 c m 50 cm 30 - 40 kg
Okkra 60 cm
c 20 cm 10 Kg vegetaables, seeds an
nd seedlings
Beans 60 cm
c 20 cm 10 Kg Please Conttact:
  Onnion 25 cm
c 10 cm 10 Kg
Value ad ddition Gaarlic 25 cm
c 10 cm 10 Kg
Program Leader
It is alsso easy to preseerve different kinds
k of Co
ole crops 60 cm
c 45 cm 20 Kg Vegetaable Program, Horticultural 
vegetablees by making pickles
p when theere is a Leafy 30 cm
c --- 20 Kg Research Institute, Natioonal Agriculturaal 
bumper harvest.
h These piickles can last fo
or many getables
Peaas 50 cm
c 10 cm 10 Kg Researchh Center, Park R
Road, Islamabad d 
months without refrigerration. Other iteems are Ra
adish 50 cm
c 06 cm 20 Kg +92‐519033758 
dried onnion, dried tomatto, dried spinach h, dried Tu
urnip Senior Director, Horticu
ultural Researchh 
fenugreeek, carrot juice, carrot
c jams, sweet potato Lettuce 25 cm
c 25 cm 10 Kg
cakes, swweet potato chapatti, garlic paste, tomato Ex
xotic winter 60 cm
c 45 cm 20 Kg Institute, National Agricu
ultural Research 
ketchup etc. veg
getables Centter, Park Road, Islamabad 
Crop callendar Ecconomic Value  
Crops Sowing Transplanting A
Availability Th
he average vegetable g
gardener in
in pots or field Raawalpindi/ICT arreas could expeect to net Rs
Tomato January March April to July
A 10
000 worth of prooduce, with only a Rs. 300 to
pers November March A
April to July
00 investments in their garden/marrla.
Brinjal November March A
April to Oct.
Melons January March A
April to July

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